PAUL RUDD #paulrudd #michaeldouglas #antman #marvelstudios #interview #shorts

Published: Aug 30, 2024 Duration: 00:01:00 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: michael douglas
I was working opposite uh Michael Douglas in Ant-Man and uh you know he's a legend and I could never completely relax in in front of him even though he was very nice and finally it was his last day of shooting and I thought I want to be buddy buddy with the guy I want him to think that I'm cool and I thought it would be funny if while it was on his closeup I could somehow uh recreate that scene from Basic Instinct or you know we film the scene I unzipped my jeans and you know unfurled unfurled yeah I I guess I didn't really take into account when I'm sitting in a chair everything kind of like the my boxer shorts so uh while he's doing his scene I'm trying to re unfurl while holding my t-shirt over and trying to C uncross my legs and and like turn and he's such a pro he didn't stop his you know his monologue flick his eyes down real quick looked back at me and then just finally stopped in the middle and said what are you pervert

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