Italians are facing a harsh reality living on top of Europe's most dangerous Volcano #Italy #Volcano

guys I want to give you an update about what is going on at Camp f it looks like this massive long lasting earthquak swm is giving us a break right now so if you look at this list the last one was on August 20th so 3 days ago almost 4 days if we go Italian time but this one has been lasting basically since August 14th till August 20th with earthquakes every day and in the higher ranges many above two 2.8 2.4 um so higher ones and this list only shows you the ones above one so there were several more smaller earthquake that have rattled the residents there and even if it's only 2.8 for a volcanic area that's significant um it came with a roar people could hear it so it was rattling and shaking residents on an ongoing base so of course everyone's wondering what's going on at CI flick what does that mean well that's the problem it's hard to predict certainly something is going on and it's it has intensified with this earthquake swarm but we haven't really heard much of the authorities what the bulletin is saying the Brady seism that land rise is continuing constantly at a rate of 2 cm per month so that has hasn't stopped that isn't changing and there's many critics that say this super volcano has be become too big to tackle for the officials and the authorities that's why they're kind of like only dealing with the earthquakes and saying we have a seismic problem we need to upgrade homes seismically they're not really wanting to talk too much about the volcano or potential eruption it has come out that they're also worried about tourism about people coming there we know for a short period a few months ago the UK has issued a travel warning because of this um but you know Puli the town that is affected by this the most the most direct impact because there we have the Sal fatara that's this one crater that is most active and that is the epicenter of most of the earthquakes and the circle around this um psul is a Scenic Beach town that has this crater and it's just outside of Naples I mean famous people like Sophia lorine was born there in Puli um but you know they had the most powerful earthquake since decades in May with a 4.4 and since then we had another four and so it's it's intensifying and it's it's rumbling and it has terrified inhabitants in their sleep when it happened right so they slept in their cars and they had a emergency camp set on the seafront so it was really disrupting the piece there and of course we know Italy is a country that is prone to seismic activity like earthquakes and the problem that we have in potsi here it's POI is part of a very densely populated area and they're basically living on the volcano because it's not a high crater it's flattened out it you don't really realize that you're on a crater but this densely populated area sits on the most dangerous volcano in Europe and on one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world there are 24 hidden underground craters they call this accumulation campi f the F ran fields that means the burning fields and there's a reason why they're called that so they also call it a super volcano and this volcano is closely located next to another volcano Vivio so Naples is basically right in between these two giant volcanoes I mean vivus has destroyed the ancient Roman city of Pompeo ad79 and the problem here is and that's what many criticizes that politicians have turned a blind eye for decades yes because probably it's an area of exceptional natural beauty you can't deny that and that's why Coastal real estate there is highly desirable cuz it's beautiful the climate is just stunning right um that's why the build building construction ran out of control basically and the population was increasing increasing increasing and now we have half a million people living in these towns all over the highest danger zone but Camp threatens Naples as well that's an area with more than three million people but basically on this volcano half a million people and that's why it's so dangerous because you can't evacuate them properly or in time if the volcano doesn't give you much warning so CI fi has erupted 500 years ago and uh but since summer last year the small tra Tremors have grown more frequent to a point where scientists have been recording more than 1500 earthquakes a month in May for example and then there was this big one the 4.4 right and it was coming with more than 150 Tremors in just one night so this Quake wasn't big enough to cause serious damage to buildings although it did cause some damage but the resulting Panic that came from this finally kind of kicked the butts of authorities to take some action after they did drag their feet for decades doing nothing absolutely nothing so yes they are trying to prepare emergency plans to evacuate hundreds of thousands of people they're receiving criticism for this because experts are saying it's not going to work and you're only focusing on seismic activity you need to prepare for the worst case as well so but also the national government is for the first time time considering quite a radical proposal so they want to pay people to leave they've tried this in the vuia Red Zone there weren't many takers they offered like €30,000 what is this like almost $40,000 us um it wasn't a big incentive if it's even 40,000 with with the Euro week so but you know what I mean is that an incentive to leave your home to leave your property how how far does that get you right um but the problem is the Minister of civil protection nalo muumi he has said now repeatedly since this earthquake that the residents in this area they are living with three risks that's a big earthquake that could come at any time because scientists has said after the 4.4 we have to prepare for a five for a bigger one so the big earthquake then the Brady seism the landwise the the rising ground level is caused by magma filling the underground magma Chambers underneath Camp so it's the ground is swelling and then the third thing that they're dealing with he says is a very complex very dangerous volcano well I would say they're only dealing with a volcano cuz the volcano is causing the the land rise the swelling and the earthquakes they're dealing with a volcano period right so and if your minister of civil protection says evacuation would be a problem and he says that in a press conference this tells you something he says if there was a powerful earthquake and he's only talking about the earthquake not an eruption in the middle of 500,000 people and More Than 3 million people so he says if there was a power ful earthquake 3,000 or if three or 4,000 people would get into their cars and try to leave Emergency Services wouldn't be able to move they would clock everything that tells you something right so that's why it's critical that they do something so basically what people are criticizing is that there was a very permissive culture in ki F over decades so um a regional councelor for example for the local Independent party has addressed this problem and has said Decades of permissive government that has allowed illegal construction to flourish with successive governments granting amnesties to legalize runaway development has put people in danger cuz they should have never built right up on the volcano if you see the aerial picture here it's like crazy you see these holes everywhere these are craters they look like asteroides fell down or bombs or whatever this is where they're building so that is why there is a lot of danger here and yes we have to admit this area is Paradise it's stunningly beautiful the landscape is exceptionally beautiful and the climate there it's like you're living in eternal spring who wouldn't want that it's absolutely it's a dream come true and then the thermal activity of the volcanoes even heating the water in your home isn't that convenient it's all great right until the bad things happen so what they're saying is this natural beauty of this Coastline in this volcanic area has made this area vulnerable with opportunities for speculation that have fueled the constant Urban Development that has put fire into this problem right has fired up this problem so but they're saying it's everyone's fault not only the politicians also the fault of the citizens who buildt there and and and live there so what is there now and that's also a problem they're saying in all sides govern and residence there's re there's resignation and low expectations so people are basically wow what can we do not much right and that's why many people are criticizing that the problem has never even been addressed because it's not profitable to address this problem and also it always seemed too big to resolve that's why has the volcano become too big to tackle where would you send all these people right so overall Italy tends to react well to disasters once they have happened but it does little to mitigate them beforehand that is what many criticize there and what this independent um person says this country has one of the best civil Protection Services in the world but it only reacts to emergencies there's no prevention and yeah that is a problem here at camp and uh if you have seen my video about the beijan and the super yach that sank at the coast of Sicily um check it out by the way it's in the end screen um the Civil protection and the Emergency Services have responded very very well to this but the prevention is the problem but how do you prevent it now now that all the people live there now that it's so densely populated and what one resident told me it's not that you would just take your husband and your kids and move away they they wanted they they will not leave without Grandma the uncle the aunt the sisters they have big family structures there and they either leave all together or nobody leaves they they leave nobody behind which is it's beautiful but it's also a problem to get people to move because if Grandma says I've lived your all my life I'm old enough I don't care if I die here then everyone basically stays that's what this Italian resident told me I mean we have to say it's impossible to predict with certainty when C might erupt but when it finally does and it will at some time the impact could be very devastating and that's the problem so the last eruption of CI in 1538 led to the formation of a new Mountain that's why they call it Mont noovo new mountain and there was a massive blowout 40,000 years ago um that has cloaked most of Eastern Europe with Ash with traces of this ash found as far away as Russia today's Russia so so that's why they're saying that danger to the public could only be mitigated by rehousing the local people elsewhere so try to do that try to move them away from Paradise leave their properties behind I don't think this is going to work so of course they're saying if there was less people it would make it easier to evacuate those who remain in an emergency so homes and schools for those who remain would have to be safe well as safe as it can be right and residents should be informed about what to do in an emergency with evacuation tests well they have run an evacuation rehearsal the problem was nobody came 30 people came showed up to that emergency they they wanted to do this in the POI area and they invited 30,000 people to this emergency rehearsal and 30 people showed up so there you see what the people are willing to do or are they not taking it serious or are they thinking evacuation wouldn't work anyway so why even bother I've had enough all these earthquakes all the time running out of the homes and stuff they were just probably fed up with it that's my interpretation already last year there were proposals presented to the government to the regional Parliament to ban new construction and to incentivize people to leave but these proposals were ignored so now we're at a stage where the new construction it looks like they will put a lid on it or they have put a lid on it government has been slow to act but it seems now the government is preparing more to mitigate the risks what the minister of the civil defense says and that's probably true he says we Southerners we are a bit detached a bit fatalistic we are used to knocking on wood he said well yeah I guess if you live there and if you plan on living there that's all you can do right and he says that those who choose to live there at campi fck know the risks and must now be be responsible well what does that mean for these people right um and that's the problem what he says now he says we only remember the volcano when the earth shakes and this is a great error we need to live in Vigilant coexistence with the danger well the volcano keeps reminding them quite on a regular basis right now that it's shaking that it's there and that something's happening underneath the surface so um after the 4.4 they're carrying out safety checks of the homes they have displaced residents and you know they have briefed residents on evacuation plants um and like I said it's in the drawers to pay residents to leave but also muumi says well if there are those who say with all due respect I don't want to stay here what should the government do in this situation support this decision help them or turn away so that's why they're thinking about paying them so new construction needs to change somehow you know um the the co- playay of Urban Development and at the same time Mass evacuations that hasn't worked it's not it's impossible right and you know um equally problematic would be if many people want to stay and they don't want to take the payout um which is probably going to be the case because they don't want to uproot their families they want to protect their homes fears of looting and the the biggest problem is these people have lived in this danger zone all their lives so there's dividence right people have lived here for Generations they're used to the earthquakes and they're saying this is my land I don't want to leave we have even seen this in the little fishing town of grindavik where the danger was even more visible where the big cracks were opening homes were tilting the lava was burning down homes and there was still resistance so I feel for the people and I feel for this and uh we have to wait and see I have no doubts that we will see the next earthquake swarm probably pretty soon and uh yeah there's not much that we can do we can we have to wait and see what this volcano is doing and and and hope and pray that it won't erupt but you know we have to be realistic at some point it will erupt a even a small eruption could be catastrophic already because I think if more than 3 million people are in panic and try to leave that would be devastating enough even if the eruption doesn't get them right so that was a little bit an update and an inside check out this Iceland video we just had a new eruption absolutely beautiful I have to say and I can say that because nobody was hurt no infrastructure was destroyed check it out and check out the super yard that did sync within a minute absolutely crazy although like the Titanic the manufacturer set it's un syncable but if there's user error what can you do everything can be destroyed so check this out guys and I hope to see you very very soon thank you so much for your ongoing support if you want to support my channel become a channel member click the join button that's next to the video and um become a follower on my Buy meac website the link is in the description of this video it's for free you can follow me there I'll send out emails I'll send out posts but you can also support the channel there if you wish so and thanks again for your support here on YouTube with your super Skies it really helps a lot and I hope to see you very soon stay safe be prepared I'm out of here bye-bye

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