nikocado avocado mocks stephanie soo in his comeback?

okay next I want to get to what is going on with nikocado avocado right now um also I just want to quickly say that his video is at like 27 million views do you know how much money he has made off of this and the video is like 25 minutes long like nikocado has made hundreds if I had to guess hundreds of thousands of dollars off of this Saga already it's crazy anyways he's getting called out because his V and he should be actually so nikocado had drama with Stephanie Sue um four years ago and it was a really big thing and I'm going to be completely honest with you I was not a part of this I do not know what went on there so I'm excited to to dve in I'm excited to dve in guys let's keep the chat night nice about Olivia all love to Olivia and she did reach out to me um like two days ago um so I appreciate that um so anyway there was a big drama with Stephanie um is it so or Sue Sue I'm gonna guess Sue and the videos were insanely big 16 million and 7.7 million and then he made a response 3.9 the majority of people from what I'm aware of were on Stephanie's side because her video was getting 16 million views and his only got 3 million and again saying only 3 million is you know crazy thing to say but when the other video about you is at 16 million like you're being ratioed so in nikocado new video the start of it is very significant the first minute is incredibly significant and here's why so obviously so this person Aon had tweeted and said y'all are not about to wipe everything away just because nikocado got skinny and it was these two videos no what's even weirder is that nikocado opened the video for the first minute with this Panda mask right this Panda mask and who uses a panda mask to you know have online privacy Stephanie's husband uses a panda mask so someone had said context for anyone wondering this is Stephanie's literal husband um he wears this mask for videos because he prefers privacy online despite d dating a large Creator the same privacy breached by leaking pictures of her home security setup four years ago and this is from um four years ago this is the last time I'll address this situation he posted my security monitor on his video and mentioned specific location information about my Heist on another one due to this I have obtained attorneys to handle this matter going forward so literally the opening of his video is a direct [ __ ] you to Stephanie which is crazy that he's like holding on to this four-year beef for his big moment like nikocado avocado is going the most viral he's ever gone right now and he's using that opportunity to [ __ ] on Stephanie Su so we're going to watch this first it's literally less than a minute he wears the mask for and it's the most creepy part of the video anyway but knowing what we know n it just makes it really weird it makes it really weird and scary two steps ahead two steps ahead I am always two steps ahead this has been the greatest social experiment for my entire our life it's luring it's compelling it's gripping to observe all these un like I didn't know the lore and I just thought this was a weird intro but now I'm like oh you're actually scary well disoriented beings roam the internet in search of stories ideas rivalries where they feel encouraged and engaged where they involve themselves with the stories and become a product of influence thirsty for distraction from time unspent spoiling their minds yet again I said this in my first video this is just theater kid to me and really pisses me off them at the same time speaking as someone who was a theater kid as well it's brilliant and it's dangerous I feel as if I monitoring ants on an ant farm one follows another follows another follows another it's mesmerizing it's spellbinding all these little consumers all of these lost and bored people people consuming anything that they're told to consume [Music] so I am the villain Trixie so anyways this has just elevated this so much more what is his end game here and why is he doing this and what is going on like these this tweet has over 100,000 likes like people now that they've seen seen it are like wo what the [ __ ] like why is he using this opportunity if you were not here a second ago this is the mask the panda mask not the exact one but obviously a panda mask that Stephanie's husband uses to protect his privacy online and this is the opening of nikocado big moment weird weird really weird so what I wanted to do to kind of refresh everyone's memory and also go into mine for the first time is watch this video from Stephanie where she is exposing nikocado avocado because this is really [ __ ] up behavior that nikocado has done and he deserves to be called out for it and not just under this distraction of nikocado avocado is skinny and that being able to dismiss any behavior that he's doing like he he's getting away with so much right now because people are shocked which I understand people are saying it looks like the exact same mask so is Stephanie still with this person is her husband right are they still together not that it matters at all it doesn't it doesn't matter at all so I want to refresh everyone's memory like I said and I want to go through this because nikocado avocado just because he's skinny right now will not allow everyone to completely rewrite the narrative on him so let's do it let's do it so they're still married proba you can trust me now I do yeah you do I do good me too movement # me too hi so I haven't really posted on this channel in the past couple of days from my other channel and I'm alive that I didn't get me I know some of you guys are worried but I just kind of want to talk to you guys about what's been happening the past couple of days cuz a lot has happened and it's been really stressful the past couple of days have been filled with just a lot of manipulation in particular manipulating my own words against me to make me do things that I don't want to do and I don't feel comfortable doing and a lot of n aado avocado using his platform and also from my understanding the same way that taty was seemingly unpro when you know she got called out for you know doing the by Sister thing where she had a lot of trust Stephanie's the same where I do know that people really like her um and that she's a liked figure so this is why I think a lot of people rallied behind her as well to threaten me and to bully me at this point my home safe someone commented and said never forget as well that he pipped on Trisha's K I saw a lot of comments about that what the hell's going on there what the hell's going on there I did see that Trisha had posted being like I would love to have nikado on the podcast and I'm like wow she really never misses a beat doesn't she not is kind of in question so normally I wouldn't talk about stuff like this or make a video on it I've been pretty vocal that a lot of things can just be solved offline but because of how how extreme things have gotten recently I just want to share my side I feel like I've been manipulated by fear that I can't say no to him I just want to take back my power to say no not feel like someone's holding this thing over me and threatening me I feel like in normal circumstances I probably wouldn't share private text messages or private d but because of his constant just over and over again twisting my words I just feel like it's necessary and I'm only going to be using conversations that have to do with this matter of my safety my security and the way that he's been threatening me before I get started into sharing everything that's happened I just okay enough people are commenting that he's [ __ ] on Trish's coach huh okay I just want to read to you guys some definitions because well Trisha wants him on the justce so he can [ __ ] on that pink sofa too I feel like I didn't know what was happening to me and I wish I had known what the true definition of these things were because I feel like I don't know maybe I could have prevented it maybe I could have stood up to him maybe I could have said no maybe it wouldn't have gotten this far if I knew what was happening so mental manipulation is when people seek to exploit things that are the Foundation of relationships such as trust understanding and mutual respect in order to benefit themselves in some way I saw that Christina commented and said the intro is from an old video he did I did see that as well and I think I have it right here two steps ahead I am always two steps ahead this has been the greatest social experiment I've come to know certainly the greatest social experiment my entire um was [ __ ] himself part of the social experiment too uh was posting um his whole on timeline that I had to see so often during that time period part of the social experiment too it's auring it's compelling it's gripping to Bear witness to observe all these unwell unbalanced disoriented beings roam the internet in search of stories in search of ideas of conflict of rivalries where people develop a distinctive desire for direct engagement where people feel involved with the stories and therefore become product of influence thirsty for distraction from time unspent from lackluster Lifestyles spoiling their minds while stimulating them the exact same time it's brilliant but it's also dangerous it's dangerous his hair looks like a clip on Lego piece I feel as if my life has been positioned to where I'm monitoring ants on an ant farm oh we got this ant [ __ ] [ __ ] two years ago as well one follows another follows another follows another it's it's mesmerizing it's enthralling it's spellbinding just look at all these consumers all of these lost and bored Jesus if I have to watch this one more time I think I could repeat it word for word as well holy [ __ ] it's catchy consuming anything that they're told to consume I am the villain if I make myself one and people will consume these stories year after year after year stories that stories that shock that confuse stories that are deliberately made to blur the boundaries between fact and fiction stories that permeate infect and linger in the minds of the ants gabiana as poetry influence the ants brainwash the ants you are the end I woke up this morning to money deposited into my account for simply not doing something for simply not going through with something people are the most [ __ ] up creatures on this [Music] planet and you will continue to consume and I'll continue to be two steps [Music] ahead today I thought it would be a SP endid idea to go out and get some food and film it for you g are you surprised okay and then he goes into the new video look the [Music] story are you not paying attention after all you're here to consume are you [Music] not and then it goes into the new video I'm a [ __ ] loser anyways easy ways that you can spot manipulation in terms of emotionally and mentally is for one they use your words against you to make you do something you don't want to do two is that can I also just say that like people online have been acting like he's like the biggest Genius of all time like people have been like wow you know this is really the craziest social experiment of all time and I'm like okay what is that nikocado avocado would eat copious am minds of food gain a lot of weight and then lost it all okay like okay I don't really know how to respond to that they don't really care for how you're feeling three is that they make you feel guilty or ashamed I'm going to L some articles videos in the description because those help me a lot maybe you might be experiencing something like it so I'm just going to leave those links below so going back to the story I feel like the story happened a year ago which it happened with shbg and Veronica wing and I never thought I'd be talking about this online but here I am that was kind of when Nick and I had our first interactions on a personal level through Instagram DMS we spoke about what happened from his side it was more of him trying to clarify how I was involved or if I was involved and also he wanted me to make a video on my side of the story I told him that I wasn't involved I don't think I need to make a video it was just back and forth of that not too long after he asked me if I wanted to collab with him I remember specifically being transparent with him and letting him know I don't want to collab just because I feel like the drama is too fresh I feel like me being in a video with him would just stir things up again and so for all those reasons I was transparent and I said no from then we still didn't really have much communication up until August he came to Los Angeles and he had asked if I wanted to collab and for other reasons I turned him down now at this point I was like you know I still feel like I want to be damn everyone was turning Nic aado DY for collabs Trisha and Stephanie rough year you know he's in LA but social experiment I turned down to class like what so I had set up this dinner with me Zach and Nick at Hot Pot honestly immediately going in I was nervous I definitely had a guard up because I was like oh anytime we've talked before he's just been asking Non-Stop about Veronica and so I I I even went in with this gift of like a bottle of champagne and these macaroons because I just I wanted him to know that like hey I I didn't say no to you in your collabs because I don't like you you know and so immediately when I met him I could probably say that I was kind of taken aback by how comfortable he was he just kept saying like yeah that's online you can trust me hopefully you can trust me now I do yeah you do yeah I do good like I'm not going to say whatever you say online that's online and so I just felt like oh like that makes sense he even opened up to me first which made me feel really good I felt like oh wow he trusts me and so I started opening up and obviously the conversation did lead to ship bug and Veronica and I feel like in any other situation I would never want to put this online so who's ship buug and Veronica who's ship buug and Veronica oh my God this chat is so confusing do you know whenever I played this in normal volume everyone was like you need to speed this up and I've sped it up and people are like normal volume so who are those other two cuz I know I know that uh Zach I think it is is like another bonger oh they're just other mukbangers okay so he was just like shitalking the other mukbangers okay there's so much lore in the mukbang community oh my God that he's kind of holding over my head right now kind of twisting my words I just want to share with you some things that I shared with him and it has nothing to do with shookbang and it is also another reason why I never made a video about this oh shook bong I think I said shitbang my bad Veronica and I have a very interesting relationship she mentioned me in a video when I was so small and she gave me a shout out so that's kind of where our relationship started and I just remember feeling like my gosh she gave me a shout out and I just replayed that part where she said my name over and over again I was like oh my gosh and she was always so encouraging She always told me you know you're doing amazing like don't give up like you're doing great sweetie I'm just kidding um and even though all that happened when we first met in La when we filmed follow of our collabs that was the first time we met in person and I can say that we have very different personalities we have let me tell you so the things I told him because I feel like I don't want them to get twisted but she was dying her hair pink at the time and that pink hair almost killed me that pink hair almost killed me I was driving around town like we were picking up hair dye she canceled on a video because she wanted to dye her hair again it was a lot and these are things that I like even though I'm like thinking I was like well that was annoying not shitbang is what he did on Trisha's sofa and I'm sure she has things that she finds so annoying about me but none of them had to do a ship buang none of them would clarify anything about shookbang it was just me and Veronica have weird personalities that maybe didn't match perfectly I shared these little frustrations with him it's nothing I would share online because I know how the internet works I'm not going to go and share every little frustration or annoyance that I have with every person there was that conversation and then a lot of it really was him opening up to me about his home life and Orland and orland's tomatoes we stayed at Hot Pot until 2 in the morning we got kicked out like Rebels and at this point we had been there for hours and he had made me feel so comfortable so so comfortable and like I could trust him like he understood me I ended up opening up about something that I don't even talk about on YouTube anymore if you guys have been with me since the beginning some of you may know but I was sexually assaulted in my own home it was somebody that I had to let into my home and then they took away my power to say no and it's kind of just shattered any sort of security any sort of security that I felt that home prior and then after that I left with the very warm feeling of just hey he's nice we started continuing our friendship through text and there's not much in there just like regular personal life stuff but some of the stuff that kind of have to do with what's happened is in October he asked me are you happy with your home I lowkey want that security system and I told him that I was very happy and then he texted me back that night saying yeah what's the name of your fancy security system I'd like to research it ha haa and at this point I disclosed which security system I had but I also kind of told him like why I liked it at this point I felt like he was a friend and I wanted to give him whatever help he needed in terms of security and then November 1st he texted me asking if I was doing like this TV interview that was supposed to be about mukbang and they had to reach out to me and so I told him hey I was approached but I turned it down are you doing it and he said I turned it down today too too invasive of my home and potential safety issue and the neighbors would have a f day with the camera crew trucks outside and then he said but yeah I didn't know what level paranoid I was at so I feel better knowing I'm not alone LOL like this moment I really feel like cemented our friendship because I felt like there was this one common ground that we shared there was this one thing that I feel like everyone's a little paranoid but I feel like to the level where you are very paranoid about feeling safe and where most people feel the most safe and he was telling me like hey you're not crazy I thought I was crazy we both feel the same way about it and so it just really made me feel like we have this thing that we just can always talk to each other about he texted me in November that he was going to be in December for a bunch of days to do a lot of collabs with other YouTubers and he asked if I was interested in collabing and this had been a really long time since shookbang and so I said you know what like we've developed a friendship I've met you I feel safe with you you make me feel like I can trust you of course like let's collab it'll be fun and the first collab was on Saturday this past Saturday and it was at my house and so okay I want to look really quickly at their collab I really want to look really quickly did they do it with Zach let me see oh they did wow the dislikes on this is crazy 115,000 dislikes the street you know okay so um what did you want to share or do you change your mind now um I just feel like may you said you wanted to talk to your viewers with me here that cuz you never talked to any of viewers and they kind of I think yeah um okay so I I guess like the thing that I would clear up is that a lot of people think that I didn't like you after those videos okay say that this really really really strange I gave him the address and I felt comfortable knowing that I could trust him to enter this place where I very rarely let people in now and so Saturday he came over and I want to say that Saturday I didn't have any feelings of like alarm or anything like that I think there was like moments where oh that was a little weird but nothing crazy it was nothing that made me feel unsafe but there was some small things like later I'll get into but Saturday went really well from what I knew Saturday and then Sunday happened I was originally supposed to meet Zach for breakfast and then I was supposed to film with Nick for his channel but we just kind of reworked schedule a lot of changes were made and we all decided that we were going to film three videos okay so at the time she made this video it was during the time period when they were they had just finished in the collabs cuz she said like this past Saturday so very clearly it was like hot in the heels which is maybe why at a certain stage like this was so big like I mean this was a huge drama I mean obviously I didn't Deep dive it in the moment or I didn't really look into it but like it was everywhere it was really really really everywhere collab videos with all three of us so after breakfast it would be me Zach and Nick for Zach's channel so it' be an ASMR video and then the second video would be me Nick and Zach for Nick's Channel but it would be a MBG so Zach would just sit quietly and then me and Nick would talk and then the third video would be in on Nick's Channel with all three of us but this one would be more of an ASMR Style video in Zach's house it was a lot of filming and a lot of eating that day and the first video went really well and that was posted to Zach's Channel and that was the first video up and then the second video came around we were just kind of like spending some time together before we got hungry again I just remember that before we filmed filmed Nick's video his first video The Talking mukbang we were supposed to go to Hmart and then go back to his place so that we can film it and we were in the car and the topic of what we were going to talk about in the talking Muk bun came up and this is kind of when I first felt really uncomfortable because Nick said it very assertively we're going to talk about Veronica and we're going to spill all the pee and I was kind of confused cuz I was like oh wao what and so I was immediately like no no and then he he went but why did you tell me yesterday that you wanted to then and so I I thought back to so so basically creating a space in which she feels comfortable talking about things and then kind of weaponizing that and using that against her and prior to filming my mukang from my channel he had mentioned you know I think that we need to talk about shikang because you know everyone's going to be talking about in the comments and I don't know why I believed it I said oh yeah I mean I guess it's weirder if we just act like it never happened and so I felt like I was comfortable mentioning chipbang addressing it to the capacity of me and Nick yes this is how we met through a shuk Fang video but we have no ill will towards each other it's all over we're friends now you know I felt like I would never tell him that I wanted to talk about Veronica and specifically spill the tea it it had always been about shookbang me and Veronica's also what year was this 2019 so like a very big year for you know this concept of like spilling the tea and stuff and I think he was definitely using using that to his advantage to kind of get as many people to talk [ __ ] on when he was there as possible for most attention and so I was just confused and it got really awkward after I said oh no like I don't mind addressing shookbang but that's it and he just got silent and I couldn't help it feel like he was really upset by that and so I just remember like I was driving and I was like this is so uncomfortable do I raise the music like do I step on a pedal what do I do but I still felt like okay at least we cleared it up before the video like at least now he gets it he's a little upset at least the video won't be weird then we got to his place we made the noodles and there's a lot that happened because of that video which we'll get into such as footage I didn't know where I was being recorded and other things but we started filming the noodle muun we sat down he was in the middle of us and we started eating these nuclear noodles and the first 30 minutes honestly they went amazing and I remember thinking to myself damn that car ride was important because like we were honestly having a really really good time for like the first half and then Nick brought up the conversation of shookbang but he brought it up in a way and I know that the full footage is not out there he did it in a way I don't remember his exact wording but it was in a what did you want to share oh so that clip that we just watched so that clip that we just watched which is crazy that I just stumbled across that but keep in mind that the most replayed part so him basically saying like oh do you change your mind now instead of not wanting to talk about it it just it it puts her on the spot which sucks I just feel like you said you wanted to talk to your viewers with me here yeah this is a really shitty moment and I just remember feeling just shocked because the way he went about it was just so almost like an interrogation but I was like you know what it's fine it's fine I'm going to you know joke it off I'm going to say my peace I said you know I don't have any hard feelings because you made those videos and I get why you made those videos I had these baby wipes in front of me and I kept wiping him every time he got too serious to just kind of play it off like let me wipe him and every single time I tried to do that increasingly it seemed like he got more offended he would look at me with such a shocked face like I can't believe but you said you wanted to talk about it and now you don't almost like how dare you you said you wanted to talk about it and I just remember I kept trying to put it off I kept trying to show him I'm uncomfortable I kept trying to lighten the mood with jokes and give all of us an out of this conversation without ending it awkwardly but it was just rapid fire and it increasingly went from shookbang maybe the first two sentences into Veronica and then instead of asking me any more questions he started twisting my words and he started saying things like if only you guys knew what she told me I would never tell you guys what happened because she shared it with me in private she trusts me with these things but if you only knew when I heard when you sat down with me and I remember this one part where I freaked out because he said she is such a strong woman to me as if I had endured something so horrendous by Veronica and I almost damn also again it's it's not only just putting her on the spot but it's like and then I'm like what is the purpose of him referencing her and like four years later like I don't get it like why would he go out of his way to 4 years later have his big comeback video being literally mocking Stephanie's husband who obviously wears this mask I don't get it shoot do I say like oh wo it's not that serious like all I did was go pick up hair dye with her you know but then that would defeat like I don't want to disclose all of this I'm not comfortable with sharing this this has nothing to do with anything and I remember picking up a baby wipe and being like I know like my life is so hard being a mukbanger and like really trying to show him that hey I'm trying to get out of this conversation hey I'm trying to get out of this conversation and I he wasn't respecting the boundaries two sentences he gave and increasingly he looked at me with more and more shock on his face face as if he was shocked and angry at the fact that I refused to talk about what I told him in private but you told me yesterday you wanted to talk about it then why did you say you wanted to talk about it I guess she changed her mind he there was this one part where I had told him about how Veronica she has really good audio um she likes to watch her audio right so if it Peaks I'm the queen of peeking if it Peaks she'll know so she's very cautious and I just remember telling him like I was a little bit more cautious during her collapse on her Channel because I was watching the audio Peaks cuz I have a very high pitch loud voice and he he insinuated that remember what you told me this thing that she made you do where she put this disgusting as if it was something so horrendous that Veronica did to me and at that moment I freaked out and again I wanted to defend myself by sharing my story which is I think what he wanted but I just remember saying oh my God you make it sound like I was abused felt like he was putting words into my mouth Yes the situation is kind of there yes there was a computer when I was filming but no it wasn't horrendous no it's not something that you should be disgusted by maybe annoyed not disgusted one of the reasons that I didn't want to make this video and I felt like I was crazy is because I know everyone's just going to be saying Stephanie you're a grown woman why didn't you just leave or tell him hey stop at that point I don't it's very unfortunate that she would have to deal with comments that are immediately jumping to that as well know if I can describe to you the feelings because it's almost like any feeling that you had of this person at least has a mutual respect for me it's not even friendship it's not even trust those were long gone but it's this person has somewhat of a mutual respect for me my my comfort my consent to talk about things it's just all gone and so you just feel like you're not talking but also it's further pushing this concept of you know like influencers aren't friends like you talk about something behind the scenes and then if you don't want to talk about it on camera while you're being fake like no sometimes that literally is just having a friend that you talk to things about oneon-one it doesn't need to be captured for the entire internet and if you can't see that then you have no concept of what friends are to the same person anymore and he didn't care what I wanted to talk about he didn't care how I felt it went on for 30 minutes and it just felt so personal I was in this space at this point where I felt like anything will be used against me and I felt like anything I say even Nick stop he would use it and make an exposing video or threaten me with it I don't know I was just scared whoever I knew wasn't here anymore I just felt like it wasn't the same Nick I knew he knew that I was uncomfortable he knew I didn't want to talk about this but he kept going and so at what point does my uncomfort or does my feeling even matter to him and so the video ends and I just feel really really weird I don't know how to describe the feeling it's not just scared but it's also like almost like ashamed like wow I made him mad because I changed my mind did I change my mind but I never had the mind to talk about bro all I know is I was incredibly shaken up and I just remember like I didn't want to be in close proximity with him and I was just kind of like standing off to the side and night obviously you know bind but oh I'm so nervous like I don't know what to do oh man like I wish I thought her sweatshirt said piss I thought it said Riz I wish I didn't say that I'm so nervous because I felt like if I said I'm uncomfortable or I'm scared or which I've I just realized wouldn't make sense to be wrists clearly I'm not the brightest clearly I'm not the brightest we just get more more and more increasingly angry with me I had this feeling of I just need to do whatever I can to get through tonight and tomorrow cuz we have collab schedule tomorrow and just be done with it because I don't want him to get angry I don't want him to make a video using these words and trying to say all these things I said about Veronica I just wanted to get through tonight and that sounds crazy even to me like me saying that right now I sound crazy Stephanie you are 24 you should have got up and left but I just couldn't I was just so scared that I couldn't and so the third video I was like okay at least it's an ASMR video it'll be fine I remember even texting my dad at that time I didn't even want to text my fiance I was texting him really basic stuff making it seem like I was fine I was like what you doing yeah everything's great until until the next video and I knew that anything I say about being uncomfortable or I don't want this it didn't matter because sun say what you said and I called my dad and I I was talking to him in Korean and my dad was really concerned because we weren't really talking about anything serious but I just wanted to sound as if I had in the worst news and so I hung up with him and you know they both saw the conversation that I had and Nick was like are you okay and I said yeah just a lot of really bad family stuff going on I did this because I I was so scared of him that I didn't even want to act differently around him but at that moment I was so shaken I knew I couldn't be and also this again I keep referencing this which is what he did in his recent video but it's like he keeps going on that this is one big social experiment and all like this and it's like a social experiment is not just being a nasty person and and hiding everything you've done under the gauge of I was trying to put on a show I was tricking you I was like that's [ __ ] that is so [ __ ] right now I couldn't be excited and so I just needed a minute just try to shove down the need to cry and shov down all these hurt and scared and uncomfortable feelings that I had because we still had a video to film and so then we go to Zach's place and we're cooking I kept trying to find a way out I mentioned multiple times in a very choking way like you guys you guys don't need me I don't even it's ASMR you guys don't need me and he would say things like Nick would say things like Stephanie we're all tired so I felt like that was a signal to me like get it together and I was like oh he knows something's wrong and so then because of that I started getting more and more cautious and I was like trying to make jokes and I was trying to be you know there was like this hot Cheeto thing we were cooking and I was like it looks like a heart and I just felt like if I didn't make him feel like everything was okay he would just get more and more angry with me and so we filmed the third video at the end of the ASMR cuz it was a whispering one yeah exactly people are saying you know there was so much pressure on her that she couldn't react in a way that would upset him and he's hiding behind this gauge of it's all social experiment then why are you so [ __ ] referencing it four years later like leave her alone Nick turned to me and he said is there anything else you'd like to say and I just remember feeling so gutted like my heart had dropped to the ground because I thought it was going to be another interrogation what would you like to say say thank you for watching us eat and so I I said thanks for watching us eat this food at this point you know Nick is talking about what are we going to eat tomorrow and I'm just at this point I'm really just trying to go home without angering him so I leave that area around 2:00 in the morning and I drive home and when I'm driving home I'm experiencing a lot of emotions even after what happened in the video he knew there's no way way he didn't know I was uncomfortable sure maybe there was miscommunication before the video maybe he really thought that I wanted to spill my guts about Veronica all of a sudden but in the video there's no way Nick did not know that I was so uncomfortable for those 30 minutes because I was trying not to cry for those 30 minutes and so I'd be like okay like make sure you don't cry but also make sure you have answers ready what do I say even after the video it seemed like he was still the one that was upset with me I had no right to be upset he was like well you're the one that said you wanted to talk about it then why would you tell me wanted to talk about it there was no hey are you okay I know got a little heated there was none of that but I also feel really weird like I almost feel like I did tell it did I I don't think that I would but what if I did or what if I'm not a good communicator and what if I said yeah let's do it but maybe I should have said but without talking about Veronica and everything I told you in private I started questioning myself I started being like why did you do that Stephanie why would you ever make him feel like that kind of like an internal Battle of half of me being like why did you do that Stephanie that was your fault for misleading him and then the other part of me was like it doesn't matter you were still uncomfortable in the video and he did not care and he was actually upset I get home and I just I broke down I mean I just went straight into the bathtub I just didn't want to even smell like the food we had just eaten I did not want to talk to anyone and my fiance is he obviously knows something's wrong and so he's sitting there and he's saying babe what happened I was like I don't know if something happened I felt like I couldn't talk about it because what was there to talk about it's not like he held me against my will to film these videos I just can't explain this fear but he pressured and intimidated enough to feel that she had to act in a certain way and it it just is like it it sucks it really does suck that he put her in a position like this and that she felt that she couldn't react like what a shitty thing to do and then continue referencing it [ __ ] off I just was so scared that I sounded crazy because you were a grown woman you had a car you could have left you could say no but I I truly felt in that moment after everything has happened that I couldn't but how do you explain that to someone because they would just look at you and say yes you could to be honest what it felt like and the only way that I've ever felt like this to any degree in my life prior to Nick was a couple years ago and I vowed I would never find myself in a position like that ever again where I felt like no really didn't have a lot of power and I felt like it didn't matter if I was uncomfortable that night I was really pushed into a really really really dark place that I never thought I would be in again I had a breakdown and it was unlike any other breakdown I had it was one where I felt shame guilt because I did say I I did say I talk about it didn't I I don't know he said I did so I must have and then this shame of why did you even stay for the third video why did you even laugh with him why didn't you tell him no name like I don't want this no why didn't you tell him no after everything that's happened in the past I told myself I would never ever ever feel like that again I would never feel like that again I just didn't want to feel like that ever again sleep early but I woke up I'm not feeling too great I think I have to cancel today cuz it was going to be another three person collab day for some reason the thought of texting Nick at this moment because I had Miss calls and Miss text messages from him gave me this like like I started getting very short of breath so I washed my face and around 3:20 I texted them and I'm just going to go through just the whole thread of text messages and so I texted them at 3:29 p.m. and I said hey guys sorry I've been in and out of sleep all afternoon after staying up late after getting back I don't think I'll be able to film any collabs today I'm feeling really sick and I realized I had a few sponsors but also I'm like damn how many collabs were they expected to [ __ ] record with each other Jesus Christ you know what I mean you before a year end that are really time sensitive I'm so sorry I hope you guys understand but I'm really happy that we knocked them out yesterday and I put my phone down I put it on silent and these are the next messages I got you just now realized Stephanie I have been sitting here for 5 hours when you were going in and out of sleep you should have picked up the phone and given me a call not leave me hanging you didn't like it when Veronica did that to you so no God so just throwing it in her face what she has opened up a bite I do not understand I texted so I'm sorry I do not understand as [ __ ] crazy I'm so sorry for making you feel that way I sincerely apologize I was so drained and slightly out of it this morning and I'm so upset I didn't call you back literally like forcing someone to apologize for something they don't have to apologize for because I would never want you because I would never want you to feel like I don't has Nick brought this up recently well I mean he's literally in his new video wearing the same mask that Stephanie's husband wears to protect his privacy online don't respect your time again I'm truly sorry and out of respect for our developing friendship I do want to be transparent and let you know I was uncomfortable with yesterday's video I'm so sorry if I you think or miscommunicated in any way that I wanted to talk about Veronica but I truly did not I mentioned that I wouldn't mind addressing you and me as it pertains to shookbang that neither of us had any after what happened and I did give you my perspective on what happened when we hung out and I felt as if it was misrepresented in the video I've mentioned to you many times that although Veronica and I aren't friends and I am hurt or annoyed by some things that happened between us I have absolutely no ill will towards her and I feel some compassion for her situation since I've gotten to know her prior again I understand this is your video and I respect your feelings about the situation but this is how I feel again I'm sincerely so sorry for not getting back to you in time this morning and I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay and I'm so sorry for this morning he texted me back then why did you tell me at your house that you wanted to address it on my oh my God he's such a little [ __ ] Jesus Christ leave her alone oh my God also why are you texting this to Zach I messaged you privately and I responded it's like everything has to be on their terms their [ __ ] terms like I want to address the issue here since all three of us were in the video and I also owe Zach an apology for this morning and not keeping him updated on the schedule I'm so sorry for any inconveniences I cost again from the why are we assuming that's copying her husband oh yeah you're right everyone just has a panda [ __ ] mask Ling right yeah you're right uhhuh by the way the exact mask look at this the exact mask but know you're right everyone just has that exact Panda mask AR my heart I'm so sorry if I made you feel that way I wanted to let you know because I didn't know that there was a gap of miscommunication and understanding between us till the middle of that video we were filming I was okay with talking about shookbang as it pertains to just you and me again I apologize for any misunderstanding and then she doesn't have to apologize but she is he's such a l morning as well he responded with you already talked to Zach this morning but ignored me for 5 hours after that don't play games I texted it back and I said again I'm so sorry if there was any miscommunication if I made you feel that way wanted to take this time to clarify miscommunication about the video because he's being such a manipulative piece of [ __ ] and the way that she has not apologized multiple times I didn't know there was a gap in understanding till the middle of filming the video so evil I apologize for this morning I truly am so sorry I know that I impacted your schedule today and I'm so sorry about that he said awesome so which day would you like to reschedule for and I responded I know that you're in La for only a couple more days oh my God so again he's literally just proving that this isn't a real relationship to him she's and I apologize for things she doesn't need to apologize for and he's like awesome which day are we rescheduling for L scheduled and I'm so sorry for today sorry I do have to get back to you since I do have approaching deadlines and I know my fiance already had things planned for me and the dogos for the holidays again I'm so sorry for today and I hope you're able to enjoy the rest of your day and he responded with literally at any point in this conversation you could have resumed with our videos planned for tonight please talk to me Zack told me he wants to be left out I reached out half a dozen times already please talk to me there the text messages that he sent please like threatening her got your group message but it would be nice to talk to you here can you give me a call please I haven't heard from you personally since yesterday and I feel we need to chat you only message things to the group chat but not to me here this is going to be my you're still in the group chat [ __ ] I'm feeling hurt please talk to me not through Zach I also had eight missed calls some of them facetimes from Nick at the time and later on after all of this there were some Instagram posts and stories that were made that I didn't know but they were made while this conversation was happening and the first is his Instagram post that's still up right now as of filming this and I'm going to put it right here and it says I'm this effing close to making an exposing video should I what the f is wrong with people so rude so self- serving and inconsiderate and so where in the social experiment does it come into literally tormenting people which is what he was doing he posted a story with a black screen making some tea you guys you won't believe the audacity people have but I have lots of receipts and audio clips every time he texted me or called me I feel like and the audio clips that he posted on his story and audio clips I got alarmed cuz I felt weird about that I never consented to any audio clips so that means these were illegally recorded when and where and how I didn't know what he was talking about I didn't know if this was just an empty threat to scare me even more or if something happened that I don't know about the only thing I can do is check what I have of security footage and I went through all of Saturday when he was at my house he was here for about 5ish hours and out of those 5 hours that he was here I used the restroom once and during that time that I slipped away to the restroom very very quickly the one time that I did without letting me know what he was doing he took multiple pictures inside my house and then immediately he started looking around at the ceiling I didn't have any cool light fixtures up there I just don't know what else would be up there other than security cameras seeing that footage was shattering and so angering because after everything that maybe feel safe enough to tell him about I told him about the one thing that I don't talk to anyone about anymore and I don't know if I would be this alarmed if throughout our entire interactions I feel like he never had any good or even harmless intentions with everything that he did the way he what the actual [ __ ] so he's threatening to release audio clips and stuff like that and meanwhile he's walking around the house taking pictures and recording [ __ ] hours he was here the minute that I slipped away to the restroom you knew why I'm so paranoid you know why I have such a hard time letting people into my home it was a very violating feeling keep in mind he had already asked before this what security system she was using it was just something that I don't think I'll ever be able to understand but again I felt like again that was my fault I felt like yes this is gross yes this is creepy but really it's your problem Stephanie because you have this this trauma that maybe not a lot of people have and maybe even though Nick knows about your trauma and knows how crazy you are about home security maybe he doesn't really understand and then I came across this and this is where I'm GNA get really angry for this part of the video because there is no part of this video that I can stand by and say that I support Nick as a person as someone who has a platform this was a video that he took and consented to posting onto YouTube it looked like he deleted it I don't know if you ever addressed it there is this channel called shade bug who uploaded it but with tons of edits those voice edits and those face edits are not my doing but I'm just going to insert some clips here because I think when someone shows me a pattern of predatory behavior I'm not going to not listen I'm not going to ignore it come on over we'll hang out we'll do our stuff we can mukbang and then do stuff after you know we were it was not about just film with me it was about like we're going to get it on God it's really unfortunate that the only recording she has of this video is someone editing it like this it's really unfortunate I literally blew dry my hair all over again I put on so much perfume I wasted it I wasted $90 perfume I made sure I wash my extra good and they eat all your food and they leave and you're like I wasted my time and icri my for this experience CU I was nice enough to say I'll eat whatever you want to eat because I'm going to sucked you know like okay I'm going to B over because you know like I'm going to give you what you want or I'm going to get what I want and nothing happened waiting to get my action well no wonder did this is the thing I don't I don't appreciate people calling this social experiment genius whenever it wasn't a social experiment it was just him being the nastiest person you've ever met in your entire life oh but he got skinny so it's okay dude you're a loser I am in New York for a very limited amount of time my time is important I would have rather spent it alone this was supposed to enhance my trip not make it more frustra but you have to obsessed with him saying that you know his trip was not a bite this and stuff but all of his messages to Stephanie are like when can we reschedule when can we reschedule when can we reschedule understand where I'm coming from too but you have to understand where I'm coming from too I'm clearly signaling to you I am ready that you are here for to be ready I'm not going to just grab it because you will come back and it's going to be the little me too movement me too movement he's not here to be ready for you nobody is here to be ready for you and it's not the little me too movement how dare you discredit an entire movement that the sole purpose was giving people a voice who didn't have a voice how dare you discredit the entire thing that saved so many people because you had a bad day in New York City the little me movement oh no one's going to believe you no one's going to believe you because it was inappropriate and that's why you didn't grab it you didn't grab it because of the me too movement you didn't grab it because there was a hashtag on Twitter you didn't grab it because that's sexual assault if he didn't want you to so sorry um in 2017 I posted an Instagram picture of me sitting on like this red lifeguard um thing and I said I was so scared to even talk about what happened that I captioned it something just to make me feel like I had a voice and I had strength I posted sometimes you got to be your own damn lifeguard even if your head is too heavy to float # me too that was over 2 years ago that in YouTube I can really say feeling like I had a voice and feeling like I could say something and someone would listen to me honestly saving me I was so happy that there was a way for me and my story or at least make other people feel like hey you're not weird for having this trauma you're not weird that you live life differently now and you want to discredit all of that because you had a bad date I think that's disgusting but Reckless for your audience I think that's an incredibly Reckless way to use your platform 5 hours wasted nothing 5 hours wasted nothing we freeezing out on the what time hey Siri what's the weather in New York City right now please it appears to be clear right now in New York 50° 50 motheres that's cold that's 20° from Frozen did he cuddle me did he try to keep me warm no nothing oh my God what a loser what the [ __ ] is that video what the [ __ ] sorry if the cold made you feel uncomfortable one of the biggest reasons I was even scared to make this video was because I knew that it looked stupid I everything sounds dramatic and oh really you were scared why did you stay and it there was nothing like I felt like I had I don't know why in any other situation nobody ever needs a reason to feel scared or unsafe or uncomfortable but I felt like I needed to have a reason and I didn't and so I stayed and I tried to make him less angry and not mad at me and I was scared he was going to say then why did you stay if you were so scared I'm sorry for his miscommunication I'm really tired I should have gone I should have gone homework and [ __ ] anyone who will ever say why didn't you leave or you could have just left [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I'm like well you you certainly wasted my time too if you're saying you should have brought home earlier meaning you didn't really value the time spent cuz if you have a good time you don't regret staying long because you had a good time do you ever say to someone do you ever someone that oh I should have gone home earlier if you were having a good time no that means he wasn't having a good time wasting my time mother bye bye maybe he wasn't having a good time because I wasn't having a good time but I was too scared of you because you made me feel manipulated and fearful of what you would do you made me scared of your anger and so no I wasn't having a good time this wasn't an old clip from years ago this was recent from his trip to New York City I'm going to leave the edited version that shade bang posted Linked In the description a lot has happened even after that there's just been a lot of online bullying and I'm someone that I've been through high school bullying I've I talk about it a lot more on my other channel he knows it I've talked about it with him before it just was a gross abuse of power and an abuse of of his platform and his voice first I felt again like more shame and embarrassment because a lot of the people that he tagged are people that he knew that I would say my god I've watched her since high school or oh I love her you know I did a collab with her and these are people that I respected I don't want to believe that they know the full story of what he's done I also felt scared cuz now it felt like if I say something it's not just going up against Nick but look at all the friends he has you know who who do I have and I just felt like I couldn't say anything because it would be going up against all of these people I was telling them a story about someone who something some something happened someone did something to me and some there was just a lot that broke my spirits or I'm going to get what I want and I was telling the story and one of the inside joking again just why I don't appreciate anyone na being like oh he was a genius for all this social experiment no don't rewrite history a few other YouTubers I tagged them on Instagram um as well as my friends and I they all know I was like they know the story and they the thing that the thing the major thing that they take away from that was the in and out of sleep in and out of sleep I've just been in and out of sleep and I don't know what's going on but you I got things to do I just got I got things to do you have you been in and out of sleep so in and out of sleep oh my gosh in and out of sleep right now they're like what the that is the most obnoxious bizarre things I've ever heard okay so basically proving that she was in a night of sleep obviously which she doesn't even need to prove this he's just being a dick either way so all like 12 of us we're all stay together and we're like in and out of sleep in and out of sleep in and out of sleep in and out of [Applause] sleep and then the people around us in and out of sleep in and out of sleep and I me and honey started balling with tears running down we're like oh my God it was so funny and we're like in and out of sleep in and out of sleep oh my gosh [Music] oh my God in and out of sleep merch coming soon all proceeds will go to stop and cyber bullying I know that instances where bullying like this happens online most of the times the bully will say it's a joke they can't take a joke and sometimes I can see where they're coming from a joke is funny but what was the purpose of posting it onto his Instagram I don't think that anyone who didn't understand the story would find it that funny oh in and out of sleep like maybe food coma but I don't think he posted it because it was just a knee slapper like hot so funny I want everyone to laugh because it's such a funny joke I truly think that the only reason he posted it was for me to see it and was for me to see that and this is kind of when I learned what was happening to me and and that gave me a lot of clarity prior to this I felt like everything was my fault I had caused this but there's actually a lot of people who feel this way and it's an actual thing that manipulators use and the victim they either don't notice it or they feel like they're at fault one of the things that really stood out was the word audacity you won't believe the audacity people have but I have lots of again just that he is the one that's done wrong or he is the victim in all of it and it's like these situations that he has created himself audio clips and goes out of his way to create means rude or disrespectful Behavior I know that Nick is really offended because I was being really rude and self-serving and I had the audacity to do a lot of things and I just want to apologize that I had the audacity to say no to you because I felt unsafe I'm sorry that I had the audacity to open my doors and let you into my home and then you took advantage of that and I'm sorry that I had the audacity to make you feel like I changed my mind but I think it's really important that we all know that a yes is not all inclusive just because you say yes doesn't mean you're saying yes to everything for the rest of forever that's incredibly predatory and manipulative what was the purpose of all of this to hurt Veronica to hurt me to get your dick sucked I'm going to sucked you know this is my side of the story there's nothing else more to say I have nothing else more to say I want to heal and I want to move on and I want to make my points and I feel like a lot of this video was me addressing Nick cuz I know that he was watching I want to talk to you guys for a second which is what I normally do and I I just want to say thank you so much for giving me a platform and giving me a way to reach you guys and feel like I have a voice I was already feeling really scared and I can't imagine how much more frightened and how much more threatened I would feel if I didn't have a place to put this video to be able to hear my unmanipulated side and I just want to say thank you I'll be back in a couple days I'm going to take a couple days off and I don't know play with my dogs and I'll be back with regular mukbangs I hope making this video not only clarified things for you guys but also if any of you guys feel this way or have felt this way before then I just want to say it's not your audacity it's actually just your basic human fundamental rights to say no yeah okay we'll leave that there but again this just kind of it just irritates me on the basis of that he's literally poking fun and flat making fun of Stephanie still to this day with obviously the mask and this is obious this is my first time watching this video and it's gross I think it clearly shows what his intentions were what he wants off of people and it sucks that he still isn't letting it go considering he was the one in the wrong in the first place from just being not being able to respect a woman's boundaries and the woman had to cater towards him and his time and hit like [ __ ] you did and again the mind of people completely rewriting history when it comes to niconi because he's going viral and and you know he's lost all this weight is just like are we really going to do that mm I don't think so I don't think so anyway I'm really glad that I got to watch that and thank you so much for your time um watching it with me if you did um I really wanted to know the context I'm really glad I do know uh yeah he can go [ __ ] himself he can go [ __ ] himself hello everyone thank you so much mods I really appreciated that um yeah anyone talking negatively about Stephanie and that or just using um dumbass uh phrases or thoughts when it comes to essay victims um politely I hope you suffer

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