Uncle Matt's Bedtime Story - Friday, December 8, 2023

Published: Dec 07, 2023 Duration: 00:06:12 Category: Film & Animation

Trending searches: matt landers
[Music] it's time once again for Uncle Matt's bedtime [Music] story oh hello there it's Uncle Matt and I'm here to read you another bedtime story and tonight's bedtime story is about pretend to be a time traveler that's right it's a pretend to be a time traveler day today really is a real day December 8th 2023 and that's actually not the title of the story that we're going to read we're going to read a book called The Trouble with time travel can you imagine there's actually TR trouble with time travel who knew maybe you get to your destination too early ah this story was written by Steph W Martin and illustrated by Cornelia Lee and this book was copyright in 2019 are you ready let's do it looks like a good story The Trouble with time travel and it starts with a bang crash Max and Boomer were in trouble big trouble can you see what happened the vase was a family heirloom that had originally belonged to Max's great great great great great great grandma it was the only thing she had managed to say save when her house boat mysteriously sank in 1785 yikes how could Max fix this she had to think fast thankfully that's what she did best then it hit her she could come clean or she could build a time machine two obvious choic two obvious choices which one would be easier coming clean or building a time machine H what would you do surprisingly it was pretty easy the plan was simple all she had to do was travel to the past and smash her great great great great great great grandma's vase then there would be nothing for her to break in the future brilliant hopefully it would work the risks were huge they could completely tangle the string of time or Worse Max and Boomer could end up stuck somewhere forever still she had no choice she had to try Kaboom Max immediately regretted her decision look what happened looks like they landed in Egypt there and a little bit of a Ruckus Boomer not so much Boomer was considered a looks like a god or something like that nice to see Boomer traveling through time was extremely difficult everywhere Max and her dog went past future and whenever this was something went wrong and then well this happened crash Max's great great great great great great great grandma was not pleased looks like they made it to their destination oh boy Max knew in her heart it was time to give up I never should have built the time machine she thought if I had just come clean in the beginning none of this would have happened that's when it hit her she knew what she had to do it took a few tries but they had a lot of time to get it right whatever you do Max said to Max do not build a time machine I can build a time machine asked Max yes it's it's surprisingly easy but don't build it said max as she and Boomer hoop back into their time machine that was strange thought Max as she watched herself disappear into a ball of lightning and smoke oh well Max picked up Boomer's Frisbee and tossed it with all her might fetch Fetch and end can you imagine what happened is it going to happen again were they going to have to go into the time machine again well who knows or maybe they actually told the truth when it broke that's all the time we have for Uncle Matt's bedtime story I hope you enjoyed that story and I'll see you next time bye for now [Music] I

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