[Music] what's going on W pack Nation welcome to another episode of toughy talk here we are so excited to be breaking down the offense now last week we were breaking down the defense with kitten Gibbs from Lockdown Wolfpack but now we got myself K Kinsey here with Philip Danford from inside pack Sports who will helping be helping us today kind of breaking down the offense he does a lot of stuff really focusing on football and play analysis play analysis things like that so again should be a great great episode here first of all Philip thank you so much for joining us here today thanks guys I appreciate the opportunity to come and the platform you guys have put together it's really been impressive the last couple years and so you know I'm always up for talking State football and you know it's a great place to do it I'm I'm geeked the season is almost here I can't tell you yeah well exactly and and again I think this is the perfect time to do it you know like again we're we're only a couple weeks away from from the first game and I tell you again I mean I I joined as a football equipment manager when Dorne first came on and it's it still baffles me honestly thinking about thinking back to 2013 thinking back to how much criticism that Doran guy and how you know is he really the guy and how like you know this guy was a coach for two years in nor illino he shouldn't be a head coach at Power five like NC State and then here we are heading into I mean it's again I think for every state fan it's almost like it can't be this good to be like like you know the saying it's too good to be true it's like it can't be this good right like it just can't be so that's it's hard to wrap my mind around even to this day um so uh but anyway so really jumping into it so again really kind of the idea here is that we we just like with defense kind of break it down position by position you know talk about obviously the main guys but you know even talk about some of the the backup players will that we'll probably see on the field some point um and then also to you know talking like you know who were some breakout candidates things like that but again just have fun with it see how much we can get through here so to kind of start it off here Phillips I mean obviously we'll kind of start off with the most easiest person to talk about when it comes to offensive side and that obviously is BR Bryson Beast no I'm just kidding it's Deon lirry of course the man the myth the legend Devon lry delivers uh and again not to say this speed you're not somebody to talk about but obviously again like that no of course not but I mean just I mean you know just you know whenever anybody talks in state offense right now across the country it's Devon L's name that comes up you know he's a guy again that you know one of the first the first guy in program history actually to hit that 35 five Mark uh you know last season and again he's back again this season and I mean again I know Philip again you've done a ton of breakdowns with him for sure but you know one of the things which I even have to remind people as well you know when they talk about 35 and5 is two or three of those interceptions were like half were halftime hail mares like I remember Florida State end of the first half Florida state was a interception so I mean he truly only actually threw two or three real interceptions last year so I mean it's how impressive was it honestly and I mean what do you kind of see as his potential really heading into the season kind of building off of last season so I guess the reality is I mean for Larry sky's the limit right I mean we've seen what he can do physically he put up crazy touchdown to interception ratio last year is that something that can necessarily be duplicated I don't know it's going be fascinating to see yeah but I guess what caught my attention right was his interview yesterday today I forget when it was but talking about a better understanding of everybody's assignment and that's a big part of playing quarterback understanding all the little key aspects it's not just I'm looking at the Shell of the safeties but I'm looking at the leverage of the nickel I'm looking at the fronts I'm understanding my pass protections and how I can change those right do I need to move the tight end over I mean there's all kinds of little intricacies that really I think up top is where he'll be a better quarterback the guy physically has shown us he has the potential to be a next level quarterback and you know my favorite throw of the year right so I always like looking at farash throws why do I like that because I don't think most college quarterbacks can make them to be honest with you do they have the arm can they do it in timing all that right and what stands out to me my my favorite throws was South Florida again first game of the year so that was a while back so you got to really think on this one so dein Carter's on the on the far right or on the left hash nine route deep you have South Florida playing to cover three and so what's that corner doing you you've got a vert You' got actually it's a four verts I believe so he is midp pointing two receivers running vertically but what is he gonna do he's shading the inside closer to lry because he's probably saying college quarterbacks aren't going to make this throw right because when L when Larry hits Devin Carter it is 45 yards down the right sideline the opposite from where he's at I mean that was a crazy impressive throw and that quarterback in my mind I'm like he's saying this guy can't do it so I'm gonna shade the other guy and he left Carter open huge play I mean you just don't see that every day from college quarterbacks and again it's I can't think of a quarterback now we've had some guys with strong arms right Harrison Beck had a strong arm he just wasn't all there but L seems to be the full package here going into this year yeah well and because obvious you know one of the biggest things I I know you've uh covered you've been you say you've been part of ips for five six years or so something like that so you know basically most of a lot of doran's 10 years so far especially more of obviously the better years I mean obviously you know if you weren't here for 2013 that's okay wasn't much talk about that year uh but really starting with jacobe obviously they heading into Ryan Finley and then now liri it's it's crazy to think about really you know kind of comparing in your head in terms of how how good can can ly really be terms of through the history of NC State quarterbacks and because I think we've all agreed on here I mean if he gets us an AC Championship you're finding a a spot for him in the top five in terms of quarterbacks NC State history but I mean even still I mean I mean this guy again his his his basically second full year uh through 35 and five statline he still has another year to go and uh it's it's uh it's just kind of crazy to think about how how again that Dorne has done a great job really over his years bringing in some great great talent because obviously it all starts really from the quarterback and so I mean to to EV for pretty much every single year since 2014 except for really 2019 was basically a debacle between McKay uh ly and bayy Hawkman that he's had a guy that has been one of the top quarterbacks in the country I mean you know Ryan Finley was highly touted and you know one point was talked about being the number one quarterback off the board you know jacobe Brett was one of the top two or three right there beside Dak Prescott um you know and then here we are with Deon ly and I mean in the I think it all one of the biggest things I think about was last year with the prod day and how uh you know everybody was looking at all the prospects when everybody was like man like you know like that Deon lery like is is he draft El eligible this year because man I like him so uh yeah I mean it's it's uh it's kind of unbelievable but you know what what would you kind of say I mean because obviously this year you're you're heading into it obviously losing aesi you're losing Nicki on the left side um so I mean how realistic do you would you say that it is that that ly can repeat what he did last year because I think that's really where everybody's head is at is like you know it was so unbelievable and obviously losing to Mecca is gonna hurt but again we'll kind of start talking about the wide receivers here but I just don't really see there's really going to be a huge drop off I know him and AA had a great you know chemistry together but I see a lot of that with Carter though and you know that him and they have a great relationship and Porter Rooks is getting up there Chris toodle I think is very underrated like you know what are your kind of thoughts terms of heading into this season what what he can do statistically let me well let me ask you guys let me pose a little question to you 355 touchdown interception ratio last year if he goes 3510 this year is he better is he worse I mean because let me let me my from my point of view maybe you disagree I don't necessarily think it's the worst thing in the world and to an extent I'm okay with more interceptions this year because one of the things I think that this offense might need to advance I think there are times where we might need to get a little more aggressive downfield and so put it in tighter Windows yeah I mean there there could be the effect of more interceptions but you know one of the things that that catches my eye right I do a lot of stats and I watch a lot of film is you know state did regress a little bit on third down this past year from the prior year now one of the things that when I was looking at the stats here in the offseason I noticed that on third down balls that were thrown by ly past the sticks right so the sticks are the yard to game it was 20% higher in terms of the passes that didn't get to the sticks so that means they required run after catch to convert the first down 20% higher this year than the prior year so the prior year we could say he's more aggressive or he got better looks coverage wise that maybe that's the answer so I'm thinking to myself right now right one of my big questions is how does State get better on third down and I'm saying right there might be a chance where Larry might have checked it down last season because he had a higher completion rate on third down but does he really need to try to stick it in there a little bit more this year I'm not saying you get Reckless right yeah I'm saying there there might be a time where we take a few more chances I what's your thoughts on that uh Kenzie any any any thoughts on that um well talking about how you don't mind the interceptions going higher I agree with that because like AA that's a special wide receiver like some of the catches he made should have 100% been intercepted like the Carolina game that final play like there are a lot of throws that he that he caught that were 100% could have been interception so a Mecca losing a Mecca is gonna I feel like make the interception number go up some but then again Devin Carter I feel like Devin Carter and Devon L's connection is just as as good as a Mecca so I don't see like you said it being bad if it goes up I think that it'll just be showing like who we lost and I think that it would be good if it went up because it would make us more aggressive as a offense instead of just running the ball absolutely yeah yeah no I mean and I mean for me really I think that you know it's uh I'm okay with it as well but I mean obviously understanding that I don't necessarily know if it's going to be because of the wide receiver because again I I really do think that Devin Carter came back because he felt that he could take the next step because I think you saw a lot of potential with him last year obviously that catch he made against Clemson to be Clemson I mean that was an unbelievable catch and it was an effort catch you know he just he he just willed it to get his body over to make that catch and uh um you know I think that he has potential obviously being an outside wide receiver you know that he could step into that Mecca roll and get a lot more targets and uh you know really try and help his draft stock but also too I think that you have a consistent wide receiver you can throw to and he's going to make a play for you every single time and theer Thomas you got a great young wide receiver in Porter Rooks that has shown great uh you know potential but also too I think that even Jordan Houston you know I I and again we'll talk a little bit more about more about him later but I think that he's you know he's kind of like a he's a he's a very Shifty he's a great checkdown running back you know he's not a grounded imp pounded kind of running back but he's a guy kind of like a you know not saying he is Christian M mcaffry but he's kind of like a Christian CA where he's just very Shifty he's very he's got some quickness behind him he's got some speed behind him and that's what he relies on so uh you know but also too I think that Tim Beck does a great job of setting up Devon lry for success I think we've seen that last year he he's at the end day with all the you know criticism that Tim backck gets because we've said that offensive that offensive and defensive coordinators are just are they easy scapegoats he he's still done a great job of making great plays when he needs to I mean besides the Mississippi State uh Ricky person jump pass I think we all can agree that wasn't necessarily the best call but other than that though I mean he's done he's done a a phenomenal job again of setting up leer for success and again just like you said leer is gonna know everything inside and out so I I wouldn't be surprised though if he if he repeated you know plus or minus a little bit you know I would not be surprised at all that's kind of where my head's at with it so speaking of a a Mecca you know a couple thoughts about you know him and his replacement this year which I think could be tougher than I think some have have given it credit for you know Mecca was 21% of all the receiving targets last year that's pretty big cut right there uh the other thing is he ran a pretty full route tree um you know he didn't run a ton of over routes but you saw him I whether obviously you have the verticals on the outside uh The Comebacks the back shoulders so how do we replace that and I want to say you know opening practice was yesterday I'm pretty sure they had slid Deon carer over to that's what I would call the X in this offense that because typically that's going to be your isolated receiver and 3 by1 stuff like that now I I guess talking about the route tree where where my questions comeing I'm not saying Deon can't do it I just haven't seen him do it a lot is two routes in particular the first one is the back shoulder throw and the reason I say that is because last year the back shoulder throw went strictly to aoi on the left side like he just did not throw the back shoulder now can Deon do it I bet he can but we just have seen it right and that the back shoulder throw has been huge whether you're talking pit in 2020 Clemson last year we had that insane catch up where he pinned it against the helmet Wake Forest crazy two-point conversion on a back shoulder I mean it's been especially in the Red Zone a big play and then the other route type is frankly we have not seen those quick perimeter screens where they throw it to Devon he's typically more of the blocker out there but they did throw him to a Mecca so you know are they going to change that exposition if we say Devon's the guy out there fit do they think he fits that skill set or not I wonder how things will potentially be altered so yeah no well again because I mean obviously with with Devin I think that well first of all one thing I will say is I think that the back shoulder throw should be uh patented and trademarked by achca and Devon and and nobody in the history of college or football should ever be able be allowed throw a back shoulder throw again because it's never going to be as good in as AA and de did that's that's for sure over over the last two years exactly um but uh yeah I mean I think that you know again with Devin he's got the size he's got the strength he's got the skill like you know kind of like what I was saying in terms of you know being able to get your body around and uh and make that pass I think a lot of it too is just really un like a lot of it's chemistry you know I mean a lot of it's just achca and like knowing like Devon likes to throw it to my back shoulder so if I I see it come that way I'm going to be ready for it and so I think that that's why this camp and spring camp you know are are very important and obviously the offseason you know I'm sure they're talking about it too so because I mean I think that even though theer is I mean he's he's played fory state for for years now and you know more than Devon has I think that it's still setting up that you're looking at Devon to be the number one wide receiver just because of the fact that the skill set is there the big playability is there uh but also too I mean just because again he's you're looking at him to basically replace AA who was obviously the clear number one last year um but you know again I I think you know we'll kind of talk about this too but uh you know I still wouldn't look over like guys like Anthony Smith Keon Lin Julian gray yeah Trent pennick you know whether you call him runningback tight end wide receiver kicker I don't know you know but uh but mean because you got you got options like I I I think that there's a lot of great options I think that Anthony Smith will take a next step and I think even Keon the he was really impressive to me in the spring game uh and I think he's turned a lot of heads to coaches too so can you kind of talk a little bit about that too uh you know kind of talk a little bit in terms of what you see depthwise for the wide receivers this year I mean it'll be very especially if Keon L kind of takes over that Z what I would call that receiver out to the right internally they might have different lettering but that's how I when I chart you know if he goes there then we're really getting a smaller more quick twitch body type AC cross really the the whole wide receiver core not saying Daryl Jones might step up I know he's a he's a bigger kid the transfer out of Maryland um you know Anthony Smith is height-wise bigger not necessarily thick right he's not muscular like Deon Carter or anything but he offers quite a unique skill set and you know when we talk about building out more explosive plays I I mean yes Anthony Smith is going to be a huge piece of that you know because I would like to see right I'll tell you you know as I as I watch this stuff always got these things like I'm I'm like I really wish they would run this I am dying to see Anthony Smith run just like those Deep Over routes that you see like Alabama run all the time with like Devonte Smith and jayen Wad and especially against you get you these three High defenses man that's killer route and you know it's just something we don't do a lot in this offense but I've got my eye on Anthony Smith and I'm like that right there like that is exactly what I would like to see pair that over at with a deep post from Carter something like that really kind of stressed that post safety um yep the other thing is just talking receiving core as a whole um I want I want to go back I think we talked about it a little bit before we started recording Dave dorm made a comment in I want to say it was ACC media day when somebody asked him what is the NC State offense what do they do and his comment was they take what the defense gives you right now I think you can talk two hours on just this topic alone but you know what do we think the defense will do against NC State this year and if you are an opposing defensive coordinator especially early in the season right so you're ecu's defensive coordinator I think his name is Blake Harrell well I'm saying well it's a run game was a little bit questionable last year we don't know quite what they have lost to quu new running backs we know they've got a heck of a signal caller I'm probably going to play more two high defense right I'm going to have two safeties back you know we're really going to defend the pass we're going to play top down so one of the things that that really does is that isolates those linebackers and the nickel so like for example Florida State plays two high defense who had a great game against Florida State tight ends running backs all those guys because they got isolated against those underneath receivers because now you got two high safety right you got that deep shell and now you're one-on-one underneath and we saw you know the slide routes and we saw uh uh running backs getting isolated one-on-one with the backer uh out of the back field and I think that's going to be a huge part especially to start the year if we assume we're going to see a lot of two High coverage I would look for big opening games from guys pennx toodle uh Houston right Sumo I to me I'm looking at that group right there and I'm saying all right they're gonna they're going to play as deep we're going to take advantage of what's underneath if we're saying what you know D doran's comment we take what the defense gives us I think that's what that's what it be open well and we'll definitely save talking about Sumo for part two is I mean that's it sounds like that's got to be a topic within itself for sure talking about Sumo before we continue I want to take a quick second to tell you about our sponsor Flatlands dressup Insurance group that has your whole world covered with agents in five offices throughout eastern North 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let's see lon's HP about that question do you have somebody let me let me think for a second do you have somebody he reminds you of well I'm trying to NFL prototypes yeah well I know that that that my partner Mak you know we've done some live streams with him and he loves bringing up the comparison of of of Drew Brees of A Sort again a very uh very consistent passer a very accurate pass not necessarily somebody that blows you away with you know speed or you know running ability or height or size but he's a guy that he will throw he I mean he throws the ball incredibly well and he's very smart you know and I mean you know so that's that's kind of that's kind of you know when I think about who who who would I say I just think about because I mean my partner M's brought it multiple times that he definitely sees a lot of Drew Brees and Larry no I think it's a great answer he's definitely crossed my mind let give you one that's probably way out of the box I'm not talking a little out of box I'm talking probably way out of the box you just kind of describing ly in my head one one of the guys I actually really liked as a quarterback especially I used to watch more of the Panthers I necessarily do now but Jake Delhomme kind of stands out to me and I know that's what I'm saying like way out of the box yeah very solid quarterback I thought he knew what he was doing he put the ball in the right place he didn't get you know he was not a turnover happy quarterback and he simply led a good quality offense uh I don't know man for some reason that that's the name that pops in my head I know there's probably better comparisons but you know that's what lirry is I mean he's a very steady signal caller he's gonna give you some wild plays but for the most part he's not going to get you in trouble right and that's that's a really big key you know we see some of these quarterbacks that have huge arms and all that right now I'm thinking of the kid down in Florida I can't think of his name he is the Prototype of a quarterback I mean he's massive he's huge he could run but he also is inaccurate and he throws the ball into terrible spots constantly and it's kind of like well that that's not Deon lry that's not the consistency that we see from you know the state signal caller yeah absolutely so and then kind of wrapping up again so talking a little bit in terms of behind him so you know obviously talking about Jack Chambers who uh you know is coming in obviously you know we actually interviewed him and you know we asked him straight up like you know are you here like to compete against ly or are you just here to you know be a part of you know the team and help out out and you know like kind of what's your goal and you know he basically said I mean you know he's a competitor I mean he's here to to compete you know and and do the best he can so I mean but he obviously understands obviously to say you know the likel of him beating out Devon is you know not so great but you know at the end of day he wants to be a part of a championship team and he wants to do his part to get us there and obviously you know he's a you know an athlete for sure just you know look at his stats look at his tape from Charles and Southern um but you know obviously looking at like Ben Finley you know he's a guy that you know during spring game stuff he's a very tough he's a tough kid and he's he's he's he's gone through some adversity obviously stepping in uh in the UNCC game in 2019 uh you know not playing half bad making some freshman mistakes but not playing half bad like you know what's your kind of take in terms of the the people behind ly well you know I really like Chambers um I did a little breakdown on Chambers uh not too long after it was announced he was coming to State went back and watched you know the film against George which I mean I mean what a nightmare defense to play against for him to hold his own you know I was impressed and I you know I actually enjoyed I asked him about that the other day and U kind of enjoyed his answers uh yeah you know what I think of Chambers is he comes from an offense in charlon southern that threw the ball more than State threw the ball last year which hardly State threw the ball quite a bit they threw the ball all the time at charlon Southern right thre a ton of vertical he is not the biggest guy in stature but he has a big arm right I saw him throw lot of those deep nines and so you know I think he fits what uh Beck would need if he had to step in but he gives you that little extra bit in terms of he can run with his legs right now you're not going to confuse him for Michael Vic but he is a guy that gets the yards that need to be captured right he doesn't go down easy in the back field he'll turn what would be a six-yard sack and he'll get back to the line of scrimmage keep you alive for the next play he's just a very good solid quarterback back and I know he's here a little change of scenery moving up a little bit and I you know I believe you know he's enjoying himself but I think it's a great option a great late pickup in the transfer portal forc state um now Finley you know Finley you know I was a little a little harsh a little critical coming out of spring game uh to be honest with you um I thought there were some throws there that he should have made that he didn't throw he wasn't pulling the trigger on him and you know he was holding the ball and then he was having to scramble out and sets up big hits and you know it's a guy to me he's got to trust what he sees better if he's going to get on the field I I mean frankly it seems to me that you know as a quarterback you look at pre-nap what's there what is my shell like what are the leverages like you're trying to piece together what do I think is going to happen but post Snap you got to confirm everything and that's where I feel like things might get lost in translation he's not confirming what the coverage is or what's happening or who's blitzing like where am I hot off of I hot off the right or the left or if this guy comes and I just feel like the post Snap kind of you know putting it all together wasn't there for me in the spring game um that makes sense to be honest I mean I have Chambers as the two and and then I have family that's just that's how I see it in my evaluations well because in kind of like wrapping wrapping this up here uh is again we'll we'll talk about running backs Titans and offensive line for part two but um you you know looking at like kind of specifically like the Yukon game obviously the week before Clemson and obviously yukon's not you know a great football team so you know hopefully you know we can get up on them pretty early and then more than likely probably pull the guys out so there's no you know crazy injuries or anything like that give the guys rest obviously for the next game do you think that that'll be a time where Dorne will maybe uh see what Chambers can do uh you know you know terms of like getting him you know on the field getting him some plays getting used to the offense in case knock on wood I'm knocking on every single piece of wood knock everybody knock I'm not saying the word I'm just said I'm knocking but I did not say the word but you know if we do I mean so that way I mean like to kind of prepare Jack you know at all or do you think that that might be a time where you kind of see maybe what MJ Morris and Ben Finley can do no I I think you're you're playing for this year I mean that's that's what I would take here I think Jack Chambers uh should get opportunities there I mean I was kind of joking when we first got Jack Chambers I was like because they're worried about Charleston sou we got them week too right he knows the whole Playbook right that's how it goes so we got week two covered right um but you know I think he'll get run I think he'll play against his old team hopefully in week two right barring catastrophe he should get in against uh Yukon right you would think so I'm I don't think Jim Moore has had time to to Really turn that around quite yet uh so no I think you go Chambers I I mean to me yeah this year is set up for this year right I mean I I think you got to play because if Chambers has to come in down the road he needs to be fully ready I would I love to see an MJ Morris on yeah it'd be great but I just don't think that's practical or prudent right now yeah absolutely I agree all right so with that being said we will take a timeout right there again just covered uh the quarterbacks and the wide receivers uh good bit and then part two we'll check out uh running backs tight ends offensive line but first of all again uh you know philli you know I want to kind of give it a chance I mean obviously for all cin State fans who haven't you know checked out IPS yet make sure definitely go and do so but anything specific Phillip that you know you want to you know kind of pitch in here I was gonna say uh inside pack Sports IPS if you haven't had a chance to come over you know it's a great environment a lot of good State fans a lot of good discussion whether you want to kind of talk you know high level ball and you know want to talk scheme a little bit or player evaluation or you want to talk uniform right there's threads and discussions about anything and everything it's good people and then I will say I I I will Tout The Elite plus program that James Henderson Steve Williams Bryant Carson all those guys have put together in this era of nil uh to be able to coales and bring the fan base together to give back to the athletes it gives great opportunities to to interact with the athletes hear what they think I mean it's it's a unprecedented level of access and it y you know it's not much it's a few bucks a month but it goes a long way I mean there are guys who need it I mean what you know we we watch them on Saturdays in Carter Finley and you know we love them to death you know when they're between the lines there but you know the rest the other six days of the week you know some of these guys you know they need help outside of this and they they want to fill that support uh Elite plus is just an excellent program um you know great intentions with those guys so highly recommend that you know if you're looking a way to get involved you know it's a great thing absolutely yeah know it's great stuff there for sure again love everything the IPS is doing you know in terms of supporting with the pack of wolves and you know nil and supporting these athletes for sure love all that you know IPS is doing there so again hats off to you all on that and then for us as well obviously one of the biggest announcements that's came out for us earlier this week is obviously the announcements of our new channel memberships as well uh in terms of you know we have our own off also to private Discord Community as well just like you said only only a couple bucks a mon Mon and also too we have an an opportunity as well for those who also want the private Discord Community along with a private exclusive toughy talk content uh as well and our Weekly Newsletter so make sure to check that out in the in the link below hit that join button and check out which option that you want to sign up for and then we'll look forward to having you on the private Discord with us as well and uh hit that subscribe button also do hit that notification Bell so that way you're notified whenever we release any new NC State content and also do give us follow toughy talk now on Twitter and Instagram and obviously if you haven't already given a follow to IPS as well make sure to do so we'll see you all for part two as always go pack y'all [Music]