Teammates FURIOUS As Angel Reese's Stat Padding Costs Their Team at the Buzzer!

33- You might be wondering how a star player like  Angel Reese could cost her team the game. Well,   it's not just about what happened on the  court - it's about what's been brewing   behind the scenes. Let's talk about the moment  that left Reese's teammates seeing red.   Before we move on, I'd like to ask you a  small favor. If you appreciate this content,   please take a second to like this video and  subscribe to the channel. Over 98% of you   watch the videos without subscribing. It costs you  nothing, but it makes a huge difference to us. So,   did you click the subscribe button? Great! Thank  you so much. Now, back to the video.   You've heard of double-doubles, but what  about double trouble? Reese's rebound   rampage on August 25th had a dark side that  left her teammates seeing red. We're about to   break down how chasing personal glory can cost  more than just points on the scoreboard.   Let's talk about that game on August 25th.  Reese pulled down an impressive 20 rebounds,   but here's the kicker - her team still took  the L. How does that even happen? Well,   it turns out that Reese's hunger for boards  might've been the team's downfall.   Picture this: Reese, eyes locked on the rim,  waiting for that ball to bounce off. She's   so focused on grabbing that rebound  that she's missing easy layups. Yeah,   you heard that right. She's actually missing shots  on purpose just to pad her stats. It's like she's   playing her own game within the game, and her  teammates are the ones paying the price.   Now, you might be thinking, "But  rebounds are good, right?" Usually,   yeah. But not when they come at the cost of actual  points. See, in basketball, the goal is to put the   ball through the hoop, not just grab it after it  bounces off. But Reese? She's been acting like   rebounds are the new currency of the game. Let's break it down. In the last five games since   coming back from the Olympic break, Reese's  shooting percentage has taken a nosedive.   We're talking a measly 32.4%. That's not  just bad, that's bench-warming bad. But   instead of focusing on improving her shots,  she's doubling down on the rebounds.   Here's where it gets really crazy. In  those crucial final moments of the game,   when every point counts, Reese was still  playing her rebound game. There were plays   where she could've passed to an open teammate  or taken a high-percentage shot. But nope,   she'd force up a bad shot, miss it, and then grab  her own rebound. It's like watching someone play   ping pong with themselves while the rest of the  team is trying to win a basketball game.   And her teammates? They're not just annoyed,  they're straight-up furious. Imagine busting   your butt on defense, forcing a turnover,  sprinting down the court, getting open   for a perfect shot... and then watching your  teammate ignore you to chase another rebound.   It's enough to make anyone lose their cool. But the real kicker came in those final seconds.   The game was close, tensions were high, and  everyone in the arena could feel it. Reese had   a chance to be the hero, to silence the critics  and prove she's all about the team. Instead,   she went for - you guessed it - another rebound.  The ball bounced off the rim, the clock hit zero,   and just like that, the game was over.  Reese got her 20th rebound, but her team   got another L in the loss column. Those heated words in the locker room?   They were about to boil over. Ever  wonder what happens when a team's   star player becomes its biggest problem? Well, Reese's teammates are at their breaking   point, and the aftermath of that buzzer-beater  loss was just the tip of the iceberg. Picture   this: as the final horn sounded, instead of a  unified team huddle, we saw a group of players   visibly fuming. Eyes rolled, heads shook, and  the tension was thicker than peanut butter.   One player was overheard saying,  "We need to play for each other,   not just for our stats." Ouch. That's the kind  of comment that cuts deep, especially when   it's aimed at your supposed team leader. But let's be real, this frustration didn't come   out of nowhere. Reese's abrasive personality has  been grating on her teammates for a while now.   She's got a reputation for being, well,  let's just say "difficult" to work with.   It's like trying to play a symphony when your  lead violinist keeps trying to go solo.   And it's not just about her personality.  The team's recent performance has been,   to put it kindly, a dumpster fire. They've been  on a losing streak that's got fans reaching for   the panic button. But here's the kicker:  while the team's record has been tanking,   Reese's personal stats have been soaring.  Coincidence? Her teammates don't think so.   It's like watching a car crash in slow motion.  With each game, Reese's rebound numbers tick up,   but so does the number in the team's loss  column. Her teammates are left wondering:   is she playing for the name on the front  of the jersey or the one on the back?   The locker room atmosphere? It's colder than a  penguin's picnic. Players who used to high-five   Reese after games are now giving her the  cold shoulder. The team dinners that used   to be full of laughter and camaraderie? Now  they're about as fun as a root canal.   But the real kicker came after that last-second  loss. As the team trudged back to the locker room,   the air thick with disappointment, one of  Reese's teammates finally snapped. "We're a team,   not your personal highlight reel," she spat. The  words hung in the air, heavy and undeniable.   It's a stark reminder that in basketball,  as in life, there's no 'I' in team. But   there sure seems to be one in 'Reese'. The question now is: how long can this go on?   How many more losses will it take before something  gives? Because right now, it's not just games   that are being lost – it's the very spirit of  teamwork that makes basketball beautiful.   Just when you thought all hope was lost  for teamwork in women's basketball,   along comes a player who's rewriting the  playbook on what it means to be a star.   How is one rookie managing to elevate her entire  team while still putting up jaw-dropping numbers?   Enter Caitlin Clark, the antithesis of  Angel Reese's me-first approach.   Clark's been making waves in the league, but  not just for her personal stats. She's showing   everyone that being a star and being a team  player aren't mutually exclusive. While Reese   is busy chasing rebounds, Clark's out there  turning heads for all the right reasons.   Let's break it down. Clark's approach to the game?  It's all about teamwork and selflessness. She's   not just playing basketball; she's conducting a  symphony on the court. Every pass, every shot,   every move is calculated to make her teammates  better. And guess what? It's working.   Clark's got this uncanny ability to elevate  everyone around her. It's like she's got a   sixth sense for where her teammates are going  to be before they even know it themselves. She's   dishing out assists like they're going out of  style, creating opportunities for her teammates to   shine. And when she does take a shot? You can bet  it's because it's the best option for the team,   not just to pad her own stats. Now, you might be thinking,   "But what about her numbers? Surely they  must be suffering if she's so focused on   her teammates." Think again. Clark's putting up  stats that would make any player green with envy.   But here's the kicker - her numbers are actually  contributing to wins. Novel concept, right?   Let's talk efficiency. While Reese is out there  missing easy layups just to grab her own rebound,   Clark's making every possession count. Her  shooting percentage? It's through the roof. And   those assists we mentioned earlier? They're not  just pretty passes - they're turning into points   on the board and W's in the win column. But it's not just about the numbers. Clark's   got this energy about her that's infectious. Her  teammates aren't rolling their eyes or giving   her the cold shoulder. They're rallying  around her, feeding off her enthusiasm,   and playing their hearts out. It's like watching  a well-oiled machine where every part knows   its role and executes it perfectly. And here's where it gets really interesting.   Remember how Reese's team has been on  a losing streak? Well, Clark's squad is   on the opposite trajectory. They're racking up  wins, climbing the standings, and making other   teams sweat. All because they've got a star who  understands that basketball is a team sport.   Now, I know what you're thinking. "But wait,  how can one player make such a difference?" It's   all about the ripple effect. When your star  player is all about making the team better,   it changes the entire dynamic. Suddenly,  everyone's playing harder, making that extra pass,   diving for loose balls. It's not about individual  glory anymore - it's about winning together.   Let's put it in perspective. In a recent game,  Clark put up a triple-double. Impressive,   right? But what's even more impressive is that  her team won by a landslide. Her stats weren't   empty numbers - they translated directly  into a dominant team performance. That's   the difference between padding stats and  truly impacting the game.   But perhaps the most telling stat of all? The  smiles on her teammates' faces. While Reese's   locker room is colder than a penguin's picnic,  Clark's team looks like they're having the time   of their lives out there. And in the end,  isn't that what basketball's all about?   For more hoops videos that cover  the latest and greatest stories,   click that subscribe button so you stay in the  game! If Caitlyn Clark can hit a logo 3, surely   you can click a button to show your appreciation  for all the hard work that went into making this   video. It’s free! So what are you waiting  for? Subscribe and see you in the next one!

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