Category: People & Blogs
Intro what's up guys my name is adam and i deliver packages for amazon i've been delivering in the south boston area about two and a half years come along with me and i'll show you a little day in the life of an amazon delivery driver [music] morning routine every morning i'm waking up around 6 20 6... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Hi this is eco electric news reports coming from normal illinois say that they've been an emergency fire outbreak at rivien's vehicle manufacturing factories where the electric automaker is making its r1t trucks amazon delivery vans and suv this is the third one in the last months let's talk about it... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
I'm not in favor of trying to hold back technological advance we need technological advance and if we don't employ robots the chinese will the vietnamese will the europeans will the japanese will everybody will so anything that handicaps american business is not good but what we really need to do is... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Jeff bezos fundador da amazon adquiriu nos últimos dias uma propriedade em miami pelo valor de 79 milhões de dólares a transação em si não é grande novidade para um comprador cuja fortuna fica próxima de 200 bilhões de dólares o que chama atenção no entanto é quem está do outro lado da negociação isso... Read more
Category: Education
Intro a new virus is spreading like wildfire and experts are warning that this could be more deadly than the covid-19 pandemic co killed 7 million people and affected billions of others for years and now this virus is 50 times more dangerous than co you see co was scary but from a fatality point of... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Hola a todos en este vídeo vamos a hablar sobre los secretos detrás del éxito de tres de los grandes empresarios de nuestra época jeff bezos elan musk y mark scker ver enfoque en el cliente una de las claves del éxito de jeff bezos y amazon amazon ofrece una experiencia de compra fácil una amplia selección... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Wow wow control the yellow kf aisle activated where is face everyone look out this window just take get up there get up there look at this wow wow wow wow wow wow wow remember this moment you upside that wow we feel it unbelievable wow Read more
Category: Education
हमारे भारत के फर्स्ट सिविलियन स्पेस टूरिस्ट मिस्टर गोपीचंद थोटाकुरा जी दिल्ली वापस आ गए हैं स्पेस में 10 मिनट्स की जर्नी कंप्लीट करके अन फाउंडर जेफ बिजज की स्पेस कंपनी ब्लू रिचन के न्यू शेफर्ड 25 मिशन के पार्ट की तरह यह पहले स्पेस टूरिस्ट बने थे भारत से जो कि अर्थ की हाइट से 105 किमी ऊपर तक स्पेसक्राफ्ट की जर्नी कंप्लीट करके आई हैं लेकिन भारत से दूसरे नागरिक बने आफ्टर विंग कमांडर आकेश शर्मा जी जो कि सलु सेवन स्पेस स्टेशन में 7 दिन 21 घंटे और 40 मिनट स्पेंड... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Telegram'ın ceo'su ve kurucusu pavel durov hala asa serbest ama soruşturma devam ediyor fakat adli bir soruşturma sürecek ve bununla beraber kendisi 5 milyon euro kefalet ödemek zorunda adli gözetim altında haftada iki gün fransız polis karakoluna gitmesi gerekiyor imza vermesi gerekiyor ve fransız... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Intro the story of amazon's empire is a perplexing one on the one hand its killed off scores of bookstores threatened almost every sector of small business retail gotten its hands into everything from logistics to music to cloud services and it's not stopping there on the other hand consumers have fallen... Read more
Category: Education
जिसको बचपन में ही उनके माता-पिता के डिवोर्स होने के कारण छोड़ दिया जाता है लेकिन 4 साल की उम्र में उनको एक पेरेंट्स अडॉप्ट कर लेते हैं वो बच्चा स्कूल में काफी इंटेलिजेंट था उसने अपने घर के गैराज को ही अपनी लैब बना लिया और उसी में घर के इलेक्ट्रिकल गैजेट्स को ठीक करता है जब वह 12 साल का था तब उसको एक इंफिनिटी क्यूब लेना था लेकिन वो काफी महंगा था इसलिए उसने खुद मिरर्स और कुछ जरूरी सामान जोड़कर अपना इंफिनिटी क्यूब बना लिया मैं बात कर रहा हूं amazon's... Read more
Category: Sports
Hallo und willkommen zu gutn dem deutschen bper podcast im internet mein name ist andre fogt und ich grüße euch zu neuen folge unds kleinin b spiels heute mit dem fragen podcast am samstag s ein verchoren ihr hört das vielleicht erkältung rutscht jetzt gerade so raus aus den atemwegen bei mir deswegen... Read more