Category: Entertainment
Simplement je soutiens la société je soutiens la société protectrice des enfants voilà c'est notre interlocuteur dominique grimault voila voila je te remercie infusion pour ça [musique] Read more
Category: Film & Animation
L'oliva tripiciano verde hotcoin e intanto vi faccio i complimenti per questo film e la prima domanda è come è stato essere diretti da roman polanskij [risate] [musica] è stato un piacere perché lavori con un maestro ma tutti chi poi è molto è molto particolare e le cose più piccole e ti fa lavorare... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] next up we've got mark watson from jedra current record holder for the hammer throw here in brar he's going to beat francis stewart from fort william just back from iny [applause] easy what am i doing here miles from westminster miles from reality wasting precious time in some half scottish... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Stevie nicks the iconic voice behind fleetwood max's timeless hits and a solo career that spanned decades has always been shrouded in an aura of mystery and glamour but behind the glitz and the glam there's a story of hardship and heartbreak that few have fully grasped this video explores the darker... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Do you remember the comedy legend of early television who had a knack for making your guts hurt from laughing too hard it's not even a riddle at this point because the only woman who has the portfolio to match that could not be anyone other than carol bernett but did you know that there was a time when... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Next stop christmas is a pretty decent film this was released originally in 2021 it's directed by dustin rickard and this stars lindsay fona as angie and angie is getting on an ordinary train and when she's on the train it turns out to be a train that's taken her back 10 years into the past and she's... Read more
Category: Entertainment
So this damn thing crashed took our holiday pictures with it wedding too my wife is pissed well i'm sorry about that let's see what we can do uh the 15 inch it's a nice machine don't worry i get 20 these a day i'll take care of it thank you no problem i might take a little while though because these... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Meg megan where's lacy sh went home already why she not your house no i was talking to on the [music] phone mer mer get back in there get back in [music] there captain you got to get out of the house the room the the get rem you got to get [music] [music] out there get the girl just Read more
Category: Film & Animation
And that's my cue to leave you're going so soon yes goodbye dg safe this song used to be your cutest day i know but i i'm afraid i must insist [music] h [music] not were qui [music] [applause] [music] [applause] as that was lovely i hope we don't leave it another 40 years or meeting again well as it... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
It's a goonies reference, right? that is all right, so it is. all right. good. congratulations on the show. thank you. you've worked with bill for, a few years now, and he seems to have this ability to get such amazing people to to work with, both in front of and behind the camera, having worked for... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Guys, congratulations on the show. thank you. it's lord of the rings it's just such a huge a huge thing. i. you got your head around the fact that you're part of the show. because it's just. i know i'm not sure when you're in it, you can really understand that. that might be something that comes later... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[müzik] sagın evinden herkese merhabalar yeni video yeni konu e girizgah yapmadan önce hatırlatmak istiyorum kanala üye olmayı videoları sey etmeyi videolar için alarm kurmayı kanaldan haberi olmayan arkadaşları kanalla tanıştırıp üye yapmaya çalışmayı lütfen unutmayalım bu sagle evinden sizlere bir... Read more