Space Marine 2 Co-op Gameplay FOR THE EMPEROR! | New Warhammer 40k Game with Multiplayer Co-op

and what's behind door number one oh it's humans hooray we've come to save you yeah you're right to Bow who wants a photo with me it's just blood everywhere just absolutely drowning in Claret execute yeah yes synchronized executions perfect amazing so how many humans survived none three hello welcome back to outside Xbox I'm Mike joined by Jane and we are playing Space Marine 2 me a chest bump hellow ultramarine oh no oh we chest bump so hard we clip through each other let me tell you how little I care for painting tiny plastic men okay tell me uh I'm desperate to I'm desperate to engage with this amazing look look at this amazing universe but I don't want to measure out uh movement on a a battlefield in inches using a tape measure you don't even care about dry brushing do you no could not care less so this is great this is an opportunity for me to get real messy in a Space Marine game without having to think about all the strategy stuff so um yeah in Co-op in Co-op indeed so we're going to head down to tyranid Planet uh do you like my my go spaceship yeah I do um I'm worried by the amount of Open Flame going on in space that seems dangerous it's fine they seem fine with it it's probably fine so let's go shoulder pads away oh we've got we've got a squad we got gadriel yeah and where's our fourth boy no we're a squad of three what don't need four the gear War boys need four we only need three cuz we're better okay fine I'm going to interact with this terminal punch punch punch they got have B and gadriel then look at this guy he's got he's got a red helmet on is that is that a standard issue you can take the helmets off in story mode if you like it's the size of this hanger everything's massive in Space Marine that's what I love about it Absol massive um we've got to go over here apparently I is this on spaceship yeah yeah you tell me you're the boss right you're hosting this game you're squad leader all right Squad to the spaceship board the Thunder HW gunship all right we're all in the zone now we're playing the start of this game sort of there's a little prologue which is fun we've done the prologue done the prologue oh look you can there's my face there I am I'm on the left Mike's on the right and gadriel on my screen I'm on the left and you're on the right oh okay fine uh right so we need to Rond with the AST militarum uh and defend anti-air placements easy oh I love these little floating skull drop drones they're my favorite one those for home I've been doing a bit of research about uh Space Marines so I just I'll pepper in some facts as we play oh it's all awkward cuz he was in gadriel was in charge before and we've been given his Squad now yeah you were a formerly disgraced Space Marine one of the death watch right yes that must have been a great honor this lady looks like a normalized human she is a normal siiz human she doesn't have space marine armor yeah so let's see the comparative scale yeah well don't kneel that's going to make the comparison worse yeah she's sort of like knee high yeah exactly Kad regiment major give me an update the beasts have taken the oral guns all tyranids going on in the background yeah so this is by the same people who made the World War Z like game so that's why of course it is it's got the same swarm physics going on it's very unpleasant in that game it's very unpleasant in this game as well defense guns yes my Lord follow me here we go sitation here has deteriorated those it's giving good mud it's giving good Battlefield mud yeah it looks really good it does yeah look at all the look going on so we're the we're the adeptus aartis that's the fancy you have been doing your your research fancy name for Space Marines okay um and basically from what I can tell Space Marines are like the the The Logical end point of the like my dad's better than your dad argument okay because it's like they've got they're just all the every possible part of being a human has been improved they're just better in every way so your dad might have two lungs but my Space Marine dad has three lungs he's got an extra lung and it means he can hold his breath forever and survive in a hard vacuum for ages apparently what okay yeah okay they the sort of vacuum hardened lungs as well yeah yeah that sort of thing yeah fine how many hearts does your dad have just for one I me Doctor Who's Got how many has Doctor Who got anyway two well space have two as well apparently okay fine right enough heart talk my fa my favorite uh my favorite fact about space WIS is that their spit is highly acidic and can melt through iron okay which must be a problem during make out sessions um they don't make out with people oh you tell you telling me all those guys together must get real lonely on the battle their life is service care not for such things I tell you what if I'm wrong let us know in the comments is their romance and Space Marine law I don't know it's all kicking off it certainly is all kicking off look at all the Swarm look at the swarming swarms swarms to the right of me okay we got a hold tyranid back fine so it's real like Malay and and shooty action a bit like the original space Mar which was kind of fun but not as pretty as this certainly yeah it's wgo the original Space Marine game I AG 2011 oh goodness there's tyranid that can shoot stuff which it feels like cheating doesn't it really not into that and then there's like big boss tyranid isn't there that oh yeah that you can execute and stuff gad's doing okay actually he's been quite helpful and then there's like a Parry system and a Dodge system and all this stuff and you know all right I'm going to have to get start hacking away at this guy I've only got um I don't have a chain sword at the moment just got a regular kind of battle knife oh yeah I guess yeah I don't either I think you pick one up later I think it is possible to get one later why are we not being properly equipped for this battle if it's so important why are they not giving us all the best kit where about how are you getting on where are you I'm doing all right I'm back here nice I'm on your six I'm on gadriel six attention oh swarming there's swarming going on I'm trying to get the shoy ones the shooty ID yeah the shoy ones are real pain they're all pain ruining my day so like the F the first game was like Orcs wasn't it but tyranids are like really nasty they're the sort of Xenomorphs of the of the um Warhammer 40K Universe I feel like Space Marines have never been sexier now that like cuz Henry caval keeps banging on about them doesn't he yeah but he's yet to make a Space Marine film I think he's working on a TV series as I understand it oh okay fine yeah but he's cuz he keeps talking about how great it is and he keeps going on like high-profile talk shows watched by like real people and talking about it's all his like term audition for the he's like if I talk about it as not long enough Games Workshop will call my agent well the thing is I think he's Rich enough that he can probably he'll be like a producer on the TV show he's like that involved I can see him as a Space Marine yeah you can imagine that massive square head of his poke poking out of the uh the shoulder pads easy yeah here we are we're in the swamp now okay oh chains sword chainsword chain sword chains My Chains all it would have I think you can have one as well heavy bolt pistol yes please I like the setting but I must admit I prefer the big gigantic goth Church Gren yes I know you love the space space born Cathedral of Bones and skulls so hopefully we get to do a bit of that at some point but all right oh we uh-oh it's a borrower oh no all right was it time to go into Fury mode when it pops up uh well save it save it treat yourself later I genuinely I don't know much about the technology of video games and stuff but like I don't understand how there are so many enemies on screen at once in these games like it is ludicrous it is an accomplishment that is for sure now when it goes blue when you get a blue hit the Parry you can Parry just normally yeah yeah yeah I just missed a Parry as well that's annoying and then a bit like Doom you kind of regain Shield I think and health by doing damage you regain Shield by executing and and um and health by dishing out damage so it's got that kind of like Doom maternal Resource Management type Rhythm to it I don't know about you but like did you notice that in in the prologue bit we don't really have a cape on at the moment but I've never seen a game that does the different stages of sort of blood saturation as well as this game like you end up finishing the tutorial soaked in Blood and then as you run around a bit it sort of dries off on your cape and goes all kind of it's got that coagulation physics down yeah exactly they' really thought about what a a big man covered in blood might look like so that's your job if you're making a credit to them yeah Warhammer game where are we going this way up here yeah which way boss boss man follow me more sh oh that's guys shooting acid at me they're real yeah they're real jokes they're harshing my harshing my mellow My Space Marine there's nothing mellow about space right I'm going Fury mode I'm going to see what it's all about ah slice slice Parry smash slice slice slice where's the big guy here's a big guy there a big guy execute boom oh wow Target destroy yeah it's all about the kind of balance of like waiting around like hacking stuff up and uh and shooting stuff at a distance interact with this weird yeah we punch this big flower and then it melts watch boom just keep punching oh no and then eventually it melts weird all right that shows shows those big flowers standing in my way bad at gardening these guys basically how do the tyan compared to other zenos they are an unrelenting plag all right look are they baddies spores detonate and Destroy them yeah easy easy there you go oh the spores they're coming for us oh no they're like right the flowers are angry basically flowers are angry we punch them I could use some health uh you need to deal some damage then I do need to deal more more damage those are the SPs Smalls oh it does give you like a DOD PR when they get really close yeah that's cool whoa Dodge bloody SPS okay now Space Marine cannot die of explosive SWS that's just embarrass embarrassing imagine they're not going to let you into Val you don't get to go to a Space Marine he if you die of spores I could use some cover actually could use a chest high wall here it's weird this it feels like the sort of game that would have a cover system and Absol yeah I guess they want to keep you moving they want to they want you running around stomping around not taking cover not hiding like a coward yeah oh oh there's loads of them coming from around the corner with spores oh they got spores yeah oh everything's collapsing and exploding I've got bad news grenade out that's a pretty good idea actually yeah send a grenade there's so much of everything everything happening yeah it really everything everywhere all at once is a sensory overload KN high wall how will we deal deal with this punch it kick it kick it over kick it apart kick it to bits yeah kick it apart none of this hopping over it for space freight train through it yes please no the swamp will be infested with xenos there is a bunker straddling the rivered we will cut through there oh Sims steal Health yeah you I don't think you can share it I don't think I don't think Space Marines are into sharing okay supplies got grenades bolt pistol ammo box more ammo there's ammo here nice yep got a real crocodile dunde that's not a knife knife going on here yeah it's absolutely enormous attention oh we're making our way to those big orbital guns oh yeah got it try and keep them at a distance for as long as possible maybe yeah sure gadriel just like charges straight in Fair Play It's quite impressive gadriel what are you doing he's off he's over the other side of the bridge gadriel have you forgotten gadriel that I'm in charge of this squad now to be fair he is quite effective like he's very good you just leave him to it yeah he's doing great over there we can compare shoulder pad fashion he keeps them at a distance which is quite useful actually oh oh I fell off I fell off also we're so don't tell Gad ha chop chop chop execute very giz oh look yeah they're all pleased to see us oh it's the astr militum or whatever AST militarium y you will desert your post Guardsman we're going to give them look at the difference in size we them we can do no more open the gate oh open their Gates sir you said open the bloody Gates I like how British everyone is oh sick I've got my own chain sword now great oh yeah you want a heavy Bolter as well heavy Bolter Auto bolt rifle yeah why not let's have one of those what am I looking at attention oh baddies oh oh look at that swarm I was busy looking at the gate the Swarm back I'll try oh there's loads of them all right I'm heavy bolting the B oh boy oh they coming up the walls on the left on the left it's good when you land a parry and you sort of catch something out of midair and blow it up basically I'll take your word for it yet yet to achieve them all right have a grenade in that big pile of tyranids oh that' be good yeah are you not the Lord cell soldiers all right do we have any more frag grenades around here that would be useful oh here we go getting quite low on health have some of that oh yes flying everywhere this is how it's done weedy little military guys idiot cannon fodder oh big guy on the right big old spiky tyan a denor type oh there's more of them swarming oh okay oh okay watch out for that big swarm coming up the wall on the left cuz if they spill over we are in trouble big time okay all right ah one's on me get get that grenade out get that grenade okay the grenade is out if you've got a fury mode ready lined up I would I do yeah I do actually oh yeah they're all coming over the other side should I just jump in and and fury mode would jump down I want to see what it looks like though all right oh it won't let me jump down don't bury yourself in like let me panid pades oh I wish I had a grenade do anyone got a Grenade uh I do not have any left but I have Fury moded some tys a bits in fact I've just executed two in a row so ammo cach that's good oh we can we can assemble now we can ignore the okay fine get inside the base go go go Shake It Off not now oh we're just going to leave everyone to die apparently sorry wow we're real dicks sorry army guys all right out of here bye bye guys thanks for everything get these Gates closed yeah good ide enough of these turn it do not relen in your it's just blood everywhere just absolutely drowning in Claret execute yeah yes synchronize executions perfect amazing so how many humans survived none three no three look at these that is not a good conversion rate for for Te damn we just left the rest out there to get eaten by Ty soldiers they should have thought about being a Space Marine yeah they should have uh submitted themselves to the probably extremely painful process of becoming a gigantic Space Marine all right we're there's more humans few more humans survived oh that's good oh oh boy oh boy what a mess oh classic post house party scenes oh someone's got a lot of cleaning up to do oh no oh let's away from all this just in case we get demonetized I think this is a fine ceiling I don't know what YouTube's going to make of all of this uh right let's interact with this door hopefully there's fewer like exploded bodies through here no no it's pretty explody still oh yeah it's turning into basically an alien movie oh oh okay like few little tyranids ran off oh oh and then here they are back in of course they went to get their mates is that it is that all you got that's barely any tyranids o bolt rifle with a grenade launcher let us get to work music's still very musicy persists with its music yeah all right yes oh whoa hello wo wo whoo whoa I've got a gun with an underslung grenade launcher now so okay um just let me know if you need anything grenaded anything grenaded in an underslung fashion yeah gadriel Straight Into The Fray as usual he loves it yeah he lives for this he really should be in charge of this squad well he should be telling me what to do all right let me try an underslung grenade oh this is leftenant Titus identify yourself Captain Iden sir our longrange coms were damaged in battle I'd watch a TV show about this sort of thing yeah com I think it would be quite expensive to make a show where everyone has to have space marine armor and it has to look good and not goofy yeah not made of poyene I think' be tricky but having said that Fallout Managed IT with the power armor and it's basically the same thing yeah but not everyone was wearing power armor and not all the time and like times The Fallout power armor looked better than other times you know as much as I love that show oh what's this who raining acid spit all over us yeah I know I'll I'll under the slung grenade launcher it yeah you do that oh I missed try again oh he quite Hardy this spitty one yeah wish they' all group up so I could just you know all once yeah explod them all in one go is that a spitty one all right sooner or later you just got to run in with a big sword oh you got him well done oh big guys and a big swarm behind you hold on let me wait in here I'm in the middle of an execution which means they have to wait their turn well what's good is when you do an execution it sort of flattens all the little ones around you yeah yeah exactly oh I'm yeah need to do a quick execution my shield back up execution on this guy kill steel nice fair play I think that one was half Bak that's good gadal I mean not gadriel gradally I've been watching distracted all right have some grenades jerks yeah I'm sending some grenades in as well that seem to work all right more grenades does anyone need any grenades some over here yeah I I could go for some where I'm standing stomp stomp stomp does actually spare one if you need the final one I'm I'm full of grenades nice as big as I am I can only Carry Three that's another thing about Space Marines is they they produce grenades like a chicken lays eggs that's not true they only have small grenade Pockets there a big old space computer here yeah again lit by candle light love it it's romantic so atmospheric yeah yeah for all the all the acid spit making out sessions that are going to happen it's like when you want to take a big Space Marine bath at the end of the day oh yeah do you think they're centered do you think the scented candles I would hope so as hard as we're working yeah also yeah I mean I bet it would smell awful if they aren't uh what did that do sorry there's a big gate over here if you hold up on the d-pad it like points your head towards oh yeah there we go Sana receiving we have made contact with Captain Iden Iden I thought him lost we are approaching his position now let's go let's go oh More Mess uhoh at least these ones are dead I think these are all dead tyranids though that's F Dead tyranids all in bits can't demonetize us for that YouTube they're nonhuman they're aliens yeah they're aliens they're entirely fictional and what's behind door number one oh it's humans hooray we've come to save you yeah you're right to Bow who wants a photo with me all right we're going to capture this facility okay are we not we not own it already oh I guess not oh tank look the tanks going oh that's fun go go go into battle oh yeah here we go big scale giant gun love it oh I don't like that look at those swarms though yeah let them come oh they they're pouring over the thing like a waterfall all right keep them at distance is when they come come through a little choke point yeah you they're just pouring out what was that explosion oh it's a tank right yeah I forgotten about the tank shelling yeah all right big guy on the bridge execute I tried to steal your ex I saw you I saw you going for that yeah I can't resist it's literally just walking up a pile of tyranid corpes a mountain of tyranids oh there flies as well oh I bet was get the old Yankee Candles out why must we War Jane in the Grim dark future or whatever there is only War yeah oh so you're let's go your special thing is like some sort of scam yeah yeah that's it right right right so you get so angry and Furious that you I do a quick scan scan the area my surroundings oh here they come oh boy oh Feels Like A Boss Arena though isn't it is this your scan did you do your scan yeah I guess so everything's glowing I prefer yours yeah mine's called righteous fury like which is the Dragon Age game is it Dragon Age 2 where you end up covered in blood I mean you get covered in blood variously in all of them but it's Dragon AG Origins with the most like blood spatter where like you cut to a cut scene and everyone is absolutely painted with Gore It's A Lost Art I think that has been resurrected by this this game yeah there's some grenades and an ammo cash where I am if anyone needs them cool thanks where's this next wave coming from get all your ammo replenished I've got a robot arm and I've got a chain sword I mean why have two and you can have one I could just have a chainsaw arm yeah that's true but then I wouldn't be able to play like guitar in my downtime yeah or Game Boy oh here they come there we go all right I'm going to send a few grenades out it's very satisfying when you see them all go flying oh there's a big flying thing uh oh that sounds like bad news yeah I think it is I haven't even seen it yet it's it's right there flying in midair it's firing green stuff oh that guy Globs of green stuff oh he shot me with his green bits ow would you please stop well I think the I think the flying guy's gone but they nice punch punch punch oh oh I died oh no I died it's all right gadriel got you gad's got me good old gadriel oh gadriel left me this guy to execute such a gentleman so supportive all right wow wow another great fight gadriel man of the match as usual where to now lads does Space Marines have nukes another question for the comments there must there must be nuke it from orbit style prob each but has been replaced with a nuclear warhead like it would not surprise me okay look up in the sky look at that big old spaceship hanging out in the clouds oh no that's cool isn't it yeah like an enormous hovering spaceborn bug yeah not them I right okay it's a defend spit okay there's a bolt rifle with a grenade launcher here by the way if you wanted that do I want a grenade launcher yeah all right fine I'm ready let's go are they coming in through the left of that wall okay so let's let's go mow down that shoke point yeah oh we're supposed to assemble here oh really oh okay oh getting ahead of myself all right I'm assembling I'm assembling here we are yeah yes oh big beasties all are these things they're sort of like Drop pods you know that's that's really cool like organic drop pods yeah yeah they're neat AR they and here they come and by NE I mean absolutely disgusting scaling the walls ow leave it out mate all right grenade into that pile yeah little tyranid shower oh no oh a little normal sized man got killed and I couldn't do anything about it oh no truly this is the horror of war yeah gadel just lets you lets you have the executions he doesn't even need he's like I told you he's a gentleman he's got zero ego it's amazing understood Brothers let us make Hast let's go let's go all right interact with targeting system 1 2 three and then and then Assemble here on my new grenades oh yeah and interact all right yeah do the honors beep beep beep with my big space between sausage fingers we're getting higher up yeah to what end I think we may need to drop down now though oh okay yeah yeah all right fine let's go there a big old I don't know looks like a sewage treatment works to be honest well it's ours it's the emperor's exactly the amount of sewage he produces personally oh okay hang back and use those red barrels there you go nice okay good job everyone job folks now what heading towards the central structure I guess let's go yeah let me look at my uh leftenant Titus I'm coming your it's it's a lift an elevator I see all this Gothic Machinery it's good isn't it it's getting more Gothic the further we go you need to manually raise the Petals of the satellite dish of course we need to manually raise the Petals of the Satellite Dish oh yeah look we're like manually pulling these gigantic met PS up that looks fun yeah that's right it reminds me of we were at the arcade the other day and they had an arcade machine that was just like a giant fidget spinner and you just had to like spin it really fast like that all right well I better go and fidget spin the rest of this satellite dish into action I'll go and do that I'll focus on fidget spinning you do the fidget spinning I'll keep the baddies off you sounds like a good plan one left how are you guys getting on yeah good when you get a par prompt off one of the little guys and you're like come on yeah don't insult me don't insult me it's fun when you catch them out of midair though and just absolutely Stomp Them okay there we go all the petal are done we are done okay everyone back in the lift yes oh it's a it's one of those spitty ones okay let's go now where are we going up probably up yeah further up oh my God look at that giant swarm of flying things yeah we have to fight those or are they just for decoration I think they're just for decoration I hope they are no decorative swarm oh no maybe it's not decorative I don't think it is decorative they're gargoyles are they I see makes sense yeah does make sense all right get them off the it's also in keeping with the sort of Cathedral giant space Cathedral thing yeah definitely get off my antenna yeah how am I supposed to watch my soaps if you're all over my antenna get him smash smash smash the all right okay which which antenna are we talking here anten oh it's this one over here why can't you be more like a caner a ow oh and bloody SP things spes SPS SP I received a mortal SP don't let me die to spores gadriel don't tell anyone gadriel don't tell them what you saw all right come on antenna C needs our help I'm so low on ammo now next time your health reaches zero you will die what oh I only have limited like continues spawns oh that's not now you tell me oh I need a revive okay thanks gadriel you're real pal more like ladri I'm just going to start sending out the grenades for this thing yeah you do it you do it okay clean out this antenna okay I think we just need to stay alive now you so you say simply a case of staying alive simply stay alive it's the flying ones that are the real pain in the bomb I think I yeah I concur don't forget your stem if you've got it I'm out of stems okay get into a bit of cover maybe as well yeah a little bit of cover let gadriel sort it out all right going to keep dodging and rolling and dodging and executing this guy is someone in incapacitated is gadal in capacity no he's not no we're all good we're all up we're all on our feet right I'm just running around again going get more ammo do a lap okay feeling better feeling better now that those flying ones oh there's another BL fly the flying one's done no there's one more here just hit me with its big old psychic laser blast or whatever it is I got it with it all right shot it with a grenade so which helps a lot very nice okay we did it we did it nice okay interact that's got to be the end all right I'm going to interact with this surely that's the end orbital cannons charge him up oh it's going to blow that big ship out that's got the big bug yeah it better is like SW that Space Marine version of a giant can of raid blow it up blow it up I want to see it go pop in a really messy way there it is beautiful oh oh yeah sorry tyet All Stars full of blood like everything in this game it's full of blood yay we did it we did it can we go back to our big space cathedral in the sky now yeah and high five and stuff yeah they look completely impassive they're not like celebrating they're just doing their job J just serving life is one of service yeah yay nice right time for a bath loads of scented candles y I think that's exactly what we need after hard days oh look at this Mech oh yeah get one of these sick vtos valtas yeah nice all right well this is a quick look at Space Marine 2 which is out very soon in Early Access potentially even right now um depending on when you're depending on when you're watching watching yeah it's been fun well good work all a fine day space Maring yeah another beautiful day in the core or whatever what have you thanks for watching everyone if you enjoyed this and would' like to support what we do head to Club hang out on our special fan Discord uh we hang out there too uh and answer questions and stuff so yeah check it out if you're interested and uh like And subscribe if you enjoyed it and we'll see you next time see you next time folks bye thanks for watching

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PURO FAN SERVICE | Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 (PC) - Campaña Coop (Veterano) - Directo #2 (FINAL)

Category: Gaming

Vale me desmo en discord chicos ya sabéis cómo va el tema nativos de allí hola chicos buenas está dentro del juego sí espérate porque no se me quiere abrir en la pantalla que le toca siempre tiene ese problema es una movida ah lo de que hacía años que no me pasaba tío se te abre otro monitor dices sí... Read more