Imola Top three post-RACE Press Conference | F1 2024 Italy Grand Prix (Lando, Oscar, Charles)

one Italian Grand Prix race winner Chara Clair is still in the TV pen so we'll start with our second and third place men Oscar piastri and Lando Norris Oscar if we could come to you first uh very well done uh you showed a lot of pace in that Grand Prix how seriously did you consider a One-Stop strategy like the winner Charlotte clay uh clearly not as seriously as I needed to um I think for me it was a a big risk to do that you know the graining of the tires has been a big topic all weekend um you know in practice once you got graining it was basically game over um even in the first in on the mediums it was pretty difficult and uh yeah when we we made the second stop for myself my front left tie was was pretty heavily grained and uh you know I was going slower and slower um so it seemed like a sensible decision to to pit again um yeah you know I guess nobody really expected um the the gring to clear up on on Charles from what I heard um so yeah in hindsight clearly stopping once was was the right thing to do but uh from that point in the race with all the information that we'd gathered through the weekend it seemed incredibly risky and you know that's kind of the the blessing and the curse of of leading the race or or you know being at the front full stop you know the the the guys behind you can react to what you do and you know for Charles uh if he did a two stop he would have locked in third and if he did a one stop and fell off the cliff he still would have finished third but of course he he pulled the one stop off and he's you the Ferrari looked like the hero today so um yeah obviously it it hurts at the moment but uh I think in the moment it was um was the right thing to do is there anything you could have done differently from within the cockpit today I mean you were lighting up the timing screens in that first in going incredibly quickly did that force you into two stopping um not not massively I don't think um you know I I need to go back and look at what the graining level on on Charles was when I pitted for the second time um yeah up until that point it was you know pretty controlled race um we felt pretty early on that it was a a two-stop race and um yeah maybe in hindsight there's things we could have done a bit differently from obviously a strategy point of view but also a driving point of view to keep the options open a little bit more but uh you know if if the information I got is is right on on the radio then you know it wasn't really a matter of driving slower it was just kind of sticking with the graining and and getting through it um which given in practice when that happened you basically couldn't hit the brake pedal because you you turned your front left into a 50 c coin um it seemed like a very risky thing to do so um yeah obviously it was the right thing in hindsight but everyone's a lot smarter when the checkered flag Falls hindsight is always 2020 look one of the decisive moments in the race uh came on the opening lap with the pass on Lando uh into the second chaane just talk us through that um I mean I broke later and got around the outside there wasn't really much more to it than that um yeah you know we both got through unscathed and um yeah I knew once I hit the brakes you know I kind of got ahead a bit and um yeah I knew I was you know kind of entitled to to stay on the outside and um yeah ultimately for 38 laps of that race it put me in a race winning position um so yeah for me it was was just a good first lap and Os how do you view the Constructor Championship now the team is just eight points uh behind Red Bull just how confident are you you and the team I think very close to over 100 points so uh yep I'm pretty happy with how we're going all right Oscar thank you for that Lando if we can come to you now uh very well done to you as well how how do you look back on today's Italian Grand Prix um pretty disappointing uh yeah which is which is obvious from the outside even so um I mean Charles drove a great race honestly uh hard to know if we could have done what he did today but um they deserved it and uh yeah both Oscar and Charles drove a good race so um yeah disappointing starting from Paul and anying third especially when I think um the pace was very strong so a shame but that's what it is now you spoke about killing your front left tire over the radi was a one stop ever on for you I mean we we tried we knew it was a quicker thing to do but um I think yeah we just uh we just kill the ties a little bit too easily um and like Oscar said it's when you're in third it's a much easier position to to just try and risk and and do such a thing so um I don't think we can be too disappointed um I think it was a lot riskier for us to to try and do it than it was for for Charles and he made it work so uh yeah know hats off to them and and Ferrari and and himself cuz the driving part makes a big difference out there so uh um we thought of it and we we wanted to do it we just we couldn't today I think it was clear yesterday we had a good qualifying car but um today our race car was probably not quite uh not quite good enough L you say you tried at what point in the race did you commit to a two stop want a boxed for the second time okay now uh one of the things that's come out of this gr Prix is that you're allowed to race Oscar papaya rules those are the words of your race engineer will Joseph what are those Rules of Engagement uh just don't crash that's all and and was Oscar's pass on you into the second chicane on lap one was that all within the rules yeah there was no contact so he did a good job okay look final one from me uh you've eaten into max V stappen lead you're now just 62 points behind eight races to go how do you view that um the same as I it's the same answer every single weekend I'm doing the best I can and the more points I gain the better but still a races to go you're doing the best you can are you going to need some help I have I have help and um from your teammate yeah he helps me but uh I'm not here just to uh beg for someone to let me pass you know that's not what I'm here so I'm here to race he drove a better race than me so I finished third and that's where I deserve to finish okay Lando thank you very much uh Welcome to our race winner his second win uh here at moner the seventh of his Formula 1 career charl what a day for you just how sweet was this Victory ah just as sweet as the 2019 one I thought the first one uh was always going to be more special if there was a second one ever happening but actually it's not the case the second one just feels as special and uh today I I did not expect uh it going to to the race I I thought that will struggle a bit more compared to uh um the McLaren but also to compare to the Mercedes that seemed to have a really good Pace on Friday however after a few laps I I saw and I felt the cow was uh was um in a good place Oscar maybe was a little bit quicker uh it was difficult to see Lando's Pace as he was behind then when we get under cut I was like okay maybe we are losing the win there um but then once both pitted uh I actually picked up quite a lot of front grip having the the the free a in front and I was as they said being the last car I I didn't have um I didn't have much to lose by by trying the One Stop uh but we did a really really good job with that front left which has been very very tricky for everybody we had a lot of front graining but managed to uh take that front grip again and uh that helped us to to win today and uh to stand up on that podium in front of all the Tios um after such a week because it's a very tiring one it's it's an incredible feeling to be racing for Ferrari in Monza but it's also very tiring and uh to be able to win here was uh yeah he extremely special it was a strategic Master stroke I just want to ask you how confident were you of this one stop and had you been leading would you have still one stopped um before the race if you all have had asked me the One Stop was definitely the thing I wanted to do after 10 laps I think think we saw that Red Bull started to struggle with the front left on the on the hard and and there we started to doubt the One Stop we thought that it would be a lot more difficult because we thought that the hard will be a more difficult Tire to bring to the end however as soon as I put it I I still thought that this was a possibility and especially I think when Oscar pitted two or three laps after that I felt like I had more grip not having a car in front especially on the front tires and that's where I really thought that the one stop we could make it work now you said after the race to niiko Ros B uh that you've clearly made progress with these upgrades you've already won at Monaco you've now won here at Monza just how much more can you achieve with this car in 2024 uh we've got to be cautious um after Monaco I think we've got four we've had the four worst races of the season um because Monaco was so specific to to our car at that time Monza is also a very specific and particular track lots of straights not many corners we had a rear wing um for for this track as well which uh helped us to go in to to win today uh we had also another upgrade which I think uh definitely brought us closer to to McLaren but I don't think it's enough to to be the car to beat for the rest of the season on another the tracks I think we still have a lot of work to do but uh I'm I'm really happy anyway to have one here in Italy all right very well done to you let's now open this uh to the floor as ever name and publication who's first please Luke Smith from the athletic um Oscar towards the end you were making quite big gains on Charlotte at the front how were you approaching that that phase of the race like was there a point when you did think that you were going to be able to catch him and what was the moment when you realized it wasn't going to be quite enough um I mean I asked basically straight away what pace I needed to do to to go and get Charles and uh the pace I needed was basically what I did for the first few laps and um at that when I was pretty optimistic um you know I lost a decent amount of time behind uh Carlos uh he had stroll driving like it was his first go-kart race and not I don't know what went through his brain when he saw his blue flag but that cost another second um and uh yeah you know I needed that stint to be perfect to win that race and um you know those little things um ultimately what what cost us a bit of a CH it would have been a long shot anyway but uh yeah it was was certainly not far off from from being able to achieve it but uh yeah I was was pushing flat out to try and do it I you know I couldn't have gone any faster than that so um yep just came up a bit short thank you Oscar next one Alex canus Autos sport question to char please congratulations on the victory you mentioned uh the rear wing that you had on this weekend the the Monza special as it's referred to I just wonder can you explain how do you think you said it helped you win can you explain how it did that thanks well I mean we had really good top speeds uh and that definitely helps on a track like this so uh I guess that's how it it helped us um I honestly haven't checked on everybody's rear wing whether everybody has brought something special for ha but uh but yeah uh it definitely helped us to uh uh to win today as the characteristics was uh good and the balance of the car was also pretty good with that Wing so uh uh all in all from fp1 We didn't change much the cow the the the cow felt felt good in qualifying we struggled a little bit with the tires but uh uh in the race we were in a really good place so um yeah the whole package was was strong this weekend thank you Jo who's next dcam pa um Lando as you said you know you're not begging to get past another driver but you're now 62 uh points behind Max and Red Bull are obviously struggling um Oscar's more than 100 points back um given that you're much closer and the senior driver as well in terms of years with the team do you think it's right that McLaren now give you their full backing so you can go on and win this world championship and obviously if Oscar wants to answer that too um I mean it's I would love it but it's not what yeah it's not up to me so um it's it's tough because obviously I think as any driver you don't want it you know you don't want things to just be played that way and um yeah it's it's a it's a tough one um obviously I wouldn't say running out of time but times uh going away slowly and um you know I still believe still believe we can do it I'm you know the pace is obviously great I still believe we probably had um you know close to or if not the best car again today so um yeah I don't know it's uh it's not for me to to decide uh is for the the team but I think we're still working together well and we're still helping one another and I think that's that's showed plenty of times this year um that we're working together very well as a team and we're performing as the best team out on the grid and uh we're very happy with that but um yeah I don't know you know when you're fighting for a championship you want every little thing and I'm doing everything I can um uh the best way simply is just to to win the race and I didn't do that today because of some silly things so uh yeah this is for the team not not for me Oscar your thoughts it's for the team nothing to say all right okay next Lawrence edman in ESPN another question to Lando um you mentioned in the TV pen that if you could rewind to that first lap and the Oscars pass on you you do things slightly different there didn't seem to be a huge amount of space to do anything any different so where do you think you kind of lost lost that position what would you do differently um just break a bit later as simple as that um but sometimes it's easier said than done um you know I O obviously break on the limit and um gave me space it was just about enough uh I did my best to to avoid anything else happening at the time very but same time if I 2 minutes later you don't know and you can't predict but 2 minutes later and um could easily have been a crash so it's it's a tough one um easiest thing is just to break way later and force him off and kind of treat it like U no one else but um yeah I don't know um obviously took it easy I saw we had a massive Gap behind so maybe I was just a bit too much on the cautious side and um paid the price thank you who's next Rodrigo fra car magaz in Brazil question to Charles Charles congratulations on your win uh you win in monu and Monza two special places but two very different circuits so what's your secrets to winning there and if you're looking the Temple of speeds maybe you're trying Indianapolis and lemons in the future um yeah two very different tracks and um but uh it feels good to be driv to to be winning on those two tracks that for sure means more uh Monaco as a monagas and uh here as a as a Ferrari driver so uh yeah both are very very special feeling and I wouldn't want to choose in between them as uh two the two are very very special I completely forgot the second part of your question oh yeah um yeah Indianapolis is yeah I mean I'm really interested doing Lon one day Indianapolis is not um something that I've been particularly looking at um however maybe one day but uh but Lon is is definitely one of those races that I'll like to compete in one day um so uh yeah I don't know when but uh hopefully soon thank you next one please hi Charles congratulations and a question for you here in Monza in front of the Tios great win so uh I wanted to ask you uh if Oscar didn't pit so if maybe the race would be Indi with uh managing with the graining with both the cars would you have stayed out to maybe look who is the best at dealing with graining or maybe a TW stop strategy would have been maybe the best solution to keep some pressure and try something different uh good question uh to be honest I think we'll have waited maybe one or two laps more just to see I I I felt like maybe in the the last two three laps before scal pitted we were coming back a tiny bit but but I've got to check that again um but it was difficult for me to get closer than where I was mostly because of the front left uh and the end stair that uh being behind Oscar uh I I had quite a bit too much under stairs so uh maybe we'll have gone on the second on the for the first second stop and be a bit more aggressive to try and come back towards the end um but yeah I don't know we we didn't do that anyway so all right thank you another one uh Ed Spence from more Evolution question to Charles Charles congratulations on a tremendous win how do you reset going into Baku now what are you planning to do during a week off and which tracks do you see for AR potentially challenging McLaren and Red Bull for victories thank you um again before this race I I don't think I was seeing myself challenging for wins uh anywhere else maybe maybe Singapore Singapore maybe could be a strong track for us on the other tracks I still feel like we are a step behind McLaren and Red Bull but uh but today we've seen that we can be very uh On a par with uh with with McLaren if we do everything perfect uh again I think that the upgrade have helped us in some ways today to uh um to have the same Pace as them however uh for the other trucks I don't know whether it will be enough to completely close the gap uh especially the Gap with we've seen in the previous races not here so yeah we've got to to wait and see but uh we've done some step forward I think we need some some others thank you sh another one please y out of focus question for Char first compliments and second uh do you have some special Superstition that maybe worked for you today and will you ask for the future team to keep this dark color for the future victories thank you no no I'm not I'm not superstitious and I will never be I think as an athlete that's the last thing you want to uh to be because I I have always felt like it's uh uh it's conditioning me mentally uh if then you forget something and I obviously don't choose the color of the overall so if uh I start asking for a black overall for the rest of the season I'm not sure that Tios will be very happy with that so uh so yeah no I don't I don't have any superstitions uh we won in Monaco we were in red uh we w't here we were in black um I don't think we plan on using anything other than red for the rest of the season and hopefully it will be a um a su successful red uh just like in in Monaco thank you another one Lawrence s ESP and a question for charl um every time you came down the pit straight in the last 10 laps there was a huge cheer from the crowd I'm guessing you probably could hear it inside the cockpit but where were your emotions in those last uh 10 laps and also considering it was was situation where you're balancing so much the the wear of the tires as well uh just like in 2019 the last three four five laps it was uh it was quite difficult to keep the the eyes on the on the track and I was obviously looking a little bit in Grand stand I could see everybody was uh standing up and that was uh really nice to see uh in 2019 I remember there was my mom also in the grand standand because I didn't manage to have a pad pass for her uh this year she actually had a pad pass so it's uh it's good she could watch and um and experience both things once in the grandstand and Once In The Paddock but uh yeah it's it's a very special feeling I could also see some red smoke at one point so I knew everybody was super excited but I also knew that I had to finish the job and that I had to to stay on it because Oscar had a really good Pace um but yeah in the last five six laps I I felt like we we had it the the the tires felt good and I could see that Oscar was not um that fast to to catch me before before the end of the race if I was not doing any mistakes great thank you who's next Charles Theo Baker airl Charles you mentioned earlier that you uh face some additional pressure racing here at Monza with the toosi I wonder if you could elaborate a little bit more on what that looks like for you personally how you handled the burden of being a Ferrari driver in Italy I think more than me personally um yes there's a little bit more expectations which translat in a bit more pressure coming into the weekend uh however I think as drivers we are quite used to it so it's it's fine to deal with it um but I think more for the whole team uh there are lots of expectations for most of the team members they all have at least one family member or very close friend in the grand stand and that adds uh a lot to it uh everybody wants to do super well in Italy uh lots of uh Italians traveling from all over Italy just to see Ferrari and to cheer for us so you also want want to do well for the the big support we have here and that adds a little bit to the pressure and then other than that we we have so many events and and things we've got to do from the Monday in Milan to the Sunday and uh that is quite tiring so to manage all these things is is not easy but but once again in 2019 we did a great job job managing that and this year we did a really good job managing that as well but that's also what makes winning in Monza so special um it's also because all of this and and especially because of the crazy support we have here thank you sha okay another one Alex Kus Auto Sport another question to sha please again about that final stint you were just so consistent in the 1 minute 23s even as Oscar was sort of tearing chunks at you uh coming through the last last few laps just how did you do that what what was your your your thinking what were you focusing on what critical areas thanks the only thing I was focusing on really was my front left uh I could see there was a little bit of graining and and I really didn't want it to get worse otherwise I knew that this was what will make me lose this race so uh that was my only focus for the last for the last uh actually from when I put the uh hard on the on the car um yeah that was my only focus I knew that it was critical to not open this graining uh too much and uh and we did a really good job again as soon as I had free air I could change a little bit the balance of the car and put more stress on the rear tires which was exactly what I wanted to do and as soon as that balance changed I I felt like the pace was coming back okay thank you another one from M Evolution question to Lando Lando were you surprised about how easy it was to get past Max during the race considering that Red Bull just didn't have any pace uh how uh no I mean they didn't have any pace so uh therefore wasn't a surprise no I was how much fresher tires you know like 10 15 laps or something so um no I mean it was expected I think at that point maybe even more 20 laps of diff difference so um yeah they seem to struggle with something this weekend but they'll be fine next weekend thank you Lando

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