TRAP Starring Josh Hartnett, Ariel Donoghue, Saleka Night Shyamalan, Hayley Mills

Published: Aug 07, 2024 Duration: 01:12:04 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: hayley mills
[Music] okay the word is out we're going to talk about the V and the Silver Screen Kevin and Tom and Joe know all there is to know from masterpieces to deep fried tacos and if the movie sucks you might hear them say there's no telling where the guys will take you get ready for a forer won't say it twice cuz we already warned you better watch out it's going to ruin [Music] the spoilers heel [Music] spoilers he [Music] for broadcasting from the Lush but at lavish studios located in the basement of the oef Institute for advanced film snark itute this is real spoilers episode 885 805 oh my God 805 trapped there you go Seether and trapped now is that I always get those bands mixed up because I I before any of them were super huge not that any of them were super huge but you know oh no and uh I did I B I did a show when I worked at the Rock Club in town and we booked I booked them and it was trapped in Seether and I can and so in my head they're always the same band so it's Seether and Shine Down are the two that I get mixed up all the time don't say don't tell Chris Frank that cuz yes oh boy but there was a period of time when they were all on the same level cuz I think I did a show where it was shine down cther and breing Benjamin no it was shine down cther and oh man what's the band that's days of the new but without their singer oh um like they all the guys were like you're a dick and they start I know exactly which band you're talking about yeah and um in my head I thought brother Kane or yeah candle box brother Kane and is like 10 years before that yes but anyway and the day was awful because they were all trying to get on the Van Halen tour oh and so they were all like they were all like hating each other because they were all trying to get on the Van Halen David David first David Le Roth Van Halen tour in like 25 years or whatever oh and so they were and then I think I saw that word had come down that that shine Down's labeled like okay so you got to buy on to those tours like those those opening those when you see those baby bands like they paid to be on there correct and shine Down's label poned up the cash and put them and SP to spent the money for them to open for Van Halen for you know hey and it it worked yeah but um and so like they were all mad they were like oh they just bought their way on I'm like that's how it works yeah they did and congratulations you know who else didn't pay for to buy their way into a movie This Guy's daughter yeah cuz Jesus so anyway let's go around the table and everyone can introduce themselves this is Joe this is Kevin and this is Tom given the hate that Matt got we decided to not bring him back ever again ever again until we do patreon hey that episode's doing really well you always got to have someone that has the opposite opinion I always said he's got he's got great takes yeah yeah he was really good on the episode I mean I get it it's like the internet's doing this weird thing now where I don't know if you guys have seen it but it's not just like oh that movie wasn't for me people are like Deadpool and Wolverine is a terrible movie it's a bad movie and it's like I get it again it's fine to not like a movie but there's this argument on the internet and online that it is a bad movie it's like if you say that's a bad movie right then what do you call the movies that really you need to go see more movies yeah 0 five out of 10 like it could be an okay movie or a mediocre movie lackluster but like I don't know go watch Battlefield Earth and tell me that like that's the level right if that's a bad movie how is Wolverine and Deadpool a bad like they can't both be the same rating like I just don't and that doesn't even feel subjective like objectively they can't be the same rating right like there's just no way so people love their hyperbole I know so that's the frustrating thing about online when people say this is the worst you know and I think people have even said this is the worst movie I've seen all year this is the worst Marvel it's like what watch more movies man I I just don't get it so that Marvel movie tell me you didn't see eternals telling me you didn't see Eternal Ant-Man 3 I know that'd be the best movie but I where do you rank that honestly in the MCU oh I don't know somewhere in the middle probably okay yeah okay great no there's been great Marvel movies but I really liked it but the problem I have with online and why I stay away from there more so now than I used to is that everything's either the worst movie or the best movie all these movies can still even if it's a five out of 10 or a six out of 10 it can still be a perfectly entertaining movie yeah like a six does not mean a zero a six is not a failure it's that's above average it's on a scale of 10 right when when I think of like a five or a six I think of that Jack Ryan movie yeah the that's a good example sure fine it was it did served its purpose yeah it would get a hell of a play on TNT and on the back of an airplane that rest but online people would say this movie is the worst or it's so bad it's like movies can be okay there's where did when did we lose the fact that movies can just be entertaining you never watch it movies but every movie can't be a masterpiece every movie can't be Citizen Cane if you're trying to watch movies in every single film You're Expecting oh I hope this is the next Citizen Cane like you're putting so much pressure on a movie I think when you do that to perform I don't think you've watched enough movies I think you can look at something and you're like oh okay they're trying to be they want this to be the next whatever here's the thing I hear what you're saying and sometimes I can I know what you're saying and sometimes I can come across a little bit like oh we've seen more movies but a lot of people that are saying this stuff do see a lot of movies and that's what makes me crazy is like you guys have seen so many movies why do you keep expecting every movie to be the new best movie of all time just there are okay movies I think when I think it also has to do with who's putting it together right like if it's a Tarantino movie or a Fincher movie or a Nolan movie you're just like well it's going to it's going to be the best it's going to be the best and sometimes it is and sometimes it's not but like why do you expect a Deadpool movie directed by Shan Ley who's a perfectly fine director like it has made Solid movies but like did anyone think Deadpool and Wolverine was going to be like endgame caliber of film making no but it's not trying to be but yeah and it's still a really fun movie and and entertaining and so anyway that thing I can like Citizen Kane and CAD Shack that's right EXA well right and movies that don't start with the letter c also like those but like I don't know I grew we all fear for example yeah we all grew up with these silly movies though like the video game movies Mortal Kombat Street Fighter all that stuff I would never say that like Street Fighter is as good as Citizen Kane but entertainment value I bet I've seen Street Fighter more than Citizen Kane and I've been entertained by it they're fun movies sh's list is a prime example Schindler's List is like an incredible film that falls into one the category of like best movies you'll never watch again I've seen mov dream is like that absolutely I saw J list twice in the theater because I was like I was like I don't know that I'll ever sit down to watch it because it's so it's diffic it's a difficult watch and and so I'm like I but in a theater I like once I plunk down my money in my butt I'm not going to go anywhere and but I but like as far as I would put Schindler's List on the level of The Godfather as far as quality goes oh for sure and I think the Godfather is way more rewatchable and I think the Godfather ends up on the best of list in a way that Schindler's List doesn't even though it's obviously it was best picture of the Year critics love it people still talk about what a great movie it is but when people are assembling like the best movies of all time like their mind doesn't even go to like this movie that's traumatic to watch I'll give you one taxi driver I think that's that's one of my favorite phones of all time but like I don't I don't sit down to be entertained like oh I'm I'm just going to watch taxi driver and hang out like great you to say what is if you want to watch taxi driver but be entertained that's what the Joker right exactly that's exactly right of Comedy which is what would you what is your favorite movie of all time and and not and not what you think is the best movie those are different right cuz favorite movies in best movies and that's people yell at people online for this too this is my favorite movie and they go oh that movie sucks but it's like well first of all this person said it was theirs and second of all they said favorite not best so like yeah I love Street Fighter and Double Dragon and all those cheesy video game movies they're not the best but they're entertaining right I think so I've always said it was true romance if I'm talking about quality movies and favorite movies like the com com combination I always say True Romance but I think Jurassic Park is probably really the real answer for like entertainment factor and still a really good movie that holds I bet you I can guess Tom's okay what's that paper moon yeah probably yeah yeah 805 episodes and I remembered one goddamn thing how about you back to the future that's a great one too yeah and that's what I would have said for you I saw on the big screen with you absolutely fun yeah well that was my last birthday and I was as a oh wait no it wasn't I had one more after that was a while a little while ago dang I wasn't breaking up it was two no I don't care it was two years ago so uh oh Shameless plugs uh that leave us a review and all that stuff and then uh don't forget you can find us on Facebook at spoilers while you're there like the page join the group it's called the league of show sharers because we're hoping you'll share an episode uh sorry I missed you guys last week that I forgot we were recording it was my my remotely and then I didn't I left I did it all and left it on my computer so here's this we does his the typewriter at home when he's working and so got a a manual typewriter he wears a little hat with a little card sticking out of it he's got like like lime green suspenders and a stripy shirt so here we go Lane lanway librarian Cynthia Tammy Lyn Powers bets Chris Falls Phil tyman Tom dowy Chris Magic Man Glenn cougar melon Brewer Brendan mcgucken Julianne Jordan Gabriel Lugo Dustin from nerds at night gaming Richard crotzer Ralph trible Taylor Ward dissect that film James install Heather Sachs Ryan berck edit photo gamer geek to me radio in session film David roas spoiler piece theater Colby Mack Cinema recall uh Bollywood drafts Nostalgia cast uh Ronnie Castle benjam movies Matt Nea Mike Mike and Oscar and Ronnie Ryan Terry sorry Ronnie Terry anyway uh and also uh don't forget you can check out our patreon spoilers we for five bucks a month you get all sorts of bonus content and we like you extra and then finally you can watch all of these over on the YouTubes yeah so there's all that let's dig in this movie is terrible too trapped so this movie had me in the first half that can we start with so can I throw in a hot take yeah this movie's better than long legs what all right I quit like look everything you're about to say about this movie is probably true but but you were entertained more I this is an airport novel of a movie right and this is a Black Mirror episode or something like the premise oh no Black Mirror is way better than no no of course butar that's what I'm saying but the premise like this is a fun idea but then when you leave your premise when you leave the arena mhm by the way you work in an arena right yes I do how many matina concerts do you book yeah I mean there's so many concert things terbly written movie that I'm just like but like the the merch Booth people are employees of the arena and go back to restock them in their Arena AR they uh it depends some some Arenas use an outside service we use staff my guess is an arena of this size would not have sta inh housee Staffing they would be using a third party to handle that or or or more even more likely the tour is doing it themselves oh yeah that makes sense that Mak because the split will be left oh yeah this movie was killing me with cuz I don't even there but going to was she taking intermissions so I will say I how long were this was this concert like break worked shows where there are intermissions and there's there's Us's one there's no set changes I'll tell you that I me intermissions between acts but like there was a point in this movie where I think the headliner took an intermission I've seen them do that once I mean I mean you see way more shows than me but I have seen a show where the headliner is taking a break and came back SE did it I've seen that and normally it's it's very it's older established acts who have been around for 30 and 40 years shout out to Aerosmith that is tis did you really damn it but like did he not consult anyone that's ever ran a concert he clearly had to rent an arena to film the show so you would think the people at the arena would be like you know this isn't how we do any of this it's just frustrating cuz like I mean when the guy went down to restock the shirt and he brought Haren it with him and and he came back with three shirts yeah and I was like no buddy he had a little tiny stack was like you're bringing back you got a hand truck you're bringing back four or five yeah he left them they're busy and then he came back with yeah literally a stack of like how would you run out of small at a show that's Target demo is 13 years old right like it's the movie right okay fun premise but the writing and I don't mean dialogue but the writing is so bad in this movie I just to me this is like on the level of the happening and the happening I think seen that one of the worst that Mark wallberg yesel the pl the plants are killing people oh it's so bad I don't I'm not an M Night shamalan hater I obviously his first few movies were really good and most people were on board I mean I even I haven't seen it in a while but I liked the village I thought that was an interesting twist and I enjoyed that one I liked uh Lady in the Water is where it starts to go off the rail that one I haven't seen I've never seen it because it got bad reviews and I never checked it out the village so he does the six sense unbreakable signs Bam Bam Bam and then everybody was like you can do whatever you want but you were already hearing Rumblings after the village with even at unbreakable there were people what yeah I mean I remember watching these in real time I was 30 and like and and people were like like well I mean the twist was that and I'm like it's not really a Twist it's a reveal like it's it's you know and but like you were already hearing Rumblings and then a lot of people I felt were were really at the end of signs like the water that's what we're doing and then signs signs does have one of the greatest jump scares of all time that alien walks around the corner and then people were just really like off the I think it's the V the village is the one where it's like you saw the like I remember seeing the commercials and being like oh it's the present day right like I like even in the commercials I was like oh I get it it's going to be so this one what's in what's maybe not interesting I don't know how to phrase this so there's no twist and if there is a Twist they reveal it in the first 10 minutes no no that the reveal is the wife that's the reveal what do you mean the so I was waiting for a Twist like I thought they were going to be in it together when the when the Entertainer came home I don't think you can call not having a Twist The Twist no I think the twist is is the reveal that she's the one that left the ticket in oh but that's so dumb because it's like not that's just a plot point like I I I disagree I think I think that's if anyone's going to call that a Twist it's because this movie this movie has imight shyamalan's name on it that's just the information that you get you're just like oh but like because I was like why would I you know first off who has a physical ticket well okay but to touch on that they say that they have done they have scheduled this concert to catch this guy but he bought the tickets in advance so and then they find the tickets no I don't think they scheduled the concert I think that the concert like once they thought he was going there they decided to treat the concert as a trap because they knew that he'd be in that area Okay the the premise is that they know for spoilers later on they know that the Killer bought a ticket because the ticket half of a ticket was left or a receipt at the crime one of his crime scenes and so it's Preposterous to think that they would ever do anything like this to trap someone I mean just the the whole setup that think that there would be Snakes on a Plane but but but like okay so they've already set this hes then then what they're going off is is I think they have a description of five different people that could be of five different body types they're like he might be white and middle-aged or short and fat right so so I'm like so minute so you're telling me that they have five different wildly looking people and they're gonna skin every person they also they also know that he has a tattoo of a rabbit on his wrist on his I mean look this movie is dumb it's but like I feel like this movie knows it's dumb also he should have been like oh I have a sheep on my wrist I'm good it wasn't I don't that's the excuse that he gave for the happening is like I wanted to make a Cheesy Bee Movie and it's like no you made a movie and now you're backtracking but that's issues everyone's making for this movie and I just don't the problem I have with long legs is that it was too well made for a screenplay that dumb like it it was really good at establishing mood and tension and like making you think you're seeing this really serious movie and then when that you get to the story you're like but that's just kind of dumb and silly and like this like I said this is an airport novel of a movie like I if I read a Karen Slaughter novel which I do and I and I enjoy but I don't think I'm getting a realis look the mind of a murderer I'm reading a trashy crime novel and that's okay and so and like if this movie had been made with the feel and tone of long legs I I would I think I would have an abject hatred for it interest like and I'm not like this movie's amazing I was reasonably entertained by this film and there are a lot of dumb things that talk like I I don't think it I I don't think it was ever really trying to be so I this is what I he's too good of a filmmaker to make this dumb of a movie like I don't think that he is anymore I I he has it what he had he does not have it anymore that's interesting well but we've he came back with the grandparents movie and that I will give you that the visit the beach was I thought was decent old old old yeah yeah the one on the beach I know I couldn't remember it's called and then the he write that Batista he didn't write that that's based off a novel like that's not an original but we're but you're saying film making wise not writing you were just saying film making he doesn't well I think for him though when I say film making it's all encapsulated like he does all this stuff but let's not forget Avatar the LA oh sorry the last airbender not Avatar it's called Avatar The Last Avatar the I thought they couldn't call it Avatar because of the Cameron flick well they had to add the subtitle Avatar came before Avatar like anime series and you think James James Cameron was like no no no it's made before I mean that yeah as a as an IP itates I'm surprised that the air bender Camp didn't go after abely that's fair but um but after Earth yeah I mean so like yeah but he's been back since then the last few movies we talked about and is there a director we've talked about more I feel like we've talked about m shamalan he's making like a movie a year you know who else guy Richie is making a movie a year at least we want to really talk about those yeah but uh it's just interesting some of these directors now I think some of the directors that used to make like one really big movie every few years it seems like now they're kind of into the work for hire where it's just like they're just working I feel like he really likes this I'm not going to make a hundred million budget movie I'm GNA do he likes doing the low I mean I wouldn't call this necessarily A lowbudget but a mid budget he put up the money for it yeah and that's what he's been doing yeah and I think he likes doing it that way I think he you know like he G to churn content and he's going to do it at a good price point yeah and that's his Jam I think he self I think it started with the visit I think he self- financed the visit and that was all found footage like that whole movie was found footage for the most part the visit that's a grandparent one right that's not found footage sure isn't it it's it's found footage that's a regular looking movie there's an aspect where the the kid wants to be a filmmaker so there are some found I think that it is found footage now I'm second guessing myself yeah I'm pretty sure that movie is all found it's done through like Skype and he's filming the whole thing cuz the kid wants to be a filmmaker yeah oh I but he but he self- financed that and it exploded that was a Blum House movie yeah and it exploded and then that's what he kept doing I don't know if he self- financed was it the cabin at the end of the world no knock at the cabin door yeah that that's the Batista one yeah I thought that was good it was good but I think there was some weird stuff at the end but I enjoyed that movie but that also he didn't write that based on a book based on a book but okay so I yeah I think glass sucked yeah that was I didn't like split I did like split I thought split was stupid I like split so I you know I think his writing has definitely gone a little downhill but the fact is I still think behind the camera he's a pretty competent filmmaker and this movie looks good you know there's some cool shots in it uh it you know it's shot in a whole arena with real people and I mean there's a lot it's it's like has really good production quality so I was surprised how good the songs were right I think she's a talented musician I like I believed that I'm like these sound like pop songs pop songs kids would listen to they definitely let her sing a lot yeah and it was fine I didn't I didn't have any problem with the singing or the concert like the look of it I'm like yeah this a movie too she did yeah um so my point is is that this movie is too dumb for a director like Shyamalan who has good production value and the songs were good the concert looked real you know real sets and everything like this movie looked like it is funny should have been better you're making the same argument about this that Tom was making about long legs yeah which I think I think is very interesting like you think the movie looks is too well made to be this dumb and I'm like I don't think it is I think it's like I I don't it's not even I don't think it's well made I think that I felt like long legs was trying to convince you it was something it wasn't which was a smart and serious look at the mind of a serial killer where this movie I don't feel like it is trying to convince you that it's a smart and serious look at the mind of a serial killer it's just dumb fun and for me on that level it worked it did have the it there were a lot of weird laughs like there were some weirdly comedic moments throughout the movie where I'm just like man that is oh there's a lot of fun moment weird spot to put whatever is happening this is what the I my takea away from this is about three4 of the way through it I was like this is f terrible and Josh hartnet who I thoroughly enjoy is trash but then I realize about 34s of the way through it he's trash because he is Josh Haron is the serial killer right he's the he's the butcher P that was my point from 20 minutes ago that's that's the twist but they is it a Twist the movie would have been better if you followed this guy you didn't know as this the serial killer for a little longer like I don't think it would have been I think you just I think you just spent the whole time being like why are we at this concert like why being being at the concert there's a Serial C on the loose and you don't know you're following the killer I think that's there's something to that but so what I realized is that Josh hartnet who I do think is a very good actor yeah um if you you've never seen the picture of him in the Superman suit you're like should have worked like there's a picture of him think he auditioned for either MCG or JJ Abrams and he's wearing the suit like he's in the whole thing it's like God dang that looks pretty good um but he's so stiff and so awkward I just I couldn't figure it out and then when the facade drops yeah and you're like oh okay okay I can see what we were doing is he was trying to be this real person he's not a real person like he's this sociopathic feel like when he's being like a good dad it just feels very performative yeah or he's having that interaction with the mom yeah right and it starts off as performative and then he kind of lets the mask come off a little bit and you're like oh boy he's going to kill this gal and nobody's going to know um and then I was like okay like I'm into this like when he when he's at the table with his was interesting in that they I felt like I don't know if there's another draft of the screenplay where he kills people at the concert because it's like oh I feel like they were setting up characters for you to want them dead right they they set you up to want the friend's mom to die they or like not feel bad if he kills her right they set up the the the guest appearance from the Haley Mills is in this movie yeah yeah Miss Bliss I mean since she heard why from par CP yeah but um uh in like the the this the artist that they bring in at the end that is like oh isn't that uh isn't that the guy from X wasn't that the guy with the blonde hair wasn't that kid Cy I don't think so oh I thought that it was oh my God it's kid cuty i f yeah thank you I when he looked at him and I was like man that is definitely the guy from X with the long hair with the long blonde hair I've never seen him with long hair so I didn't even know that's funny I felt like they were setting it up to where it's like oh if he has to kill this guy you're not going to feel bad cuz he's such a dick that got a huge laugh and for me too when he looks at the girl and he's like hi and looks at the D and he's like and turns around and like that was hilar this movie has a lot of funny moments and that's why I just to me there's a total inconsistency here there's just the movie starts off and it just feels like it's too wellmade and it's going to be good but then there's this comedy and you're like okay it's silly but then it has times where it seems really serious and we're profiling a serial that Haley Mills character just seems so out of place in this movie I honestly did think given what he did with split and unbreakable I was like oh this is going to tie into something like she honestly I I was wondering if it was going talk about someone that was on set for a day how long you think they had Haley Mills yeah not long I mean I was thinking she can't be expensive no I I honestly thought she was dead that had to be like a day of uh she she just wrote a book recently did she really yeah a couple years ago I think she was on the Leonard mton podcast interviewed her I think she had the book coming out and it was a good interview but uh yeah I just yeah she was clear there for like a day cuz I think when they show the back of her head a couple times I'm like well she's probably just not there I saw her name cuz what's the reveal oh it's Haley Mills she doesn't have that kind of reveal so like when they F in the back of her head it's like I saw her name in the credits and I was like it can't it can't be I said the same it's got to be somebody else I grew up watching The Parent Trap and Saved by the Bell the first season you know and so like I know her so I saw that name and then I'm just like oh is there new act maybe maybe that girl's name was Haley Mills like maybe you know n it's the real anyway when I saw that reveal I'm just like she doesn't have that kind of reveal these days like that relevance no and what I do think is interesting is that I do it's hard to root for this it's kind of like Pain and Gain right we're like really you want this guy he's a he's a murderer he's chopping people up oh yeah you don't want him to get out well look at I mean look at movies like peeping Tom you know and that follow the killer you're not yeah you don't want him to win but like it it does a weird thing where you're like well he is but I do I do Wonder like how is he going to get out like how how is he going to make this work and how are they going to catch him so like it is a it is I like it kind of when movies challenge you in that way and I do think it's interesting but man I would have loved cuz again I didn't I didn't really see the trailers but before Alamo you know you get there early for the pre-show and then I've caught kind of some of the trailer and I try to look at my phone but I'm like okay I'm getting from the trailer that he's the Killer and they're trying to get him and he's trapped somehow so I I got that much of it but what I thought they were going to do was some sort of a different reveal or a head fake you of course cuz it's shamalan I'm like there's going to be more to it and I think just giving that away so soon and in the trailers was a mistake because if we would have followed him around like in my head I was like well maybe he's not the Killer maybe there's another killer and we're supposed to think it's him you know I'm building up all these different scenarios and I think that it's kind of of a mistake giving it away so soon because then I I don't think Studios know how to cut trailers anymore I do I think it's just give the movie away especially if it's got a a high concept yes like it's you know they're like well the concept is the hook like nobody's going to a movie because it stars Josh hartnet right and so it's you know so they're like well if the mo if the premise is the selling point then we need to put the premise on Front Street you know so after I this movie I went and hung out with a friend I don't serial what to call her at this uh no nothing call her whatever you want oh a special friend that sounds even worse that sounds so much worse anyway we're talking we're we're she's asked me how the movie was we were talking about it and she was somehow she's talking about Josh hartnet I'm talking about ight Shyamalan and she's like adamant she's like no he was in Blackhawk Down I go what are you talking about broke up yeah because she grew up with romcoms with she was talking about yes so she's talking about Josh Haren and I thought she was talking about M might Shyamalan and I was like he's so sexy what are you I used have a poster she starts talking like that she's like oh with Pearl Harbor I go ight Shyamalan had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor and she was like that that sentence right there I guess that's true one of the great sentences it's just I need M Shyamalan had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor the twist was Roosevelt knew Roosevelt knew the whole time but when we finally we were literally like not yelling at each other but we were like both in awe at the stupidity of each other and then we both realized I go are you are you talking about Josh hartnet and she was like yeah who are you talking about I'm like M night shamalan and she was like oh and we I've I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time it's like I cannot believe we are both that dumb that we couldn't figure out what the other one was so the theory that Opposites Attract that is true they uh I used to have his picture on my wall she was very smart put that I'm the dumb one like that's um that's in case she was listening just in case just to air on the side of caution so we get into the plot of this thing we did it's over we've told the whole plot well but but so he's taking his daughter so he's got he's got a daughter that loves this artist you know and so he brings her to the show and then we come to find out spoilers it's a trap for the serial killer and Josh Haron it's the Killer and so all exits are blocked we're talking about rooftop exits side exit got cops and the FEDS are everywhere every he there's nowhere to go and if some arm militia in the building like don't even get me started at people shooting at a limo with a crowd surrounding that was wild just that is that's too dumb that is too dumb no one saw and and plus they didn't even see him have a gun or anything like get out of the car and then they just shot him it shoted that guy trying to kill Trump and there was a crowd around that's true he was on a rooftop but he was right above a crowd like if he you know yeah but they were shooting through Windows of a car people on the other side team was like a horseshoe around the car and they all and no one said clear or anything it was just like the crowd was watching and then they were like get out of the car if you don't get out of the car no guns no movement they're like okay open fire like that is too dumb for me I'm fine with dumb movies especially if all the movie is dumb and the tone fits but like you just that just wouldn't happen not in any world you just clear the people there are certain things you have to do I mean I'm not a cop but I get it there are certain things you don't stand disperse people if Tom and I are two police officers and there's a suspect in the midd midd we're just not going to open fire what let's both shoot or a crowd a crowd imagine even having a hundred people so that kind of stuff really just got me like no it's it's so dumb clear the people you get mad about Superman crashing through Sears and people around it's like this is like a real world situation right right right he's not smashing buildings so dumb um so yeah so he Josh hartnet is trying to gather information and uh work out where he's going to go he he's almost like John mcaning it where he's if you've played the Hitman this is very this is very much like die hard at a concert but he's a but he's the bad guy but it's Hans grber yeah but the Hitman games which are very good games there's a newer Hitman Trilogy that came out one two and three and now they just call Hitman no no new games like launched on the new systems one two and three and now it's called Hitman world of assassination and it's all kind of like one game and they keep adding levels to it so it's kind of an ongoing thing great games but agent terrible movie movies uh your oh there old Fantastics in the first is in one of them uh but anyway the games are great and especially these new ones are fantastic so so anyway he walks around and I think there's there's been Arenas and airports and uh concert halls and you know he sneaks around and he has to sneakily take people out drag them places take their outfits sneak into different access levels this like the dude must have played these games because the the throwing apron and throwing the canola oil into the fryer yeah like cuz in Hitman you have to all these things like to create distractions and then you steal their outfits that got a laugh when so he's trying to figure out a distraction to get out like to get to the roof so he takes these two bottles of canola oil throws them into a fryer also they're glass that's never going to happen like they're going to be plastic the fact that he had two glass jugs of oil that and then they blow up in this girl's face and when he goes to the roof and starts talking to the cops he was like oh man her face got messy up it was crazy and then this woman like three rows down just started cackling at the way he delivered the line he's like it was crazy well because I too at this point like he didn't see the aftermath like of she was injured we didn't see that right but like it's interesting that later on when you see that she did get all messed up it's like she was leaning over boiling oil well when you see it from a far away she's like ah she's like you see it from a distance and I figured she would have ducked ran away turned or whatever but then you go back to I'm like oh she did get into burn and I thought it was more funny because I thought he was making that up because he wouldn't have seen it and then it happened and I'm like oh that was not that scene in Jaws was a four yeah right she starts talking about something that she in room for so anyway so he's constantly trying to get out or at least plan his Escape because I guess he's not going to leave the daughter there but he keeps trying to find ways that they can escape but like when he's like let's go under the stage is hilarious see and then even the daughter is like the hell are you talking like no we can't like there would be so many red flags if your dad was saying these kind of things I but I I don't know that that's true I don't know that's true because if you grew up with a dad like that who's OCD we know he's seem very Norm you're used to your dad saying weird stupid yeah but he but I mean I don't think you're wrong I don't and a stepdaughter with weirdo parents to put it politely and they accept so much crazy stuff especially at that age by now they're finally starting to look back and be like oh that was weird why did my mom take me sledding in a quarter inch of snow using a piece of paneling right like that you know it's I my my sister and I have had this discussion before where we will like tell stories of our childhood yeah and we'll look at each other be like oh man that was so crazy right like you believe how nuts that was and then you look at other people they're like are you guys okay right like what are you you know not to do that now or like you know that wasn't normal right yeah like when you're a kid it's it's all you know so it doesn't seem abnormal no like the other thing that gets me talking about this Hitman style of like switching costumes and plant and planting distractions and all this stuff it's like no one in this crowded Arena saw him do any of this like is he ninja like I will say I will he pushed someone downstairs in a in like someone would see that security would see someone would see that fact that he got away with this stuff what I will say is I worked in an arena for oh man 10 years yeah and there was all kinds of stuff that nobody saw because you're just I mean like let's let's take for instance uh I'll take we'll take a Blues game right Blues is the local hockey team they won the stany cup in 2019 that's all I got to say about that um but like at intermission right in between periods that Concourse is I mean you're [ __ ] to elbow like shoulder Tosh shoulder there's no like it's but one theirs was not that full that's true but people have like a tunnel people are looking at what they're looking at they going to the bathroom don't scan the crowd concert in the same way here's here's here's my complaint then I get it and this is a movie I'm fine with you writing fun fiction that oh this guy's so good he gets away with stuff but every shot that shamalan gives us is close up so you can't see where were the people where like like he cheats in a way that when he when Harnet pulls this stuff off you never see it right so he's like oh look there's a frier and oh this girl's working around there okay I get that she's busy we never see him climb over the thing find the canola oils bottles put them in the oil like what we see is him looking at the fryer and cut back to him from a distance and the lady goes and finds them in there they He Cheats it's just it's done right so this is what I will say about that I want to see him be that sneaky and I'll that I think he definitely comes from the less is more Camp right like I think that's fair to say I think most of his movies if the stuff is even close to believable then less is more is and I think him showing us the bottles showing Josh Haren a look at the bottles and then the bottles being in the fire it's like okay we can pretty much assume what happened I wasn't confused by what happened like let me be clear I get it what I'm saying is that I think it's impossible what he did even you want to see him actually execute that show me how he's that good if you can show me in the crowd that the lady had her back turn and she was talking to someone and everyone's so distracted show me he can do it that good and that sneakily without one person raising suspicion and then I'll be like damn that guy's awesome now this makes sense he is incredible he's a serial killer Kevin he's not awesome but's a bad guy but what he did was he found a few scenarios that were really tricky and he said this guy's the best and then you saw before they did they give us a time frame as to how long he'd been operating did they say that uh I don't remember I mean he had killed quite a few people yeah for some reason number 12 is in my head I don't know also can we talk about how the concert ends in the middle of the day and they go and have a whole half of a movie in daylight after a concert gets out yeah like they went to a matina concert makes no sense also if she's doing it she's saying she has two shows she said that like they added there's signs that say two two shows so she's got to come back she's going to do another show well oh I guess they could do it at night like normally in Arena they would do two nights that was the they would never do a morning concert and a night that have you ever had a morning concert the circus like a like Disney on Ice this crowd a popar con if a concert does two shows it's two nights so it doesn't make any sense like when she left and then I go hold on hold on they went we spent we spent a day with these folks and I mean a like a 24 period they go like in the morning it's daylight they have food they you know what I mean they get there they have food and they talk and whatever we have a whole concert that lasted 9 hours with 10 intermissions apparently then they get out it's daylight they go to a neighborhood I mean it just kept going the the part that drove me insane is when spoiler when they catch him and he goes to get the he's like can I just put this pick this bike up yeah no way when you're in custody there no there's like oh the cops are going to be like yeah you can go pick up that bike no they'd be like no they wouldn't have let his kids come hug and then also like here's 20 SWAT team members let's load him up by himself on the back of this vehicle would you not have armed guards in the car with him you absolutely would have in the car with at the here's the the thing that I laugh the most at because it's so dumb is at the end when they come in and they they they had people with machine guns prowling the floor at a concert of 20,000 people when this guy's in his house by himself suddenly they're going to tase him I'm like oh my I'm like if that's not white privilege yeah I know I don't know what so glad you said that because during the movie serial killer they put a bullet right between yeah I you know what they will they will shoot a limousine around a crowd they will have machine guns at a concert but they tase the guy in a home with no other people yeah yeah that's bad that is not okay no the wife was there but that was it she was in the kitchen oh what I mean is not a crowd that's right what what I mean is not a crowd of unknowns you know the people in the house if the wife is there the collateral damage is severely minimized oh you're over you're over there okay crowd is in is between me and this okay that's fine so that's what I mean I'm fine with dumb fun movies I've even mention them look at Double Dragon Street Fighter I grew up with dumb video game movies that I love they're highly entertaining those are I think of cuffs like cuffs is a it's CHR it's a Christian Slater movie where he like he inherits like a a security company from his brother uh it's trash but it's dumb but the tone is probably consistent right that's what I'm saying this movie is too good to then have that bad of writing it doesn't mesh it doesn't really good production value and and some serious dramatic scenes and score and like oh this is a serious movie and then we're going to be that dumb with stuff STS the concert venue like it just takes me out of it it's like am I either watching a really dumb fun movie or a really good serial killer drama type thing so anyway that stuff just killed me so yeah so he hears through so the the T-shirt vendor says we went through this meeting this is the word that we're supposed to say so that they know that we're whatever and they're on high alert but I will say they will trust this guy with any inform say I know plenty of people who will just run their mouth yeah and that is absolutely true I know them don't tell that guy anything cuz everybody's going to find out we're all I get that and that does kind of play into the whole thing like oh tornado sirens are going off Let's ignore them like you know the I get the mentality there but they're looking for a killer and there's guy armed people everywhere and like no one except for the rooftop people even question him basically like they they pressed him the hardest you know they got a little push back backstage but like oh no he's good he's with us but like the fact that no one was on guard even though the whole place should be extremely on guard also wouldn't this woman just cancel her concert well no because haly Mills went to her and said hey he's going to be here she's working with the FBI remember there's that scene in like the control room where they're both in there talking it just seems so risky I just can't believe honestly this is what I thought I thought the guy in the basement was either legs was her brother or yeah I thought she was going to have some sort of connection to the guy yes or when she sees the the Ring The Ring or the necklace whatever the kid's wearing the piece of jewelry she I the kid had the ring she I thought she recognized I just realized that so that that do the singer is shyamalan's daughter right correct he made her the hero of the movie like he did Lady of the water or whatever that's all this is is a vehicle for her to be the hero of this it's so bad the the ending is so bad and then she goes to every everyone oh so nice to meet you oh you saved me I called out to the internet like it's so bad and it's his daughter being the hero I never connected that like that was such a tea up this you know what this is what I will say this is because this is a hot button Topic in Hollywood right now is the nepotism right I I don't you don't think she earned this one no she didn't earn directing that movie either that movie was trash what movie was it that one with Dakota Fanning Ellie Fanning like they're watching us or something I didn't see it that's the one that she directed oh it's not good oh okay no I don't have a problem with nepotism right I think if that's how you got in the podcast that's ex my dad was here I mean everyone's going to help their kids get a leg up and they should that that's not abnormal I I think you get your foot in the door I don't have even a problem with the idea that it happens I think the problem is for me anyway one Hollywood has kind of reached critical mass where it seems to be almost only way to ENT but but um but also then when they also refuse to even acknowledge that it's a thing right like oh no I'm here because of like and I'm not saying they're not talented some of them AR yeah but that's the thing though like it is extremely difficult to make it in Hollywood whether you have connections or not like you know if you're a bad actor I know there's exceptions but there's only so many times before you're not bankable and then if the money is not there I almost said Kate Capshaw but that wasn't really nepotism as much as you were step Spielberg but but you know if you if you're not making money if you're not bankable you're going to go so like even though you get your foot in the door the fact that Scott Eastwood has a career is kind ofe like that guy was around and now what he keep showing up he's working he's working that's my point okay it's like he but but Scott Eastwood if he was really really good would be a draw headlining movies Jack Quaid I like Jack qu a lot he's great he's great on the boys and I think he's great as Superman he was great in Scream y um that's a great example because I was I watched the finale uh season four finale last night actually finally finished it make that guy The Flash yeah he'd be seriously he Wally West but I look at him him like he's a good actor he's funny charismatic he's good at what he does that's a great example but look at uh Kate Hudson was good at all the stuff that she I don't see her that much anymore but I think she's good she runs her own uh athletic wear company oh she owns Athleta I think and look at Wyatt Russell that's one of those he's kind of in the Eastwood category to me hey man he's been in some really good yeah and he's I think heaven was good okay I need to catch oh yeah oh what was the what was the World War II like monster one uh where like they were no I didn't like that one I did like that most Overlord people lik yeah I like that a lot he's he's bad Captain America I thought he was great as bad Captain am I think he's great as bad Captain America he just has this thing and I so it may not even be he's supposed to have that I understand as an actor there's just something and I don't know know if it's just that he's not Kurt Russell but there's something when I see him where I'm just like I just don't like his acting style I also think the the other thing that irritates me about the the neppo baby thing is that it is so expensive yeah and it's such a huge gamble that most people that don't come for money won't even roll the dice on a career leave your job and and not have any income to risk it while you're audition Jaden Smith is a prime example just to tie in M9 I'm seriously like to tie it back into shamalan like he that kid had no business being in front of a camera Kitty was pretty good precous kid right Pursuit of Happiness The Karate Kid yeah I thought he is pretty good as a kid kid actor but but he doesn't what does he do now he really doesn't act anymore yeah that's my point um so yeah so they figure out that the only way to get out of here is to go backstage so Josh Harton makes up this elaborate lie that his daughter had cancer uh leukemia and she doesn't want to admit to it but you know and of course here's your Mite Cameo it's like brother you're not Stephen King so stop it but going into this movie I obviously always has a cameo so I was waiting for it and I was thinking how much I hate his cameos I don't know I didn't really mind this this one didn't bother me as much because he's really nothing to he's just a guy yeah I don't like it if he's the hero or whatever like sometimes he's just too in the like well when he's when he's the one that hits Mel Gibson's wife right like that's or he's the one that uh isn't he the one that has like the the bomb or something in Unbreakable that Bruce Willis detects yeah yeah he's the arena yeah yeah he catches him there I don't know I but I didn't mind this one even though this was one of his larger cameos like it went on for a good amount of time but I don't know man it they do kind of take you out of a little bit does so he gets backstage of course the the daughter gets to go up on stage with Lady Raven uh she has this this is the scene that made me laugh is where the mom and the daughter this mom who was a a complete [ __ ] to Josh hartnet for no reason where she's like you're being condescending and you're being then he's like hey man I'm not doing anything like you're coming at me and then when the mask comes off and she's like never mind never okay sorry sorry sorry but when the daughter gets up on stage and she's dancing withen what was very funny when she said I've got a dark side and she's saying that to a Serial like there those are some really funny moment but then you see the two the daughter and the mom screaming at each other a drink at the mom that got a huge laugh out of and she's like you're awful like the mom's like you're awful and whatever so they our two b car the father and daughter are backstage and Lady Raven kind of he realizes that he has to go through this police barricade but the only way to get through the barricade is to be part of Lady Raven's crew the exposition it is ridiculous hey guys yeah you'll have to go through there it's no big deal it's a standard checkpoint they'll just ask you some questions the only only people that get through without any questioning your people in lady Raven's closest friends like shut the [ __ ] up I say the writing is so bad when when H when when they can't catch him and the concert is over and Haley Mills goes stop every male every man stop them all and I was like oh another thing that I was laughing at cuz it's so dumb is when he goes to the bathroom yeah there are no way there are this many men at this concert that is correct no way yeah you're not waiting buddy I remember when we did the Cheetah Girls during that six-month window where they mattered yeah right and like I remember walking into the bathroom in the middle of the Cheetah Girls concert and there were like two other Taylor Swift Taylor Swift was so I worked Taylor Swift before right before she oh mean that's boyfriends though right don't you bring some of the boyfriends are going to the concert well I think Taylor Swift now this was like she was she was transitioning out of country and into pop so like easy yeah we don't need that kind of hate you thought the Priscilla hate was bad you say a word against Taylor swi we well our numbers might she was a country artist folks like that's what she did and she transitioned to Pop um and she was like in that period where she was moving away from country but it was all girls that it's same deal you go into the men's bathroom I think that makes sense preop that it would yes yes she I remember CU women always complain about the lines at the bathroom for women right and I remember go taking my wife to an event where she was just like oh that was easy breezy I love it Tom's like I've been in line for 20 minutes it was Kevin Smith that's so good I I even tweeted it and was like I'm like my wife was very excited about how how short the lines were at the bathroom quite the roll reversal he he liked my tweet oh did he that's good that's good that's funny um so this the reveal I like this part okay Josh hartnet playing this like crazy serial killer like I did I like like his performance I it's a Cheesy movie the dialogue is bad but the way he he's just he has an energy to him and this magnetism where you're just like oh I like him chewing the scenery and getting crazy with this role yeah so when he sits there and it's awkward cuz at first I'm like this is a really awkward scene but he's like yeah so you've been looking for me and she's like what what he's like yep yeah thing was just for me shows the guy on the phone she's like you know that it talks about carbon monoxide and she's like what are you like what yeah I'm like what and he shows it and we don't know his trap his trap for this guy yet but he's basically jigs on it up he's like if I get caught in the next 45 seconds it's going to release carbon monoxide and this guy's going to be dead here's his name all this so you're going to get us out of here right so she does she it's not tense at all like it's you know they get them out to the car uh and and then this is the switch where it stops being about Josh hartnet and it becomes about lady Raven also she has no security no security I when she enters the building she's surrounded by some kind of an Entourage but but like she when she's yes you're right she does have like a two or three guys right so like you're telling me this pop star with this many crazed fans seems to be like on the level like if we're were compare to anything is like Taylor Swift or Lady Gaga a huge artist I mean they said there's 20,000 people at the show and she did two of them yeah I a lot this is Taylor Swift circuit 2009 yeah right so when she leaves the show you're telling me she just gets in a limo with the driver and no security yeah n like again these are writing things that just I think they're cheats I think he's he put these characters in very unbelievable situations so they'd work with where he's trying to get them but they're just not feasible like no if you know the way the and I it's a movie I don't need everything to be realistic but it's just if you have any semblance of how things function and and what you need for a star and all that it's like why he well what I think would have been better and they they kind of do this where he's always one step ahead like when you think they've got him they've got him you've got him caught they're like oh no we don't like you they and I do like that yeah um it's did you ever see there was a show on NBC with James sper what was the name of that show yes and it's very similar yeah right Robert California um where he is the character is very similar he's insanely charismatic on that show yeah but he's always one he's always like 20 steps ahead of whatever cop is he's in Stargate wasn't he the movie oh yeah yeah he was a scientist guy or whatever like I grew up watching that that's the first I saw was the one was it Matthew Modine were there the less than zero no was sexiz and videotape is the first I remember see there's that one but there's another one where he's like buddies with some like one of those I think it's Matthew Modine I don't know um cuz I remember less than zero being Robert J J and it was like oh boy there life imitate art there bud um yeah so what's the one where the girl he gets the girl the abortion and then she ends up leaving him anyway for the best friend is that less than zero uh last American Virgin that isn't he I think he's in that oh is he I think so I think so uh oh I guess that is spoiler the last Amer version sorry just once the credits roll yeah that is a it's a weird movie it's a weird movie for it's like half of the movie is like wacky 80s sex teenage sex comedy and the other half is like this kind of serious drama and it's not like the movie takes a turn takes a turn at some point it's like every other scene it's like it's like it's wacky fun no it's not it's wacky fun again no it's not see that's the total inconsistency that I don't don't care for as much but like if you have a movie like a Place Beyond the Pines I like it when movies or waves or I like Beyond the Pines though are different stories well they're not they're they're interconnected yeah but but it's one movie that's what I'm saying but you but they shift you know it kind of takes a shift you know in between like four rooms the axe right yeah so I like it when a movie can change like that and it's really interesting but when they go back and forth you know the tone seems weird I don't like it when it's like what are we watching is this a Ser cuz you're trying to figure it out like you want to live in this world of the movie and if it keeps changing it's hard to you know what I mean to be on board what they're doing so anyway they get to this house and she ends up stealing her do the da this is where I thought I'm like oh the wife is the killer or covering up for her I thought they were in on it together I thought yeah I thought it was going to be that their team I think him cleaning up for her though would be the funnier cuz he's OCD and the fact that like she's killing and I know he's got the guy in the camera but like it's really her being the master how did she log into her how did she log into her own I guess she didn't she must have that's what confused me too cuz she took his phone but I guess she still had her phone cuz I was like how is she pulling up live on his phone but how you going live on Tik like how many phones do you have like I guess she had three phones daughters her own I had the same cuz that's I mean the editing was bad because you I need to see like whose phone is that right no how did you log your Ste his phone and now she's logging into Instagram live or whatever yeah or TI you're like what at least show me where your phone is like it just was M also that door has got to be one of the sturdiest doors oh yeah by the way that let me in please the fireman doesn't kick that door off the hinges in one shot and he's I mean Josh Harton it's like 64 65 and he's not a small man it is kind of wild to see him like when you see him among other actors in that movie and he's just towering over all of them but you're telling me he didn't just put he couldn't just put his shoulder into the door and it's like that's the takes care of that also if at this point if she's like you're the Killer and he's like I need to cover things up now or whatever you would just break that door down like he just he was staying there for 5 minutes you open up that door young lady like just do it knock it just knock it down Kick It In what are we doing so dumb what are we doing he's the Killer and she's outing him and she's on live ruining everything for his plan and all this it's like he had a long time where he could have just busted the door down right so and that makes sense so they get out they we find out that there is a secret passage in the house like everybody gets out the the hostage gets freed because apparently through the power of Tik Tok they figured out where this house is crowdsourced IT Crowd you know you know what they do that that's true that's fair I like the idea that there'd be people like you know how the like these online investigators are solving crimes and stuff like they've actually solved some stuff I mean sometimes it goes bad and I get that was that one on cat one yeah don't f with cats yeah no sometimes it takes ter for the worse I don't mind it if you're like just helping get gather information or whatever it's kind of neat who was the one that killed Pat and oswal's wife the Green River Killer but that didn't kill his wife no it's a serial killer she was following but she wasn't she wasn't a trained investigator she was just putting the green no the Golden State killer Golden State killer okay yeah but she wasn't a trained investigator she was just putting stuff together she was she was a journalist though Journal writing a book or something right I think she was trying and then she broke the case yeah she did yeah but it didn't get her killed but but if she was doing a show and then the people came and like I think I should probably stop talking about this because there's always the rumor that oh Pat noal has do oh I've never heard that in my life I've heard right with nut jobs on the internet say that have you have you seen how eerily similar his wife now looks like her no it's creepy well that makes me feel that he would be less likely that's what I'm saying done that I don't think that he did but it was like I said that one time and uh Jason from B was like like oh really that's I fell down a rabbit hole of like oh have people have types no that's true and apparently he just wants a carbon copy I don't I'm making all anyway the point is I thought it was kind of realistic I'm joking I just want to say that I'm joking well this probably won't be in the episode oh good so so uh the the thing is that people do crowdsource things and people do try to investigate I like that part but the fact that like it came together so quickly we're talking about people put together evidence over days weeks I mean I will say she does say I'm in Philadelphia I'm looking for this I know but it just okay it's a movie Whatever fine so he gets away he go we think that he is a he they took so much time to go into that building and then like he's preparing things uh you know tidying things up getting whatever they gave him so much time and then they do bust in there and they're like oh there was a passage to the neighbor's house yeah uh so everybody leaves the house the wife they can't find him they do the whole thing we talked about at the at the limo when he ends up escaping through the crowd like Tom Cruz and mich and Jack Reacher she's in her limo I guess they've take so we never see that limo driver again no so like the limo driver that that maybe in like the two hours she was there maybe would have checked in on her or something I don't know he's gone the SWAT team comes like okay ma'am sorry we're going to take you home now or whatever and hits him in the SWAT gear and it's him yeah uh and so he gets away he goes back to that they drop the mom off at the house uh who is the m who's the gal who's she's the drummer from Scott Pilgrim that's what I know her from in Scott Pilgrim's she's the drummer in that band yeah we are what's the name of that sex bomb yeah oh I didn't realize she's the drummer jez um between her smile and her eyes I thought she was the mom and Coraline that's very true she reminds me of not that I thought it was her or anything but she kind of reminds me of who is the G in Punch Drunk Love isation now no no no no the uh she used to be in a lot of movies and she kind of just disappeared um I I I think she was in punch drunk love she was the wife oh uh not Emily Mortimer yeah you're on the right track uh she was in Red Dragon yeah what is her name what is her name yep I know EXA what you're talking about she kind of disappeared but I was like but she had kind of the features that she reminded me of her that's going to try people St pull though Emma Thomas not Thompson but is it Emma Thomas I don't know Emma something Emma I was probably myself up with Emily morer yeah I'll look it up at Emma something I'm pretty sure it is she was she played uh the the blind galon red dragon um yep so yeah so she the wife goes back to the house uh and then he's there and this is we Emily Watson Emily Watson I haven't seen her in forever but yeah she kind of had similar features um we find out we found out earlier in the movie what can we talk about when they go to that crowd of people before they shoot up the limo and all that stuff uh that um the crowds there like oh my God it's whatever her name is Raven and then they're looking at the front of the van and there's a guy in SWAT team gear driving when she says she rolls the window down and says please help me they're like oh but again I also just watched a documentary on Princess Diana and that's exactly what happened to her when she when that when that car crashed nobody helped her that Paparazzi just took pictures and just let her wallow in the car but like it's just weird the crowd was like oh that's her whatever and there's a whole crowd surrounding the limo and no one went why is there a guy in SWAT team gear driving a limousine like that's weird do you think we should do something I don't know it was very strange um but so he escapes he does his Hitman thing he gets out in a hoodie and you um and we had found out earlier in the movie The reason they had gotten on to him is they found one of his safe houses and in the safe house was a was a uh ticket stub or a piece of a ticket rece how they did it and Josh hartnet is talking he shows up at the house and he's talking to his wife and he's like you left it there like you're the one that did this and she was because you thought I was cheating on you and she was like yep yeah and I did all y y I followed you and I saw and you had this concert ticket right but and you get the ending of this thing when she doses the pie is the most predictable generic and oh let's have this piece of pie do you think she drugged it like and the fact that that happened there was nothing more clever than let's eat piece of pie I didn't even think about it because I honestly I didn't like I was so check out been traumatized by by pie that's true bro messed him up come on when she said let's eat this last piece of pie how obvious is that that something is I so I did think I'm like she's just buying time like that's I didn't even think about that there was just like come on something more creative than I drugged the pie they're like let's finish celebrating this pie the guy the guy who was so OCD didn't check the pie yeah he the guy that's so methodical about everything just takes food when he knows his wife knows he's the killer I laughed at the line where he like I can finish in five bites like he was a child like oh yeah I can eat this faster than you can n uh yeah so he gets they they arrest him this is the scene where he's the bike is tipped over and he goes to he's like can I pick the bike please let me go to this bike that I might have a gun somewhere prolific serial killer go pick up the bike there might be a knife or a gun or anything over there let go pleas please prolific serial killer hug your child yeah in this one moment and it's just like well the Supreme Court has ruled that if you don't allow a serial killer closure they can be acquitted like yeah uh so he gets in the back of the van and he we find out that he has pulled I don't know like a a piece of the a bike the piece spoke spindle right is that what it was the top off the tire yeah he pops his handcuffs and he's free and he's laughing like he's laughing like I got away with it I was like oh boy oh boy I do not need a trap to or if honestly I did I thought that this was she was going to say that she was the psychiatrist that took over for Sarah pson and I just it everything about this movie felt like they were going to tie it into something else I don't think he's got a big enough second franchise he does that anyone would get excited about him tying it into and he killed all those people I guess he didn't he didn't kill the sun he didn't kill and then the closure is like Raven goes and she finds the guy that she saved from the basement and is hugging everybody it just felt so cheesy the way he made her the hero of this movie like that's fine if she saves the day and all that but the way that she's spotlighted just felt so it was this movie sucked uh it's dumb it's so dumb it is hilarious that you have the exact same complaints about this movie that Tom had about long legs and vice versa wild um for me it was fun to see Josh Haron again this was fun in the first half again the arena is dumbest things were I'm like oh it's Hitman like him getting into disguises and doing this stuff that's fun for me right I can just check out it's so stupid and unbelievable but when they got to the stuff all involving SWAT team and cars and they knew it was him and then the wife knows it's him and all the dumb things with not breaking down the door like there were too many things that were just like one thing after another like he wouldn't be that hard to catch or that you know just I I completely agree is most incompetent police squad and people you've ever seen well yeah since maybe police squad well maybe the concert was actually in Uvaldi I thought honestly I thought it was going to get revealed that it was a training exercise I was like what kind of I mean like in the M Shaman in the M Night shamalan world I was like oh this is all going to be like you forgot up all of you like this wasn't this wasn't real there's a movie called uh uh April Fool's Day I think that has it was it came out during the slasher boom oh jeez yeah with a girl with the Noose in her hair spoilers for that movie right on the cover all a joke you think all of their friends are dying it was all a setup April day that's April fo that is an insane ending to a horror movie where people are getting murdered and not like and the people in the movie were like oh she was in Friday 2 she was in Nightmare 3 was like oh these are people that I've seen before nope there's your there's your salt mine thing I'm G do April I guess uh that's it for this one let's go around the table and everyone can say where to find them this is Joey you can follow me on the Twitter at Joey buts bs21 and on letter boox at the same this is Kevin follow me on Twitter at kevinr bracket and this is Tom you can follow me on Twitter at Roger cubert or on Facebook at tomok you can find the Show online at spoilers while you're there like the page join the group don't forget our patreon and watch them on the YouTubes so that's it for this one thanks for tuning in and until next time Larry gets a Ed for driving without a [Music] license warn you better watch out it's going to ruin [Music] the spers he [Music] spoilers he spoilers [Music]

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