NBC Makes Big Change to NASCAR Booth | Kyle Larson: "We Could Bring 1000HP Next Week"
Published: Mar 12, 2024
Duration: 00:13:13
Category: Sports
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Larson talks 1000 HP NBC makes a shocking change to their NASCAR broadcasting lineup and Kyle Larson says it would be easy to get to 1,000 horsepower if NASCAR just gives the [Music] order how's it going y'all my name is Eric welcome to out of the groove if you're looking for even more NASCAR debate and discussion tune in tonight on this channel I'll be hosting a live stream I'll be joined by several other NASCAR online content creators we cover lots of great topics I'm sure many hot takes will be spewed hope to see you there tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern time set a reminder Kyle lson called into the Dale Jr download this week and said it would be easy for hendrik Motorsports to put a th000 horsepower under the hood this weekend I've heard our you know Scotty Scotty Maxim say the same thing he's like dude we could we could bring a th000 horsepower next week right and it not anymore they're they're they're literally taking the engine that I won with at Vegas and making it a a th000 horsepower engine to put in one of Rick's uh you know personal cars they're building right now so they can do it I know it's boring to keep talking about this especially when we don't really know if adding more horsepower will actually make a huge difference and make the racing better keep in mind the racing at the intermediate tracks with the nextg has been fantastic so far it's really just the short ovals and maybe the road courses were concerned with those strong comments from Kyle Larson were extremely interesting I hate to make this issue sound so simple because I don't think that it is all I do know is that increasing the horsepower would be easy to sell to both fans and drivers I think NASCAR is afraid to do anything that could affect parody right now the cars are equal with shared smt data the drivers are practically equal I don't think they'll ever outright admit this but NASCAR is a raid of dominant drivers Jimmy Johnson won five straight titles and NASCAR reacted by tweaking the playoff format repeatedly NASCAR introduced the 550 horsepower High drag package in 2019 I think in part to prevent Harvick Kyle bus Trux from winning every race by 5 Seconds Chris Rice had a strong take on SiriusXM NASCAR radio today that I actually agree with if we give him horsepower The Field's going to be spread out because the handling is going to be so much worse your car might not handle as well might handle better I feel that the field would be spread out more it's a tough balance because on one hand parody is what separates NASCAR from Formula 1 for example it's in my opinion what makes NASCAR races so interesting to watch you never know who could win it's anyone's Championship but on the other hand you need some great drivers to stand out to become Superstars if these next gen car suddenly had a th000 horsepower under the hood you bet there would be a few drivers that would stand out start winning more races consistently the gaps would start to widen that would potentially help establish some Superstar drivers but it would likely hurt the parody so obviously I'm just speculating but history suggests NASCAR is afraid of dominant drivers so it's a tricky balance real quick before we get to the Fun paint scheme big NBC News Bristol Motor Speedway this weekend the Food City 500 I think it's still 500 laps right Food City has pulled off some awesome crossover paint schemes for this race the past few years and their latest scheme for AJ alinger my gosh it looks like my diet when I was in college Cheetos and Mountain Dew how about that hey they go together like peanut butter and jelly I love it great to see two very recognizable consumer brands on a NASCAR cup series car I'm just a little disappointed that Cheetos are on a primary scheme and we didn't get a a Trip Murphy tribute scheme one Kamui Kobayashi more breaking news story this afternoon kamui KOB yashi will make his second career NASCAR Cup Series start he'll drive the 2311 number 67 Toyota Camry at Circuit of the Americas next week the Japanese driver made his debut at the Indianapolis Road Course last season I'll be excited to see what he can do at Kota remember this Kota race one year ago featured a ton of international Superstars this year's race doesn't seem to have quite the same buildup quite the same International flare but great to see kamui Kobayashi back behind the wheel wish him the best of luck huge NBC Makes a Huge Change breaking news this morning morning in my opinion Adam Stern from the sports Business Journal reports that Lee Diffy will take over lead play-by-play duties for NASCAR on NBC sometime after this year's Olympic break shocking development Rick Allen who's primarily held that role since 2015 is expected to call the first few NASCAR and NBC races this summer but then we'll step down and instead we'll only commentate NASCAR Infinity Series races on NBC this year Adam Stern reports that NBC's 2025 plans are still unclear but for this season 2024 welcome Lee DIY into the Nascar on NBC broadcast Booth fulltime assuming Rick Allen does the first six NBC races that includes the Iowa race on June 16th the Chicago street race on July 7th and the Brickyard 400 on July 21st so Rick Allen more than likely will still be in the booth for some Marquee events later this year but Lee DIY is expected to take over for the final few regular season races and the entire 10 Race playoffs wow this is just a reminder that we are well into TV Silly Season you know with Kevin Harvick stepping into his role with Fox Dal Hart Jr was reported a couple weeks ago is leaving NBC for Amazon and Warner Brothers next year it all makes sense I guess with one TV contract coming to an end and another one about to start both Fox NBC and now Amazon Warner Brother the CW they're viewing this as a great opportunity to reset change things up keep things fresh potentially I have so many questions about how things may reshuffle here in the coming months could Rick Allen follow dor Hart Jr over to Amazon or Warner Brothers what about Steve lar could he follow his former driver elsewhere what about Jeff Burton who's business partners with Junior with the car store maybe he goes to Amazon or one her brothers will Lee DIY be the full-time NASCAR and NBC commentator starting next year who's going to call xinity series races next year for the CW maybe that'll be Rick Allen's role maybe Adam Alexander leaves Fox will someone from MRN moveed to TV this was a huge report this morning the idea that NBC could change lead commentators midseason effectively pretty unusual very surprising in my opinion I want to have some fun on this show there's been a lot of talk lately in the Sports World about the draft you know with NFL free agency Ablaze this week a lot of talk about draft picks I'm going to pretend that I am a TV network executive and my company has the rights to broadcast NASCAR races starting in 20125 and Beyond I need a veteran play-by-play announcer to Anchor my broadcast I've got my hypothetical mock draft board and just for the record I'm going to exclude Mike Joy from this conversation I think he's a lock to be with Fox next year unless he chooses to retire and I only say that because he'll be 7 5 years old this time next year I think he's still very good in that role he could continue doing it for several more years but with again one contract ending a new TV deal beginning this could be Fox's chance to move Mike joy into a different role or perhaps he retires altogether so I'm going to leave Mike Joy off my draft board just for that reason my number one choice no surprise Alan bestwick he hasn't called a NASCAR race in I don't know almost a decade or so now but he recently did SRX and he's only 62 years old he has easily another 10 plus years of quality TV work ahead but it's going to be Dale nhart Jr using lessons learned from his father to go from six to First and score the victory in the Pepsi 400 I really hope he gets picked up next year whether by Amazon by Warner Brothers Discovery shoot the CW picks him up Allan Bes will call all 33 exfinity series races sign me up for that bestwick is my clear first overall draft pick second on my board though is Lee DIY he's a veteran Motorsports broadcaster there are few better than him in the game currently what I love about Lee DIY is he doesn't sound passive he's not going to stumble over his words repeatedly he is a true professional who UPS the intensity enhances the action on my television screen a lot of folks on social media today have been sharing this clip from when Lee DIY did call a couple NASCAR cups series races back in like 2017 like just check this out Larson's trying to split him he's in between the two Toyotas he bounces off Martin Truex Jr right in front of Matt kenith and he's on the low line Kyle Larson with a blinding restart if that doesn't get you on the edge of your seat I don't know what will my only concern with Lee DIY and this isn't really a concern of mine but I could see some NASCAR fans having a hard time adjusting to his you distinctive Australian accent I'm just being realistic NASCAR TV accents have sounded one way for the vast majority of the sports history and we all know that many fans don't adjust to aesthetic changes very well but Lee DIY is fantastic I'm excited to hear what he can do the second half of this season third on my draft board would be Mike baggley that's right give the radio guys some love Mike bagley's been calling NASCAR races for MRN since the 90s I have no idea if TV is something he would even be interested in pursuing but we've seen him do some work with NBC in the past during those you know radio style road course broadcast keslowski Eric Jones is sideways he and keslowski make contact keslowski and Jones into the outside wall and Brad will slam hard into the inside wall I think he's got a great voice I think he has a great knowledge of the sport I think he would do well leading a NASCAR television broadcast booth at number four I guess I like this guy more than most other fans do but Rick Allen his voice was made for broadcasting he bumps him they're going in into one the four up the racetrack here comes hlin on the inside he does fumble over his words sometimes he's not the most articulate but I still like Rick Allen and I'd be happy to see him broadcasting NASCAR races somewhere next season and fifth on my board I can't get out of here without giving some love to Adam Alexander the man deserves a ton of credit for anchoring Fox's Xfinity series broadcast the last few years you know they bring in different driver analysts almost every week he has to do the the research the home work the prep work of two people one last try for the 54 he's the alltime wins leader can he get there I don't know if Fox will let him go only because he could be you know seen as Mike Joy's eventual successor Vince Welsh didn't work out I don't think Jam little is working out so Adam Alexander may be next in line at Fox but on my hypothetical mock draft board I think he's certainly a top five pick there are certainly other worthy candidates out there let me know in the comments ments below if there's somebody I miss that you think would do great leading a NASCAR television broadcast I thought that would be a fun way to sort of talk about TV Silly Season if you will of course the color commentary is extremely important as well you get former drivers former crew chiefs in there as analysts but you need that anchor to be someone who's very familiar with the media industry they've been doing it their whole life they know how to effectively tell the story how to queue people up you need that TV person in the middle to tie the whole broadcast together it's an important role I'll be curious to see who Fox Turner Amazon CW NBC I'll be really curious to see how this game of musical chairs ends up by 2025 what was your reaction to the news today that NBC is expected to replace Rick Allen with Lee DIY Midway through this season what's your reaction huge surprise I believe but thank you for watching this video y'all leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're new to the channel and as always a huge thank you to my very generous patreon support y'all help keep this show growing each and every month if you missed it this morning posted the full interview with Todd Gillan talked all about you know the changes at front row Motorsports they're a tier one Ford team now you know how things changed behind the scenes talked about Todd gillan's career going straight from trucks to cup a few years back still one of the young guys in the series how has He adjusted great conversation I hope you check it out I will see you all again soon maybe tonight for the nwp stream at 8:00 p.m. Eastern have a good rest of your day folks [Music]