Category: News & Politics
This kroger albertson's merger you know is being fought by the ftc i think very justifiably four attorneys general in four states run by imiles the state of ohio alabama georgia and iowa have all weighed in with an amicus or do you say a meus o i would say amicus with an amicus brief a friend of the... Read more
Category: Sports
The chief executive officer of kroger insisted wednesday that merging with rival albertson's would allow the two supermarket companies to lower prices and more effectively compete with retail giants like walmart and amazon kroger ceo rodney mccullen argued in favor of what would be the largest grocery... Read more
Category: News & Politics
There's two different ways to look at it one is the national picture which you know if if you look at the things they would only control x% which doesn't look too bad but if you look at individual metropolitan areas some of them they would just have an overwhelming dominance there so that that i mean... Read more
Category: News & Politics
This kroger albertson's merger you know is being fought by the ftc i think very justifiably four attorneys general in four states have all weighed in with an amicus brief a friend of the court brief meaning they're not parties they just want to weigh in and say that this merger will give kroger quote... Read more
Category: Entertainment
>> sade: now the trial that could decide whether a supermarket megamerger will happen. kroger and albertson's are hoping to join forces but there's plenty of opposition to the $25 billion merger. eva pilgrim is here with what's at stake for the two companies as well as for shoppers and workers. good... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] jump all around jump all around around stop cop get up [music] he now on [music] hey guys uh this is jdt fridays fan 97 here and today on this uh on this uh on with in this video i'm going to talk about the uh the history of of the proposed acquisition of kroger and albertson's that that happen... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Kroger sues ftc that has been filled with technical difficulties and delays.>>> grocery giant kroger is challenging a federal trade commission decision that is blocking the company from merging with rival grocery albertson's. kroger filed a lawsuit on monday claiming the agency's administrative... Read more
Category: News & Politics
This is k2 news at 5 on your side i think it's going to hurt workers i think it's going to hurt food prices and i think it's going to make uh u medicine less available and higher priced tonight oregon senator ron widen promising to do anything he can to stop a$ 24 billion merger between kroger and albertson's... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Affordable future. federal regulators are trying to stop a supermarket merger that could impact the entire industry. the hearing started today in federal court in oregon involving albertsons. the operator of shaw's albertsons wants to merge with store. the store kroger. and what would be the biggest... Read more
Category: News & Politics
With the agencies when opening arguments begin and joins us now. tyler: the ftc is suing to block what would be the biggest supermarket merger in u.s. history. alleging it would raise prices for consumers. i had a chance to catch up with the senior official today who told me they're pretty confident... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Good evening i'm katrina brown and you're watching newswire tv we begin tonight with breaking news from the 2020 for election trail in a surprising move former president donald trump is reportedly planning to include two notable figures robert f kennedy jrb and tulsey gabard on his transition team if... Read more
Category: News & Politics
With his team. >> now at 5.30, a federal court hearing is underway in portland trying to determine if the kroger albertsons deal should be delayed for violating anti-trust rules as we told you here first yesterday, kroger says a delay would kill that merger. so what would that mean for cincinnati?... Read more