Alina Habba: “WE DON’T HAVE TO BE AFRAID ANYMORE” If Americans Choose Trump

okay so in 2016 what happened there was the Russia Russia Russia hoax the media pedal a story that we now know was funded by to some podcasters who had no idea from some ties allegedly to Russia is now going to try and make a spin on Russia backing Trump well the last I heard we have a serious problem in this country with trust in the doj you're right and the doj should not be interfering in elections we've been saying that President Trump's been saying that and when he said it they called him an insurrectionist uh so no I'm not going to comment on that I think my answer is pretty clear but let's talk about what they are doing it's so obvious so the story is now that there's a criminal investigation about a $10 million payment to two individuals who had no idea that they were being uh backed by a company that eventually allegedly had ties to Russia members of the DNC their lawyers Hillary Clinton was involved in all of this we know that because she had to pay a fine uh for doing so and it wasn't talked about after even though we had a damning Durham report even though we saw the Mueller investigation and wasted so much taxpayer dollars so here we are less than 60 days out of an election Jason and guess what a $10 million payment to get behind any election Integrity that we do have left left of this country we have filed over a 100 suits since 2023 to make sure that in each state we are deploying all lawyers to help back the Constitution and the right to vote when you have the right to vote not to flood illegal aliens into this country in an attempt where attorneys are not allowed to say what they need to say to protect their clients interests it doesn't matter what your politics are everyone has a right in this country to get up and put a defense do you worry about going to jail no I don't really I don't even think about it I'm built a little differently I guess because I have had people come up to me and say how do you do it sir how do you do it in listening to the charges from the judge who's as you know very conflicted and corrupt because of the confliction very very corrupt uh Mother Teresa could not beat these charges these charges are rigged the whole thing is rigged but I was told to sit down today I was yelled at and I've had a judge who is unhinged slamming a table let me be very clear I don't tolerate that in my life I'm not going to tolerate it here president Trump is worth a lot more and she wasn't ready for it she doesn't understand it and before she rushed to judgment she should have thought about attacking in somebody with over 50 years of real estate expertise who changed single-handedly the skyline of New York City a combination that could lead to significant personal and political repercussions among the most pressing issues are the investigations led by the Manhattan District Attorney's office and the New York attorney general's office he doesn't even think about it now the uh former president Donald Trump is inside the uh Federal Building uh where he will be placed under arrest J we should just take a moment here uh this is a historic day and not in the Good Sense this is the second time uh a former president uh Donald John Trump has been arrested and arraigned uh the first time it's uh on federal charges this is something that they will be uh learning about in history books uh for a very very long time forever arguments are underway in a lawsuit that seeks to keep former president Donald Trump off the ballot in 2024 a group of Colorado voters filed a lawsuit regarding Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election leading to the January 6 Capital Riot saying this should stop him from becoming president again but Donald Trump's lawyer Scott gesler has another take on the lawsuit these probes are delving into allegations of financial misconduct within the Trump organization including potential tax fraud insurance fraud and bank fraud the investigators are examining whether Trump and his company artificially inflated or deflated the value of assets to gain Financial benefits such as favorable loan terms or tax reductions the whole countryes a mess between the borders and fake elections and you have a trial like this where the judge is so conflicted he can't breathe he's got to do his job and it's not for me that I can tell you it's a disgrace and I mean that mother terasa could not beat those charges but we'll see we'll see how we do it's a very disgraceful situation every single legal scholar and expert said this is no case it shouldn't be brought and it certainly could have been brought 7even years ago not in the middle of a presidential election these investigations have been ongoing for years and the pressure on Trump has only intensified as more information comes to light Haba concerns are not just about the nature of the charges but also about the environment in which these investigations are being conducted it was all done by Joe Biden this judge contributed to Joe Biden and far worse than that but I'm not allowed to talk about it because I have a gang order far worse than that by a thousand times worse than that the worst I've ever heard but I can't talk about it it'll be talked about but I'm not allowed to talk about it but it'll be talked about in the history books What's Happening Here is weaponization at a level that nobody's seen before ever and it shouldn't be allowed to happen so I'll stay around here this is five weeks and five weeks of really essentially not campaigning although I took a big lead in the polls over the last few weeks I something's going on because I think the people of this country see that this is a rig deal it's a weaponized deal for the Democrats to hit their political opponent for Joe Biden the worst the worst president in the history of the United States he's destroying our countryes letting millions of people from jails from prisons from insane asylums from mental institutions she has argued that the investigations are driven more by political motivations than by a pursuit of Justice according to habba there is a concerted effort by Trump's political adversaries to use the legal system as a weapon to prevent him from having a political future drug dealers poor in Venezuela if you look at their crime statistics they gone down 72% in crime because they're releasing all their criminals into our country because of the horrible president that we have and then they have a protest of Robert Dair yesterday was a fool he's a broken down fool standing out there and he got he got maggot he got maggot yesterday he got a big dose of it but I just want to say it's a very unfair trial it should have never happened if it was going to happen it should have happened seven years ago you know brag didn't want to bring it the southern district didn't bring it the FEC didn't bring it this judge didn't even let us use the number one election attorney he's making the rules he doesn't know anything about elections this narrative is Central to the defense strategy which posits that Trump is being unfairly targeted because of his Outsider status and his influence within the Republican Party their their case is incredibly weak and they don't prove much of anything except they dislike him that's really what they proved when I'm back in the White House America's enemies will now once again and they're going to know it that if you try to kill our citizens we will kill you we will kill you I told them all that we had no problem you know we had no problem three years ago we had no problem for four years nobody even this is Unthinkable I mean I just watch and see what's happening it's Unthinkable this couldn't have happened Mark couldn't have happened although you may be were more deeply involved than anybody but I don't think you even believed a thing like this could have happened Mark if you spill a drop of American blood we will spill a gallon of yours we do not with yesterday's ruling the former president is now barred again from making any remarks targeting Witnesses prosecutors or Court staff to be clear this gag order is separate and apart from the one imposed in his New York civil fraud case case in which Trump has been fined $155,000 for violating it not once but twice maybe it's a pattern the legal threats Trump faces are extensive and multifaceted in addition to the New York investigations Trump is dealing with several other significant legal challenges related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results his involvement in the January 6th Capital Riot and various civil lawsuits that could result in substantial Financial penalties he doesn't know anything about voting in vote counts he doesn't know anything about this stuff that's not his profession we had the leading election expert in the country Brad Smith ready to testify wouldn't let him do it they wouldn't let that another gentleman who represented and you know very well you saw it it was the worst I think I've ever seen anyone treated on the stand Bob Costello wouldn't let him talk about all of the the hundreds of emails that he was sent by a gentleman another gentleman who I can't mention because I'm I'm gagged every time I speak to you you ask me simple questions I'm not allowed to give you the answer cuz I'm gagged by this judge but we have a very very serious problem here I mean our country is going bad and remember and let me just leave you with this this is all because of Joe Biden and is and I don't even think it's him I don't think he's smart enough to think about it but it's the people that's around him in the office they're smart they're fascist they're Communists but they're smart and they're ruining our country but we're going to win this election November 5th going to be the most important day in the history of our country we're going to take back our country from these fascist and these thugs that are destroying us with inflation and with everything they do how stupid they are allowing 15 16 17 million people into our country totally unvetted totally unchecked we're going to bring back our nation November 5th remember most important day in a recent and Urgent statement Alina habba one of Donald Trump's most prominent attorneys issued a grave warning about the escalating legal challenges facing the former president I'm not here to hear what he has to say that was what rang true loud and could not have been more honest coming from the judge who was already predetermined that my client committed fraud before we even walk into this courtroom I'm not here to hear what he has to say then why exactly am I being paid as an attorney and why exactly are taxpayer dollars being used in this courtroom the answer is very clear habba expressed deep concern that the array of legal battles Trump is entangled in could result in severe consequences including the very real possibility of imprisonment because Miss James wants to stand right here like she did this morning and call my client a liar call the company fraudulent and make a name for herself she said this morning that the numbers don't lie and they won't lie in this case well miss James I have a message for you the numbers didn't lie when you ran for governor and that's why you dropped out and the numbers don't lie when President Trump runs for office in 2024 and those numbers are loud and clear this country is falling apart and if we don't stop corruption in courtrooms where attorneys are gagged her remarks underscore the immense legal pressures mounting against Trump and the potentially historic implications of these proceedings I don't care who you are you have a right to hire a lawyer who can put objections on the record you have a right to hire a lawyer who can stand up and say something with they see something wrong Alina habba has been at the Forefront of Defending Trump against a multitude of legal threats and you know what you shouldn't either because not every American citizen gets a camera and a microphone and what I'm seeing is such a demise of American judicial system and democracy Miss James came out this morning and said that she knew Mr Trump and she always calls him Mr Trump because it kills her that he was the president but the 45th president president of this country one of the best presidents we've had has built a great company it's worth a ton more than that statement of financial condition and she doesn't know how to get out of it cuz her politics won't allow her she calls him a bully she says he's going to bring out racial slurs he's going to say things today and taunt her well miss James you taunted him before you came into office before you saw one record one statement of financial condition you taunted him you said his administration was too male and too pale those are her words many of which stem from his time in office and his business dealings prior to becoming president hba's warning highlights the serious nature of these challenges emphasizing that Trump is not just facing civil lawsuits but is also under criminal investigation she said that she and Michael Cohen were going to be his biggest nightmare where I have some news for you miss James Michael Cohen folded lied and crumbled your star witness along with all the Das and corrupt AGS need to be paying attention to what happens when you let us take the stand when you let my client speak the truth and the judge can tell me to sit down and he can try and shorten my client's testimony but it is loud and clear they've got nothing they've got nothing but their Poli politics she's got nothing but her sorrow's backing which we discovered recently and I am sick and tired of seeing it pay Attention America hey attention because when you're in court one of these days and you don't have a lawyer that has a microphone and you don't have a lawyer that can go on TV and you've got judges gagging them what are you going to do we need to fix this country and we need to stop what is happening in this courtroom the potential for criminal charges in any of these cases is a significant concern if Trump were to be indicted he would face a legal battle that could last for years with the potential for a criminal conviction and prison sentence if found guilty because after judge chuin imposed the gag order today Trump again went on the attack going after former Attorney General Bill bar a potential key witness in this case he called the judge a quote Trump hater and he threatened President Biden with payback almost all of which might be a violation of said gagar ultimately Donald Trump seems intent on pushing these buttons he's had a lot of opportunity to walk it back instead he continues to advance his conduct I remember with that Chris Christie a guy shouts out he's a fat pig that we Shout It Out Chris Christie is a fat pig then they Shout It Out Bill bar is a fat pig he's a slob he's a fat pig you're not allowed to use the word fat you're not allowed to say that so they say Bill bar sir he's a fat pig and I say listen Bill bar is not a fat pig Chris Christie is not a fat pig sir but I said that cuz I just heard somebody call somebody a fat pig no we're not allowed to call those guys fat pigs how about going home to my wife on the shower you know the golden shower they called it and I had to explain that to our great first lady they said this thing with the golden shower the golden shower was problem for me there he goes oh thank thank hba's warning about the dangers Trump faces underscores the gravity of these situations a criminal conviction particularly one leading to imprisonment would be unprecedented for a former US president and would have profound implications for the country I think the biggest message I can give the American people tonight is that he's not going to get away with it Leticia James is not going to get away with it the Biden Administration is not going to get away with it there is a point and I want to say something that I different than I normally do we have the order now I'm free to speak and let me just say as somebody who sat there in the trial Shan and I'm so happy you invited me on to say this they will not get away with it we will come at them we will come hard and we will literally fight until the truth comes out there was nothing wrong president Trump has done nothing wrong all he has done is one a campaign and that is scaring them because they know when he goes back in November 2024 he is going to clean house and that is truly the problem it's not about Maraga maril lago's worth it's not worth 18 million it's worth probably 1.5 billion at the least it is not worth Trump Tower 40 Wall Street that's not what this is about Sean you know it and I Know It This is the new form of election interference this is a campaign that cannot succeed with Biden and Camala so what they have to do is weapon Das and AGS have Soros back them fund them Reed Hoffman back them fund them and come after Trump everything Trump including his children his company employees that are working for him doing their job that is the desperation of our country at this moment which is about to go into World War this is crazy and Trump and his legal team have consistently denied any wrongdoing they have characterized the investigations as baseless witch hunts designed to under Trump's political influence and prevent him from running for office [Applause] again all right this defense strategy has been Central to Trump's public messaging rallying his Base by Framing himself as a victim of political persecution it is sick it's Trump derangement syndrome that's literally the best thing I could explain to you and just know this and for all those people that understand what is going on we will win we will fight because the facts are on our side there are politicized Judges there are politicized Das and AGS but I do not have a doubt that in the end we will succeed the left-wing media unfortunately will report cases I had another case that just went through in New York the great state of New York which is completely Fallen apart my strategy is to use the facts to use the transcripts we make a record even when they try and gag us even when they try and tell us Alina I'm going to put you in jail if you object to a PowerPoint slide that proves your case it doesn't matter I object anyway we made a record and the record is clear because their orders are transparent they show a compl completely biased transcript they show that the hearings the law is not on their side so they get their headline during an election season but that is not going to be how we win we have to fight the fight for the long run and that that truly is Sean my strategy that's all of our strategy we will use the transcript we will use the evidence we will use the witnesses the real facts not the media and and it's no no disrespect to the media but I was there we did nothing wrong those statements of financial condition Sean were under valued we did absolutely nothing wrong imagine you're dragging children through this that's the desperation we're at Alan weiselberg Jeff mccy people that did their jobs and did nothing wrong and that is how desperate they are because they're going to lose we have a person who literally cannot walk up the stairs without falling down so what do you have to do you have to lie cheat and steal and now we have political lawfare we will win in the appell division I have zero concern about that hba's comments align with this strategy emphasizing that the legal challenges are part of a broader effort to silence and neutralize Trump as a political force well thank you very much and a very big hello to a place where we've done very well sou Falls thank you very much sou [Applause] Falls so Sous City let me ask you how many people come how many people come from Sous City and I apologize for those lights the only place I don't have a light appear so that means we're going to have to wik it tonight okay there's no light they give us plenty of lights but not to read this crap look they write a Beau they wrote me a beautiful speech of my thr right out the window despite these denials the investigations continue to progress with investigators reportedly Gathering substantial evidence seem everything has you know this is the lower level we wouldn't shouldn't have even been in this court Sean we should have been in the commercial division because they used a commercial Consumer Fraud statute against a private company that shouldn't have been used but we're here now so now we have to deal with this judge who didn't give us a jury who literally had Miss James had her shoes off in court let's not forget that I called it out in the closing argument but it's true she had a Starbucks coffee in her hand she wasn't doing work she wasn't sitting at the council table she was in the back with her shoes off and a coffee and at the end of the day we're sitting there looking at this going this is the state of our country AGS are so comfortable in court that they know that they don't even have to do the job they don't have to do the work they're going to let their people do it they're going to sit there and they're going to win that's a problem so we're going to go up to the next level we're going to go to people that aren't running on a campaign running to get Trump before they're even in office and we will win that's how it's it's honestly unfortunately the way it's going if we have equal justice it's quite a time I mean I think we we talk a lot about how immoral how dangerous all of these threats are that Donald Trump is making talk us through why this is such a problem in attacking potential Witnesses in a case I mean if you were a prosecutor if you were a judge Beyond obviously the violence which is very important what else are you worried about sure sure you're worried about whether or not a witness is going to be intimidated and um be reluctant to share incriminating information against the former president out of fear that one of his followers is going to do something physical um to that witness you know in in mob cases you know one of which I tried when I was a public corruption prosecutor you had to we relocated people you put people in the witness protection program you did a whole variety of things to allay the fears that people have when they feel threatened uh and that is not fundamentally different from I think some of the concerns that Witnesses potentially could have um in in this case or these cases if charges are brought Trump's legal team will face the daunting task of defending him in what would likely be one of the most high-profile trials in American history da Alvin Bragg has now tried A Renewed attempt to continue the gag order against President Trump the same gag order that violates every Americans First Amendment rights let alone the candidate for president the leading candidate for president he's renewing his uh claims that it is necessary to maintain them even though the trial is over he is stating that the reason is because once again those very scary Maga make America great again Republicans in our country the people that love our country happen to be the cause of fear for a judge I get death threats Sean pretty much every week um I don't blame the DNC I don't blame anybody that's uneducated I don't go on a TI a Ty about it I take it because I'm a public person because it's kind of what I asked for but here we've got a guy who's political and we have him using anything he can to take the constitutional rights of Americans especially the rights of us to choose and hear the leading candidate for president of the United States of America by taking away his voice it's so desperate and pathetic it's not enough that they can't win in court because they get overturned now they have to silence their opponent it's absolute election interference let's get your Professor I don't think the Trump legal team has any other options but what they're doing your thoughts well they have to appeal I have a piece in tonight's Wall Street Journal in which I urge People Like Us file lawsuits against New York after all we have the right to hear Donald Trump in the election and this gag order says that Joe Biden can accuse Donald Trump of being a felon having been convicted by an unfair jur very unfair judge of a non-crime he has the right to do that but Donald Trump has one hand tied behind his back because he can't respond in full he can't talk about the judge's daughter he can't talk about the unfairness of the jurors uh I guess even the da is now saying well maybe he can talk about the the potential for a criminal trial also raises questions about its impact on the American political landscape you held on to those documents when you knew the federal government was seeking them and then had given you a subpoena to return them are you ready are you ready can I talk yeah what's the answer can you mind I would like for you to answer the question okay it's very simple to answer that's why I asked it it's very simple to you're a nasty person I'll tell you we will evict Joe Biden from the White House and we will finish the job once and for all we're going to make our country greater than ever before we have a big big advantage over everybody because we have what's under our feet you know what I mean the liquid gold the great silent majority is rising like never before and under our leadership the Forgotten man and woman will be forgotten no longer will be forgotten no longer you you have been forgotten the witnesses but the first amendment applies not only to Donald Trump the speaker but to all of us the viewers and the listeners we have the right to hear a full and complete debate not a partial debate in which Trump is restricted about what he can say so I hope that the gag order will be appealed by Trump's lawyers and I hope amicus priest Friend of the Court priest will be submitted by Ordinary People saying look you're depriving us of our right to hear somebody we're undecided we don't know who we're going to vote for we may be influenced by this um uh uh sorted and unfair conviction we want to hear the other side and that's why it's so important that the gag go to be lifted at this point not for Donald Trump's sake alone not for the Republican party's sake but for the sake of all Americans who particularly undecided voters who have a right to hear both sides of the issue Trump remains a highly influential figure within the Republican party and any legal action against him could have significant repercussions for the 2024 presidential election it's yet to be seen I know he wants to obviously I'm not there and I would never break privilege but uh you know there's a couple things that have to happen first they have a meeting with the da team to find out what the scope would be so um I know the president wants to testify he said that publicly last week he hasn't done anything wrong so there's nothing to hide in fact he was in Washington at the time but this joke this case is a joke I mean he's eager to speak to the public I think it's important that he does and the first step we have to do is get rid of this gag order as he said this morning it's unconstitutional um if Mr Trump were to take the stand who would cross-examine him I believe Alvin Bragg wants to yeah I highly doubt that you know he might say he wants to and and that in itself is just telling that this is more of a PR play than an actual Justice play and that's very clear from this it's who gets to cross-examine a former president that's been sitting in a criminal court instead of campaigning that's their interest it's not supposed to be that way let's be very clear um I think um Michael Colangelo has also been very involved so we'll see I doubt they'll tell us as you know yesterday we asked to see who the first three Witnesses were so that the defense team could prep and be ready and they refused to let the the defense team know so it's very sideways in there unfortunately it's something I've seen personally many times and uh it's it's going to be difficult in New York we were expecting jurus election to take two maybe three weeks looks like it might be over this week in just one week uh would you say that the process is being rushed a little of course it's being rushed we've had this case for seven or eight years and then all of a sudden they rushed to bring it before November 2024 and the only time he got indicted was after he said that he was running for office it's like every other Jack Smith case that we've seen the da in Georgia everything is all of a sudden rushed I have cases personally that have been sitting in New York for three years and all that's been filed is a complaint and I can't get them heard explain to me how all of a sudden judicial resources are not an issue in New York when it's president Trump if Trump were to be convicted it could prevent him from running for office again reshaping the Republican field and potentially altering the party's Direction well first and foremost we have the absolute Ridiculousness where they try and make it sound like judge mhan is being politically unbiased we know that's not the case we had a partial win in the First Amendment gag order where he allowed the president to now speak about Witnesses remember president Trump is the only person being gagged here he is the only political uh candidate that is being gagged Witnesses themselves weren't gagged so we have judge mhan now after the trial after people like Michael Cohen could go on msdnc and all the rest and talk now they say oh hey you were convicted by a New York blue jury but now you can talk don't get it twisted this is what they're doing to make the American people think that everything is fair and square when we know it is not it's much like Hunter Biden who's still walking around freely despite the Sham of a trial that they had for him to make them look like they're not biased so then on top of that Sean we had um the doj and conversely if Trump is acquitted it could Galvanize his supporters and strengthen his position as a leader within the GOP You Know Jack Smith who we do not believe is even a valid special counsel who wasn't appointed properly shouldn't be the position now asking for yet another gag order it's no different than what we're going to see on Thursday they are orchestrating everything through courts if they can't hype up and hop up Joe Biden they'll just make sure they silence president Trump while they go after him politically in the courtrooms we're seeing it time and time again it's got to stop this this week's about the debate next week will be about uh well the week after next will be about the sentencing I mean I I wouldn't put any anything pass Mera think he'll try and put president Trump in jail in the middle of a presidential campaign leading into his convention no I I wouldn't put it past him we're going to see what they recommend from the prosecution side obviously there's some back and forth but I don't put anything past them if you recall a few weeks ago after the trial someone spoke on The View and said I've spoken to people in the prosecutor's office in Alvin Bragg's office and I've heard that they're going to recommend one year at Rikers first and foremost why are you speaking to anybody from the DA's office secondly the fact is I wouldn't put any of that past them Sean they couldn't beat him when they put him in court they couldn't beat him when they put gag orders on every single case but now they're going to try and jail him I don't doubt it it will literally cause an up in this country they cannot do it it would be ridiculously desperate but hey

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