Pollster's WARNING: The Debate Mistake That's Costing Kamala BIG TIME! | Trish Regan Show

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 01:05:13 Category: News & Politics

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well that was a bad debate what do you think a lousy terrible positively awful debate really beneath shall I say what was once the standards of a news organization like ABC News I mean moderators were terrible kamla was clearly terrible mean girlesque if you ask me and guess what the voters aren't buying it you see it turns out Americans are smarter than the establishment thinks and so now Americans are saying gee you know I don't really think she did that great a job she may have won the debate but she'll lose the election in other words what is that expression you can win the fight but lose the war win the battle but lose the war that is kamla Harris ladies and gentlemen you won't believe what Nate silver is now saying it is good to have you here I'm Trish Regan it's the Trish Regan show remember remember to to subscribe to share to like all of that good stuff we are getting really big and really strong and it's all thanks to you so do your part share like make sure you hit the Bell so you know when I'm here live every single day and let's drill down on what's really going on because I'll tell you this kamla Harris may have been the so-called winner as far as the pundits are concerned but she still didn't address the issues that Americans really care about for example the economy I we didn't hear anything about the economy barely I mean the first question she got was on the economy and she completely strayed she was quite nervous did you notice that I did dry mouth and the whole thing take some water comma calm down she was very nervous you could hear it in her voice you could see it in her expressions and in her body language and she completely ignored the question that the moderators gave her and so Americans are left saying well who is this lady is is she really capable of solving my challenges and the short answer ladies and gentlemen is no this did not help kamla Harris in terms of outlining any kind of policy not that she has any to the American people and this was reflected immediately thereafter in a CNN poll take a look at the economy here uh who would you who would better handle the economy is what we ask going into the debate before the debate 37% said Harris 53% Trump after the debate again margin of error stuff here but numerically she lost a little ground 35% said so after the debate that she would better handle the economy 55% said Trump and we know that is one of his strongest suits across the polling in this election and he seemed to hang on to that piece in this debate tonight according to our poll of debate Watchers and yeah he did he did because Americans know just exactly how bad it is how bad it is I mean my gosh you look at inflation you look at grocery prices nothing that we saw on stage last night actually addressed any of those key issues they didn't talk about any policy for some reason the moderators at ABC News are quite incapable of that and we know kamla obviously isn't after all kamla didn't have any policy on her website she threw a few things up actually yesterday right ahead of the debate this is classic so she copied and pasted from Joe Biden's policy page literally copied and pasted to the point where the source code could actually be viewed on Google so that became the headline she literally copied and pasted I mean you want to talk more in the same just copy and paste well Nate silver who's a big deal pollster he's out with a warning he's out saying hey hang on don't count your chickets before they hatch because you know I'm looking at these polls and she really hasn't picked up the kind of bounce that you would have thought say coming out of the DNC she's still pulling very very weakly with men specifically White middle-aged men in places like Pennsylvania that kind of really matter and so consequently he's saying you know she didn't come off with perhaps the sophistication policy-wise that the American people were really craving so he writes in his silver bulletin by the way he used to work for ABC ABC acquired 538 and this is an article that was in Newsweek paraphrasing saying um that you know he's still giving Trump better than 60% chance chance of defeating Harris or rather he had before the debate and he wrote in silver bulletin just after the debate that there was quote a strong consensus that Harris won the night before cautioning that pundits might be getting a little carried away about the debates impact quote it would be surprising if this had any impact on the scale of the Biden Trump debate for instance Silva wrote Harris got the debate she wanted if she isn't able to move the needle in the polls at least a little bit maybe that means the country just isn't buying what she's selling and I would say you know what that's spot on no no one's buying what kamla Harris is selling and you have only to go to some of the network focus groups that came out immediately thereafter before we do that take a look here these are the swing states where hey guess what imagine this the economy actually matters because the economy really stinks in places like Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania Nevada Georgia North Carolina Ina and Arizona and look at how tight it is you think that she did anything to actually improve her standing on where she is on the economy the short answer is no the focus groups actually prove it ladies and gentlemen you look at what's going on there at the CBS focus group you look at what's going on in the CNN focus group and everybody's saying the same darn thing you know what we're not satisfied we don't think this woman can really do the job listen she just basically um repeated everything that Biden has um said in the past what were your thoughts she made um Donald Trump made a strong closing statement by saying why didn't they do all the things that she's proposing during the three and a half years that they've been in office and Biden did this entire moderate stance back in 2020 and she's trying to do it again in 2024 but she didn't talk about her policy changes between 2020 and 2024 her whole Centrist moderate stance is just a facade Bingo it's a fan and she didn't articulate any kind of real difference in policy really really really stunning to see um here's another focus group this one here by CNN and in this focus group you're kind of hearing a similar a similar pattern how many of you have made up your minds based on what you saw tonight on stage in Philadelphia raise your hands all right I want to ask you why what did you see that brought you to a conclusion I think it's important to remember that we are voting for the leader of our country and not who we like the most or who we want in our wedding party but who is actually going to make our country better and we're in an incredibly unique situation ation where we've had both of the candidates in office before and we've gotten to see what they would do and when facts come to facts my life was better when Trump was in office the economy was higher inflation was lower things were better overall and now with um kamala's Administration things haven't been so fantastic and she's saying she can fix the problems that her Administration has caused but I just don't know if I can afford to take that risk yeah speaking of which you know what if you're worried about inflation Etc I want to give a quick shout out to our friends over at American Heart for gold because if you text Trish 65532 text my name 2 65532 remember that 65532 just text Trish my first name to them you can get the opportunity for up to $115,000 in free silver when you purchase gold with them so this is an opportunity it's exclusive to those that are watching this show the Trish Regan show you can also call them at 18444 95115 1844 495 11115 you know how strongly I feel about diversification you how strongly I am concerned about inflation you know and and this is one of the reasons why I keep saying gold is something you should look at in your portfolio now you do you you handle your own Investments I have a lot of ideas as you know over at 76 but I do think that gold is one of those ways that you can help even out some of the fluctuations in the market so give them a call text Trish my name TR r i to 65532 or go to Trish loves gold.com today Trish lovold but when you consider ladies and gentlemen you consider these focus groups what you realize is that people are actually craving real solutions and real answers it's one of the reasons why Donald Trump resonated in the first place and when he goes back to what he's best on he triumphs for example here he is talking about the economy the economy which clearly common Harris can't talk about and knows that uh we're doing tariffs on other countries other countries are going to finally after 75 years pay us back for all that we've done for the world and the Tariff will be substantial in some cases I took in billions and billions of dollars as you know from China in fact they never took the Tariff off because it was so much money they can't it would totally destroy everything that they've set out to do they're taking in billions of dollars from China and other places they've left the tariffs on when I had it I had tariffs and yet I had no inflation uh look we've had a terrible economy because inflation has which is really known as a country Buster it breaks up countries we have inflation like very few people have ever seen before probably the worst in our nation's history we were at 21% but that's being generous because many things are 50 60 70 and 80% higher than they were just a few years ago this has been a disaster for people for the middle class but for every class on top of that we have millions of people people pouring into our country from prisons and jails from mental institutions and insane asylums and they're coming in and they're taking jobs that are occupied right now by African-Americans and Hispanics and also unions unions are going to be affected very soon and you see what's happening you see what's happening with towns throughout the United States you look at Springfield Ohio you look at Aurora in Colorado they are taking over the towns they're taking over buildings they're going in we're going to get to that momentarily because he did mention some of those things and the anchors went a little bit crazy CU of course these anchors clearly in the tank for one person it wasn't Trump so the focus groups really do show you that Americans are craving more and I think as a result Nate silver running silver bulletin and looking at these prediction models is totally right he spot on when he said you know what they've got to be very careful here because she may not get the kind of bounce that they're thinking they're going to get and when you go back to these swing States guess what matters the economy the economy and the economy some more people are hurting and they know that under Donald Trump they fared a whole lot better no matter what KLA tries to tell you and so they have they have memories imagine that you know people actually aren't going to get totally utterly spun by can we call her a mean girl because that's sort of what she is kamla Harris ladies and gentlemen she's a mean girl she's kind of a bully I mean here's this guy by the way got shot shot at he's like taking bullets right for democracy he's willing to get sued and sued and sued again they're trying to charge him nearly half a billion dollars right in that one bail bond it's sort of surreal and then she piles on them and you know he had been instructed go easy go easy this is a woman you can't really go for the jugular in the same way oh but she went there she went there just like she did with Biden remember that that did didn't pan out so well for her now did it guess what happened in New Hampshire my home state I mean she got less than 1% she pulled at the very very bottom right after that debate because nobody liked it they didn't like her so they don't like her they don't trust her great you want to say you won the debate he disagrees with that by the way but go for it it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter a lot of people turned it off a lot of people just couldn't take the bias coming from the mar moderators who seem to forget that they're not actually the ones running for president against Donald Trump I mean the lies were excessive the lies were extraordinary kamla Harris embracing all of her meanness saying wild stuff like this that went totally totally unchecked and dangerous Plan called project 2025 that the former president intends on implementing couples who pray and and and and dream of having a family are being denied IVF treatments if Donald Trump were to be reelected he will sign a National Abortion ban and what did the president then at the time say there were fine people on each side on that day 140 law enforcement officers were injured and some died Donald Trump the candidate has said in this election there will be a blood bath if this and the outcome of this election is not to his liking and the blood bath you were talking about the economy it's a term that's used um so that was an excerpt from Donald Trump we're gonna get back to that in a moment on Fox they played that clip for him and he he had a lot to say so again we'll go back to that but I just want to point out we're talking mean girl on steroids I mean look at that lie after lie after lie after lie completely uncorrected like she's just able to just fluently have these things spouting out of her mouth one after another and nobody says boo I mean Snopes for goodness sakes they corrected that whole charlott's Phil thing I mean that's been corrected everything's been corrected she she wants to blame Donald Trump for the inflation he gave her 1.7% she drove it north of 9% but somehow inflation is his point his problem I mean she she got after him at one point on China saying that you know he was too liberal with China wait a second wasn't this the guy that was like going to send us into who knows what because he was too strong on China I mean which is it guys guys she kamla Harris proved who she really is not a very nice person there on stage who's willing to distract with a whole bunch of emotional sensitive sort of button issues right let me let me try and get them worked up let me try and get them worked up let me get the audience worked up let me not answer any single question they ask a question and it's like Voom it goes right by her she's not very bright I've said this before I mean she she failed the bar exam she didn't go to exactly you know a top-notch law school either I think it's ranked like 86 in the country and she couldn't pass the bar exam okay she's never actually really won an election I mean you can debate whether or not she really won the Senate thing because there's some candidate that they propped up that really wasn't the establishment candidate in every anyway I mean she was sort of annoyed if you would for that one she couldn't get to 1% in New Hampshire and then suddenly she's the VP for Biden Trump was right he can't stand her Biden has no use for her nor does Dr Jill Biden understandably under the circumstances right because she's not a very nice person what did she do she took it right out from under him she's not a nice person I never would have trusted her if I were Joe Biden after the debate debacle in 2020 when she accused him of all kinds of things we won't even go there but remember the busing thing I was one of those little girls oh that was something that was something to see and actually it sent her super low so I have a prediction for you America is going to wake up to the meanness and they're going to say no thank you I got somebody who actually is willing to put himself In Harm's Way to save our country what are you willing to do you want to open the borders you want to give out handouts to everyone thereby driving inflation even higher and you're willing to get us into conflicts overseas that we don't believe you really understand last person in the room kamla Harris she's not a very nice person this may explain why only according to axios only five people that she originally started with as staffers some five years ago are still working for her the staff they're all fleeing left and right even though she could be the next president of the United States why would that be because she's not very nice to work for she's not very bright she argues well enough from an emotional standpoint I mean think about this for just one second right if you're in a an argument with someone and you're actually a smart thoughtful person trying to provide logical logical comebacks right to try and Advance something and and win your point of view you don't just const I mean what do you do if you get somebody who's twisting and turning and and and just like an emotional mess that may sound sexist I don't mean it to sound sexist I think she's quite vicious I think she is a mean girl and I think she wants to destroy Donald Trump I don't know what she wants for this country I don't think she knows what she wants for this country KLA Harris is only about one thing and that's KLA and so that should give everyone pause every single one of us meanwhile ABC News is just giddy it thinks it just did a fabulous job and oh my goodness you know we we've we've handed her the White House right listen to this the commentary coming out of their mouths moments after this whole thing had finished and we are here live on ABC with our post debate comments I'm Martha Ritz it was a lively debate from the economy to abortion to Afghanistan they had it all and it was historic John Carl fiery wow wow wow that was that was quite a debate uh and I'm Jonathan Carl here with of course Mary Bruce and Rachel Scott our reporters across the news Divi division have been updating our live blog looking at some of the allegations made back and forth doing fact checks you can find all of that on abcnews.com but I would like to replay the moment at the very start of this debate because it was quite a moment the handshake and if you look up good see you have fun thank you I mean wait a moment first of all cuz we hadn't seen a handshake we haven't seen a handshake in a long time initiated that one not only did she initiate she walked over to him and sought him out put out and also made the first words and probably had a plan if he hadn't his hand out either interesting so so more at the bottom line what did you think I I think clearly what KLA Harris wanted to do was be the candidate of Hope the candidate of the future Donald Trump seemed angry within four minutes are you kidding me how is that hope how is that the future she's just really mean and way off topic but let's keep going they're going to keep congratulating themselves here I think we we saw him going from from very serious at the beginning never really seemed to look at her uh to I loved that by the way I loved that he didn't look at her because if you looked at her body language she was flipping out all outrageous it wasn't until she kind of hit her groove after she kind of needled him about people leaving his rallies which is bogus right like she's just making it up trying trying it was one thing after another plus the host I mean what a mess just angry I mean really really yelling at some points trying to make to to make his points I don't think we heard a lot of policy and plans on either side of that oh that's the moderator's fault that would be ABC News and your lack of editorial judgment Martha maybe you should have hosted that debate uh despite those questions over and over again but what you had was that optic you had kamla Harris looking over baiting him again and again and again uh the microphones were muted when they weren't speaking but many times she didn't need a microphone you watch Donald Trump get mad uh scowl through things and you know John we were all talking leading up to this about how this would go what Donald Trump you would see I think he had a plan for talking about what he saw as as as a next as a next term but then he was talking about uh rumors about people eating their neighbors pets so really invol we're going to follow up on that because they're not entirely rumors there's like a 911 call I want you to see and hear subscribe to the show remember hit the like button share write comments I'm going to get to all of your comments here at the end um this is a very very big day and there's this accusation that he's coming across as angry well tell me how you would feel all right if you go into a debate with the best of intentions and they promise you and promise you we promise we'll be fair and then they do what they did and KLA Harris refuses to answer any question she spouts lie after lie after lie nobody corrects her and then the next thing you know you got David and uh Lindsay coming right at you straight for the jugular I mean tell tell me how you would feel I have more on that in a second but I'll tell you this I don't think he was very happy I think it probably did anger him slightly I think that that was reflected going forward if he does want to these things again my advice is whatever it's like in one ear and out the other you don't have to respond to everything just keep going back and putting her on the defensive cuz her record all right like it's really bad like she has nothing to run on so how dare she put you when you're the one who actually grew the economy grew middle class wages and jobs I mean we hadn't grown by that much adjusted for inflation since 1950s that that's something pretty darn spectacular and yet she's putting him on the defensive alongside the anchors so here's a question what would happen if he does another debate should he do another debate on another one of these big networks maybe he actually needs to think about a different kind of network or a different format I don't know is I like these Network debates because we know that the bias is so rampant it's something that came up on Fox today he went on Fox and Friends this morning and this is actually pretty funny because I can tell you they didn't appreciate this very much he dissed a couple of well-known Fox moderators right there on Fox's air so Fox and Friends they were like hey you know would you consider a debate with with some of our moderators here wait till you hear what he had to say I'm going to CU this tape yeah Mr President we we kind of expected it because uh when you look at media Research Center they said 100% of the stories covered um on ABC about kamla 100% of the time was positive 93% of the time when they covered you it was negative um so it was infuriating to watch them fact check you and not her when she brought up IVF when she brought up project 2025 several times and when she brought up Charlottesville here are some of the lies that she said about you listen the detailed and dangerous Plan called project 2025 that the former president intends on implementing couples who pray and and and and dream of having a family are being denied IVF treatments if Donald Trump were to be reelected he will sign a National Abortion ban and what did the president then at the time say there were fine people on each side on that day 140 law enforcement officers were injured and some died Donald Donal Trump the candidate has said in this election there will be a bloodbath if this and the outcome of this election is not to his liking and the blood bath you were talking about the economy it's a term that's used um a lot when people are talking about a bad economy what's your reaction to why didn't the moderators correct her because they're dishonest and because I think ABC took a big hit last night I mean to be honest they're a news organization they have to be licensed to do it they ought to take away their license for the way they did that bloodbath was referring to the economy and everybody loved the term because as soon as they heard the word it's sort of a vicious word but referring to the economy they have created an economy bloodbath was the word that I used and it was fine in that context and they were trying to make it sound like there was a riot or something and it was a blood breath IVF I was a leader on if the IVF the IVF which is fertilization I was a total leader on that when I first heard about it like right from the beginning I was one yeah Mr President we we kind of expected it because uh when you leave each time I was right didn't correct her at all and she was saying these things she she was using and each time I was right I believe each time I was right didn't correct her at all and she was saying these things she she was using like Charlottesville she was using Charlottesville and everybody you take a look at Laura Ingram she did it incredibly she had it totally debunked she said that in fact it makes it Angry she makes she gets angry when people hear about Charlottesville when they use that because what they did is they stopped and they didn't put the following sentence in and when they put the last sentence in when it was all put together what I said was absolutely perfect and ABC knew that everybody knew that frankly I think they lost a lot of credibility but regardless look the polls are saying that I was I won that by 8020 90 here we have one here 92 to7 and I sort of believe that's right I thought look I've been told I'm a good debater I I think it was one of my better debates maybe my best debate I think I don't know that's why I'm disappointed in this guy Harold Ford I don't know if he's still there but I don't know what he was watching because he was just as dishonest as ABC in my opinion okay Harold Ford is a Democrat so he's going to spout that right and maybe he was on with Fox earlier and he's taking taking note of that but this this is what she Kam laa has tried to do right she tried to get under his skin perhaps like Harold Ford just did the other thing so he he's calling out the moderators and and they were indeed horrible but the other thing that was amazing about what we saw ladies and gentlemen Donald Trump completely disses Fox to its face right he's on Fox's air and he actually he goes right after Fox hosts themselves when he's asked the question hey you know or this de debate may not have been you know what you wanted but would you come on with us and hear his response when a couple of names are floated his way he does not like these hosts listen Mr President U I know uh when we started the interview you said that you felt that you won the debate last night uh your best ever um I think before the debate happened last night the kamla Harris people said that they would actually like to do another debate in October and I know that uh last night Fox News uh offered sent letters to your campaign and her campaign offering three dates of uh debates moderated by Martha and Brett uh one is October 9th in Arizona well I wouldn't want have Marthur and Brett i' I'd love to have somebody else other than Marthur and Brett I'd love to have Frank sea or Jesse or Laura uh you know somebody else let's give let's give other people a shot but I didn't think Martha and Brett were good last night I thought Jesse was Jesse was fantastic last night what he said Jesse really got it Jesse said Trump won that debate that was we won that debate by a lot no I wouldn't want Martha involved I Mr pres I would take some others oh ouch ouch ouch okay so he doesn't want Martha involved he doesn't doesn't want bread he you know he's not fans whatever look I think the reality is you just need smarter people you do I mean and I've work with them okay like you need smarter people that understand policy that understand the economy that understand the jobs Market that understand the dollar and its inflationary um challenges right now you need people that get this you need smart people I mean we just don't have enough smart people in politics or frankly in the news media that is the reality ladies and gentlemen whether you like it or not so I would suggest whoever moderates this debate next time around be maybe somebody outside the network system right why not why not get yours truly a former business reporter who's actually got a background on like I mean imagine that why not get somebody in the private equity space in the banking space in the science space in the legal space why not get a bunch of people that actually have expertise and why not have it go for three hours so we can actually try and have real policy debates remember Elon when he had Trump on and it was a really good long meaty conversation and we got a little more out of it or think about the economic Club of New York when we heard about his idea for a sovereign wealth fund fascinating right right I mean nobody else has been talking about that in order to address some of the challenges we have for infrastructure when we really had some substantive talk on tariffs let's do that let's not have these weak I won't say it moderators they care more about their hair and believe me they do than they care about the policy they certainly care about their bosses I guarantee you David got his little orders there marching orders and so he did exactly what the bosses were telling him to do go after Trump but don't make it really seem like you're going after keep your voice very come make sure your hair looks good which he happily willingly will do not a hair out of place and make sure that you take down Donald Trump but we don't want to see the emotion right we don't want to see it on your face like you know Megan back in 2016 where you you know she was so animated no no no we can't see it you have to seem extremely calm and you just make this matter of fact and you correct him and correct him and correct him again but kamla does she need any correcting absolutely not now why would you correct comma Harris because you see she is the anointed one that's who Disney wants to get the big gig makes you really wonder about this so-called establishment right so the anchors couldn't help themselves they kept correcting correcting correcting I mean we even got into this whole pet eating controversy thing I mean it's kind of morbid to talk about but very cute memes online I mean I they're they're actually really cute and they're really funny and there's like these little kittens with like Maga hats and they're like save me save me so the the rub is there's some news circulating on the internet that well some of the migrants who have very different cultural norms are hungry and in need of food and in some cases perhaps going so far as to perhaps use some of the livestock that are around out and about which might include now I have not independently sourced this but I do have a 911 call I want to show you because David Mur made a big point of quoting some City official who clearly doesn't want to have to talk about this right like let's just be honest like some the city guys like oh my gosh no like and I got ABC News and it's going to if this comes up in the debate he was all prepped and ready to go there and he did so watch this guys and then I'm going to play that 911 call for you it's courtesy of the Federalist which got the call and it's coming to us from Clark County in Ohio America great again it's very simple phrase make America great again she's destroying this country and if she becomes president this country doesn't have a chance of success not only success will end up being Venezuela on steroids I just want to clarify here you bring up Springfield Ohio and and ABC News did reach out to the city manager there uh he told us there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed injured or abused by individuals within the Immigrant Community I've seen people on television let me just say here this is the people on television say my dog was taken and used for food so maybe he said that and maybe that's a good thing to say for a city manager I'm not taking this from T dog was eaten by the people that went there again the Springfield City manager says there's no evidence of that vice president I'll let you respond to the rest of what you've heard you talk about extreme um she really likes to laugh it's not a very pretty laugh either anyway it's quite clear ABC was prepared for that and they had something ready to go and he's making the point like hey what do you know I I've seen this that and he's like well you know we called in anyway it's worth noting that there is a 911 call that has been released by The Federalist which is pretty good publication and I I'm going to play it for you because it's not pets they're talking about but apparently some geese that are being hunted down there's some kind of goose hunt going on listen to this call from this guy Clark County communications um yes ma'am I got a question this is a non emergency line correct yes it is okay um I'm sitting here I'm riding on the trail going to my orientation for my job today and I see a group of patian people there was about four of them they all had geese in their hand they got away I couldn't make out the first three of the license plate but I got the numbers the last numbers was 98 8 and it was a gray Toyota Tacoma they took off on there was about four of them there was two men two women I couldn't tell the AG cuz I'm in a I'm in a hurry going to this orientation so I don't let be late what what direction did they go uh they went up uh towards uh towards the middle of toward downtown okay and what what path are you on right now hold on just a second I'm coming all right I'm gonna I'm gonna dump out of this but you get the point so there's a 911 call about a goose hunt and there's a certain accusations that are being made so while the city manager says it's not going on there is this 911 call and I guess it's just sort of once again and ABC look I I don't know it's hard to trust the media right like ABC was one of those that told us all along that that was a fake laptop that Hunter Biden's laptop that was reported on by the New York Post that was just a bunch of misinformation disinformation designed to somehow influence the election I mean they have a very poor track record on top of that you've got what the media Research Center is is reporting and that is that 100% 100% of the coverage of kamla Harris has been positive by ABC News while some 90 some odd per of the coverage by ABC News has been negative of Donald Trump and so I think Americans are sitting there going what what what oh we have some great video that just came in right now the team sending this my way and I got to show it to you because it's pretty spectacular oh my gosh you guys are going to love this wow this is really I'm looking at it kind of laughing here because this is this is sort of crazy let me see if I can pull it in and get it for you so Biden's campaigning theoretically for commot in Pennsylvania today and somehow winds up with some firefighters and take a look at this [Applause] Mr President uh I know uh when we [Applause] started did you see that I have to freeze frame [Applause] it be could that be well I mean we know he doesn't really like her that much understandably so I mean after all she took his gig she never liked him that was evident on the debate stage mean girl that she is back in 202 and then jump admits it and I don't know shortly thereafter he winds up we got some more pictures here oh my goodness so this is what's circulating on the internet you got to be kidding me can that even be right I'm going to ask you that in real time can that even be right I'm just looking at some of your comments guys because is that she's really out there I mean hey I get it he doesn't like her I don't like her very much either what do you what about you what about you but I mean to put on a trump hat we'll see that needs to be authenticated remember you're watching this show live in real time the TR Regan show make sure that you subscribe make sure you share make sure you like all that good stuff I'm going to look at all your comments because this is crazy this is so wild and of of course there's this little bit of news are you surprised Taylor Swift announcing like on Q on Q because this whole thing is so freaking staged that she is supporting kamla Harris so this comes out right after the debate apparently kamla did so well so so well that Taylor will now graciously offer her support so she put it out in an Instagram post like minutes after this debate ended and of course over at CNN some of the anchors there are all like woohoo woohoo this is fantastic this is huge she's the biggest star in the world but little cold water was thrown on that comment by another host who's a little more with it if you ask me a little bit more sort of in touch with reality I want to play you this because Dana Bash got her you know what handed to her what does it mean what is the significance of a celebrity endorsement it's not just a celebrity endorsement one of the biggest celebrities in the world the biggest celebrity in the world but it's not just that she's a celebrity she has people who are I mean like Swift lists I mean there are people who are young people young women who might not already be engaged in uh in politics who read and listen to every single thing that she says and love her and if she makes a difference even on the margins in a race like this that is a huge difference this was the this was the endorsement that the Harris campaign they were hoping for more more than anything else no one will ever say no to a Taylor Swift endorsement I I 100% agree with that I think it's significant to all it is always significant to have the most powerful force in pop culture on your side the one contrarian view I will say is that in this moment the thing the Harris campaign needs perhaps the most is to figure out how to reach men they they've got to figure it out here in Pennsylvania they've got to figure out how to reach black men and I'm not sure Taylor Swift helps with that it's a totally different ball game that Taylor Swift is in but they've got to figure that part out Travis Kelsey on the other hand maybe if Travis Kelce comes around we'd be having a different conversation but I I think that it's just important to remember that especially in this Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that is um that that is just it's a give and take here where you you gain some and you lose some and she really needs to start gaining I woo Smackdown I mean that's the truth of it right because tell Swift what's she going to do for you okay wow you get a nice little headline out of it Taylor Endor is comma but does it matter does it matter in these states where people are really hurting where they're losing manufacturing jobs that news of course coming out just last Friday as we went into this debate no talk of by the way jobs no talk of manufacturing no talk of any of that God forbid we actually talk about policy but here are the states where KL is really struggling don't forget he pulled pulls poorly okay let's this just the reality of it right Donald Trump does not pull as well as like a Comm Harris would and so you get places like Pennsylvania Michigan Wisconsin and guess what one of the reasons she's doing so bad is because most men don't really like her this is a deficiency that by the way Nate silver has reported on as well she can't get to first base with men white men black men just men like men do not like or trust KLA Harris I mean I don't know that she likes them that much to be honest with all the rhetoric that we've heard from her so I get it I get it and I think Abby's right Dana's wrong great okay wonderful Taylor Swift is in the tent for you wonder how much that endorsement cost just kidding not really anyway you know Taylor Swift endorses her but what will it matter at the end of the day because again go back to to all of these numbers guys she's really struggling in all of these swing States and I think Nate has not actually released anything today thus far I'm on the lookout for it let me just go over to poly market for a moment a source close to me who uh knows the poly Market head told me last night that even in this environment even in this environment the head of poly Market who's looking at all of this data every single day is still saying GE you know I think that the reality is Donald Trump wins this one I'm just looking at the latest and greatest poll just in from poly market right now and I want to report that again it's 50% Donald Trump 49% odds of kamla Harris so when you look at this I think it it actually tells you a lot I've said before I one of the reasons I like these things is because these betting markets actually tell you a lot about what people really think right when you have money on the line you really really have to make a decision this stuff matters and so I watch these very carefully polym Market is one of the more interesting ones in part because it uses crypto and you know um Rob and I actually from 76 research let me put 76 research up we were this week at a a crypto conference and it was truly truly truly fascinating I interviewed VI ramaswami who I know you guys love you know he's really really smart I got to tell you like very very smart guy and I really enjoyed being there and and doing this interview I I I thought it was really remarkable to talk to him one of the things that you know he brought up was that there was so much pressure on her going into this debate that's very clear I think we heard that in her voice but the other thing I would just point out is that this was a conference that was you know we're looking at a few things biotech but also crypto and crypto is fascinating I find it incredibly fascinating because because it's different than gold obviously it's very much the future and I think there's a lot of interesting opportunities within this space if nothing else the technology itself I kind of like some of the premises behind Bitcoin Etc we can talk about that actually over on 76 research but um poly market and I'm going to show you this poll momentarily but poly Market is a great example of a space that's using some of this Cutting Edge technology and employing the use of the blockchain and cryptos to bet on some of this stuff and it's very it's treated um sort of a little bit of a dist at a distance but I think people within the tech Bas would tell you they consider this actually more accurate than some of the more stayed betting markets so it's worth taking a look at if nothing else for that reason in terms of 76 we will have a note coming out actually on some of the crypto stuff I encourage you to get this you know you just use code word dollar D R just go to 76 research.com we are really proud of everything that we been able to create there I just want to give a quick shout out to us because actually on July 12th we added a stock to the American resilience portfolio and the stock has done incredibly well recently reported earnings I'm looking at the stock it's up 8% compared to the broader Market which is actually down 2% S&P has been down 2% in the same amount of time through July 12 through yesterday's close and then the S&P I should point out in terms of its technology the S&P Tech index is down 10% Nvidia remember I you know I I like Nvidia a lot of course but I I am also very cognizant of one getting in at these levels and the fact that it's so inflated in terms of its price to earnings ratio and the expected growth of the company Etc well Nvidia is actually down 16% so we added this to the American resilience portfolio which is our growth portfolio only because we saw it as an opportunity to kind of be in this space and not be in Nvidia so that was the rationale behind it and I'm I'm happy to report it's now up 8% versus &p which is down 2% versus Nvidia which is down 16% you can get your copy of the 76 report by going to 76 research.com or 76 report.com use code word dollar because then it's just a dollar for the first two months it goes to $9.95 thereafter but you're going to get a lot of information just a wealth of information and high quality research and then if you're so inclined we've got 10 to 15 stocks in each one of the model portfolios I just cited the American resilience portfolio we closed out the quarter with some very very good news on the Income Builder portfolio we also have the inflation protection portfolio so there's a lot for you guys to look at do me the favor of going over there and taking a Peak at some of that but I got to show you so this new poly Market poll is just out and it really hasn't shifted since last night when indeed last night we got the news that even Taylor Swift was getting in on the action take a look okay so this is what poly Market is saying this just coming in literally seconds ago presidential election winner 2024 Donald Trump at 50% KLA Harris at 49% now I can tell you that he is off slightly from where he was ahead of the debate so you see some suffering there as a result of her sort of Triumph in in this mean girl atmosphere where she just attacked him attacked him attacked him but I think what you're seeing reflected from poly Market is in part what Nate silver has been getting at and that's that you know it's just one debate and it's not going to change how people really really feel about her and they don't feel very good about her again when it comes back to main Central issues like the economy at the economy here uh who would you who would better handle the economy is what we ask going into the debate before the debate 37% said Harris 53% Trump after the debate again margin of error stuff here but numerically she lost a little ground 35% said so after the debate that she would better handle the economy 55% said Trump and we know that is one of his strongest suits across the polling in this election and he seemed to hang on to that piece in this debate tonight according to our poll of debate Watchers and yeah so I think that bottom line you got to think about the substance here and we didn't have a lot of substance on stage we had a whole lot of fluff we had a lot of you know attack dogs three of them to be honest against one that's that's something and that will result in maybe a little bit of excitement sort of among some members of the base for KLA Harris but I don't think it fundamentally is going to change anything so again will start to see more information but you've seen for example those polls like the issues are what matter so maybe they say oh yeah she won well who cares who cares if she won a debate because she seemed like she was more aggressive and she was willing to change the question and not answer it and say whatever she wanted to say and had the moderators on her side that doesn't matter ultimately if she can't convince the people that she's actually the right thing for America right now and I don't think people are convinced I mean this is why I just threw this out there a couple of days ago if she really starts to tank in the polls I think you've got to watch this very carefully because if she starts to tank badly you might actually some kind of see some kind of panicked move very very panicked move from the likes of the Democrats because if she doesn't get the sort of bounce that one would expect out of this then it means they've really going to interfere in a big way and that's why there is some chatter about what would they do what could they do could they perhaps have Joe Biden step down and have her step up and do an oval office address and you have a lot of Pomp and Circumstance just a week and a half or two weeks ahead of the election look Anything could happen right I think you have to remember that I said all along they never ever should have run him I'll say this they never should have run her so they're putting a lot of sort of chances out there by running a candidate like that we did get the inflation read today inflation coming in up 2.5% this comes on the heels of what we saw I think last month which was 2.9% remember it keeps going up and up and up the FED is shooting for 2% so there's some thought here that maybe this is good news for the market only because the Federal Reserve which is trying to deal with overall employment issues overall concerns about a recession this will give them some Firepower and some coverage to be able to move forward on a quarter point rate cut coming up so that could actually happen now that we're seeing inflation coming down a little bit still 2.5% if you're worried about inflation one of the things you can do is diversify your portfolio if you're looking to buy something like gold I'd like to recommend our friends over at American Heart for gold just go to Trish loves gold.com they're one of the great sponsors here on the Trish ining show you can text my name to 65532 just text Trish to 65532 because this is for your chance to get up to $155,000 ladies and gentlemen in free silver hey that's that's a that's a deal right so check it out do your due diligence call them 1844 49511 one5 use my name of course because this is a deal a special offer for fans of the Trish Regan show um again I I'm looking at the market here is we've got a Dow that's up 3/10 of a percent S&P closing out the day better than 1% NASDAQ up 2% so a little bit of a recovery effort going on there and we'll see I mean we'll see what happens with the Federal Reserve I do think bottom line you want to be invested you got to understand the risk to not being invested in this market and it's why I keep telling you 76 research I created it for you so do me the favor of going there 76 research.com let let us get you excited about investing and you can do this all with code word dollar again 76 research.com sign up for the 76 report or you know what we have the founders club with all the portfolios plus the 76 report so if you really are looking for good value that's actually the way to go I want to jump out so many people join I mean this might be our biggest show yet guys as I look at the live stream and I see how many of you are are joining us and I'm so excited and so amazed we have just been growing and growing and growing and it's all organic like this is the future right when I when I talk about the media uh I I I got to say like I'm thrilled I am thrilled not to have to be part of that mainstream media anymore and just the optionality I think for people that have a Viewpoint and that have um have a personality right are it certainly puts us in a good good spot peace of mind good to see you gosh Don Don's out doing him he's actually making sure that all of you hit like and that you share and all that good stuff because apparent oh my gosh we're over 3,000 this is definitely probably our biggest show yet so subscribe share keep this momentum going really really tremendous to see um I think all of you are are looking for some perspective right on this debate and what we saw there on stage and I'm going to tell you i' I've moderated two of these things and there's a duty if you would a duty to actually as a moderator put your own personal preferences aside and just do the job right you're not running for office yourself so you got to be fair and you you know my you know my point of view right like I'm very open about it but I always try and show you the other side too and you know we we look at it and we laugh about it and we knock it down right but hopefully you come away with an intelligent understanding of why something else is not working when I've moderated debate you know what I I have my personal point of view of course but I know that I'm there to do a job and those two individuals that were on set last night they were not doing their job so ABC News should be just appalled unfortunately ABC News likely is not ABC News is high-fiving themselves they think it was brilliant they think that this is terrific even though even the New York Times guys even the New York Times I'll share this with you actually said that was It was kind of stacked like you know that's a nice way of putting it totally utterly stacked the way this debate went down because they were challenging Donald Trump on everything but they challenged K Harris like never here's the direct quote there were almost no moments of tension between the moderators and the Democratic candidate vice president kamla Harris and the ABC anchors skipped several opportunities to follow up with on tough topics like the Biden administration's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and M Harris's shifting positions on fracking in the southern border my gosh I mean are they getting paid by the Dem they probably are I mean think about that think about the interest that Disney as a corporation has the vested interests that Disney has and ABC News has in having the status quo and having the same team in charge there they want Kamala Paris for goodness sakes for no other reason the president of ABC News is like such good friends with her that she set her up on a on a date with douge boy I mean this was bias on steroids they were told calm cool collected don't let your emotions show but go in go in don't forget they also have earpieces on I know all this earpieces so they're being told you got to correct him on that you got to correct him on that and by the way you got to correct them on that right there's there's a sequence of things and so that's all they did and I think to a certain extent it was a collusion it was a collusion where kamla's team knew they had the anchors on her side so if she could just needle him a little bit and if they could needle him a little bit or a lot then they would actually start to see him be frustrated enough that he might come across as frustrated as angry well you you know what he's a human being and he deserves to be frustrated he deserves to be angry with everything that he's been through and then he's got the Mean Girls piling on Mean Girls three of them throw David in there too you know with his nice hair all three of them that's all they could do was attack Donald Trump and I'm just looking at it like guys I mean you're not running for office and and you don't need to stoop to that but maybe they figure they do they have to stoop to that I mean really really really disgusting display from these so-called journalists that are really just activists I mean at least over here you know you know where I stand and I I'll always tell you and sometimes you won't even like it you know we we get into these little things right like again it's always happened throughout my career because you know you're you have every right to your opinion and I have every right to mine and you know take it or leave it you don't have to agree with every I say I don't always agree with everything Trump says right I actually I love I love his Economic Policy I I really really really like it and I think he's thinking about things in a really Innovative way but you're always going to know where I am and the difference is with those two people that are used to reading a teleprompter they they don't let you know where they stand David David that's so sweet he said we stand with Trish well I stand with you guys too I really do and I got to say like she came across extremely poor extremely can I say annoying well you already know how annoying she is right you already know how annoying it's like she wasn't just annoying she was mean and so there's a there's a there's an edge to that that I find really unsettling and they're always saying he's mean no no no this woman had a meanness to her that really and truly has been unrivaled and so as I look at all of these polls that are coming in and I see okay oh well people think she won the debate who cares if she won the debate she didn't win on the economy and she didn't win in terms of convincing people that she would be doing anything different this whole new page that she keeps going on and on and on about that's a bunch of nonsense because she literally copied and pasted from Joe Biden's website to put in her policy think about that and the media doesn't call her out on that they're never going to call her out on that because somehow for their own hides they want her to win again which I don't really understand because to me you should want whatever is best for the US economy and that means having a secure country a safe country safe communities that allow for Innovation and ow for a meritocracy and opportunity and all of these things that we want to encourage for our generation and the next K is the antithesis of this I mean heck even all these Wall Street companies are getting rid of Dei and she's doubling down on this stuff we're going to continue to watch these polls my prediction is that she doesn't get the bounce the so-called bounce that she's looking for and as a result of that when you look at these prediction models and you continue to watch poly Market she's going to continue this downdraft as we went into this debate you saw that V right where Trump was versus kamla and the odds of winning the Electoral College they were so vast like back to the stage when Joe Biden was still running and she wasn't even in the mix like the idea of a comma Harris possibly jumping in also was showing you this vast divide in terms of well it's just never going to happen well that's where we go were going into this debate so you may see that collapse just a little bit but she needs it to really collapse and it's not happening and so in time in another week once again he will regain the momentum because facts are on his side and you know there's something to be said for that ladies and gentlemen make sure that you subscribe make sure that you share make sure that you you tell all your friends we're here live every day on the YouTube channel we are here every day actually live on Rumble and Facebook as well and of course uh on Apple iTunes and Spotify it is really really important that you be part of this right now and that you hear truth and don't let them not for one second get you down cuz that's what they're going to try and do it goes in one ear and out the other just like they tried to do to Trump right they're trying to Rattle they're trying to Rattle don't let it rattle you because the facts are on our side and this economy speaks volumes for the lousy job KLA Harris and Joe Biden have done for the last three years so you can take your Taylor Swift endorsement and run with it all day long but it's not going to get you to the Finish Line because the people living in the states that matter are in a real state of misery thanks to the policies that this this Cracker Jack team has put in it's pretty bad okay subscribe share like hit the Bell I'll be back right here with you as always live tomorrow

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