TikToker Caleb Graves Warned of Heat Wave in Video Before Tragically Dying at Disney Half Marathon

tick tocker Caleb Graves 35 left a chilling preview of his fate in his final videos just before he competed in Disneyland's half marathon on September 8th he voiced concerns about the extreme heat in California in a video posted on September 7th Graves warned his nearly 18,000 followers about the soaring temperatures I went outside around 2: p.m. he said it was 90s something deg I'm worried about how it might affect my run tomorrow he also shared his troubling experiences with heat I have some sort of sensitivity to heat he said I was walking my dog for 20 minutes in the heat felt fine but then passed out right after I hope I make it through the race despite his warnings he collapsed right after finishing the race Anaheim Police Sergeant Matt Sutter told people that Graves finished the 13-mile race in under 2 hours around 7:00 a.m. as soon as he crossed the Finish Line he started clutching his chest and then collapsed Sutter explained Medics quickly performed CPR and rushed him to the hospital but he was pronounced dead after an hour of efforts to save him the Orange County coroner's office will handle the autopsy though results could take some time Sutter noted that while cardiac events can occur during major races deaths are extremely rare thanks for watching

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