Sunita Williams Latest Video From SPACE |మిస్ అవుతున్నా| Butch Wilmore | US Elections 2024 | RTV

of3 interesting questions um you know when Butch and I were preparing for this flight you know we obviously had talked about it a lot and we had talked about it being a test flight and knowing that um it was scheduled for8 days there could be other things that would keep us here a little bit longer uh we've been training for not only Starliner but also the International Space Station for a number of years both of us had been up here before so we have a little bit of experience um and so we could dive right into the International Space Station training so we are fully qualified um crew members both qualified in space walking Evas and Robotics for visiting Vehicles so um the transition was not that hard you know both of us are mechanically inclined righty tidy Lefty Lucy there's a lot of things to do on the space station when it comes to you know maintenance and repair maybe we didn't get of the science experiments um you know training before we left cuz that was not really initially on the plate uh but we're getting some OJT on the job training while we're up here so we're blending right into the increment um particularly this one 72 this 7 increment 72 um because we'll be two of the US crew members that are involved there so I think the transition has been pretty smooth it wasn't what we expected however we were prepared and um you know the NASA like Butch mentioned has got us ready to go for that aspect so flying home on SpaceX on a dragon um you know there's been a dragon here the whole time we've been here of course with crew eight that came up on the dragon so we've had the opportunity to go in the spacecraft look at it um and work with our other crew members to get it ready to be our you know emergency escape vehicle if we have to uh use it and then you know of course we're we're getting some training on the uh crew 9 vehicle as it comes up um we're excited to actually we're exced deed to fly in two different spacecraft I mean we're testers that's what we do you know we look at different aircraft spacecraft whatever evaluate it um and that's a pretty unique opportunity uh I think like you know this was not the very first option we wanted to take Starliner to the completion and land it back on land at home um but you know you have to turn the page and look at the next opportunity and you know do good for the agency and the country and we'll come back with some evaluations of both spacecraft and that I think we're pretty fortunate for thata link

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