okay I think we're live seems like we got good bouncing bar here um sorry about the webcam friends it's still on the fritz after the last desk exploded it went down and fell into a mess of a sticky tea so I'll try to mess with it but it really we need to buy a new one uh friends I'm also about to leave but I'll be back a little bit after 10:00 I have to go get some groceries there's a mixup they're supposed to be delivered they were not and I really need to get them I have a friend who's really ill with Co but meanwhile breaking news oh my God while we can see the fire Crews desperately trying to save this uh this radio tower that this is live right now I need to uh show you guys this live because this is so Dynamic and crazy so I'm going to put this up um started a little bit earlier than I can actually be here hey husky hey J cat thank you Husky and and all other mods available for helping hold down the fort if you can for about an hour or two an hour and a half here it it takes me a little while to get to um the store here but look look at this Dynamic crazy situation this is um the airport fire that broke out today and yeah so this is uh this is going insane this is the Santiago 1 and two cameras um I'll show you the the the bigger map in a second but there's a desperate struggle to um to save this critical infrastructure we got two different cameras so what I want to do is set up the cameras for both in like one of these tile things I'm looking at the clock nervously um but I'm sure I can get that uh done Santiago one and two excuse me Santiago 2 we have number one we got two different uh views somebody seems to be at the camera um actually directing the camera so I think we actually have three different views really four Santiago Peak 1 two and north and south oh okay well all right you can even see one camera looking at another but you can see how how um desperate this situation is becoming yeah Dr Elephant says hold on to your butts you get the award today you get the award Dr Elephant well welcome um yes I need to get that Samuel L Jackson sound effect um so what we'll talk about when I come back right about after 10 uh5 here is a you know did do the cameras survive and I hope all this all these firefighters must have a shelter Place option otherwise they wouldn't be here but look at this 6h hour time lapse here um it's been um a going concern and it's just now peing so I'm sorry I'm a I I had a tough choice today and that was try to try to stream today or tomorrow and tomorrow's a red flag for Nevada where the Davis fire is still giving everybody some heartache so I feel like I'm trying to prioritize tomorrow but I I wore myself out I'm sorry it's my fault I'm just trying to get my destroyed room situation back in order so I could properly stream again and this I I over I overworked myself um I've got arthritis and so I I just want to apologize I'm in pain otherwise I would have been here at least part of the afternoon but I I uh I laid down for a bit and then woke up at well recently um and it's been it's been hard to move but I've got to I've got a come through for my friend he's kind of depending on me who has a pretty bad covid so I'm going to get his groceries put him on his porch and it's just something I got to do uh you just you just got to pick yourself up and do what you can so yeah hey Kate Garcia good evening when we come back um I'm setting up memberships everyone if we can get 100 memberships then that's going to be $1,000 100 people with $10 that equals $1,000 of YouTube memberships if I can do that in 30 days days we get YouTube gives me an extra 1,000 I was selected for a program I guess as far as I could tell when they will match the one the first $1,000 if I can do that in in 30 days if I can get 100 people to sign up so we uh we'll talk about that and what what you guys want memberships to be I I don't even know exactly what they are so something like patreon but for YouTube so I will be back to um to do a good Roundup and a good at least a couple hours of stream proper tonight but I I have to do this for my friend I'm going to set up the tile cameras and maybe you guys can see how it's done um it's kind of a brief thing but thank you everybody for being here and your your kind support I'm so I'm so blown away we'll we'll make it we'll we'll get this done I want to leave California as soon as I can I wish I could be there you know like especially the the the the boil excuse me the Davis fire I I I could have been there if I had made my trip earlier but we're doing we're doing the best we can so this how you do tile sets um right here and thank you everybody remember to hit the like button some more people see count you in thank you you're so wonderful friends um so what we do is we go to customize the tile set and we choose our cameras they're all called Santiago so they should be quick and easy so once you do customize you can do the minus button um but don't do the very last one or it screws it up so then we choose Santiago this will be another camera burnover there we go again friends you can see the actual firefighters um desperately trying to to get rid of the the brush around it they' pulled up there in trucks they've been there for at least three hours so we have Santiago Peak one and two and then North and then South okay so if now we can get rid of the first one and then you do save and copy I'll share this link as you guys can have this on this up in another window or whatever you want to do CU what you guys can do which is a lot more exciting is hit the time lapse Yoshi hey welcome yeah we're going to look at the Davis fire um Walo had a good video on that today um you guys have got to see it it was uh via one of his his friends um if you're not familiar with the blancoo channel man you got to see that I tweeted it so let me let me just give you a link to that um he's a a pilot based out of Grass Valley um and he has an amazing Aviation air crash investigation uh kind of show but he knows people from calfire and a allot of the pilots so this is this is his uh Channel go ahead and look at it and there's some uh very close-up views of the the drops of the Davis fire from up to up to ski hill from an actual journalist friend of his who's with some Reno station I believe I just don't quote me on that um yeah husky thanks thanks for U uh show sharing the links here this is the title set link you can share with others um I'm so sorry I saw cash app donation yesterday that uh I didn't notice until the like I unlocked the phone later so let me make sure to credit that person I got to go immediately um the store closes at 10: um so let me see here who who was it yesterday that I failed to credit or a $10 donation ah how do I go back in time and look ah oh it was 20 from Jean Blackford thank you thank you so much um and Sabra as well thank you so I hope they tune in and hear this so this is the live view uh let me show you the time lapses uh here's the fire cruise this uh this camera will it may make it through the war if it makes it through the night um that's the way it goes sometimes let's do the 6h hour oh sorry this was a rotator yeah so this has been the airport fire orange and Riverside County the description of this video you can uhu get the evacuation maps The Watch Duty links but it's all this oily chapparel flashy fast stuff there's a miniature firew WHL that's of big size right there that's like a full-size tree size of a firew even though there's no tree that's much taller than a person um in scale here so this is this is Major that that's that's some of the thickest brush I've ever seen in my life uh we had quite a bumper crop this uh with this wet spring that's incredible husky was saying also that this hasn't seen fire in in many years wow look at the retardant Splash right there so they've been doing low pass uh desperate Maneuvers with the aircraft and they've been dropping retardant on and around this Hilltop um looks like this was looking down and we couldn't see the entire view there's PE see here's people for scale there's a person there's a that's the yellow noad that's likely a firefighter no Mex is there fireproof clothing um but look at this hellscape just it's beautiful hell because of sunset just that's the weirdest odest thing you know um it's like being at Sea where the ocean's beautiful but you don't have any fresh water to drink so you're in a beautiful hell I don't know it's just an odd feeling so this is um coming up on 8:30 right there 8:45 up until right 9:00 which is right now so this this just totally totally crazy here's the first one let's do another six hour real quick we do have um new evacuations that are coming on the pipe right now for very rural Oregan um so I'm not too concerned we'll we'll cover that later but I'm sure since they're remote ranches people already know that's a sort of a thing where the where the um um Sheriff knocks on your individual door because it's a small town kind of thing Crook County to shutes County we're going to take a look at them though when I get back so I'll be back after um a little bit after 10:00 now that I'm getting a little bit of a late start um it may be up to 10:30 here oh bugs hey welcome Spiderman hello Josh H good welcome yeah the harbon Grove Fire is a good comparison to the airport fire in Orange County Josh says yeah do share your knowledge about this this is this is current so these are the um the four cams the four cams on Santiago so you have um you probably can't read that very well unless you have a big screen TV Santiago Peak 1 and two is the top South uh North North is the left South is on the right on the bottom okay so you're looking North bottom left I hope that's a good uh oh maybe I could put up the uh the thingy yeah now I can okay so um Santiago Peak burnover um the uh bottom left equals North right equals South yeah so um I'll oh whoops that's from yesterday um will return for proper stream about uh I don't know 10:30 and it's going to be like a Roundup thing I mean I might be able to to be on a little bit through the night uh but I uh I I'm sorry guys I'm in so much pain from uh you know having arthritis and trying to uh get get all the cleanup done here at the glass situation I really overdid it so we'll uh we'll see but uh sometimes doing fire stream helps me forget about my own pain it's um it's odd right you you guys ever felt that before hey Christopher welcome thank you for being here um Andrew Swanson says I'm sure if it's been said but the line fire now has Evac warnings for Big Bear God okay yeah I've um I've uh yeah we'll we'll come back and properly uh cover that I heard that that happened a little wasn't it 3 hours ago was still daylight when they told people right hey small world life welcome thank you everybody we um uh husky jat if you guys have got the um maybe Christopher if you want to I know it's kind of late um if you can hold down the fort for a bit and uh give people links and Share info I'll be back as soon as I can I've got to do the grocery thing drop it off my friends and get some food on the way back so we'll we'll uh we'll do a proper thing there's a a it's very active night I didn't expect to be so many updates and so many things happening I was hoping to just save my strength for tomorrow but hey um oh membership you're going to bed early so you'll miss there at 10 p.m. uh that's a it's like a thing where people uh subscribe to the channel like a magazine and I don't know if it's $10 a month or whatever it is but you get you're supposed to get special things so like you'll have special emotes for example if I can come up with them and you're supposed to do special things for your your your members um which is uh you emotes are like smiley faces you know maybe we could get an emote that says hold on to your butts like you know it's like a sticker you can use at any time but it's size of a smiley face and um then you get a little thing a badge by your name that shows you're a supporter I think there's different tiers I don't know um I haven't looked into it too much because well we've been busy with fires haven't we uh what a what a summer so um then the other thing that you get is I'm supposed to show you guys things first before other people so you get access to um special uh videos for other people and that'll be relevant to things like you know when we go flying like flying Mount St Helens or something like that or flying over a burn SCAR or you get to see first what I uh some some footage I shot yeah so but the cool thing is bugs is that with Channel memberships is if I can get 100 people to do it within the first 30 days then that's $1,000 and then YouTube matches another $1,000 wow what we could do with that guys Pro Audio and stuff and no longer they get a webcam right so yeah we're going to do it now you guys voted I listened we'll do it yeah hold on to your butts decal for my car oh my God okay Kate Garcia write that down and tell me about it later like remind me we will make that happen we'll put that if we can get the 10,000 uh subscriber goal we are going to we're going to put that in the store we're going to have hold on to your butt's coffee bugs too dude dude you we we've got to we got to be playful a little bit about this stuff here's the please remind people to donate if they can um with the pin chat message we want to remain advertisement free that is the goal thank you everybody who has helped so tremendously much including yesterday I'm Blown Away by the generosity I feel like utter crap not being here as much as I should have but uh freak accidents you know just got to we just got to Pi pick up and and carry on right so Yi yes we're going to have cool stuff so guys be brainstorming and thinking about what kind of emotes we want things like hold on to your butts as a chat bubble um you know maybe a plane flying and then behind it splashing um something like there's tanker 911 you know our favorite tanker or something I don't know if that's trademarked we we'll figure it out but I want to sit here and watch this with you guys this is exciting I mean there these fire Crews pulled up and um you know they've got they they've got um here there's a fire truck down there they got the hands full they really do this is hard to peel myself away from this but you know friends first so um this is oh I wanted to show you where this is at so this is Orange County I don't know why called the airport fire or what we're going to investigate that when I come back but it went up into these mountains uh here and it's climbing up to the peak I think they have the Strong West Wind husky can explain it he's been on it he's been monitoring it he's a Chad thank you everybody who's been helping too it started by accident husky says there was a fire safety drill are you kidding me are you kidding me wow all right yeah you can see the uh the fire creas right there um this is the last one hour and so they're they're rolling up and they're they're doing their thing the wind sock is weird see how the wind sock is showing the wind blowing away from the peak this is the Cal oesn uh camera I don't know which direction it's facing I guess I can hit this button the Cal o in O yes oh North right but it's not facing north it's facing Southwest okay then I'm going to remove my stupid um guide here because they're not facing that direction um okay um it's a desperate fight though to save the towers so I'm just going to put that so it's looking South by Southwest and so that's now discombobulating me for which way the wind is going if we're looking South by Southwest the wind sock's going that way U whatever but it's it's surrounding the hill as far as I can tell so sorry I got to go right now um before the grocery store is closed I'm dropping off at my friend who has Co on the porch I'll pick up some fast food I'll come back we'll do this why man says tomorrow the next day the winds are forecast really picked up in the afternoons on the Southern California fires well are they still going to be thunderstorming though is that still around I think there's a red flag for Nevada too so hold on to your butts there uh we will um we'll investigate the the the boil fire as well the one at Clear Lake the aftermath and we'll check on what's going on with Davis of course um I'm going to leave you with the tile set that shows all four of the cameras so they'll rotate and change directions it will but you can tell from the city lights which general direction they're looking I mean the city lights are to the West this is overlooking Orange County to the West I don't know what's right at the base of the hill I don't know what neighborhood that is but I think the worst part of this the major part is is it's going up the hill hey Billy Bob welcome says Intel 24 is infrared ground mapping oh it's over the line right now great so hopefully we'll get some better uh we'll get some better perimeters and such we're we've got good nighttime cameras for the line as well there's a million cameras down there um husky says the airport fire ran up the mountain for four miles wow what is the elevation um 5,673 ft so what you can do guys remember here's the tile set keep chearing it with people you can actually do your own time lapses like this in the ti in the tile set so it can do 6 hours like this oh no it's kind of changed the uh size of the window oh well and if your computer can handle it but just for Windows it should be able to but you get more than that then then there that it kind of breaks it the website kind of breaks so do we have a oh shoot do we have an audio that we can listen to husky I'm sorry this is what should happen is I I just realized there's a silent stream really sucks um do we have audio for for what's going on at Santiago down here with Orange County or Riverside um shoot I should have thought about that crap crap crap crap um all right bear with me this is a professional stram all right uh let's see see California no no they l no no no no do I have a pre-made LGE County I have Santa Barbara County pre-made all right we will just go to broadcast F what did okay watch Duty just jingled me MF fire west of Brock Creek South of Meadows Trail Head where the hell is that all right on the phone I've got alerts for all three Western States in part of Nevada so Lane County Oregon okay that's part of the lightning crap all right that's not that's not that relevant hey husky do we do we have um audio um let's see uh draw me post OC fire in chat huh okay um bil Bob says my friend's parents live in Elenor and can see a glow from the house that's a dang hey Califoria cat welcome okay yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry if you guys are about to go to bed and you'll miss me but I swear to God I'll be back right around 10:30 um where uh do we have audio do we have audio um for Orange County or anything right now I'm just I'm flipping I'm scrolling through California about castify we got to have some sort of audio audio or it'll be kind of Dead Space crickets and um sort of don't want that any kind of audio even it's not the same fire any kind of audio is better other than that I could do a rain soundtrack or something but that would just be weird you know okay Orange County fire dispatch uh 58 oh okay in Orange County Fire OC FAA fire we have 465 people listening to this one um so let's try that one first the the yeah 465 people let's try it out all right hopefully it's not too loud brace ourselves it says we're connected I don't hear anything bra yourselves for nothing okay I uh I feel like it's a mistake if I were to put that put that louder all right let's just create a dashboard for orange and Riverside County um um o Rivers side yeah let's just do that create a dashboard then I can see the bouncing bars with a dashboard if uh that occurs so you want to see that six-hour time lapse again yikes no not Canada Calia I you know what we need write this down friends remind me later we need a sound effect of of Arnold Schwarzenegger saying California goes California that is going to be a meme on the channel um okay Orange County O is for orange all right let's see there's 465 people listening I can't imagine it's offline uh Play No bouncing bars okay I'm going to add a second one um that's weird if it doesn't work um you know on my phone I have access to Studio I have access to YouTube Studio but you know what's really frustrating is like say I even walk across the street take my trash out go get the mail um and that's like I I see YouTube studio right so you'd think I'd be able to control what's going on in my stream from the phone like start and stop it or mute the audio or unmute it or anything like that but you can't it it I can moderate chat by watching my own stream and being a moderator on my own stream but it's just like really I wish I had a little bit more control that would be great um okay so we have dispatch of orange gooc FAA fire just 318 people listening or actually now it's it's playing I don't hear anything wa ah okay it is it is making a click sound so it's live it's live uh yeah it's alive okay I don't know if they're saying anything though um I sorry I I have buried chat in my windows right now I need another monitor to look at chat all the time let me check it out um oh you're in a it's fire OC oh were you telling me about the channel chis or oh thank you thank you Husky for the links yeah uh dispatch 5B is that one been active 5B um that one's okay that's playing at the same time as OCA fire o okay and uh let's see you've got the yeah 5B link thank you so much and the yeah 5B and those are playing at the same time do you think they'll run in you think go talk over each other um or should should I leave just one on um husky or anybody else who's been monitoring this sorry I forgot about this Mark shinfield say hey welcome back Mark feel bad for Reno area yes I do same thing for Clear Lake that's just everywhere the the line san berardino county LA County the San Gabriel's everything um yeah you're you're a Mac person bugs oh oh we can't be friends Michael Jones says I thought you going to do groceries oh God yes okay have to I have to leave like immediately so okay both of them are playing but I don't know why nobody's saying anything um so how do I put this thing here just say um um long periods of Silence Orange County firef fighter audio yeah sorry I'm leaving now um I'll be back about uh 10:30 guys the issued of back warnings for Riverside County headed towards Orange County Riverside County Line oh you're not an apple person but IBM okay all right all right well then all right we can remain friends U I'm I'm I'm changing my mind about banning you then bugs okay all right long period of Sil yeah hey Resort dog welcome um YouTubers use Apple products okay yeah that that is a trend but the same I don't think that you can do that you on any app though even if it's Apple I just don't think YouTube has that as a feature if it does I have to switch to iPhone and then I'll just cry myself to sleep but um hey iPhones aren't all that bad it's just I don't want one uh there are extra things you can do with a with an Android um all right so are these updating are these okay they are now got it all right the uh yeah it's a long night ahead I I wish I could have gone to sleep right about now for the long day ahead that we'll probably have tomorrow but hey we'll do this as we can um yeah Bron says thank you for doing this well thank you and thank you donors and Friends yes I have to get going uh please remind people to donate the best way to do that is the PIN chat message at the top which I believe worked um U you could do it through Super Chat super stickers um but hey hey the like button is free right wow we've had, 1400 views already okay awesome um the like button is the best way to help and so is just sharing um I'll I'll tweet later that I'm live got to go um we'll see you back at 10:30 FRS thank you bye okay e e e [Applause] one B one c one I engine 38 from operations on fire [Applause] Irvine H from Orco helicopter one on [Applause] [Applause] fire hopter one we are on station we made positive contact with 47 we'll be going to work [Applause] one C in line wither 47 working on division contract [Applause] [Applause] 38 on fire operations goad off 38 traffic for 38 negative trainy operation start xray training just confirm me uh we're going to get copter one to support at the top of adult Trail and Patriot is this with our Strike Team pop uh pushing down at J it's uh start to pop over a little bit on our okay we we need to protect the infrastructure first uh and then I'll get them over to you I told Fox Trot to release them over to you as soon as we can okay copy that [Applause] getting fire at all units stations all person check your email regarding a staffing update repeating all personel check your email regarding a staffing update 2133 e e e [Applause] for opx [Applause] onand fox go ahead for operation all right operation from divisionx Fire's making a run probably going to impact main divide I don't think we're going to be able to hold it I'm looking for permission to light a defensive fire around the uh ten is up here I've got about uh less than 10 minutes before impact 3 let me to be my lighters I'm going to hold it with uh 31 Charlie type 3es and we're just going to bring the S fire around the towers chance that we're going to lose over main [Applause] div I copy that plan and confirm you do still have support from the type one helicopter as well yeah we only have the one he's inbound now but uh he's just not going to be able to effectively stop it all right copy that let's go and continue with that plan and then as soon as you can get a better estimate of how much it's impact to the other side of the main devide just let us know yeah for my vantage point it might have already gone over let me work with uh 12 Charlie get a report on [Applause] condition copy e [Applause] 83 seure 23 56 5y Brea 17 2148 del2 street9 e 3 truck 1 back 39 31 91a 47 on Deck ACC off [Applause] airport copy e Del Del 2 operations Bravo command traffic [Music] operations yeah just an update the fire has a bump tro Creek Trail between sanago Creek Trail and jop one center it's bu the line it's going to cross that tro Creek Trail okay I see the current perimeter right now uh do you have adequate resources into there or do we need to start worrying about drop on that road Canyon 38 ws1 I think I'm we're going to let it bump I've got two two dozers up there right now they're going to try to pick up the slop um my only issue right now is access I'm trying to get them to open the road so I can actually get engines up there uh so no resource need at this point okay and I I'll need you to stay on top of the threes of Road Canyon especially if we uh get a down can wining in the morning so let me know we do not have resources in there currently yeah firm I'll keep you e [Applause] operations operations go for Yanke Yan operations we're going to give you back 1401 Alpha 1402 Alpha uh based on the new plan up there on that [Applause] corner okay that's a good copy um you have a good plan because um if the dozers are not able to F this we're going to [Applause] need so um they're going to tie in with you they're going to uh feed their troops and then Fel up and head up there and I would rotate 1400 Alpha to the same thing and then have a plan for Robinson Ranch [Applause] andon okay [Applause] thanks okay Fox I didn't hear you identify a little bit of wind but go ahead yeah I'm sorry operations from Fox taking up here one on their last drop reported that it has gone over y down below our position not going to be able to pick it up try use copter to drop on it but it has gone over wind are starting to shift here and I get a spot weather forecast what's going to happen couple hours but right now it has gone over okay so this is an additional swap over versus the Indian Truck Trail or is it a continuation of the truck Trail not sure 12 Charlie couldn't get eyes on it because where he was okay I copy additional swap over we'll work on that SWOT the forec yeah and it sounds like I lost 12 Charlie they're going to get bed down for the night um but we're going to have to uh Scout that out in the daytime get some eyes on that side [Applause] cop e for [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] operation Bravo on command Operations Division Bravo on command Bravo go ahead basally the until I'm getting from uh 35 Lima um go ahead and deploying two Factory strike teams into Rose Canyon to this point uh it hasn't reached there um but it the thing moves laterally anymore with some we' got some radic winds at the top here um it may impact Rose Canyon probably within the next hour or so so I've got two strike teams deployed into Ro gaming confirming you have two Charlies into there correct affirm two I'm moving two Charlies into the Rose Canyon I copy that we still don't have any resources it's it's heading this way but it's nothing checked in recently copy that and then I would like to back fill those two Charlies with two additional Charlies when you get them probably going to be stuck with what you have for the night we're going to need the balance for tomorrow unless we get into um active structure control bra [Applause] box operation on Comm division Fox operation on command from 61 Charlie I think he's Fox changing out battery now message cop he just relay I had to take one of the helicopters he can keep elender 47 uh for as long as he needs them up there um and either holding the uh protecting the infrastructure or holding the main divide losing one copter we could use that hanger 47 I'll relay that shot op that [Applause] oh Fox operations on command go for Fox on command okay I'm going to hold the calfire back to support tomorrow's plan and possibly use of us a contingency down here so you will not be getting the uh uh calire Strike Team up there yeah that's a good copy i h check the copter one it's a quarter acre slop over that's gone over the line uh the winds are getting a little sporty up here kind of mix in um I don't think we're going to be able to hold it but I don't think it's going to go riing down into the river side either um so we're just going to have to try to pick that up first thing in the morning when it's safe to do so that's our plan here Neil So I support it we have a 0800 air attck and tankers over the uh fire uh so we'll go to work on that first thing in the morning cop what [Applause] e e Fox operations on command division Fox okay I got two private water tender Fields um I believe they're fairly large six six wheel water pits should we position them up there for tomorrow's plan I think a type two tanker with fourwh water tender sorry type two water tender with four-wheel drive will make it all day long if we have a large support tender we can put them at the bottle of a maple Springs or a bedord trail and fill up off of them I'm not quite sure what's going to be best access uh the forest service guys said Med for trail had some rough areas so they made it up here a lot faster than us going through [Applause] Maple uh if there's a typ two we'll set them up bed first otherwise we'll put them we'll put the large one at the gate at Maple Springs and I'll use the other one down here that's a good comment [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] injes Del Patrol 7 let's assign you to division Bravo we'll put you into the Rose Canyon area uh go direct with Bravo on cire 22 division Bravo operation operations Bravo good I'm giving you Patrol 7 to support Rose Canyon I copy just have tying with 50 Charlie e going 79 just disch cancel 79 e e e [Applause] bra command uh are you C up the copter sorry copy traffic okay looks like we have a swap over main device in box I had the CER dropping on it to check it up but it looks like based on the L were get kind of kind of Chunk around on top to pick it up in the morning I was offering him up the draw to xray hit ran but if you need go ahead and go [Applause] Direct One [Applause] back on the radio just uh hav contact me on [Applause] Bravo operation [Applause] [Applause] or copter one's going to remain in x-ray uh you can have H tanker 47 if done with it [Applause] Battalion 59 Eng 73 truck 61 truck 75 resc teage 2 [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I'm going to get lanker 47 when you're done with them when you're done with them you have to come up on air ground with me and [Applause] okay I tried to get a hold of U helicopter one um was broken I'm on the other side of the Hill uh he's over an xray Sor he's over an xray now I can he talking for a second the here 47 will [Applause] come Bravo and fox TR from operations Bravo is definitely the prior for hell tanker 47 so as we can get them down here let do that yeah bu a good copy I agree we're looking really good up here they were just they were going to Lo going be more minut if I do hear okay Mor operations we're at top of Road Canyon here looking at the stuff that's kind of Sor and E of it we'll get the tank support on that stop [Applause] [Applause] that box shot oper [Applause] Neil can you draw a traffic plan for me as well what is our best access to getting resources to the top it sounded like a' struggle to multiple directions so uh talk with resources up there and find out what is going to be our best travel route for tomorrow yeah without seeing it it's going to be bed for there's a wash out on April 3 that I don't feel comfortable getting Ty three we get a Lima to track in up a they can fix that road for us now our best access okay setford primary access Maple Springs with doer Improvement clamber and laab is closed repeating northd Beach between Lambert and lahabra is closed due to the traffic Collision motor advised optimate routes for the next 2 hours control one e okay friends I'm back just hang on I gotta get situated here use the bathroom and we'll uh get started I think we can call uh JB [Applause] County report 47 back off in rout to the airport [Applause] fire e [Music] [Applause] Yan Yankee off go ahead oper Yankee we have 1400 po uh in my Division I [Music] [Applause] release parked toed down and then on the plan [Applause] tomor oh that's frustrating how loud one of them is and the other guy isn't sorry friends okay interesting more code usage there I've got my food and I just got disconnected from being on the phone with JB so hopefully we can uh give him a call here how is it looking friends sorry the line at the drive-thru just went extra long and somebody cut in front and I was like seeing red I'm like I have a I have a life saving show to do or at least informational show to do right now but then I I realized hey then it's a delay of 5 minutes. this is C traffic the police department reports that Eastbound and Westbound First Street from Susan toap was closed repeating Eastbound and Westbound first from Susan to fair was closed to to police activity motor surv alter routes further notice one that's all the fire crew need is is oh there he is he's called back okay great that's all they need is roads block due to police activity [Applause] okay hi JB you're liveing on the air sorry we disconnected I don't know how to use the Bluetooth in a jeep Hello friends hello you there to baby hello stand by okay sorry friends this is retired fire Captain John Bruno from Chast County he was just calling and he knows a little bit about what's going on here up here at this uh fight I'm having some yeah power source problems with my battery anyway I'm back on go ahead good evening oh we we're all ready to hear um so uh can you explain what you know about what's going on at this specific Tower and the fight sa yeah it looks like they sent a couple uh task force or strike teams of resources of engines and Crews up there to keep the fire from the infrastructure of those Towers so as the fire approaches The Edge they they do a burnout they actually light fire on the edge of the flammable vegetation where it meets the mineral soil and then they just protect it and protect it from uh impinging upon any of the infrastructure there the cables would probably be the most susceptible to eat the cable I just took a radio I just took a radio tower down for a uh nonprofit organization last week and I learned a lot about how those are vulnerable to fire but probably the the conduit the cabling the exterior cabling and stuff that would probably be more prone because everything's up there is metal and steel and aluminum so yeah they have if you look there's a little house you'll see a little house that's called a vault inside there there's computers really and there's a heater and there's a heater and sometimes an air conditioner to keep the temperature yes within a certain range and there'll be a a backup like a it'll be a generator or gas generator backup when the power goes out to keep everything legit and then probably once a week or so someone's going up there checking on it because it's very expensive equipment that has to be up and running and well maintained right so you know I just wish that they I think after this year these guys are going to be brushing these Hill sites a lot better than they have in the past the the ones who actually own the land would be responsible like if the forest service owns that then the forest service would be responsible for keeping it maintained or calr or whoever it may be right yeah we've seen um like in the Fresno uh bolt and Flashfire since situation that one tower burned just cuz it wasn't uh supervised all the tower was fine but Ember got inside the building and the building the Vault thing burn out yeah the Vault the vaults are normally block or or metal in fact I talked to a friend of mine yesterday he's a retired Battalion Chief from North offs and he and another guy were hired as retired annant to go and survey every vault in this in North Ops and there's several dozen so they actually drive and go up and document what needs to be done to make them safer or make them uh Stronger right and you know for technical service is going to do that but yeah okay but anyway this this airport fire uh you know it's got like we said earlier um on the fire that we talked about earlier uh this month you've got slope and you've got fuel and you've got wind all in alignment and that's why it's burning as actively as it is yeah yeah it's um something coming off the uh off the ocean from the West right we're going to get more of it tomorrow right on Shore there're supposed to be there's supposed to be more of it tomorrow afternoon yes great you know on the line line incident somebody said the airport began as a safety exercise that got out of hand I I haven't verified this but which incident the airport am I wrong or was that a different one um I have not heard what the cause is yeah normally when there is normally when they have a definite cause that they know in the first let's say Yeah couple hours you'll probably see a press release within 12 to 24 but if it's something that's unknown or undetermined it'll take several days and sometimes weeks to determine what could have been the cause yeah yeah and they'll do a press release they'll probably have a press release on it tomorrow yeah I hope Cas did it actually start by an airport I mean this is I I set the stream up by a a not a not a commercial airport a I think it's a hobby hobby airport where they have um model planes hobby planes you know that guys Fly Guys and cows fly those little hobby planes gotcha that makes more sense because that would help the drafts you know help start a fire you know they have fuel in them and they can start a fire especially on a dry day you know right was Breeze yeah I I was very confused because that would be a very difficult type of airport to land with a real plane in the mountains I was I was very I was like so where where it started the vegetation right outside the this the urban area of the city of mission VI know that's called Sr that's under contract to Orange County fire so the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection calfire contracts with Orange County and five other counties in the state to protect the state responsibility areas which is normally a strip of land between the urban cities and the National Forest in this casate being the Cleveland so that's called um a contract County which Orange County is okay so but when it goes beyond extended attack like it is they're not going to have the fire contained in two hours um yeah all the all the cost for that fire will be uh will be up Bor by the state not the County of Orange oh okay it's in Riverside a little bit too I here we got a couple more evacuations that were I don't think it was for the airport let me see it was jingling my phone as I was in the car didn't have a great um ability to to check on it uh they've opened up shelters for the airport fire in uh yupa Valley but then there's a new fire called yupa which is a street name which is a little bit um uh confusing so that's totally different guys EUR of fire versus the shelter at the Rupa Valley 6851 Van Boulevard there was a there there was a camera that I was looking on today and I was going back over and reviewing it the the blowup of the airport fire and as I was looking at you could see the blow up on the Y the yupa yupa valley which is in Riverside County uh but they got on it they jumped on it right away initial attack okay resources were able to contain that fire very early but it did blow up pretty good I don't think it's I don't I don't know if they've they've considered it uh completely contained or yeah um we've got um more evacuation warnings I guess it's for the actual airport which it's only 10 acres yeah and yeah it's uh called it's actually in San Bernardino County so that would be uh San ber San Bernardino County Fire and Rialto fire probably responded to that and maybe Co oh good that's right South of Highway 10 gotta yeah it's basically in an urbanized area which is blocked by roads there it's not in it's not in what we would call Open Country so it's gonna be fine gotcha they're gonna catch it oh good okay um yeah the they're spread thin though that's what your big point was is some of these can get larger because they're so spread thin the bridge is probably their lowest priority at this point or what do you think well yeah I I can only talk about California because of Oregon in Washington Nevada and Idaho you can look at the national set report people can Google national situation report and they can Google that and they will get every morning I think it comes out at 07:30 on Pacific Time all the fires that are what we call major fires you know we're not talking about initial attack fires or fire like this can acers are going to have it contained major fires burning in the country and you can look and see the list for the um Idaho Montana area which is I think the Great Basin region of the forest service they' have dozens and dozens and dozens of fires and then California has about seven six or seven active fires that have uh you know they they and plus the people got to remember that these other fires that we've had in the last 30 days like the park fire and the um uh the fire up in Trinity County the boisey and such they all have people on them they they might be 90% contained but they all have engines Crews and doers mopping those things up right because you know they have to stay on it so they're not available for these other fires right so you're saying that the line um which we haven't forgotten about that's still pretty vigorous and active um was being taken over by calire because the feds didn't have any body to S right they didn't the the for servic is pretty depleted as far as their Incident Management teams and so what they do is they they go into the War Room in Sacramento and they ask the department of forest stre and fire calfire to they give them a delegation of authority to manage and and contain this fire and so they bring in their management team calir brings Incident Management team three which ironically was the exact same team that was spent on the Park yeah team three yeah we like them is The Incident Commander and uh Chief C is a very good Incident Commander he's very well experienced knows what he's doing he's been around the block a long time has a very good team and so they work um they they do the business of putting this fire out but they do it under their Deb their Authority is delegated by the the feds to calire and of course the feds pay for it all wow okay thank you mod a for holding down the fort and B for the link it's true um ABC7 said the fire in Trabuco Canyon was sparked by Public Works groups performing fire safety work is dated today this is true that could have been a case they they might have been Mowing and if you if folks ever look in California at least if you look at calr when they mow you'll always see that the mower will have a truck a water tender that can pump about 100 gallons a minute right behind it so when they get they could because those are metal blades so they could get a fire easily start right off the freeway and of course they've got some suppression tools to put it out in this case here that could have happened I don't know the details well um you you win the prize you are psychic because it says the cause of the fire was a spark from heavy equipment being used to replace barriers to every equipment used to do what to replace barriers um oh replace barriers yeah so they were doing some Highway construction so you know could have been a spark from a piece of equipment and maybe they were doing some welding and it was some slag if you know if you look at fires there's a lot of fires that we have in this state on Breezy dry days case in point to Bell airfire 1961 was a construction crew that accidentally started a fire and that became the Bell Air fire that oh wow destroyed over you know 500 the infamous bell bell air fire the the well this one says that they they identified that a dry area was was at risk to the fire risk for the county and so they decided to place boulders to block road access and while placing the boulders at a spark wow so and it might have been it probably was very Breezy at their at the surface level if you go back and look at the weather at that time there was a onshore wind southwest wind uh a west wind blowing pretty good let's if you look at the first half hour of the fire you'll see that how that wind impacted that fire wow you know so absolutely nuts um so what sorry there's a myriad of causes we talked about this I think a month ago but most all the fires are man caused there are natural caus fires such as Lightning but um most of our fires in California um are are man caused and out of the man-caused fires the number one cause is equipment related vehicle fire um a piece of equipment uh you might have uh some kind of fencing material that shorts out um you can have friction from something scraping something like a a blade of a dozer a piece of equipment on asphalt and then you have you know those are the equipment related fire and structure fires we've had several structure fires and the structure fires burn and spread fire to the vegetation and take off from there Auto fires yeah yeah draging of chains if people have their car Catch Fire and it's a fire season and windy especially they should probably not pull over too far in the shoulder right just just get out of the vehicle um what get out of the vehicle first get out of the vehicle to be safe and then and activate 911 as soon as you can um sometimes people or Panic um right but uh I travel with a 5 pound fire extinguisher everywhere I go for the simple fact that most of the time the fire will start under the hood most of the fires start under the hood okay yeah and so it's either fuel related or electrical related and then but if most cars now are not steel frame they're all fiberglass my Honda is mostly all fiberglass so if they can have a fire extinguisher and knock the fire out in it's incipient stage and they they've won the battle but they have no suppression tool and they're out in the Wildland I got all means keep it on the asphalt because if you go into the V if you're on the edge in the dry grass it definitely will burn the vegetation but at least there's you have somewhat of a chance depends if the wind's blowing the wind's blowing is probably going to radiate fire into the vegetation okay you know but uh yeah or maybe if you're on the freeway go to the left side of the freeway by the center divider if there's no median right something like normally on a on a state high on a state highway you're going to have some type of shoulder asphalted shoulder you know now you might cause a traffic then you got to be careful on a freeway for your safety but that's why they the new standards when they do re run of repaving and realignment they'll put a full 10 or 12 foot emergency shoulder to the right of the fog line yeah for that purpose yeah yeah so I am people should just remember you can always pull over to the left the left lanes and that you can do that too as well you just have to be careful when you exit your vehicle that you don't get into the oncoming Lane right you know um and and sometimes people um spend too much time getting luggage out of their vehicle and stuff oh and yeah they have to be careful you know that they don't get trapped by the fire or injured by the fire but um basically that's all they can do and then they should keep clear the vehicle and especially you know we had a firefighter die this year from a vehicle fire it was a tractor fire a large Tire Blue and and a fragment nailed him and killed him LA County fireman here earlier this summer so people have to stay clear you don't want to get within 100 feet of that burning vehicle so it was a burning vehicle the tires are heating up so hter expand so it was a tractor it was a front end loader it was one of those big heavy duty tires that you see the tires are about six foot in diameter okay a chunk of it blew off and and the chunk had probably steel belts and it and and it blew up exploded and when the explosion occurred the fragment like shrapnel hit the firefighter and killed him oh wow and injured a second firefighter oh man yeah I saw an incredible viral video where a firefighter is approaching you know a type of vehicle like that like a tractor trailer and it looked like the like some sort of a gas I don't know what it's was hauling but it was like some sort of a gas canister kind of like a propane tank but bigger shot out of the burning truck like a missile and just missed him by two feet and yeah it was compressed it was compressed cylinder of some sort could have LPG or could have been something else but yeah yeah unreal well you know it's looking very good at the T up here um I think they probably saved it because this is all the the flashy fuel stuff the chaparal stuff and that doesn't burn forever I'm just looking La brush yeah I'm just looking at the uh reviews of the of how it kind of started today it's going to be spreading out along the sides of the hills um it's is what I can see it doing but it's hard good Dozer country if they can it's good Dozer country if they can get the dozers in there but I did look at the weather forecast and the humidity is really going to come up tonight oh good like at the top there that's about four or 5,000 feet up there where that Tower is and so the humidity is going to come up well over 60% oh May 75 so that'll help slow things down I and the wind too but um there's it's all open line so they're not going to have a line around the thing by noon tomorrow and then noon tomorrow they're going to have some winds uh it'll SP down into well you can over see where it's already going to spill down toward Riverside County get right almost crossed into Riverside County I think I see that Vault thing you're talking about I just noticed it it's got little air conditioner yeah yeah it's a little green building down here normally there is there's either underground or above ground power supply that goes to those things and then they all have emergency generators which they're probably running on right now sometimes I've in my career we've had fires actually on knobs like that we call knobs the top of the hill with our frequencies in them the frequenc we're actually using on the fire yeah are being operated by computers in those vaults so if we were to lose it we would lose our ability to use the repeater yeah it's crazy well you know if they would only just mow the grass you know the off season or just gravel this down or yeah well yeah it's mostly brush removal the light grass isn't much of a threat but heavy brush would be yeah yeah if only they would do that then these firefighters could be doing something else somewhere else it's just that always boggles my mind that well it's just like structure defense you know they have at the beginning of this thing they had a lot of resources that initially came and what they did was structure defense down there uh this they didn't know where there were a lot of buildings down there initially so that's the priority and then the fire ensues the perimeter takes off and now it's doing its thing you know and so uh you know they they they put in big orders tonight for tomorrow okay now how much of that they get filled if you go to Wildfire um there's another I use it a lot it's called Wildfire in.org okay have you ever used that uh let me see let Wildfire in.org all right let's see if I recognize it but punching it in free and open for oh The Forum okay yeah yeah okay so you stay things here that's kind of like the old bulletin board days of computers where you know if you if you click on questions and discussion a different people like John Bruno retired fireman types or like Katherine Davidson's that are listening on their scanner will enter information in and there's just input from and then you get a lot of like for example there's several folks that have been retired firefighters from that area that will say yeah I was on a fire up there in 2004 um and we put Dozer line at this location maybe they can open that up or they'll say this is what the winds normally do at night here they give it local input you know and uh they have monitors that monitor what's being put in there but uh it's quite unique U but that's another informative I look at it all the time they'll also tell you what frequencies to listen to click on what websites to listen to the frequencies on broadcast toy things like that yeah oh that's the be me okay I'm link the one that's uh for the airport fire right now in chat so people can uh go ahead and click on that um thank you for that and also I right and you can scroll down like for example like this for example um this has 102 entries and the first entry started 10 hours ago when it was a half acre with a moderate rate of spread and then as you scroll down you'll see it's getting bigger it's getting bigger and by the time you get you know into it uh 20 30 minutes then they someone puts a picture up and boy this really moving out and then so it's kind of um it's like watch duty but um watch Duty you have one monitor that gives you information which is good yes but a lot of times they will take the information from watch Duty and and transcribe it or paraphrase it and put it in this yeah you know I think like for example a normal citizen can take a picture of the fire from their home and upload it to this to this website and can see it that's what I'm encouraging people to do is notice the little camera button on watch Dy go ahead and snap that photo and send it to watch Duty and I also encourage people to send to my email you know what they see out their back porch or whatnot and I'll I'll be happy to share it you know online um but yeah I think I think they saved the tower at least this one side let's see which uh view it's looking the Southside is looking excellent they're just sort of you know there's just minor glowing I think they say the tower too yeah yeah so where where I'm thinking Santiago Santiago Peak I it's called yes it's awesome it has four different Towers um cameras excuse me U but how ironic that they tried to get people away from this area knew it was extra fire hazardous and then moving a boulder you know wow but um I wanted to thank you I got the package I'm so sorry if it took me a while to get to my PO box and open it and get it thank you so much for the field operations guide and the pocketbook man this thing is a treasure Trove of info and it's like a the field operations guide um people can actually get that online but you know you'd have to have a good printer and a a lot of paper I think it's probably what 300 Pages that's designed for that's designed for the Fire officer to have in a briefcase um when when he goes to an overhead assignment but that you'll find that field operations guide will be in glove compartment of every fire engine every ladder truck every rescue squad every bulldozer every crew van and not only are they in the vehicles that they're also on in a briefcase for the individual officers right okay you know for and one time I had a fire in 1990 called the devil Canyon fire and I just graduated from helicopter base helas manager school about three months earlier and I'd never been on a actual hel base running it I just went through the classroom portion I didn't want to have any training assignments but we had a Siege of fires and I got pressed I told the boss I said listen I'm only a trainee so that's okay you're the only one we got you got to go up there and run build us a hell of base and I read that I had a driver and I read my fog guide all the way up so I knew what positions I needed to have and I know what I needed to do for that function it tells you exactly what your job description is when you have it oh wellow so you can distribute this to Volunteers in a disaster and say this is your assignment go uh no that's kind of different oh that's a little bit different this is for this is for um this is for First Responders this is for the incident command system everything you wanted to know basically about the IC what we're afraid to ask is and that's the bival of the IC the field operations oh and I wanted to not only thank you for this copy um I attended a Washington County uh emergency um response workshop and I represented not only myself as a person who does social media but also uh oart which is the Oregon disaster airlift uh response team which uh C probe you know David he's he was a founding member of that and got me into it so when the big Cascadia sub subduction zone Quake happened which I didn't realize was 600 mile long fault which will probably affect a lot of California too um you know it's it's basically for city of Portland but it has two counties Washington and Moma so this is why I was in Washington but they um approached me and um I didn't know what to expect like they're like what do you do again and I kind of explain and then instead of getting like a I kind of half expected to be dismissed or that's neat or scolded like maybe you should have let the officials do that instead we got a heartfelt thank you which blew me away which was thank you so much for doing this and because one of the biggest problems we have is if we do submit the information to the public many people just don't trust the government and I understand yeah and so I was blown away she was you'll be very important due other emergencies too especially this um this this earthquake thing I thought I assumed here's this one thing everybody should know I assumed that everything would be offline no power no cell phone the moment that the Quake hits or any Quake that hit Portland for example but uh representatives from Verizon explained that they are required at least by the state I don't know if it's federally to have at least 3 days of battery backup in these little bunker things at the at the towers so battery backup and then they have access to generators right so we have at least three days where we actually might have social media before people start running out of power and can't charge their cell phones and the towers go off fine so we may be more important huh yeah the only thing is is that people we had this happen during the car incident when people get on social media they need to be prudent and they need to be have integrity and only report facts don't yeah don't embellish anything don't surmise anything you know for example during the carire it was moving from the West to the east into the city of reading and all of a sudden people started putting on Facebook and it was going it went rampid that there were spotfires all around Interstate 5 in the inner part of the city because they heard on their scanner the city Fire Department responding to a vegetation fire well that's true they were responding to a vegetation fire that was caused by some other other than a spot fire from the car it was just a standalone little quarter acre brush fire off the freeway oh dear and people got all RI out spot it's taken off Mayday made M help me Mr Wizard so you know getting crazy so you got to stay calm and you got to get the facts and then you make a decision and you go with that and you pray to almighty God that your home is saved you know uh like my friend during the Rio DOA fire in Arizona he was the only house out of 550 that made it wow and and and I said what did you do he said I prayed I prayed a lot he did have a metal roof he had clearance he had metal roof he moved all his wood piles away from his home he left his sprinklers on he had raked up all the pine needles around his house right early May early late early May when this started he did everything he possibly could do his trees were all trimmed he had no brush so the fire naturally he did have a couple spots that started on his back deck that they self-extinguished the fire went around him well burned everybody around him yeah yeah he had no he had no yard fuel you know no boards and 2x4s and plywood dry grass in between them all he never had none of that he had a defensible environment that's what many people Rutters no rain gutters on his house so there's no rain gutters collecting leaves and pine cones and and debris there were no ring a metal roof yeah so he came out of it that's that's what I try to tell people is um if you have a defensible space your home will likely take care of itself it will probably just be fine if nobody is ever there um because that's the most important thing plus you know sealed up attic sofit vents the vents of course like don't allow fire to get in your home with the laundry vent or the you know especially attic vents because Embers hit the side of the house and go up into the attic through the little little mesh things you know you got to staple that down and make it super fine mesh but as long as that's in place you're probably your home will take care of itself likely um so it's um if you go to the um wildfire Intel link to the to the airport incident somebody posted about three minutes ago a beautiful picture taken from the Newport Beach Coast looking southeast of the fire um I knew that area pretty good because I have family lives down there okay and boy it's quite a picture it was taking about three but you can see how this Fire's now gone all the way up to the top is it on the airport page it's on the it's on the wildfire Intel okay website and then you have to click on the airport incident discussion and questions yes okay so I see the HP Ren cameras are in the area those those are incredible they'll have night entry number 98 there's 103 entries I told just like a bulletin board and so if you go to entry number 98 right three minutes ago somebody posted a picture here uh his name is orange Curt that's his his web ID and it's quite a picture kind of gives you and that's looking basically looking from Newport Beach uh Irvine area looking to the southeast and that's that Mountain Ridge there so like I say when you have a fire like this in a a highly populated yes area like Orange County U Southern California it gets a lot of media coverage lots of media coverage and and of course you know you have millions of people seeing this as speak um so they become very big Med EV okay I just ask the fire the fire is not real big I mean I think it's around 8,000 Acres right now it will probably double in the next day or two oh only 8,000 Acres 8 hours later oh you know God yeah well you know it started from the bottom and burned its way up thank God there was no uh homes in the area right um I don't I don't know if they've had any structure lost it all on this thing yeah if it goes up over to the top of the ridge there's homes on the other side tomorrow that's my big concern is can I stop it at the top what do you think um stop it at the what at the top of the ridge line because there there are probably not tonight they don't have enough resources and they don't have enough time it's already there at the top so they're probably looking at some control lines that they've used in other fires up in that area and they're going to open up those Dozer lines and they're gonna build their box with that and then they're gonna pound the heck out of it tonight with yeah uh night night vision copters you got you know the ocean right there you got the water you got they've got heliports where they've got fire engines sitting on fire hydrants that support the helicopters and they'll pound it don't pound it hard yeah so I see the photo you're talking about that is incredible U my camera can do that kind yeah yeah so um yeah this is a great research resource here somebody's saying it may be Beyond 8,000 right now um I'm not really sure I hope the FIS plane uh flies over it tonight it already went over the line fire earlier correct what I think um happened and here's another little tid bit if you go to to any of the sites whether they're the well the agency sites are always delayed but you know you go to watch Duty here and if you click on the airport fire uhuh then when you push your finger actually on the flame little orange flight it tells you it's 5,431 point7 Acres that's coming from the Intel flight that flew over it probably an hour or two ago so that's always delayed so you can add a certain percentage you depending on the rate of spread that fire is much bigger than 54 31.7 yeah it's probably about 6,000 plus yeah I'm just just looking just looking at the fire Behavior tonight and so they'll fly it again they'll probably fly again maybe 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning or whatever and then that'll come out on a 7 o'clock briefing or the Press releas yes so big orders big orders are being placed right now as we speak South Ops is placing orders to North Ops to nify for aircraft helicopters air tankers yeah bulldozers engines and Crews yeah and so people will be migrating tonight uh to sometimes you know it's really difficult I remember as a calire employee in North offs we would have a couple fires during the day and we would bed down about 9 and 9:30 at night and then the phones would go off and it' be the command center and they' say hey Strike Team to San Diego form up at Fire Station 43 and we would suit up and you know Clos the gate and cover engine would come in behind us later on and we would be on the road that night to La now we would travel probably four or five hours and then we would go to a mop Center in Madera which is below Sacramento yeah and we would spend the we would spend a night sleep at least six or seven hours have breakfast get back on the road and be in Southern California by that afternoon right well look at the Davis fire neck sorry I need to talk to chat but what I would say right now the best thing you know Riverside County's on the other side it's on the other side of the mountains I believe that East now the fire is up on the hill they could probably see it now it's crusted the ridge so right now what I'm thinking what is the best advice we can give to people who now have maybe until noon or something to prep their homes before they're maybe told to leave I would say um do as much of the the vent clearing up as you can right um like close up the vents to the house especially like the laundry make sure that the Embers can't go into wherever the laundry Goble anything combustible like combustible wicker lawn furniture if they've got some people may heat with wood if they get any wood piles um if they're in a area that has a good water system they could set some rotary impact sprinklers up um they need to get all their stuff ready to go to Evac they're they're probably if you look at the yellow zone it's Evac level two which is get get set so get you should have the car backed in and your your important papers and your pets and your dog food and grandmother's a wedding ring and all that in the car yeah and check on your neighbors make sure they have F have ready have it in the garage ready to put in the car you know just be ready be and be be um Vigilant in watching what the fire is doing yes you know and a lot of people you got to remember that a lot of people that live on the Riverside County side of this thing they've lived with fire in those Hills for years they know what fire does and they've lived with it right on the edge there yeah so they're prettyy savvy they're pretty Savvy and they're pretty well educated yeah at the end of at the end of the driveway like where it meets like the curb that's where you should put your flames like your propane tank for the barbecue any ammunition that you have in the house would be there too um you know flamable paints and stuff that like if you're people don't know if you're even even your garage heats up because the fire's proximity the uh the paint and uh spray cans insecticide whatever can self-c combust like within your garage if it gets too hot right so those chemical that's true true but the basically what they want to do is just not have any kind of um continuity between the vegetation that's behind their house and where their yard is yeah but if you put a a wind in there there's nothing they can do yeah if you can the wind will blow it if it gets intense enough and it starts burning the homes on the edge of the subdivision then those homes that start burning unless they can knock them out right now will will expose to the other homes and that's when it gets crazy but it's normally wind driven and I don't think you're going to have those kind of winds I think they're going to be able to get this I really do um it might be a while down the road but they're going to be able to get it yeah and just prepare anyway like they know they know they get fire in this country all the time yeah County yeah clear clear the porch and then also if you do have yard debris or leaves or any kind of vegetation debris it's too late to like burn it of course but you can you can um you can scrape it up put it in a pile put a tarp over it with some bricks or something and that put that away from your house and he leaves it accumulated under the deck or next to the home and if you have a trellis with some creeping vines up theide the house you rip that down right now yeah yeah I think if you lived in rural Shasta County it's a lot more challenging to get your home prepped than you live you live in a in an upper middle class tile room om in Orange County with a fire Hyer and everything 300 ft out in the street and fire engines up to Wazoo I mean there's literally thousands of engine companies in Southern California they can access yeah little bit different than if you're in white r California right some people might put sprinkler stuff on the roof or whatever but don't turn it on Let the Fire Crews handle that you don't want to turn it on and leave because they'll lose all their hydrant pressure yeah you know I mean it it doesn't it can't it definitely draws down the you know the the the pressure for the water systems for the hydrants and all that yes people just need to get set get their important papers ready and know where they want to go take their prescriptions all the everything's on the list everybody everybody can find this on the internet right right now yeah so I've got a a question um Amy D says with my battery operated string trimmer I guess the weed whacker with poly string can it cause a spark if she wants to cut dead mustard weed she's scared to use it but she wants to do more clearance um nor I use nylon that's what I use what causes normally the fires is when they use um blades and some some of the landscapers will use a blade because it's heavy duty and they've got a normally it's well now they have a lot of battery powered power powered ones but that blade spins and if it hits a rock the slag the hot metal from the blade can spray out and start a fire especially on a breezy dry day so so normally you're pretty safe with nylon but to even be safer yet is do all your string trimming in the morning before 10:00 yeah when when the humidity is higher yeah it's cooler um you know I think the friction could cause that so not on a red flag kind of situation I don't know if she could sprinkle it a little bit with some sprinkler sprinklers you know first normally normally she's fine if she does it early in the morning and she's using nylon she should be fine the only problem is if metal touches if metal scrapes against rock or a hard rock or concrete or something or a block you know but the string triming nylon spring triming battery operated is probably about as good as you can get you know but I tell people for example I my son-in-law has two acres of grass in the Sacramento area he has a zero turn right on mower I said and it gets drier he cuts it four four times about five four or five times starting in March till about June I said hey when you're out when it's super dry because those there two big blades underneath that thing you better do it early in the morning and then have the kids put buckets of water out there so if there's a fire you can have grab the buckets and put the fire out right away yeah have the hose and all that ready and and also yeah o obey when in doubt call your local uh Department you know call the county you know the same number where you call the CF burning is is is uh allowed you know ask those questions there they different cities had different rules so yeah just use common sense you know just use common sense you know for example we had a gentleman uh he was a retired policeman on a Red Flag Day right here by Shasta Lake between Shasta Lake and city of reading and he was out on this Ranch had a couple acres in a home he was in a rural residential area where you know you have homes about every five acres and he was grinding a fence post with a battery operated grinder and the hot slag mhm flew off into the dry grass and started a fire and he had a he had a little tractor with a dozer blade and he had a bucket of water and he didn't know what to do first so he got on the tractor oh by the time he got on the tractor and started it the thing was already about um 100 feet square and it was a windy day and that was the end of it 27 homes 27 neighbors homes were destroyed yeah that fire yeah so you know he probably said I should have just taken the bucket I would have been able to grab the bucket and just douse it out or you know yeah he just he just wished he had made a different choice but yeah just common sense you don't go out on a hot dry windy day and grind metal around dry grass it's just common sense you don't drive your car in LA City on a red flag you can't drive your car off any concrete or asphalt if you do they KCK at you yeah because catalytic converters you're under carriage um you know you don't one day I had a guy that had a barbecue and he set the barbecue up all right um in in 12 inches of grass and he was making hamburgers and the grease caught fire and dripped through the drain holes and the barbecue was a Weber and it that drippy burning grease started a grass fire yeah they got him for negligence the law enforcement officers rode him up for negligence dang hot dog fires yeah hot dog fires yeah yeah would say I would say Amy uh you can always carry extinguisher on your back in a backpack or set it you know carry it around you know if you have to if you do anything sketchy uh you'll use common sense yeah so sand buckets you know like uh people should keep sand buckets around their yards just for something like a barbecue like the problem is most people can't lift them you know if they have a a good 50 to 100 foot garden hose with good pressure and uh you know like I have a fire ring in my backyard yeah and you can use it for you know I use it for the little picnics with the grandkids and all I've got a garden hose right right there available you know sure yeah um thank you JB for your guidance about the Davis fire people want to your a quick take on that I I think that um what we were kind of discussing is that the neighborhoods look best I think as far as the day is is concerned because they've now had more than 24 hours to prep them we're just mostly concerned about climbing the mountain um where they're putting retardant there on the Left Flank of it all day they the Western the Western portion that fires going up the mountain right so that's they normally try to do because the the fire ground commanders they have to set priorities when they have limited resources and they're going to protect those structures right and they will allow the perimeter of the fire that's not going to impact homes to burn because they have to set a priority right and as resources get assigned and attached to the fire then they can Encompass the rest of it but you know like I said so this whole thing with Wildland fire suppression a lot of it's weather driven fuels driven and and we talked about topography driven but if you don't have the resources and you're in draw down mode that will that will impact the ability for the fire to be suppressed so it's what we call a critical danger day or highrisk day yeah and tomorrow will be I think a red flag over there um you know you can always get a sickle Amy you can always get a sickle um so I think though like trucky fire she uses a sickle got a PL she she hits a rock she can start a fire oh dear just tell her use nylon just tell her use nylon nylon okay she'll be fine right carry around a fire extinguisher use the NYL sounds good um the uh situation with the Davis trucky fire Meadows they always they're extra cautious with what they put out and so they're usually 24 hours behind whatever whatever they're saying um the the uh the situation with it climbing the hill I'm actually surprised that it's as stable as it is like it's it seems to just from what I'm looking at holding in most places um they did the weather's cooperating yeah um at least for you know tonight so it could if it burns extremely brightly but stays within its Lane that's the best option today because that'll be getting rid of the underst story um which is the thing that likes fire yeah yeah which likes the trees on fire too so we did a yesterday and they've had they've had fire they you could I know Zeke lunder does this a lot of course he has access to every map in the world but you pull up you can do it you can do it on your man sorry had C too okay if you if you can pull that up and you can see where the recent where the fire are that tells you that as fire enters those scars especially if they've been in the last five years that fire will slow down right now unless unless it is overwhelmed by a wind yes uh let's let's check out the uh fire history there um that they had a nothing in recent years actually on the Slate Mountain just a tiny little blip that happened yeah I know the ver die fire was there about but that was 15 years ago right 15 or 17 years ago what was it called ver fire v r di oh like verie ver ver yeah so that's um verde's a bit away from the area oh around the corner yeah I see that so all right so let me Orient myself um the wow okay this gets very busy on the yeah the ver ey let's see where I just put that that's pretty far away actually okay yeah so this is this is to east of it and South um in the actual waso City area so you could see you know Reno in the distance to the north Northeast but this well anybody who's traveled to Reno California knows that it's it's what we call the high desert Plateau fuels it's basically sage and grasses and Sage you know but once you get into that elevation in that I80 Corridor that's that's Timber you know so once it gets from it goes from a light fuel like grass and brush into a heavy fuel like Timber um it's gonna it's going to burn more intense and as as the for every 20% increase in in slope it'll double in speed so if you go from a flat piece of ground to 20% slope you're going to you're going to double your rate of spread oh how does that work again well if you have a fire burning at x amount of feet per minute and it's burning on flat ground and it okay moves to a slope that's 20 20% slope which is a 20% rise for every 100 feet okay then you're going to have the fire double in its rate of spread wow it's going to spread faster than when it's on flat ground take a match light a match hold the match horizontally then invert the match with the unburned part of the stick above the flame and watch how it burns that stick how fast so fire burns up we all know that oh yeah yeah fire start at the bottom of of a hill or you know like over here in Trinity County Highway 299 going to uh the coast um all those fires start at the bottom of a canyon that burn straight up because that's all that is that Canyon is parallel with the creek or the river Trinity River and so that fire goes all the way to the top it's what we call slope driven right so when you have a slope slope driven fire get out of its way because it's coming up you know well perfect examples what you see right night in front of you at that Santiago Peak came out of the bottom of that country with a wind so you had wind burning pushing from the West to the East and you have a hill that goes from the bottom to the top from the West to the east so you have slope and wind in alignment and that's what really cranks off and that's what think what happen on the Park fire why did the park fire burn like it did well it was right in the middle of a massive Heat Wave but the wind the Southwest wind and the Southwest Canyons were in alignment and B it's Off to the Races yeah it's that explosive cheat grass stuff which is like a suicide suicide bomber Evolution strategy destroy all the plants then I can Thrive and grow back from the rout so we California has to get rid of that stuff if we ever want to be serious I don't think you're ever gonna get rid of it there's too much rain in the state well there's that's that that's why they put the advisory out they put a a fuels advisor out in Southern California a few weeks ago and they they basically has said that there is a unusual amount of heavy fine fuels uh in the region so that's because of two years of heavy rains so you have all the duff from last year 2022 and then you have this last winter 23 24 horrendous around of above average annual rainfall and now you have a grass crop that's thick and tall and that's all over the region yeah North and South really northern and southern California both I mean you know yeah that was a contributing factor to the park rate of spread oh yeah the wind was crazy I I used to play there all the time at bwell Park I can't I just still don't understand why they didn't um why they didn't had close uh to Road access and car access the levy areas um some somebody you know the there's Gates there somebody screwed up seen local parks local parks rarely do that the only time you'll see that is on federal lands the feds will actually close their forest and restrict Public Access during critical fire times you'll see them do that they have restrictions like you can't have a campfire you can't park off the road you can't smoke outside of your vehicle or outside of a building you know I mean that's their standard on their Force but I I have never seen a local park ever put any kind of fire restrictions I'm sure there state parks can do it oh oh they love yeah with the levy system they there's so many River Bottom fires around those counties you a cter that you know they they generally do um close the gates when it's red flaggy or if it's you know heat of Summer and they haven't burned off the levies or they haven't grazed the levies so um that's pretty routine I used to go there all the time it's just very uh strange to me um I why they didn't burn them off either which could have prevented stuff um I growing up in all my childhood you you just see the black levies they black part of the year and you know that's the way it is I I was absolutely surprised to see shoulder High cheat grass and they allowed vehicles to drive up on the levies where it's right next to them so but we'll maybe I'll interview somebody about that in the future I just want to point out that Blanco Lio ch Channel and I just put it in the in the in the chat you guys should watch this um this is a journalist friend of his showing um from a vantage point how the SL uh excuse me the Davis fire of Reno is trying to go up the hill so this that guy does a good job uh he's a commercial pilot I believe yeah one brown yeah so he knows a lot of the calfire guys this is what they did through most of the day with 737s is a big long sweeps of retardant on the Left Flank where it's trying to climb the hill and even back towards the heel where it started is where it's trying to do this but you can see that the person filming up here is at a vantage point and I'm doing this I hope he doesn't mind that one brown doesn't mind just just to Showcase uh his channel and I hope people go click and subscribe but this is being yeah he does a good job yeah from I really enjoy that man's Channel yeah um yeah so you can imagine what's going on tonight now in the operation centers of reading and Riverside you have all these incidents requesting all the same kind of resources to fight the fire yeah helicopters air tankers Cruise engines and dozers plus all the logistics food fuels uh vehicles uh repair equipment um sleeping resources sleeping um facilities um and fire hose uh tools fuel all that stuff every one of those incidents is demanding uh is trying to fill those orders to to set up and then and then Personnel to to be you have to build a mini City a fire City for each one of those incidents so they're all pulling off of um the same system and so whatever can't be filled in California has to come from outside the state well what's going on nationally well there's tons of fires in Oregon tons of fires in Idaho in Montana some in Washington so everybody's drawing down and so those resources will have to come from federal state local and tribal firefighting resources Nationwide so if you look at the national sit report right yeah this morning I think I think it was under 20,000 firefighters troops on the ground probably by tomorrow morning that's probably going to go up to 20 2500 or 2500 yeah and draw down means that well it's kind of confusing they have they have ramped up response but because they did that because there's so many new fires it means that they are stealing resources away from the existing ones that are now less of less of a priority right am I am I getting this correct right draw draw down is is simply like a household that that has x amount of dollars of bills every month and you got x amount of income but when the bills exceed the income it's drawing down your your cash so you don't have enough money to pay all your bills you don't have enough firefighters to fight all the fires so because you got to remember that let's just say for example here in Chasta Trinity and calfire for example has um 20 engine companies and they have three dozers and they have about 10 Crews if they send all of that to all these other fires and there's nothing here what happens when we get a fire tomorrow afternoon right it's going to burn from head to toe you might have some local people here but what I'm saying is so each County and each jurisdiction each City Fire Department each fire district can only send so much everybody can send something uh and it's a synergistic effect that means you you have all these resources of state federal tribal and local firefighting resources that come together they have pre they have pre-arranged agreements to do this to pay one another for each other's help to put these fires out but when the fires get so demanding like in 1987 there were 1,800 fires from lightning from the Mojave Desert all the way up to you know Mount Hood and boy I'll tell you it was crazy and some of the fires were never staffed for for for days on end they they just burned they were up in the High Country and they just burned like the good old days back in the 1900s and 1800s wow but in this day you have 40 million people that you have a life factor and you you have infrastructure you have schools and churches and homes you have to protect so it can get kind of crazy so you kind of like right now if we did have a couple big ones take off during the red flag areas tomorrow that's really gonna really tip the scale oh God because you know we're we're kind of stretched thin now you know yeah so that uh that hold on to your butts Southern California just hold on to your butts um fingers crossed your butts yeah fingers crossed in prayers that everything holds at the Davis in the Reno area but U wo area but but Southern California is oh God be on high alert report any smoke U report any suspicious vehicle or anybody being stupid with fire do it so here's another here's another thing that happens when when you have these fires burning in these jurisdictions other jurisdictions that don't have fires send a certain amount of predesignated resources of vengance Crews and dozers but at the same time the the fire stations who have been emptied to go to these fires they have to move and cover with other resources so it's like we used to call it musical engines when I was a captain on an engine company like musical chair is a game you play when you're a kid sure you have to move and cover move and cover move and cover so what happens is calfire will move and cover with their own resources and then when they get so drawn down they will tap into local government fire districts and City fire departments and County fire departments and they will hire them to cover their fire stations move into their quarters and staff those fire stations or they might have like in Shasta County here we have in our County Fire Department we have about 17 Volunteer Fire Stations we will tell the volunteers to hard cover their engine that means three of the volunteers show up at the station they take CS out they sleep there they eat there they stay and they're there for immediate response wow now and we pay them for that we pay them for that immediate response status we hire them up to hard cover that's the term that's used hard cover that that volunteer engine because otherwise they're at their home or their ranch or whatever they're at their school or wherever they work and the tones go off their pagers go off and they respond to the fire station and staff the engine in this case they would be Staffing the engine either at their fire station or drive that engine with the Personnel to and move in and back in to a quarters of of a firehouse that's been emptied like a cow fire station or something sure now time say somebody has a day job or or some other thing but they're fit and they want to be um a v volunteer type fireman or some helper during a crisis if how do you become a volunteer firefighter and is it kind of like on call or like certain days of the week you staff the firehouse especially in the rural area how do you know how that works no most most Volunteer Fire communities everybody is a volunteer they might get a stipend of x amount of dollars for every hour they train or every hour they go to a fire they get a stip but they're basically volunteer their time but in Chasta County for example it's pretty typical it takes about a solid year for a person to get all the training they need to be a bonified certified volunteer firefighter just because the ocean laws now require volunteer firefighters to have a lot of the minimum training that a career firefighter has okay so what they do do is they respond they normally have pagers or they have um some kind of activation on their cell phones and when they get toned out they respond from their homes or their business or wherever they live to the fire station and they staff the engine and responded that's okay that's that's now some volunteer companies like back East they have so many Volunteers in some of these companies they actually rotate and cover that engine around the clock with volunteers that that's rare you don't you see that lock back East because they have so many that per capita they'll have a town of 2,000 people might have 120 volunteers well that's not the case in California yeah and the rest of the country you know it's rare most of the volunteers are suffering now because first of all people have a hard time right now volunteering anything people's lives are busy mom and dad's working the kids are going to four to four or five different venues besides school soccer whatever they have or people can't physically do it they can't pass the physical exam to be a volunteer or they they use drugs so they can't pass a drug test or they just have no interest in volunteering well I mean just say say somebody did have the uh the the means where would they start are there online classes you can take and then you sign up with well they would apply okay well let's say they lived let's say they lived in in your area in Clackamus County or whatever okay whatever jurisdiction they lived in they would go to that jur jurisdiction and inquire they have to make application and they have to go through a process like anything else like a job they have to be live scanned they have to have a physical exam I mean if you have a okay 65y old construction person that has a a back that's had 14 surgeries I doubt if a doctor's going to clear him to be a firefighter right uh so they have to pass the physical and then they have to pass the other requirements and then they have to go through a series of training in various subject Matters from EMS to structural fire to Wildland fire you don't just hop on the fire engine the first day no way no how much liability darn that would be a fun first day man now if you wanted to volunteer for a non-physically arduous firefighting position but you wanted to be involved in Emergency Management a lot of counties have c teams sir yes which are called Community emergency response teams right and they deal with more the logistical part of helping during emergency like small animal Sheltering large animal Sheltering um helping set up shelters for people uh other other logistical things yeah cir teams and they you can spot them on the Internet when you when you investigate it because you'll see they wear green hats and green vests that's kind of a their color their color uh their Color Bond you know they're their um what they call their uh tagging or their um yeah marking yeah it looks like there's um it's FEMA sponsored and so it's established in all 50 states so it's very there a long waiting list if you ever want to get certified this will teach you how to bury unbar people from a collapsed building like somebody's leg is they do other stuff yeah they do that kind of stuff and so yeah but but get on the waiting list because there's always waiting lists for these uh places I I've been on one for years um I always miss out but uh but they have that that green they wear green vests and green hats and it's that's their branding that's their branding oh I see you know and then there's other things people can volunteer like American Red Cross I've worked with them a lot so the American Red Cross they're the ones that that designate and set up the shelters now believe it or not I doubt if many of the people in Orange County will go to a shelter they're going to go to a hotel or they're going to take their RV and go to their daughter's house or their cousin's house or their friend's house or they're just going to go to a motel if they got evacuated and there's now the people who don't have those resources they will go to a shelter right they'll get food you know they'll get they'll get medicine there they can help them with their prescriptions they can help them they feed them they clothe them they shower them they help them out right yeah so that's something that everybody can get involved in uh and you could be a hero help helper for real like when the time comes and you know especially in an earthquake or something where you can actually have the skills and um what they do is they they have these amazing little classes where they teach you know somebody's leg is crushed by some uh beams or something so that you can um take uh stack other things like bricks underneath it and then lift just like a second uh just for a second yeah make a c sure yeah all those techniques yeah for earthquake and all yeah the search training is excellent um it's a great it's a great organization you know they they but they don't they don't just train for Wildland fire they train for all types of emergencies and you know the other day I don't know if you knew it but I think it was today okay my wife said there were three or four earthquakes in the region of Southern California at the same time these fires were going take off oh four pointers or something like that okay yeah they were 3.5s 4.0 which you definitely can feel and they could do some slight damage but normally once they get Beyond 4.5 and get into 5.0 Arenas when he start cracking walls and breaking things and things start falling off shelves and stuff yeah people forget it's exp California knows California knows it's just a matter of when it's a matter of when right when it comes to earthquake activity yeah yeah the Cascadia is coming yeah so anyway you know that that's what people can do they can volunteer um in in a lot of the nonprofits um I know in our area a lot of the churches because churches have think at least the church I attended has a huge gymnasium and they have bathrooms and they have showers because they had a school there and they have huge kitchens and so the Red Cross was able to tap into that all we did was give it up you know give the facility up and boy they took care of you know hundreds of people and a lot of churches are used because they have these built-in resources now most churches have like a a community room or a community building where they have their dinners so it's a big room where people can sleep they've got kitchens they've got electricity and power they've got man male and female bathrooms they've got um parking they've got everything you need because schools right now everybody's in school so you can't use a school right you know so that's what they normally or you know or Fairgrounds they'll use the fairgrounds but most of the fairgrounds locally are used by the incident to set up the Fire camp the incident base okay well man you're a Fountain of Knowledge and information we're so grateful to you JB um you Havey um just keep an eye on things okay yeah yeah tomorrow um get your rest take care of yourself watching that glass on the desk yep I'll do that much as I can but thank you so much for your kind support the donation and of course sending me the uh these awesome books and stuff that these are wonderful anything else let me know yeah um well I'll take you a few days to read that stuff yeah that's like a telephone book in in the pocket man it's like yeah it's kind of a th when I first got my first field operations guide in 1982 it was about quarter of an inch thick now it's about an inch wow so they've added all those new things all right have a good one I gotta go thank you much thank you JB have a great night byebye all right take care all right take care okay friends we're so blessed to have him uh on speed dial and he tried to contact me throughout the day so sorry friends I I walked in he called me I was in the car and I said yeah tell me tell me what I need to know about you know a real retired fire Captain's take on things we'll be looking at the Davis for real in a in a second we just did a pre little precursory thing there uh this is the The curent View by the way what you're looking at is still Santiago Peak over here this is the best view we still see these are little people little fire Crews that are um I mean fire Crews not little fire crws but in the camera they're little uh trying to save the tower and I think they they probably we did which is incredible some some of it is the actual fire that ran up to the Santiago Peak we could see clearly in the fire footprint that it just came up and overwhelmed it so they said that probably they lit little black backfires that's what JB was saying in little strips on down the hill um so that it didn't ferociously Roar up all at once you know like it's it's like a speed bump kind of a deal and who know I wish we we could have helmet cam video but you could see over here on the ridge what I was trying to show you guys with my you know pointer finger is where is this so when I when I turn um the camera do that on the beam it shows the uh this it doesn't show very well with that background but you yeah now you can see the blue beam it shows the camera's viewing angle which is just awesome whoops sorry Mouse is broken and scrolling the wrong way sometimes so it's hard to tell if it's r on this Ridge I don't think it is I think it's this Ridge because you can see it's kind of like a distance but we know it's the left the left side there because we're looking South by Southeast right so I think we're seeing the fire that uh this perimeter ignore it ignore ignore this outline it's old so I think it is a ridge here burning actively because it was missed before so there's unburned fuel that was right here I think that's why it looks so f icious you see that Ridge line that's a ridge line right there that's why I guess I turn off the perimeter so that I would I would think that right here which was a little pocket is on fire that's what's going on over here that's still pretty dang well so um the big question is the Riverside County site is most vulnerable you know the Orange County I I think it would take a a pretty severe crazy change of the weather because from what from what I could tell I don't want to be talking out of my thing here but um what I could tell it's mostly a West West Wind that's going to you know during the Heat and and uh you know lower humidity of the day or whatever is going to be trying to push this this um airport fire over to Riverside County too towards the east I want to make sure that um um there's no wind change in the forecast that I'm not aware of or something so um we can go to the National Weather Service what what what's the nearest town for the airport fires thing and thank you I'm so sorry many of you have gone to bed I wanted to say hey good night and all that um Amy D husky all the other mods uh Christopher L TR thank you so much for being here to help me hold down the fort um let's see National W service what what town is the nearest one what should I look up guys or the um Airport fire um let's see Lake Forest maybe L Forest traca Canyon itself I wonder if they have Trio is it oh trabo Trabuco let me see how do you say tobacco trb trbo right truko Canyon truko truko okay that was somehow right in the first place somehow W hell just froze over Okay so let's uh let's do that then we'll do um National Weather Service forecast tro Pion I Pat myself on the back I'm going to strut all right husky says the r line I'm saying is burning bad is not what it is it's the ridge line of bdge ah okay hey Dylan M welcome back he says you're saying a long time to see here I can see a red glow in the sky Trio okay Bucky says Rancho Santa Margarita okay let's do it Rancho Santa Margarita Margarita all right now this is like the fake forecast everything down here 10 days and blah blah blah blah blah the real forecast is whenever there's a hazardous weather condition it's totally different from what's down there like you get the rest of the story especially when winds are involved which is something that drives me nuts about forecasting in United States you got to look at things like the excessive hate warning and why and it'll explain to you the the real the real deal I just that beep was an earthquake detection um let me see let me just check my Earth it's usually like a small earthquake but I want to check phone real quick oh yeah Middletown California a 3.42 earthquake has struck oh yeah that nobody can feel that okay um excessive heat warnings remain for Trabuco right Canyon Hot conditions with high temperatures in the 90s the upper 90s and lows in the low 70s at night oh God so that's still pretty balmy in the Orange County Inland areas until 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday so welcome to Tuesday it's 5 minutes after midnight hold on to your butts hopefully it won't be terrible Tuesday but it'll be um terrifying Tuesday perhaps impacts heat related illnesses you know drink plenty of fluids and all that um I don't see a red flag uh that is forecast things wait I think San Diego oh local forecast office there okay we got a great 31% humidity it's not great it's not terrible right below 40 is like oh fire danger but it's not 12 at least at least it's not like I wash hand so excessive heat warning and uh overnight C wind now we'll look back at the Davis I was trying to show you guys that the Davis has some pretty severe winds still happening right now um at least 10 miles an hour of constant up to 10 to 12ish over by the Davis Fire by was was County but they still have some pretty big wind guts we'll look back at that in a second but going back here to Orange County Riverside um Sunny with the high of like 9 5 light northwest wind becoming 5 to 10 in the morning winds could G as high as 20 though so at least on Tuesday night a low around 59 at least a low around 59 I'm going to I'm going to put this into my phone and read you the Noah weather on the phone which has uh got a whole lot more details than this I wish they had a um I wish they had a um desktop version but it's it's by pandemonium software if you ever want to download it on a on um on Android I believe it's on iPhone too so let's see s Santa Mar California okay so when I go into it like so current temperature 63 is what it's saying right so am I not am I not in the right spot that says s Louis oh no that's the wrong Santa Margarita okay all right I'm just going to put in let's see where on the map sorry guys I'm low blood sugar I just had a little bit of a meal but I need more I came in and it's gone cold here because uh JB called us back and I I don't want to keep up all night you know I want to get this as much info out as we can um ABD says CH choose your we location from the map on that WX page weather.gov oh is it like a map H weather okay help me Orient myself I thought there was a Red Flag Warning okay so let's go into non wrong here we go so this magenta is excessive heat warning and that magenta is red flag that I I have exceptional color vision and I can barely tell the difference so it's red flag over there let's just call it orange flag if it's not red flag it's like just underneath it so just just consider it the same thing for love of cars um so that's saying like Matthews is not what we want there's Big Bear over there Oceanside Newport s and um all right we could go to the well the problem with the choosing a map thing is I still don't know where I am on the map so we go back to El too Rano Santa Margarita all right that's what I'm going to put it R Margarita all right so I'm looking at the phone it says the current condition is 79 yeah that that lines up excessive heat warning and air quality alert overnight low 71 most clear Cal wind becoming East around 5 miles hour so that will be nice if it tries to push the fire back over the hilltop and if I would have to fight against the wind slightly to go on the other side we do have an actual we we have a we have a road here I didn't see it underneath the colors I hope they could hold it there um maybe a forlorn hope so there's I didn't quite see it see that little guy right here truko he probably wrote and at least they've got some access this looks like a trail or something see no it might be a full siiz decent dirt road cool right let's put SC toos a little bit easier to see these sometimes are old but shade of relief yeah it's still nightmares terrain uh for some of these Canyons like if it got in this Indian Canyon it could just it will align with the wind speed but we've still got Truck Trail and whether or not it still exist you can use whoops you can usually use a slider to kind of see it does exist it looks pretty robust I mean who knows what kind of repair it's in I don't know if you guys have been there before could guide me but that that looks in better condition than I would have expected maybe it's because people to get up here to man The Towers and whatnot but um that's that's heartening they've got the um they've got Road access Le a decent amount but has it gone past it already what they can do do is take drones from the bottom of these Canyons especially if tonight the wind was going the other way and then fire from the base going up towards this Ridge so that this they they could possibly burn this stuff off tonight so that tomorrow when the wind comes over from the West The Embers falling down might hit a lot of black I mean that would be a possibility that I would hope that they have in their back pocket as an option because it will be a little bit difficult to prevent a fire that's on the top of a very Ridge from from raining Embers on the other side I would expect that if if that wind reversal thing is whoa occurring that they might uh do more backfiring than what JB has already explained around the tower so some some of this that might get extraordinarily bright don't worry too much um I'm looking at the this is a 15minute Time laps so I'm looking at the strength of the wind here we've had 10,000 views guys wow please hit the like button if you didn't already um be uh uh we've had uh 228 likes let's let's let's put that up thank you guys I appreciate it so I wouldn't be too concerned about seeing big things like this a lot of this is the hot smoke and it is the reflection of the fire's own light off of its own smoke it's not like fire that's like the sides of a six-story building or anything it's just it's it's reflection these are pretty crappy cameras like your your phone whatever phone you have right now is guaranteed to kind of be better than these cameras they uh they were put up a while ago right so a lot of this is exaggerated um but the Hallmark of seeing a lot of firing operations happen is usually a little bit and then it kind of dies down they wait and they do another section it may die down and then they wait because they they they want to observe how how well it went and if it was sketchy they won't do it again but if it went well then they'll do the next section they'll try to get them done in sections or in teers like uh you think about it these mountains as a cake a wedding cake they'll they'll go to the different layers like the layer cake and um depends on what their strategy is but usually they'll start from the top and light a little bit of fire that goes directly up to the top towards him if that went well go down to the next here and then do that um if they if they don't have a whole lot of access which I don't see that they do they just have a couple of roads now if the mountain would have many different roads spiraling around the mountain then they could just do them in between all the roads but they would have to kind of carefully do that if they just basically have like Road access at the top and they might use drones to do it or whatever they need to um if they're doing the firing Ops they no longer try to send somebody hiking down there you know uh that's that's really sketch so especially if you just see one area that's like just that area that's really Fierce um and then it might die down and then you see another one get that way that might that might be the clue that it is a firing up but we can't really tell we have to we speculate right but if you do have the calm wind like they're saying like the forecast is saying like the eight um 8 miles an hour with almost no wind wind gust and that that gives him that gives him the opportunity let me look at the humidity and when the winds are supposed when the winds are supposed to pick up let's see this was Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita Mar c right compare this again to what I'm looking at yeah 79° got a 31% humidity so the app that I have that that pulls no weather um I click on the day and now I can see the temperature like hourly what it's scheduled to be so let's see 77 is now it'll drop down to 73 by 3:00 a.m. by 6:00 a.m. it's going to be around 72 lowest is 71 at 7 a.m. now let's flip over to um almost no precipitation chance and 7 to 5% cloud cover they out tomorrow pretty much all the way through the day the humidity though right now 43 is let's see wait a second n registering is 43 that's odd at Rancho's uh St Maria St so we've got a discrepancy this say 31 um I wonder if they were two different uh I wonder if there were two different uh weather stations this this is elevation 970 ft okay let me let me make sure that the forecast I read is for a similar elevation 800 96 ft okay so the Rancho Santa Margarita and the Noah app that I'm reading is a couple hundred feet higher okay that makes a that makes a lot more sense there so up at the 800 something feet range we got 43% humidity it will Peak out 59 is by 7 in the morning which is also it's most cool like 7 71° but it drops pretty drastically to 20 26% by 2 p.m. so I really I trust this this is pulled straight from National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration it's not weather bug it's not some random you know uh thing it's it's it's Noah so as far as wind uh directions and gusts right now at the winds are Dead Calm 2 m an hour with gusts of 7 miles hour from the east Southeast so let's see in the cameras how much that kind of lines up uh when we do the shortest time lapse shows you the most accurate uh kind of wind speed so this is a 5 minute this is about as quick as can be and well wind is present I don't know how frequent the gusts come and it seems like that's about about accurate at the very very tops you can sometimes add a 10 to whatever the the weather services saying because the very Ridge tops will get will get a lot more wind so you can you can plus you can you can add a plus 10 and kind of be to be on the safe side when you're looking at mountain tops and rops so it's not it's not tremendously Fierce it's good thing going for it husy says there is there's no firing Ops in the mountains they just did a backfire for the Santiago Peak cams only okay I'm going to put the radio back on I'm sorry I forgot about it um they almost never say anything but uh the radios are back on California Lodge 2909 South Bristol stage away corn M Mark 74 TC versus a pedestrian 45 East mcen for Mike midnight 19 oh God okay so that's um LFA dispatch oh God I'm praying for that person uh vehicle versus pedestrian uh I'll um I'm keeping OCA fire OC on um I I last night I had problems sleeping because there's too much dramatic you know stuff on Reno I tried to go to bed at midnight like more than an hour later I'm like why am I wired it was because there's so much domestic violence and emergency calls on Reno 911 that I try to trying to monitor just the Davis fire that I was I was not feeling great um so I'm going to uh M mute that one that has the medical calls for a bit but the fire one is still going so um hey express band exist welcome Pacific nature TV says the the fire seems to be headed towards losos Peak and Jer Mesa okay let's let's find out where those are um so there's Santiago Peak where the cameras are located so which one is the pafic TV says Los Pinos Peak there's shuko um Sho sorry I totally forgot already how to say that um I got to reheat the food in front of me and uh get some blood sugar so let me see Los penos maybe it just has it as AOS p Orange County let's see a it ah there we go now we found it so it's got a geodetic survey marker there as well so that's what that that triangle means so sometimes there's a facility towers and things like that um but it's generally they have roads and trails to them if they have a survey marker so that they can survey from that spot it's a uh it looks like a Round Disc that's made out of brass and fools try to pry them out of the rocks and whatever they've embedded into but they're they're like five or 6 feet long it's a it's a staff made out of brass or bronze and it gets driven into rock to stay because to survey you have to put your survey equipment in the exact same spot as you did last time and last time may have been decades ago so a lot of people um including me we take pictures of these to to collect them and it's it's kind of like a fun exciting thing to do while you're adventuring so some of them are rare some of them are gone some people don't quote collect them very often but you take a picture and you put it in your app if you're interested in that sort of thing but uh wherever you see them there's usually a trail at least access of some sort and it's a good sign um this is a a little bit of an older map it's just easier to read I think we could go to or a ser maybe yeah we can this this will be up to date as much as possible so if we put on our heat detection okay so this goes we do have red let's see when was last time three minutes ago probably when the ghost satellite came by remember hot drifting smoke can give you a whole bunch of false readings but every Square here is a margin of error they're all the same size you know I wish they had little borders on them but just just like the gray one so the gray one when they go gray it's 6 to 12 hours old so there's been no new heat detection in that section now the satellite goes around every 20 or so minutes big margins of error even if the even if it was just a tiny like this part of the Hill one side and overlap overlapped both um like right here it would set up four different squares it would trigger them all just like if this one say that was a big mansion and it was on fire or three acres on fire that would trigger all four of these squares at that section so just keep that in mind it doesn't mean the whole area is on fire now motus and beers is a lot more pinpoint and they detect heat that's a lot less than I I believe in the goh does so sometimes they're just little spotfires and boom they chased after them they got them and they're out so that's what scared a lot of people at the Davis so I want to just go back to the Davis real quick explain something about the map yesterday when I was doing was trying to figure out where the most northern flank of the Davis was and I got in a a gentleman's you know friendly argument uh speculation thing about did it go past the Mount Rose Highway and so this uh before this perimeter was updated right so when I was using the caltopo I'll just uh duplicate this and we'll go back up to go back up to to was show so I'm Pat myself on the back because with the aid of the cameras which is all critical we were able to find out where the fire was and where it was stuck now the uh gentleman's argument like here's the road right the rose highway I guess you call that it squiggles around let's see if we could put yeah yeah there we go so it's a lot easier to see now um modus and beers kept showing hotspots the Beyond like to the north and to the the west of the um of that Highway where that would be a great place to stop it I mean that would be a good goal to have if it's possible right so like this like this detection over here but remember it's margin of error so this is within the circle each little snowflake is the center of a circle right so even if there was a little Spotfire right here like where the hand is um the margin of error will trigger for a much broader section so the the argument was did the highway hold ultimately or not like in general there's always some spot things that they chase after but they don't become a new big thing if they catch them real quick right so my speculation was that the motus and veers picked up Little spots near the highway just on the other sides as it tried to push on it it tried to push but you know they had a nighttime helicopter they had some other help um good response great access looks like they took care of it but it was still there was still speculation of like where exactly is the fire is it is it if if it's past this highway it can climb all the way to the top it could climb all the way up here and get totally loose and free and wild um and then rain Embers down on the rest of Washo and maybe even try to get up west of Reno it would try with the winds right so that would be a big deal if it was outside there so what we did was we used the cameras to pinpoint and we looked at all the cameras were looking right here at this spot and then I saw that the highway curves like so and I thought great if all the cameras line up and we do see that the northernmost part of the Davis fire is right here it's it's trapped in a pocket in a bubble with the major roads here and then I flipped on I flipped on the satellite and I liked what I saw because we had actual Road access into what looked like deepwoods because of these water tanks the heck they are assume water tank which well it's Road access so I thought that's that great that it's that's over there there don't seem to be any new housing or anything right there right so I I speculated that this is where the most northern edge of the fire was based on the um the best view that we had is calaris so you see if I put you put the beam you you can put the beam left or right you it's looking almost du West so to the right is North where my Crosshair is right you you can see that you can sweep left and right like where it is so that beam is right there here where the pocket was so we never saw it move we never saw if it was going to the right if the if the bright spot of the fire was going to go to the right that meant it would be traveling north if it would go up to the top of the screen it would be going up the hill it'd be going up the mountain but it never did so we kept doing the replay and something must stop it from going up the hill cuz even Against the Wind Fire loves to climb right so what we uh what I concluded was it must be holding at the Rose Highway nothing else explains it otherwise it would be at least steadily or slowly climbing and it was not and the same thing with the slide Mountain I was uh a lot of people were were concerned looking at it and I want to reassure them that I I don't see any truly concerning here from the slide Mountain Camera um we saw it holding right here for TW more than 12 hours it's doing that so what I identified there over on slid Mount and with with the help of the viewers you know it was a like I said friendly gentleman's uh speculation thing I I don't know this area I am I learned from you guys it's right here there's this access road like here's where the camera is so slide Mountain Camera looks down directly there's a very steep drop off with ski lifts you can't see this section but you can see down here you know down the hill and so it's this access road for the ski area the one that curves around right here that seems to be stuck right there it isn't it it has not climbed up to the camera as we can clearly see so it doesn't it doesn't mean that this is this area is not in danger it's in serious danger but the the wind in general has been pushing it away from these mountain tops and so it's on hard mode to climb it still can but they had that that amazing Road access and look it is not having close to the camera it's been like that for a very long time so let's see if there's a 24-hour time lapse so I want to to why is it looking at the wrong area so that was last night Dawn please look to the right the love of cars okay see it just stays down there now we've seen a lot of uh Pink retardant splashes over there but I I'm delighted by what I'm seeing because that's incredible they were able to hold that the first night they they held the fire where uh the Davis where um the peine camera was looking and that was when it went uh down through here and try to climb up this mountain so the peine camera is to the Northwest and looks Southeast like this pretty far away and it just looked like a huge roaring thing of flames trying to eat these neighborhoods these particular ones right here Galena westering Pines military area these and over here like I mean it was just there's like a tidal wave on the cameras of of of white heat like just trying to get into the neighborhood I'm sure it wasn't a cakewalk over at Pleasant Valley but we didn't have a good view so if we look at long story short here here it is I was ended up being correct I thought we'll have to wait till tomorrow to find out who won the gentleman's bet but just as we were speaking they they upgraded they uploaded the new perimeter and so it was true it was holding out of the highway this morning you know this afternoon because I had I had to take a nap I went down I was like a zombie when I this afternoon when I looked at it they had a an update for the morning which said that it did hold throughout the night in most of the areas they always have to chase something over the line you know if you have an active windy night but it is um let's look at the high his activity modus modus and ve is kind of obscuring it but you see this yellow out outline this yellow footprint the peine camera shows everything over here being almost completely cold so they they pounced on it on this little arm Branch Wing whatever that is on as far as cameras go looking great if you have other local knowledge you let you let me know you know via says the view from Geer grade up on another Mountain to the east okay oh yeah I will I will I will explain anything about caltopo so you can you guys can track Fires for yourself you ask me anything I'll I'll Tell You Drake Dragon says we got gear up in the peak by the towers oh what kind of here so I need to go back up the chat Express band Exorcist says critical fire weather conditions will linger into Wednesday Gusty Sundown or winds will continue through the week periods of Gusty winds over the mountains now that is waso correct yeah so oh amyd says no more red flag after night but some excessive heat things huh well you know what I'm going to call it orange flag where where it just doesn't meet their criteria I I've I've been pulling my hair out with frustration when I found out that that often times you know declaring red flag is is has two purposes a alert the public so that they're not fire stupid right got to inform them of excess danger B fire stations will have extra Staffing and be ready for for an emergency of critical proportion so they'll they'll have a call in part- timers or have people on call increases their budget though it's costly I don't know how much that factors in but I do believe there's a hesitancy to could just declare red flag probably when they should all the time I don't know what goes into the thought process or the protocol but it seems like there are very very strict in numbers games where something is like X humidity and X temperature and X wind speed it's all red flag but if you do minus two wind speed or minus 2% uh uh plus 2% humidity or minus 2% orus 2 de then they won't it'll be almost exactly the same conditions as far as nature is concerned fire behavior is concerned but the numbers don't reach the threshold for them to declare red flag so what I would propose is they call something orange flag it's on a cusp but it's not the most the most critical fire weather I mean somebody will tap me on the shoulder and say Katherine that's called a fire weather watch no no no not different different than that airport operations 30 onoc oh boy they finally operations goad oh they finally said something okay we're still listening to the airport 30 advising command P 30 is out of service mechanical at fire station 15y out of service mechanical Fire Station 15 uh you need a mechanic tonight or uh we assign it tomorrow we've spoken with mechanic we're going to see if we can get a toe tonight but they'll take care of it tomorrow with a relief um could you advise division Fox Trot that Patrol 30 will not be making it back to my copy break Fox Trot operations you copy direct yeah it's airm fo cop operation fromis was that division x-ray Little Broken operations from division x-ray traine confirmed uh can we utilize hel tanker 47 on x-ray working tandem with copter one you can but I want to make sure that Rose is uh really gotten solid work in there before we bump them out I want to get that knocked down pretty good okay copy that uh once they have that button up if we get have work with copter one we still about about half a mile to mile open line that we still could utilize their assistance on okay I Cy I see your activity up there I understand what you're doing um I just want to make some good solid progress above roow thanks for copies okay well and no news is good news except they're just reporting that one vehicle is broken down so a crew will I guess don't know if they're going to sleep out there you can see a guy babysitting a new flare up right next to the Tower and uh vehicle pulled up this is the last 15minute time lapse so you can see the hose already deployed and charged at his feet so he may just have the fun job of just watching that right there looks like um a couple times it tried to light the hose on fire just look at this a second we'll go back to the Davis yeah looks like it was like I want to burn that hose I don't know about you guys but you remember the really old cartoons I don't know if they were Disney or like from the 30s or like Mooney Tunes but fire like Flames that had like little little bared teeth you know like those evil happy faces on them they would jump out of the main fire like in a hearth or something and to light the rug on fire like Mickey Mouse's rug and they would jump out and they would just start biting the rug and that would start the rug on fire whatever I just kind of got a flashback of that where these little Tu just Bo pop out boing like I got to eat this hose and then when somebody came to stamp out the fire they were like oh no and looking up and then they got squished I would love to find that old cartoon so here here's something that was on fire by the side and it with the hose or at least was on top of it and now it's not but amazing Bravo see the little Point give you the heads up we're going to drop in from the top start putting a hose lay in down toward you along Santiago Truck Trail how copy uh that's a good copy uh we're waiting for dozers to push up so I can get my type threes a bind Joplin and start working Santiago Truck Trail from this side okay I'm limited I just got one tight three Strike Team and the tight six is going to assist so we'll see how far we get um I'm not sure my will make it down to you but we're just going to grab the edge of the BL and start working our way towards you we'll see where we end up that's a good copy uh once we get this road opened up we should make some really good time I got two Charlies here just waiting to jump off perfect sounds good I'll check in with you a little bit on our progress sounds good well thank you for that contribution uh Pacific nature TV looks like they are opening that road up um you said that's the main divide road is largely impassible by vehicles from the South but most people driving up to the tower go up Maple Springs Road from the north well I think what they're just trying to do is is use the dozers to to improve that if I I just heard that right so they said they were going to take hose and go as far as they can with it where there's black area so God speed but that's very funny the uh let me look back real quick just going to check on the airport well we'll Bounce from fires to fires sorry but you can see how like one thing that can spread these like this is you know if you ever had a big pop in your fireplace or campfire and 's go boing and and just shoot out of the campfire that's what happen so if there was like a piece of wood there like a bush or you know even if it's just a fence like an old thing of a fence on the ground hitting that pop you know like it hits resin and then boom and it it sprays The Embers Bo over so it's got to be babysat it's got to be watched one thing I didn't know about firefighting is they they can enter a structure for example or they can go around like if it's outside around a building and all of a sudden they don't have any more pressure and their hose line burned behind them and they had no idea so it's they're not fireproof hoses they got they got to fire resistance to them but this is a good example of how they can come up here pop and then spray uh Embers over things and it has to be watched um they somebody's got to be there so here's a vehicle pulling up and somebody else maybe even assisting or some reason that's current it's still going on right me are you're still committed correct yeah there's a shinook and a Firehawk here at the airport fire the line also has some we'll go look at the we'll go look back at Davis again right now mine has another shano that's what CH 47d is I believe um no image yeah and then then yeah ch 47d Tu Shooks are on the line looks like they're dipping out of santaana um today uh Sarah Luna sent some photos um and she was over there by Lake Tahoe and the um Lake Tahoe was where they were dipping uh out of with the scooper planes so she went over to this this area I believe and then uh they were way up here uh we didn't not the best photos but it was really cool and so there was quite an air show of the scoopers doing a roundabout thing here so that was working with Davies today Davis today so yeah explaining caltopo just ask any question that you want on it um one good thing I want to explain wait second Bravo yeah we're done with h tanker 47 and releasing them back to you Cy can you go direct with them and divert them to x-ray okay so they're passing the helicopters to others uh Viola o says air now will give air quality yeah na M says anyone know about this site the fire airnow.gov yeah let's uh let's take a look real quick what's uh what's zip we do R Rano uh s Margarita try that one not available okay there's uh General Maps which we could and click on I believe there's an app you might want to check that out in the App Store Play Store whatever that is let's see all right I got dark mode there we go all right this blinds me ozone and particulates right um yeah hang out in San Diego it's a little pocket of paradise Escondido it might be a nicer place to hang up um no um hanging out um in the Santana Mountain San Juan Canyon that's a no go Lake Hills of that's a noo um I don't know what these little pockets are about I I imagine that they fill in from time to time as the wind changes but dear God this area the Bear Valley jeez Big Bear City and heart heart Bar Campground that's uh unbreathable stuff right there that's six packs a day when it goes purple I believe um just yikes but the line fire is something else um let's just check check its canas we'll go I'll go back to explaining explaining on the the Davis and put your questions in chat thank you guys for helping me find the answers and your local knowledge um Viola says the view from guer grade up on another Mountain to the east is that is that a camera we can check viola um theis Pine is far it's got to go over the Chucky River it it had some amazing Zoom power though um yeah Embers Ash and charcoal bits spreading in the winds yeah so let's see here husky says the air airport fire is making a 13 to 14K total P cumulus cloud you have a link to where we could like see it like as a 3D weather kind of thing uh we'll check satellites later if we can wait going back to what I was saying about the Davis um one one thing I want to explain to y'all you all the public is that this was an important learning kind of moment that I forgot that moce and Views can pick up Le fire or heat I should say heat of lesser intensity the goes has to be I I should learn Morse code that would be cool the goes the ones with the blocks okay Moto Anders are the the round ones margin of error uh goes square stuff so G comes around like every 20 minutes its last pass was what three minutes ago that's a very good good result that there's only one real section of a flare up so when the ghost comes over every 20 minutes huge margin of error but the same area has to have heat that's exactly the same intensity or or greater to trigger red again to trigger the response of the of the satellite again so it it is like a status indicator of what what is like right now the last 25 minutes if count all the ways that there could be delays delays from the satellite coming back delays from the information going to the ground and a delay from whoever collects that information to put it out there to the public and then delays from an app like this caltopo pulling that information and displaying it it's not exactly real- Time stuff so just just think about it happening like within the last within the last 25 minutes it goes as like current status of how much heat is in a general wide area you go into the modus and beers and they can pick up much smaller heat detections they still have a margin of error it's a bit smaller in round so remember the heat detection is not where the snowflake is it's just the center of the margin of error that because he's they don't have an outline they all merge together these round things so when little spotfires cross uh roads or lines then you know who knows if Motors Anders will come around they they sometimes just come around once a day or even fewer than that it just it really depends you have to look about the date like this one 909 out in time of today so at 12 2:31 Pacific right that's what 3:00 3:00 is 1500 so 1400 is 2:00 so that would be 230 specific but look over here that's a day ago that's a day go so you have to check out and this is the time stamp of each little individual round thing so this can get a bit confusing it's also got its own color code when you hit higher info with the the button down here so MOS has a much more robust color code but it's better in general for like tracking the long-term progress of a fire like over months because um it goes up to like 4 days at a time and later there there are such things as the modus or VI progress maps and it goes into like purple colors but uh but the general idea is the hottest colors are the newest and it fades away to the cooler colors like blues and purples and whatnot so but with goes it it makes you want to pull your hair out it's um it's like great yeah red it happened in the last 10 minutes yellow is less less than an hour ago and then it goes into turn off the black dark mode excuse me orange is less than an hour ago but then it goes yellow is what is six hours ago so that that drives me insane like we need a better code than that and gray is those somewhere between 6 and 12 hours old was the last time that there was heat coming so let's just look only at goes this is amazing that everything else is gray except for that spot which we mostly pinpointed was the most Northerly uh progress that the fire made it it round to a halt right here the Train the train wrecked right here it derailed it thought it was going to Reno and it was celebrating and it derailed and now it's singing the blues is there's still going to be a battle they could still have ever's jump lines they could still have things get out of hand but the every hour that goes by they have had more time to prep especially these neighborhoods down in they've had more time to prep the lines the the roads they've had more time to call in more hose get more deliveries get more staff um whatever they actually have to do prep more structures every hour the fire loses and they gain more power um in a situation like this this was mainly I mean there there there is some trees in involved I mean but they're kind of scraggly really this is mainly a fast moving ground you know grass chaperel bushes tip fire which will always be worse when it first breaks out because it will run with such speed that they they just can't get in front of it and they just can't catch it the the first day the first afternoon that that's always the worst um you know 99% of the time with with this kind of fuel but there still is dried up trees some trees around here to burn so that means that they have to take a extra long time to make sure all of them are now cut down if they're damaged or if they're like half dead or if they are dead and uh put out those that can't be saved and or save them the manual way which is like rake rake away pineals from the base and cut down bushes away from the base of trees whatever it is they're doing especially in the residentials so the big concern now is can it climb can it climb the the hills they put a lot of in here um on this slope because they are they they are they do seem to be holding it on this little ski mountain access road when we look every time we look at the slide cam um and today's buero video I think was shot from somewhere around up here and his friend shot it and he was showing the um from some sort of a major road and showing the aircraft doing their drops you know maybe I should just go back to it and look I think he shows the map let's let's just see yeah where is shot from terain slopes off sharply to the east sorry and as we look at the terrain the fire started around the 5,000 FT elevation down here towards the Basin but slide mountain peaks out over 9,700 ft the winds are blowing generally down slope and out of the South but the fire is backing up into the Tall Timber towards Mount Rose right so I think where his friend was filming from I was hoping he would explain CU here's where the r turant drops get fill portion of the fire yeah so there's the ski run R Rose where does he film from now let's look and listen at Jeff's I skip in this portion of the and here's where that Tall Timber is burning on this portion of the fire good night Christopher now let's look and listen at Jeff's really neat footage that he got Saturday evening just as this fire started he's up there on the highway that comes down out of slide Mountain so he's looking down on the tanker activity down here is the origin of the fire or the heel of the fire this is Washo Lake we're looking towards the east yeah okay and this bit of fire along this Ridge as of Saturday evening this would be the Left Flank of the fire and so okay so if you want to see the amazing drops you know I can't like steal this footage I don't have any permission to even rebroadcast anything this is just hope he doesn't mind um he uh his friend there who's I believe with one of the media companies of Reno area uh shoots this it's really good footage and you see the big the big 737s and such making really big red splashes a retardant there so now I'm oriented by the lake there let's go back to where caltopo is see what's put on motus also has the updated perimeter I hope we get a brand new update let me see if uh there has been one I watch Dy I'm not aware of or something um yeah thank you go to go to bed early mods if you need to because I I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight um I had too much of a nap and I'm cursing myself because I'm I'm going to be needed for tomorrow tomorrow is going to be a tough day so um M you may want to try to take shifts with me so I can get naps in or something um but do rest up I've got it uh thank you so much you know for for the help but if but don't like Tire yourselves out if you if you want to sleep right now absolutely go ahead um I'm sorry I should have made that much clearer that u i I just needed to help when I was especially when I was um at the grocery store and I'm um I'm happy to report my friend seems to be feeling a little bit better oh my God my heart oh God okay I'm going to tow that down a little B oh my okay I apologize okay okay so oh all right the lesson sorry sorry the whole what is the point about this what what is the point why you need to know the difference between medic is so you can understand that if it's just these round ones okay don't be that concerned if they're a little bit outside of fire lines because if if it happens to be the moment M comes around they can detect the very the very much much smaller just spotting over temporarily kind of heat so it it the gentleman's argument that we were having like is the fire pass pass the rose highway to the West up the slope or is it not we are both correct because it did spot over but it seems like they chased and caught otherwise it would have been enough to timu too in Mount Rose by now but as soon as we were as soon as I was like well we'll find out tomorrow boom this the new uh the new perimeter K and dropped and it turned out it was right here like like I suspected held here at the Rose Highway seems to have held over here even though they had heat going up here who knows why because this is down slope from the actual Main Highway maybe uh they did a backfire for it or maybe it's all margin of error see how the center of the snowflake is here well that means the heat detection could have been in here cuz that's about how big the round thing would be and even this one the one with the red snowflake in the center this margin of error could just still be within the perimeter right here you got to we got to remember that that margin of error is that great and big what about that even this guy margin of error could have been on this side of the highway right here where it says like 431 be because it overlaps it so the goes was the way I found out that that was no longer a factor when I did goes I saw no heat detection over there whatsoever so I wasn't worried about a big enough fire being over there to worry about go would have caught it it goes over every 20 minutes so if there had been something that's bigger than a couple of Acres or something of big concern there would have been a g detection but it was blank so you can flip back and forth between them and try to pinpoint that for yourself if we didn't have all the cameras I would not have been able to do this with any certainty whatsoever we had all the cameras cross beaming and looking at this exact spot and we watched it for hours and if the fire had been on the other side the west side of the Rose free uh highway there would have been nothing to stop it from climbing up there we would have seen it go higher higher higher higher and up up up on the screen we didn't hey thanks Diamond let me U clip that for an educational thing so but I wanted I'm I I got to stay humble you know I I like the fact that I'm honing my craft here but we we have to pull from many different sources to have a good guess like that and the the idea is to comfort people as well as we can to be as accurate as we can in in the whole information vacuum that the officials don't provide um it would be nice if every hour they give an update or every hour and a half somebody got a microphone and told the press something but you know' be nice if Reno wasn't mostly you know crazy people being arrested and it was mostly fire chatter but we have what we have so we had to listen to the scanner the fact that they you know if if the fire had broken past of highway I'm sure that would have been all hands on D oh God oh God oh God call in the Cavalry call in the National Guard you know call in everyone I'm sure dispatch would have been crazy with that info and so we heard just normal crap though you know just the normal the normal you know very lazy fire updates but but in totally insane half naked people shouting with baseball bats running down the street Reno activity right so the the absence of any you know Panic on the scanner was one clue all of the cameras looking at this area was another clue and it wasn't really moving fire was not moving any direction was second clue third clue was all the satellite data so with all that we made our best guess if we were missing any of it if we missed the cameras if we didn't have scanner available we didn't have satellite we wouldn't be that's accurate we we we can only be as accurate as we can with all the information we're getting amyd says 4:30 a.m. wake up time good night how do you do this Amy how do you function on less less sleep than that my God you went to bed at like 2:30 you're you're an animal man you uh you're you're a Most Valuable Player Amy thank you for your help um yeah Viola says 431 is the Mount Rose highway right never been here mind you maybe as a child I don't I don't have much of a memory here so with with what the locals were also saying so that um I understood things with um all the the photos submitted to watch D and the official information we we had to pull out all of that together to find this out so this uh on watch Duty shows you a little bit of a finer footprint here is where where the northernmost part of the fire is right in here and we can go and see it now on the well that's the slide is the southern part but the Calis see right there if we hang turn off some junk here uh where's a oh there we go there's yeah yeah so the fire perimeters are usually obsolete the moment they happen we didn't have the um luxury of a new one um but you see how the beam moves when I move the Crosshair back so to the right side is north here so it has never gone further than that right there right there stuck there since yesterday see the black shadowy background of the mountain top up there there's no heat up there whatsoever go over to what the camera can see on this side and we have fire in the mountain side to there so just look at how far the beam goes so I don't know if this is the fire and it's entirety though I was um still not 100% sure from looking at the vono video of this if this camera has the entirety of the fire in the frame it may not because there may be something on the ground to the left down here because you see we had a fire start down by the freeway um but this this is what the camera can see all the way to that bar right so I'm confident the main entire if not the entirety the main fire is all within view with Cal NADA so where they were doing the retardant drops that line up like with what I was seeing is Right approximately here just to the right of where the slide camera is so they're trying to prevent it from going up the ski ramp towards the slide camera that's my assessment tell me if you agree or not um wow what is this C oh this this is should not be in the Davis fire area this is put that over on the airport check the airport again but and any questions about the Davis this is the slide camera looking down and I'm so I'm so happy to see all this uh that it didn't come up to the camera more than 24 hours y says they've been lacking on updates several of the local news broadcasts off of Mount Rose Fox 11 did a broadcast off peine in another Mountain okay husky sure U okay okay what's happened what's happened um which Camp which check the airport fire okay well now that is a flare up wow let's do the magic beam trick also this is alert California there's the alert West which is a competitor or or something and it does the stuff with the beams so let's let's get more advanced down here at the airport um but yeah if you have questions about any of them uh the Davis is what I want what I know about the most I know that the second fire that I know the most about is the line we had a cool guest last night unexpected guest of a firefighter on the line fire he improved his credentials pretty quickly I believe he he's a firefighter there great day in the morning though look at thata o says so Mount Rose broadcast were down Oh you mean up on you mean the cam or what did local local news have to say about the Davis do we know what started it and all that so Santiago Peak that's looking to the southeast right there um wow it uh it found new fuel guys it found a new fuel I'm going to turn both of the radios back on I hope there's not more pedestrian versus vehicle stuff uh just in case they chatter about this this is this is wow so um the ni the nice thing you can do the beam on the alert West cam so I'm just I'm just going to give a quick link please hit the like button friends before you go to bed and share share the stream make sure you subscribe you'll never find again it's very hard to find us because YouTube kind of punishes the kind of Channel I am but doesn't monetize so we're not into search results a lot even though we're trying to help the public but if you are subscribed in search for fire info in the future you will likely find us again you probably won't if if you're not just uh suggesting that we have a gold of 10,000 subs and then we can have a store and then we can sell you know coffee cups and cool things and try to survive here but it's been it's been hard being adree but that's that's what we want to stay you know all help it so thank you everybody who has donated to keep us ad free you are amazing you're wonderful so let's do a time lapse on this the nice thing about the alert West is it's got this Pano View and you can also yeah it moves the beam you know so we can see pretty much exactly where that flare up is over there so let's see what were we saying Las penos I believe that's probably spot on who was saying Pacific nature TV yeah you have your own YouTube channel are you still with us Pacific you for your uh thank you for your uh your Insight and everybody's insight about this um it's a crazy 30 minute time lapse yeah let's let's do it that is uh penos isn't it did we identify that is penos doesn't seem to have a name that one where it says quadrangle 3 uh but let's see that this Ridge okay there's inhabitations here and then a ridge without names oh jger Mesa okay all right so we'll go back go back and look at it that that's inhabitation oh it already went to Jer Mesa so I think it's here not there yet we'll have to go look at the satellite Let's uh satellite check it okay activity yes so we only had a veers which is margin of error oh okay yeah so this this one is up this one is not this is a little penos Trail penos Peak it's headed that way yes it is already what's flaring up might be this unburned fuel a jagger Mesa okay yeah thanks for sharing the cams yellow o says they brought in a new type one in7 to the Davis oh the local TV station was completely down that's what you meant oh oh cuz they used those Towers up there I see wow okay um you'd think they'd have a news van and they could go live from that but um and then like upload to the internet like I do at least to their own YouTube page they could have had a broadcast a makeshift broadcast but oh well um yeah let's look at these crazy crazy time lapses here so it's just exploded all right let's do a 30 minute what I do like seeing is see the little sparkles in the front the little sparkles in the black ground is what's already burned by the tower and those are just little stumps and whatnot that are still going but every everywhere else it's just truly black it's probably mostly burned already so this Tower is probably the safest place to be even though you got a front row seat to hell um goodness gracious okay now I'm looking at the fire that's on the other side of the ridge but you see how the smoke column is mostly mostly going straight uh I mean down in the canyons you can see it traveling in the canyons but with the majority of the smoke column it's mostly straight up so the prevailing winds are really weak up there and it may start to smoke itself in if we're lucky um that will I mean smoke is a product of incomplete combustion right you remember fourth grade or whatever sixth grade so it means it's bits of unburned stuff so it's heavier than air it falls down it it it's like Fallout it's a type of Fallout so when enough of it condenses up there it can start to drop down and if we're lucky you think about it as you know being lucky it will smother itself if it settles down in the canyons but in order to do so it just can't be a draft moving through them and at this point with flames that big It's probably causing its own draft um that's that's wild I'm glad it's in color remember this this yellowy stuff for the most part is the the light of the flames on the smoke above it um only these cameras are better quality let's look at the HP Ren which actually are HP Ren I totally forgot about them okay the HP Rens these are extremely high detailed like 8K cameras that that have night vision there's no real um yeah wow okay San Juan Hills s Clemente Dondo Mesa I'm sorry I don't cover wow um Southern California enough remember where these are located holy crap well that's something wow it's very difficult to Time Lapse these you don't have your little fancy buttons and stuff like on that alert California ones but I know how you've got to save it as a file and the files get generated like every hour or something and you go you go deep into the website and do it I think I wrote myself a guide but uh these are about the highest quality nighttime vision cameras you're going to see in fire uh detection like on Earth um I used uh when I went F when I first went viral in 20120 it was for the Bobcat fire these these had incredible front row seat images to the Bobcat can't believe it's the 10th go 09 Really T saving a couple of these screenshots yeah I see it just uh flipped over to the next let me save that if anybody's good at script writing and the like and knows how to automatically save these are screenshots like let me know ASAP check out that cam okay all right will s Clemente fixed North oh the HP renss are on the alert West oh why you say so can we actually time lapse him camera connection status is unknown okay I think this says 11 no it says uh 1:16 in the morning okay so it's online okay oh this is great then finally an easy way to get this uh hoac all let's do a whole 24 hours it was a beautiful day until dang look at that oh wow wow it looks volcanic nice find husky thank you for reminding me that HP Ren is is alert cow I tottally forgot this Alert West excuse me I was looking at alert Cal goodness gracious this okay this very smooth image transition is brought to you by the supercomputer that your guys' donations have hooked me up with thank you uh this would be very difficult to do on a and it going be chugging along on something that and not robust but this is a ryzen 9 57 5900 X that we're on here so this this processor is so powerful I I have to water cool it like a radiator in a car I have a radiator in the in the computer and a 37 uh 370 video card um it could use an upgrade but hey eventually it's decent for what we got right now wow okay so let's look at the others oh V doggy um so we have the Santiago Peak cams let's look at the other HP renss um we like this with the home button um I would I would wonder are they going to update Watch Studio are they going to change evacuation statuses or is that expected just find new fuel over here is it on this Ridge Top here that's burning or did it just descend that Ridge and just find all that fuel at the base and cause a draft that went up their Canyon I'd love to pick somebody's brain who's there right now uh just just the animal shelter stuff I watch duty all right so if we go back down to Canyon HP Ren Santiago fixed East oh my God I didn't know HP RNs were all in the Santiago C oh my amazing dear God all right let's do our 12 hour so ominous South s SW says look at Santiago Peak South oh okay we will next here's the East one wow looks like they saved this Tower just in time uh whatever fuels it found down there it was hungry and holy arel I I bet it just caused its own draft um just looking at stuff that this is incredibly thick I just our record rains over the summer the spring and winter just have the thickest brush in 15 to 20 years his shows wow would been great they could have done prescribed Burns in this like in the wet of spring but well it is what it is okay so the big flare up we we saw it like this just a little while ago now this was 11:21 and then right about 11:38 here 11:52 8 after midnight 16 after midnight 26 minutes after midnight wait that can't be cuz oh yeah yeah yeah okay it's it's actually 1:22 in the morning oh my God I'm never going to sleep people are like why did you stream till till 3:00 in the morning last night when you knew you were needed for tomorrow well this stuff happens how am I supposed how am I supposed to go to sleep looking at that this is a a great new development this this is uh wow um I am wondering if they're going to change call for any new uh evacuation statuses or something um it's not going towards residences it's like paralleling and kind of edging sideways but what happens when it gets up to The Ridges uh closed account says there was a newscast at 7:30 Pacific regarding the airport fi official stated it was possibly started by Public Works moving a boulder over a road yeah that is so ironic verified yeah closed account says I'm concerned when the heat Dome you're currently under LTS as the weather cools and dries over the next 24 to 48 hours it's like this thing a lid off um well we'll we'll take it one day at a time in one okay here here's a thing that's weird at night when there's less wind during the day which tonight applies right I mean this thing's making its own draft in the canyon I mean a draft is wind right because it's making its own localized draft just that's kind of clear anytime you have tremendous heat uplift like that it's got to be replaced the air the air pulls a sort of vacuum like a chimney it comes in from elsewhere below like and then the problem is the more more air coming in makes it hotter which pulls in more air which makes it hotter until finally the fuel is depleted and then it calms the heck down but wow that's a crazy flare up so but but let's let's think about the overall situation despite the fact that it's making its own draft right there it's a pretty calm night compared to what things could be so if it consumes a tremendous amount of fuel right now which it is it's doing that that's great as long as it doesn't move towards homes or infrastructure or Cruise that's what you want you want it to move to burn of a lot of it fuel at night when it's calmer there's less of it to burn during the next day yeah it's like a chimney flu exactly Southwest Southwest or S SW what what do you want be call close account says yeah I'm concerned I'm concerned too that's why I want the concept of an orange flag no not a fire weather watch that's different but an orange flag not red flag but it's it means that there's great fire potential Airport 16 W without it being incredibly hot oh they're talking let's listen holy crap P 16 and Patrol 18 are off the mountain on the pavement uh be feling and then uh returning to quarters I copy if uh you can sta 0700 Ops briefing tomorrow we'll use you off your location ICP affirm fire station 18 copy that fire station 18 0700 we will uh check and make sure we got a crew okay correction I thought you were asking where I am right now op breathing tomorrow it's the Great Park 0700 copy that great Park you can tell the different camera quality no grain versus very grainy image um if you were on a big screen like watching this in a movie theater wouldn't that be crazy um it would stay clear on a big screen this HP Ren and you can zoom into kingdom come here and see details whereas it just goes into blobs you know on another you can now see the noise color noise but you can see the quality difference they're still not calibrated though they're they're calibrated for looking at the city lights and the moon and stuff there's so much light that that and they need to close the shutter a bit more or lower the iso or something because we should be able to see a lot more definition holy wow we should be able to see a lot more definition if somebody was manually uh he here with the cams like Manning the station and whatnot I would love to be able to Tinker with the things and make this all look good U but that's just the way it is you can see all this is tremendous reflection of the light off the sky this would this would look very a deeper red in person it would look like in where this blinding white is it's just there's too much light hitting the shutter this is pure white to um for I mean not the shutter the light sensor for it to handle it so this is an error of the camera there's just too much light needs to be toned down otherwise we'd see a lot more stuff asy says this thing just ran three miles to the southeast yeah dym the chabuk is still raging yeah yeah this is the airport fire this is uh incredible let's just do a five minute it's got low connectivity so this may not cooperate since times yeah okay the concept of an orange flag would be high fire danger without your typical what you would normally think of components like a red flag is low humidity high temperature high wind that's it but we've seen fires run and race and try to eat neighborhoods like even in early spring even in pretty wet early spring and that's because of high winds like it had recent recently rained uh somewhere in Contra Costa County shoot it's stuck it's the camera's connectivity is going to come and go so we'll just patiently wait here for it to update but there was a recent rain that went over a grassy Hill Contra coasta County I believe or Napa and I covered it um in January or something uh because there was uh the last could have been December cuz the last fire of California that was big was in Ventura County in December so last year I covered FES from June till December and I'm still extremely behind on my personal life Affairs I'm still eight months behind what I should be doing anyway that was just a crazy December hopefully Fire season doesn't go until this December but hey we're getting linia probably will cuz you know I can't get a break but look at this holy Mir Dylan M says I can see it from my window uh take some photos man this these are once in a lifetime things email me the photo too if you can um I'll show it but the idea of orange flag would be like that that night was even though it was December or January and and even though it had just rained and it was near the bay area where there's some pretty moist air there very high winds ripping through the bay and so when the grass fire got established went up over a hill it then tried to eat a neighborhood on the other side Suburban neighborhood1 at 10861 Sydney place for Mike orer truck 85 from fire station 64 I play with Pon scene uh Mini Storage on 3 26 Golden West Del at 013 my god look the volcanic where's TGA North taga North I have no idea how to say this yep it sure did make pulus so here's the thing if it keeps producing a whole lot more smoke on this I hope it'll settle down I don't know if it can but you see how it's reaching the ceiling right there that's pretty low if it Smothers itself with smoke that might be trck 81 confir response yeah husky I can see um there's a chimney PE cam okay ping team will be uh back on the fire at 0700 at the Great Park I I'm astounded at how I'm astounded of how casual they're talking about this fire that just kind of became an explosion um chimney Peak okay so it's on Alert West but not alert California go Oh [Music] that's oh that's the D got it I would love to see the Pilot's I view right now he's going back to the the airport fire I want to see what he sees out the window or she if others are there wow it's just uh this one's having connectivity problems too oh flashing white warning I'm sorry to our seizure sensitive okay we could do a longer uh close your eyes if you seizure sensitive yeah we're not seeing a whole lot from it just hang on hold on yeah you can see light reflected on the underside of smoke so the city lights what they're doing is reflecting um their own lights on the other side of the smoke so the the denser the Smoke Gets then the more of a white up in the sky so what we're seeing is it's a one one to two minute between you know between frames so when the smoke thins out it's like that and then you go to this area and there's just it's more dense for the moment for that minute and I believe the camera is probably making its own little internal adjustments and exaggerating the light like this it's they're going to con constantly on automatic mode try to try to adjust for light the amount of light in the frame so that'll be why that flickers like that I I can't believe how casually everybody's talking about The Inferno um you guys feel the same way it's like oh yeah we'll be returning to base I've been losing my mind I guess if you've seen this a lot you've seen this a lot oh oh oh this is going east okay I see what you're saying it's it's oh Santiago fixed East is fix these I that went over my head there yeah happy qus says um all right let me let me go up there um 1314 Delonte dri 52 J Juliet okay sorry that's some irrelevant uh medical whatever on the radio uh happy trail says I'm really uh struck by this photo do we know what's predominantly burning here yeah shaer rally stuff and we can use the regular Google Maps to see it so we've got a r Rancho was it what this called again Rancho Margarita Ranch Santa Marg right this is where little gold man can help us out so lot of times hikers go up here and they sometimes the Google car we got some of the thickest brush 15 to 20 years because of the torrential rains of the winter and spring um people start celebrating oh maybe it's the end of the California drought because it's a crazy rains of spring isn't that great for firefighting no that's great for the trees you want you want heavy snow pack you know that melts a little bit and the trees absorb it and the trees are going to do much better now they're going to resist fire brush will always just grow like crazy the more moisture it has in the spring then it will die in summer it'll die by the end of May in California or even the beginning of may just depends on when the heat waves start but basically by the 25th of May you've gone from your lush green thing that happened from you know march to May to Golden Brown this is a long time ago that's 2020 but it's oily Sher rally stuff with a lot of thick bushes like probably the rabbit brush other people are explaining what it is this guy has a 3D camera on his backpack okay so the it see bushes Miss so the nature of bushes on fire same thing with the Davis fire over in was County in Nevada is when the bushes the oily thick brush a lot of these are just impregnated with oil think of them as oil drums the size of the Bush some of them are invasive species some are native but either way is the general idea it's called chapparel it's it's the kind of bushes that grow in deserty but not 100% desert kind of Landscapes like like Southern California right there chaparal oily bushes not so much grass like you would traditionally think of but you know this this stuff so you'll see a lot of black smoke from the oil inside of the Bush that's ump off 16 Patrol 16 operation Good Patrol 16 will not be able to uh have a crew in the morning uh we are we are keeping the water tender in service so we will be relieving the water tender tomorrow or 61 Medical Aid bar in 7930 Beach no Patrol but I believe we going to drive to where the water tender is uh at the base of the fire and we leave them there or not would like to water tender staffed the water tender will be staffed but do you want them at the briefing at the Great Park or do you want them to stay in service where they are uh up Trabuco Creek okay meanwhile the line fire is let's check on the line fire real quick look at this they can hold in position division will bre them on the line copy that water tender will be staffed in the morning at the current location patol 16 will not have a staff it's vigorous this is Keller Peak which is over in San Bernardino County go for division Fox drop you C for phone call me um hike out and get service and I'll call you give me about uh 7 to 10 minutes wait a sec what is this one is this the one at uh Camp Pendleton in the distance that could be viewed all the way from Gil C that's the okay okay which one's the one that can't to now um shoot that's organ what's that one called back off a bit and we'll look at more crazy time lapses of the airport that that thing is cooking um the roblar right yeah the Rob roblar roblar that'll take a back seat to uh it's 45% contained ain't God u a th000 Acres they'll take a backseat priority but they they have their own fire Crews at Camp Pendleton this happens all the time it burns frequently so it's easier for them to deal with these situ situations I just find that that's that's also pretty startling that that's uh invisible from that far away um so let's let's go back to these compelling crazy images so when we were what I was doing I got interrupted is trying to figure out where it's headed that's a fixed East camera so I wish I could make the map bigger and rearrange this um this is is is as Zoom else we can zoom so this bridge is on fire here there there there to there looking to East okay that's kind of an unbelievable sweep there must be that but wish I could zoom in more on this that's maximum zoom on that M uh on that map so let's uh okay so it's just it's eaten this as new fuel it's a new east of Santiago oh all right I just Fox oper look at that were you able to kick off that plan and start a little uh work going downhill direct Yeah we actually just stopped and pulled back the fire behavior is increasing and kind of under swung on that Santiago Truck Trail kind of burning below us uh we don't feel comfortable right now dropping in in the dark in it um so we're going to hold off a little bit and see where we're at at first flight tomorrow true okay yeah just take what junks it'll give you and you feel comfortable with uh I understand what you're saying cop I'm going to try to get service check in with Bravo and I'll give you a call it's so crazy fire firefighters still have to drive around Mountain Top to mountain top peak to Peak Road to road to try to just contact each other it's 2024 get satellite phones for God's sake this is why ah 27762 for RO 202 Delta 0 okay so they had a plan to go Direct on the fire down Santiago truck road which means pull hoses all the way down and hook them up daisy chain them down the street get true water supplies and then leave the road and just hit that fire like put it out by the road or 23 M from fire station 13 7881 Barbie Lane forta 0143 they just cancelled that for obvious reasons you saw that whoever was in charge just authorized them if you felt comfortable again you know you can restart the program but do it as you see fit and then he goes what surprises me makes me angry is oh I'll go try to contact another unit by finding signal oh for God's sake that's why firefighters di okay you can't see oh God they if they can't be in communication with each other they can't watch each other's back go foris Fox I'm headed up to you guys with the uh water food G that is good news when you get up to the top here just let the village oops okay sorry I had to turn off the other radio which had a medical call try to break in I didn't quite catch that so um hey William Xander welcome I don't know why that's blue yeah cat do think with all the earthquakes lately that we're getting ready to have a big one you're always getting ready to have a big one in uh the West Coast yes with the way that I um think about it is how long has it been every single day that takes by since you had something going on in an active fault line is a day closer now there's two things though that could be happening I have to talk right after the uh Bravo in here you're struggling with spell coverage but when you get a chance um try to tie in with coverage and update fire mapper uh where you're putting these Dozer lines in I just put a dozer track in right now and fire mapper um for what I know of so far okay uh I'm in the the canyon right now I'll get an update when I get out as well I appreciate it thanks now I wonder if we get access to that fire mapper is the purpose built mapping and situational awareness solution for emergency services agencies where you're responding to wildes floods or missing person fire mapper has you cover I want this I want this individual online and offline mapping for individuals volunteers and Enterprises for agencies okay but it looks like I don't think that we will have any real time kind of access to what they're doing that would be cool if we did yeah call contact us for a deal or something it's interesting to know what they're using so here's fixed view cameras Oh East and North see that now this gives you an idea of the HP Ren system they update view um I'm so glad husy pointed out that we've got we can time lapse it via the alert West system see what I what was I just saying though [Music] uh okay the earthquakes yes so there's two ways to look at earthquakes and I had basic earth science um volcanology and oceanography uh introductory college level courses that's it I mean I'm I'm a volcano nut so I I just study them you know just as a matter of course grew up in the shadow of Mount Lassen so I know more about volcanoes than say your general seismic and pl tectonic type earthquake things what not Buffalo Bump okay that might be one to check out um so you have you have to think about Minor Quakes as uh either really good or really bad sometimes first of all there's no such is in earthquake and they should stop using the term but everybody still uses the term when the ground shifts like that seismically that's it's a lot of it's a series of vibrations and it can have it can take a long time and just think of a house falling off a cliff really slowly and maybe it shifts a great amount one day and then it doesn't move for other days right it's a slow process Now The Faults either go up and down next to each other or they slip past each other so rub your hands together and that's slipping like slip strike I think it is and then um move put your hands together put your left hand up and your right hand up you know your your left hand up and your right hand down and that's the other kind so the Cascadia subduction zone that creates Mega tsunamis is the up down type which I can't remember what that is right now and that's pretty serious I think most of um Southern California tend to be slip strike they Glide past each other like your left hand and your right hand just put put them together your palms together and then move your right hand a little bit forward like a like an inch real quick right so you got your San Andreas and what how um San Francisco was affected it's slipped strike that way now um the fault lines will go for a certain distance so the ones that are the longest can produce the the longest amount of shaking and so the C subduction zone is 620 M long or 1,000 km out there in the Pacific Ocean going past Washington Oregon California Dam so that's why they're going to call that the big one that'll be unimaginably big when it occurs last time one of those happened was about seven year 1700 um so what do you have in your backyard what where did the Quakes occur on the are they on these little faults sometimes they just settle right so especially if you have something heavy on top or um like even great buildings like skyscrapers can cause tiny little earthquakes the biggest in the world and that's why we should stop building bigger buildings than that cuz that's sketchy and they can't be felt but you you put an instrument down there and you can get them and they're just little trembler things so if you have like a reservoir that just filled up or something sometimes that'll that'll cause a mini fault to to kind of shake a little and settle and hopefully that's the end of it right you got your bigger ones longer lines and when they finally go as there's a friction like they'll be pushed against each other and then they boom they slide pack and it's like having a rusty piece of machine with no lubrication and you're trying to push you push hard you push harder and it finally gives and but it's one big giant motion instead of a smooth you know so you you have to look at what what exactly is is rattling here now if it's the smaller often times you can be pretty pretty satisfied that it's settling and now the pressure is lifted that's one way to look at it there are geology teams that study individual faults you'd have to ask the person or the team that knows about that system I'm pretty unfamiliar with what's down here I I studied San Francisco a bit Portland for a bit escadia for a bit um that's more re relevant to me um but the whole California falling into the ocean thing is a total myth because the kind of faults by California are the slip strike it's just rubbing your hands together back and forth your palms palms of your hands so Cal part of California will go north part of it will stay to the South you know along the line and so that's generally the way they are that's the most common so um the up and down kind would be the thing make Cali fall into the ocean and that's just that's just not possible um but California has some of those I just don't know that they're on land um I think the Anchorage Quake where you see that which produced a huge tsunami that R wiped out Crescent City California the an Anchorage 1964 Quake the biggest in America in uh living uh memory um you see the Downtown Anchorage did this like part of the road is way up high and part of it sank down way low um that that sucks that that can create some some Mega damage um and Anchorage is Coastal so that's the whole tsunami event right um sometimes this will happen in a slip strike Quake just because there's like a broken water M or something and so it fills up with water or liquefaction like it used to be a wetland still soggy ground underneath the buildings and they might sink in a section I mean but with this kind I think it was a true up up down movement don't quote me though I just that's what it appears so um we I've seen other photographs like this in the neighborhoods of uh Anchorage where some houses got thrust up really high and some of them sank down um kind of in a straight line across the landscape so that that was a huge magnitude that was a 9.2 it wiped out Crescent City California and uh Seaside Oregon which nobody's heard of anymore but it's it's because of on the coastline they uh that's where California sticks out it um as waves travel along the coastline they're the biggest threat to life and safety for for many um see where shav oh it's on Forest Service map no um I just show you the coast um you see this little you you see these little pockets like these humps where the the it's like a horn sticking out the coast of California this is where the tsunami waves will back up and reach the highest because they're stuck in a pocket so they they can't continue to slide down the coast most of them just want to slide down the coast you know but where they where the little horns stick out they'll slam into it with a collision rather than like sliding down it you think of it as a big rig truck going down a freeway it lost its brakes and it can either kind of scrape alongside the barriers and keep going down the road throwing Sparks or it could slam into a barrier right so Crescent City is a horn shape and so since it stuck out the tsunami overwhelmed it this little cuz it's got that little horn shaped thing and it's low low Ling ground you go up to other places were affected but may not be that inhabited so they didn't you know reach the news but look at Seaside Oregan here you see that you see that horn so when the Alaska Quake that tsunami came down it bounces off this solid Bedrock C and just inundated the town just boing boing boing wave after wave after wave the bigger the fault line generally the more that has to settle the longer you know so the longer the shaking and it'll not Shake in one spot it'll it'll run the length of the fault so the shaking um will travel like at the speed of a jet engine a jet airplane so like when it happened with San Francisco and one of these is the I think running like so is the San Andreas uh they felt the shaking way down here first and it goes you know run ran towards the town so there's a couple earthquake apps that can give you a little bit of ahead of time warning and I would even if you have 20 seconds of warning that's a good thing CU it'll it it took minutes you know for it to run the lake that'll be the biggest Quakes probably that that that occur you'll you may have some morning time one one of them is called earthquake Network hey good night husky thank you for the help yeah yeah can I do the time lapse from the Homewood Ski Area uh the Homewood where which fire is that I will in a second yeah closed account um Japan's got down to a science and also those pagota buildings are pretty earthquake proof that's the whole point of them um that each floor of the building can uh sway independently of the other floors I never knew that but that's why there's like temples that are still around from the year 86 uh 8692 or something cuz they're pagodas so they they survive the Quakes right so if you get the app one of them is called earthquake Network um this thing uses people's phones I thought of this idea before I'm glad somebody else did it you know um this is from an Institute in Italy that got it started I think yeah there's one for Apple too get get earthquake Network and whenever your phone is plugged in it's uh and anybody else's is like when it's charging especially it uh uses it gyroscope of the phone the one that can tell if your phone is vertical or horizontal and change the screen you know um it'll detect the vibrations of a whole bunch of people's phones in one area right and as the earthquake uh shock wave moves in a direction then that'll start triggering other people's phones other people's phones will start swaying back and forth and so this this uh app will automatically tell people who have the app further down the line earthquake is coming with a big alarm you may have 20 seconds 30 maybe as a warning uh maybe a minute it's hard to say depending on the thing so this is uh this is great to have there's a couple others that do the same thing right so there's a couple different ways to look at it because I because I don't know about what kind of faults have been uh active and trembly here what they're connected to how long they are how big they are what there um it's either very very good that you're having minor earthquakes and it's easing the tension like uh every time they slip a little bit then there's less tension think of it as drawing back a bow string now if it uh as you're drawing it back and more and more tension is put on the on the fault right um would you you get a less of a shock to your hand with a bow right if you just pull it back like 4 Ines and you let go right and pull it back a couple more inches and you let go those would be very minor twangs right but the longer and longer one goes without any movement you can you can it's like somebody drawing the bow back closer and closer to their chest their chin their ear and then when you let go with your hand that's going to go war that is going to be a major one right but here's the thing I don't know what's happening it's either releasing pressure or the pressure pressure is so great that it's starting to slip and there will be a bigger one and the reason I say there's no such thing is an earthquake is because it's absolutely true see Homewood Ski Area I I'll find it I think this is right Hood no that would be alert uh West then yeah is that Nevada that is a Homewood Ski area right we'll see oh yeah the Davis the Davis is not out but it's holding steady as far as we could tell here's Homewood but it's it's looking away from the fire right now see the the beam is going to the east uh are are you talking about something being closer to Tahoe today or you talking about the the Davis um the Davis was visible from the Homewood but it was looking elsewhere um um at the time there's the bear fire oh do you mean the bear the one that was to the west of Lake Tahoe oh a bear yes right let me check on it let me check on that real quick so um let's see Sierra County yeah 45% tment 3300 what kind of views we got see now you can you can see it's proximity of Tahoe and the Davis Bears up there um yeah can't be see on that cam they had some great weather and a couple of great days to to Really pounce on it and so this is looking better than much better than ever um yeah Cruise to focus on gaining additional depth and mop up efforts wind gusts reach 30 m hour but they work through the night to maintain containment successfully maintain the current put foot print so that's uh winds are expected to decrease in Speed Sport one we are back down from the hill we uh Cold Trail and follow the hle um all the spots are out pretty much feel for confident that nothing's going to pop up on our side we have a pretty much five of us need to get back to uh work in the morning support one operation Dr command can you go Direct on tact Bravo well so because I'm not an expert on Quakes or anything you could start to research them and you know you can even ask the US Geological Survey question so I would find out what's their local office I'd pick up the phone and ask them stuff they'll talk to you um the US Geological Survey website leaves a lot to be desired they don't track all Quakes they just that would be like a crazy scroll that you can never catch up with it would be like Quake Quake Quake Quake all over the world right um but um the best way to find out like is your building safe I could teach you a little bit about that go to toppo viewer Topo viewer it is not like oh I'm in a wooden structure so I'm safe oh I'm in a brick structure so I'm not don't don't get pigeon hold into that line of thinking you go to toppo view which is done by uh us Geological Survey it has ancient maps and this is how you're going to find out a great get a great idea about how safe you may be you go to anywhere that you live so let's say I live in Ventura I live in Ventura right now now repeat I put the little I live on Ash and Thompson earliest map is 1904 why do I want why do I want to look at that because your building is going to be safest if it's not built on infill or Wetland or a previous Creek a previous Pond a previous Lake you want to be on Bedrock as best as you can so anywhere that they built structures in the flood Plaines and wetlands where the water tabl is up that's where your building is going to sink into the ground and collapse at the base no matter how earthquake proofed it is like with its walls and stuff doesn't matter what it's made of the biggest loss of life in San Francisco was the Valencia Hotel in the Mission District pretty far away from goad the traditional uh downtown with the you know the the Brick structures and stuff that you saw messed up um the Mission District was a residential area and only one building basically flattened and it was a four-story hotel that became a one-story hotel with hundreds of people trapped inside it's it just sank into the ground it didn't Splinter it didn't shatter it didn't fall over it sank into the ground and we now know that right where the Valencia Hotel was I look at old Maps like this it was built on top of an Old Creek they just put a whole bunch of dirt on top of Creek and built the hotel and called it good so in Portland for example I'm very alarmed and maybe Portland's a better example let's go to Portland real quick I have an actual example for you Milwaukee so say I live in there's a bunch of old we're at the repeaters at um on the top of sanago beach should be see the flashing lights up there where the fire jump the road huh okay fire jumped the road all right so anyway the point is Topo here um shoot I ran out of all right there we go have what bothers me about Portland is there's a whole bunch like see this this is a bog this a former bog but if you take the transparency out and you turn on you turn on U satellite mode uh that building is going to be screwed up these are not safe no matter what they're made of right here this will be heavily damaged because they built on top of a freaking bog so even if they've got some drainage they've got some they got some pipes they got some culverts whatever this is the lowest section of the ground it's a former bog so that means that invisibly underneath there that's still where liquid the water table will collect and it'll be higher than usual the heights here this is solid rock people will sleep through the Quake up here they will if they had homes here they goodness they don't this would be a chaos and sinking to the ground and collapsed buildings and you know geysering uh Flames like just like in San Francisco in the 89 Quake where it was um pretty much wooden structures that were destroyed wooden homes in the 89 PL in the Marina District built on infill so this is the best way to up top for Sano peach or do you have on your map now where where are you concerned for I'm concerned for here I'm concerned for this neighborhood here than goodness that that's like a Farm park or something that could be the old Albert Albertson's Dairy that they're auctioning off I hope they don't build on top of it CU look it's an old bo don't live where the bogs were so if you can get old us geological servy maps like this with toppo viewer this is just the coolest thing on earth you just put your your uh little thing wherever you want and then you choose the map this is 1914 you can choose like what was there 1950 right now my only concern is where the fire jump the road material on the ground um I know it impacted the road but I don't know how hard and if there's anything down let us know I'll bring some soers down and we Buck it up yeah just a lot of active FL um I think the truck can take the going through there so should be all right I just went out shouted at okay perfect and you're you're coming up Maple Springs wait is that the road that got impacted was it the truck Road uh I believe that is correct yes I don't think the fire is anywhere close to impacting sprs you should be good to go yeah let is go to Maple Springs Road thank you for the guidance about it being open they mostly come from the North Maple divad North Main divide okay copy nor main divide Road we're on you're good to go oh boy uh it's not called that as far as I can see in the regular Google Maps it's called Forest route 3604 oh South Main divide meets right here here so yeah it's North Main divide also known as Forest route Forest route also known as Co CES well okay so it looks like they're trying to sneak their way over to to the to the Santiago they're wow they're coming a long way the Santiago Peak so does that even connect I guess yes it does so how are they getting there let's see the Orga Highway 74 was itth Road wa so they deviate right here and they go here did the Google cart yeah the Google car came up here a little bit oh some Tumbl tumble weed stuff man this is so narrow it's like a one R lane road yeah that's hard this is hard to hold okay yikes and they need to widen this stuff they possibly can yeah yeah yikes lot of bushes to be on fire there nice commanding views be so fun to do a horse back Trail right swear to God um what is the name of building in San Francisco the the leaning tower of San Francisco the Millennium Tower yes that's what it is Travis Johnson says the Homewood west coast of Lake Tahoe Desolation Wilderness north of LOM Lake yeah yeah um Travis Johnson says hi that was the correct Homewood One camera I don't think it was named it was like a small thing today was that what I was trying to figure out um this tells a story yeah if you see all these damaged buildings in the San Francisco 06 Quake It Started a myth that the type of building is the main factor in what collapses or not no absolutely not it's always been what is beneath the building How firm a foundation I mean even Bronze Age Biblical advice don't build on Sand build on the Rock they that's spiritual and practical advice at the same time they figured that out a long time ago doesn't a rocket scientist to figure out kind of even flimsy homes or buildings built on a Bedrock barely sway during any kind of massive quate they still barely sway whereas it's a nightmare of Destruction and Chaos on infill swampy ground uh you know Wetland area former Wetland boggy stuff and tidal flag and the like and and of course on fault lines themselves like people don't understand that Portland's West Hills is a fault line this whole thing is a fault line it's not a hill it may have dirt on the top of it but it's unstable as heck that's why it's not built up and everybody who lives in Forest Heights and Northwest Heights is kind of doomed um the Skyline Boulevard is the center of the fault line so this can create a 7.0 um they tried to develop these areas in the 50s uh maybe even the 30s they called it Leaf Ericson drive it was like the leaf Ericson uh Housing Development and as yeah something drive right here um as they started pouring the foundations and building the homes like you can still go on the the today's Trail and you see these checkerboard black and white floors of houses on on the forest floor and Little Steps leading to Nowhere where there should be a front door and uh as they were building the the housing the roads kept collapsing and they couldn't get their equipment back up to build the homes just because the ground was unstable so every time it was a wet season or a heavy rain you get landslides you have to fix the roads gerant toown Road washed out again spring Springville Road that's just German Town Springville washed out again now this is before the St John's bridge and um it's a miracle that Linton this little Community survives but they built at the very bottom because it's still unstable up here this was a lumber mill community so I mean this is not solid that's the point is it's rock but it's not solid a fault is just it's just where there's a crack in the earth just like take an egg WP it with a spoon and you got that spider web cracking and it'll be in a straight line that's generally the way faults look so that's an exception people might feel like they're really safe up here or just don't mistake when you're look at these Maps um and think oh oh that must be solid up there just cuz it's High Ground make sure it's not a fault one of the best ways you can tell is um like this is it's like it's like a straight line why is this gray stop fer I don't know it's dimmed right now okay I'm just going to show you street map um Port them real quick oh first first I'll show you what a fault line Looks like in California right and you you can see them especially there's some extinct ones so a lot of them are dead let's go to uh terrain mode um see these lines like straight lines like and then you got a straight line here like and even though it's crooked you got a straight line like straight line these are all faults San Andreas is somewhere in this mix um of course not all of them are active some of the Coast Range drifted from the Pacific Ocean in geologic times slammed into California and got melted to it like the entire Coast range of Oran is seismically dead and there's no hot springs or anything because this used to be beachfront property where I5 is millions of years ago that there like an island chain of dead old rock like floated and tonic plates and just slammed into organ and made po range so there's no Gold Coast range of orgon until you get way down here by Bandon and C Bay all of there's gold and there's gold over here too because it's more part of California's Coast range but you go north of like Reedsport there's no gold um gold tends to be where it's seismically active and then hot springy and all that stuff right so if you you can you can recognize a lot of it oh these are not Hills they're fault lines oh oh like that that is the clearest thing I've ever [Music] seen he probably dead right here you can recognize him right you go up to Portland what does that look like big old fault line so yeah so if you if you look at I just wanted it's a real quick thing we'll go back to the camps um San Francisco 1906 this is the myth that got started after the Quake this was the first Quake that had a lot of Photography even uh I think the first one that had moving pictures as there was a camera crew days before the Quake happened and they shot an amazing uh trip down Market Street uh by putting a camera even though it's 1906 in front of a trolley and they went down Market Street and then later a camera crew did the same thing retraced the route not on a trolley but on a wagon because the trolley the tracks were all messed up and it showed like utter Devastation stuff right um and now Market Street had a lot of brick buildings it was it's it's the it's like the main street so you see like this and you see brick buildings like totally messed up so it while it is true the unreinforced masonry is going to be a hazard you you'd rather reinforce that of course it's really not a big deal if it's on Solid Rock people say well look at that look at that looks like a war zone well that's because they Ed Dynamite to blow these buildings up there was a fire and they got desperate all the water means are broken so the National Guard was called out the main fire captain and chief of the entire city died in the Quake so they were like a headless chicken there was nobody in charge the fire Cruiser helpless could do nothing because there's no water pressure at the hydrants so the National Guard took control declared martial law and the guy wasn't that bright who was in charge or not that experienced or whatever so he said get all the dynamite we have which was granulated not for this sort of thing it's for road building and blow up all the buildings you can to make fire bre these were dynamited they were totally intact like they should have just let them burn because then they could have just fixed it there a whole bunch of buildings that burn like these and they just the ones they didn't Dynamite they just rebuilt the interior later but they they BW up their own City okay if it looks like War it's because they use bombs basically they use dynamite and so so that was unknown it was embarrassing later that they did that for for no reason that nothing worked the fire just went like crazy and continued so the um and and you see there's there's tons of damage and tons of homes that sink while the other ones next to them are fine and this is where there's they just San Francisco was bad when they developed it they they just put dirt on top of old creeks and fountains and and normal ponds and then built buildings on top of them so you get the weird strange you know think these are wood but they're not going to survive because they sank see so it's not like it's oh brick is bad and wood is good you got to find out if you're built on top of a wetland of bog or INF or otherwise unstable ground or the fault line itself but most of the brick buildings in San Francisco They survived just fine you know sometimes the facade fell off which was more decorative than um more decorative than anything but you see as the fire approaches much of much of this is intact they just go crazy with dynamite um and well there you have it but here this is the hills have the most solid Bedrock up here at the top this caused a great misunderstanding that it's type of Building Construction rather than the ground underneath it now the leaning tower of San Francisco the Millennium Tower this is how it's all ties back in I know the way I describ stuff can drive people insane Millennium Towers probably put that on the map it's leaning while all of its neighbors are just fine it's leaning drastically like drastically like you can take a marble in your million dollar condo up there roll across the drop it on the floor and it'll roll all the way to the window and fall out the window like it'll it'll just accelerate and pick up speed a lot of people when they noticed that they they sued and try to get out of their lease you know I would too so um it needs to be destroyed because there's no fixing this I I can't believe it but for every big building in San Francisco especially a tall one remember how much pressure they put on the ground they can actually cause small earthquakes being that big and that heavy skyscrapers can the ones with concrete are heavier than the steel ones but don't get me started this is a pretty substantial huge you know vanity project kind of thing and if you want to know why cities are so much hotter than the countryside look at that it's glass and basically that it's it's a magnifying glass and reflector that's just heating up your city if the glass is curved it'll actually melt cars there's a couple in London that do that anyway it's Folly you know Big Shiny glass front uh Towers it'll probably be banned in the future but anyway um I was shocked to find out that the the foundations for the building are not sunk to bedrock there's supposed to be pillars to go to bedrock but it Bedrock is very deep the further north and Northeast that you go into the city this is more uh more infill stuff right around so and uh you know it was a port Town it it was ports so everybody wanted to be where the ships were going and the traffic was everybody wants to be closer to the shore with all the building construction you know with most expensive real estate right so if you look where where it is on an actual map let's just put it on put it here on I'm go back to the cameras and second Millenium um nothing quite made sense like a why did San Francisco allow buildings to not be built into rock that's like H um as a common sense thing I I don't understand why the building code isn't like that you'd think San Francisco of all places would understand the importance of being on Bedrock but you know you know this is where the the propaganda that oh only unreinforced Mason Reb buildings are dangerous that's where that propaganda kills because people believe it for some reason this is Lum Tower right this thing that thing oh it's this thing because it's it's got the constant construction they're trying to fix it they're trying to fix it so if you look at where the you go to Brick and Mortar oh I'll show you just watch this brick and mortar M he's a real engineer and he may have discovered um the big mistake in the construction or is it building Integrity yeah building Integrity Bri brick and mor is a different engineer show uh building Integrity just watch watch this this their experts claim um they there's diagrams and he finds out the the flaw that's right it was building Integrity here here's a link watch this um the the supports that support the columns that support it they're not on Bedrock but they just go deep into the soil and so if we look at Topo viewer um go to San Francisco yes California and let's see what what is this actually 350 Mission street it's on Mission thought it was on okay was on one okay too like I think I tried to to look at this before oh yeah the old Maps don't have the grid so we have to put the little thing uh 350 Mission Street 350 Mission 350 San Francisco okay yeah it's much closer to the water um the oldest map we got doesn't show bogs cuz it's already developed this is 1895 just few years away from the great quake I think I was trying to look already but what the the spoiler alert is is that some people who did Research into archives that you know are not available to easy to find like serious hardcore archive research they suggest that the Millennium Tower this little block was a natural water well right there yeah so this is not a good place to build period it should there should be a park there with you know a fountain or something and that's it I don't know if any of these show what used to be there um I mean during the gold rush it was it just built up uh without much surveying surprised that these are even straight line gritted sort of gritted streets um you probably had an early fire and then like when it was a tent city or something or made out of wood and then redid it that's the way that most of the gold rush like the towns became so yeah we can't prove it here it would be uh but that's that's probably the reason the others I don't think are built around it are built on Bedrock um but that that could be it but there's also a structured design flaw and so he uh found it you can watch this as a 32-minute video like I put the link in the chat um I think he's right too I think it's the wrong place to build the building stupid to not build it down to bedrock syn the foundation uh columns to bedrock and then three they also made a design claw like they uh they made a pretty bad one with the tension rod and jacking design whatever that is so um that means the repair if he's right this is the one he's calling it The 100 million mistake right with the fix because they're spending that much money to fix it like just build a new one guys I I do not approve this I think that even a minor Quake right now could topple it I don't want to see a September 11 style thing ever again in my life but that's what I believe would happen I think the building would fall over sideways might break off like a candle broken in half like a tall pillar candle with the top sliding off um it it would just be devastating the amount of sheer can imagine any amount of glass that would uh fall into the street and onto the other buildings and every single one would be a projectile capable of like cutting your head off um but yeah here here's more pict pictures of the fire but most of the buildings survive like this is before they dynamited everything you know things generally surviv that building it was gutted they re they just refurnished it it's still there on the Market Street that particular one but then they dynamited it so this is post Dynamite I hopeing more educated about what to do in a quake find out some lay or another there's always some layer in your city you can find some record do you is your neighborhood built on a bog you know here here's how intact the town is there a ring fire over there the biggest loss of life was a four-story hotel called the Valencia and it sank into the street when um the others next to it were mostly fine they just leaned a little I mean there was a broken water vein which made them lean over yeah there it is there's a valentia hot tell see how the rest of the Street's pretty normal I went to the site of it and even though it's the greatest loss of life there's like 250 people died in there or something um I interviewed people on the street and said do you feel weird standing standing right here you feel anything spooky or out of the ordinary people are like no I said are you sure you don't feel any like weird presences or anything or like gets haunted they found at me they're like No And I said look I'm a journalist they go oh okay I said the reason I'm asking is uh yes there are 3D color images of the qu those are awesome um I said the reason I'm asking is because I just want to know if people get spooked out because buildings look scary and they think they feel a ghost there were the places where people actually died in Mass unless you tell somebody nobody notic it and they like oh yeah okay all right yeah there was actually true color film in 3D U of the ruins after the Quake It was considered like a hoax like coloriz later there was actually early Color Film process later when I do Katherine's World which is not Wildfire tracking but just general Katherine's World um I'll explain this neat stuff like that let's go back and look at the current view we have to wait a little bit for a time lapse let's see what's done in an hour I was hoping to check in that fire crew is making its way up from the south towards the Santiago towers and they're worried about this I am too I don't know why it animates so fast but you know I don't see it moving he said it jumped a road I would have thought it would take off I mean maybe it's moving that direction and I just can't see past its Flames it could be it could just be going trucking de East we have a camera from the opposite side that's what we need to find right now uh no not at all really seriously check on Sacramento you're very welcome as do you um yeah you said oh I remember that now something about an Old Creek or something ran to the ground there yeah yeah um Williams Andrew says I love hearing smart people you are truly a breath of fresh hair no thank you for a pet on the head what about Seattle um I've only yeah I used to drive there every day doing a truck driving thing oh Seattle um is so screwed in a big Quake it's uh oh dear so they already did a weird thing in Seattle we need a we need a view of the camera from East we don't have one get it uh okay this is the best we have in Bel Canyon north I think um hopefully that's not a pan okay does the fire go to the right side does it move over to the right oh please please pivot that's got to be Santiago Peak where they still have fire up there oh please look to the right this is the last one hour yeah with most of the activity being out of the cabage view to the right okay we'll have to cross the camera how can it be out of view to the right that's a big wide angle the Sacramento the city do William do you mean the um Sacramento Street in San Francisco or they mean Sacramento the the city or the Sacramento camera I I'm really confused let me know what you want um but um this is baffling me like how how could the out of view I would assume it's this section this unburned pocket is where it fell good fuel I I can't can't believe that's way on the edge there all right let's let's do a three hour uh does anybody recognize the ridge lines we got a road here is this a road got a major road we got some inhabitations in a major road snaking up that way oh you know what we can use the new 3D map thing that we found yesterday we live in Sacramento City okay neighborhood give me ac cross street doesn't have to be on you're exactly one but give me across look at the map um post account says thank you for the history geology lesson my daughter and I have you on the TV screen really appreciate your working coverage thank you Clos account remember guys hit the like button 11, 734 views and 266 likes can we get that better thank you how did you find Us close account I remember you from before out yeah my elbows slid off the chair and whacked it ah but um how did you originally find us that's good to find out and usw as well and William um this is blowing my mind how uh 3D map 3D map this is the be new drum roll prepare yourselves for the coolest thing now I will make you car sick a little bit if you get car sick I have to move this 3D map around it's called firem map. live it's the coolest thing ever so they get the perimeter information this is the modus and veers thing now motus and veers can look like weird straight lines that's the path of the satellite doing its thing uh people ask you know is that them doing are there hot spots in a straight line because they're using a drone to light fires or something uh rarely I don't believe they're using any they're doing any backfiring whatsoever right now um no usually it's the way that the the path of the satellites and so you get this weird straight straight line grid pattern thing um motus and beers do that sometimes and the reason I know this it's mostly just because the satellite path is it once went over Lake Tahoe and obviously Lake Tahoe was not on fire so it can uh have errors and you know put put heat detections where it's not just because of well you know errors and um it'll depend on just satellite pathing um goes with its blocky thing to be easier to interpret right so I'm going to try to spin it what we can do is try to line up the camera view with what we have and then try to identify roads uh with the same view because it that's Santiago Peak all right so here there's the Trabuco traa traa Highlands right where's that image again I got too many tabs open all right airport fire image the one meanwhile back at Santiago Tower area oh no oh no oh man okay we're back edge browser just crashed Yik okay that scares me because the broadcast is on edge browser too I have a different edge browser window for the studio in the chat window okay it just it just reset itself I hope I don't have to restart the stream okay shut that one down yeah we we overloaded with the tabs a little bit here um but you know what it's likewise it's a breath of fresh air to meet other are smart people friend you are my people you're you're who I want to to talk with there's so many people who consider themselves smart but all they do is regurgitate what other people tell them and they don't have the critical thinking skills I'm not smart in every sector I'm kind of stupid in some sectors you don't want me to be your math teacher um oh wow Running Springs is the line fire you know I have my strengths in my weaknesses like everybody does in certain sectors but you can increase your own intelligence by changing the way you think with uh with the philosophy and and like drills you know um part of increasing my own intelligence was learning to stop listening to people it insults them all the time and I don't mean to be doing it but I won't believe something until I verify it in general I mean if somebody's running down the street and says run for your life and runs past me sprinting I'll probably just join them be on the safe side you know that that circumstance you want to just believe somebody um but if I can and if if I can uh try to get evidence to back it up I will I will just kind of put it as a this is possible tag it as possible unless I can verify I still just tag it as possible possibly true but I when you start doing this for everything almost everything you know I've uh I've really start started to like say shine in doing this um once I stopped trusting officials and realize a lot of what they tell the public is it has their hands tied and it behind their backs and it's a lot of the way they think about wildfires for example of and how to do evacuations is old policy from decades ago that's out of out of out of date um that's led to me being more accurate and more helpful to people so I I can't stop that somebody says oh I'm such and such Authority I've been doing this for 79 years I've been living in this area for 56 years and I know it like the back of my hand and so I know the fire is over here okay I believe you I believe that that's your belief so I'm not going to tell everybody that till I can verify it that's not an insult to the person that is me doing my job well and that is I don't just believe I verify I trust but I verify rean quote right and many times I have I have corrected the rumor mail that way I stayed accurate um if I can't verify and I'll say hey it's it's possible Bravo command there this is the cam Bravo operations go for do you want back if they could staff and what time and where it it crashed a copy about staff what time and where um can you repeat who again support one two affirmative if uh they're able to staff report to uh Ops briefing Great Park 0700 I've been Engish and confirming you're releasing them for the night right now that's affirmed copy I'll take them off tracking sorry if you get car sick I had it I had it all right we compare the views now I think this is what crashed edge browser edge browser uh I've already overloaded it with tabs I've kind of abused it so is this a road that goes up to Santiago I'm assuming that's Santiago Peak we can you do the be I've been englished over this um I love love to have intellectual and just you know logical type you know conversation with no pissing contest excuse me you know no no dick measuring contest it's after midnight so hey we can say that it's not a competition and I I don't want to insult anybody that's not the point I just have to accurately report things and verify things to be good at what what I'm my goal is and that is to help people stay alive um in a in a normal cover ation when I identify somebody as they wrap up their self worth by knowing everything about the Beatles or something right or everything about trains and I have I have the emotional intelligence to not correct them because they might operations that's a conversation about train it's not like and death know my understanding you pretty much have no uh cell coverage up there is that correct or are you able to do anything on fire mapper I have uh no cell coverage uh I can try driving out to North Main divide and I can actually fix them up takes about 20 minutes to get there though if you're not with more important priorities I'm wondering if you could uh kind of draw in the swap over areas and update the map to where they're located swap over that last um layer that was put on I believe it must have come from virus uh pretty much covered most of it and has a pretty good fire perimeter as we are right now it's not showing any swap over at um Indian Truck Trail uh that's one of particular interest as well okay let me take a drive out there and Scout it out and I will get back to you well so there's a slop over the one of concern is over the truck Trail okay closed account says one of my favorite mantras is learning never ends yes that's good I I just want to learn I just want to be correct I want people to correct me if I'm if I'm saying something terribly wrong mispronouncing totally not getting a concept right whatever it is I just want to be corrected my priority is just be correct and so I I don't understand interaction with people where they get terribly upset by being corrected as a kid I assumed everybody else wanted to be correct too and that they wouldn't be insulted if I wasn't a jerk I would uh be told something right by an adult as a kid and I would say oh did you know blah blah blah well what what the heck is this uh watch dud is uh on crack okay there we go um so like as a kid if I pipe up and say oh have an addition or a correction to something I was never understanding that the Hostile glares and stuff especially from adults like that we get angry that really made me a shy person who didn't speak very often after that um but they felt they felt insulted threatened and or attacked or something by that because they they wrapped up their selfworth in the knowledge of something and they I was shown up by a kid today no like just relax a very bright kid had something to add and you're not perfect so like oh Pat them on the head the Next Generation has hope you know like I never understood the Hostile insecure kind of reaction um but when people wrap their self worth up into a knowledge of something so they they they think I I am intelligent because I know X Y and Z or I have authority because I I know this this subject inside and out they think that any any challenge any little piece is an attack on their intelligence operations on command on command we uh can you time with the sheriff there and talk about an evacuation warning for blue J Campground area yep more so I just evacuation warning that's what we thought why we're awake all right let me get my notebook out I've got absolutely Stone Cold chicken nuggets in front of me from coming back at midnight um anyway that I'm babbling it's Mill night uh 5 hours and 58 minutes into the stream um blue J Campground now under Evac warning let's find out where that is they will expand this um I I bet they will wait as long as they can for tomorrow see it is now the 10 God I I have no idea how I could make myself sleep right now in order to get it for tomorrow this is hard choices today um so all right I think I lined it up I think the map probably crashed Explorer but we're going to try this again so operations Battalion 7 on command go ahead that information's been relay to the sheriff and just for your awareness they have all vacated fire station 18 and they are on route to the Great Park okay understood uh but the message has been delivered correct St firm okay there's a slop over on the truck Trail Road that they wanted to map better Larry Way North Highland okay cool cuz how account that's how you found us awesome um tell your friends okay so it is oh Sacramento okay we'll look at that in just a second I want to set this up and um look at the cameras real quick we'll we'll take a trip over to SAC yeah go ahead it sounds like I'm not getting out on TCH yeah I'm trying to hit you here hey uh FYI we uh tried uh relay pumping uh that hose lay and we're unable to overcome the head pressure since it's uh gain such a significant elevation we probably have a about 5,000 ft of hose in about 4,000 actually copy that my recommendation is going to try to see how we can get Plum from the top down if we need to get water over there yeah that's uh you able to make your way to the ventur county uh 11 crew buggies we can face to face and put contingency together and then we can stay off command rout with about a 5 to seven minute h okay so this I guess I should just put the thing on the map where it is on the map this Bell Canyon oh you know what I can find the longitude in L but you can't search for that it's Rancho Santa Mar harder than I thought Robinson Ranch kind of islands more I I can't uh it must it must be I don't understand where the flat ground is if you know what I'm saying like see how flat it is right here that's very flat with like a trail or something oh maybe we should go back in time oh it changes view let's just go back further in time we'll be right with you we'll go to Sacramento um yeah so it's got oh I know what that is I know what that is there's a mine there's a mine over there that's mine tailings if I ever saw it okay oh just got a jingle on the phone right oh that wasn't a donation that was just a h darn there an update from my bank it makes the same to Ching cash register now all right so maybe this during the daytime is easy easier to figure this out oh um could it well I'm sorry if you get car sick I'm bad this so that area I don't knowbe this there's no way to just like see from top down to see if I put this and I I guess I I guess we can do that PO toet sand and hot springs that is what I need right now jump in that right now hot yeah so this is there's your hot springs that way there Country Club Hot Springs yeah that sounds like a great place to live pretty much okay Hot Springs to so there's a up there V outoor navigation the Highland that I wonder if it's right here right this how I would be a good place to put some towel or not yeah I want to line this up I want it to work I want to have an a good accurate idea what this is um all right Plan B do Alert West and just find the damn longitude and latitude find it on C Topo then I'll find it on the map do okay you do this click you got longitude latitude right there just to the east of the tro Highlands on this little squiggle okay it is where I looked what but there's no Towers Robert B says oh walking Axel Is Cook's Corner threatened okay we'll find out where that is and see um Robert B says the the group Campground is north of the 74 you access it via the 74 from Elenor side just before reaching the forest Serv Ranger Station the truck Trail is on your right side well thank you for sharing that do you know where the stupid is this the right place for the stupid CA um right there see CU if I all I need to do is line that up um Santiago Canyon Road all right we'll take a look right now it's running to the east uh go south of the tower it's running it's running East up the hill but it may have kind of stopped I we need a we need cameras from the other side we don't have them so this is on hard mode so I'm trying to utilize every mapping thing to pull out of my ass that we possibly can yeah that's where it is there okay we got it close your eyes you get car sick I got to rotate it don't know what I'm doing is it control it's control there gotcha gotcha that oh no oh no [Music] no oh you know it's the same exact faulty controls as Google Earth where you just you roller coaster rocket off the top of slopes see like that see how we just went the camera with on top of the slope you need to ride the bottom ride the all right we're right here that's it that's it easy does it easy doesn't got it okay all right okay so Fus the mapping just got a perimeter up so let's see if it changed real quick kind of does that without you knowing this is um interesting they've also uh increased the evacuation warnings for Orange County um Zone O t01 So o r t01 way down there interesting wow to S Juan hotb so here's 74 they were saying now is what in danger Cooks Corner so would that be on caltopo Cooks Corner I think it tries to search for places nearby okay so is Cooks Corner here by Porta Hills this are we in the right spot sorry um Hills is that what we're talking about am I correct because to tomorrow's wind will mostly come out of the West and so I would be most concerned for Riverside County um it's high winds coming off of the ocean so fire loves to climb and so you're going to have alignment which uh Captain fire captain retired fire Captain John Bruno was describing earlier in the Stream when uh when I came back around 10:45 we had a big long conversation he's awesome we picked his brain so alignment is when the wind is blowing the same way that a canyon is or or Ridge is is the same line you know the same way that's maximum fire spread if it's a wind blowing aligned with the Ridgetop and the canyon and be uphill so that's as fast as fire can go so if you think about it if they're able to chase the spots chase the slop which happened today slop is where fire does go past their line past their Road they have a limited amount of time to catch it right if they're able to I think the helicopter is still there helicopter would be really really ideal in helping them with that they're able to do that oh dear oh this crashed that's right the whole browser crashed got to refresh come on baby don't die yes got two of the two of the Cluckers you got a colen sh NE got Firehawk Okay so the um I'm not a local but I think lasos Peak is where it's trying to go and it's trying to go over to uh nide County on the opposite side of the hills it would be pretty difficult to prevent it from blowing up over the Ridge and over they do have that fortunate this this road I think um Holy Jim Falls just got toasted today um it's already at TR tro Trac truco PE believe it already went past it's trying to go that way as far as I can tell this is flight radar let's go back to the heat detections the perimeter of caltopo sometimes it takes a while the perimeter map to uh come back here so there's there's two ways to look at it if the Fire doesn't move all this crazy bright stuff on the camera where it's just vigorous and crazy active as long as it doesn't move we can clap our hands and say good job because we would rather the fire burn with less intensity in the night there's not that much wind than tomorrow's big ass wind gust tomorrow right so we just don't want it to move same thing for everything in was County and the Reno area fires can go as crazy as they want at night they just can't move it's depleting a lot of its own fuel today and remember we saw almost no trees locals you tell me if there's any trees over there that I don't understand oh oh my god oh take fire okay are they still coming back to the incident this one is 42 I mean oh 47 h 47 their aircraft type code 47 so they're it's going back to Chino now where it went was it circled around right here um my Robinson Ranch so who knows why now I I'm lot just just a precursory I'm not a native here and just looking at the weather I'm much more concerned that the fire will go up into the mountains over over to Riverside County I think that's a much bigger risk um I don't know if they stopped to the fire at the Santiago Peak there's just not enough just not enough cameras to really get a great idea about where exactly it is I mean we've got six cameras on Santiago Peak um problem is this one is looking du East I believe and so the fire could be going that way and I wouldn't we wouldn't know it can't fixed East so what we would like is a camera looking west from the East to see if it's coming closer we don't have such a camera at all so we can look at Satellite heat detections and it's a mess absolute mess where hot drifting smoke is going to uh interfere so I think winds are primarily just going to come from the ocean we can uh local news would probably have a good forecast what's a good local news station down there we should probably watch it a blur real quick but from what I've been hearing the forecast forecast discussion that's what I should be reading let me look at my phone um I just I just put that on large for you okay I had that pulled up with no weather we got distracted somehow I never get distracted so un likee me um forecast discussion synopsis the cooling Trend begins Tuesday though highs will be 5 to 10 degrees above normal more significant cooling occurs Wednesday with highs returning to below normal followed by a few degrees of cooling on Thursday and not that much variation into early next week westly wind will increase today and tomorrow afternoon today is Tuesday day Westerly winds will increase Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and evenings strongest winds will be over the mountains into the deserts below the passage over the mountains into the desert below the passes strongest winds will be over the mountains into the deserts below the passes I got to memorize this green layer is expected to deepen into the middle to end of the week with low clouds reaching into The Valleys by Friday morning um L low clouds reaching The Valleys by Friday morning so this this fire is sweating bullets it has limited time to cause its Havoc the nice thing about it is if we do let's let's do a three-hour time lapse I want to bring something to attention you see how just a solid wall of flame that is over there this this section remember it's all bushy bushes burn up real quick and they're done see how it's done you got a couple of bright spots where stumps are on fire and you know like the fire never Burns in a in a in a solid like pass it's not like everything's incinerated in a line it looks like it to our eyes but it's actually if we could see deeper in there like x-ray vision you would see that some bushes are skipped you know by the wind or whatnot just just by happen stance and even though the bushes near them are on fire it'll take a little bit of wind change or gust for the bushes that are not burned yet to catch so you'll see these little dots of glowing stuff throughout the night it's either just like a stump or something more hearty or a a cluster of bushes that escaped the first round right so but it's done right it's it's [Music] done you can see how it's moved so this tumbling tumble weed sh bushy fires they have to move to survive have to find new fuel or they just die so if they can hold that what is the main road here keep forgetting I can hold the umco for a bit oh yeah all this crashed all right airport there go ta to if they if they hold it generally or recapture control this thing what was is the main thing here it main divide right North Main divide go for fire fire we'll be shut down for the night we'll let you know back cop no what does on theel can you patch Us in with the r please we have the [Music] yeah that okay so here's what I'm worried about [Music] Bravo that's weird police bleeding into the fire Channel okay norb Ro coming up to Road approaching 24 overhead we just call for you we have the vehicle s Northbound through kma Road C Northbound approaching the 6way commit Northbound standby for direction here West down 6 from and are you guys going to remain on this or you guys want to it over to CHP really the ground unit we request you want to continue youp to take over West Lane speed 75 traffic is very light it's going 75 miles now really is a car chase he ca Road and Highway 60 where where is thatan West 85 milph traffic is very light traffic really now anybody know where that is road traffic and we are Avenue 80 miles hour on for the ground unit they requested CHP could take it we're talking on this now uh give us a minute here we'll give you guys an ETA uh number three lane westbound now merging on to the number one L speaker 100 Mil hour traffic is very at for the cross street yeah Cina oh Cina was I did I hear that wrong dude there's a car ch going Lane number Lane speaker holding 100 mph traffic is very light and we are approaching H in the Boulevard number two Lou yeah and see I'm so frustrated 100 mph traffic is very light now in the H Lane westbound 60 approaching 7th Street 7th Avenue control there is a PHP unit in position on the next sector which is going to be crossroads right before we uh hit the 605 cross why is there nothing on Google Maps the 16 605 for for God's sake where's this car chase you live off hend well there's a guy going real fast seventh go south Lane speak are holding 100 mph traffic is very light and we are approaching Crossroad what 7 half but that's not the highway is he's on a freeway is this a 60 why would I zoom in and the numbers get smaller God maps are stupid I need to take over the world I need to make everything make sense speeder holding 100 mph and we have a CHP unit merging on right out at primary standby and we are do cross Crossroads contining westbound approaching cross that is 60 crosss what okay stand okay what's is it like that and CA 65 what's the 605 and why frustrated Far West okay okay so pass Phillips R yeah 605 I figure is a bypass like a [Laughter] bypass he's like 100 milest Road aha okay something road so okay let's see on flight radar maybe we can see the the car CH the helicopter change where's yeah South 605 100 milph we are oh here here's here's got it we got it Bingo thank you thanol PP they have one unit in position they're getting the second one they want all ground unit from laab to back off they're going to take it over all ground unit from LA St deoy deploy primary we're going to clear OC access and switch over to CP deploy the bike strips all right we have a we have a car chase in progress where they're chasing it from the air and the ground unit's been told to back off cuz somebody else in front is going to take over the CHP I guess Beverly Boulevard is next yeah you can run but you can't hide man you know if I wrote a movie script or something and my character was like diagnosed with some terminal illness I'm sure my character would do like a whole bunch of things like uh for a spree like rubber Bank you know just just you know your terminal why not steal a car your terminal why not right but this would be irresponsible you're putting other people at risk so I think my character would eventually decide to turn themselves in and stop you know but it would be a good movie right like what would you do if you had x amount of days to live uh would you rob a bank and give the money to somebody that needed it would you would you Robin Hood would you what would you do with your last months or whatever so I guess it would be the growth the human growth story of some somebody who was shallow and selfish and just wanted to be like oh what what experiences could I have and learns throughout the Journey of doing Shenanigans oh I could have chosen to to touch lives a more meaningful ways and decides to do that instead it would be a I think it would be a cool movie so Walken Axel says Laie County Sheriff covered the heights okay I'm so sorry we'll look at the so it's taken a while we'll look back at Sacramento just I wanted to line up that map very sorry if you went to bed yeah Robert bass says the bridge fire is the one above isua um I was reading the the winds like something breaks in something weird breaks into my forecast discussion every time I try so that the just of you know what what's going on with the airport fire Westerly winds will increase Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and evenings the strongest winds will be over the mountains into the deserts and below the passes but the Marine layer comes in the middle to the end of of the week with low clouds reaching into The Valleys by Friday morning so what I was trying to explain is this fire is on limited time um the moment that you can stop the movement of a fast moving Brushy Bush fire you know you you basically nipped it in the bud it doesn't mean it's an over situation it until containment is 100% it can still get out of control oh they made it the helicopter made a turn oh man okay do we have we may have to switch broadcast F so let me see about uh the hard chain we'll look at Sacramento uh and do the Copo thing now that we have a helicopter oh here's a new one now we have a helicopter following the suspect I don't feel like have to be glued to that map um let's see there is a car chase going on uh all right let me try to look at the system let's refresh orange count where is this orange count are are we inations go ahead hey just a heads up all my dozers are off the line going down R were you able to complete the line down to um Bel Canyon where it comes in where we are targeting a affirmative there is a line constructed all the way down uh I got out of there before I gave you the map but I do have it on event uh how many blades do we get in there thises okay I copy that um both you guys will be on the plan for tomorrow um what time do you think uh you'll B them down to the I know it'll be a delayed start but when we can get them um operator should be out about 10:30 11 I will be aing in the morning thanks go get some rest we'll see you no more yeah the Sameer L up okay La has the biggest amount of radios I've ever seen so do we want um LA county sheriff and fire no that's just two people listening LA County sheriff dispatch California Highway Patrol South La and East LA this is pretty much West isn't it this is um that's got 24 listeners you make sure that x-ray knows that as well check out with him if you haven't already uh we've got LA County Sheriff fire and aircraft Santa Clarita Valley I don't know where the hell that is um only I think we found it to purs and lakid units you've been authorized to get involved is there a unit to respond additional unit please liid to respond 131 route 131 salmon route a do you have a plate for that vehicle that vehicle Westbound from copy Westbound centy from wymer our vehicle now South there residential street stand by it's going to be rooster we'll be approaching house Street here do you have a plate hey no plate was given to us uh vehicle now westbound approaching he's got a fresh GRE and he is continuing westbound right sto on to North Carina they're going to go inside this apartment complex you got two of them one's wearing a reflective vest the driver's wearing white shoes they're running west down on the [Applause] north ravit on the Run they both stain on the northwest corner of the intersection they're going to be running northbound one has a reflective vest the driver has a dark Hood with white sh they running Northbound through the uh apartment complex the West Side copy two running Northbound from the northwest corner one's wearing a reflective us the other's got a dark hoodie and white sh get them boys all right they're running on the North End of the complexing [Applause] out we just got a airport [Applause] update 27 of William 856 736 the next unit set up to the north if I can get a unit on uh with the vehicle on the North Kine Park facing the West uh they're still at this complex on the North End Northwest portion of the complex okay we just got a new evacuation warning for the airport this is weird so we're going to look at that in a second it's it's more of Orange County it's that black Prius on the North curve line with the headlights on Park facing the West two people came out we still have them underneath our light on the northwest portion that vehicle should be empty but do be a favor reassure clear that [Music] vehicle2 cop goodness gracious 826 to 2829 comes back clear to a 2013 Nissan fordor out of Los Angeles to last of Jo registration is valid until October 10th 2024 and your 27 comes back to a last of Jones on a FL yeah we will Robert um that's you guys good there I get a on north of house Street unit for Paramount north of house if you position yourself on just north of where that big rig is at which is going to put you on the Northend of the complex and I just put the spotlights towards the building and any any unit to advice for the Watch Commander if it's a multilocation complex yeah yeah it's confirm it's a multistory structure it looks like it's three stories and it's a lot of units here uh like I mentioned earlier it looks like they went into security door that leads into the complex and is there a hard address ground unit on the sorry I was just doing questions what that that's the ugliest thing I've ever seen 137 10413 947 Paramount Boulevard the unit that's on uh Paramount in the driveway do me a favor reposition your vehicle I need you on the North End of the complex and face West uh when we go outside of theb I don't get to see if uh they come out so if you put some light on the North End facing west it at least helps out a bit you got two unit to the north what do you want uh one unit on Pearl Street and then another unit on McLure Avenue one unit how in McLure just to hold the West End of the containment so one of you units here one of you guys stay there and one of you guys reposition to the west to the street directly west of you guys which surrounding boys is as follows McLure Pearl McLure how Paramount how and pearl Paramount we get this block here we'll be good if you can start working on the TAC that's cute air is talking to [Applause] them I'm still 're on the northwest portion of the complex there's a door that faes North and they R South all you have a rooftop 667 uh on how you want to start guiding me in uh you're not going to have access unless you're on foot so let's just contain this building for right now uh let's get a unit on the North End of the complex there you go and uh put all your lights B West where North End on the north of the complex B West and confirm we have a Lakewood Metro available that's affirmative era Lakewood Metro available what Metro liquid want us to stay out of area or do they want us to just the perimeter right our containment looks good if we can switch over to liquid Metro please and liquid units on this containment switch over to liid Metro again switch over toid Metro P frequency clear 0332 oh not again all right are they [Applause] switch switching channels okay what is switching to I don't I didn't even understand what they said liquid what it can't be the word liquid uh dang it seriously well this is where they're hold up so why what back to helicopter view what okay he's too low that guy is still around okay help me out we have to we have to hear this I I'm riveted now are you I'm riveted eload oh eload yeah okay so I'll just there's no hits is that tactical there's no hits on broadcast 5 for California oh really no we were listening go off theway 1098 uh does that mean tactical like we can't and 27 prob argument push and hit multiple times is outside elate oh like wood okay right I don't I don't see a liid uh broadcast by though I don't I typed in that word and I don't see a channel so this is what I'm uh looking at it's this is our list of California channels you know like the whole state so you can go to to you know [Applause] like the yellow 774 uh did air21 have any updates are they still needing in [Applause] that 77p just be advised the Airship was never on by yellow [Applause] what about Valley [Applause] Bureau uh fires and fire dispatches and what we were listening to is La um County sheriff dispatch and CHP South La East LA down4 774 as can you check with air 24 98 still seeking assistance cover what do we do orang orange CHP okay let's try that okay it's on they ain't saying nothing all so that's CHP LA and Orange County centers we see about that uh what else we got here um I just don't understand what they switched to um this B 389 38 389 I thought we were on it we on it um yeah we're on the really big long one this public safety one this this is what we're on and is an alternate for an 1182 south southest of pulv the two vehicles in the number one Le um what [Applause] about LA County sherff if there's av8 with 120 can fortive next alterate pleas that's you're welcome okay yeah Lakewood is covered by the county A J okay traffic on dispat 145 that way all right which ones I'm playing right now I even ran out of room I'm playing like three different ones 310 17 68 time is 338 all right we're listening to that one too California Highway Patrol orange LA and County centers um the Orange Orange County CHP I don't see another one Santiago Peak amateur radio repeater yeah that's offline I'll be offline for a bit orange C 202 and turn tell me you're going to have oh I didn't know about this one Orange County vegetation Wildland fires but okay we'll turn it on later um most of La is now trucked that's encrypted right H okay well at least this I became aware of that we could add it to our Orange County hey all right I mean they're still talking about it one of these I have open I'll mute them individually to see which one's talking okay I went ahead and started a new one sound all right they're talking about it here um this one is the one with the aircraft LA County Sheriff fire and aircraft um um LA County Sheriff what oh a loss Angels count type B uh why is it oh I can't spell nothing I get not spell okay so the one that they were just explaining how the suspect is wearing a shirt or something that one is the um the fire something in aircraft uh it's cut off on my other window for some reason uh this one LA County Sheriff fire and aircraft Santa Clarita Valley they just described the suspects there in this channel so I got three of them going on as well as the fourth which is the thing we're already listening to so we're covered hopefully you can hear something dowy um Robert says FYI there's a gobs of transmitters up there a couple groups I've been involved and had equipment up there oh at Santiago yeah it looked very mly yeah walking axle if you're nearby that'd be awesome keep us a breast I want to I want to see the conclusion this I wonder if the local media has picked up on it yet um we just have we have new evacuations um let me Peck something on the uh we have new evacuation warnings for Orange County this is so weird um I may I am I need to find out why in Orange County are they putting more people on warnings what I was talking about before all the interruption with the excitement was I am always interrupted um is love okay I just reported that there's a police chase on the uh scanner radio on two different channels um okay what what I try to talk about here with the air airport and let's we interrupt this police chase to bring you new evacuation info um I'm concerned about like that area like why 74 under evacuation water um my best guess is it's okay nothing will allow me to talk about this we we they have maybe a better you know chance of stopping it along the ridge line you know the the ridg line the main road they don't have roads here to here nothing decent enough to stop the fire so it'll try to spread left and right alongside the mountain ridges so yeah we should look at the the prior fire burn scars they will behave much the same way cuz the same terrain same kind of wind okay fire in the same location same geography same time of year same fuels we'll do the same thing if nothing changes you know they would they would have to build fire access roads to change U what happens so that's something's always interrup me media doesn't cover car chases after 11 shy says man everybody good night airport fires in Orange County Rancho Santa Margarita it's U but there's the county line right over here that is touching isn't this the county line for Riverside Am I Wrong is it again over there see these are our veride County vacum remember the perimeters the perimeters are out of date the moment they're mapped because it's still it's still going it has slopped over the uh the truck Road right so they're trying to chase it and this may even be a part of part of one of there's multiple slops they said so they didn't feel comfortable um going ahead with their go direct plan which would have been string out hose along the line whatever the truck road is as far as they can and then leave the road and put out the fire with with water that's what going direct means it means attacking it you know to defend the road to push the heat back from where wherever it is they wanted to do it I don't know what what and where the truck Road is so what I'm talking about that I'm going to be constantly Interrupted about is it may be easier because this road exists to keep it out of Riverside County even though that's a very big challenge it'll try to push that hard tomorrow with the wind but nothing is there to stop it because there's no Road access from just spreading out north northwest and Southwest okay I got my word in finally geez so because this is not very inhabited I would I guess that's why they don't have evacuation Z these are inhabited places uh give them warning I would imagine here what what are your thoughts so we should look at the fire history so you get a much better idea of what's going on so at the airport click on it we'll look at Sacramento a second sorry um I swear remind me if I ever forget about things but this this has been a development okay can I cop you there's a holy fire okay looks like there hasn't been fire a very long time right in here that might explain why it's so who 2018 is so long ago that it doesn't matter um like it like it didn't reduce fuel everything grew back by then um so if they made fire access roads or okay so there may have been improvements they made like fire access roads but with the difficulty they have accessing it right now maybe not maybe they didn't improve it that much Only Hope dery 53 is in for secondary unit interesting historic map thing there um sometimes they let roads go they reopen them where they used to be uh because the grades still exist but um I don't see even old roads this is the map from 1915 to 1945 so whatever's there is there whatever is not is not is this a trail excuse me a trail yeah I'm sort of a trail those people okay that's not great that's a death trap uh you need a very quick means of Escape in order to put in smoke jumpers or Crews like that so they could turn this Trail into a dozer Line Road if they have authorization to but it looks like they really may not have a whole lot of options until um is this a what is this oh yeah the campground wait a second it's only on level two they should be the hell out of there oh oh wait that's this is fire history I'm an idiot okay so for activity yeah they still probably should be out of there very close um I'll you first in for the well no be is just kind of on some of this is probably the hot drifting smoke aspect what is deep red though let's see now here here's the way fire can spread against the wind it doesn't need the wind so the way that it can threaten these uh places in Orange county is that roll out it's the type of fire spread that I sc43 thank you for your kind donation you're awesome you get a heart you're so cool okay so um let me look back up to the chat sorry I should probably scroll first before I answer anything um the airport fires in Orange County Ranch of Sania yep that Main Highway goes there 74 right so one needs to wonder if Edison is behind the fires was like a car of four well they I don't SoCal Edison has started their their fair share they're just you know those big greedy companies too big to fail that uh politicians protect we we know about this one today we you know about this one being an accident with ironically a crew trying to block the roads cuz it's super fire danger so they tried to put boulders to block the road and it hit a spark it made a spark today but SOC Edison like I always suspect P gen and SoCal Edison because the Bobcat fire is how he went viral here this is how I got presents not very useful up here with this camera so we we know what they do they neglect the line maintenance and the tree trimming and they let vegetation grow up next to their stuff and they don't maintain it very well and they ignore warnings and they we grab that land it grab something um well they just don't have an incentive to do fire safety stuff because the executives can't go to prison right you can't put a corporation in prison the corporation gets convicted and not the executive so California just needs to change that law so Executives can go to prison just like you and me for reckless arson type decisions if you were me owned a power substation in our backyard and we allowed a leaning trees that were diseased to to kind of lean closer and closer and closer to the lines every day and then we heard about a red flag situation with Fierce wind gusts and we just didn't give a damn and then we detected you know surges in the lines and we just uh H it's probably nothing and we keep it energized anyway we would go to prison all right after something like the Bob campire The Reckless ARS so it's just simply that corporations don't give a damn psychopaths are the type of cream that rides to the top in a corporate environment and narcissists they don't give a damn about anybody else but themselves they backstab their way to the top in the corporate environment it's full of them if total like psychos um they don't have an urge to kill like a true psychopath but they don't care if anybody else suffers it's the bottom line Public Safety on one hand more profits on the other there's a conflict of interest I don't believe in monopolies so I don't believe any power company should be in a profit motivation because that's against the whole point of capitalism to have choice and competition but also what's worse is who cares if you're in a corporation that should not protect you from going to prison if you kill people especially if you kill a lot of people but once laws are changed these fires will stop because it's something that affects them you'll never be able to make them care and you shouldn't expect that they'll never lose a win of sleep over it causing death a narcissist will never care about that they they can't care about other people it's not something they're capable of so they they will never lose we get sleepover it they'll go oh that sucked for them uh I'm not dead that's the way they are and even if there are a bunch of caring people in charge at the time there will be corporate roles let's say you get fired if if if you shut the power off for the public good if you think if you suspect there might be a fire happening because that's why they keep power on in red flag days and stuff have they um they can't bill customers for power that's not delivered so they tend to even the people who care have detrimental optimism as a thinking error a logic logic error oh I'm sure it'll be okay it's probably just a minor surge you know but not a true line down situation maybe it's just you know a bunch of people turned on their air conditioning at once or a big building just turned on the poultry plant just turned on uh the fans for all of their millions of chickens maybe it's that and not a wildfire like that's detrimental optimism you could be something terrible but maybe it's not so I won't really feel the urge to take action or I could lose my job so that's what happened with the dixy that pg& even after killing 85 people that some of which I knew in Paradise nearly killing my brother pg& still after that incident had a u they had a they had a policy where an employee will get fired if they shut off the power even if they think of wildfires beginning like there's there's surges and line detections like you see stuff going wrong but they they told their employees you must visually confirm a fire you must visually confirm the fire so that forced this employee in the Feather River Canyon to drive a pickup truck 30 minutes up a hill zigzagging couple thousand feet up a canyon to go verify a fire was beginning and then he didn't have cell phone to report it to tell them to shut the line off a tree was leaning on the power lines and being electrocuted so he tried to fight it himself cuz uh molten metal and stuff was starting to drip into dry G grass and he thought oh I could put that out real quick myself and then go for help one of the assist 45 family 65 inita cross wood stepdaughter female 29 blue shirt he outside the Lo refusing to leave there's no on file arguing heard in the background no weapon will make SN on the front porch 35 so like rules like that Congress could pass a quick bill real quick or executive order or something and that is is that there is a whistleblower protection in the entire United States anybody can hit the power shut off button or any kind of shut off button for any reason if they suspect a fire is starting period that's it if they have any sort of Suspicion anything rational at all they do not lose their jobs and the corporation gets in trouble if they try to fire somebody for airing on the side of caution that's it you know like any like in the case of high-rise buildings like September 11th um the the people that had the security like the security desks in the ground floor September 11th in the Twin Towers they were pressured by corporations and stuff tell people to go back to work that that the building was safe they were pressured so some of them didn't want to lose their jobs you know and said uh this this building safe and go back to work um that's where whistleblower protection Universal should be enabled and it should be against the law to U fire your employees who are looking out for the public oh well we we can't go there Rock and axel U we can't start debates like that so we have a um a rule that we stick with what we can verify because there are so many other channels that will go ahead and explore alternative theories I'm the only one that doesn't I used to love that I I used to love absolutely I'm I'm a doubting Thomas personality and I I love open-minded thinking and I I love the way other people think I want to know about but what I heard from the people who are evacuated who are a lot of my audience they they uh we have 140 viewers right now A lot of people are evacuated and they went to sleep to my voice probably um they're just trying to hear the latest and some of the latest is a bit bad I mean they're they're adding more evacuation zones on the Orange County site if I had a guess it's because the main road here uh if this if this roller coaster is south over these ridges and they don't have a great way to stop it which I don't think they have a way to stop it uh they'll put retardant with aircraft it's probably hung up meaning kind of temporarily paused because of the aircraft r tant that was dropped along these Hills earlier today that's a temporary P retardant ropes right Dozer Crews would have to make brand new lines right up not maybe right up next to the fire but pretty close on other Ridge lines to create a North sou kind of barrier I mean they can do it on ridgel lines but then roll out is the way of fire spread where something flaming on the top rolls to the bottom of a hill lights the bottom of the hill on fire it could be a pine cone anything and then the fire races up the other side of the hill and that could be Against The Wind that could be in any direction so I I could see that there's some risk to Orange County uh like in general where but a major risk will be Riverside County if it blows over the Mountaintop so when I used to uh do debates or or conversations about people's alternative theories about um why fires may be occurring I got this feedback and request from the people who are evacuated to please not discuss that because um it's it stresses them out so um I reluctantly said okay uh they said look if you keep talking about the space laser theories um or other type of um alternative theories out there then we you know they they said they felt more stress and they needed to just turn it off they only they come to my channel CU I don't show triggering things I don't show homes burning down or even cars on fire if I can help it I don't show the crying babies I don't show the dramatic thing I don't show the dead animals or worse I I don't want people to find out that way about their homes burning down that was another request is don't show the dramatic stuff we need fire info we don't want to find out we lost our homes by watching a screen so they tune out the media they don't look at Twitter they don't look at anything except my stream they want them basic info and the occasional Jolly journey to you know light-hearted deviation to some other topic or you know something educational somewhat related uh and they said well keep listening with that but they especially uh I had a lot of people come in and they um what they did was they uh told the the fire victims who are evacuated you you are being targeted by shadow governments and just X Y and Z entities right and they they don't want to hear that they're targeted by some weapon especially if that can't be confirmed a a lot of people who who think that that's occurring um are misunderstanding the situation when they they come in the channel and they swear to God that they saw a plane fly over with a green laser on its belly I said you you probably did you probably did but that's a mapping plane with the that that's to make a a lar a 3D map of the terrain um so it's like a laser pointer though it doesn't have any heat it can't light anything on fire but see the government officials they don't explain to people what the hell's going on so people have to try to Google it for themselves or hear it from other folks and so they can get this idea that like okay I had a lot of people arguing with me that that that laser planes are lighting Paradise on fire again and again so it was the mapping plan for example but there's people from all walks of life all ages and all levels of education and many people who are watching from abroad we have people watching from Ecuador Honduras and you know China and Japan and and uh the metrics are pretty cool when I look at it so the main goal is I have to have my people listening right [Applause] okay I think the cter is flying away because that's chaotic sound right there so I I thought about it I thought about who my audience is and there's a lot of interested parties but then there's the core audience the ones I have to serve who are the devastated the evacuated the most effective and now what I I could have a much more popular Channel if I if I totally engage very controversial topics and but I'm making that sacrifice because and I I would have a very successful Channel millions of I have millions of views already we'd have millions of Subs if I showed the dramatic stuff that like the news does2 you can you can say whatever you want to the and all the channels that explore those you can invite me on yours I'll be u a guest on your show I'll talk about that all day long but when there's actual crisis when people are evacuated they told me what they want from me I'm listening to them I'd love to talk all day long about any any kind of theory I enjoy that I am both Moulder and Scully I want to believe but I acquire evidence too so I know that governments have done terrible terrible things there have been things that people thought were safe and they ended up being horrible like health studies like just look at the Tusk experiment just look just it's horrible black people said an experiment where they told black people in the 60s I believe or 50s we're going to treat you for syphilis just black people and here's some free health care and there's studies involved right and in reality it was a study on how does syphilis progress if you don't treat it so they were given dummy pills and died horribly as syphus ate their faces and ate their minds and drove them crazy that is all kinds of [Music] evil evil have happens you know you don't have to convince me about that but again it's distress thing these topics resp if someone wants to hear that [Music] topic if if they want to hear a topic like that then they should Google search that topic and find the channel that's doing it but they are forced to hear what I'm saying if they want to track the wildfires with me I'm the only one doing this the only one doing this where it's just what we can verify with with speculation is educated and as factual as we could be the only one okay there's a million conspiracy channels there's a million uh talk shows there's a million uh you know variety shows but they feel forced to hear uh some topics that they don't want to that stresses them out further what what soothes them is what I want to do and what soothes them is even if it's bad news just laying it out straight I I try to present the best case Middle Ground worst case scenario and something like hard occasionally an educational I am so angry at PG that's a true conspiracy okay a true conspiracy comp okay so I decided to do this to split my channel for them so at some point I'm going to make Katherine's World period like that channel I don't know how many there should be I don't I have to research whether or not I'd shoot myself in the foot trying to maintain too many I decided to make the sacrifice even though this one has more than a million and a half views which is hard to accomplish I will take my other interest to a different Channel and it'll be about whatever we want to talk about anything I will be Scully you could be molder and we'll have like an hourong interview and you tell me everything you believe or suspect is happening we can do that on the captain's world channel but the captain's World Wildfire tracking Channel as much as I can need to stay uh around the topic of presenting the facts and very educated spec speculation that's useful to people um calming soothing supportive and you know I have all kinds of things to say about politics and V points and I don't want to hold people hostage they're here to learn about you can't get this stuff anywhere else you know um you you can't you can't get it sounds like I'm bragging I'm not it's just factual you can't get what I provide anywhere else there is nobody else has fire Captain John Bruno ready on speed dial you know there's nobody else doing this 24 hours a day if we have to for weeks and months on end um I'm the only person crazy enough to do this so um hey Nick welcome how are you and how how is the I5 fire I haven't even gotten to Oregon yet this has been so crazy right here um I need to keep checking um oh sorry yeah but that's the reason for the rule is I I did engage people all the time I I did talk about everything but I can't serve people that stop listening this is a sacrifice for that I could have an amazingly Joe Rogan esque kind of show that's wildly popular because we we talk about the the zy topics or what's interesting I hope I do have something like that in the future my main goal is to document history in ghost towns not paranal crft but you know history abandoned places Urban exploration and that to document history interview altimers before before they die before we lose what they have to say they're unique Insight you know before you lose too much of our own history I'm doing this instead I could be interviewing hundreds of Old-Timers right now who are you know the World War II Generations dying off very quickly I am sweating bullets I need to get this laptop immediately and I need to take the show on the road not only cover fires but interview people people who survive fires but especially the older folks and um I I've had people die before I can interview them because I'm stuck here I'm stuck in my living room doing the fires but nobody else is nobody else is um we have saved lives before telling people evacuate before the officials did or when the officials couldn't reach them just by Common Sense the wind's blowing that way the fire might go that way and and other yeah yeah thank you thank you for the pound ahead I don't want to I don't want to mute anybody just please believe me um especially somebody like like you you're you're awesome uh you're helpful you know walking axle you're smart you're respectful um I don't want to it's just that they gave me this feedback and I I have to make a choice so it is a support group it's factual it's whatever makes them feel better and this is why I only have 8,000 something subs and not 50,000 because what what is happening every moment that I brought casting is YouTube Robot bot things algorithms AI whatever it is they're looking at every frame that I am broadcasting that anybody [Music] does and this this stupid algorithm is deciding whether or not my content is exciting right here this is probably very exciting to it it has flames right but there's no Home burning down so it's downgrading the excitement level so we're not going to be high in the search results if I did show a house burning down or you know the the footage of people with their dash cam and they drive through flames and they barely make it out of a town right that will go viral the the algorithm knows it's also audio is are there crying people are there desperate shrill voices going go drive honey drive go go go we're going to die you know it's listening it's figuring that out it throws that kind of exciting topic to the top of the search results it even presents it to people who didn't even want to look for it it just throws that in front of people's faces in the homepage of YouTube I know how to work this system I I'm not an expert but I went to school for web design and uh know Basics about how this this functions this is a offline I think troubled connection so I could game it I could become very popular I could make this very make this very profitable one more time please and I would look like everybody else there's a reason everybody else does that it's profitable but it doesn't help the victims but that's why everybody else does that to get the clicks the likes it's now to get seen to get seen you know if it bleeds it leads right so I don't do it so we have to spread by word about the algorithm doesn't like that I'm not monetizing there's no ads here if there were ads and I showed something viral like a house burning down or a car a desperate flight away from the fire you know in a car kids screaming in the back Mommy are we going to die if I put that on um with advertisements YouTube would make a lot more money not of me we'd make it together so it promotes that having the monetization button off is a choice sacrifice but it really is something I'm going to choose because it try to run with this as much as we can I I believe I believe we can do this donation base we could do this sub uh membership base I think once I accept the membership deal which we you know what we could do that tonight we could I'm wired awake right now we could look2 with the assist 927c 92 and highway Wilson redx Locker Center flag down regarding an unknown traffic collision in area occupants are outside of the vehicle tag is 38 look at that do you see that what's that anyway I'm blah blah blah here yeah John S hey welcome thank you for the patch on the head I oh my God that scared me that was way louder than everything sorry I'm still we are still hearing about a car chase I I think I think it's over I I don't think there's anything more to hear should I start shutting these down the LA County stuff um I think so we'll read about the papers tomorrow right um yeah all right let's turn back on Orange County Fire OC and now that I know about the other Orange County Fire Channel I'm going put that on it's got some listeners hey bear with me we'll look at Sacramento here in a second with the Topo thing but um what I talking about is do you see that you see that what's that is that what is that pink light over there did it spread to another Ridgetop um is it I mean dang it this camera is Frozen let me add a feed choose KY unit States California I absolutely adore independent-minded thinkers though they are the smartest people you if you just believe what everybody says and you're kind of limiting your intelligence especially if it's everything you read or everything you learn in school um it takes independent thought and different you know logical reasoning and that philosophy to learn how to think to learn how to reason to analyze whether or not you're probably listening to bull crap right so I'm I'm all about the popcorn and let's yeah let's have that conversation let's have a a good non bitter you know like a explore any topic I'm G man I know just enough about random topics to kind of carry a conversation about most any subject except space really and cars but I'll shut up and you guys can tell me about space and cars finer points of math whatever so this is actually hurting me to have that rule but I I believe I believe we can be donation based once we get the uh YouTube will like them better and probably promote me better if we make more money together with the membership thing and I believe that's 10 I don't know if that's a month however it is let's let's explore it now and if we get a 100 memberships then that's $1,000 and I just got selected for this program where I get YouTube will matches YouTube will match it um and I get another thousand oh my goodness we can improve the stream quality and get get get more towards the goal of being able to take the show on the road with say travel trailer or something like that and truly move around without you know Breaking the Bank going to hotels being outdoors in a tent man that's that's not cool exploring places in the summer it'll pop up tra travel trailer and I'd be set um what county orange add this new feed for let's see it was Italian wow there's a lot of tactical channels um Orange County vegetation wildfires online3 list let's set this all up got ocf dispatch 5B we have OC CFA fire Orange County and also playing is the new Orange County vegetation and Wildland fires which I didn't know existed yet so we'll see if it doesn't yeah what was the song Dirty Laundry exactly you know um I even played dirty laundry for a second we had this conversation before and I got a copyright hit thing and I had to edit my video to delete the song but yeah I love that one but it's true you know if it bleeds it leads it's drama it's Mayhem um excitement and danger what make people click on stuff and it's just human nature B blah but you know there's enough people out there scaring folks we will not we'll be reassuring and even no matter how terrifying the situation is I found out that a lot of people will not evacuate because they're already maximum scared CHC says you're brilliant and your Channel's amazing oh you're amazing I wish I'm making the heart with my hands I forgot the webcam died well it sort of died it it's troubled okay but you get you get hard thank you for the Pats on the head I'm I'm exhausted I mean I'm honestly super exhausted from all the coverage we've already done the the the the desk shattering clean up I'm not done with that by the way John I I had to move every piece of furniture immediately in the room shove it into the other rooms excuse me I was trying to go paperless I just spread 300 stacks of papers uh over my other desk which is close enough to this glass one that shuttered that little pieces of glass flew everywhere I I kept I still walk on some of them they went into the bathroom they went across the room they went onto the papers I had to take a horsehair shoe brush um we'll look back at that fire in a minute a horse hair shoe brush where was it in Sacramento I'm sorry tell me the intersection again if you're still even here I closed account um oh Travis Johnson sorry I didn't see this if you need a quick distraction hwood ski area one cam decent plume on a time lapse anyone saw today oh for the um the Davis right yeah um okay I'm sorry closed count oh did you delete your messages oh I'm sorry um you still here that was very exciting this card chase that happened um it's going back up back up oh I'm sorry I failed you that's every single message retracted I I don't even know how somebody does that message retracted is not mod uh action is it uh unsubbing oh no oh with subscriber only mode oh Robert says my days has come to an end at least for a couple hours okay well thank you Robert um says Catherine I love your coverage the local fires my area job well done okay thank you thank you for the p Ah head that that helps keep me going I'm exhausted friend I am feeling very inadequate and and uh I'm I'm worried about how my own health will hang on the next couple of days to do a decent enough job for what what's happening in order to get to California I'm supposed to be packing right now I wanted to leave on the 15th that may not happen now um I'm bit nervous about the situation but um let me oh there I hope I didn't make anybody mad um are you still here you closed account you still with us uh but I believe you know I never thought I do fire stream more in 3 weeks period I thought really it would just be one week during the 2020 crisis I did it in a minor way during Paradise but then I shut it down and went down to Paradise as my brother needed me there you know had saw it on fire and the campfire is still burning in the hills and um I I didn't know these fire crisis would be that bad in this day and age but hey 2020 School us all didn't it um okay well I no longer know where closed account wanted me to look at Sacramento we do a that's just out of curiosity let's just go to Old Sac what what is the oldest map available of Sac now my own Katherine the curious what do you think about Katherine the Curious J cat says for $10 a month you have to give members one member only stream once a month then you can do a followup like what is going on in the courts who are being sued and appeals oh my God what hey we could do that I was hesitant to do memberships and please tell me more about them J cat we're about to find out more um 1891 1891 wow Sacramento was so small wow okay so you can see the old Creeks though some of which are probably still there but yeah wait a second why is my phone making sound questions Frank Frank eagle2 Frank is that is that the helicopter heck I'm just going to turn that off that's too distracting um hey with the Europa fire uh 1120 today in San Bernardino County uh board progress stopped that's oh 4:27 a.m. uh the airport fire is now been mapped it is it is acreage is 8,910 0% containment okay so the El cariso bluej campgrounds are now under level two evacuation warming uh I I wonder if they'll just tell everybody to please leave tomorrow but um you know it's easier to pack up it down so on this side what this is what bothers me about the US Geological Survey the other side part of Sacramento the earliest map we have is 1907 it's like did nobody scan the other side seriously so aha bogs warmer lake and a bog all right so what's there today what's there today that should be satellite that is not satellite please wake up all right it's on the fritz maybe because the browser crashed earlier today mapping is quite intensive with the resources of a browser but it this everywhere you see the bog here unstable I would not be happy about living on top of this if there was a neighborhood there today um which I'm having trouble changing the map F tery that's totally not a satellite you we have to oh okay do you think my chicken nuggets have gone bad by now who I got them around 40 1045 here and didn't put them in the do you think I'm going to die if I eat them right now I totally forgot to eat what an exciting night have you guys been excited I've been excited right now do we have a satellite there pleas why is it all gray and dark though I turn off our Creer okay it's still mostly irrigated and um over here at least uh oh these neighborhoods I would not like to live here not in any sort of high-rise building a regular wooden house they could still be quite damaged um well you're right next to a levy and stuff too there's flood risk too um this is where water exactly wants to settle because it once was a bog the Sacramento was smart they would not develop here whatsoever this Washington Lake thing which I'm sure seasonally grew at to to monstrous size every the funny thing about like California the funniest thing I've ever heard of in a in a movie was geologist call it a basin real estate agents call it a valley all of the valley here is sometimes flooded with just things like the CB sticking out like island with the worst flood years and that that's was kind of normal that it just floods spread out alongside the valley and it deposited fertile silt and everything like the Nile River and millions of birds you know migrating birds on the Great American Flyway uh utilize that and certain times of the year it's supposed to be bog likee in much of the valley so the Indians would move you know during that time of year to Higher Ground places like Sutter near the Su beads or in the uh Foothills east or west of of the valley so when you get white men coming in here oh we can just we could tame nature but this is where the water wants to go this is where it wants to spread out where there once were marshes that became lakes that became marshes that dried out became fields that became marshes that became Lakes depending on how wet the year what end the season so the Tuli Tuli is a type of plant that's a marsh plant and they call it the two Leaf fog where the valley just fills up with fog and you can last time I was there I had to drive it like I I was driving 25 miles hour on I5 it took me 3 hours to get from like Corning to Marysville it was bad on the highways and uh there's pileups and all kinds of things it's made by these Marsh plant like the fact that there's marshes right the marsh plants dominate all the Tuli so the fog that comes out of marshes is called Tuli fog um so it's the cheapest land though you know you're in between a huge Canal where the levy can break you're in between the Sacramento where the levy can break this is where you should irrigate and farm uh and have little gates open and to to protect Sacramento you would relieve the pressure on the levies if you flooded this out just have some areas ready to flood you know allow the silt to be deposited whatever these would be this would be very smart to do but um Sacramento is very very low line just in general so you got to be prepared for anything what is that a bing Sound Outside what that all right I'm grabbing my weapon and I'm going to go check outside real quick guys right let's uh might might lose this radio contact wireless headset that's all right one e e okay it's the freaking raccoons false alarm dang creatures giving me half to death climbing around around on cars people one of my neighbors is so goofy she leaves food on the top of her car all the time like you know like the to go bag she'll put it up there and sometimes I find her her cups up there like you know like the drinking cups um you know the big gulps and whatever on the top of the car and I'll just grab them and I'll I'll take them over to her house like you uh you missing something but the first time this happen happened I was so freaked out um I Heard a a car handle being jiggled was raccoons climbing up and using the car door handle that kind of sticks out as a as a ladder climbing on top of themselves I wish I could have filmed that that was hilarious okay um look what happened to Lake to Larry last year is it that's a good point J cat it the lake formed where it wants to what a surprise huh yeah J cat says was 15th is 5 days away you get five minutes to pack before hitting the road J cat I still have to buy a laptop to to even go to California so I have to have it shipped here set it up and so that has to occur so I did lose some Electronics to this uh desk Fasco thing I still have a room that's looks like the Tasmanian devil went past um and this is the one that looks to East right let's look at the fix nice over there um one and two yeah those are the bad cams how am I going to go to sleep North Oh Black F and we could try alternative infrared view here it's still not calibrated 3 hours so I'm supposed to do several things uh I need to bring a a small computer down to one of my mods and uh sh it's a surprise don't tell him okay so that uh he can use it to to moderate the stream his own computer's on the Frid and it's not really repairable so lo and behold I went to the recycling place the other day and somebody was holding a computer I said can I have that sure and it don't have a hard drive in it but I that's all I need it's got a an older but it's got a a GeForce 970 card in it that was no slouch in its day and 600 wat power supply so we can work with that we can uh it's got a really crappy old housewell processor in it an i5 not an i7 so that is the era of 20 14 I want to say so but moderating a stream is not it doesn't require a whole lot of computer power it just it needs to be a reliable system and what he's got already is not reliable so I have ordered some parts for it because Oregon has no sales tax what if I go to California then I buy then I buy the stuff what is it 7 or 8% or something insane he'll no he'll no so I have to wait for I have to order things wait for them to arrive assemble it um if they don't work H that sucks send them back to to Amazon but if you ship to California even if you even if you reside in Oregon they still bill you the sales tax who sucks when I give people presents so um also I have to have my place looking decent I don't want to come home to an absolute freaking mess there's a couple relatives that are they don't have very good vision for driving and they want to visit my mom so I've offered to drive them back to Portland on my way back home they may take me up on that offer so some of them might stay with me so what what if what happened when I walk in my front door Welcome to My Epic mess don't mind the 600 Pages spread out everywhere that are not filed or anything like that because you know I was just horse hair brushing the glass out of them and whatnot I have I had a whole bunch stacks of notebooks and finders CU I was rearranging them on the desk I was pulling them out pulling the papers out scanning them to go paperless and was my plan so when the glass shattered everywhere the other day I couldn't even pick up the papers I kept getting um glast dust in my Knuckles so John seder says two nights ago a bear wait I have to move the chat by Buton a bear tearing apart the wood pile was going after a rabbit oh my God hey good morning Jer C good morning so um um if that didn't happen I'd be much more prepared you know um J cat says what was that TV show where all the guests ended up in F fights that would be a channel uh okay oh Bob and the pups hey Bob says funny when I listen to you as I sleep you're part of my dream I hope this a good one it's a good one yeah good to see John S too thank you for your kind donations and support got your I got your letter that's also what happened with the papers laid out is I have no idea where the mail went with with the paper checks that people sent me I don't I was about to tally it up and find out what the budget is for the laptop the the person who was going to give me a free laptop totally flaked out just led me on strug me out and strug me along and flaked out so I unfortunately told some other people who are gracious and kind enough to say hey can I send you something comparable or at least you know a laptop that would get me through I was like no I'm covered oh god oh I I never should have done that I should have been a bit more of a skeptical person uh but hey it is what it is um hey the bear how are you doing so I'm back I'm back to square one I I stopped looking I stop researching at the brand new ones um I have I have to find out what they are again the ones that meet our needs I I would have liked to have taken a temporary laptop and borrowed it from somebody or you know with the intention of returning or something like that because the new Nvidia cards are coming out with the brand new ones the 40 series cards are um Bravo two years old technology so the 50 Series cards is just coming out so I hate to buy two-year-old technology right now the little piece of Dozer line below sanago Trail you comfortable adj it more to the fire's Edge than what we initially Drew in okay sorry that was in Stereo it was two different channels Orange County vegetation and Wildland fires and lcfa fire down here pretty soon any additional updates from you oh jeez anyway sorry I'm baeling you know it's complicated so I also have okay okay question answer time um we have new information on the airport be heading down pretty soon virus has updated the perimeter uh any other updates since we last spoke same uh same plan as um we last spoke and um I'll have to drive out to get that uh new perimeter um just I did pin that um blockage of the road and with a gate okay yeah I see it on there I copy that thanks x-ray operation good for division x-ray training all right any changes still holding up on the ridge above no change still holding on the perimeter looks like fire activity has died down just to South to our location okay uh you have signal fireus is updated on the uh the Ops map you can see the current um push that happened to the South and Southeast that Al updated the Dozer line from what uh stri to us okay I'll be heading down shortly available on radio uh if I'm if I don't answer up uh Levi will monitor the radio as well oh man poor we can see the fire perimeter better than the cruise ah sorry that's strangely loud we could see the fire perimeter better than the crews because they don't have cell phone signal over there that's just driving me insane all right so just funny I was just announcing that hey looks like we got a new perimeter and new information and they said hey there's a new perimeter so this this is what it probably just did it made the run to the South and Southeast and man people are psychics it went straight for losos Peak that exactly what it did so when I paused the camera I was wondering what was the what was the glow over there was the fire on another Ridge Top it was it was which looking at the terrain how it went around found its way up that way that would be why we see a space here in between glow and a glow over there which can was that again yeah here so I'm going to bet cuz that's Santiago over there here's the new Fire making the run over the ridge to the South that's got to be Las penus Peak right there and I was puzzled I thought did it did the Amber jump all the way over there that would be against the wind right now that wouldn't make sense but from the map we can tell it does CU it took a detour but it's holding holding the road over here things are holding I like like that fire activity has diminished so they're going to get her spite for a bit I wonder if they'll redo the plan to go direct but I think it's too late it may be the time for the crews to just do the change to the shift they just may be too tired by this time of night I don't know what they do I mean they probably did another task instead of just sitting there on their backpack waiting for the activity to die down they probably did something else physically and there's only so much they can do going pulling hose around for hundreds of feet and going Direct in rough terrain that's taxing so I I don't know if that's happening if they see it on the radio but I would i' probably think it's not yeah the you're funny be apologizes for digging through the foot you're so cool how did you find this the bear by way and hey Jer we have new evacuation information too 7 minutes ago Fus is how he said it so I think maybe that's how you pronounce it it's not FIS or fire eyes like I thought would be cool but fire is fireus okay the mapping plane updated the perimeter um it's 8900 um yeah so I guess they have not changed evacuation for more than an hour but at dawn they may just tell the campground people I think to leave because um it's hard to say because um it's just so hard to notify a cat real that you need to leave if they don't have really good uh Serv um it depends on how many ways out there are so this is a rid line Looks like watch s is not really not a good yeah let me analyze it can can the fire run run that Ridge line to the spring a ridge and a canyon all all it would have to do to reach the sanan hot springs is something on fire rolled down to the bottom of this Ravine which would light the bottom on fire which the fire would race up to the top in which case something on fire might roll down pine cone or Bush whatever roll down this Ravine to the Bottom now you're in a canyon there because Canyons can have different wind directions than anywhere else or anytime that there just happens to be a North Wind um or can just run half the way along the Ridge Top Ridge lines have the highest winds although I don't think they're scheduled to be a Northwind at any time it's um it's hard I wish they' explain their concern if they had a a morning briefing or something it'd be awesome but it's too new have anything on the sort I wish they' show the reasoning for it John seder says jcat just like college days building furniture out of mil crates and fence boards the worries be well hey it's It's Shabby Chic is in right now it's all about the building your bed out of pallets man okay so that's the incredible can still going look at others if we had a Haman East looking rest I'd be happy as a clam we we we'd understand this so much better but we don't but we don't upper Bell but that's why we listen to the radio they just said it's holy right it'll be after 10000 p.m. 1: to 300 p.m. that the winds pick up the most be a West Wind the fire Sweating Bullets it's nervous it it's um it's been thed tonight from doing its worst you got hung up probably a lot having to do with that is the retardant they dropped today that'll dry out it's only good for a couple of days depending on what happens I can't barely hear them it's time for me to get some food here excuse me I'm wanding in the kitchen okay so was I saying um yeah the weather coming off the Pacific so have sorry about the back it's coming off the Pacific it'll be a little bit more moist but starting around Friday is the weather will change against the fire's favor it'll really cool off it'll be much more humid so it's panicking it's like I only have a limed amount of time to do my damage and it's bushes on fire you're really lucky it's bushes out there they burn up real fast fire has to move constantly in order to stay alive because it'll burn up its bushes real fast and feet her up so it's like a candle burning low burning lower once it moves the candle just goes low low low until it burns itself out but I am disturbed about the lack of roads to the south on those ridges it could be smaller if they had these access roads this could be a done deal tonight they had really good Access Road especially for make giving them the opportunity to do firing have roads you can trap it in between roads and do that safely um but I think the evacuation zones of level two which are to the south of the fire are could be where they you know they're giving everybody the biggest heads up as possible because it just if it heads that way they don't have a great way to stop it due to new rout just a trail but what's to the north why won't it spread North that's my big question right now what's stopping it going nor you locals know there a road I didn't notice I've been really looking at the North all the all the excitement was to the east and south there now we were wondering was the big flare up good or bad now we got confirmation it was great it wasn't just good or bad it was great because it just burned up a lot of its bushes in a fierce Manner and they won't be there to fuel it tomorrow when the winds pick up all we have to know is that it held it held yes so that means it's great now if it was a dense forest that wouldn't be that great we'd be like oh God the forest and it would still be on fire for days like you know the park fire yeah saw how long that ordeal that was I'm I'm just still can't believe what happened with the park fire here um Forest can sustain it's got the heavy de and down stuff that burns forever days on end it could be even stumps in a a thick forest can still smolder throughout the entire winter and it flare up in the spring it's it's happened before um I think there were a couple of calor fire uh stumps that were still burning in uh in March when some of the snow melt happened these old stumps would just start smoking they're called holdovers it's just unbelievable um but it's like a cigarette when a fire becomes a cigarette like smoldering it's so slow and so low it doesn't need that much oxygen that uh what can occur here we got nothing none of those things to worry about fire has to move very quickly to survive if it doesn't move tomorrow it's dead they'll be in W up really quick unfortunately I think it's got every opportunity to kind of move South unless there's a gigantic aircraft ship that gives them time to build a new Dozer line and turn that trail until into a proper road if they can buy themselves time for that that'd be great but they already may be calculating that like can we get that line done before the fire reaches it they have to calculate that how long will it take us just do that if the answer is no they won't even do it they have to go the next Road over or the next possible area to the South like it's pretty close to S Hot Springs why we need these roads made already before the fire you built the city walls before the HS show up but hey you should going to be sing there right okay okay I have a cream soda that's a treat I think it's time to celebrate at least that that massive H uh C up just held right let's celebrate that with a cream soda friends I don't drink alcohol but like this this is my treat let's do it yeah I'll be right back time for a b break e e e e why am why when when I've got to be out of the room you see nothing on the radio like whatsoever I start trying to talk a Interruption car chases excitement wooho e oh yeah let's see cream soda a boand Bottling Company is D 1891 with cane sugar anybody heard of this Boyland b y l a n botling Company New York New York some back East Affair all right you ready for the ASMR guys for these Exquisite sounds let's unap it yeah it says twist off but I'm a weakling I use the bottle opener 22 glor now this should have refrigerated it but chicken nuggets here I've been on my desk since I returned it 10:45 you're still good to eat right I'm just going to pretend I die put this on my tombstone all right I just there go Fork I know it's not the healthiest thing on Earth but hey I've been eating very healthy I really have I want I have to run out in the middle of night and there is no time to cook here during fire stream that's just not I saw that there was an emerging crazy situation with the camera burnover occurring resp there's no time to cook the night you can't really get a decent thing delivered you know hey I don't have to make excuses for nobody I can have fast foot if I want to don't judge but no no all serious is I'm trying to eat way more healthier and I actually am this is this is kind of a strange treat now bit more rare now what do we do about sleep hey did this stop updating or has it been updating yeah it's been updating right oh it says red connectivity camera has fall oh it fell offline I'm sorry I didn't see that I did not see that and Clemente fixed that just looks great you imagine just looking out uh your yard and seeing that I mean some of you probably are J Cates don't get a new desk go to homeless Depot what get a 3/4 inch piece of plywood to replace the glass oh my God varnish it no that'll attract spiders this is what I have a glass that's the the light goes through it just spiders stay away that's the whole point and you just clean it with a little bit wipe it and it's perfectly clean I I have a better solution I can have my cake I can eat it too you know how I invest in wal Mount technology see I'm cther the genius right now not just the Curious the genius that's genius so if it ever happens again nothing falls and hits the floor of any consequence right I can no longer get my right hand trapped you know nearly severed by a giant screen falling onto it and nearly pinning my right wrist against Jagged glass right oh and Michael Jones says axing glass okay that's go it'll scratch I could do bulletproof but that's Overkill what I could is put a shelf on the wall and put the ex external dries there the monitors I mean it's a little more expensive to get the dual monitor wall mount thing they could just be on the wall so that would only leave well this really old crappy but but I love it so edifier speaker bar thing assuming it still works I haven't tested it but I I love it so um it's cute it's really cute Michael J says or the sit and stand desks are pretty cool I I worry about the motor dying or something yeah they are you can adjust your height and stuff um so what what failed was um a lookalike Mesa desk from Home Depot Home Depot only should excuse me Office Depot excuse me I have to eat here um Office Depot has the Mesa Glass desk I've had that for I don't know how long 2010 or something and um it's been fine and so they had stand a standalone one exquisitely long huge keyboard tray that's just baller I mean it's generous it's huge you can just have the biggest keyboard you want on this thing room to spare you're never going to fail to be ergonomic with this sucker a longer time it's saying that this one's offline right now too you seem to come and go yeah look at what it did have you guys watched the show Fallout it takes place in the LA Bas in area and there's uh La gets nuked you can even just watch the commercial for it maybe we should do that right now it shows La getting nuked and Burbank and stuff too and it looks like that it looks like that yeah that's watch I don't think that a trailer can give you a copyright [Music] issue I know that I've lived a relatively comfortable life stop Mercy yeah I do you need to go home Vault dwellers are an endangered species I do not think you would be willing to do what it takes to survive up here if you insist on staying then you will have to adapt [Music] uhhuh day a bright new Sun willly break through I grabbed a moldy one [Music] [Music] God that's chilling this part sorry the volume changed this the the it's in the first episode you got to at least watch it so he's this main character here he's got his daughter and it's a real horse it's a cowboy Entertainer like Ro Roy Rogers this is like the 60s or something and so he's at a birthday party doing the entertainment and his daughter is looking over the this is like I think where they're at is right about where this fire is at actually I think where they're at is I want to say Anaheim Hills or something I don't know you tell me wait oh there's the Griffith Observatory is in the background but I don't know if that's their Viewpoint and so he puts her on the horse and just high tails it out of there and he goes past the traffic jams and gets to a VA I guess you have to get to a doomsday Vault so this is where the Cold War went into the hot zone so there's Griffith Observatory there LA and stuff so multiple nukes land though all over the place maybe you guys can tell me like what is this ridg top right here um you find this out it's uh it's something I hope there's more flashbacks in like season two that will show more of the devastation because the rest of the world gets nuked but dang just oh my God this could have happened this all could have happened okay J cat you have a fun day at your your work your U sanitation job thanks for being here and I'm still not convinced you're not a gangster because those are the only types of people that do sanitation let me see I don't remember where Griffith observ but that's where James Dean and S Mino Dennis Hopper Natalie Woods Rebel Without a Cause I've always wanted to go there oh that was where the Bobcat fire almost ate it oh that's over by Beverly Hills okay never mind the birthday par is in Beverly Hills wait at the right spot sometimes calel is not all right let try we'll never know what happened with car Chas I don't think it's barely oh James Dean bust oh is that Griffith Observatory oh a that's so cool okay I would love to interview somebody who knew him like that that window of opportunity is closing it is by Hollywood God so what did the Bob Cat fire burn then is all over the this okay that's it I have to figure out where was the Bobcat fire footprint I covered that that's how I went viral in Southern California the I can't nothing Hollywood history no this can't be Griffith Park Observatory wait the 2020 Bobcat pirate threatened The Observatory or am I going crazy I thinking of a different one B campfire okay just going I thought it was over East it was huge losing myot yeah 115,000 Acres almost 116 [Music] there a bigger area than that so what Observatory was I looking at if not the riet this Zooms in too much St Gabriel's this just wants to vex me uh where was Ground Zero the most Blue Area Los Angeles okay what's the body of water over here Paradise spring J says I have ties to the beaver Mafia okay your check's in the mail then just forward mine okay I I always pay my protection money to the beaver Mafia ever since that incident in Corbett yeah what what is this like thanks for not labeling it stupid man and Gabriel I'm sure there's thousands of paradise Springs I can't find it oh for love cars if this was a SoCal Edison job is what it was we always knew that though a yes yeah all right burned Square freaking miles um we watched him on the HP Ren cams which is why I thought it was the Griffith Observatory if I was wrong about that the whole time I feel like an idiot do they have a Lattin long first there that's ltin long we should be able to plug that straight count we click on Google Maps and work sh so yeah that's nowhere near Hol okay it was a different Observatory I feel like an idiot okay it's very similar but it kept it going right up to the observatory what look Copo I've been awake a long time okay yeah there's the 2020 Bobcat right there Glendora yeah makes more sense but what Observatory was it then if I got confused cat says if you're beginning to believe what you see in here your mind May no longer be in control the only other Observatory is the LI might be off by letters here sounds like the cream sh of opening yeah yeah that just reminded me to take a take a sip this is an excellent one I should do a Catherine tries a series of videos where I try products man I'll tell you what's good all right the now that thing took out a lot of homes it was it was no joke though in all seriousness I I it was heartbreaking to watch it it just got worse every day worse every day and in 2020 you know I thought well that's about it we'll never see another year like this we'll be we'll be talking about this for 75 years but we'll be telling the grandchildren about it and they won't believe us it'll be the batt old days and cuz it just seemed like 2020 was this freak year and I figured that a lot of the reason the wildfires are getting worse is because of the the staff shortage because of Co and the governor making a stupid decision to end the prisoner volunteer Force which cut a huge percentage of the firefighter Workforce down it's not like it helped Co not spread I mean you put people in a Wilderness together don't let them talk to other Crews it's perfectly fine for quarantine but hey whatever oh you know what that might be the food truck it was hilarious on the radio they said I've got your food and your Doritos that was funny couple hours ago I got your food in your Doritos okay Kathleen let's find the other Observatory and just find out why did nobody correct me maybe they did maybe I corrected myself but I'm still remembering my initial thought you ever do that like you think something for so long somebody corrects you but then you you don't think about that subject for a long time you go back to what thought it was originally yeah look at that tremendous amount of smoke still hellscape out there now we're going to lose the ability to see what the fire is doing and where it's going um for the most part when it goes into full daylight mode the Flames will be hidden by the smoke again but being that it bush is on fire this is the line fire um we might be able to see some marching Flames or things on the camera but it'll become pretty difficult to track that camera pretty soon HP Ren though all right so I can just Google it Observatory pretend pretend oh who's Mount Wilson okay okay maybe I knew that at the time but I I think I thought at the time that James Dean went to the mountain Wilson was that must have been my mistake they look really similar but it's 116 years old it's one of the first out here yeah so the HP Ren cameras show it all the time so my earliest broadcast that kind of went viral in the south southern California we're looking at this every day and man the bob campfire was doing this back and forth that marching that way marching that way marching this way marching that way the towers over here on the left were threatened many times fire came up and into this area and I saw every freaking day these dead trees all these dead trees just ready to go up like huge torches and stuff on the ground and I'm like okay they're going to cut him down right to make this safe up here right going to thin this out right you don't need a freaking Forest up here you need more like a park setting to protect historic structure so you're going to you're going to cut down the dead freaking trees right when are they going to do that they never did and it just became high anxiety because the fire kept leaping over and the Embers were going and raining down like this just that so that if this is the Hollywood Hills where the birthday party is and the movie Fallout and that's the griffth observed see it's got a nice sced landscape up there not a freaking jungle hey that's a that's a crazy scene in the show you have to see at least first episode you probably get hooked and like it if you don't like really dark comedy you probably won't but you have to see this scene the first episode of Fallout it's on the Amazon Prime Okay C says as conservation c new cut our slaves Freedom big mistake oh God the observatory out passive Le sand yeah oh oh there was that stupid argument that volunteer firefighters that volunteering to be a firefighter you prisoners doing that to um shave time off their sins is a form of slavery oh for God's sake it's a volunteer thing they they're getting compensation as in not running in prison I call it Redemption I'd rather people redeem themselves and sit in a box with other criminals doing nothing all day well except learning other criminal ways to survive and it's like it's like hey I want to Branch out to other crimes I can I can ask the car thief right next me how to do it you know that's not a good thing most civilizations never did prisons because they really don't work you have to repay your victim or you have Corporal or capital punishment or slavery itself as a conviction if you if you can't pay back what you did did something terrible just enslaved and oftentimes to the victims get paid what you were worth like in Roman times like you got sold the victims got that as compensation like d rough with Native Americans they would uh you just straight up kill anybody who didn't play ball with Society or Outcast mostly they would just killed those he just didn't get along with the others no matter what the crime was they just didn't believe in captivity they had slavery too but it really varied from tribe to tribe but the old the old systems are pretty dang harsh what we do today is pretty freaking mild hey good morning Jordan Jordan burn how are you I think true Civil Service Redemption is a way to go rather than sitting in a box but that's just me not just me okay all right so that's Griffith Observatory um I want to kind of see some my Bobcat footage at the moment now it was pretty good what the heck is that Vietnam Airlines flight 8:15 okay oh my god really it just happen the third 1997 oh so it's a video about something old oh jeez okay I thought a passenger jet was down I had a dream about one I just told SE probe the other day I I have a feeling that there will be a plane crash something major and he goes and then my glass desk broke the next day and he comes over to help and as we were trying to clean it up I get a jingle on my phone and watch Duty says it was a vegetation fire didn't even mention it but it was the crash of the plane out of the Troutdale airport just east of Portland killed somebody in their house it clipped power lines the plane broke up into pieces and went into a uh um three story condos just near the trout D airport so we had this huge mess there was still glass on the floor with wet tea dripping on my electric my electronics with sugar tea on the electronics but I wanted to just jump in a car and go film it and be live from the scene and be like okay this is a PL crash that started a wildfire weird I I was ready to go otherwise but I had to just do the cleanup or so Electronics we're just not going to make it yeah we couldn't let him dry like that and you got a limited time to you got a limited time to uh dry outan now I think I got wise around the Bobcat time about restarting the stream so most of the footage probably survived um yeah red Friday 3 so this is the third week red Monday was Labor Day when the crazy uh Labor Day storms hit and the the millions of fires broke out so I call that red week like red Monday red Tuesday and then I had to name red Monday too because fire stream went an additional week I thought everything would be over in a week oh God so the new I was broke out like the bobcat in Southern California so I was suddenly doing it week after week I should have taken donations I didn't allow any at the time because i' well didn't want to that's like give it to the fire victims I never thought I'd do this again but after it took like 3 months it's Paradise so I'm teaching people about Paradise apparently um back to the Bobcat coverage friend conference hey there's Mike wi there was a Creek Fire different one um I realized after like 3 months went by they had like 3 months of no income that sucks out of your year yeah here's the HP Ren car there's the observatory want to press briefings somebody with the cowboy hat oh that's aome I don't know which fire that's about see I think it is yeah yeah it is right so so but I was looking at everything of course that thing at Fort McMurray oh this is Detroit that burned down in Oregon during the the week prior here it is here's the uh Observatory that's the Bob campire heading towards it it's the observ oh this is the regular cams and for a while I put up words that said this fire courtesy of and then it says SoCal Edison right there but I took it down because because they had not proven it yet I could get sued so you have to say alleged right and there's Michael Jones in the chat um so sometimes I went to bed that looks like I probably went to bed and left this on but the HP renss are amazing I'm talking about Paradise again this was the bare fire um that had just happened and killed people and I I couldn't believe it this was the upload this is back over by Paradise Paradise warville area and I I just just couldn't believe it so see stream three years ago this was September 24th they had uploaded the they uploaded the yeah the be uh time lapses I don't think I covered the verifire live yeah this this is where the20 V Creek Fire the one I evacuated my mom from the firehouses burned down because the power company kept the lines on burn down M multiple this is the fire crew this is the entire headquarters for fighting fire in all the Cascade mountain range Gates just west of Detroit Lake and so the entire River Canyon all the towns burn down pretty much because the power lines are going down electrified even though they had 125 mph wind gust and multiple camera burnovers and stuff um so there is a chainlink fence around their headquarters and the I she explains this better than anybody citizens of gates ran up to them and they they couldn't figure out they were getting 911 calls up in the entire Canyon even west of them that the fire was west of them but the fire was coming from the East and they were like how does this make sense and then citizens ran out of their homes ran up to the firehouse and says our homes are on fire because power lines are falling on top of the H of our houses and cars and they go where down the street look over there so just as the fire chief steps outside a tree a power line goes down in the in the back of their headquarters this is a four engine garage you know pretty big that's pretty big uh facility has a firefighting headquarters information thing and um they had a chain link fence so once the power line dropped on their chain link fence they had in the backyard some bushes on the fence they all ignited and they had a 360° fire around their own Firehouse they had to abandon the firehouse and so they start calling the power company of course they even lost their own personal belongings like they didn't have enough time to grab their own things out of their lockers they got in their trucks and like fled they flee West towards Salem um and sure enough all the towns to the West were already on fire too and the road side was on fire because through the canyon it went power line and every single one of them was just going down live so it it pretty much trapped every Everybody east of here could not Escape so everybody at Detroit Lake 75 people got backed out onto a dock the middle of the Cascades mountains they called the National Guard they said we need an airlift get us out of here National Guard says too much smoke we can't do it now I would have just told him stay on that D dock you know that's perfectly Place safe place to be just ride it out but they left they got into school buses or something in loggers who knew the area they went from Detroit Lake all the way towards Mount Hood uh on a very sketchy ride back roads they self evacuated that way but it could have been a mass death fatality thing but Detroit Lake show you where Detroit Lake is everything here burned Detroit like Wasteland I haven't uh driven it during the daytime um I went this route to go show you guys the eclipse uh October 18th I went to Eastern Oregon to see it but I was driving uh through the night and it was just before Dawn so I couldn't see the devastation but um pretty much the entire town burned down and um the lion's head went to the west or the lion's head went to the East and the be Creek went to the West so Niagara burns down Gates burns down mil City Fox Valley's line elorn elorn woods these are just very few people live in there jaon Flats up there be Creek Wilderness unfortunately um Lion say every time the fire Cru Gates went to the next city they still had the power lines going and so they were still falling down and still lighting new fires so they had to flee that town but it was same situation at Lions of M they went all the way to ston and they almost evacuated ston because the fire just roed through it and it was faster than it could have spread by the wind it was because boom boom boom boom power lines going down this was Pacific core SLP Pacific Power basically thing so an organ jury during the trial was not very impressed when they kind of rang their hands and said well the reason we didn't turn off the power even though there were multiple 911 dispatcher is telling us to is we couldn't reach a supervisor and stuff to get that approved you know it was it was a it was vacation time for them you know it it was it was a Labor Day weekend oh for God's sake that's why there needs to be that law whistleblower protection for anybody who just slams the button shut off for any reason protect the public from fire it's a structure or anything just so I mean this is 2020 that law should have been made when Paradise happened in 2018 but we still see this happening Dixie fire 2021 PG employee does not turn off the power because he was they had a policy of firing employees to turn off the power without visually confirming a fire yet like come on what the hell are you doing back East Washington make that law already how how many gigantic epic huge massive fires that cost billions of dollars are going to have to happen before they have a simple law that should be reubel rubber stamped that's freaking common sense I don't know but hey we're living in the Twilight Zone not the real world too again go to Detroit Lake this is when I was live and I decided that's it I I took my headset off and said friends I'm going to go evacuate my mom she was West Northwest of here got to fire history unbelievable for 2020 let's get that that back so the beachy Creek like I said goes spreads West and it kind of merged to the east eventually with the lion's head which the east of the worm Springs Indian Reservation this is the peak of the Cascade here I don't want the forest look how huge that is it almost ate Salem Fire barely stopped right in front of ston but this this was two more days and it would have eaten the capital every single major city of Oregon in the West Was in danger of being eaten by fire this one the Riverside they they put parts of southeast Portland they put Southeast Portland Milwaukee area on evacuation notice because it kept jumping over and spotting and smaller ones kept erupting um some of them were like panicked residences residents trying to burn off the stuff around their house against a burn band it's obvious you know sometimes it just Panic reaction but some were freaky accidents uh where people evacuating started fires just in their haste this guy had an RV that didn't work very well so he leaves Malala goes up here to evacuate Malala and so he starts up the generator for the night and he starts a wildfire he felt like utter crap you know but um because it's the mountains the The Embers were flying long distance you know miles down there uh because estada almost got eaten estada but they evacuated of civilians and they made a stand there that was very brave haard and harou so this part investigated the burn here um I tracked it with AO and others who are teaching me how to use the map thing this was a wind tunnel conf response um the fire was like way back here at the time we drew a a a line the measuring stick 29 response it was um like 13 miles that it spotted ahead of itself down the wind tunnel um something crazy like that which I had bookmarked it so I go back to it yeah that's this is 14 and a half miles on this uh line right there you can't read it it's at the top um yeah we we couldn't believe it but it it's it's a very narrow Canyon with that had high winds so with a heavy thick forest dead trees at the very top of the canyon I know that cuz I went to Bagby Hot Springs a lot and um I was already marveling at how dead everything was from a prior forest fire see this 2014 pit fire oh it makes the words smaller I do um but I always knew that like oh God you see dead trees and Landscape like that es I don't know if the Google car work there uh see I wanted to film it like with the GoPro on top of one8 just dispatch on cancel 108 cancel yeah it's further up there we you start getting into the reservoir area some cold powerhouses and tunnel and stuff it's pretty cool Drive get more toward the cliffs yeah you get the cliffs here and you can see them and you can see the dead trees that were inaccessible kind of like up here that I don't think Salvage loging could ever really handle oh God here's the Riverside Devastation I haven't been here since since the Riverside have I really not been to Bagby since the Riverside fire yeah they closed it for a bit yeah I remember now okay so we got to go back to Prior dates I'm 20 2007 yeah that's not going to work oh God oh God wait this is August 2023 they got to get rid of this so they're going to have a second fire that's worse look all the dead stuff everywhere it's just waiting for a match a lightning strike oh God but this would be helicopter Salvage logging like way way up there U little chance of that happening it would just be tremendously expensive unreal this is so horri this was the most Pleasant Forest this is what I remember hey this may be where the deer hit my car that's a different story for another time I called my friend in a panic and said how do I check my car for damage he goes what happened said um I don't know anything about cars I'm underneath it with a flashlight my undercar just damaged you goes what happened I said a deer hit my car oh you hit a deer no sir I did not hit a deer a deer hit my car he got a kick out of there stupid animal poor little thing going down Bend like this and I see a deer and it's hanging out here you know it's by the it's by the the divider thing or the shoulder what do you call it again the shoulder fence think of that name right now but it had one leg over it it had sixcess sucessfully crossed the road here I am going that way and I'm like oh dear I start slowing down I take my foot off the gas I'm like okay wait do the right thing go on your Merry way do the right thing all the deer panics starts running out in front of the car so I slam on the brakes and I stop faster than I thought the deer loses its footing CU there's kind of wet Road it slides on his ass it's sitting down like a donkey right like a stubborn mule sits down and slides across the road on its butt as my car like stops right here it slides I look to the left everything's in slow motion I could see this deer face getting closer and closer to my passenger to my driver side window I lean my head back cuz I think she's going to put her head through the window and impact with the driver's side door um at first my first concern was she would hit the and I would hit her square and that she roll up and hit the windshield with her legs and you we might get killed that way or lose control so I had tilted the car slightly to the left to try to bounce her off Defender like the left headlight there's nothing else to do so my car's coming to to a stop sort of sideways a little bit kind of Tokyo drifting to the right a little bit and I can see her on my left sliding towards the car I I can see the little Swish and swirl of hair in between her eyes like that moved in slow motion towards my window I lean back ready for her head to come through the window at the last moment she Ducks her head and there's this tremendous Bonk off my door and I figured my door was just screwed up I I figured it was dented horribly I figured the deer broke its neck all of a sudden there's these tremendous banging sounds on the underc carriage of the car like thrashing banging I look in the rear view at the time there's a thankfully keeping his distance a big black SUV behind me a really nice one really really nice one luxury like a Escalade or something Escalade does not rearend me but has to to uh swerve into the other lane and stops parallel to me right meanwhile there's this tremendous banging sound underneath the car so the deer's butt she leans up on her back the deer's butt goes underneath the car and her back legs and then she flips over onto her belly so her rear legs start kicking the undercarriage ferociously and she panics and then she spins around on her left on her right side I think it was was and I see her left her rear feet go out from underneath my car she starts kicking the crap out of the guy's luxury car shredding his front passenger tire like I'm seeing rubber like fly out and she's kicking his Fender and all that and she panics finally gets to her feet and runs off into the woods over there I don't know that this is exact spot on the road probably not it'sa behind a little bit that looked very much like this so I'm in complete State of Shock and U I roll down my window the guy in the SUV kind of gets to the passenger seat looks down at me had a much higher vehicle he's like you okay I get out and I look at my door it's fine like she imp back to the driver door and either made a dent and it popped out or or her head impacted the door handle whoa we got a flare up on Santiago look at that okay we got to check we got to check the airport fire didn't expect it to be exciting again oh boy Cal oen North all right I want to check the actual HP red okay where's the red I high high quality whoa I give the thumbs up to the guy I said yeah uh I'm fine are you and he's like uh yeah and I just Shrugged and said weird things happen to me you just can't make some of this up there's a lot more to the story that makes it a lot more interesting but that's a gist of it I had no re I had no self service or nothing so when I finally got civilization back to Portland I pull over and I look at the undercarriage because I don't know if I'm leaking fuel or whatever I I looked at it briefly but you know there could be damage that gets worse or something I don't know I'm calling my friend in Kentucky because it's 4 in the morning so he he'd be the person awake and he knows about cars so I'm like what do I look for for damage like what does a brake line look like what does a hydraulic line look like what's the fluid look like what what do I do oh dear hit your car now no it did not sir I did not hit a deer it hit me let's see look how it spotted over right there right how long was this time lapse I already forgot let's do a thre hour and it was a three hour look this all burned up and you could barely see any little twinkles of any flame down here it's in the stumps and the sticks and the other bushes that didn't burn yet that's good that all that already did this power be in trouble again so it may be so anyway that's a little bit of a flare up over there it's a big whoosh we got to keep an eye on that this one I want to go to sleep this is something exciting that happens Kathleen Den says I went out black trees 75 ft yes I made the prison guards nervous because I had no problem working amongst them it's all well behaved God i' love to see that okay you guys think Deadwood have you seen Deadwood clamity Jane God that was one hell of a that clamity Jane was a drinking spitting curing tom boy girl I'd be like that what the beef you looking at okay guys I ate a meal be so proud of me I remember to needs a refresh here we are all right it's 6: a.m. on Tuesday oh Boer Hill East vure we got to see that this cuz that's pretty dawn has arrived all right let's look at the Davis line barely looked at the line it's still a threat okay that's an interesting bug uh okay um watch Dy so there's a yeah about your okay the alphabet okay uh well uh so uh the uh yeah okay let's refresh that hey morning how are you hey nacho M miny haris is right down the road are you guys supposed to have thunderstorms again today I hope not that's over right it's now just the West stuff coming out of the ocean right on shores hope so cuz that's what blew up the line in the bridge the other day the Thunder storms formed right next to him and right over the top line has 5% containment 26 and a half acres oh six minutes ago we had an update Why didn't it Buzz my phone did I okay okay it just didn't vibrate my wrist watch this seems to be good good news if I remained active overnight weather will remain warm today before beginning to cool until the weekend evacuation status atah blah website so it's another a challenge day if I tried to sleep right now I could get up at two 2 and 3:00 is when these winds will start picking up and things will begin to occur is what everybody saying here um no more heat advisory thing that's good yeah what's this pink a red flag and the pink of it what what the I Captain John Bro said last night is true is um um holy God we don't want any more new fires down here in Southern California there's nobody else to send the fighting these right now is already stretched in you get another one today especially in the red flag area things will suffer there will be things falling through the cracks it there's just not enough help to go around the line is mostly on Federal land they didn't even have you know Forest Service whatnot did not have another team to send so I think they handed it to calire is what JB was saying but they're maxed out I'm sure the weather last night gave them opportunity to do a lot of good things especially with the airport um but they probably couldn't do them engine 64 alarm Elementary School 8441 you know due to um not having the Manpower [Music] unfortunate okay all right I have to make some effort to go to sleep now let's uh what should I do okay soothing things well a like the last where I went wrong last time as I listened to uh Arena's the Davis fire was on Reno dispatch and that was disturbing I mean hearing about all the domestic violence I muted it for you guys um okay it just flared up and it went back down okay nature of flashy stuff you know I wonder if they left that on purpose it's possible we can't hear everything they're saying if they had a golden opportunity to light a bunch of oily bushes over there maybe they just did that it's interesting seeing uh you saw all this on fire seeing the aftermath sticks this one's still ready to burn like this one so maybe they're just doing a clean up JB did confirmed they did um some firing right around the tower area to protect it oh maybe that occurred oh Step One is don't listen to Reno like I mean up for you guys there was some disturbing domestic violence stuff it was just haunting screaming and bleeding and dying and uh yeah it's a particularly violent night so that that was not good for restful sleep sure lesson learned what else can we do we've U learned that lesson we shut that off I didn't do very good with the time stamps today the last time stamp I had was when um last night friends there was a there's a helicopter police chase where subjects were driving 100 miles an hour down the the highway 60 and then the 605 and then they got Hol Up in a neighborhood and the helicopter was circling we were really anxious like rabbit's On The Run boys are they going to catch him and then they switched to Tactical channels we couldn't hear anything but it bled over into the fire Channel that's how we found out about it uh if you want to rewind the stream now go to hour 6 35 minutes after that so it's don't go to the clock you know it's like 6:00 a.m. but if you rewind a stream you can go to the Tim stamp you know like this you would say s hour 6 and 35 uh seconds you know when you're when you're browsing like so on the line but if you go back and watch something remember hit the live button by the volume make sure you're live so you're not watching the stream behind everybody right if you want to when when I tell people go back and watch something cool they'll start reacting to what I said three hours ago in the chat but since they're behind they they like we can't talk to them and say hey hit hit live button over by the volume area right um just remember you got to go live again I'm trying to Tim stamp stuff so I can go back whenever something interesting happen or I make a good point or something a thanks for that smiley face Michael Jones did you miss any donations while the watch wasn't buing out God probably probably I am so tired right now uh uh let's see I'm sure not online anymore so all right that was my old podcast space. need a Michael JN thank you for your $5 donation you're so wonderful hearts hearts hearts God the whole phone is oh dear people needing tech support help for their computers took a quick peek at your channel a minute ago things move so fast I'm not sure where you are my friend lives in Gardenerville NADA is she in danger of the fire southeast of Minden on 338 and east of East Valley by the way I'm not going to interrupt your podcast podcast for a question like that this what you're supposed to do my friend in Kentucky that's what you're supposed to do is ask fire questions come into the chat and do that don't don't text me oh my gosh that that's cute though H oops guys I I I mute the phone except for a couple of key apps so if you need a fire question answered um get my attention in chat and ask the M they'll get my attention what do you think my show's about Mark oh God okay but I'll have to text him the answer what is it in East Coast it's it's 9 o' okay hang on one moment so he he should be up by now where is that in I wouldn't think so but I would be talking at me all right then to all right Davis fire this heck I'll do c too right message again okay so his friend is located in oh southeast of Minden no no that's that's not anywhere near the Davis I remember where Minden isance 27 34 so when does the camera pivot over here it's obviously fire behind it I guess it doesn't that's the line fire oneck response bu okay all right all right let's let's do a voice typing here there is currently no fire near Minden Nevada knock on wood a smiley face but this is exactly what you should come into the channel and ask and it boosts my metrics so subscribe and ask the question in the channel place with a laughing face okay hopefully he will in the future all right that's a that's that's a friend where I asked him how do I check my undercarriage a deer fell underneath there speak of the devil oh Halls any idea of the acreage of the airport fire yeah we had a very good uh recent update with uh Fus I found out they pronounced it Fus mapping plane excuse me I did a flyover somewhat recently so the current footprint and acreage is pretty accurate cuz it hasn't moved around much since and mostly held in its area after it made a run which is why I stay up all night um we've got 8 and half thousand it's probably a little bit more now but that's about right um 8900 is what somebody else reported before they revised it down to 8 and a half but there is talk of putting it back at 8900 again whatever but that was several hours ago at the mapping plane it so it's uh just had a big flare up do a last three hours time lapse looking North I just can't imagine looking out the window and seeing that um did they lose the towers they saved them there was just a flare up near one of them but I believe it did that on purpose so hey it got sketch though I mean it really got sketch it was pretty incredible watching the fight but they had a tremendous response up there it really flared up let me just show you that 12 um it really flared up after it died down and fire Crews were going to go Direct on the fire near near the Santiago Peak 1 they were talking on the radio about how how much hose do we have and the Word was 500 something more than 500 feet I'm sure um but they were going to drag it down the street long as they could and then the the trail the truck Trail whatever that's called and then go direct like into the woods and start spraying the fire out I mean not Woods bushes you know and then the crazy flare up happened where it looked enormous it was like holy crap all these on fire and they canceled those plants cuz this was um 130 nor and it was like pretty my go so we were speculating best we could about where where is on fire right now um which finally got answered for sure by the mapping plane a after the event so it was right here that got you know tremendously active went down the other side of this Ravine and this was all a blaze it seemed to be creating its own draft like its own wind suck fcking up but the smoke column went vertical and it created a mushroom cloud at night um pretty incredible that's why I didn't sleep um that flare up lasted quite a long time we have to go back further in time 6 hour at least see see what happened this is why I didn't go to sleep like how am I going to go as sleep when that is happening this needs to be monitored they they put a few more places on evacuation notice including the sand1 Hot Springs area in the campgrounds and stuff in the Orange County side but remarkably they just checked in on the radio and mostly everything held like the the main road up there hell crazy good work they did so it really moderated just in the last couple hours which gives me a chance to finally get some sleep hey Rose barill welcome says can you tell me about do Canyon's safety for the next few hours I have a friend lives on High Point Street do can okay let's take a look I always say you know your best your best chance of survival and your best idea is leave before you're told if you feel insecure um but if somebody's already declared level three evacuation of course obey that um I let's see what the current status is and I'm unfamiliar with the area so you got to guide me to like what is of Canyon I think it's done this way right um but watch duty is not the right uh Copo is better at showing geological things and are there current evacuations there oh it's right by Robinson Ranch okay um I don't think it's it's threatened in the next few hours at all like at all um make sure that my factivity thing is on um today's winds will be picking up uh between 1: and 300 p.m. by the forecast and so mainly the fire's been trying to sweep up into the hills and what we decided that it did after the Fus showed up and I I'll see a little bit more on this later it went up to Pino's Peak so there was a glow here on the peak but the main fire went on this Ridge um Cal caltopo is not accurate it doesn't have the updated uh perimeter it it um just ate everything in the canyon here and it's up on this Ridge so it tried to get to Sugarloaf so the nighttime reverse of the wind direction will be threatening now that it's here but it just ate a lot of its own fuel up in here with tremendous ferocity like it really for hours was Blazing up and creating a pirate cumulus in the middle of the night so I don't know how much fuel next to Dove Canyon neighborhood has been consumed or how thick it is because if it didn't burn right around here than it's ready to and because this is higher elevation you could have Embers kind of drift down if the wind was coming from from the East if there were some sort of a North Wind then it could come down I didn't see that one scheduled or anything forecast you know so we we look back at the more accurate um watch Duty it looks like Dev k level two um I don't think anybody has to leave today but I'm not there unless are told to so mostly the West Winds are going to pick up and there's a lot of Riverside County over here that'll be um in the main target of where the fire wants to go it'll want to go over the ridgel line and sweep down that's why they're all on notice so what I'm concerned about the spread for is even San Hot Springs are notice because there's no road that crosses here where they could really stop it um I don't think they could create this Trail turn it into a proper Road or or Dozer line I think this is a trail right um watch duty is a bad MAP uh um because it could try to climb here pretty immediately and we saw a lot of retardant being dropped by the airplanes and what could have happened to explain the extraordinary wosh of what happened here is it could have been that it was paralled in by retardant and it chewed through it suddenly that's like a burst like when retardant lines fail because they get too dry too hot you know they just a speed bump for fires um they're suddenly no longer viable like they suddenly just don't work anymore it's like a damn collapsing like it's whatever remains of it doesn't matter so when we saw the the crazy flare up where I didn't go to bed um that retardant lines being chewed through could have explained that let's go back to the original like 6 hour here we suddenly saw that occur and it found brand new virgin fuel I think these neighborhoods need to be alert and everybody needs to be ready because there's a fire at elevation above you some freak change in the wind even if it was only for 20 minutes could rain Embers down to the W what if a thunderstorm forms or something like that like the the unexpected they may want to go in there and structure prep or do other things and just want people out of there for a bit out of the way they don't have to be concerned about you know saving people's lives there may they may call a little three for that reason but they would have done it already if there's an imminent threat in the next couple of hours um it was a very calm night otherwise um but when it did go to the other section the other Ridge it it made its own draft like it made its own wind into the canyon and uh um you know fed fed itself pretty good like a blast furnace you know Rose says it's a very thick vegetation next to a nature reserve the otton California star Sanctuary oh God so it's probably just Tangled as crap and an ungroomed and a jungly right Nat mama says I I mean is it groomed like a park or is it like a jungle you tell me cuz that that makes a huge difference like how thick is the brush how tall is it from 62 CU this is the thickest vegetation been in 15 to 20 years with the with the super wet springing and uh the super wet spring and the um um well the crazy flooding and hurricane remnants and stuff that hit in December so the thicker the vegetation there the if it's oily bushes and stuff is it trees though is it just bushes or are there fully grown Big Trees like tall stuff is there any eucalyptus um that makes a difference um a couple times I saw properties from the air and I thought oh that's trees lining a driveway like a big Ranch driveway oh that's cute that's Oak so they'll be fine and then used a little gold man you know to to look at street view and I went oh God because it was eucalyptus and not Oaks I just assumed Oaks right let's go down there and I I'll ask you if it looks the same or similar to what street view has to say about it you know if um if there's absolutely no roads thick brush thick trees and all that that has not seen fire in a long time hold on your butt it's risky oh this is a perfect shelter in place place if there was a traffic jam I'd park right there and write it out up a tent for the night or whatever it's perfect place right there be a good staging area uh for fire Crews and whatnot um there's a golf golf courses those are great for shelter and place options but there's no little gold man no street view over there um as long as there's you know wet yeah wet I mean living you know Green type grass oh God these homes are so close together what I would never buy a house that close that okay if one of the houses goes the other one will because of proximity that this is Criminal developers creating death traps God I think building cods in California used to be better because nothing was like this when I was growing up I kind of noticed it in the 90s and went are you kidding me like as as I'm growing up I'm like wait all the older neighborhoods from you know their parents time they didn't ex just like that uh wow okay so that's the challenge um right let's look to the East aabon California star range sary oh my God that's 2017 but oh look Cactus that's sweet eucalyptus oh okay gasoline trees the way that they start the crazy Australian bush fires as every one of their paper thin leaves gets impregnated with sap gets on fire just long distance when travel and they they constantly bleed sap and their paper bark is sap impregnated it's like that's why they're called gasoline trees wow wow and this building is on borrowed time if these aren't removed everywhere there's a eucalyptus there should be a native Oak providing acorns and food for wildlife you can't have a bird sanctuary with eucalyptus you know why in Australia Birds evolve longer beaks because insects constantly are getting stuck in the sap so they Feast on it the Australian birds they have long beaks to fish the insects out of the sap safely North American birds have short little cone beaks so when they land on there and they get a bug they glue their beak shut and it goes and clogs their nostril Bravo how doopy this kills millions of birds these damn trees you'll find a bird graveyard bird bones at the base of all of them as well as a whole bunch of papery leaves and giant piles unless you constantly rake it and burn it my my friend had eucalyptus all over her yard and I'm like why as a kid we were supposed to go out there and rake it up I thought it' be fun to play in it like the leaves made huge piles like hey and we would like jump into it right well I came out of the the pile and he laughed at me because all the leaves were stuck to me everywhere just my scalp my face you know my butt my hands the back of my arms because all the leaves have sap I learned my lesson don't do that yeah this sucks I'm sorry this sucks um oh my God yes that's very thick this is not a sanctuary this is some sort of ungroomed jungle unless they make some changes that's nice that's a good fire break whatever this is that that's nice I'm going to give props where it's do that that's cool those cactuses can be like 300 years old that's not it's yikes I think this is a bunch of invasive stuff that's invasive right there can't remember what these are called we have an organ well this would move fast fire would move fast here ah very fast so I can see why they're on alert but with without direct wind blowing that way um I I would think that um they're at 161 Drive Mike 0634 it would take some serious winds pointing that direction to be a big a big threat they should all be ready level two means you should already be ready to go to moment's notice level one is get ready to be go ready to go at a moment's notice level two should be um you're already at the point where you wear your shoes on even in the house all you have to do is grab your keys start the cargo um that's what level two is be ready already what I think I should call it and that's just prudent right now there is a fire above an elevation engine 157 with 57 M Belmont Village Senior Living 300 freom lan8 a at least there's multiple ways out sort of is This Wait does this not connect oh developers should not be able to do this how many homes are there hundreds there basically one road out oh my God I mean this there's bodies if everybody left at once open operational cop sorry I had two of the radios going I just turned off one the one that um Kathleen Danford says like the Palms are like roaming candles yeah Rose Bar Hill says thank you so much for the detailed work you're doing you're very welcome yeah I'm glad you are safe Nao are you good so um how are you going to get Evac warnings same as flash flood warnings well you know you probably have to sign up this is I'm remiss in this I should have uh figured that out so for Orange County sign up for emergency alert I should said this about the Davis 52 because I know about was County you have to mainly sign up for this stuff so um 211 now or whatever that it's hidden Miss if your phone's going to be what sorry the page doesn't exist orang County what what oh my God this is not a time to have your office of emergency alerts website go down division Fox operation on command oh for division Fox Neil what's the uh access again what it's not Maple Springs what's the access you recommend up there I'd recommend Bedford Canyon um but it like today probably in about 2 hours um that'll be impacted also so I'm going to work with Air Attack first thing this morning to painting it US Route in and out wait what Canyon what you say Bedford from the 15 side now going up April Springs I don't think you're going to get type type threes and crew buggies up there's a wash out um quite a ways up that I don't think the type 3es can get around patrols and or type sixes and pickup trucks can make it but I would be concerned about or crew buggies wow okay what Canyon was going to be impacted did they name the canyon I just didn't catch that yeah they need to be started in 1989 really yeah that's about when they Chang the stupid rules I think but then again Northern California and Southern are different they're like different worlds and i' only really seen most of Northern California in the 90s um but uh even even the older neighborhoods of Oregon in the Portland area they just have a decent space between them and then they began the development craze after most of the Californians moved out of California and went to Oregon right and I saw units being built where hey if you run out of toilet paper don't worry just reach out with your right hand and wrap on the the bathroom window of your neighbor and they'll hand you some toilet paper you know but I I couldn't believe it I thought okay they're going to get fined and that's going to get torn down right right oh God no just continue so they're saying fox D just comping Harding won't support traffic I I have not been up Harding and and that might be a good option actually instead of going all the way out to Bedford uh we can try Hardy okay we're going to make a call to our crews here Cru and equipment to see what they know up there too if you want to check with them they they probably been a party and would have a pretty good idea uh that might be a really good option for us a good wakeup call for yes here is generally threatened yes is is what happened last night after things were pretty cold now looks like the hill of Bas is back open so the helicopters will be functional again really quick there are two nighttime helicopters shinook and something else going on at night which helped out tremendously but that happened after things had calmed down for hours you know you know it was a mushroom cloud Fallout esque kind of a nuclear looking thing so if the wind blows from say East or something or if it I don't think it can create its own weather not not like the forest fires do not not like the it created a pyus but that's the way that all clouds look you know they look like mushroom clouds and a lot of heat rises it it was brief compared to what a forest fire does but the it still cons sends stuff very high that falls back down so if the if the wind had changed for a bit up at this altitude this altit ude that still could have brought flaming debris down towards the West you know I I don't know the entirety of the area if it's all just bushes this will be a pretty brief affair that might be mostly a done deal by Thursday or Friday when the when they uh if the weather is correct and it's much cooler and weather more humid and stuff because the bushes just don't burn forever it has to move to survive it has to move on to to thicker stuff to trees to maintain itself if they can just Corral it uh Brushy stuff is gone in like 24 hours so they'll slam it with the tar if they can but everybody will be screwed if new fires break out especially in the red flag zone so fingers crossed the red flag is over here the bridge to oh way over there but sort of reaching for Santa Barbara right so if something happens out here something new especially this Zone they're already maximum you know stretch in there there's no extra people to be sending between the line airport Rob and and whatever new pops up like the daily stuff in the cities right so um anything goes if if something crazy new happens today it gets out of hand so um Garcia says there's so many changes we have to fight for through our state local governments absolutely um we're going to have to work as a collective where to begin the White House but funny thing is there's going to be what a debate tonight they will not mention wild flers in no presidential debate they haven't mentioned any of them it would be best to reach out to the candidates both of them convince them able to get some rors up to division Bravo hang on we have to convince politicians that wildfires are A1 keep you advised uh we're currently waiting on aircraft arrive would you like us to have you be a priority you were uh I I cut off on the last Pi can you repeat 9150 Charlie around 0800 is one we can expect aircraft I copy uh when you guys do get them up for some uh so buckets on division bravo charlie I copy that division Bravo looking for water drop watching that wind sock okay we would have to convince our politicians that here's the here's the challenge that wildfires are a big voter issue California is the most populated state however you can win the presidential election without California at all there's very few candidates that even go to the West Coast for any reason because it's all about East Coast whatever because the Electoral College is a bunch of crap so California issues don't freaking matter to anyone back East oh it's oh what is New Hampshire doing okay New Hampshire I'm sorry doesn't really tribute to the nation much except for like whatever they grow is it was it the Garden State or something um but they've got an unequal amount of voting power and stuff early in the elections and blah blah so everybody will focus on that I mean you compare it to California which is itself one of the largest economies in the entire planet if you take the Bay Area by itself and if you call it a country it's the richest country on Earth but and it's got the most population but nobody gives a crap because you can win the presidential election without even mentioning the state's name so out west here we're forgotten we're the wild west we're occasionally thought about as a tourist destination by the East Coasters but we're not important to them they care and stuff but it's a brief okay back to our other more pressing issues out here you know that's it sucks it sucks a lot a state that feeds the world and provides probably most of the generated tax revenue that's Federal who knows I mean New York does that too but FP a coin okay nobody cares nobody's campaigns out here for a reason the last time that you saw a lot of campaigning by Presidential electoral electees you know was RFK hanging out he got killed here um JFK went to uh Portland said at RFK and then RFK left Portland flew to LA and got shot there killed but that's about the last time politician ever really like came out here to speak at you know a school gyms and stuff like they used to it's it's all different now so the idea that the best place to start would be convince presidential candidates that they could get a lot of voting uh a lot of votes by having a wildfire freaking plan but they probably won't they'll probably consult their people and say what's the bigger voting issue oh well since the media said all the wildfires were about global warming that's all you have to say um my my plan to fight global warming is better and that'll help the wildfires they'll go okay that's fine so they won't increase budget they won't want to do fire access roads they won't do what actually matters even even though climate change is real this is why we have to change things this is why we have to improve we have to have more fire access roads we have to have better equipment we have to have more staff we have to have more airplanes we have to have nighttime craft CU sometimes during the day it's too Fierce to even get in front of it you just run away um but no they'll just say We'll tax calarts and that takes care of the problem that's the that's the issue we have with the current political um retoric because guess what taxing calarts gives Revenue to Washington DC but it but actual helping the welfare situation would cost money and they just won't that won't compute in their heads um having this plan to raise taxes to fight Wildfire whatever it was is that does not sell and um it's unfortunate because it would save the country a hell of a lot of money we we can't have billion dollar wildfires every damn year and lose the entirety of California to it we're about to I mean you look you look at this is Wildfire history how how much of California's left that hasn't just been totally devastated here um these wildfires and desertification causes climate change you have you can't just lose your forest and expect it to stay alive it's called desertification but having 30 addressing the 35 major reasons for wildfires being this bad including that we'd have to declare war on invasive weeds especially stuff like eucalyptus and cheat grass which caused the park fire to go so crazy um scotch Brom and the others that promote fire um you know when when the truth is complicated people believe a simple lie and that is oh we really don't have to pay that much attention to it we just need to have a tax on something we're good or we just have to make people switch to electric vehicles and we're good or whatever simple and stupid and ineffective solution politicians push so that's a big Toler convince convince the politicians at the very top that that's important to do something however more and more people will demand it as more and more people are affected this is California's most populated state so there are very few people now who have not been impacted by wildfire in the state I mean there there's people in the intense you know Urban jungles but I mean it's visible out your window it is this is out your window last night right millions of people saw that last well maybe they were probably sleep this was like this was 2: in the morning but you know what I'm saying that wasn't full display of millions of people oh yeah Kate Garcia new gave a billion dollars got a billion dollars from the FED instead of making renewable energy or something with it that would have been a lot of rooftop solar stuff for free for the poor you know that would have been great give the poor free rooftop solar in a um um a path to home ownership if they if they pay into the system diligently and and keep their home in good repair you know um and then sell energy back to the grid to get AE in life right that could Finance the home that would have been great that that's what you do with a billion dollars pilot programs like that but no he he's PG's got him in their pocket so he hands him a billion dollars to keep open the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant which is vulnerable to Tsunami which will cause a nuclear meltdown in the event of the inevitable Cascadia Quake or or any other thing that happened in the Pacific they they needed to shut it down because it it it will be California's Fukushima like California's ready to be another Chernobyl um we can't have a disaster like that Chernobyl broke the Soviet Union's economy that it was just broken down it was like we're done that it complet completely drained their everything they had even for the foreseeable decades we had to spend billions of our own money to put a patch on Chernobyl so that the world didn't die but you it's a big lesson that um that the nation can go completely bankrupt by having a lot of wildfires like this because there just they too big to fix you can't just replant your forest and wait so 25 to 150 years for them to come back like they were um and and not lose species like salmon you know that that spawn up there you you just you can't have that so it is a crisis but nobody's addressing it really but as more and more people wake up to this and we know that that mostly this is caused by a lack of fire access roads to do something about this um it held where they had roads last night um the fire stay very small where they do have very quick fast access and when aircraft can scramble and help and when they have enough aircraft and nighttime aircraft these are small Affairs these get out of control where you can't get to them quickly we all heartbreakingly watched what happened by Placerville up high up in the mountains north of it with the kroer fire it was a very mild fire of a couple acres for hours but the they couldn't access it they were just a couple hundred feet away with their fire truck and by the time they could access it it jumped a canyon in the wind it became a huge thing so it went from being a a couple thousand fire response to add a few zeros for no reason they they they had actually they just had no Road ACC right there it turned into a trail and the quickest way to get to it the bridge was out so firefighters had a 1our detour so there you go they could have used a nighttime helicopter but one was not available so you just increase the budget these problems don't happen we need to do that in the age of the the already here climate change guys but that's okay we spread the word and then you demand it what what people just need to do is not vote for anybody who doesn't have a wildfire plan it starts at the local level you stand up at your town hall meetings you do write your candidates you write your congressman and say what is your plan if they're like well we tax the cow farts and the me thing we make sure everybody's in electric vehicles AR wrong what's your real plan what about the Staffing why people flip burgers at McDonald's and make more money than the Wildland firefighters you know like retain the best and the brightest with decent pay and for God's sake health care for Our Heroes um you know what what's your real plan uh ban Eucalyptus in our area ding ding ding ding ding that's a step uh have a plan to reforest our native plants you know like bring back the Oaks which are fire resistant ding ding ding ding ding awesome good idea um we will make uh pre-made fire breakes like around Chico that would have been nice if they had just dragged tractors around in the grass and made fire brakes the stupid the the fire that started by the guy's car the park fire the massive you know like multi-million dollar Park fire would not have occurred yeah the the grass would have been on fire till it hit the fire breake and it would have stopped you you know if they had burned off the the vegetation like they they're supposed to do every year on the levy where the car caught fire that it wouldn't even have happened if they had locked the gates to car access vehicle access it wouldn't have happened but mainly if we can't kill all of the invasion weeds everywhere that would be a tall order but you can do it next to the backyards of people's uh developments in areas um you should not be able to develop right up next to the uh the hills you you have to have a pre-made fire Access Road break thing a shield in a big fire break in between the communities and the mountains and this the need for this was already recognized and they made the uh the Ponder Rose away and part of the reason why in the 30s and 40s and 50s and 60s we didn't have giant Town erasing fires coming out of the sieras for example there was a fire break approved by FDR God bless him he went from Chasta like the mountain all the way down to Bakersfield it was 600 plus miles long and it was a huge 60t wide to 200t tall wide um basically a dirt road in between the mountains and the foill communities it protected the mountains from fires below from getting up in there it protected the communities below from fires up in the mountains it was a quick access road and then after the' 60s or 70s come along feds defunded it handed it to all the counties and said why don't you guys why don't you guys do the maintenance so nobody wanted to so it was left to ro it still exists in portions but now shadow of it for we need to convince politicians that something like that you know these poor counties can't freaking afford it it's just true these are the poor counties the mountains' been they've been poor for a long time since World War II when all gold mining was shut down United States they never really started up again so they've been hurting for revenue for quite some time so yes they need help from the fed you could change FEMA so like you give a you give a mandate you you do stuff like this and as down here in the LA region do the same thing make it not legal okay like FEMA take a look at this stuff if you put a neighborhood and designed as a death trap with one way out and millions of houses right next to each other you keep building the stuff we will not help you with feem of money afterwards no more of this this is insanity dead end dead end dead end what happens when everybody tries to evacuate at once is that going to happen yeah right so quit having evacuation at a moment's notice is even a plane land is that's stupid in between the developments there needs to be a fire break quick fire access roads of um you know payment so that stuff can't race up in the mountains and the mountains can't race down to there and then we just won't have these problems don't develop up here and let fire run Let It Go Let It Go some fire access roads do the prescribed burns after the prescribed burn replant only native vegetation and take the opportunity to rip out the stupid Weeds start taking steps like that so the communities that obey they get pre-approved for money and once project is done they get they get the money and they get in case something goes wrong they get Federal help like FEMA money if there's a freak occurrence something goes wrong what keep being stupid and just wait wait with your hands out like part of the reason these death trap neighborhoods exist is they're sure that when they get obliterated the feds will just rebuild it can't do that anymore um a flood comes and wipes out areas don't rebuild that if it's going to happen again and again relocate get a new plant it's it's just that we we can't the federal uh what you call that the treasury is not endless it just can't be what all the states decide to rely upon now the thing with Nome that part of people have as a or any California governor is place with the same kind of uh attitude is um he has no incentive even to reduce fire risk in the state because with the massive Dixie which is caused by PG the calor which was caused by arson um PG didn't pay for it PG's inss company didn't pay for it 75% of it was paid for by the treasury by the tax payers of everywhere else so it didn't bankrupt California I mean something else did so we had no incentive to to actually bring the hammer down on pg& even though PG start keeps causing trillion dollars disasters he had no incentive somebody else will pay for that in fact get tons of free money if a disaster happens and some might even say hey that's an incentive to allow [Music] it oh yeah we could totally redecorate man we could have brand new buildings and screw history man brand new stuff I don't know I don't know how politicians think but it makes you wonder we have to have a system where actually preventing disasters is what pays not allowing one uh a virtual tourist welcome says wrong there will never be enough money so long as people continue to deny the corporate hoarding of money AIG threat to our existence you have all the money tax them now hell yeah I just don't understand how corporation like PG can cause trillions of dollars of disasters backto back ones like the one that killed my friend near only killed my brother a year later and then they're allowed to make a profit for some reason like uh uh no no no pay my brother for his property and the other victims you be be beeps but hey that's why I say look the the bright side of all this we have to have righteous anger the kind that is productive there's destructive anger um the bitter kind the one that paralyzes and makes you drink a lot and then there's the attitude of hey we can do this the Pen's mightier than the sword most of our Wildfire problems here are of our own making we can solve if there's 36 reasons for them with climate change being one well we can't solve that not you and me and all the other we have to adapt to overcome we have made some positive changes we we have to encourage those that have occurred like we have to Pat do some on the head doing the good things they did such as increasing calfire budget by couple percent something this year it's way too slow but at least he did approve like nighttime helicopter programs and such like that these are good steps man fighting wildfires will be trivial if we put the money into a technology where we can slam them all day and all night fight them at night like we do during the day because fires are weak at night Prett you can get Critical Hits on them you know like if it's a video game so the more that we take responsibility like hey we have not been holding our officials accountable we've not been demanding this we've not well well it's human nature I I never wanted to look at wildfires ever I I hate fire so until I was personally affected I was content with just getting a Nightly News round up for two minutes or less and thinking somebody else has that well hey I was part of the problem because I wasn't somebody demanding change I was just hoping somebody else did it but hey a lot of people are affected now a lot of people are ready to demand the change we have to convince them though we're all together on the same side we all we all want to see this end there's a time before these happened and there will be a Time afterwards if we want we better get our asses in GE though excuse my langage it's now it's no longer after midnight it's now in the morning we better get ourselves in gear though before we lose too much some things are irreplaceable this aoas you know like lives you know history can never never get it back but California and States if they actually looked at the landscape a little bit different way and you look at it design it for fire and allow it to run as free as it once in designated areas and do what the Indians did they they they got the hang of it you know they did this for like 28,000 years or so they grew concerned when they saw a fire load build up so they lit their own fires to to reduce it all the time they did that to groom their landscape that they depended on and it benefited man and Beast Fire does fertilize a lot of these bushes they have oil in them because they're they're trying to benefit themselves they want to burn they um they want to fertilize their themselves and their babies you know it's it's natural they evolved in a dry Mediterranean climate with lightning and storms that occur that's natural for California so we could change our thinking and just think that fire is inevitable so when it when lightning strikes what do we want to happen and maybe it's uh building up more that Towery kind of stuff because you can't sprawl forever otherwise you realize oh crap our population can't increase and tax revenue can't increase and um the next generation will leave causing economic damage of course if your youth leave that's how a ghost town happens if if there's no freaking housing so just stop Suburbia in general what if you had like tall towers on some of these peaks with epic commanding views Awesomeness with defense space around them and whenever fires happen people just sipped their tea and looked out the window and said man that's kind of scary but kind of beautiful isn't it you see this out the window and you're not concerned there's fire access roads there's a gritted landscape and with a heavy brush growth you know um at least checkerboard and burn certain squares next to each other so that Wildlife has something to eat you know you can't burn it all at once that sucks for the Wildlife but you you only have you really reduced how how quickly they can run and get out of out of hand we we can control a lot of this just like NES did they did it on foot man they had to be very accurate with what they were doing they really knew what they were doing cuz they couldn't even have grab a horse to run and away from the situation um their their survival dependent on because the land produced things we can eat hunter gatherers so they they watch lightning hit and then things rush back the next spring like totally fertilized and revitalized and the flourishing of the animals and everything and they went yeah yeah when there's frequent low-key fires that's what happen so they they knew that there's danger to people and everybody else that's just pure destruction if you let if you let the landscape overgrow too much and if couple years go by without fire you better you better introduce one after about the second year CU you just don't want a huge fire load they we should ask them and teach us okay we've been we've been very arrogant sorry but some some tribes are taking the power back and that's another step in the right direction is just allow them to do it a lot of the ranchers that owned a lot of the the land U married into um Indian tribes um just dependent on where and they adopted the same ways and they were told to stop in the 30s let's just suppress all forest fires man many of them still they still kept lobbying and some of the the super old times remember they um some of them were able to continue doing it especially in sieras and then then the 60s are like absolutely no no longer um and so they I read a whole lot of bitter argu articles like especially after the day Dixie where when Rancher was told they couldn't do prescribed fire on his own land and then he lost 300 cattle that ran off a cliff um because the the fire chased him off a cliff and he wrote a pretty compelling thing I don't know if I saved it as an article but it just it may have even been on Facebook it was like let us handle it man you know and he had a a family portrait from where he had um his grandparents you know one of them was half Native American like this is the way it was it was the way it should continue so we we can use the past as a guide book what actually worked in the past continue it strengthen it but these are all optional in the future this will be trivial it'll be so trivial to fight fires um with new technology uh especially when like a Pilots don't even have to be at risk so you can they can sit remote control in an air conditioned room kind of like the military does with their predator drones and whatnot and um you know joystick or or use um AI or whatever pre-programmed flights like they do with like little drones is our current view the Santiago area and as long as we had enough aircraft you could just back to back nonstop slam the fires with a t water whatever has to happen um and especially the moment that fires break out soon as Lightning Strikes just dispatch one right now they're limitate we're limited by the Pilot's timing out like they were human they need rest so the mosquito fire of what 2022 in Northern California was a PG thing power line goes down or trees on it or I don't whatever it was and um it was next to a lake so the helicopter pilot said a couple more drops he could have pretty much taken care of the the situation up on the hillside he was told to return to base because he timed out um Pilots are only allowed to work so many hours in a day before they have to take another day off and so they wanted him to be available for the next day and told him don't make the next couple of drops but 15 more minutes he probably could have prevented a mosquito fire from getting big um virtual Taurus says there's new tech some kind of Soundwave Tech that disrupts the fire oh there's all sorts of new new tech here um the um I see okay let me look back up there see well the climate is always changing so I don't think anybody debates whether or not it has or not um we don't allow a a general debate on it because it's not productive um but hey this this this is different right now than my grandma's time um um not see yeah it doesn't it doesn't take a rocket science seal all this coming not too yeah so let's go back down to that um Rose Barnhill says live in Arkansas and our governor is a prehistoric pradon has taking us back to the Dark Ages oh god oh oh I pray for you I'll pray for you um we only talk about politics and so much as we have to we have to I like to like never mention them but hey let's let's let's let's talk about the best case scenario what if we do reach out with like say a petition and other things and say there needs to be a firear you know there's a drug Zar an ultimate Figure Head who makes a grand plan for a a giant War this is a war on wildfire that I would like to use an analogy Zeke lender would probably shake his fist angrily at me hearing that he doesn't like the war analogy but it's perfect he says people think Wildfire is bad yes it is bad Z controlled fire is not bad wild means out of freaking control it doesn't mean that that'll make people hate prescribed Burns but he's like no it's not like a war no it is exactly like a war we fight it with aircraft ground Troopers and it does the same Devastation as War people die things burn up towns and cities disappear it's a damn War drug war is not a war drugs are just drugs it's ridiculous but mega fires the the mega huge ones that are just just destructive they're they're manmade it's very rare that nature has something like that I mean it does occur but under unusual circumstances um once in lifetime weather events and whatnot but just the frequency we have these is totally unnatural because of our you know 35 reasons for everything from suppressing it for too long you know the reasons explained the invasive weeds which people really underestimate uh Staffing shortages we no longer pay pay firefighters worth of dam and and the like you know um budget cuts and blah blah blah so the um let's say let's p a good scenario though we do convince people at the upper echelons of the political sphere that this is a big political voter issue right um that this will get you votes this will get you loyalty this does matter the it's vital to the economy to stop this crap from happening Vin them that it is possible to stop this from happening because I don't know about you but I would vote for somebody who is Sincere and smart and said hey we're going to stop these mega fires not just out west but it's like Pigeon Forge Tennessee too as Canada too like it's not just out here and here's the plan everybody would like to be the fire savior right so app point to fire Zar because right now the biggest problem is the red tape and the millions of stupid Bure bureaucratic organizations where there's BLM firefighters and there's Forest Service firefighters and then there's State firefighters there's County firefighters too many freaking agencies buying for power jockeying and fighting for the funds and then different communication with each other different strategies okay cut it cut that red tape the fires are calls the shots has the plan and everybody shuts up and just gets busy I mean remember that pulson Aviation was told that the calor fire was was a federal fire so the feds we're going to pay you it's our fire and then calfire said no no no it started on state land so we're going to pay you your your arms you're going to contract with calfire the state agency and the FED said no don't you dare it's us it's federal land if you contract the calfire you won't get paid at all so Coulson Aviation goes on 60 Minutes explains that they went they walked away from the calor fire when they could have helped easily put it out to should have left the area this has to be cut the red tape has to be cut and I don't know about you but I would vote for somebody very sincere very smart who had a serious plan to end this situation but the western states just don't matter with the Electoral College it's a hard it's a hard slog there but hey what the rest of the states need to learn out here is they're paying for our fires and then maybe it'll matter a lot more to them they woke up when the Statue of Liberty couldn't even be seen due the smoke couple years ago with the with the Dixie in the calor fire smoke drifting over there so they just need to know how much they're paying out of their own pockets for this this out here be a lot more interested in a solution virtual tour says I hear there some kind of a soundway tech thisr say that's right I was going to look at some of the tech I'm really tired we're an hour 10 and a half I've been live 10 and a half hours I got to try to sleep to get up by at least three because that's when the wind is picking up that's when serious stuff is going to happen Rose barill says I guess I was trying to say that the change TOS want to only look at the local effects of climate change not the overarching effects that you and or we are discussing here and that's confusing my bad oh don't worry um don't worry about that it's all right but um I'm uniting the left and the right right and a center that we're an endangered species Centrist right and it's like hurting cats but in a way it's kind of easy like that's why I don't allow divisive type talk or debates that don't go anywhere we all want to see an end to this there there is nobody who likes what's happening except for devilish you know Psychopathic pipes and the corporation getting away with murder and laughing all the way to the bank they don't even want to cause murder but they just don't care that they do they're just happy that oh wow for some reason they're still allowed to make huge profits have Jets and you know uh the corporation got convicted of manslaughter and not us who made the decisions that made people die man my friend who died in the Cascade Fire in 2017 to pges he was an attorney oh my God they're so lucky that he died because he was sued their living crap out of them just so unfair I wish he was around and survived I'm sure he'd be in our team you know guiding me a lot better I would love to have it some sort of anties we consult with with all this but we can draft our own legislation we can have our own petitions we can have our own protest there was a protest against PG at the capital last week or week before wish I could have been there in California I um am getting nervous there's all these things are causing a delay for me to get down there and to even get the laptop in my hand I haven't even acquired one yet the the one that is going to be given to me for free flak out so I am scrambling back to the basics my plan was take that as a as a as a b as a go between laptop like a um there are new video cards about to come out called the 50s class cards the 40s class cards are in current laptops and they are 2-year-old technology so you if if you ever think about a car the last year model that's still on the lot and yet another year is going to pass by and its value is just even though it has zero miles on it it's just it's crap right I don't want to spend for a big purchase just to have most of its value disappear in the first four months of ownership sh is trying to uh it's 4 months from now I'm sure that maybe even by Christmas they'll have the 50s cards in the new laptop which are going to be way more powerful and it's a video card and a laptop that allows be the stream the amount of ram in the video card is basically it so oh we have to sound text sorry I was about to look at that um the um um not everything is a money problem it's just a priority Problem there's plenty of money to go around and the thing is we'll start saving a whole lot of money just the billions and the trillions the moment that we have some of this in place it's it's like a you devote a penny to fire prevention and you save $1,000 for every penny it's the scale is money minutes like that um States would start having surpluses again wo um okay yeah Soundwave tech for fire fighting I got to go to back tech there's a lot of new tech there's even some old Tech that should be revitalized let's see what this is every time I show a Dem demonstration video though I get a copyright hit and have to edit it out of my video because they'll like like like these YouTube channels just automatic troll you know copyright even if they're demo video there some oh God that was loud I'm sorry don't care videos should start muted is 100% um it's too late to tax the economy is being allowed to tank we have to keep it positive ouch the radio that's cool [Music] so I don't dare turn on the sound though basically a funnel this cator is able to generate that is how you put out a fire with sound the wave extinguisher generates sound from a typical stereo speaker and amplifies that sound through something called a cator basically a funnel this cator is able to direct the sound to wherever we want it to go we'd like to see this in like maybe space stations where you have a limited supply of um breathable air another place this device could be used as we approach 2050 is with wildfires as this Tech gets smaller and more um we're approaching 2050 uh sir um uh never mind more efficient it could take to the air on drones yeah it's called swarm robotics yeah imagine thousands of drones like these each one outfitted with a small extinguisher flying in tandem over a fire that's what I said I already had this idea I'm so tickled right now remember how I kept saying that we should Revitalize and reopen all the fire lookout Towers because they could be drone battery charging stations and relay stations the moment they see like detect lightning send the drones out and the drones put it out while it's still just one tree is affected and I was saying you could use a variety of things dry cem at least send out a Scout drone to look at it with thermal imaging and see whether or not the strike even caused a fire right now they just circle around the airplane circle around circle around and the fire has to be big enough produce enough smoke to see from the air then you've already lost the precious moments of finding it holy crap they're taking my ideas I love this and Blasting it with sound it would be seen as like a bunch of ants working together to a common goal we wouldn't have to sacrifice firefighters to these you know dangerous fires yeah oh I can but you know there's always going to be some limitations where we have to read about what what what is you know this would already be happening if if there weren't some limitations the oxygen is being pushed out other why did why did their work models work where others failed because their invention hit on the right sound frequency turns out that base tones generate more energy and when that energy is focused and directed at a fire it blows away the oxygen needed to feed the Blaze and in less than one second it's out wow as the oxygen tries to return we push it back out tries to return again push it back out till it's separated from the fuel source they could soon be on stove Toops and kitchens around the world and since most house fires start in the kitchen Untold lives can be saved yeah laundry too so think about chemical um fire suppression is it's so dangerous for human beings like you could put like firefighters could cut a a hole in somebody's roof or somebody's house burning down and stick in a hose and put CO2 in there it's heavier than air and deprives the fire of oxygen but wow would that be a lot of CO2 and as soon as you open the front door it spells out to the street and all of a sudden firefighters are killing over dead and all the rats in the sewer are dead too and well you know just there's dangers involved but if it's a sound that you just click on and off it can't push all the oxygen away from your lungs you could just breathe again fire can't but you can W there's there's a bunch of chemicals uh like Halon that will in it's just a powder and you put it near fire it goes out in fact um I have a little story about Halon and Paradise California um but but the point is about Halon is it destroys the environment so freaking bad that I don't believe they're allowed to make it anymore it's like crazy uh um aircraft is still occasionally allowed to be used in for hazardous cargo rare circumstance but they used to put Halon and gas stations and in case the pumps had a fire car drove into him so what Halon did and be at the risk of a copyright thing um the um Halon gas station um there press say uh it's a treat to watch I don't know if this is Halon though yeah it looks like it is okay oh man show the whole thing going out man seriously show the whole thing this is not the the video I usually use but um so in in Paradise um I show a different video there were a bunch of gas pumps that kept surviving but the the store for the gas station um would burn down right so everybody was like hey why did the gas pumps failed to ignite and explode and burn down that's one of the most flamable things ever so this just proves that they targeted certain buildings and it was either lasers or individual arsonist or something or it was this or that you know um see where halation I don't I hope they didn't take the video down it was a a CCTV but any he's a fluffy powdery gas thing it's just very environmentally destructive but no fire cannot live in there um one thing that the drones could carry if they can't make a sound frequency like that like those little um I bet they meant you know bigger drums they show the little beasting ones oh this is yeah this is not the uh see explainer video explain Halon what what a woman Sparks a fire trying to unfreeze her gas pump with the lighter she lit the pump oh forgot oh oh she drives she was granted a driver's license I'm so afraid oh oh my oh my okay okay yeah so sh hoping it' be a better example of Halo that is taking down see how shoot it is not handy uh but the older gas gas stations have it because Halon was legal back then I don't know how new it is or what but um so what what happened dur Paradise is if if any flaming debris had had been by the gas pumps the Halon would have discharged and automatically extinguished it it's just doesn't take a lot of this uh fluffy white stuff to to beat its vicinity to turn to put it out so yeah of course the older gas station survive and the older stations had the stores closer to the pumps in general so some of those survive I can't remember which one now but it was one of the easiest ways to shoot down that conspiracy theory was dude they have haon but what what about other things we can invent new chemicals um you fire can't survive without oxygen it can't hold its breath so we come up with step wreck the environment or what if we could come up with a way that you can send out drones to put out say a lightning stroke tree with Halon and because it's just one tree you have you just focus on doing a complete cleanup like a 100% good job extraordinary cup as long as there's very little use right um we got our options I that sound is that's pretty cool but did you see the huge thing he was holding behind him to gener the power needed for that thing um how were they powering it yeah there's a lot of cords back there um I'm not even sure what that is he's holding his hand that is how you put out a fire is it uh is the speaker in here I I don't know what that is supposed to be but I'm I'm sure this Tak tremendous power um so that's I'd like to know more more so let's look back in our fires I check on too haven't looked at Davis in a bit oh H well that's uh that's uh H okay that the alha bed it's the alpha bed um f f okay hey watch dy I found an interesting bu right J says I remember Halon 1301 or something training at work yeah yeah oh I hope you have fun rafting or canoing voting yeah if you're not already gone have have a lovely time probably are whoops this is a all right all right I'm going to refresh there we go I'm not sure what Halen does to the environment is was it an atmospheric issue if so then gosh there may not be a way to do a clean up maybe why they discontinued it for the most part uh 45% containment on the be fire no new updates or really yesterday 4 hour ago update on Davis okay what was up there umage do it it doesn't but up look at some said most people missed a plume today unless you went back to a bigger CH lapse um check that out 24 hour yeah well d uh that uh was terrifying how can anybody like relax and Camp right now on one hand it's like warm weather it's so it's so warmer than usual September how lovely and then you're like oh God things are on fire though this is one of the worst years ever to Camp or do the Pacific Crest Trail for things sure what a year it went f h super fast for me again I lose all track of time of being so sleep deprived because of fires okay yeah we um somebody had a push Brom that extinguished fire that I saw in a very old ' 80s or early '90s documentary they had a auto shop they spilled some oil or something on the floor and they let it spread out right and then L it on one corner and it kind of went from across the room bit and so very slowly this push Brom was pushed over it and it was like a potato not a potato peeler the the peeler did you have looks like a slingshot in the kitchen um little string on the end yeah uh it's not like a vegetable peer but similar idea uh but you imagine it being on the floor about 2 in off the ground had only two Ines of clearance it was like a rod this guy was pushing around there like a like a handle and at the very bottom of the floor it branched off in the two bits and had the little wheels at the extreme Edge I think and he started pushing around and right with a fire it went out so he was just slowly coming up behind it and conveniently very conveniently the Flames were really low to the ground you know and in kind of in a straight line like they didn't make it like a circle on the ground it was a like an eye shape like the L eye so he could cover it from side to side you know with the push Brom and it went out the moment he went over it and um I think there was a gas that was piped into it and it had like the bottom Rod of this push broom apparatus thing had like little holes in it just like your barbecue grill you lift up the lid there it is um so the uh something else but I I'm so happy that it's not climbing higher than that already it's compling get fuel it may try to back down here a little bit and then go ski slope that way be a little difficult I don't think they have good road access over there but that will be where they will slam rard and U just like we did yesterday the blo video I definitely recommend you guys see uh maybe I should link that for you actually uh he he did a he does Wild play sometimes I'm proud of him he does he's a pilot that does aircraft disaster investigation he's beloved you know he's a local celebrity B wait that is what I wanted to click on there his friend do films like epic epic drops here's the L gu check him out you won regret the sub he's got calfire guys he buddies with and shows the planes up close kind of cool stuff this is the actual there fire that being fought day for yesterday I suppose in the morning if you're thinking is that a dc1 yes you are correct is a easy 10 and maybe tank or 10 could be take her 911 I don't know um 911 we'll see they look very similar they got different tail numbers so some of the last DC 10 flying I here but my favorite though is the md8 MD 87s two Mad Dogs man those are cool McDonald Douglas I think they are last so they're kind of flying even some Aviation channels say hey there are no more flying MD 87s no no no no they fight fires West all the time saved most of orille man the Thompson fire oh god I've got to do a reaction video to ah that reminds me I got to do a reaction video to the arrest made in the Thompson fire the one that just about burned down most of Orville extremely difficult save it other towns like cheru and whatnot that was straight up arson and uh they made an arrest oh man we we got to watch that together guys we got to watch that together it's uh it's a doozy man you have to watch it to the end it's one of those wow uh things it's a very softspoken district attorney so you might be Ed to scroll on or change that channel but then you tell he's a man of understatement you're like oh holy crap this is the Davis fire C what from the SE or the Old Ranch they ended up calling it fire does that feel like a million years ago just weeks ago that this year the Earth's tilting more rapidly I think I think I think time went faster this year I don't know maybe it's proof I been too sleep to Pride um you're supposed to laugh that right I should kill the laugh tror oh man I I can't watch a lot of classic TV because I'm laugh track admit but it would be an occasional funny sound effect What a Beautiful Dawn it was wow okay friends we're at the 11th Hour of stream 57 minutes and 20 hours 57 minutes 27 seconds okay that's a nice bridge by the way I mean that there's pretty cool REO that's that's neat like what you done this is or Battalion 7 answering in place of operations he's still on a briefing can I pass anything along to him yeah ban 7 from division foxtrot Fire's creeping around to the West it's going to make another run up to the antennas I'm looking to get uh type one copter to help uh with water dropping to slow this thing down while we structure defense oh dear I copy that aircraft will be on scene at 0800 and I'll go direct with him and make sure he understands that request oh W okay so they prevented the burnover burnover prevented but at RK oh did I leave this up the whole night ignore that such a fool oh you know we had a car chase in the middle of the night if you if you want to you can write this down a sticky not you can uh hear about it but I it's kind of like click baiting you I'm sorry I just try to explain we had quite an exciting night you're wondering why I'm awake the airport fire was dying down and then it became nuclear that was a bit difficult to go to sleep to so yeah um I mean it was very surprising that that occurred I think it Che through retardant and just explosively burst out the other side of the Hill um retardant holding for quite some time today that may explain why it didn't move that much you know before everybody went to bed but yeah like 1:15 in the morning all all hell broke was up there and thank God they had already burned most of the area around the towers but right now they're saying they're being threatened again so it's not 100% done um yeah some of these bushes right there they're not preparing for structure def F so that that is what's currently just happened just came over radio structure def fence of the tower calling for reinforcements and they're W wondering if they can get the helicopters real soon yeah you get them at8 that's what just said wellow the radio is pretty exciting here um there there's really not a lot that they say on it though um time stances it's frustrating to just listen to and then so much time goes by you forget it's on and the radio frightens you to death okay so wow fire is making run I said up outed Towers West immediate yes you get it at now a here um thanks we can't see down there so meaning we saw most of them I see that's Southside BD like I to zoom out right yes so so much of that is burned already but it can creep around this other side looks like it already violated the ridge I have or is if they're fighting it there it's pushing hard but it's um the footprint is interesting division Fox operations for divisionx dropy for R you're going to be getting Patrol 18 and then I heard some traffic earlier about the uh Towers can you give me a quick uh update on uh your division yeah yeah please yes please off from division boxtrot the fire has uh been creeping around to the West all night and now with the sun coming up it's going to make some runs from the South Southwest back up to the antennas and so we're looking to get that type 1 copter up to help put it in check while we are brushing out and the plan will be when the fire makes a run we'll do a defensive firing operation how you copy okay copy yeah just go through your checklist uh earlier and then uh if everything's in place uh we'll work on approvals at that point I also have uh a division hotel that we might put in later today he'll be tying in with you he's going to take the uh more towards the Four Corners at Blue Jay and uh work over towards Ortega I'll let you guys work out division break how copy copy and I'm just speaking with 9312 Charlie is he going to take Fox Trot uh today uh that bed if so we're going to make him the qualified and uh see if you were still able to work the trainy or we can pull you off 100% that works I'll uh timee with him when he gets up here okay copy breaker right hell base operations on command operations this is amazing this is grim looking for stat availability for the aircraft Big Boy helicopter here res yeah Chief I got a one coming in right now stand by uh about 15 20 minutes get you a better update just advise when they've been briefed and ready to fly for uh today thanks all right so the fire's been wrapping around to the west and so they have a pocket of unburned um that's the dayed US and a pocket of unburned fuel right here in between the tower and down here where it is so just going to find the new fuel and race up to the tower it's a virgin thick dry grass so they're not as protected as I thought they're absolutely vulnerable on there Southwest West FL so yeah they're calling in as much help as they can get land and see there a type one helicopter will be a shack they all need something big so hopefully they get it real soon Chino hella base is online has been since 6:00 in the morning we said they can launch 8 it's now 75 7 a.m. got speed all I can say right wonder if that is the media TR I there was a car ch can I get an update on your Division and uh have you had anybody able to get up to the top of uh Bell Canyon on the uh South Side Correction North Side yeah update for x-ray uh we are able to punch line and hand crew work all the way and tight in at the top on that North and uh where the Dozer line uh hits the back side of Bell Canyon there or top side of Bell Canyon uh we are assessing a pump platform because we've maxed out from the bottom uh good work all holding uh up through that Stevenson's Ranch area a lot of work will need to be done today waiting to see what today's day plan is okay copy need to know about today's day plan he so they've been pre-approved to do aggressive backfiring CU you just um go ahead and do your calculation so that's that's desperate but it's uh great you it's out you know um they got this as long as they stay in the ground you got to have serious guts this is fight radar it's not going to give us heat you know come uses the same Maps as Google the same text put what is it wi fire okay organ is set and I can hardly even mention 28 Lima division Bravo on fire there been so much lightning from like Ben to Fossil to Paisley County Fire ATT 310 off route to the airport incident 0805 3op they are prepping for structure defense you're going to defend Sano Tower and you're expecting run yeah I'm leaving the ICP now hey now that it's daylight uh were you guys stopped before there looks like there's a ridge just off to the left of there can you guys Scout that and see if we could take that Ridge it looks like it goes all the way to Santiago Peak it's not direct it'll be indirect line um but then we could uh get a firing plan and clean that up with some fire wow there have it that is take a look at it I'm on I'm on xray today not on Bravo I think you're you're taking a 35 Le on the other side or just need help looking at it looking for was freaking out prepping CC Bravo copy on command copy loud and clear understand your traffic we'll be going out to do the the shift swap yeah we'll get we'll get a look at that I'll TI with the uh other Strike team leader and get a plan going for that I copy that I talked to Fox shot actual and uh looks like uh on the map anyway there's a rage that goes across that's had Dozer line on there before um and we could take that to Santiago Peak it's going to be indirect um but at least we can get a line in there yeah we'll get we'll take a look at that to line figure out there highlighting on some roads oh I hit one of the uh draw buttons okay that's right it's expecting me to measure along roads or something I I get out of this tool I don't mean to be using the line tool all right let's see here Outdoors is got some strange yellow shading on his stuff um good the phone say wow okay so the battle for the towers are not over I can't believe this this is after 11 hours and 11 minutes after the stream began so I think think we should uh Contin watching this um that's Davis you know it's up one to three like the that's when winds will occur back de and then same time that the ones are supposed to affect the airport I trying to get sleep I want to and be back here as LLY as possible Hey sister golden how you doing hey Patricia how you doing ah good morning Banning says lots of black smoke there out there Tuesday September 10th at 8:03 a.m. this is the fular traffic bulletin the California high Patrol reports at the Northbound 5 Freeway north of oo Parkway the H number one L are blocked repeting North down five Freeway north of oo Parkway the H and number one link are block is due to a traffic motor drive by alternate route for 30 minutes yeah red flag is issued hold under your butt effum Tuesday 8 Wednesday on Tuesday Southwest winds 15 to 20 mph with gusted on Wednesday west southwest winds 1530 gust yeah on speed Our Heroes make ready your preparation your final preparation yes wa activities against spkf fires yes I hope hardly agree with that to you right be a Chad prevent well all right some press conference first day of the day Fire Bridge man two hours ago he d700 oh updated five minutes ago enage has a met now 55 5,596 Acres no containment of course for service reports that fire Crews will continue to work on perim control today especially inas of high fire acity all evacuations remain in place the areas under evacuation are closed to public are no public escorts into the evacuated areas at this time the fire activity the public information M the incident has also been released okay that's um let's find map there pretty decent job there the words are tiny but I right what's going on with the towers yeah we got about 15 and certain places 30 ft around these towers up here you want us to continue to improve we're getting some pretty large flash PES right now order to really put it I want us to bump over to thees yeah why don't you go ahead and bump over and um be advis that the CM plan for day foxtrot has changed and they're going to be vire 24 so why don't we start moving everybody over to vire 24 they're leave they left base about 10 minutes ago and they're going to be heading up uh Harding uh so it's going to be a little bit but move over to vire 24 I'll meet you guys over there okay happy that I'll D in with 31 Charlie let them know we fire 24 and uh we're just going to go ahead and bring our whole strike over to madesa okay perfect you have Anaheim 601 and 602 with you they're here do you want us to bring them with us I'll have you guys all stick together and you can knock there's a raw station over there and and the two towers you can take care of that real quick i' appreciate it okay wow even the trail is overgrown okay the question did I sleep last night no look at that look what happened this happened it's very touch and go the tower most had fire moving away from it but boy when it burst through I think a retardant line kind of explains this pretty intense ferocity I mean doing that when it was supposed to be 8 mph wind 310 just getting overhead the airport incident confir you have the day frequency Airport Air Attack that's and Ne we didn't get not get the updated uh we're working on yesterday's comp package I'll take those if you have affirmative uh clear to copy that's for CLE to copy air tactics 168 decimal 3520 rotor Victor 118 decimal 8250 CDF a ground six and we also have a brief it's a 133 decimal 2250 on fire OC for the commander attack I copy that disc confirming air tactics is 168 3520 affirmative copy that work on jaming those in uh we're going to land and upload our Medics reconfigure for water dropping and we were told uh priority is going to be x-ray copy priori is X-ray and if you could hold outside the uh FTA until you get those plugged in or three copies we'll do and we'll get you on air tactics when we get it in 31 0 copies break Orange County fire air te 310 overhead the airport incident assuming Airport Air te air ATT well please don't switch frequency I don't want to chase you down I want to go to bed Waring is is when I have to get my rest the afternoon yeah I need to what sure you guys go to the hell base get a briefing before uh you guys are ready for the day please gentleman the air show is here airport operations confirm you want us to report back to thease affirmative and guy calling the the shots he sounds determined it's also you know not easy to play a helicopter there's that but God speed are here private craft and everything got an altitude limiter for this so that that there is asking for type on I don't know if it's both fixed wing and a helicopter I would assume helicoptered first but I could be wrong they may be requesting everything they can get so see what occurs here we're at the 11 hour and 21st minute of the stream please hit that like button if you forgot about itead got to restart for the TFR we'll need to update the TFR frequency to 118 decimal 82 5 Z orang copies updated TFR frequency 118 deci 8 okay that doesn't really help us we can't choose the frequency of broadcast by we have what every guys get off us oh darn it I hope lose them we need to hearp on py additionally uh can you confirm the air tactics frequency uh we were given 168 decimal 3520 not able to get that plugged in if you can confirm Air1 yeah that's not the man 18 1182 18 decimal 2 5 Z yeah got be Pro about that manic thing it it tried to close a road because the fire danger and the bulldozer struck a boulder try to put Boulders there to block it it made a spark what happened the safety crew accident oh man some things are just sad some things are just pure Greek tragedy but yeah we had waiting into the channel if you wanted to go back you could um you when you like scroll through a video St fire on the go ahead Air Attack fire the air tactic frequency is 168 decimal 32 5 Airport Air copies if you could uh correct that on the 106 dispatched to the rescue confir oh the battle for the tower is just beginning guys so this is a a desperate uh they're going to start lighting fires right now you'll see them go boom boom boom boom because they have to burn up some of this vegetation that's still um what we didn't see last night it's still up there it's there's little area and burn Santio Towers is right here so this pocket is going to catch and so it'll just absolutely Blitz Roar and race up to the towers here especially as more and more the wind picks up so before it does like we aggressively light backfires go along the road and then just going to start lighting as that's going to be the best defenses put airport operations airport attack on fire really big helicopters but airport operations on happened last night 1:15 in the morning like doesn't jolt you awake like that that that was so this was see which one looks West just too far away we're going to have a good view of that the is in way right all right well I guess this works we even do a time lapse [Music] you it's pretty exciting it's 12 hours the longer it's it behaves come on do it there you go yeah it was it very exciting friends but they did a great wonderful job a couple of times like you see charged hoses and lines and My Bushes kind of exploded with like sap and burning pieces all over the hoses so somebody had to go squirt it off and kick it off got of surreal they patrolled and they they had it a lot a lot of our heroes up there do defense for these towers they determined to uh defend them right now and they they know a storm is coming right down the hill to the right it's like having poured gunpowder on the ground and somebody's going to light the fuse at the bottom that's what it will be like a true po C scenario so um you can't withstand it if it's right up next to here so they will try to burn everything right around the road we can't learn no more and man that kind of Courage dud this is better than a war movie because this is real and they are really putting lives onl hey uh I feel Cy or something saying this but they they actually are risking everything course we got to be the best cheerleaders man what you do we we off own love and we cheer you on this is so hilarious um they're hanging out on the bumper of that truck did you notice that that great um yeah they're just hanging out chilling on this I feel like a Voyer sorry don't me to prry enjoy your lunch boys enjoy your lunch we're just enthusiastic that's all we just we just want to be a part of your lives as much as possible you know cuz we a door that's all please please take it as a as like a you know bashful flirtation you know man is nothing sucks here the fire guys I want to order a calendar all right so you can see that I'm very very tired we're at the 11th hour and 30th minute of the stream but tonight it has been there is still assault on the uh this very Place coming up down below and they're authorized to use aggressive fire I fear that we have lost frequency we hear nothing well just queued up maybe this covers more than one I hope Let's see we can be looking at we uh we would have to restart because you know YouTube does not s video go over 12 hours like that to be there for the historical record oh so why we have to restart it it's going to be very difficult for a lot of people to find us again go back down the B and search results but hey find us you know how hit the like button boost us back think I should put on the audio this pretty confing you all inom un stage at oal Park so what to do that's will continue use odal park at staging maybe there's another Orange County do you think they would be orang H could there be an adjacent one like LA county P or something like that um I should be looking for hey have mods up reported Metronet central people are listening now let's try we go okay what is it all right explore this for a you have all your I'll play thefa fire see it you want addition ambulance this might be Medical copy that let's go a and get a second ET assigned to this incident uh Metronet for a total of two ambulances operations there might be confusion on the air ground assignment South office trying to work it out uh if you got two minutes I'll just you on command affirmative go ahead I'm just getting my second orbit getting oriented with the fire I was not here yesterday I do have the map that was on Ft clear a copy yeah copy okay the big risk is from the West um Northwest little pocket of unburned stuff there that did not burn off in the cool theight now they're in trouble okay M trbo Canyon uh looking at your map coming up at the left side Bravo um just looking to continue make sure it's holding with retardant they did a lot of work yesterday we going try to work dozers to cut it out all the way up to the uh top of uh main divide bre division Fox we have the sanago peak uh Towers uh significant infrastructure a lot of retardant work done I do have some Crews up there still providing structure defense need to ensure uh fire is not going to sneak around somewhere and impact those Towers coming across main divide through Branch five into Branch 10 uh we're looking into putting a uh new division into Jagger Mesa break coming down the bottom side branch 10 um is really a little bit of unknown what that fire perimeter looks like through uh Bell Canyon predominant uh Canyon through there real steep division x-ray will remain the priority for today I'm looking to see what we can do with retardant uh through division x-ray division Tango in Branch 10 copy so division X-ray and division Tango and Branch 10 are the priorities for today affirmative we do have dozers down at the uh where you see all the structures that's the Robinson ratch and then uh to the South uh dub Canyon we looking to reinforce uh any structure fense uh efforts through there but uh division x-ray division Tango looking to see what we can do retardant and opportunities to uh find new control objectives on that side copy additionally on the plan today was CDF air to ground one we're going to use that as the air to ground since it was brief to this morning if you can make that change and uh I'll advise if something changes I was given CDF air ground six I think they usually keep air ground one for I uh for the extended they'll they'll change it for you okay you're about the priorities a fire count fire Airport Air air attack for CDF a ground 6 159 decimal 2850 Transit receive tone 16 airport copy break airport operation c yeah cop I just heard the same 47 go ahead 4out to Lake we got three 2 fuel should be about 5 minutes oh God try copy break a attack copy that that headset that's Gastly ow that yours too I'm sorry Prince sorry to put you through this oh my God okay so we're coming up on the 12th hour of the stream so we have to reset have to restart all divisions on the airport fire stand by for a frequency change on really there is a fre see change all divisions on the airport fire be advised we are going to be changing the air to ground CDF air to ground division Bravo air to ground ages all right division Bravo operation dang it he division Fox operations Fox TR copies change in air ground to CDs yeah they pretty challenging T round two oh my God I feel so guilty go to sleep actually mustand you want to Bravo excuse me if you want to know about the car chase go to 6 hours and 35 minutes in the video like you scrub backwards you know the red line thing um but you know spoiler alert we they they switch to channels we don't cop ground change helicopter is chasing the car division Bravo operations on command come in Bravo I bet big bears a ghost town now by man jeez it's a bad time to be in the Hills just uh got to get through the Autumn season that's the most terrifying of California just wait for the Sant anas these are not Sant anas but just wait now here's one of the cool things as tremendously horrifying as this is if they can Restless to the ground and not I don't let it get destructive on the buildings right bravo4 this fire will help protect you from Santa Anna's later because hey a lot of this will just be already gone so Steady As She Goes this could turn out positive mostly I don't know if there were any structures lost so far I don't think so but and you know it's not a done deal yet or anything but if if they can be 100% successful and protect all the structures you have a little barrier between you and when the S an do start to blow which is October through January generally so you know we can have a fingers cross here there might be a positive Bravo at least somewhere in here right but we do have to restart the stream and uh I think I'll be turning the uh chat off the mods were exhausted I don't see you have turn and so am I so I'll I'll just keep on these cameras here a got rest guys so what an exciting night but man I do need rest on reappear I can thank you all for being here and hit the like button on your way up and I restart the stream it's not over restarting it we'll be back in just a minute thank you everybody contributed all the Watchers the likers you hit that like button had 17,26 views so still have 132 people listening and I thank you all for being here so we going to just restart this because YouTube does not save videos that go over 12 hours been live for 11 hours and 44 minutes so we're getting real close restart it with a new child hit the Subscribe button with the reading Bell and it'll just tell you when it has restarted and you come right back but either way thank you for in donors made us add free thanks everybody who's contributed their knowledge and B us on the head with encouragement contributed your cool ideas see you just now on the flip side restart I'll take a few minutes be right back
Tanure copy now if you can send me one engine to mountain high west come up main entrance stay to the right and they need to uh do some work behind the cabins welcome back friends okay just confirming that's separate than the tabletop say that again that's going to be separate than the uh engines going... Read more
Box fire center both firefighter are off okay friends welcome i'll try to get a word in we got a chaotic situation sorry i had to just fight the uh the router didn't want to provide stable internet so i just had to give it a restart as well so um let's wait for people to come on in here sorry the um... Read more
Okay are we back all right hope so right where's chat all right i apologize folks it's still not all back together my there it is it popped up it's working again okay friends um sorry my whole streaming apparatus is in disarray engine 71 confirming hazards mitigated on oak i see and i'm returning to... Read more
Thanks for joining us for the news at six. i'm alicia machado. we start tonight with breaking news and i'm larry, we're continuing to track that fast growing fire in lake county. the boys fire, it started just before three and the last check is burning in more than 76 acres. it's burning on road next... Read more
And we start tonight with breaking news out of lake county. good evening. you're watching late news tonight. i'm luke larry and i'm alicia machado. we are getting a closer look tonight at the structures destroyed by the boyles fire in the town of clear lake and just moments ago, the governor announcing... Read more
Filled car and ran, but officers quickly able to track them down. favorable weather conditions are helping firefighters gain ground on three wildfires. containment lines are slowly increasing around the airport fire, which has burned more than 23,000 acres. containment is now up to 9% containment, also... Read more
Way definitely in recent history this is a fire that has been the most dramatic in terms of growth over a single day period but you had a lot of things coming into alignment you had low relative humidity high winds steep slopes um and just a period of extended high temperatures leading up to this and... Read more
>>> a fast growing wildfire in southern california has quadrupled in size. the line fire is burning out of control in the san bernandino mountains east of los angeles. thousands have fled their homes, as firefighters battle not just the flames, but also those triple digit heat -- or temperatures... Read more
Much. gigi will continue to check in with you and crews battling the airport fire in riverside and orange county. they're slowly gaining ground thanks in part to this cooler weather we're having. yeah, the fight is far from over, though. thousands of people do remain under mandatory evacuation orders.... Read more
Now to the ongoing firefight in california. california governor newsom declaring a state of emergency in l a and san bernardino counties. he's also deploying the national guard to help firefighters. more than 5000 personnel, hundreds of engines, water tankers and air support have been deployed in response... Read more
Police have arrested a man who they say started a fire in california that burned more than 34,000 acres of forest and destroyed a home the san bernardino county sheriff's office says 34-year-old justin wayne honberg was charged with arson for allegedly starting the line fire on september 5th which is... Read more