Packers Total Access | Rookies Kalen King & Evan Williams Shine + Full Training Camp Practice Bre...

Published: Jul 28, 2024 Duration: 01:02:20 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] you're listening to the Packer Net podcast Network you ever hear of test driving a phone network well US Cellular is letting you test drive their Nationwide 5G for free try out US Cellular wherever you have spotty service your commute to work that one spot in your house or your service dips it's as easy as doing a little with your phone that's the buttons that's what that's the noise they make anyways test drive us cellulars Nationwide 5G coverage for free for 30 days just download the Try Us app US Cellular built for us terms apply visit trry us hey what's up guys welcome into Packers Total Access my name is Clayton you can check us out on find me on Twitter Packers access you can email us Packers tootal access text us 865 658 5824 joined alongside Tim live in Green Bay Jacob up on the Wisconsin Minnesota border and obviously the story of the night is uh Tim's back in the house Tim how we doing man you got Vodka in that bottle or what talk to me no that's nothing but pure Ice Mountain there you go all right nothing wrong with that how you been doing buddy I've been good man a lot of lot of manual labor but it's good good for the body good for the soul you know um ping out a buddy down in Milwaukee so so uh I'm I'm here for a few days I'll be at a couple practices this week so I'm looking forward to getting back and talking some ball I'm happy to be here good to see you Fellers up Jacob how's it going everybody me and Jacob have seen each other more than we've seen our family the last few days have we not seems like every doing a lot of streaming yeah we just take a couple hour nap and then wake back up and hop back on here and and do another stream so but uh I know this the uh the numbers are cranking viewership is way way way up I just want to give a special shout out and thank you to everybody who's supporting the channel and supporting the podcast and everything um I didn't expect it to blow up this soon in the season but here we are um and again it down I don't want to spend too much time on it but I do just want to say thank you all for supporting the channel you're absolutely amazing people so with that being said Jacob we we kind of left off earlier today um as the team drills started to crank up and I really like that what we've been doing you know we kind of hit on all the stuff leading up the one-on ones things like that then we get right into the uh the actual team drills and that's where we're going to pick up here so obviously this morning we talked about the starting offensive line that Paul brle had tweeted out said it was Rasheed Walker at left tackle Shan Ryan at left guard Josh Myers at Center Jordan Morgan once again at Right Guard and Kadeem tord filling in for Zack Tom at right tackle um it said Dillard again worked in at right tackle for telfort so Dillard is still competing for that backup right Tackle Spot Tuda getting some Right Guard reps with the twoos so Luke Luke Tuda is the one guy that we were talking about the other day Jacob we were like okay what's the latest on him it sounds like he's at least healthy and that's a big step for that guy right I mean here lately he's been uh or at least last year I don't even know if we we seen him one snap last year I don't remember it if we did but uh what do you think about Tuda getting some Right Guard reps there with the twos man obviously if Jordan Morgan does take the Right Guard spot you got sha Ryan playing a lot of backup left guard how do you boys feel about Tuda potentially making the roster here yeah I need to see a lot more um I think that it's a lot more telling they've been playing tord quite a bit um and then it looks like that yeah Ryan and Morgan are kind of That Swing backup guard depending on where uh Elton is so I would uh I definitely need to see some more I like Luke Tuda he's another if I remember big guy that was athletic so I know they liked him for a hot minute there definitely definitely I know we got people in the chat already Chris in says committed year round listeners here appreciate you Chris always supporting the channel man appreciate the emails too buddy Eric suin said we appreciate you guys like a clean pair of underwear hey Eric's right he's got three of those just like there's three of us right Jerelle Lee says okay kayin King made us proud we're gonna talk a lot about kayin King today we'll also talk about his niece Jaylen King okay um Ron sville says Jaylen King made it sound like they're more looking at him to play the slot just joking there Ron and it's a great point we talked about it earlier today and it was all over Twitter um man if kayin can somehow some way get in there and play the slot and we talked about it a couple nights ago didn't we Jacob that that he his I think it was Jake shink said that his his tools his skill set fits more of that uh playing that aggressive press man and we know they like to do that in the slot even with Joe Barry as a DC um there was a a large amount of snaps last year where the slot would play bump and run so that's going to be interesting there for sure um let's see what else we had here from the update so jumping into the offensive side of the ball I try to separate them offense from defense then we'll talk about how everything ended with the one and two minute drills that they kind of wrap up practice with and we'll also hear from kin King as well um but West hockwood says love delivers slant to Reed with Preston in his face good for 20 everybody is talking about Jaden Reed I think it was Andy Herman that might have tweeted it out yesterday or the day before as soon as Jaden Reed took the field they were like this dude looks even quicker than he did last year I'm really really excited about Jaden Reed I know you've seen some of the highlights and you you may see a couple of Clips here guys understand that the clips we're showing we are not showing 11 on 11 um and I don't even want to dive too deep into this I know there's some fans that are mad that people are showing the 11 on 11 I could care less to be honest with you we were talking offline and you know there's no team that's going to have a competitive Advantage because they seen 11 on 11s but at the same time the Packers are asking that we don't record and show 11 on 11s I'm trying to honor that so the majority if not all of what you'll get here is stuff like this throwing at the net these are the things that everybody who's on the sideline are allowed to record so we'll try to hit that all right so uh but yeah Jaden Reed sounds like he is already in Peak Peak form this training camp um Tim we have a talk to you in a while know me and Jacob hit on it earlier today Jaden Reed poised for a pretty good season I believe buddy I mean he led the team in yards LED in receptions broke the rookie reception record for the Green Bay Packers uh for like I said receptions by a rookie receiver I think that was Sterling Sharps record if I remember correctly so uh albeit probably played more games last year than Sterling sharp did back in his day with the expanded schedule but Jaden Reed looking good man yeah man they call him bird because he can fly right I mean this guy looks he does he looks faster than even last year and he was on our our short list of when we were talking about the receivers during the offseason who were putting in the work we we saw a lot of Davian Wicks and Jaden Reed uh getting some extra work in clearly it's paid off for both of these guys but you know I feel like Wix has got a lot of attention um Jacob mentioned this earlier especially from the fantasy crowd you know a lot of uh fantasy players are are talking about uh taay Wicks I feel like Reed has kind of flown under the radar here a little bit which uh is even more of an indicator to me that he's going to pop this year um he was a vital part of our success last year on the offensive side of the ball and I think that's uh going to continue this year um but he's just uh such an elite weapon to have with uh the type of receiver core that we we have here for Matt lefur to to use on a weekly basis so it's going to be fun to see him out there this year but yeah Reed looks good um you know he we've always known he's had good hands he's sure-handed really sure-handed physical receiver for a guy his size and his speed so uh I think as you know long as he continues to develop at this Pro level and keeps putting in that work physically and you know this guy's the limit for a player like Jaden Reed man I I said it last year I I told him to his face my first interaction I had with him I said you're going to be a star in this league man you know we're we're excited to have you here uh you're going to be a star and he's proven me right every single day so uh 2024 is going to be a hell of a ride boys it's gonna be he just plays the game the right way there's no doubt about that Eric suland said seen Morgan was sitting out in all the two-minute drills didn't play with the ones twos or threes is he hurt Jacob have you heard anything about Jordan Morgan potentially being hurt or why he may not have been in the lineup for those uh two-minute drills with all three teams groups I have not heard anything about that so I don't know if that was just maybe I don't know I don't is Eric have we fact checked Eric you know how he likes to spread around that fake news just saying there's not enough hours in the day to fact check Eric we have we have fact checked and verified he does in fact have three pairs of clean underwear so that's true we did get that confirmed no doubt um yeah maybe maybe we'll kind of Smitty I don't know if Smitty's in here Smitty is in here Smitty see if you could do a little combing through the the old X there and uh and see if you could find anything on Jordan Morgan sitting those reps out it might have been by Design right to get those other guys a few rep because he had it sounds like he's been killing it I mean he handled Devonte Wyatt today as everything that I read which is really really impressive M Smitty says aren't we the only team in the league that has that with that policy Clayton I don't know if we're the only team in the league but there's not many of them that still have that not being able to film with the open practice it's kind of the point of the open practices right um but I know the Chiefs they don't have that policy but also the Chiefs charge their fans to uh to go to training camp which is justy to me but s said pretty much every other team shows 11 on 11 wish the Packers with lighten up a little that seems to be the the large majority there for sure and then Ron sell says Tim Duos is killing it bro everybody has mentioned your name Jacob mentioned your name people in the chat mention your name we seen Duos doing good on special special teams also did good in some of the 11on 11 drills as well man uh I don't know man it's just I'm want to pull this up real quick it's just so hard for me to convince myself that he can make this roster Tim that's the crazy part like you got Watson dos Reed Wix Melton Heath that's six they would have to carry seven in order to have Duos make we know they're not carrying Alex M so yeah there you're telling me there's a chance um I don't know man you know crazy things happen um injuries happen too Tim yeah unfortunately I didn't want to use that word but since we said it yes uh those things happen and um put it this way last year at Camp there were two of the receivers that I really had my eye on were Bo Melton and grantab BOS and they both got hurt and they both lost significant time Bo was able to get back and play some meaningful football for us down the stretch and uh kind of kind of get a chance to Showcase that speed um and uh ability that he has but Grant deos didn't get that opportunity last year um I think he might be the hungriest receiver on this team uh Grant toos uh if there's any you know if there's anyone who wants it more than him I don't want to meet that guy um gr Grant deos is uh I don't know I'm with you Clayton I don't I don't see it either you know because you just look at these these names and you you kind of know who the yies are already and you wonder how many coach lafair is going to keep and you certainly would think a guy like Grant deos going to the practice squad is probably G to get snatched up and signed I I would think especially after a decent camp and a in a heck of a preseason um so I guess I'm kind of looking at it that way I'm looking forward to seeing him get some some big reps here in the preseason games and uh maybe he can fight his way up the dep chart you never know yeah could be right now you think the bosea get snagged off off uh special team or a practice squad I think it's possible I think there are teams that have horrendous wide receiver cares in the National Football League that would uh love a guy like Grant toose who brings an element of physicality speed good hands I mean he's got a pretty well-rounded repertoire um as a receiver uh which is clearly why he ended up here and you know playing in the green and gold and giving these opportunities I I just I hope it it is a long-term thing but I do I I see it as a possibility I'm not saying a probability but a possibility that he may not be safe on the practice squad when comes to shove I had two teams that I was afraid that would snag a few of our guys off the practice squad or just random guys that don't make the bubble that were in the process of trying to play that kind of weird chess that he does and I actually sent Clayton I think it was a a snippet of an article it was one of them was the Raiders the other one will be the Chargers both of those wide receiver cores are either decimated with injury or had guys early retire or just don't have a very deep core there what the biggest one would be the Chargers I think for me but also we've seen how many different old Packers or ex Packers just for some reason float on over to that Oakland team and start catching balls but I was I dude I wouldn't be surprised who said it in the chat talking about how you know I just think it's a Gimme That Malik Heath is wide receiver number six I think that might be one to take a a little bit there Blake was saying one here yeah Blake be's got it right there I mean that that's true probably that battle right Heath and deau is fighting for that last spot and it's like you know guys know I feel about Malik Keith man huge huge Malik Keith fan for a lot of the same reasons I just listed about Grant deos you know there's a lot to like about I'm not saying they're similar players or similar receivers I'm just saying these These are guys that are kind of on that bottom tier of the depth chart that they can be difference makers we saw Malik Heath make make a difference in a handful of games last year um in the small L that we saw with him and I believe Grant toos is that cut from that same cloth so I don't know we'll see we'll see boys do you think we keep seven I don't I don't know if we keep seven right I just don't see it man I really don't like if we pull up the the final 53 last year and again this is year to year and injuries play a huge role but last year we only carried six it was Christian Watson Romeo dobs samori T Jaden Reed davien Wicks and Malik Heath so if you replace samori t with yeah it it would that would have to be the spot but again we've got hold on a minute we just talked about six Bo m not on that list B's making the team we know that so you would replace samori with Bo Melton it's gonna come down to Malik Heath and du Bose I personally that's crazy because we're only here we only have two quarterbacks and only three running backs they're looking at possibly trying to keep four running backs we're trying to keep one of every position ain't we J it's crazy rough man I mean I kind of like your point you mentioned last week I believe Jacob I I was trying to catch up on some shows while I was working and you uh you mentioned that about you know looking at special teams or some of these other spots and like can we get someone to pull a little double duty free up a free up a roster spot and keep an extra receiver you know I think those are like decisions that maybe go through a coaching staff's head and when you when you get Talent at of this caliber and everybody's playing so well you kind of have to start considering those options because you want to keep as many weapons as you can um but I I I agree I think it's between Malik and uh and Grant there for the uh the final spot it'll probably be six right Clayton I think it'll be six most likely um Ron SEL said as far as Jordan Morgan it might have been getting his ass chewed talking about Jordan Morgan um they said that uh coach uh offensive line coach why can I think it was name buckus was all over Jordan Morgan today it sounds like he is coaching him really really hard so maybe there was something there Jen R even asked he had a fought start maybe might have been one of those deals where they pulled him out um I don't know coach ly said Evan Williams with another impressive day would love it if we get three safeties on the field in passing down or situational Downs uh he also went on Coach Lynn went on to say Duos will get snagged along with Heath I I I agree with Heath I don't know if Duos would but I would it wouldn't surprise me coach that's for sure and then Coach Lyn says Steve Smith was super impressed with our wide receivers he spoke about our guys on NFL Network so that's absolutely awesome there um all right on to the next set of notes Here taay Wicks continuing to be Tay Wicks West hocky wit says best catch of Camp by Davian Wicks pulls down a 23 yard rocket from Jordan Love So Tay Wicks picking up right where he left off last year obviously um I'm trying to do these in order in which they happen uh in Camp what's up Randy appreciate you swinging through buddy Wes hawts we were asking earlier what's what's up with Royce Newman we haven't heard his name at all Wes haitz said Royce Newman at Right Guard with the ones hello Newman so he Royce Newman was the offensive lineman that replaced Jordan Morgan at Right Guard with the number ones with the starters in the two-minute drill today so is that them giving him a shot to try to try to you know play a role in that competition there at Right Guard or is it something that maybe Jordan Morgan did to be penalized that's the big question right you guys think that it's uh have we seen any Jordan Morgan at tackle not much you think that's like a decision they made already like they're gonna just kick this guy inside for the time being that's what I'm coming away with man to be honest with you of of everything that we're talking about notes wise to me it feels like most likely Javon Bullard starting strong safety alongside Xavier mckin and again when you hear strong and free take it with a grain of salt those two positions are so interchangeable in today's NFL and and the complex defenses that that are fielded today um Javon Bullard and starting at strong safety and then the other big thing that sticks out to me is Jordan Morgan at Right Guard man um now that could change in the blink of an eye with a with someone getting banged up right if Rasheed Walker God forbid were to were to get banged up I would imagine Jordan Morgan would be the first look at left tackle I could be wrong but it just feels like that would be where they would go over C Jones but I like I said I could be wrong there it could also be like we just put the pads on too we're kind of still in the earlier stages of Camp maybe they are just shuffling a lot of guys around getting different looks I mean even seeing um sha Ryan at left guard is uh is a little different right normally he was playing Right Guard a lot so seeing him seeing him moved over there uh with the with the ones was kind of interesting and I'm assuming that's because Big E had a veteran rest day or something and they're just kind of playing musical chairs on that line um because we've talked about this a thousand times right Mike Wallace said it a thousand times you put your best five linemen out there I mean that's it's what you do it doesn't matter who's playing where if you can get your best five out there and play effectively it's going to give you the best chance to win so yeah no doubt about it man and so when you're talking about these names that are getting mentioned as rookies obviously the one that pops up first and foremost is Jordan Morgan he was the 25th overall pick I just wanted to do a quick reference here I'm going to drop this down and pull up the draft board from our draft coverage on my personal draft board I had Jordan Morgan at number 33 on my board um so obviously them taking him with the 25th pick right there in that ballpark of where he uh he was landed on the board as we talk about these rookies through Camp I'm going to refer back to this just to kind of get an idea for two things hey here's where we had them and also for me to take notes and go okay how close were we as far as the guys are actually seeing some significant practice time and how effective they may may be here early on so uh that's where Jordan Morgan landed though was in the uh what was it the 32 33 Spot somewhere around there so all right next note Jordan love West IIT tweeted out Jordan love is back and so too is the hate count gets LV into bot uh on Third and nine they went on to say hard count you ever hear of test driving a phone network well US Cellular is letting you test drive their Nationwide 5G for free try out US Cellular wherever you have spotty service your commute to work that one spot in your house or your service dips it's as easy as doing a little with your phone that's the buttons that's what that's the noise they make anyways test drive us cellulars Nationwide 5G coverage for free for 30 days just download the Try Us app US Cellular built for us terms apply visit trry us you're a podcast listener and this is a podcast ad reach great listeners like yourself with podcast advertising from lips and ads choose from hundreds of top podcasts offering host endorsements or run a reproduced ad like this one across thousands of shows to reach your target audience with lips and ads go to lipsand now that's Li IB Sy YN hard count people not hate count he's not out there spreading hate on the field it's all hate hate hate hate hate player haters ball right player haters ball you guys I love you I miss the old Chappelle nasty's Mama's dish excuse me I gotta go change the water and buck nasty the way they the way they kept cracking up at each other too and they didn't even edit it out so anyway Jordan love I think he's gonna master that hard count you've seen it a little bit last year he got got it to work a couple times that's something he definitely learned under Jordan love or under Aaron Rogers there's no doubt about that so really excited to see jaylo take that Next Step man got the contract out of the way you can play free you ain't got to worry about injury not that he would right but that hard count man that's a that's a that's a weapon guys it really is now it's only so good unless Josh Myers snaps the fing ball right um theall You miss out on that free play Tim I made the mistake I started reading the chat I'm sorry don't do that dude Uncle Eric aam you guys behave who else is in here acting guys are a trip right now I love it yeah I just took a pee too my God how dare you of control already so all right next I want to be able to to mention the the chat and put it up on the streen but your Knuckleheads get there I SI more water that I'm sure somebody spit in one of the best L we can put aam up this was pretty good I like that he says easy Smitty and your what do he say faded lroy guy on faded Jersey oh my god oh I love it you have to spit shine that thing man get that thing looking good there oh man all right I'm crying over here dude this is embarrassing I got tears rolling down my cheeks right now not those cheeks calm down everybody okay so all right next uh next thing here Michael Pratt Pratt gets the job done 12 yard checkup and we're gonna we're gonna dive into the one and two minute drills specifically in a minute but this is a note that came from it because we're just hitting the offensive side right now Michael Pratt gets the job done 12 yard check up to Jarvan Howard um and quick draw allows people allows people allow offense to spock the ball at the 24 with 1 second to go in needing a field goal practice ends with Carlson and Joseph both hitting from 5 55 on the left hash so that's ABS say it again practice ends with Carlson and Greg Joseph both hitting from 55 don't care about Greg Joseph he's not gonna be kicking Carlson hitting from the left hash that's the headline got it man I really do so Michael Pratt let's talk about Michael Pratt for a second where did we have him on the big board if I remember correctly he was fairly high should be in the green should be in the green here we go look at this 13 132 was where he was at on my board wow and if I remember correctly we took him with the 245th pick boys wow I'm telling you I I think he's gonna absolutely whether whether they move forward with him or not as the backup I think he's gonna boat race Sean Clifford and Camp I'm sorry I love Sean Clifford I love the energy I love him calling people the b word on the sidelines and and you know just stirring it up against the the opponents but my goodness man Michael Pratt I think I think the more comfortable he gets through camp and I can't wait to see him in preseason that's gonna be so much fun that's the majority of what we're gonna see right I don't want to see any Jacob een you just stand over and hold that clipboard potner I want to see a lot of Michael pratts what I want to see so again Michael Pratt was 132 on our board and we got in with the 245th pick there so all right next note here moving along we're we're we're flowing around anything you guys want to hit on an offense before we come back to the one and drills anything else just so the chat doesn't jump down poor John's throat Jon is quoting Clayton which he usually says around because this show sucks and then people are like John you joking right and then they start J shut up mag leave John alone leave him alone John we we got it buddy and don't pay any attention to those knuckleheads in there I try not to but they uh they get me every time yes I agree this show does suck 95% of the time it sucks every time you know what I'm saying so I don't know I'm not a doctor let's move on to the defensive side of the ball we had an LVN side had two coverage sacks for LVN as Packers secondary giving No Quarter in two so with the num with the twos with the backups LVN had two sacks albeit coverage sack me probably held on the ball for more than three seconds that was West howitz that tweeted that out I want want to see ovn I want to say I want to see him on the inside but that's a crowded room too boys we are deep on the defensive front and that is the blueprint for building a successful football team in 2024 there's no doubt about it all the good teams Focus up front and the Packers have done it every single year whether it's Devonte wde or it's LVN or it's Jordan Morgan seems like they're always going out and getting somebody on that on that front uh front four for sure so front four and five I should say what's up Rob Wester in the chat celebrity in the house you guys please act normal in there for just a second till Rob leaves okay he'll be he'll be gone just a second I promise you because he knows this show sucks so LVN anything you guys want to add to LVN there I think he can play inside if we need him to but I you know you're right we're we're pretty stacked up there right I mean lvm though he he had a pretty good rookie campaign in my opinion I I think he played about two expectations I don't I know if he exceeded any expectations in his rookie year but I think he played at least from my perspective he played about as well as I thought he would as a rookie and he he's a guy that looks like is just gonna continue to grow and improve uh in this league but you know I kind of like him more off that edge um but kicking inside is something physically I believe he can handle I really do yeah I do too and that's the beautiful thing like we talked about how Devonte Wyatt looks like he's trimmed down a touch too he could play defensive in in a 4-3 if we needed him to Kenny could play defensive fend and 43 We Know Carl Brooks can Jacob we talked about it Bowling Green I think that's where he predominantly played right um You Got guys that can go from the inside to the edge and you got people like LVN who can go from The Edge to the inside man it's just a very versatile group not that it's ideal to to want him to do that but still man that's a nice toour to have in your bag man for sure so yeah I mean now these are guys but to be honest like is that it would make sense if you were trying to figure out a way to make the absolute mostest out of your 53 like Tim referenced to what we talked about where it's like if you got a guy on the offensive line that can also long snap that can also po punt snap that can also you know do the kickoff specialist maybe a guy that's a holder is a your backup quarterback and that and then you know your punter is actually a kicker so on and so forth but like as far as the defensive line like you talked about does LVN take up 1.5 roster spots because he can kick in and like we talked about with Carl Brooks is he a guy that you consider I don't know if you consider more than one solid player or you know what I'm saying like more than or half of a solid player just because of the fact like who do you count out on that if you have guys that are so versatile like I'd argue even Preston possibly could do that here and there um you know LVN could do that kind of stuff Brooks could kick outside even we look in the secondary with how many different interchangeable parts there are with the slot corners and the outside corners and the Box safeties and the strong safeties and all that kind of stuff the only problem is is even though we have guys that could be versatile which could you know free up certain quote unquote whether it's a quarterback three or rb4 or wide receiver 7even or whatever the case is we still just keep there's just not enough spots to fill so we're gonna have to make hard choices and I hate to say I'm not saying that I want an injury to come I'm just saying usually when the injuries come we figure out a way to make that weird kind of three card Monty work where we're shifting around so many different aspects of the game using certain different rules um it's I feel like Goody's really good at that too like be like oh shucks this guy that's got all the eligibility for practice squad just tweaked his knee I guess we'll move him over there for a week and then we'll sign this guy to the 53 and then oh shucks six days in just at the deadline this other guy who was healthy he tweaked his pecs now I got to move this guy back off the squad onto the squad this guy over to that Squad now he's got two more weeks of Eligibility here blah blah blah like I do think that there's probably somebody that's Charlie smoking cigarettes connecting all the dots with the wires and the string in the back office just you know you know I hope that's the case but I don't know I see we got murf in the house good to see a cheese murf murf you guys would take a quick second um hit that like button for us feel free to sub to the channel share everything um if you like this kind of content it'll help boost the algorithm help other Packer fans find this Channel and find uh find our our content if you don't like it hey we appreciate you swinging through just don't tell anybody you didn't like it please that's all we ask okay so Ben Holden says remember when zidus Smith was blowing up yards from the inside LVN exclamation point that's a very good comparison I could see him playing kind of that same type of role right getting in there mugging that a gap and doing a little NASCAR package look that type of thing John in the chat says uh yes Brooks was a standup in in college that big old boy standing up that's wild to think about right there she was at everything in college it was crazy yeah Blake b says I can't wait to see the lbn sack celebration again with the bow and arrow that's my favorite man I thought he was I thought he was trolling uh uh Travis Kelce last year but that's evidently that's his thing man he's going to do it all year so uh I kind of like that celebration for sure I remember they tried to Outlaw that type of stuff in the NFL a few years back because it was promoting violence you know anything acting like you were shooting any kind of device they were you know cracking down on so hopefully those days are behind us there Blake b said I'm sorry Blake b Prince says three new injuries but all from the back of the roster you were just talking about injuries Jacob so far so good man like he said they've been on the backside and it's not anything major to this point I seen a couple things come across Twitter earlier people tearing acl's across the league man you hate to see it especially these young players that are trying to trying to make a name for themselves man it's just it's absolutely horrible um United bats good to see you buddy he says love was take talking positive about the D makes me excited seems a lot of people are seeing a positive in the changes hope it translate the real games me too buddy and I I I feel exactly what you're saying that was on NFL Network I would love to play that clip for you guys and gals but I'm telling you the AI would grab it it would trigger a copyright and we're just about out of the out of the woods with all this stuff with uh with YouTube so we've been trying to play it extra safe it sucks that we have to because we can't get answers but it is what it is and that's all that it is but uh let's see Antonio Universe says replacing most of the safety room and adding more backers has completely transformed the defense it it does kind of add a little more as Brady Pingo wants say aggressivity right Tim like you you get more backer bodies in there man and you're ready to smack people in the mouth as opposed to uh Speed and Agility and all that good stuff right I I agree I I mean we pretty much replaced the entire safety room didn't we I mean in one other than ant yeah yeah other than an Johnson so yeah Zan Anderson he didn't even play last year right I mean Zayn Anderson's a special teams um it's kind of like your Ace in the whole you know Zayn Anderson is everything that that we uh had thought that um d levit d levit was gonna be thank you I almost forgot his name that quickly um yeah that's I I careful now coach baceo wouldn't wouldn't like that Jacob hey you're an amazing person you know that don't you Clayton in that Lombardi it drove me nut uh there was a couple shout outs where they talk about Coach but he says very clearly coach bace yeah yeah yeah and I was like what the Michael Lombardi will now who am I to tell a Pana that he is saying an Italian name wrong but Michael Lombardi gets made fun of for mispronouncing names all the time what people don't know is he's completely got that pterodactyl did you see that boys saw he he's completely deaf in one ear and he says he struggles to pronounce stuff because of him being deaf in one ear could be an excuse I don't like excusitis you know some people say I didn't say some people say I understand you DEA in one ear you develop a in your mid 60s you know what happens I don't know I'm not a doctor I'm not a speech specialist um I will get an email tonight going it's not funny that you're making fun of people with speech problems I guarantee bro the emails I have fed it here L have you listen to this show recently we all have speech problems first of all I would never make fun of anybody with speech problems I just got done listening to the water boy so you overcame a lot of adversity why did you just say the water boy like a like a New York Jew Jewish man he found it just like Bobby B the water boy I did see a clip that came across uh YouTube in a short version uh I think it was today someone had created on road to glory on the college football video game Bobby bu and they done the sound no they didn't it's money gotta go find in Bobby bu college football 25 he's like 59 170 they literally had it said said water sucks the water sucks and it it would freeze frame it and he it showed the whole offensive line went the water sucks it was awesome go check it out that's a good use your time there but um anyway yeah replaceing most of the safety room and add more backers completely transform the defense I agree man it does add a little a little bit more physicality I think we got Joey in the chat here sorry that was good time there what did he say go ahead J I'll pull this one no it's stupid he just said water sucks and Gator HS better yeah you're drinking the wrong water drinking the wrong water Joey in the chat says good to see you there bu he says LVN has put on some muscle looks like a more physical player this year they may he is they may be looking to kick him inside a little bit more this one cracked me up she said murf with the line of the night say Clifford's playing for the defense it's been a rough start for Clifford man um been a being a rough start for sure we uh keep two quarterbacks this year guys I was just gonna say do you guys think he makes it to practice squad the the thing that worries me is like it shouldn't it doesn't worry me the thing that would make me think Clifford could win the the backup job over Michael Pratt is if Michael Pratt can't grab the offense quick enough right that's the only thing I feel like that would keep him because comes to accuracy and everything decision making it seems like Pratt is uh is a little bit ahead right now of of Clifford we'll talk about it here in a minute with the one minute and two- minute drills so let's get to the man of the hour the man of the day the player of the day kayin King we got a series of tweets that came out here Paul brle said kin King with an INT and a past breakup today he's been spinning individual reps in the slot but during team seeing some boundary time as well this might be the most valuable backup cornerback we're going to have on the roster guys another tweet West hawood says pass behind Watson and kin King gets a clean pick off qb1 possible pick six so it might have been a pick six if they hadn't blown it dead or just you know how they do that would practice a little bit different and then West howitz had quote tweeted King breaks up a pass for Wayne he's had a nice State and then went right back and said dude breaks like Hellfire on passes thrown his way that's what we're W boys aggressiveness especially out of the slot tell you what man Kean Nixon better better watch out dude this this might be uh kayin keing might might come out here and say you know what I'm taking over this slot Corner Spot um again I don't think it'll happen too early in the season but when it comes to Kin King in our draft board I had this figured out earlier give me just a second let me go to my play call chart here um we definitely had him on our board there he is at a 148.16156210 on our draft board now again if we go to where he was actually drafted kin King was drafted with a 255th pick now remember we talked about how we reshuffled our board a touch this year um because of the fact that Jaden Reed completely threw me into a deep depression that I couldn't figure out why they drafted him when they did and it was because his previous year not his final year in college but his previous year was phenomenal kayn King if you had had the 2024 draft immediately in the 2023 draft kin king would have been the number one corner taking off the board it was pretty much hands down unanimous across the board with anybody in the media they felt like Ken King was the best corner in the league now or in the country now obviously he took a step back but still man you draft that dude at 255 and if our board is remotely close to being accurate we got the 166 best Prospect and really what that 1481 says too guys he's worthy of the 148th pick it's just when you rank them the 166 is where he landed so you know what's crazy too is that can you scroll just just a tick up at that on that screen you're on right now yep just about 10 picks just about 10 picks in front of him you got Max Melton who we were all absolutely over the moon of and then yeah Travis Glover right there at 160 so it's like that grouping right there there was also a lot of great uh I should say we don't know yet but a lot of good talent that was picked right around that area too so it's not like he was I mean look at Xavier Xavier Legette right there who I just love Kyrie Jackson unfortunately who passed for the um another quarterback there for the Vikes is right in that area grouping um Javon Baker Jermaine Burton there's a lot of great talent that's right there it's crazy to me that he did fall that far like that that is insane yeah definitely I think he's the steal of the draft boys we said it on uh draft night I remember getting to to those final couple picks and being surprised a little bit that we took Michael Pratt at 245 we were going to pull the trigger on a corner there and I thought that was where we were going to get kin king um but the fact that we got them both within 10 picks of each other is just a testament to goody and and you know our our front office and and what we do man I I really do I believe those those two players could prove to be the steals of the draft Michael Pratt and kayin King the last two picks in the draft I think are gonna are going to shine here think about it Tim who's been the biggest steals of our last couple drafts it would be obviously in my pinning Rashid Walker and um Carrington Valentine y two seventh rounders that stepped right into major roles and they actually produced pretty dang well so I agree definitely here's what's crazy about kayin King when you see him here at the 166 spot the only thing that drug him down and I'm trying to remember what all these meant I believe that was wasn't the 33rd team I think that was Daniel Jeremiah maybe right there um no that was the 33rd team ranking so he was 45th on the 33rd teams big board at the time that I took the info down he was 38th on the consensus Big Board okay at one point and then the 708 that was his PFF grade for 2023 so he was 708th in PFF grade across College in 2023 but look at 2022 he 8th overall like it's just wild man the Big D so if you were to remove the 2023 grade you would have had a eight a 38 and a 45 he would have been a top 50 player on our board but that's what pulled him down was that PFF grade um from last year so just something to think about for sure I'm going to drop this down a second we mentioned Xavier Legette and anytime you get an opportunity to do this you do it my friends so we got Xavier Legette with the Carolina Panthers actually gave a weather report the other day I hope it's loud enough for you to hear listen to this stud accent everybody listen real close it may be may be kind of faint hopefully it's lot enough what going on P Nation man this is z here man I'm just here with a weather report it's a little bit cloudy out here a little bit of rain been raining all morning but we really excited to practice in weather here man good weather it ain't too hot do it keep I had no idea that he used to rap with Master P in I had no idea did you know he was with No Limit Records I had no idea yeah bro I'm telling you I was wanting the Packers to draft him somehow some way so bad because people would stop making fun of me on this podcast if they heard that I mean he makes me sound like like I've said a thousand times Margaret Thatcher that's what he makes me say he doesn't speak country he speaks cornbread go ahead bullet's got a pretty deep uh Georgia accent too but he's a little bit you can tell he's he he's aware of it so he like he enunciates a little things a little bit better but dude X Legette I love him so much man like swear I would like to see that guy like if if we're you know having maybe a beer or two because then you think they probably slide everything just go he probably speaks better to be honest with you oh dude coach Len that's exactly what I was thinking he sounds like Gambit in Wolverine that old school Gambit if you watch ex uh X-Men he was that was great many people say he sounds like boomhower too off of King of the hills so I could see that for sure all right so let's see here let me uh let me get our draft board back up see we already got sidetracked somebody start speaking country man that's my language you know what I mean so all right up next Evan Williams another guy yeah boom love it West hawt says Clifford picked off by Evan Williams on a pass across the middle on first play of the number two two-minute drill so this is the number two team two-minute drill ends the drill and then the ones came up so Evan Williams again guys that's a name that keeps popping up um where did we have Evan Williams this is going to take a second you guys tell me what you think about Evan Williams so far in Camp and I'll uh see if I could find him here because I had him a little bit lower I believe see how long he's running with the twos yeah did you by chance get to see his interview today Tim who no I did not Williams they uh so now if I if my numbers are correct I believe he has at least two interceptions if not three um he's broken up a bunch of plays he's been like kind of showing up in the back field as far as like the run defense and I I don't know about you Tim but uh when we watched his highlight reel I know me and Clayton thought well he's really good at shooting you know the Gap and blitzing off the edge and kind of being that hmm that you just send with his hair on fire but like Clayton talks about his biggest knock was he thought maybe his coverage skills and he was like quite lacking in those but what we've seen and what we I guess heard when he dipped into the college tape a little bit before that because I believe he was at um was it Oregon before yeah and he actually had decent games where he held his own he looked really really well Fresno yeah that's right um but he just seems like he is starting to shine and um again we talked about I posed this question earlier today like what happens if we have three or four absolutely dogs at safety and our worst quote unquote performer at the end of the year is a guy like um McKenna like what do you do with that it's a great situation to have but it's just weird to think about that could be a possibility from going from the safety group being arguably our worst position group to now being stacked out the gills to the point where we're trying to figure out what do we do with them all yeah it's just like we say about our receivers it's it's kind of the same thing um and I think Evan Williams is uh you know the coverage issue you know could be a non-factor but it's also let's see how he looks in the NFL right and so far so good but we're only a week into camp we'll we'll see once the uh we see some preseason action like I said I'm looking forward to seeing him running with the ones I'm sure at some point that'll happen um at least you know during some team exercises probably as they mix things up but um he looks like a really solid pick in the middle of that draft I I I really do I mean um and Jacob you hit it on the head man our our safety room last year was full on liability at times and uh in Les than a few months we've completely transformed our uh our safety room and it's for the better and I think Evan Williams is going to play a role in that we we just don't know how big of a role he's GNA have and the biggest thing that hurt Evan Williams on my board I had him in the 217 spot with a grade of 21.5 um the biggest thing is noticed right here we didn't have a 2022 grade for him from PFF I just double checked again and I still can't find it on their side so obviously his was a little bit lower in 2023 maybe than would have been at Fresno State but nonetheless um he uh the big thing that drug him down there is definitely the uh the 224 grade which would have been the 33rd team so the 33rd team was pretty low on him and then the consensus Big Board I believe was low on him as well if I remember correctly I think that was the d uh the D column there so uh that's kind of how he hit now when I pulled up his grade from last year um his defensive grade at Oregon was 76.0 coverage grade 7 2.2 run defense grade 72.0 all pretty solid pass rush grade 89.1 that just screaming off the edge and I don't know about you guys but when I think of a blitzing safety I think of looy Butler back in the day they throw him in the box and he just get after the quarterback too this guy right here 36 he could do everything man could do everything Hall of Famer love that dude so Evan Williams again um and and I had him at here's what's crazy I had him at 217 on my look where the Packers took him though they took him at 111 we moved up to get him right yeah they seen something in Evan Williams big time and it looks like it's starting to show in Camp already right you know what's crazy can you pull that uh just our our picks up real quick yeah because it is crazy even now as the dust is settled just a little bit we've seen who these guys are all of a sudden you know the Morgan pick we're living with it we feel like we can use that the Cooper pick it's like yeah that makes sense Bullard seems more and more like a steel the Lloyd pick after we see him where he's been running around we're like oh man he looks explosive the hopper pick was one that I was scratching my head and then the Williams pick those were the two where I was like I don't understand these and where they were sitting now I'm way more excited about Williams I think Hopper is shown way more um oomph or like a lot more than I thought I which justifies the fact yeah maybe I understand why they took him in the third you got guys now like monk where you're like okay I can see him developing into a seconde starter uh you know down the line and then Katan ladapo we're talking about the safety group guy's still sitting bubble wrap we haven't even taken him out he's still got the the fresh yellow hairs ready to go he hasn't even seen anything yet and then we still got like guys like Glover and then brat and King are already making like actual contributions to the team day one I think we may already we look back at this list and things will be shifting in ways that we didn't think like I think the biggest knock people said was the hopper the Williams and the monk pick that that they said that was we kind of fell off in the middle of the draft did we though I don't think we did I don't think either been really really good I like the Tyron Hopper pick for depth it adds some depth to that linebacker room apparently he's been flying around looking decent he's been under wire absolutely yeah definitely uh M Smitty says yep Tim we did 126 to 111 by packaging pick 190 and 126 yep that sounds right okay so we gave up 190 to climb up what 15 spots to get Evan Williams so they seen something there that they liked what that probably what that typic means is he is one of the final players and probably the highest graded player in that current tier of Talent on their board so um there you go Hooper is uh I think he meant Hopper right Hopper flashing already also is what coach Lynn says so there you go man good stuff all right let's see let's move along here we're running out of time with the 49 minute Mark man this is flying by absolutely awesome all right kickers got to talk about the kickers Joseph this is from Paul brle he quote tweet himself earlier says a bit of a switch up on Phil go today with Joseph and Carlson both alternating reps both go three for three to start both are 14 of 15 in Camp so far and then he quote tweeted that and said Joseph good from 51 and missed from 53 Carlson missed from 51 but he was good from 53 so both are four for five on the day so uh I think you got an error on the side of Andress Carlson if you uh if it's that close of a match obviously and Andre Carlson has a huge leg um you can't you know that's something you got to really take into consideration if he's got a much stronger leg than someone like a uh Greg Joseph for sure so let's jump into the one minute drills to start with the starters okay and I love this aspect of our of our practices this is really cool how they do this so Andy Herman tweeted out same scenario for the ones down by two first you know what I guess I'm going in went in these back now I know I didn't go in backwards because it ended on the on the threes so let's just go with it same scenarios for the ones down by two first and 10 at their own 30 only a minute five left one timeout Royce Newman in at Right Guard with the ones for Newman or for Morgan uh love throws 23 yards on a great throw and juggling catch by Wix 29 in coverage Wix got out too so he got out of bounds love hits Jacobs in stride who picks up five and gets out of bounds Mosby all over a screen to Jacobs screen game continues to be a nightmare timeout offense third and seven coming up ball at the opposing 45 with 47 seconds left no timeouts I love this stuff this is awesome offsides defense make it third and two could have been a hard count there right love hits Dyan for a first but it's an illegal formation back to Third and seven 39 seconds left love complete to uh love complete to love is there another love on the on the team or am I missing wait did he pull a bread fire he threw a completion to himself maybe he did love complete the love for five fourth and two love throws to Musgrave down the sidelines but Musgrave stopped was an ad lib play and love had all day the defense wins so the defense won there uh in the on okay now let's move on to the one minute drill for the twos all right two-minute drill for the twos first and 10 at the 30 105 left one time out Clifford immediately throws a pick to EV a nightmare off seon for Clifford I don't mean to laugh man I love the D but so that was a quick little session there obviously he just comes out all right guys listen let's go down let's make sure we're getting out of bounds we got one timeout we got to come away with three here we're down two you ready break interception all right guys let's go back to the S so that's how that ended now here's the fun part two-minute drill for the threes Michael Pratt at the helm all right Pratt check down to Will dropped Pratt beautiful throw to Wayne along along the sidelines out of bounds first down Pratt incomplete to Wilson over the middle for some reason they are doing the play over though okay A near insane pick for kin King but it falls incomplete Pratt incomplete to Stanley on a slant Pratt with the beautiful throw between two Defenders to Wayne for a first down out of bounds diving catch from Wayne Pratt complete to starky for about seven a slant time out Pratt throws for a wouldbe first down to Hicks but it's dropped kin king would have been right there for the Stop Pratt with a touch throw to Howard for a first down out of bounds Pratt hands inside for a couple Pratt Almost Doesn't get the snap from the center in time for the Spock Pratt spiks with one second left a beautiful drive from Pratt to set up a game-winning field goal I think they both that's what we were talking about earlier both of those kickers Joseph hit from 51 and Carlson hit from 53 I think is what it was to end it up so um Michael Pratt took them down and won their uh their their two-minute drill there fellas so uh that's how practice in and of course push-ups for the offense today so yeah there you go because the ones I think the defense actually want to find her s correct I have a hard time keeping up with that stuff to be honest with one thing I've always liked about those is that the uh I guarantee you the offensive staff is doing the push-ups too so it's not just the players it's the whole unit I love it coaches get involved it's great yeah something else I noticed too uh with some of the videos people were showing from the sidelines and everything Derek Ansley coach Ansley you he is very animated that dude is all over they said OAB Basi too is really bringing the juice he's he's hopping in there and coaching his guys up constantly ogab boss's he's one of those get off the bus coaches you want him getting off the bus first so the opposing team looks over and goes Dam yeah right there that's what you're looking for man take him to a bar fight right but um re just a quick little recap from West hawts kayin King gets number one snaps and immediately capitalizes check that off the Box Evan Williams keeps making plays in the Packers secondary the refs were here and everyone is still figuring out the new kickoff play everybody I don't know we're gonna do about this kickoff so with that being said let's hear from kayin King real quick Ryan wood actually tweeted this out I apologize if it's too loud um I tried to crank it up so we could actually hear it but here's Ryan wood talking to Kay King who had a phenomenal day today playing both on the boundary and in the slot picked QB W today it's always a good day uh how do you feel about it I feel good you know just having opportunity my guys you know things of that nature so good what you see on the play look like you got a good good break on it oh I just seen like I was just reading the quarterback you know trusting my instincts seeing the ball made the ball on it so there you go eyes on the quarterback one of the techniques too that uh that Jeff hle teaches and I think it was coach had had explained this to us was using that like a I think it's called a fishee technique where you're you're playing man coverage and you're you're still you've got your eye on the quarterback you're watching the quarterback through your your your work your coverage right so maybe that's something we'll see them be a little more aggressive reading the quarterback's eyes like you typically do predominantly in in zone coverage when it's not a very matchy Zone um but nonetheless man kayin king might have a something there fellas um that's pretty much it from camp today though uh let's get your all's parting thoughts we'll wrap this thing up uh Anders Carlson's our kicker that's I'm just gonna continue to hammer that point home um I agree 100% with you Clayton if if him and Greg Joseph are this close at camp and and Camp ends this way and they're kind of tit fortat neck and neck kind of thing I think you you go with Anders I really do not just because of the youth I think you go with them just because of the the stronger leg and the the higher ceiling I think we know what we get with a guy like Greg Joseph um and that's a big reason why he's here is to uh to compete in Camp and to put a little bit of a a fire under Anders so um but that being said I think Anders has the job already I mean that's it's my belief from day one we got to give him time um I refuse to believe he had as bad of a rookie season as some some fans want me to believe had and I think he's going to be even better this year so looking forward to seeing him kick a couple game winners for us there you go Jacob sir yeah Tim's 100 perc right uh there is absolutely no reason where he is in his career right now Anders is coming off of a better rookie season in Mason Crosby statistically coming off with the pedigree of knowing Rich basa and knowing Daniel Carlson his brother and what he had to do he literally said I know exactly what I figured out in the offseason that that what I've been doing was an overcorrection or an undercorrection whatever it is since that time it's been 100% almost literally in his kicking ability he's missed one and a like one kick one of them was over the crossbar type stuff um it's his job to lose the the physical freak like you guys talked about he's a massive kid he's like he's a six foot five plus type guy so he's got the long leg he's one of those people when you actually I'm told when you hear it connect with the ball it's like the hell was that you know like it creates a thunderous boom that's another it's a it's a meat missile that I don't think we give you know that that missile that swinging appendage meat missile you know guys know what I'm talking about just you know that's so true Jacob because like kicking being a kicker it's a lot like being a golfer you know swing it looks so easy to just hit a golf ball oh yeah just hit the golfball it's like anyone who's ever tried it knows it's freaking impossible to do it consistently well with any kind of skill and the slightest tweak to your game can make all of the difference like in your golf swing and kicking Place kicking in the NFL college high school whatever it's the same thing it could be how you're putting your plant leg it could be how you're twisting your hips are your shoulders Square it could be you know a million different things so the fact that he knows and was able to work on that and correct it is huge I I agree definitely all right FS appreciate it Tim it was good to have you back man for sure um we'll be back tomorrow 700 PM Central to talk more Packers uh let's take a quick glance at the schedule here I'm pretty sure yeah no open practice tomorrow on Monday but they'll be back at it on Tuesday like Tim said at 10:30 a central time uh Lambo time so there's a good chance Tim could make it there for one of those two practices and then of course Thursday we got the Hall of Fame game so we got preseason football and then family night is on Saturday so gonna be a fun week of just feel football for sure and we're gonna listen to this one more time just because I can Xavier Legette here boys let's hear it just soak it all in what going on P Nation man this is z here man I'm just here with a weather report a little bit cloudy out here a little bit of rain been raining all morning but we really excited to practice in the weather here man good weather it ain't too hot like do it keep H that's funy all right we're out guys appreciate y'all putting up with us if you would hit that like button on the way out feel free to subscribe to the channel we'll be back tomorrow night going pack going daily going live daily with all your Packers coverage through training camp and obviously into the season postgame shows pregame shows breaking everything down uh breaking the tape down during the week we're going to be doing it all so uh thank You' all so much for making us a part of your evening for those of you listening on the Pod thank you for making us a part of your day whether you're listening morning afternoon or not as always let's go out and be the change we want to see in the world and go P go

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