repay to get on gas here we go match number two both of these Titans of the regions fighting for a Golden Ticket Mario gets pulled in swip's going to be there then the exploding Mech brings fade down great start for apply totem as all three lanes collapse from tribe gaming not without fade getting a super though and he might want to break some of the map open probably just not his Lane I think that if they have to you got to open up but ideally I I don't think they want to I mean theyve got Tyrant who does have a little bit of distance but not going to be the easiest thing in the world as a throw or chaos off to a flashing start six gems now in his pocket his Tyrant lobs up shots fade going down twice getting a little bit of conversion here but not a lot he's already got that hyper charging super though and we know he can make a big bang when he's ready great shots from Mor there does manage to secure himself that super fade coming up now with the hyper charge ready to roll surely going to be using that Gadget as well but get stunned out before he actually uses it not really getting too much done with that hypercharge and does completely waste it but Mario surely very very low now and eight gems already in the hands of reply totem is a big big issue and there's another kill as well it's totem domination that was a disaster of a play there Frank finally connecting needs to get this kill on Mari two gyms being Spilled Out the Gil NATO there to keep them away from the gyms just a little bit longer but tribe gaming have to hold this positioning for a long time now they're down three gems they've got an enemy team that has the max speed to get that momentum swing another pick up there from tribe they could hold on to this this is a great spot from tribe gaming now as those gems start to take up it's gone from really like bad to amazing for them now and speed available going with the hype judge Mar got Hy judge as well shots coming through and Zulan gets the kill chaos going to get a few shots in onto Tyrant but he doesn't fall down stays up three gems on Zulan Fade's going to be able to get them exploding out of this super here and Marrow goes down trip start to stri back Fade's footwork unreal right there to stay alive in a big moment now it is tribe gaming taking all the momentum in the world hyper charge activated for fade but he doesn't have the distance to close out it's honestly more of a scary tactic than e muray with a big push back all the gyms falling to the ground another hyper charge team wipe for totem what a play coming out reply totem there not sure what's really going on there still time to go before this game finishes 10 seconds on the clock now fade going to be coming out this right hand side Mario going in for the shots and bringing the Frank back Tyrant so low Zulan the only one who can contest and two seconds is not enough time for him to do so reply totem strike and take the first game Frank didn't necessarily win that match up against me or Gail it is going to be an uphill fight we talked about this earlier with some of those stamina EU drafts I feel like Frank is a talented fantastic brawler yall know how good he is at home we play him in ladder but here at a professional level against two very difficult match up fade is going to have to work for this yeah well nice pull in there as well Mor get evading shot so nicely still staying alive and actually just about goes down thanks to tyrant's help but he was doing a great job of just evading those shots from fade at close range but he does have control and this is what Frank wants how hard it's going to be for to re retake this right lane is just ridiculous different game same story dominant lead for reply totem now speed being applied to the left hand in shots being lobbed off chaos dodging grabbing gyms Chester holding on to a super what's the RNG going to give him this time clearly he's not using it yet I feel like he's trying to bait an opponent there's the ice rink that he's dropping the L look alike on the ground it is not enough Maru and Chaos clean up chaos going to have six gems three gems on the side of tribe just trailing behind so heavily might be able to grab that one as well but chooses not to just yet oh that's lovely from Mor he gets one on the right gets two and all the gems that tribe had fall to the floor and now in the hands of totem blue team countdown fade has to close the distance Mari there to slow him down hyper charge activated fade swiping NATO hits the ground contact made with fade Maru body blocking all the way and Chaos relaxing on home base reply totem with a convincing start to our Match Into the game we go and a launch pad off the start as his tribe jump straight into action and a miss Gadget early by fade not going to help him out all Gadget going to be used by Maru healing up nicely break throughs there is that long Dash as well he's not even using gas a heal he's going for the long Dash obious going to be really good against the Frank to get in and out of range and Tyrant as well to be able to evade these shots I respect the aggression early clearly this is what they wanted they wanted to send Gail in and fade in they both got supers available even though Zulan went down they're not on their back heels yet fade Finally Falling though no mecca for the Maru it's going to take him a little bit here to charge that back up especially with dynamite just being able to reliably be Behind These Walls I think they fed a little bit too much there Tyrant can kind of just chill out here trying to get that extra step maybe a little greedy cuz I think you'd rather not have Maru back in the robot yeah just a little but how do you break this if your totem how do you do it unless you go for a complete break through the Middle with with uh with Chaos on that brawler but they were just stood behind the wall they can't really score in that position at all more in some good shots in chaos goes backwards there with a little bit of w super wasted there as well going to put Maru at OPP position but he goes straight open Lane left hand side completely free maru's going to have the super as well goes to the wall right there super shot in will secure the first goal from chaos was a little bit Scrappy weren't sure what they were going for for a second there but managed it in the end you never know what you're going to get with Chester and honestly just a perfect roll of the dice for the super that he got that wall break allowed him to grab a goal I think it would have been a close call otherwise and now chaos can skate up and down this map going for the long Dash I really respect this it's going to allow for them to be a little more aggressive sure's not going to be able to heal as much but at least he's going to be a Harm's Way from something like a dynamite a Gil and Frank of course swiping at him I mean it was two bombs in a from Chester as well I mean he's just getting the roll of dice going so well for him Zulan on the defensive side hypercharge ready to go fade super in hand but what's it going to do against this comp that's the question it's so hard to break through bomb comes down zolan gets hit by again Mory starting strong Maro so low hyper charge knocks them all back stops him in the track Kos can get a super he can score this here didn't manage to grab one in time and Zulan evading the shots well to keep tribe alive this map is not catering towards tribes composition early game should favor them but they didn't escape the early game reply totem won that battle too and now they've got 20 seconds on this shot clock Zulan fighting for his life a push back and stun onto chaos Mari with another wall break super shot available Maru in the back of the net convincing game number one here for reply totem Kenny this this this isn't shaping up good at all for tribe this is shaping up to be a sweep for apply totem if it stays like this they got to have a good early game with this composition chaos is breaking up the map so well Chester is getting so many of those bombs to be able to break up the map which is yeah it's RNG it's not some are doing really well but they get the supers exactly and it it's got to be early game for tribe it really does and it seems like it might go the exact same way as last time with an early kill on Frank yeah now zulan's going to have to put this in the corner keep in mind too it's not like he has the Twister to just block this off they're using the Launchpad I I respect it cuz I think a criticism that tribe has gotten more recently is maybe not aggressive enough maybe not feeling this out they pick up fade one of the best tanky Brawlers on North America but at the end of the day if they're not rning this early engagement a Fades opening of the map dropping supers you saw what it did last time they got a lucky enough to get that goal early especially with the Mari wall break and then they were rendered kind of useless I mean Fade's breaking up the map for them like and so's the dynamite it just doesn't make sense to me Zulan going to be able to get taken down I should say but ball still in the corner and Tyrant going to be able to defend this one but tribe they' just got no I don't know what they can do they're just locked down just feels like another uphill battle for them luckily 0 overall a lot of time on the clock but they're still on their back heels just hasn't felt like we've seen the tribe we know and love no explosion no calculated precise push they've gone in for the Launchpad failed a couple times off the start here and now totem just holding their ground impostering in this mid look got you from Mor try and change his super he gets that little burn down M shot that Zulan is hit with fade healing up now going for the hype charge extra speed there but long Dash zero drag from chaos going to be able to put him in a good position once again now the shots com through Maru should go down here and does but they're too low to make anything happen anytime they get a chance it's just just nothing to follow fade and Tyron have been stuffed in a corner they have to take their time and heal here Gail skipping out on the Launchpad chaos launching himself forward ball being contested in the mid here as Maru takes on the right hand lane out ranging fade Dynamite lobbing up shots they're getting desperate here if tribe aren't careful as this goes into overtime they're going to be in trouble oh possible shot through there but fze actually gets baited out with the super and now totem start to move forward zul and so low gets the hyper Char gets the super but he's taken out shot tries to go right fade catches it just and tribe stay alive in this game but for how much longer we've already seen them struggle with the walls up now the walls are about to come down here comes an explosion from Tri gaming though hyper charge available for Gil the push back barely connects on the chaos he Dives away just in the nick of time timer ready to rumble though sticks hitting the ground and this ball right by tribe Gaming's net and what do they do in overtime Frank Dynamite like they can't win it they just can't K going to be able to use this zero director even more to his Advantage now just zolan left in a 1 V3 totem closing down use the superi to try and kill him but he just gets it Zulan defending well but tribe going to have to play for a draw I feel well Fade's getting aggressive he's going for gold hyper charge popped dodging to his best can't even get a super off totem focusing him down now chaos progressing up the map going for this ball a kick left Zulan with super available knows better though not going to be tempted by this one I mean what a burn that was from chaos to get them both burning down stop them in their tracks Maru going maybe be playing for a draw now but with 20 seconds on the clock he smells blood as tribe gaming do not have a composition to be able to contest this map fade just moving forwards with all his HP trying to burn it down Zulan has super in hand Mory trying to defend G going to be missed though in there Zulan has the Super Shot can't get it and now it's totem time super on the map and he's there waiting 4 seconds is enough and totem do it over agressive over Confidence from tribe cost them the second set they're going to go for that blue star immediately here a flying hook to kick us off here for set number three do or die for tribe gaming Tyrant his his feet are moving beautiful stuff he's duked all the way up and eventually they're going to get the kills Gadget from as Li hits two I think oh tribe off to a flying start exactly what they needed they need a confidence boost now piercing through the wall as Livy holding on to a super lurking in the grass right now he hasn't popped the shot yet I think he's looking to maybe get a little extra value here trying to find an opportunity to go for two instead though going to cautiously Retreat now tribe gaming on their back foot on the spawn side I mean holy is never a bad thing either little Gadget missed there from Kos as well trying to shoot through that wall and mor gets a shot against him here as liby chooses yet again not to waste that super doesn't feel confident in getting the kill so he holds off me back into the mech once more TP comes in great stuff and that's the Synergy they need Zulan evades the pull and switches places with Tyrant to get the kill on Mory 2 Brilliance from tribe wonderful gameplay Carl back in spawn and they pinch him down too now we're talking tribe gaming look at that the old switch AO with the teleporter when gray Falls weak Here Comes 8,000 HP hurdling its way at you they got to hold on though 11 to 5 certainly a possibility to come back now a dive in from Carl going for the tail spin disrupted by a grab from Zulan follow through shots from Tyrant what a onew punch we've got going right now for tribe gaming great shot in there from K so brings it to a narrow difference of four TP from tyrra maybe wanting to heal up as liia has a super and there's not really a way of disrupting it at the moment Mory doesn't have pull TP again from Tyrant but he falls low as L trying to find a shot and the followup too they're getting pinned down and this could be Match Point only five minutes chaos going to go in no I mean zulan's going to go and get chaos more looking for the kill but they can't kill him tribe on top of the world and they're getting so many and they cut it short 20 stars and finally we see tribe for who they are exclamations from The Crow Crow this is what we want to see those first two sets aren't reflective of the drive gaming that we know you're seeing Zulan stand in paac in a little bit he's starting to feel it some people in the crowd getting their game on little tribe Jersey and some support going their way they're not on home soil they're in Europe fighting against one of the powerhouses of the world reply totem this time doing much better the trade going through but thankfully for them that blue star rest with them as Livy tapping once again though hits two with the gadget gets the kill follows up with another shot is it's just brilliant es playing so well little walking Kane through that it's try and kill Maru but no followup could be done that's okay A little wall break in there will probably help out their side Gadget through the wall from chaos it's not going to secure anything just yet as he tries to get this followup but no further shots here oh no oh just off the mark Maru was low enough to where if that had connected would have been a blue star switch they still got two stars that is great but we know how valuable that blue star can be Zulan in a world of trouble the Chip Shot from Mari just enough there and now totem take the swing yeah they do have the lead blue star is deciding it at the moment Gadget goes through as liby gets the shots in should be fairly close to another Super but Tyrant is out of Mech there it is and he doesn't get it missed again from where he was to where he is now these supers cannot be missing but he is the main man on tribe who's getting these kills and I'm sure he'll continue to do just that it gave them space at a bare minimum though less than a minute on the clock and everybody settling down pistols at Sunset is what it's going to look like a Miss walk came but a mid pull chaos with the follow through two star lead for totem complete difference here hype jge available from Chaos 2 over this left on side might be able to make some make something happen with that Maru Gadget super should be able to deflate a push push that comes in but he has got the blue star he is the one at risk he's the target tribe will be looking for anybody on this reply totem team Falls and it's flipped tribe get one Gadget comes in spinning onto him Maru flips it has the blue star Tyrant hunting him down zo one in the spawn and they extend their lead further super won't get it and Tyrant alone surely can't make it happen match point for apply totem up next strong first half for tribe gaming now they're facing the ultimate test a crowd rallying behind totem right now great shots coming in from as follow-up super Just Clips him and it's extending this lead gets four stars and totem 2v3 just going to have to hold off now but pull comes through TP might be there G used no connection from as reply totem not starting off as hot as they did in game number two this is much more reminiscent of what we saw in that opening game as liby going for a gadget a nice pop that was enough to get him a super two I don't think they know this fires connects with Maru every time you make a connection with that Mandy super 2 it's half a super recharge for brawler so his Livy might be one to two shots away once again he's got it again fires connects Maru still staying alive though he's just too healthy these Jean heels just come in so clutch would have got that kill if it wasn't for for the gene heals make or break for both of these teams reply totem win and they go to Worlds try gaming win they still need another two sets but they stay alive super Veil fromia again might be able to score this all three together just threads the needle and that's one of the times you don't want to be doing that pressure coming in from chaos down the right hand side has the Super activated trying to find the shots onto Tyrant but no shots are connecting Tyrant just surviving this one out not enough to go down but tribe will fall out of that Mech and they're in a tough spot this is starting to be a scary situation Zulan diving in goes for the kill he's carrying this blue star though he might be pinched if he's not careful is Livy ready for a super connects once again they must have had him playing Mandy all off stage in those first two sets I mean this is crazy man his Mandy is just ridiculous he's putting trive on his back at the moment chaos hyp Jud ready to go this is the push that will decide it all will they get it super comes through Clips chaos TB RS all one and he gets it Mario goes in tries to go right but he'll fall too tribe surv drag it to a set four you're starting to see the audience come alive those signs of damage do come from tribe and he survives it on out a little bit longer too fade Finally Falling Mari breaking away on the right hand side you're going to see top of your screen there some damage being dealt last call hitting the ground all the potions from barley connecting to that high safe strong start here for the red roster I mean fate rolling on in as well with the super swings there but he's going to be able to get away from it oh my go huge damage Berserker on safe two not really seeing the same from the other side chaos getting some damage here and there and the Frank getting a few Taps but it's still not that much here comes the damage now putting in some work keeping himself alive a little bit longer and all of the sudden this just got interesting 1% separating these two teams totem breaking through here the push back fade forced to dive in he greets him with a shotgun and now Frankenstein's on the other end looking to meet him two hyper chars touching down as liby needs to find some chip shots in here he's forced away here comes Tyrant the push back the fade it's good 3% is enough tribe gaming extend an intense game number one here of set four tribe gaming looking to do the unthinkable trying to drag us to a second set five today same thing happened again Fade's been allowed to kind of just free roam this left side get some early poke damage get some early super he's not going to complain about his Gadget used as well and he's keeping this positioning he's going to get the kill on the main damage dealer Barry but Mory going to get that star power use as he extra damage will start rolling through now he's going to cut off Maru here as well he's got a super available I mean Tyran has just been pesky looking to push back the enemy he's going to let his Livy and fade do work I chaos diving and Tyrant slices him back fade marching on in immediately disrupted by an explosion from that Mech but as liby has a last call available and it's definitely going to connect I me those berry shots are lingering it gives them the lead pretty much from doing nothing fate just going to go try and leave the Frank gear base race rolling on in Maru so low but Mor still pounding away at the safe up top surely try win this Barry is going to get taken down Berserker on the safe barley rolls in we're going into set five Tri even the score set number five on the way here we go we're setting up for a banger of a finale here it's only match number two of the day reply totem taking on tribe gaming two familiar Rivals charging at each other right now Maru storming down this right hand side as Mari takes the long range in the mid heals available for iaos his tribe are already just put in a corner they have opportunity to get out of this with a Daryl roll an explosion from Tyron is a defensive mechanism can keep the range but they don't want to extend this too long a very different vibe to the last knockout we saw in the previous series complete aggression perfect roll knock back and he cycled it again back onto Maru fade pulls out brilliantly there manages to stay alive the burnd down damage keeps Kos and Mory low and Tyrant should be able to sweep in and take this down totem not starting good and fade at all just to prove me and you're proving me I mean right right yeah I was let's take a good paper match up somebody that's off The Meta arguably one of the worst Brawlers in the game but it works into Meg I I've seen it in scrims I've seen it in monthly finals even match arino tournaments were crying out loud this is unusual but folks trust me you just saw what it could do there this is by no means going to be an easy walkway for tribe gaming though but I think it put a lot of doubt in maru's head now I think so too he's not going to be over stepping that line again is he perfect roll or over the top of that water extending it straight onto maru's face then he cycled it for when he got knocked back as well couldn't have asked for a better play from fade and the tick just scouting out these bushes make sure reply token don't come as aggressive as they did last time and I think totem have learned that lesson too totem learning their lesson and they're holding it back this time it's going to be Daryl waiting for an opportunity to strike hyper charge available for tyrant Maru still firing down some heavy machine gun action and tick can just keep chipping away iaos it's just hoping that somebody rolls up into one of his shots but do they win late game and I totem that's the thing now the hyper charge comes in around the side Tyrant going to trying oh what a burn down on the left pinches straight across tick head comes in straight onto the RT legs doesn't even need it Tyron and fade get the others tribe going to match point and it all happened as fast as that spamming down early and totem reverting back to their previous ways of going all out in the beginning and hoping things end differently this time shots raining down from the tick Maru falling low healing up falling low healing up the tick head connects and they're back off totem started once again with no utility to start out on either side they're okay rushing to the other end they got to live with their choices they're getting a few good Taps especially from this long range I really like mari's odds here connecting with Tyrant several times bringing him down fade once again in Prime position to just hide it out as Livy waiting patiently I feel like tribe gaming have been just so calculated in this second half especially here in knockout roll available again as liby able to throw this head down and tank some damage Tyron played it perfectly with the burn last last time and fade looking for this positioning once more Mory able to drop his legs here comes the healing tonet keeping chaos high on HP Maru popping the gadget as well tick head comes in Wast some of that ammo perfectly ready to get going now Tyrant needs to throw down a gadget or something before he goes down still so low barley will get that hypercharged hick head comes down fade versus the world and this time it won't be happening reply totem take the first round and tribe fall short you can tell his home court here reply totem fans going nuts for that first round tribe gaming with a long r ahead of them they can't get ahead of themselves here I chaos Mari Maru this time they're the ones that are going to wait it out they had a good result there towards that AME they played it patiently they waited around end up working out they are more than capable of trying to take this set too I mean sup supers and more supers from both sides two for totem three for tribe gaming two rounds in a row will take for tribe reply totem need this to even it out and take it to double match point the engage starting to happen as Mor gets the pinch onto tags him up tags Tyrant as well brilliant play from him to Mar these two players and keep them out the way for a bit they got to keep Maru in this me a p shooter of a pistol is not going to do any good in these in-game circles Tyrant looking down this left hand side Maru from the long distance iOS letting it all loose every Super hitting the floor a big pick up there fade goes down another one for Maru as Livy going to be stuffed in a corner doing his best to 1v3 but what can a lone thrower do double match point one game to decide a Golden Ticket between two of the most historic franchises this sport has ever seen fade starting out hot rushing to the right hand side as Mari goes for the long range Maru firing down an aggressive totem to start off this game once again they're already throwing down a super for his liby it's going to explode and if anything it's going to reveal Fade's positioning a little bit easier now yeah he's not going to enjoy that but Tyrant has the shield built up Mor going to get burned down quite heavily by Tyron he might just stay in there should be able to get that kill if he follows up can't find the connections and the rest of tribe are falling apart Tyrant versus two and he does not have a chance not sure about the decision making there tribe gaming to complete this reverse sweep now have to win two straight rounds reply totem fans are on their feet and they're just going to sit around they're the ones in the driver seat here the momentum has shifted to tribe gaming for so long the Bold pick of Daryl the shots from his liby everything has to be perfect here Tyrant starting to move forwards gets tapped up and that Mark coming along with it is going to be devastating if he gets caught out of position chaos has this last call in hand and that is so so useful for zoning the opponents into a position you want and with this tick with this darl they don't want to be caught in that everybody just being cautious nobody over aggressing here Daryl has the aggressive Ro available chaos can let loose at any moment sup available for both ends and the red roster have to play this perfect shield on Tyrant right now Maru still firing down a super going in fade diving in at an impromptu two time he's going to fall to the gadget chaos gets connected with but he hasn't gone down yet Tyrant desperation Gadget Falls three totem members standing tall as liby the last man here in the [Applause] [Music] Gladiators it reply totem It All Tribe falls short and reply totem will be going to the World Finals once more what a match it's one we're going to remember for a long time reply totem EMA Dark Horses here crazy that we're calling them a dark horse but in terms of seating they were the last one to earn their spot now they're the second team here today to secure a world final spot this is what you guys have been fighting for your golden ticket to World final at Superfest ladies and gentlemen one more time for reply tur [Music] [Applause]

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