Bayern München gegen Freiburg 2-0 Highlights | Bundesliga 2024

been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contribut just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up drums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively t a shot good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparking absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on ball needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if we did just miss it we are up and running running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's Cana a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trunks brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead T the shots good stop that was am easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on needed to be better there it's a wasted chance gett to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick refy has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trumps just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively T shots good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra Sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively Tri a shots good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on ball needed to be better there it's a wasted chance goret to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when it mightiest occupants are in town and if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be P back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up drums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively TR shots good stop that was an easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on B needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up drums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively T shots good stop that was amazing oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on B needed to be better there it's a wasted chance gett to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if he did just miss it we are up and running already J which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively Tri a shots good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributed just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive Le T shots good stop that was am easy oh that's a sparking save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on ball needed to be better there it's a wasted chance goret to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canaby a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively t a shots good stop that was amazing oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on need it to be better there it's a wasted chance gett to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a br brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if he did just miss it we are up and running already J which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimik in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he's seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's kpri a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trumps just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive leap Tri a shots stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra Sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they could revisit that further on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if you didn't just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equi for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trumps just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead Tri shots good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when it's mightiest occupants are in town if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up truns just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively TR the shots good stop that was an easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on ball needed to be better there it's a wasted chance goret to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many any ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up truns just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead TR the shots could stop that was am easing oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance coret to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if he did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead Tri a shots good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on B needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up drums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive Le TR the shots good stop that wasn't easing oh that's a sparking save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on ball needed to be better there it's a wasted chance goret to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's fre kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just rushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead tra shots good stop that was an easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past CR the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trumps just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive leap tries a shots stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra Sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is equit for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break the letka just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trumps just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively Tri a shots good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparking save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on ball needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when it's mightiest occupants are in town if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead T of shots good stop that was an easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break Getta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing Comm and he came up Dred just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead TR the shots stop that was am easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on B needed to be better there it's a wasted chance to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead Tri a shots good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on ball needed to be better there it's a wasted chance goret to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's kabi a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up drums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively TR of shots good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on B needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if you did just miss it we are up and running ready Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero looks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively tra shots stop that was am eing oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sh Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on need to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's kpri a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trumps just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead t a shots good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra Sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best to quit for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break the just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trumps just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively Tri a shots good stop that was am easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on B needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when it's mightiest occupants are in town and if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively T shots good stop that was am easing oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's kpri a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commit and he came up Dred just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively TR of shots stop that was am easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance us to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead Tri a shots good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on ball needed to be better there it's a wasted chance goret to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the cont that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up drums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead t a shots good stop that was am easing oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on ball needed to be better there it's a wasted chance goret to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero looks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's kabi real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up drums just brush off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively TR shots good stop that was an easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on need to better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's kpri a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead t a shots good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra Sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on B needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted d temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break the rest just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively Tri a shots good stop that was am easing oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on ball needed to be better there it's a wasted chance goret to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when it's mightiest occupants are in town and if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up drums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively TR shots good stop that was am easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the play players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways is the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick refere has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead TR the shots stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance coret to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if he did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up truns just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively t a shot good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that for on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance goret to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively T shots good stop that was an easy oh that's a sparking save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on ball needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero loocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari real chance to break gareta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively t a shots good stop that was an easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on PA needed to be better there it's a wasted chance gett to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant sh shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up drums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead t a shots good stop that wasn't easing oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra Sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they could revisit that further on B needed to be better there it's a wasted chance goret to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene couldn't not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temption to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break gett just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trumps just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively Tri a shots good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparking save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on B needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when it's mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead TR the shots good stop that was an easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on needed to be better there it's a wasted chance gett to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimik in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively TR shots stop that was amazing oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they could revisit that further on B needed to be better there it's a wasted chance coret to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if you did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trumps just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively Trier shots good stop that was amazing oh that's a sparking save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on B needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when it's mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua Kimi in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trums just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massive lead T the shots good stop that wasn't easy oh that's a sparking save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on B needed to be better there it's a wasted chance G to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shade of red here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clear cut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up truns just brushed off the ball there Kane Guerrero massively t a shots good stop that was an easy oh that's a sparkling save absolutely sparkling his reflexes were Ultra sharp Guerrero tried to play it through yeah the idea was right the delivery wasn't they can revisit that further on Paul needed to be better there it's a wasted chance gett to which we've all been looking forward for so very very long and it means so very very much the scene could not be more beautiful the pitch looks terrific the players are ready to get started and we cannot wait for the contest that lies ahead everything a brilliant shad have read here even indeed the outer skin of the stadium when its mightiest occupants are in town and if we did just miss it we are up and running already Jim which player is best equipped for this game yeah Joshua kimick in many ways the ultimate modern fullback in that he contributes just as much offensively as he does defensively he seems to have a great instinctive understanding of oh he's going to be pulled back for that one and it's Guerrero knocks it away that's clearcut it's a free kick referee has resisted the temptation to go to his pocket it's just a stern lecture a disappointing effort didn't even get past the wall and here's canari a real chance to break dureta just did a brilliant job there it was one of those All or Nothing commitments and he came up trumps

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