Published: Mar 26, 2024
Duration: 00:19:41
Category: Entertainment
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Murray Hees it down field it is oh it's caught it is caught Garett Wilson whoow What A Catch floats it back corner for Adams he pulls it in and gets his feet in touchdown toss to White he in Patriots win the Super Bowl all right thank you so much for watching another addition of inside the pylon Fidel barza here alongside Chris arzola and our Scout Walter Stringer from Lions Avenue Walt Chris how you guys doing good man good same here same here glad to be here man yes and tonight we do have a special guest he is a wide receiver from Youngstown University Bryce Oliver Bryce how you doing good and yourself good thank you for joining us man thank you no problem thank you for having me just you know tell us a little bit about yourself uh um grew up uh with two parents Mom and Dad uh was grew up a basketball kid didn't really get into football um till like later on in my life um I would say um but yeah my my father passed when I was 10 so that was kind of like a big uh thing in my life I had to kind not really grow up fast but you know just understanding like it's time to like Step Up kind of to help my mom out more earlier um and I would say from there on um my mom put me in football and that's where I met my uh a lot of my friends that I play with now a couple guys in NFL Z flowers I play on the same NFL po one the team with Z flowers and Kenny McIntosh who played for the Seahawks right now uh those guys are lifelong friendships I have to this day um then that kind of got me going to high school making a decision I could have went to the PowerHouse uh American Heritage play football but I decided to go to a power house and basketball because I was more so leaning towards the basketball side um ended up winning two state championships in basketball and High School uh got recruited heavily in in football as well so that just decided me to trigger down and do like like throughout the process of recruiting and stuff I talked to my mom and we understood like what route I wanted to took and I decided to go to football because the analytics say it's easier to go professional in football than it is to play in the NBA so and throughout that process I decided to go to Kentucky um everybody knows just the relationship I had with Coach gr and Coach stops and Coach Meo there man it was it was more family oriented and plus as well we had a couple of guys I think we had like eight eight SES just from the south Florida area just for the for laille Miami area go in that one class that I would came out in 2018 and then the previous year was about six or seven so I would say just just before I even got there it was probably like 16 guys from South Florida so I thought you know what I'm saying just from the way it looked they were building like a little pipeline from like South Florida to Kentucky so then uh just fast forward to me just getting on campus um it was a blessing man I played four games my freshman year got he still used my red shirt I played the uh Penn State game I played Florida I played I can't even remember uh I don't even remember but I still ended up using my red Shir and playing four um pivotal games actually um just fast forward the next year um I actually got a starting job uh ended up scoring my first career touchdown the next year um then as you probably guys know like uh our starting quarterbacks get hurt so we have another backup uh Sor Smith I believe that Sor Smith he ends up getting hurt the Florida game the day the the game after Terry uh got hurt Terry Wilson got hurt so everybody knows this the story behind this if you really kept up with Kentucky football we ended up putting Lynn bow and that quarterback and he just goes ballistic ever since he uh he took that role uh kudos to him man he did a hell of a job that year um but then fast forward to the next year uh we get Terry back and it was co uh so really was just like it was just all it was it co was just a year man like you can't even really put it in words you can't wrap it up you just into a summary it was just it was it was it was a hell hole man was just a lot going on I got I missed the first three games with a hamstring then I ended up missing like I wantan to like three games just from close contact I didn't even have Co it was just like it like what's the point of having a season so that was just took a toll and then one of my favorite one of my father figures that that that coached me throughout Pop Warner in high school he passed away during Co and then my grandma passed away during Co so it was just a lot stacking up on on top of me uh throughout that whole uh that whole fall and that whole summer uh 2020 so fast forward to 2021 spring I decided to end of the trans for portal uh this was right before they got will EV you know who knows if I would have knew that earlier who knows I probably would have still been a wild cat you know but yeah man it was a who who who know who would knew but yeah that was that that was a big thing so I decided to transfer ultimately it came down to a couple teams I had in mind Buffalo Illinois was big on me um atran and then Youngstown um ultimately I decided to go to Youngstown just because sometimes you just have that gut feeling um you just you could tell like when people are being genuine about everything they say and they mean and I and I and I gen really felt that so I decided to go to Youngstown and then from from Daron I just I took I took the the RO head on from coming from a power five you know I knew things weren't going to be the same obviously but I decided to take that and take that task head on and I and now look I where I am today yeah Bryce who would you say you model your your game after that's tough man I get I get this question a lot actually especially throughout my career um I've gotten a lot I don't I I personally don't model my I don't really like try to model my game out someone I just try to take tools and things from other people but a lot I watch a lot of AJ Brown I watch a lot of Jarvis Landry for sure those two are probably the most I watch um just because AJ Brown he's a more bigger guy he he has more weight on me I say we're about the same height but he definitely has more weight on me and um I watch uh jvis because we're relatively in kind of the same I probably got a inch or two on him but Weight Wise and I think like what he does on the field be being able to sit in zones and run out their catch or things um that are that are similar between us two how did you start playing wide receiver was there maybe another position that you were thinking about playing how'd you end up at white out so when I first started playing football I I started off as DN just because I was tall you know taller kid um the coaches just put me I wouldn't say they put me anywhere they just put me there and then I ended up going to tight end and then we were literally doing something in practice one day I remember this day to to the te we were doing like catching DS in practice and I was literally like the only like only guy there catching the ball with my hands without even like no body catching and they was like we're going to put them my wide receiver this was the next year I I finished that year that was my first year at uh at tight end and DN and the next year I went to wide receiver I didn't really like Blossom until like my eighth grade year I want to say I started to Blossom so okay so for those that don't know right you hold the the record at Youngstown State for you know wi or for touchdowns in your career um for those who Haven never seen you play before how would you describe your uh playing style I would say I'm a complete player I like to set the set the tone early uh throughout our offense you know most of the time we like to hand the ball off and uh just just set the tone with the offensive line I like to get uh get a body onbody like to like to th up some safety th up the corners I like to set the tone early you know uh just get my hands on somebody in this block and definitely that's that's number one for sure uh they always say no block no Rock definitely so I take that with pride um and I would say just with me man you getting a complete player I think I've made big strides throughout my college career especially this past year going from my junior to my senior year just learning how to understand coverages uh Miss and I we've called out numerous of coverages and and Teck the numerous plays a it's a clip uh you guys can pull up uh Missouri State it's three man rout three man side to the boundary we checked it you can see me telling Mr can to play we had two plays called and I hit my head on a go post uh with a post route so that's just a just a testament to what the the work we put in with film study and things of that but like I don't want to cut myself short man I think you're getting a complete play like I said I block um for sure handed definitely the film doesn't lie um being able to run routes getting getting out of my routes cleanly um definitely for sure and just understanding the game sitting in zones when I need to uh understanding leverages of of the DB understanding my opponent for sure definitely yep so Dillard High School alone yes sir got some famous names that came through there uh Super Bowl champ Isaac Bruce who was your wide receivers coach there didn't know that didn't know that at all uh Frank Sanders who went to University Auburn got drafted by Arizona had a solid career in the league uh also Chris Gamble hell of a player at Ohio State as well as the Carolina Panthers retired early so you had a story about your head with your uh your prision coach in Isaac Bruce yeah I was just saying like he when I was in high school he was always there um he's a he's actually the first like coach to like basically start like how College Works he would give us grades in high school I was I was I started like on the varsity young as a sophomore and I would always grade out bad but I was like I was I was like I didn't really understand like why I was grading out bad but it was like little things not running to the ball or not blocking when the ball's going the other way like he would definitely like emphasize those little details but you when I'm when I'm that young you don't really understand like why like why why am I gring out at a c why am I gring out at a d at that young age man I just thought he was always hard on me and and in practice man he would always just be like let's go Oliver like he was like pick on me I guess but uh now now that I don't got older I don't got more wise I understand like why he was on me so much and so hard he always said I look like a young Chris Carter so I always said uh I always take that into consideration too that's so I love yeah definitely yeah that's great that's really cool man so 22 total players drafted from that school zero active you about to be that one I got to change that Dynamic man I gotta change it definitely especially now nowadays with South Florida football it's not not not a lot of kids are wan to go to Dillard because you know what I'm saying even the basketball is down and that's that's because like the B the two powerhouses coaches them they left so and one passed away rip to coach Pender but you know it's just not it's not the same as de more I don't I'm not sure I need I need to actually go back and pay a visit definitely after my Pro dance when I get some time but I don't know man we got to get some guys back at Dillard definitely for sure and get that thing back rolling because I don't know man it's just not same from the out from the outside looking in yeah for sure so March 27th right uh that's your pro day so you know talk to me what kind of strengths do you bring to an NFL organization I think you're getting a winner man I think uh first first and foremost um uh when it comes to football wise you're getting a winner for sure um just just I I've won on every level I've won I won a Super Bowl in Pop Warner um uh I've won Middle School Basketball Championships of course I won two state championships in high school went to Kentucky been a part of uh three bowl game wins uh this year I mean my extent my stand at Youngtown was able to go to a team that was three and seven seven and four the next year then being able to make the playoffs in seven years and going eight and five and and going to the second round playoffs being able to be a part of that Dynamic and just changing the culture of Youngtown just getting getting back to that man with them Trestle days man that was a big thing too so I think you getting a winner first and foremost and outside of football you getting a community guy uh you guys if you follow Youngtown a lot you know I'm always in the community I go to Every sporting event whether that's soccer uh tennis basketball uh any any other sport man I'm softball I support all the sports in Youngtown uh I gave I give out them giving out turkey that's not I'm not trying to brag nothing but that's is some of my stuff I done did in the community giving out food Thanksgiving food uh doing Thanksgiving giving out toys for Christmas going to schools uh playing with the kids things of that and then I you know obviously you just getting a respectable guy and I'm from the south I was raised on yes ma'am no sir no no sir yes ma'am things like that so I think you you getting a a well-mannered uh man as I should say and uh on football F you getting a competitive uh Competitive Edge player and you're getting a a student and a and a winner how much of that was sorry Sor no go ahead how much of that was embedded in you from having a professional influence like Isaac Bruce it was it was definitely embeded coach did Coach Bruce did a great job for sure but um I would say my father first my father um my uh he was he's in the Hall of Fame at uh Florida ANM so I think growing up with him as a young age he would always take me to the gym and we work out I would always get some shots up when I was not really in football but he instilled me the work ethic first I think uh just having that having coach Bruce later on in high school when my father wasn't there was definitely played a bigger role in just he's he he taught me a different Dynamic of how to be a pro early you know what I'm saying you know my father was doing the things we did I was six seven years old you know what I'm saying we just doing this stuff just to be better but coach Bru taught me a different Dynamic of why to do certain things just the little details of why why we're doing and what's the outcome of it def R let's video uh Steve uh St Smith Senior uh ex Caroline Panther and Baltimore Raven breaking down your film he had some high praises for you man you what you think about that oh man it's a blessing it definitely it caught me off guard honestly because I had just got out of training so I was getting in my car and I'm like man like Steve Smith 89 like comment like tagged you on the post I'm like man why is like I thought was somebody trolling me at first so I'm like I didn't even like pay no attention but then I clicked it and I'm like oh like that's actually Steve Smith so I obviously like I uh I listen I listened to the video things what he had to say um and I I was blessed man it's a blessing for sure uh to to to get praise from uh a high caliber guy like that man he he's he's one of the goats in his game definitely for sure so it's definitely a blessing that I I can't say that uh to any extent man just to get that that type of praise and that type of recognition from like that definitely yeah man I thought it was pretty cool what he did and I saw some of your highlights man pretty impressive yeah man I got I got put it on tape watch the tape man that's all I'm gon say yeah well year after year you progressed you know you got better and better and better each and every year I mean the numbers show right so what do you feel right now um that maybe you need to work on a little bit going into the NFL draft what are some things that you're working on right now to get better I think every I don't think you're perfect at everything I don't think anybody's perfect um I think I need to work on everything everything needs to be fine- tuned especially when you we talking about the best players in the uh in the world you know what I'm saying so I think route running could be improved a lot um I think physicality I think um durability whether that's staying healthy I even though I I haven't been hurt uh let's not goingon would but um everything can be fine too man I'm a Believer in man you got to get find something to learn every day got to be a sponge find something new to work at every day of the week every day of the year man I'm taking this thing day by day I'm tacking it on head straight man I gotta get better at something every day that's great yeah Bryce that's impressive man hey um what would you say is your favorite football memory so far favorite football memory ah I got a couple man I would definitely say ah man you can more than one fine more than one is fine okay I can I could do a couple I would say I would say the my first one the first one I ever had would probably be definitely the ly Lynn Lynn had a game at Kentucky where we played Arkansas I think that his first start at quarterback he ended up scoring like he like it was an insane game uh he had like three touchdown three or four touchdowns I think he had like 20 yards from SC yeah that was that was probably my first good like big memory um I had another one it was Missouri game my freshman my true freshman year oh it was insane I think who caught the CJ Conrad caught the game winning touchdown like on the last play of the game that was a big memory and obviously at Youngtown just being able to make the playoffs that was a big memory and then catching the uh the the the touchdown record that passed from Mitchell that's that's probably a big that's definitely a big one too so all right Bryce before I let you go I'm in NFL GM why should I draft you uh yes you you should draft me because uh the number the first of all the film doesn't doesn't lie um all the intangibles are there the route running is there the separation there um the the like I said the film doesn't lie outside of football you're getting a student uh you're getting a guy who studies the game prepares uh multiple hours per week um definitely stays uh in in and out of his Playbook know no coverages like the back of his hand when he sees him you're getting a winner you're getting somebody who's won at every level been a part of uh all dynamics of winning whether that's changing a program around with Youngtown State being a part part of a u a program in SEC with Kentucky um going back to high school winning state championships multiple state championships so I think you're getting a winner definitely and then first and foremost you're getting you getting a respectable guy like I said earlier uh yes ma'am uh no ma'am yes sir no sir just how I was raised um um you're getting a guy that's willing to do anything to be uh to to to impact the game or uh affect the team uh positively you know uh no off the field issues never um I don't get into extracurricular things I don't really not really a go out type of guy but you're getting getting a well mannered well-rounded guy so I think that's why somebody should take a shot on me and jeffie thank all right BR uh Bryce Oliver thank you so much for joining us good luck on your pro day on the 27th of March and we look forward to seeing you in the NFL thank you thank you guys absolutely take care for being you too thank you thank you