Trey Harbaugh-Jenzimebra23-Donation scam Mon Sept 2nd

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:35:03 Category: People & Blogs

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blocking them all because you want to be negative and you're probably going to go down instead of up whenever you pass away so just so you know that that der had investigated but that was it's okay I know what I'm doing dude I don't have [ __ ] but her situation is more important than mine and that's like genuinely from my heart like that's how I feel the CH was her name's April Todd she I think she's in here um but if you her name's April Todd here on Tik Tok and if you go look her up you can see her videos and [ __ ] man she's definitely a real person that's going through some [ __ ] and the truth is though believe me it is it was amazing that's pretty that's pretty weird though love and to see how many officers from all across it wasn't just the camp County you had officers from everywhere that came that was just so powerful to me and we wanted our show of solid to be there so that we could say to the citizens of deab County that this state's sheriffs are here dude my neck is [ __ ] getting fat dude I got to I got to [ __ ] do something because yeah like I'm not asking for nothing for me dude like I don't need [ __ ] but reality I would just want her topr my dad she's been asking me since yesterday not asking me but she did tell me her what was going on and I wanted to do it in the live yesterday but I didn't I got off because yesterday I was really really freaking out about my room and [ __ ] but um this one's just for her man I'm not asking you guys to send me nothing if you want to help her that's fine if you don't that's okay too but I'm not asking for anything for such a respected public servant but with der's killer still on the loose there she is hangs over the service I wish that der could have been there to see the people who cared about him at the same time I was also there as a professional KN that this man timately I could be responsible for the that felt great did I need to go to the chiropractor dude he would probably do miracles on my back to be one of the on to speak children killer is right here until most time POS that derwin's killer lies within his closest Inner Circle detectives dive deeper into derwin's life career zeroing in on his recent electoral Victory but y we got 90 we got almost 100 people in here if everybody just sent her a dollar a lot of people knew no I don't even know her man and a lot of people knew him in the city of Atlanta and the knew him he was a part of that investiga team for I mean I know her from here and we've talked a few times like messaging on Tik Tok and stuff but it's basically all only messages that I've that we've ever talked about was the Justice like what I was going to try to do to help her officers involved and finally arrest okay whatever yeah I guess I'm scamming right I'm trying to get somebody else help but I'm I'm scaming right after serving and retiring from the Atlanta Police Department he ran for the C County share what are you doing he overwhel only one and first I've never met her before dude I it's not like that I just have a heart and I know she's been messaging me about certain things you know food and [ __ ] like that and I can't personally I can't help but I was hoping that somebody would see her situation and that she's big pregnant by herself with kids and [ __ ] like that's Dern Brown decided to run against him in 2000 when deran Brown came out saying I'm going to clean up corruption I'm going to clean up the jail Tasha did you get it corrup by Sydney dorsy the race was very contentious between Mr Brown and Mr dorsy no I'm watching it's uh I think it's I think it's dine it's too it's too old of an episode to be um syy dorsy was infuriated I thought I saw something l i mean think about who he had been instead for a pregnant girl who has kids and her baby daddy left her and she's all alone because she's going to be homeless soon if we if but whatever I was just trying to get her food would opponent murdered a hard time I'm just chilling dude I'm good I don't need anything from anybody I was just trying to get April you can go look at her page we don't know each other outside of Tik Tok man it's not some kind of [ __ ] scam where I'm trying to [ __ ] make up a person to get money test I I'm not asking for anything I'm trying to get some help for her first it wasn't about the $5 dude it was about the situation I was in in my life at that moment of your wor allergy symptoms like Nal congestion live and clear was was n crying to get a salad [ __ ] weirdos man the reason I was crying is because my whole life just came crashing down on me dude that's why I was crying and upset and I was starving at the same time when your home gets bugs the struggle is real that's why you need it's all right you got just you just got to learn to deal with it but uh my room is covered for today yeah my room is covered for today [Music] yeah I don't need food dude I'm not this is not for me I don't know where she even [Music] lives um I'm all right Cindy oh Joey I didn't see it um I mean if you're asking I would I want to try to get her like 20 $30 to uh get some food or something and then if I can get money for my room tomorrow that would be cool but if not I work tomorrow but even though I work I'm going to have to take all my [ __ ] out of the room and then recheck in again I'm like I got like $75 but the room's been like 100 lately uh because of the holiday maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and it'll be left I cut my hair myself 40 I call it the routine you think so dude if you knew the truth you you wouldn't make yourself look like a fool but you'll know one day you'll know the truth one day but yeah she's doing her own thing my I do work Dope Sick how do I come on dude [ __ ] you dude how do I look dope sick labor well April message Courtney back Courtney's a really good person dude and if she said to message her you should probably really do that a [ __ ] I meant to pin her cash app a man uh April comment your cashtag STS like a part of your R I meant to switch it out this is mine I meant to switch it out but I didn't changes for your weight loss hair loss anxiety and more get a personalized treatment plan 100% online at weekends this month are all new on oygen with new episodes of relationship with f but you guys can call me a beggar or whatever but like I have a heart and I want to help people like I need food I need [ __ ] but I want to get her straight first because she's pregnant and has kids I don't have kids here I'm not I don't have a pregnant girlfriend those things mean so much different so much more different than me needing food I'll figure the [ __ ] out if I had to go steal food I'll [ __ ] do it I don't care but I want to get her some help and I think my friend I think my friendt I think my friend's going to help her so if she does then uh April Todd needs help but I think my friend Courtney is going to help her out detectives dorsy regarding hiss yeah yeah she does I said it wrong Dy and it was clear he was at home I don't know why I keep correlating being pregnant with cancer but I've done it like 15 times with a solid Alibi and no physical evidence connecting him but Tasha you should get it he clear share of dorsy but investigators learned that dorsy wasn't the only one who was losing his job because of Duran's win dur won because people were discussing whatever that was they were embarrassed about it it looked like bad on County I'm not sure if she's pregnant or not I know she has cancer and she has children I I don't know where the pregnant thing came from I've been saying it taking no I didn't hey April will you will you update us on who helped you so we can even before his first day on the job dude all I got to do week earlier 33 no you wouldn't bro no you wouldn't took I have over 10 years [ __ ] training with mu high and kickboxing I'm not as good as I used to be cuz I have one leg but you wouldn't I'd [ __ ] you up bro straight up somebody get him out of here please that's all right I'll do it myself I'm not the one bro I'm really not do you think I y'all think I'm y'all think I'm somebody to play with April if Courtney said it she's going to do it guaranteed yeah keep laughing dude look at your look at your profile picture keep laughing that's what I want you to do but if you ever decide you want to [ __ ] be a man and pull up on me do it I'll go outside and wait just like I did last night I'm not scared of no man bro and I'm not trying to act tough but I'm not scared of nobody there's too much time and too much opportunity to sabotage what are you doing bro you got food come on now a lot of devilment could have been but that was der's Choice all right I got you uh that was first place that we couldn't har har reduction I made you a they had any real motivation other than revenge and hate and where were they at the time of the Mur he was handing out PE Smith these were people who had a bone to she will just give her some time she probably has to put money in there or something like that down if she said she was going to help you she will but Addie said they sent money to you did you get the money she sent it's not going to affect anything else was not something that was done out of a you know if you say yeah I got 10 bucks or whatever it doesn't mean nobody else is going to help you just you know and every person was interviewed who was on that list to be fired we could not find anyone that we could pinpoint crime go into your cash app to the transactions and make sure you don't cuz sometimes people send it and you have to approve it name after name is crossed off the list until they get to one little bit particular he's got I got a full bow right there and probably like another bow Patrick CU was a depy that we were looking at very extr as being involved in the yeah sometimes you have to accept it he Poss would have a motivation for killing BR in that world of law enforcement pretty high ranking but he'll be all right I'll figure it out his food's only like three bucks it's not a I do need to pay my room tomorrow but I work tomorrow so but these people at this hotel I've spent so much money here and they won't they won't give me more time no I'm not asking for money for me I'm I'm trying to get somebody some help if you want to help that's cool but if not just please go somewhere else don't come on here hating and being negative just scroll through man go away are mising but if you're cool you can stay I don't want none of the negativity today had April she said that it said it was cleared or that it was completed and had something to see April I told you we were going to get you now wait wait till Courtney wait wait till that happens you're going to be like whoa Mr work for the out like most of the time yes but not today Crystal do you know what I'm talking about like five nights out the week ask [Music] questions but you get what I'm saying right but I'll I I'll text you whenever I get off and and tell you what's going on I said she's a tiger and you need a break Sunday SN all right well I'll message you whenever I get off of here on on Facebook so so we got her $10 so far let's see what we can do and behind them he told me he was going to K me and throw me in the river I'm not as as you think I am dude this is the best chapstick ever Hado I didn't sell it from the store I stole it from a girl and this might be like feminine [ __ ] but it feels good on my lips it does man makes my my lips all [ __ ] like people when you're into the area gets itchy it can be I can't give out my city bro I can't do it I'll tell you the state I'm in okay I'll tell you Dayton Ohio because you if you come to where I live bro you ain't leaving after that I'm telling you Dayton's the [ __ ] Hood even the [ __ ] without anpr when add to an antidepressant signicantly redess oh that's where I stole it from I got it from your girl dude I did sorry about that Ser side effects yeah Dayton's [ __ ] up dude if you watch the show it's called snapped and it'll be on like this TV channel um Behavior or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions muscles and confusion can be lifeat it probably is worse but this show comes on cholesterol white blood cells unusual urges Diz onings seizures trouble swallowing why would I be wearing hair bowsing forward yeah ID butty why you say I'm going to be wearing hair hair bows it's on ID and then they have oxygen True Crime Network a whole [ __ ] Channel just for True Crime without [Applause] but dude I'm at a hotel in the hood in Dayton and like crazy shits happened every single night the cops are here dude thank you for bringing us into your homes and into your hearts for a br I'm glad you got it thank you for making a part of your family I'm not just an expert on see I told you that somebody was going to help you like when you were influenced by no I haven't eaten yet man but I'm okay I'll be good for5 my friend tried to order me pizza and [ __ ] last night and it didn't work I think it was cuz everything was closed but we did get her help [ __ ] yeah I'm not too far from the bus station so you know that's the hood if you're frustrated with occasional bloating or gas your body's giving you it's time to [ __ ] just being a single person with a kitty is hard as [ __ ] dude your occas gas when you feel the sign it's time to try a l you from a lot ask her um well that would be pretty cool it's been over a month since the C County Sheriff der Brown and you look like somebody I can trust in front of his home and detect are still searching for answers every hey Courtney will you will you talk with her LC coms will you talk with her and see you know all my information this can't be for real right after April Todd 79 y the at but if you text a girl Sheriff's dude April you're going to be more blessed than you ever thought you would get and I told you that this is what I was going to do for you so I'm so glad that you're getting the help because I don't like seeing people like I'll go without wanting to know where Mr C was it's all right I don't take [ __ ] seriously ever I need to take [ __ ] more seriously like life but you saying that didn't make me mad or nothing like that question yeah a will you give us the update and let let us know what you got and what you were able to do I'm not being nosy I just want to know I want to do this again like this is what me and Jess used to do every day we would be live for hours at a time just getting people like yourself help and we needed help oursel but we would rather get to help other people and then by doing that the blessings came back to us but then we got [ __ ] over by somebody that we thought were our friends know connection to sheriff I just want to make sure that you're okay I don't like seeing anybody it's not just about food or it's not just about food or uh anything like that it's about like just being real like you can come in my lives dude and and if you need help I got you not me but my supporters got you bro and that's like what I told you before April I was like yeah let me do a live for you because I can guarantee you that you'll at least get some food and have done is totally irrelevant I just hope that people keep on helping you because that would be pretty cool as a result they had to be let go hell yeah man that they had the people involved they didn't have enough to keep them people were concerned that this might not that's what's up April I'm so glad for you man no [ __ ] listen I'm just a normal I I am I'm the definition of what a human being should be yeah I come on here and ask for help I do I feel like [ __ ] when I do it but at the same time at the same time I take I'll take half of the money that we get and give it away and we've been doing that i' be broke as [ __ ] but the guy that sits out front of the gas station right over here by my hotel every time I go to the store come here come here baby walk in the door every time I go to the store say hey ask come on don't be shy every time I go to the store I buy him a drink a Coke or a Gatorade whatever I'll ask him be like hey man you good he like I could use something to drink and I get it for him even if I don't have [ __ ] I'll spend that dollar or2 which could possibly be my last of everything but it makes me feel better to give people [ __ ] and I know that sounds cliche or whatever but seriously try it try it man try putting yourself try putting other people above yourself every day because on my list of [ __ ] that I need to do each day I'm on the bottom of it taking care of me is at the bottom of the list and I and I like that because I'm able to I have a job dud what the [ __ ] is we were at in the investigation it felt like they didn't I'm not saying I'm a saying I'm not a good person I'm a good hearted person but I used to do [ __ ] up [ __ ] but I don't do it anymore yeah I have a record but I don't do the things I used to do anymore a seemingly unrelated shooting investigators because I could go hit [ __ ] one lick and pay for this room for a month I even know where the [ __ ] where that dude is all at all times cuz he doesn't remember that he [ __ ] put his location on and I picked it up so I know where he is 247 but I don't do [ __ ] like that anymore man I I I'm I'm trying to like you know turn another Leaf in the [ __ ] book of my [ __ ] up life and whenever I finished writing my book oh [ __ ] Erica [ __ ] thank you dude as an opportunity to see if he in the ground there was a murder that took place and so nowed to I'm not lying there's proof dude just like Jess used to say the proof is in the pudding go look it up dude I haven't gotten anything from this live I'm doing it for her for immunity and I don't even [ __ ] know her charge in the drug case yeah I cut my hair myself want me to see you want to see I need I learn I wanted to go to barber school so I learned how to cut hair when I was in prison this is my hair clippers I do this [ __ ] my own on my [Music] own every time [Music] [Music] [Music] boom done that [ __ ] fast but look at my [ __ ] lineup bro boom it's [ __ ] perfect I learned how to cut hair when I was in prison yeah they reach for [ __ ] everything dude and I cut my hair myself and people don't believe it they're like you didn't do that look at that [ __ ] bro my lineup's [ __ ] tight and I ain't got overseen hairline like half y'all [ __ ] who was in here trying to make fun of me thank you for the gift Amanda but yeah I do that myself I need like $60 to pay for my room uh for tomorrow Flash Deals that make your busiest time your best all with B shipping right here cuz I got I had exactly enough to pay for it for two nights but I'm not going to lie like I needed to get food and I needed to get [ __ ] uh like inals and stuff like that so I did spend some of the money on like deodorant and soap like I have to cuz when I got off live I was like [ __ ] I went and looked at the prices and I literally had a dollar left over if I bought two nights and I was like man delicious I need so much [ __ ] I can't want to close your delivery apps because nothing it's a perfect h of sweet tomatoes and smooth s Zu candy make it's not F but it's so good many probiotics don't survive digestion that means whatever you're taking for your gut probably isn't getting where it needs to go seeds all right Tasha I know you would hey look y'all see right here that's my home girl she her name is Tasha and I've known her for like a few years she used to be one of my biggest supporters and she probably still is I'm not saying that you changed up or nothing but I'm saying like when we were doing our thing with helping people and [ __ ] you were you were one of the main people who used to help I had like four or five people who would help on a daily basis and not me we were helping other people so I would like to really do that join me and get PA with um harm reduction Spitfire she needs tires on the car and she don't have nobody to help her so me too I don't give a [ __ ] if I don't make a dime I'm happy dude like we're helping people [Music] again I mean honestly both bunny um I need I'm I'm just trying to make sure everybody else is okay I need $60 more dollars to pay for my room tomorrow I have 35 um it's 95 a night but what I'm trying to do now is help th those people before I ask for help myself I want to make sure that other people can get okay if that makes any sense I don't know but we got one person to help a lot more help than she thought she was going to get in the Dern Brown murder investigation when Prime Suspect Patrick yeah dude I love Rog I lay down on him look on the [ __ ] rug bro oh yeah incriminating evid cuy said that he got a phone call from dorsy and uh dorsy asked him to come over to so when he got there dorsy looked very disheveled he still in his bath road yeah and and and uh Sabrina whatever the [ __ ] your weird ass name is out of my own pockety dude I got beautiful eyes if I was [ __ ] look how pretty my eyes are dude they're green as [Music] hell you can't even [ __ ] deny that [ __ ] bro if you told me I don't got pretty eyes you're [ __ ] lying help free names I got all my teeth too hey bro I told you I told you I said I guarantee I'm going to get it for you I have a job dude and I'm not asking nobody for anything I'm trying to get other people help so go go do what you normally do murdery a lot of he told what he and they follow but look my my eyes are a different kind of green them [ __ ] are bright you know only 2% only 2% of the human population has these color eyes cuz my eyes are truly green they're not Hazel they're not like mixed with green or gray or nothing they're [ __ ] really green and ACC to Sydney dorsy it's 2% of the human population has eyes like this that brown yeah you can Google it they're the extremely rare even though you might somebody you might meet somebody every day that has green eyes but you got to think there's [ __ ] 8 billion people you're probably going to pass a [ __ ] every day but they're extremely rare the most common eye color is like the light brown to ha kind of thing but if you look up how rare are green eyes you'll see it man I'm a unique person I'm one of a kind everybody says I'm just a piece of [ __ ] but I just help I just I just helped her no not I didn't help her financially but if she wouldn't if I wouldn't have held this live for her she would still be sitting in her car [ __ ] figuring out how she was going to eat but I did a whole lot just to help her and y'all can say whatever the [ __ ] you want dude that's my heart bro that's what I am that's what I do I got some it was green eyes and left-handed is very [ __ ] extremely not normal and if you add my blood type into that [ __ ] I'm even more rare I have alien and that's when mot was thanks AB um Tammy I haven't got any food yet um Maddie I haven't no but if y'all want to help me get food my cash app's right here um we just helped two people get help I think they're working on getting help for Sasha or for Tasha but she's going to get it but I would really love some food man to be a Melissa That's crazy dude it's crazy that there's more than one person in this live who has green eyes and they're left-handed wait I can I just paid my phone bill and they're left-handed wait I can I just paid my phone bill this team for Walker did good job of making P Cy look like a liar would say anything can y hear me now murder account so the immunity agreement was a big problem the jury announced that they were not guilty it was devastating to us all right let's go to us all right let's go [Music]

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