The Fight For Emma Stone | Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 [Stream 1395]

Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 02:33:34 Category: Gaming

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[Music] just drawn nice what you [Music] drawn up troll um we're just going to hop on some fortnite I was the ban if I was going to do dailies for Ultra Rumble but I won't lose sleep over five tickets it's whatever excuse me original characters nice nice [Music] [Music] the I heard the notification didn't pop up though added [Music] you trying to get the victory in all the matches I can't and for it or Ultra Rumble in fortnite uh I think I have three W's I think we got three on stream yesterday doing squads yeah hop in move if your game I'll give you perms after this if you're if you're down d is this a window N64 Graphics it's not window grab thead all right America shield please uh I know somebody's looking at me right now but it's a bot so I don't care too much first first game back on guy right I'm I'm Rusty I'm Rusty I'm Rusty I'm rusty rusty take this take this take this do that do that that I think give her perms too she always has perms just for the rest of you guys I got to got to give him oh Fu this Captain America I'm surprised he lost that I'm genely shocked he lost [Music] [Music] that no I've never been down here before Shield please I don't want to use your creator code sorry uh right let's do this [Music] it must be hard to take on a boss alone that's not real be I don't care going to die please jeez L all right that is real person I'm the dude I thought they were all Bots until uh I saw one of them was not well that's not a real person I'll just kill them all right looks like we'll do same squads yesterday then move for faad Bandy let me give Mo perms all right Chad I'm a squads player right I was not winning [Music] that hello it's is time we're so back we are so back indeed you might noce a difference in level since uh last session oh really oh jeez you are kidding already level 30 this SP is getting finished within the week man was that lady a bot or actual person that was the person who killed me cuz they ignored all the other Bots like in front of them and they just shot me so let's run Duos for now uh fa should be here soon yeah oh yeah's loading with the PC I can I can see one sheld start so okay a [Music] sec any second now what are we still back or are we still back we're back oh yeah I learned about some tech with um the medallions so the the siphon one when it pings when it pings and like and we don't see them anymore just drop it and pick it back up and we'll just refresh oh that's I was watching I was watching a comp tournament and that's what they were doing so I'm like well might as well do in pubs they're definitely going to be changing that sometime soon I think probably I don't know wow you could spam ping by just picking it up spaming you got you got you got micromanage though got be like paying attention to it well yeah yeah I mean but as long as you're if you're the one who's initializing it though and your team's like every like on you then like you just Spam it bro yeah spam it cuz all you need is one ping and they're dead and your team will see it yeah pretty much they'll see them that's crazy Alo are you winning winning yeah I I beat the Bots what the freak I beat Captain America oh my gosh you're playing lethal playing lethal he's playing lethal so you're saying ditches he's probably playing it off yeah he's playing [Music] offline that's some crazy Tech though to just Spam it hurry up and get on I'm getting on [Music] [Music] oh I FR change it title see oh you're playing U my earlier no no no um it was still fortnite I'm just in category just press save before my [Music] life so my my my go-to load out in the season so far is an AR literally duy those dual SMGs for my shotgun like I just rather have those in a shotgun to be honest America shield hover cut off a lot what up I am Discord Discord sward snake Okay okay okay you're good you're good I think you're good all right my Goto for this season is a good AR uh dues Shield jetpack random heal that's all I need I love I don't even need a shotgun at this point oh my God facts honestly if I have du these I will drop my shotgun for it by really cool fact for the shield you know how Frost takes no damage when she's on diamond from yeah Shield just goes through though interesting armor piercer wow that's definitely a book but it definitely a bug not a feature but like it's awesome so you can quick we need to abuse these bugs before they get patched is that a Goku black probably the chest but I early so I might get interrupted I win thanks playing I got the B Machine I got the auto turret if you want to come to me I can give it to you I got a body drop you purple weapons when I get there [Music] we're all like okay we're like kind of all over the place that's okay I have weapons for each of you I have really good guns for and a shield for the run to you now okay uh CU if I get out of here alive you f worse son be real I know oh [ __ ] you hello where is this I I [ __ ] we res we res we res cuz it keep triggering the the laser trap yep D I missed I hit the wrong person if you me wait got him later oo Crown thank you hold on hold on hold on there another person here I don't care he has Storm Trooper aim a jetp could be so free oh this is a season yeah dude this guy this guy said that he pissed me off bro he's up here he's up where sorry I'm not paying [Music] attention oh I see him I see him I see him he jumped on the lamp post look at oh I want this I threw minis at him bro you threw minis at him yeah I threw minis at him I thought it was my sh why did you throw minis oh you thought you guys I want these all right want the fortnite what the sigma with the p where's Emma uh she's probably in her throne room where the where's baddy with the with the ice defense bro unbreakable I should not fight her yeah she's she's in her little room we break her we can absolutely like right now yeah I'm just going to pop my shield in their face oh yeah you're right use your Shield oh when she ice for all right bullets gone how you do this I actually don't want the AR for once you guys can have it 18 isn't here next round I got you next round I would like an HP I know I have a med kit require 100 of your gems sorry not money bags my bad wow how could you do this zero if you can survive in this room for 100 days I'll give you a med kit oh my God no and here and just two days ago you're just say can I refund this kid I want to I want to refund the skin bro I want to refund it bro I don't want [Music] huh if you can survive 100 days and my face 53 you get to go home something don't get to go home allegedly allegedly wa can you just Spam drop can you just Crouch and spam pick up the freaking Medallion if you have no no because think about it think about it like when it pings it pings for a decent amount of time right and then once it wears off then you drop it and then you pick it up again and then it does it oh my gosh that's so troll though overes I love when oversights make the game more fun as well yeah thank you I'm complete he finished the one piece build oh he's war machine now can we get much higher dude The Nutcrackers would stand a chance against you bro in your home your home game but crackers be finished can we get much higher yeah cannot be Lumber need Towers there's a tower East you guys want to Mark over there we we can start going there you finished the what build don't worry about it I'll take this if you want it's one too far it's the one piece build Infinity war machine so why is it so shallow meta what the I don't know like I'm swimming like shallow I don't know so people don't spam swimming or something I don't the heck want the F flop what tnation I hear violence snth um I don't see them I think we should just ignore it oh oh I thought was I thought that you were op oh my [Music] goodness over uh I got shot at you didn't someone's claiming the train oh okay wait you already been shot at oh shoot we are are we killing him yeah yeah we're killing him we are want this twink obliterated sorry you see them keep hanging I don't see them he's knock there's more than one yeah I see him I see him now I see him thanks for playing buddy H there's more never mind I didn't mean to paint this trash oh there more loots should I start building the one piece yeah we need as many as we can get I should start building the they put the op one piece pirate ship as a map where the live action show dropped I can't get over it in fortnite oh Roblox collab oh Roblox bro I mean I hope one piece fans get it eventually this kind crazy how we had like what three different Dragon Ball ones and like a several major animes like and then we had like two different my hero ones and jjk narut like the biggest P other H which wasar five but still the oh my God wor the gear five pickax dude I love the Beast pick I love it pickax Beast can I refund my Beast pickax as well please I do this all dayk BK someone shooting we're going shot we're going shot we're going shot get in get in get in get get get us out get us out run run run run run R run R fight guys fight no no no no don't fight these guys don't fight these guys I'm healing I'm healing we can fight if you want I'm just healing all we're going we're we going in no I just shot I'm dead better get in I I trolled I troll I troll I'm done I trolled I was trying to use my shield and I forgot I threw it at [Music] somebody oh my my godness I was like move yeah I thought Muer was running with us I thought he was then like I saw I turned back and I'm like oh they're like trying to jump him yeah well the thing is I was in the tower getting the put the card in the think when they jump you guys bad news that's the bad [Music] news I was I see someone on the tree is he AFK wow that's amazing I love uh Auto I hate that it does purfectly shoot You Through the Windows of cars in the C yeah yeah it hits you through the window yeah is is fourth here do have a fourth Ben he said he was on his way back he's on his way so should be on his way faster probably one more match or [Music] something the one piece combo I believe one piece of the first POI and we still Bost I hate to be fair my reaction time was so slow because I thought it was the Bots shooting us and and then I saw Rockets then I yeah you look over and you're like oh that's real oh they're real I thought the one piece s like f as you to engage really close but because of that they just lazy out this guy yeah [Music] [Music] think I'm going run the shield next time I think like better with it to be honest defensive Shield I feel good better forit you flying I guess it's also just the F that like if I run the shield instead I'm just on the ground so I'm just not being laser immediately I just benefit from it though all right chat those first two rounds were warm up um I'm awake now B 18 is scrap bro we're going straight to the company Builder that's crazy I don't know man like Frieza is like the strongest being in the universe and then they had they had just some some teenage robots just chilling in Earth who are just stronger than him cut off the cut off goes insane Ione just Co 18 is the greatest asset to the company a l scub how much do you think she's valued yo facts she's probably like it's all metal yeah exactly it's probably like 500 at least 500 at least yeah I agree I agree 500 scrap you lethal comedy people are insane I agree we're just lethal based bro what can I say full pounds yeah have fun dealing with your octopus boss company called yo wait did you see the new uh new monster oh which one the the fox that pretends to be dead the fox it's like a new like a really new one it's like a little baby that you could find they had a baby from GC wait what the [ __ ] what are you talking about like a little like baby alien that you could pick up did they introduce that the patch I don't know if it's in like pre-alpha or if that's a mod or something like that but like I was looking at it and I was like wow that goes hard they get some what because they didn't say in the PS okay probably but it looks it looks it looks like Zer made it that's that's what that's the funny part to be fair in the patch notes at the bomb he did say and some other things but I forgot very well as well be that trolling I'm using the new interior nope the new inter new inter for what Luther company version 60 came out today I have not seen it it's it's probably my favorite interor in the game really yeah it's incredible I have uh Mythic chest piece or know you wanted holding it the [ __ ] I can't speak to it also there's a shield out there meta on the danger ping it's just I that purple ping it's just out out in about I got it I got it uh War Machine Mythic part oh I have the war machine Mythic well okay I guess we're both running it me I'm a hard time shooting through this wall okay there you go can I please take my shield in peace thank you [Music] thank you so much there's drones here I didn't even know that yeah even realize to [Music] now fortnite ass now that's fortnite ass ass that is fortnite all right I'm going to one one ammo uh are you ready there I don't think anyone really landed with us so no that's on my theory we're in the clear okay do go through I'm not I mean f got Shi shot oh she's frosted anymore Fred is crazy better oh she's Frosty that's insane trolling she's osting all over the placeing W no one's going to take the Mythic Aug that's Peak bro do I want [Music] itard of these people walking around dude yo this got video that I posted earlier no he's glueless oh yes I did the one with the the Star Wars one or was that is that shadow posted that that shadow posted that okay then no I didn't see your video I saw that one I'm just going to go check real quick so I [Music] see oh the grand one when you line them up watch that a lot of [Music] splashes what are you still doing here fellas I'm I just trying to get ammo [Music] leave option I got too silly perhaps I've got too silly perhaps you hit my silly liit uh Tower hasn't even spawned yet it has not so more looting time I'm going to drive around what Mr Saint survive Leal company probably probably he's like really lucky so he just never step on B I'll find like a b like the BR with r him and get the guy that like jumps in front of start oh Tower's up it doesn't make a noise I didn't I was paying attention to it does it yeah I don't think it makes a noise anymore huh oh wow you're already gone wait where did the rest of them go [Music] oh somebody captur the bus or train the bus mom remember EMP bus trap it was good for like one specific part of season 3 it that was just to disable the damn car that is it uh we're in second Zone which is good you think there's stuff in there now maybe now that the trains [Music] operated I want the scope off a shotgun ads is way too [Music] slow I played some fortnite reload today is the worst game mode in fortnite um having theack shot back is probably the greatest experience I've had in a while do you hear that they're adding like comp or something I got to it or like a single player version I'm not surprised enough they really need to just like stop oh [ __ ] behind us behind us oh [ __ ] 50 50 g in front one more these people [ __ ] up on us bro he's up top he's up top I don't have uh get out of here rats they were not as big as a threat as without they are wa I got scared because they're like above the mountain so I thought they were actually trying to out push us mean they were they're just bad yeah garbage perhaps I overreacted full face [Music] let the OG fans here you say that move for True all about reload oh I mean like I don't know they're not going to hear that [ __ ] they don't do anything other them play Mead true oh you have your gloves move I already have gloves oh you have your gloves side wait I heard there's a bug I already have one but you all I might as well okay what are you guys caring for heals three medits okay I got three bigs in two CH one flber Fizz another flber Fizz and three another FL Berry Fizz yeah I have I have four healing items and one I want to try out to see if this bug Works hold on how fast do reload not fast enough you don't no I'm talking about U this new pistol Monarch uh I mean it's still really good cuz it's like really it's like perfect accuracy from a distance yeah and if you hit fire you can shoot way faster too also get to execute people side R like jam B see for speaking of Jes B in fornite that's the thing that's happening oh yeah don't die doing the dishes no promises never know that team that move for AG yest I'm trying to pulls up trying to activate a bug real quick I heard there's a way to get Shield bash on other weapons except the shield I think matched it we have Ops east of us with medallions Ops just try to stick together new P one I'm going go pink for Advantage where are we done uh to Pink Mark let's see what's up ooh that's close very close they move further away from us we fun Laing it's the flock ritual yeah bro we're getting a big paycheck oh boy oh boy I can't sell this scrap back uh M okay uh diff is [Music] immaculate the diff is immaculate see i i p in the simple of you snooze therefore you lose you Sneed every [Music] so nobody has a jetpack right whoer has a jet pack I could not tell you oh all right Wise Guy uh there is a if you want to get the scope off your Shotgun by [ __ ] oh yeah I know don't do it then stupid I already did if I have right now that's crazy the Delan people I don't see them anymore they were Southeast oh actually I still see them they have two I still see them at Southeast oh wait yeah separated is that said north in in the water it's like a l Waluigi that's galus who Gus we left aren't you like being into Marvel bro oh wait you don't I watch the movies I watch nerd Emoji that's fine but getting the X-Men so you should be nerd Emoji comic reader I don't even I to C but I know who he is so he was actually in fortnite I was going to say it the biggest fortnite that we've ever had yeah he was in the he wasn't CU I don't remember he was in the first chapter he was like season 9 oh I didn't play season after like I fell off at the start of season 7 so careful shot is yeah all those cars you see all those cars oh wow someone's long ranging from back there with the war machine stuff Medallion down hereall down here they're looking at us wait no no no not uh watch Medallion watch Medallion there's a medallion might try to Rift that's D yes Drop The Medallion test it out it's not going to detect that far oh guess I guess just because he just spred there's no point in me shooting them if I had an AR I'd shoot them I got to stop okay clearly everybody heard that and they're going to push them right right that's good I guess there a chance to like jump them one wa we get behind them Zone's Far West we should get going now to be honest they're heading around I'm going get going uh we should probably move to next Zone though I think worth jumping them let's ping the next location I don't know if I'm going to make it try to go here try to go here we have to try to go there yeah oh there's a new chair back here [ __ ] we we should get a vantage point for oh you guys didn't even jump yet come back get this jetpack quick oh jetpack yeah yeah they just they just dropped off a breaking L chest I taking this what you got it this will be my second weapon but I'm trying to go to you uh just make sure try to watch watch out that you warning P yeah I'm watching them are there snipers in the season no right uh heavy snipers is returning September 10 so there's no snipers right now no snipers right now interesting and that what was what was the other alternative last season the one that blew up it was like the the the single round like anti car yeah yeah I forgot I forgot it was but that's gone too I guess it's gone yeah it's three teams all full there's another jet here by the way wish I move right here wait where did you ping it oh I see oh rip they're shooting us with Dr Doom what the [ __ ] just stand just stand our ground stand our ground they have to come to us I'm not trying to fight they shot my tree down yeah we we St we St we stall we have to stall we I need the other teams to fight them I have the three piece three piece combo yeah yeah I found shot my tree [ __ ] just to letting you guys know our our other Ops are probably going to be East really they're they're going they're probably going to bleed from the East if you think about it this this gun's not good for long you have to try to not fight them they're going to destroy my my rock yeah hide here Hide here they can't they can't see me from here shoot my shield I don't think they're I think they're jumping another team one of them has uh uh jetpack see him he's fighting the other Medallion people I'm pretty sure you can take pot shots take them hey he someone someone's shooting from here all right Zone's backing up uh we should back up too we probably play Mountain you try to go back there try going up there yeah problem is like Zone's going to pull in a very weird spot yeah but we have jetpacks right all three of us speak for yourself I'll play down here oh my gosh this is so Peak oh and there's a jump pad up here bro must be nice it's op Peak it's op Peak oh look at them look at them rats look at them rats pressure him if you can they're shooting me they're looking at me so if you guys can get an angle that'd be appreciate yeah they all teams are looking at us all teams are looking the roof yeah I see them I see that we know we know there's a car pulling up over here why did they all have to look at us they're just looking at us do the people at the house they can shoot the pillar people thank you jeez you guys have any heals to throw down at me uh where are you I'm like Southwest you guys Mo for move we need to [Music] move hello I'm dead I'm taking this guy with me son of a [ __ ] I'm dead I'm dead too bro the auto aim is so annoying bro God they just all at me bro they taken every area we could lands and then all to freaking auto aim bro have that [ __ ] basically turret mounted on your [Music] shoulder bro bab done the dishes oh my God hi baby oh my hi baby we're dead we're dead does this game work now yes in fact it does my God ined 18 all do you have all three or just 18 in trunks 18 in trunks I might guess 1 in the future though fair enough Dragon Ball always back so yeah kind of wish he had his super outfit though I like the park ranger fit yeah yeah bro this guy's already level 30 in the battle pass deoy entire US military budget on some random 9-year-old that's basically [Music] moer what it's British I would it's British but he somehow has access to the US's milary let you all know that we did in the UK invent the orbital death laser so I'm a firing laser death the look up the the UK laser we have a massive orbital laser that costs like it's it's like a 10 or like a five to shoot at time for what the the black arms red laser I don't [ __ ] know what do you need a laser for just to [ __ ] with people I don't know just to scare them call me BR again see what happens don't mess with us will all this will death for your house see the to power it it's terrifying you straight like get Star Wars UC see does look a real what the hell how much is this C it's like a tant to shoot it's crazy post it on fortnite cuz I'm too lazy to Google I I could afford to fire that thing it's called the dragon fire what the [ __ ] this guy legal mean to me can we blast his house wait what just death laser his house no cuz right before this the US military was calling all military week so we were wanted with a with a orbital laser comically large orbital laser look at that [ __ ] look how SC fornite looks like a red Final Flash dud do not even that it's freaking frieza's laser attack death beam death beam it's just the pure red it it's the [ __ ] sky red bro I bet you I bet you when they fire that that you have a full speakers free the free free free free I'm firing my laser I like to imagine they just apologize to whoever is about to be on fire oh that's a person oh no oh that's the white woman oh no is Al Piccolo Piccolo Piccolo Piccolo my off where is he uh in the basketball court in the basketball court dead they chasing me what the hell okay she's got seven health she's got seven Health oh I'm on my way I'm on my way wer I'm trying J I have a jetpack I have a jetpack I really don't to die I'm trying wer oh better there make it over here oh thank you oh no they know my location I've been do thank God she didn't finish me thank God I'm going shot by person oh my God screw you MJ okay we should probably be quick bro I got a golden shotgun I have two I pumped the head tce there's a guy watching us there's a guy watching us across in the main base you see him on the roof you see him on the roof Crouch that you have to get me up I'm safe I'm taking his crown Sor I'm sneezing I can't help right now somebody's talking about you bro [ __ ] M smack oh he fell oh [ __ ] this this guy with the turret coming in oh you guys aren even here you guys AR I just realized you guys in this building oh my God wait oh that's that's a whole team yeah they're jumping us sorry I was calling a moment of weakness like wer oh it's it's C out for being so good I get sto sometimes should use Las on then I can't believe I shot that man in the head twice with a golden shotgun and he lived [Music] [Music] [Music] run it back run it back I just I can't believe this [Music] [Music] [Music] they had 10 seconds only cost 10 it's a pound close [Music] second so where are you guys landed I have no idea where you guys landed I landed The Avengers chest every time I don't I I don't know this area I try to go for an Avengers chest too I just go somewhere and hope for the best uh you know that's how outside of the base where the Avengers just is they connected to it I Le my only problem is that like because because of the way way it's positioned I almost always land l so I have to run that and then someone gets there before me so I just need to start pulling early also new episode of just came up [Music] a hero I love watching this knowing that he's Peak already just just knowing he's not going to get any better than this who's not going to get better than this cu the new M came up I I love watching it knowing that it's already peaked oh yeah yeah that was a good episode today I PE in high school this is how I became the world's greatest hero not officially and for about 5 minutes dude the my hero fan of just cursed bro I've seen so much drama this past week which I will not elaborate because a lot of is just Petty but like in like just two my hero servers that I recently in there so much drama bro I'll look in there and be like I wonder what they're talking about and then just Shenanigans my hair on Tik Tok has been nothing but C I'm not surprised they been throwing the take around that everyone who thinks the ending is bad just hasn't read the ending and it's like bro why do you think it's why do you think they think it's bad they read it the thing that I hate what kind of a take the thing I hate about anime SL wongo compared to like games is that the only thing you can really kind of discuss about is like the writing and we've reached a point in society where people will dismiss the other point of The Other Side by saying that they're illiterate or they can't read or they just don't understand which is which is what's happening your opinion is worse than mine because you have I'm dead no you're not you're done oh jeez literally becomes I disagree with because it's like bro what if if a large group like something red is probably just cuz it's bad that hit break is but what about what would I know I haven't read the chap so anyway like two years ago like two years ago I recorded some like um discussion SL review Myer stuff with like ice and Chad and kiy and Pika I still haven't uploaded some of them yet but uh if we're going like very far ahead act three is have a lot of issues with act three I thought the ending like if the ending was good I would have been more okay with it but it wasn't so what the [ __ ] are you good yeah dude just shock wait you're both dead our met is about to die he's on oh what the [ __ ] I hate White dead bro no pressure G I'm running for my life right oh that's the guy that killed wait think that's the guy that killed me holy dick suckers no no pressure by the way bro everyone is figuring out that this spot is Peak yeah yeah like you had the abuse day one bro should back again oh [ __ ] oh my God you're just guarding a card behind you oh hey it's person that killed me what shot Buble we're also she's like the last one to land blows up yeah we can if want to land at the Dr do place we can do that the castle one yeah Castle it's just it's just the the thing that we'll have to worry about later is killing the the siphon people that's a futur US problem we were fine last time yeah we were fine last time with that honestly probably had easy a game also I'm kind of sick of seeing the same three locations every game that's fair yeah without spoiling my hero obviously um the end of act two is after like the the war and like the start of V Hunt is like the start of act three like act three onward I feel like it's when the story took a nose dive for the worst I still like a lot of stuff in it it's just overall not really I love no I don't I hate the amount of words in Japan that just sound like the N word in English the amount times I look away the amount of times I look away and like I have my hero playing right now my and say something that sounds vaguely similar and I like I immediately snap someone back and like what did he say what what did you say excuse me that's funny [Music] like what the [ __ ] did he just can't tell one thing I feel bad about for the anime only fans who watched uh today's episode of my hero like the sub version they're like oh wow that was really awesome like can't we see what happens next episode the next episode's not even deu versus sh they just moved to another part of the are we going to uh castle by the way yeah yeah castle castle I'm not connected yet it's probably because cuz oh no I'm [Music] fine E's Courtyard the heck [Music] B yeah but you guys are right people are figuring out that the cipher the siphon is there me the Ping or yeah the Ping the Ping Medallion yeah that's what I meant sorry said saidon like the IP one the IP one the IP address one yes one who cares invisible when you crouch who cares okay think that was good with with the the IP that's a fortnite if they locked in and it was just like the ball machine body with shriff up all might's head stay locked in I believe they link to the new mha season like that BR at least three squads oh my God bro okay we're all Landing in this area I'm assuming yeah yeah pink purple pink purple I going somewhere Andy we're Landing in this house that you're that you're looking at there's a guy on top of the tower the chest it was oh let me have that at least thank you troll oh my got this do get on me I'm just desperately trying to follow you they inside yeah I hear them healing oh wow I he every second I was just behind you guys but was terrifying yeah try to stick to us oh people approaching me you're going to fall bro kill your I me that with 100 1,000% get him out get him out get him out you're a real guy his friends are coming I think got me got a real guy he's weak got him watch your back a purple scar what the hell I freaking knew it all right where's the last guy Min in here on me bro how many teams are here jeez like five teams he said at least three at least three someone else is we we hide here we hide here all right that guy just hide instantly we just we just hide around this area and we're fine I love the shotgun SMG combo I love how it's always going to be mive what we can't see Dr Doom's HP from here so he must be alive still we have to be closer I mean we see him on the map I work towards him is he in here see him on the map he's like he's like a little more Norm oh I see him now I see him the problem with reload is if we were play that instead all of those people we killed would already be alive again but we're not playing reload so uh we're not playing reload so l i mean it's all right but like normal you have dude relo's worse than ranked in my opinion don't honestly I found I found where is he Doom guy [ __ ] I found [ __ ] Doom Bo someone shooting us just a bot Sigma Sigma okayy we fighting him forun I challenge you to combat don't worry I'll blow him up like how I blew up that one building I'll kill him like how I killed the Gohan going to do this funny drop kick or no does he actually do that yeah he does a drop kick too we didn't see it there's a chest here did it last time we came it that's F oh you guys are too late oh wait just Bots Merry Christmas you filthy animal [Music] team yes okay yes I heard silence I thought DC or something we did it we did it [Music] yippee I'm going to explore this place so we don't have to run take the we can take the air vent thing yeah Co I hear Ops wait no just robots op [Music] all what is the point of this I made this jump let's find out I can [Music] I hear a car there's a car but there's a car car two cars two cars there's two cars oh hell no I'm you guys do they have Medallion they do they do why are they bom rushing us want Speed Run they want to beun medallions I'm taking def I'm leaving up set me up set me up it's not setting me up it's not setting me up it bed it [Music] bued I'm not being sent up I'm not being sent up I'm dead armored car on me move her move for on me on me ah what the shoot a move no I'm in the sky I can't shoot him bro I got in his car me let me me behind you behind behind you behind you behind you oh I see him I see him oh he has an aim bot got him got him he's he's down two on me two on me [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] he got me where down up there up there no they're healing they're healing in the v they're healing in the v area I have heals we're hostages where's hostage right hostage the inside I love this Shield okay he sorry I just want to hear for you thank you oh I think whoever went I think whoever was inside flew away yeah they flew away they flew away but they're they're coming back they have to come back they have to they have a medallion they have a medallion look I think on the map both we have their friend card so make sure you take theit yeah I did that you oh come on I hate this [ __ ] he's getting CC trained right now show I've been stilled you want this [ __ ] stupid ass location bro one second I'm going to take a he there's D I found them they're they're on the tip they're they're camping on the jump pad don't engage I'm not I'm not engaging we're we're stalling the friends card I know but I'm just letting you know that they have access to a jump pad on the top of the mountain oh yeah cons don't they we're we're salling we're salling the friends card we we we play this we fall the three people wait where are they uh top of the mountain there's a jump pad oh they dropped dropped it you guys see that [Music] interesting all right it's so what are you doing confus I'm not com I'm getting close [Music] just kidding I'm killing them all right don't worry the temps are F they ped they ped I they ped staying I'm around the the friends area do you want to try and oh wait they dropped a dropped a I'm looking for it I don't see it is down the cliff it's on the map is that someone gling over there somebody gliding yes someone on the car car car car car car car I'm shocked the tra it to be honest that's B nice car bro long as for bringing all the medallions to us oh Sho you mean the chaos got card you got card what up Master sorry I didn't read your message early got card they got card just chase him ohug oh shoot okay sh spam Shield spam him there you go get me up get me up get me up it's fine he to the you can't pull your glider if you pull your glid stop going up on Deal we're Hing this guy by the way shut up we we're host him in in the Doom castle by the way is that his friend is that his friend oh [ __ ] I'm not near you guys oh get out played bro wait he instant died he instant died yeah team uh I got C hey hey they they they wanted smoke spectating they want smoke they wanted smoke they wanted smoke uh facad is that Shield your um you this about to be the first one we've been uh me please where's reboot van oh it's over there it's like all the way across I don't like the reboot van locations bro what hell is this with the they're always off so so I want me to reboot you at a Island no do not reboot my Island I want to I want the loot in Castle Doom yeah yeah we're just get this one I need to loot there so B's working on it dude I'm a big fan of castles so I like this UI I like it too I just think it's too difficult to Traverse such a truck to get through it's like CLL so who wants to go on an adventure two CER I need items I need items I need items man you can fly byad where the loot wow if I die it's over I think it's about the mark oh hello whoa oh didn't have that see Sho shooting up ahead I don't know the structure of this place no oh we're going to [Music] contested it's being contested is it yeah someone ried we we could jump them uh I don't feel safe but not the whole team I don't know what myself I think this's a plan there a Duo there a trio there a trio trio okay I think this hopefully aot they have aot Shing oh they have they have they have they have [Music] the I still don't know where Rift Rift Rift they have they have uh a ping I'm out of here I'm gone is it ping I'm out you guys drive it's over there's a oh my ping ball go away what you knocked one I hold on I'm coming back found it we're still ping by the way oh Shield is so [Music] op oh this better o Ser the the shoty moof sure moer come back up where is bro going I sure if anyone that I oops I don't have blinding up it blinding up wow you guys should have just stayed m 2 one got the card uh do you want me to reboot here yeah let's reboot me there it's it's still safe here yeah yeah just reboot me there I killed one of them so yeah you might have to retreat somehow now they beat my ass how many teams left three teams left three teams nine peopleall team or uh island people team someone here I zipline so zip lining that's me oh all right wer you joining us back [Music] I think he's dying IRL he's getting CC CH [Music] IRL here [Music] we need a good vantage point to be honest we should go back to East wait if I get if I grab my Mythic I'm full build do you remember where it is one piece build anybody got shells shells and chat fun back here there you go my sh I don't this is I'm so unfamiliar with this map where the F never mind we stay here with fud yeah we we literally can't yeah we that's what I was saying was like we should we should have just stayed bro what kind full setup is this are you're fighting South yeah me too I'm so I'm so unfamiliar with this map where I see I see I see somebody on the hill oops and car I don't have a scope I can't contest I mean I could then don't don't fight it then I even hit them yeah I see them don't don't don't try to fight it a car oh did someone take the one piece oh you need that oh yeah oh yeah we full build now can we get much also watch your back holy [ __ ] who threw a shield roer he's still throwing it uh there's a car like going towards us oh the uh jetpack guys here oh I no way of getting up there oh he got him let's go know where his body is God I took all of his hits move for your Me by way like bump some Shield don't fight that alone going I should have asked for other ammo from you guys Mo for you're muted I'm trying to make my way up to move for I cover I cover you guys I'll drop I'm running I'm being chased being chased being Chas being Chas come to me come to me come to me come to me they're about to come up about to come up oh they're fighting the other team they're fighting the other team there's another team behind us yeah they are oh oh shoot they have a sh too they have a shield too oh damn they broke the stairs holy [ __ ] there's so many people oh I hit people hang on walk to the side St walk to the side wait where are you oh this Shield is awesome what the one we clear some people dead I'm dead you guys need to kill they he's low the guy that that that I wounded he's wounded I hear someone healing that's him it's him he's in the air he's in the air oh [ __ ] he hit me you got double teamed meta rip spy I'm damn dude that chaotic quick bro [ __ ] this gu swatted us dude bro I think the shield can bounce off a walls and just H people like that that's so cool yeah you can hit multiple people it's that's awesome it's amazing youer knocked some people with that where's moer I I think he's just he just coughing his brains out so he's muted but the off chance he wasn't I actually fighting for his life okay oh my gosh he's actually fighting for his life bro what the hell common allergy diff open allery th [Music] and the mar Waid [Music] be with dust facts [Music] [Music] [Music] enemies div facts so facts where we Landing where should we land Dooms again wait I it's like off I'm down to do the the raft I gu oh raft yeah I'm down to do raft again the wait unlock Doom cour Courtyard what I think when you left Castle the castle to go for Island interesting I don't know looks like one team so far yeah he's looking at us I like I'm just saying close to the team he found me found me where are you uh Bandy careful there's a guy near you he's trying to look for me I'm dead got back shot up the W Trio on my body trio trio on my body where are they we're all together Tri on my body oh what the where did you come from out of here woman from above I have I had a two I had a purple pistol and a purple Monarch so be careful [Music] zip line oh now you know they're there nice [ __ ] on me on me on me there's someone here what is this guy doing body block him body block him body block him reloading I'm reloading I'm reloading oh my God move he's pretty chunked upstairs they're [Music] upstairs body blocking this guy well done is that all of them yeah yeah he has a oh let's go that's crazy oh hly level threat bro immediately oh my God oh my God oh my God that's actually crazy this is Peak that was Peak bro and this is how I Peak them then do the boss dude the why is should we approach this you guys could kill the boss first the boss actually no no reboots in in in out of Zone you got to go first first you got going to go you're going to go yeah looks like he's going he's going for reboot so you could just prep yourself Bandy yeah yeah I don't know I was a little demoralizing but the bot was oh wased dude that's crazy that that Trio that jump me dude they frame one jump me then like half of them went AFK you understand yeah that guy was just AFK yo he got yelled at cuz he was screaming too loud I got the stream I I got the streamer I shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up shut up please Jimmy we're trying to sleep oh no what so noo please tell me please tell me that was just a bot crou literally literally rat literally rat we we jumping I'm going to confirm to see if this is a bot or a actual person okay it just a bot we're good let's just kill them wow [ __ ] come over here [ __ ] right back back back she actually not fighting back she actually not fighting back yeah this is can to marbles I think D we just quartered her she didn't know what to do her AI couldn't function she got gang bagged troll face trolling War Machine jetpack [Music] what Peak wait please wait it's still in the game I get to emot let's go if they if they patch that [ __ ] it's so over why keep trying to double jump this stop where's next Zone oh shoot we got to run I don't like that zone there's ballion people over here they might be trying to cut us off if anything go for the launch pads so true moer so true he must be pings actually use Squad coms for ones this oh M People right in front of us I see them I see them I see them yep wait wait wait wait wait wait careful careful careful I'm not engaging just yet okay uh getting a flank angle initiate initiate Bandy [ __ ] oh my ass is dead man you guys are so good at this game day two and you're already splitting your asses off un lucky I got Loopers card running yeah got stick with that green water wasting their time oh someone's in my car wasting their time oh nice try oh my God wait they got you the [ __ ] yeah he's been I kill us bro I didn't know I was the only one I thought someone was still alive yeah somebody was still alive you well aside from me [Music] bro I trash bro I was trash [Music] trash Cy will get it [Music] done we have not gone to D yeah it's so [Music] over to be fair I kind of threw the round where we got [Music] second Cannon Spike you threw lofer how' you threw not the game just the [Music] shield where is moer even talking he's dming me oh okay I was like I see the notifications I see the notifications okay got got telepathy awesome tiny Among Us gift I love the tiny amongus [Music] gift H you with the tweaking rat though man I couldn't wait for Terry and my's gameplay I can't wait to see my dude [Music] pleas scit just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that ra again yeah what raft the raft oh raft I thought I thought I heard crash again is it me the stream lagging on my over my loaders over my Cod can't English RS [Music] my encoder is overloading I don't know why haven't dropped anything yet so oh we're good there's like three teams bro it's over oh my God yeah they just know Okay we okay next round we got to land somewhere else this is too many people can we try uh Doom's dad whereever place we do we can [ __ ] here [ __ ] in my house I want a gun I just need a gun I'm sorry kill him is this burst oh my God that's so kill this creature kill both of them ammo someone just they're hitting me there's a a rifle who's Up's getting shot at no pop those chug splashes immediately I can't I can't I'm scared going to fight oh [ __ ] they're right there I have no ammo my god [Music] dude trying to get angle on them knocked one I knocked one I knocked one we got it they they is that all of them dude I left on one HP where's meta where's meta I'm right here get for oh my God sh Shield is clutch clutch he's underneath he's underneath he's underneath what the what doing oh he's on the wall what the I got you holy clutch dude dude oh my gosh the The Shield actually save that sh came in clutch oh my God I was like I was like there's people here guys there's people here there's people here there's people here I have like no ammo left oh I hear a guy I hear a guy I'm toage he has a shield [Music] got St Marks everyone GA around better I can't get in hold on throw oh my gosh all right okay got a shield and a shotgun and a dream [Music] oh thought that was a I thought was take his gun oh my God we we should hi he Le oh [ __ ] there's there's real people here there's real people here we should leave leave I don't think we can leave no we it won't let us now they're pushing what this guy's America shield this guy's going to C kill this guy shoo me you know whatever yeah you got it bro good on you [ __ ] oh my God bro now everybody's fighting for the the IP address oh my gosh he's hiding in a tunnel bro dude once they get the boss it's over though sh what don't mind me there's a silly hybrid bny can you walk to move oh my God they spotted me God damn it no if if he walked to move he would review his location which is not no I was trying to get the cards found oh my God hate fortnite players godd damn yeah we need to go to another location holy [ __ ] there's like eight teams there it's like actually impossible possible bro everyone knows now they know the meta spy oh took us one day hey everybody if you want to get a victory Royale let in this op spot you will ping everybody in the lobby facts p in the physical ENT a sticky Stitch did you all ready up or team the cut off I'm back I'm back team what were you saying did you did you guys all uh did you guys ready up already oh yeah no okay wait I already up are we not supposed to I don't know it says I'm connecting oh I got a problem waiting for meta and B to ready up oh there go I got I went on the loading screen that was so weird I think I'm having issues because I'm not updating [Music] [Music] OBS yeah I agree MO [Music] you know what I missed bows it's been a while has it I missed the um the shock wave bow a lot I miss the flame bows those are fun to use true letting people on fire where should we go where is it oh that's kind of close but oh it's a hot Drop too brother are we still going to Doom that whatever dude everybody's going to go to the penguin for fun and for me personally the the dings are mandatory for this location cuz it's like if you think about it you're invisible but you have a radius on the map that everyone can see does that make sense can you get hanged when you're invisible probably you can't probably on invis I'm literally a rat okay have it well we have to fight these people first though one team what is this like two te two teams oh maybe three oh my God don't land there don't land on danger can you land in a house I'm landing where going to a house this house is nothing in here bro gun gun anywhere please please I think I took the only gun move for I'm [Music] sorry oh wa for the chest I trying to FBI raing me uh meta there's two people nearby me I know there's a guy nearby me I'm fighting two people I'm on it I'm bad I'm [ __ ] what is this house bro help I knocked one I knocked one squad on our squad on me squad on me [Music] leave them alone they're healing they're healing we're fighting one of them oh my God I hate did they get it [Music] off okay I didn't get the fire my gun oh it did I get it yeah you got it yes oh my god get [ __ ] bro get bandies card before I die [ __ ] there's people here oh my gosh bro I got bandies cter oh we can't have anything not even this damn gas station I can't safely loot a gas station are you for real starting to with my hero my gosh if I go to Rebel Roost and I hear footsteps it's so over dude who lands at Rebel Roost that's what I'm saying Place existed be 10 here going to ninja you're way to meta have fun and good luck uh I'm going to loot here for a little bit that's my reboot Ranger this place even existed there's minis here on the big part youo The Minis than oh there's an Avengers chest here wait wasn't there um wasn't there an Iron Man Mythic in a trailer I think that one's being released later I think I [Music] think I want this there is nothing here yeah it's Rebels Roost it's Rebels Roost bro oh there better CH hold on wait what it just stinks oh I got the aim thing oh that's really good honestly two Avengers chests here that's three Avengers chest what wait a minute spot new classy Court location no uh let's calm down B that was three Avengers death in a house oh he actually did it Peak hey he did it let's go is there any loot for me or no so I'm just going to fly away if there isn't fly away probably not get in the car let's get out of here let's just get out of here why is there a car in the tree what the oh what stigma Peter Griffin killed yourself give me his loot when you're done killing him take it it's all yours all yours there another person hear another one two people three people [Music] [Music] just pots oh Medallion oh great Medallion people are nearby who are you you're doomad you're the people who [ __ ] raided us probably D I remember getting chased into this cabin last season oh my goodness oh my gosh remember the EMP clutch yeah oh clutch Happ here too clut happened here too the The Ride the Lightning at the cliff bro yeah you're right bro bro what the [ __ ] is this what is this place bro Mo for you good bro oh he's with us okay he is Among Us smile among us bro I swear it's this gas station is still have Ops in it it's over they're right there there's no way they turn around just for us come back and I have friends do they remove the heal and vend machines they're still here they probably change locations get though oh Place been looted oh what you [ __ ] for real leave us alone losers I shredded one of them they're pushing me one I shredded push just pushing me oh someone's on me fight him fight him fight him he's up right here right here oh W oh my God y the rest of teams here Al a third party bro I hate it's so hard to win why is it so hard to [Music] win get wow you got one pump all right is it over or is it over oh yeah oh my God they turn around for us oh my are after you the brackets are after there's a car up ahead there's a car up ahead of the road I guess that goes to show how much of a threat we are the brackets they're here we're just threatening right guysside somehow Avengers level threat like we need to be stopped boosted it's the raer get him and now they're going to CH he's in a cave wait go the other way did they camping hard I think they're camping I'm going these people are toxic yes they're camping cards they're camping cards they're camping they're going back yeah they they are we have nothing for them like I don't get it we literally have nothing they already have move maybe you could go to doomad try to find as much heals because like it's not like they're probably going to have to you you need some heels some Shock waves shock waves something bro I don't know no those losers actually went back we have nothing for them though like I just don't get it see look they're they're hovering over you can see them right cards how much you want to bet they also have a timer on it too just watch would do that they might be coming back oh moer no there's no way keep keep there's no way they know I don't want to get my hopes up no way even if they go to doomad they can't find him because the place is so weird yeah okay moving past yeah you just go back I think I think yeah you have your opening now watch him turn around they'd probably memorize games [Music] too definitely yours [Music] I don't even know how they hurt us they were so far [Music] away people are demonic this game is like actually Apostles now what I think uh everybody maybe they were stuck in the queue so all the try hards going get in yesterday the c c the break you're stuck in Q now they're out bro can you imagine like three people are here it's just that the PE person who's holding leaves that be big brain bro that would be such a huge bait bro they're too far to know too far just reboot here here and they're going the fastest 180 you'll ever see yeah they're going to I'm running I'm running straight look at this you see them here you see them here yes be rebooted they're going to go here here here here and then kill us again I'm just running should we go to doomad there's probably left over loot hiding in there there's no cards here we can hand me down lost by's ass Shield's ass going to Reckless that's crazy bro all took one day so far [Music] we'll probably find a car I'm sure the one that move for left is nearby so this place is hollow try to look for everything you can I have their Queen pistol on the dream oh wait wait Dron I have a car I just picked up the car so oh that's big bre not going to lie I'd rather look for dead loot you want to leave I have a a river we can use GA around just go anywhere [Music] um we could Trail around here and see there's loot for I'm going to jump off a cliff if you don't get in making to rain now he's a b Arina at least he got in the car and like a certain someone wait the train might be the train might be useful right now is there you think there's loot still on it oh reset uh it doesn't wait hang on yeah it doesn't have the check clean check Mar on it there is it hasn't been claimed yet no it's not on there it's not on there stay in zone I don't know if we claim it in time do we claim this in time uh I don't think probably yeah Z I'm taking the chance crash this this train sucks man wait is this a healing station there healing station going down we might be able oh the auto turret here someone wants it's at 50% we'll have enough time okay staying on train yeah yeah I think we'll make it we'll be at the edge though time just get our stuff dibs on America thought to be something trash dude it's okay give we need to jump off any ARS somebody grab the med kit bro I have three already [Music] three oh Le are reliable heals yeah but like nor Mobility no defense no infinity stone pieces no shield no [ __ ] no baddies no [Music] baddies H camp fire I guess I don't know you can check reels we go oh there's two people in Island uh catching up all right there's no way they come to us right no there second time they're they're I can't tell oh that's a reboot that's right here that's a REO right here is it where is it I see them they have auto turret they're running kill kill the new spawns kill new spawns [Music] oh this gun sucks it's not meant for long range head up just be careful of Med Medallion people are approaching Medallion people are approaching I'm I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm going north we go north north north north north oh okay we just is there a bush oh we're dead G bro oh shoot they're shooting they're shooting me they're shooting me [Music] a that's GG no this guy's Dead one got knocked this guy just take your stuff kill him promo where is he get this guy angle him angle him you oh get in the circle you know I really hate get in the circle oh we're just dead do you have another one what the [ __ ] no that was the last one what I went flying wait meta I know I know I'm lock did jum off the oh my God this guy is so weak what are teams um Team comps it's one V4 you're the last guy what did them sweep as hell yuku SAU time SAU time SAU angle SAU angle my God wait are you the same guys I don't care you just see the two guys dropped out and just [Music] died dude the shop value I was just like Jaw drop Val I was like what the [ __ ] is that wait they took fall damage I think I the third party we killed the guys who chased up all game okay pink um the yeah I think the third party they came in with a car and they and they they they were able to hit them from the back cuz they were trying to kill us the other twoam was trying to kill us they got knocked off and they landed between me and meta and I just saw like two people just kneel over Dead with lot like gold Loot on the ground what what like crazy that that one guy who tried to reboot he docks the whole Lobby bro everybody came [Music] rushing yeah literally like no Mobility dead it's over auto turret plus like threepiece combo BR wait wofer the update is real the baby the baby Monster is real it's real baby yeah there's like a little like baby creature that you could pick up [Music] put in the patch notes it's crazy it's real V60 V6 to win we got to we got to figure something out well who sells who sells the shields is the Captain America Jones is that where he sells one I'm pretty but where want to try Landing there but I don't where try it I think I know where it is pull the map pull up [Music] the see I know for Shar the app of of all NPCs [Music] okay he is [Music] he's in the warehouse the this where is that again oh yeah right there yellow Park he's in there interesting so we land here wait Nitrome doesn't have the boss anymore I don't know what's there anymore really care is this Nitro true can you imagine people Landing here bro no actually surpris cuz they don't want the shield going to happen they probably they probably go here and then they they go to here next I wouldn't be surprised probably the [Music] Strat what if it could become our Strat [Music] far so good Jonesy might be little where are you Jonesy Jonesy he's in the parking lot he's in the parking lot parking lot he only sells one how much does it cost 300 I'm rich buy it but I don't have that much okay you get it then I get this I get this oh he heals interesting he so whe for that he's a real one I'm actually going to check Nitro [ __ ] we're loing at hey where you guys [Music] going you want to go to the raft instead actually curious now he's dying this is his last game okay wow I almost fell in the pit and just die oh yes just straight up empty here I think ever fully explored this place oh oh my goodness oh my godness oh shoot sorry still not familiar with every gun so you got to test it [Music] oh chest jet pack the sure is [Music] Nitrome wow never before seen like calm Nitro [Music] D oh the Nitro effect just gone yeah Nitro is gone but Shield better but the fists are gone too we will miss the fist I I I missed them already bro I just love punching the [ __ ] out of people that I hate just said not wait to you what the hell oh there's a car there's a car car car where it's driving us I don't think they saw us you think people stole land a brutal that's a very good question oh a healing vending machine yo still exist does anybody want [Music] this a turret I hear a car me hello okay hello oh they duck out the train that's funny wow op combo op combo on the one piece combo more like Captain America shield and auto turret thing the still here can he still here blow torches please it will be very useful this [Music] season is anyone here where's NPC oh he's upstairs is he hble no nope he just a Hammer Pump he so trash now trash bags [Music] [Music] are like now oh wow there are UPS damn people land it here where's Bandy where are you guys come here let's kill [Music] them right here my God hi hi I got another one two of them above us I hat land lethal there's a lethal company guy here kill on your own just like in the game [Music] [Music] is that it sounds like so what replace the car cage is now or is it just gone oh it's just there anymore oh than [ __ ] do epic needs to have a season where every Mythic item's online dude that's why what I'm saying that could be LTM someone's here someone's here someone's here somewhere back here not here but like behind it oh I hear [Music] them okay [Music] hold on I guess we just leave now [Music] yep dourish season 3 territory oh there's a jetpack [Music] here up top Oh Captain America shield who doesn't have movement uh I don't you want you want six shock waves or you want the jetpack I think sh blade I guess I'll Dr this here's a full here have seems that someone up well P Pion over here that's this team is Ping Medallion two I don't know are let's good to discern them [Music] them Avengers chest s there's Avengers chest here hold on cook shut the [ __ ] up let me cook bruh let me cook bruh let me cook bro I could do that too bro you're not special get in the car you remember like the 36 kill bomb and then this [ __ ] happened yeah right before they just demolished cars that's a medallion wow the other way could check the bunker which one purple oh oh hot dog B our car is trash the bunker by himself [Music] [ __ ] baby oh my God his hair doesn't take out the car you're short enough bro it's fine got that what the I did not to I hardly all this go mine I hear people I need help where are you fish oops get out get that okay anyway ngga Trumper 8D this things here war machine I don't know that is there just need Auto turet my build's complete car car approaching it's it's it's it's it's the the El musar kill them you're cringe oh my God what there's another car approaching there's another caring there's another car approaching ice goodward exploded it you're in that bush really do they really think we didn't just see them go in the bush I think that's a third party that's a third party be careful I almost thought that was a Mythic car push hey guys there's somebody on the train there's somebody on the train yeah there's some on the train shot at wait what do we do fight fight train people fight train people they're behind us us you're surrounded the West dude [ __ ] bro take the jet pack sorry all [Music] good uh where do we go to Oblivion I'm going to Nitro doome there's going to D people there son I know but I need a car [ __ ] Aimbot guy Bandy Bandy can you get to me I'm in I'm in the colum I'm in the Coliseum I'm making my way over there yeah I'm flying out waiting for my jet pack to recharge we got his card okay yeah we got his card this [ __ ] hey right back to where we started is there a guy there isid was taken it might have been M people though it might just might have been M people who were gone keep an eye of this building oh we got to hurry let's beat it hop in the car right after this they killed Jonesy they killed Jonesy how good they how good they have that back okay oh you want you want this pistol meta yeah I don't know okay where do we go there's so many medall teams that's why we have to fight early game for it man try X Sonic one day I will I most definitely well it's very cool go to this gas station real quick are you [ __ ] kidding me it's it's El mus dude no it's not got to go I think we bully them I think we bully them they're not Medallion people tax te them yes I think we I think we just killed them okay I do drive by the guy in the gas station surrounded no we're dead oh we just got to go we got to go Gage Z there's a thing right there straight for y try to heal try to heal try to heal try to heal there someone swimming oh I know oh shoot we just got to go that's as good as going to go that's fine we got we got more than half every god dude we never truly left last season you missed the cactus for too scared driving got Mark Wait what I got marked what the hell it's just you it's just me it's just you oh us my God oh my godness oh my God fight we have to kill these people we have to kill them we have to we have to kill them oh my god he has a jetpack I can't hit him I can't hit him just keep moving just keep moving kill him kill him kill them I have to hit and run we're hit running oh my gosh what is this someone had a what is happening a okay nice someone get that car I'm kidding no it's troll it's Troll hi the car is almost cooked you have to find another car that car back there but it's a two-seater that's problem did we just lay low where cuz like once this no I mean in the car like once this car blows up then we're kind of just cooked I'm going to Zone move why' she get out of the car there's someone healing right oh my we can't we can't fight it we literally can't fight it there's too many going on how many teams are left Bro [ __ ] what is this Zone oh my God there's somebody shooting what the thead we're done we're cooked oh no bro that guy's weak got him yes we got two of them oh stay close to me stay close to me yeah oh is that it yeah I think we might have no no we don't what wait who is this guy behind us behind us he's dead 44 someone want to take the I take it I'm long ranging this game we got to get the zone now get to Zone we run I have a feeling they're in this building and I got mys oh they're back here push them push them now where are they I'm me on me I knocked one knocked one got let's go God oh my God oh he got a fight for that dude there was so much going on in the desert I'm surprised our car didn't blow up any sooner bro dude last season experience that's the experience from last season literally also the shield came in clutch during that final fight oh my God oh my gosh fact like the way it was just Rick and Shing off the people the counter I figured it out the shield is good against the war machine you literally do that if you have War Machine stuff you counter back with it can't do anything they all blasted me yeah they all blasted you with the car I was just looking I was like where's meta and I'm like oh my gosh he's at the enemy team's face GG's GG's almost thought we going to lose that honestly GG's I thought we lost GG's GG's I thought we lost better better better Honestly though we stayed healthy that last fight too speak for [Music] yourself well you kind of just went up their phas that's kind of no I wasn't healthy because you didn't hit the cacti um we were above 50 Shields and we had 100% Health stop me um skill issue skill issue not me skill issue GG's is GG's GG's all right chat that's it for me for today uh next week we should have variety my plan is Wednesday Ultra Rumble that's the plan uh Tuesday maybe that new Dragon Ball Game If I gain access the mobo one like Dragon Ball multi and then Monday we'll play Persona 4 Golden beat Margaret cuz I haven't done that yet and then after after that either fortnite or maybe tear that's the plan asuming nothing goes wrong but uh yeah thank you all for watching and sign up

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