Official Sancho Bid! Chukwuemeka Linked! Antony's Shock Loan! Man United News

Chelsea make an official offer for jayen Sancho with talk still of a permanent transfer Manchester United are exploring signing Chelsea midfielder Chu quena Anthony shock loan to ra Bettis what's happened there and Lindelof is set to stay this plus all the latest Manchester United news and transfer news that will keep you right up to date with everything welcome to man united review my name's Jamie before we get into it please smash a like on the video Let's jump straight into it so load loads going on today transfer deadline day we've had loads of noise loads of stories obviously at the time we're recording this window this video there's still 6 hours to go in the transfer window so anything could change so I would say take some of these stories I'm going to go through today with a pinch of salt because this is just the latest as I'm recording um and obviously things could change deals could fall through deals could change um and so on and so forth but I'm just going to go through everything that's been mentioned so far as of um up till now from today so firstly um Dan Ashworth has said um this from Mike Keegan from The Daily Mail Dan Ashworth was in um in Monaco was for the Europa League draw and he gave like a bit of an interview so Mike Keegan first he said he's just grabbed an Ashworth and asworth said I had a few misc calls in the draw I kept getting nuds from Sir Dave brailsford my phone was vibrating let's see what happens this window is still open we've got some conversations going on um and then he was later done an interview where he said there were still a few hours to go who knows what will happen in the last few hours but we are very pleased with what we have done um tenh himself had a press conference again um as well today where he was asked about transfers he said other um when he was asked about um other players other than ugat said other players after ugat everything has already been said we are always attentive to opportunities to have the best possible group um so both suggesting that there might be some kind of late deals um which we going to run through run through today so let's go through so first C Sam C we're saying as it stands Victor Lindelof looks increasingly likely to stay at Manchester United this window um you know he is he is injured we've been reporting that for the last few weeks regarding his injuries so he looks likely to stay not the end of the world for me it's you know he's not a first teamer he's not a player that I think is massively on the you know the the list to get rid of he's a top professional he can do a job in the team could provide cover at left back although I don't think he's necessarily the best there so it's not the end of the world we weren't going to get a fantastic amount for Lindelof anyway and he's in the last year of his contract so it's just a stop Gap keep him there he might do a job if we have an injury crisis um but it looks like he's likely to stay at the time of recording this video um next story is regarding Obi Martin Obi Martin and LEL so Manchester United is still awaiting Premier League ratification of moves for Samuel LEL and cheetah willby Martin in the case of chibu willby Martin it usually takes 6 weeks for transfers between two c category one clubs to be process so that was Richard Fay but obviously these are young players so it doesn't matter about transfer deadline day regarding regarding those two um Jack talber said earlier reports suggesting Manchester United face potential legal hurdles in signing the in signing Che will wider than Mark they just waiting on Final Premier League approval for the transfer part of standard procedure now that came out because there were loads of rumors going around online that um apparently United would have going to have to go to court to get the Obi Martin deal done and all these kind of BS rumors going around on social media but that's not the case it's just standard they they're waiting to get all the Premier League approvals for both players but there's not expected to be any issues with those um but let me know what you think about that in the comments now obviously the hot topic of the day is Jaden Sancho he's the one um that looks like it might be our last possible deal um as it stands at the time recording this video so let's go through everything that's been said so far regarding Sancho so um Jacob Steinberg who he's the one that reported all the Eric tanh sacking but quite credible when it comes to Chelsea new said that jayen Sancho could still join Chelsea without a player heading in the opposite direction Sky Sports have said ideally Chelsea need to offload players with Raheem Sterling one of a number of players being offered to clubs while United remained open to the idea of Sterling joining they are not actively pursuing him their focus is on Sancho and they don't need to replace him if he wants to leave then we had Sky Sports also saying that Chelsea are edging closer to an agreement with Manchester United over the signing of Jaden Sancho after further talks permanent and loone options are still on the table fabito Romano then said that jayen Sancho gives total green light to Chelsea move he's keen on joining the Chelsea project ts are taking place between Chelsea and man united deal currently on Sky Sports cave said Rahim Sterling will likely be staying at Chelsea or joining Arsenal today Chelsea edging closer to an agreement with Manchester United over the signing of jayen sancho just on Raheem Sterling the kind of it's It's believed that arsenal were ahead of United regarding that and the United are not really pushing for that particular deal um at the time of recording this video so it looks like it's unlikely we're going to get Sterling it's actually looking likely Sterling could possibly stay at Chelsea as I'm as I'm kind of doing this mid so um we'll have to obviously keep an eye on that things could change at any moment obviously is the transfer window but as it stands it doesn't look like there's much in the Raheem Sterling to Man United news that might be good that might be bad news let me know what you think about that in the comments um and then um forito Romano said Chelsea submit official bid to Manchester United for Jay Sancho it's an initial loan proposal similar to terms offered by Juventus but total package is higher so remember I bought the news yesterday Juventus had offered between I think it was 7 to 8 million EUR as a loan fee for jayen Sancho um Alex crook from talk sports said Manchester United are now willing to listen to Loan offers for Jaden Sancho Chelsea are the ad most advanced Club then we have the man the myth the legend himself David orstein saying that Chelsea expect to strike a deal with Manchester United to jayen Sano before the transfer window closes no formal agreements in place yet but situation advance in that way man United Winger wants to complete proposed Chelsea move Romano also said that negotiations between Chelsea and Manchester United over deadline day transfer of Jaden Sancho Senter on initial loan with obligation to buy next summer would provide permanent solution for the 24 the 24 year old sort Chelsea and man united are discussing the obligation figure and that's the kind of key United have been wanting either a permanent deal or a obligation to buy um and I think the latest as as um sat here right now is that the The Talk of the Town is that they're working on what will trigger so it might be an initial loan with an option to buy but then there'll be triggers that if Sancho or Chelsea if they hit those triggers like certain appearances or um so many goals or so many assists or whatever um then Chelsea would then it the loan would flip to like an obligation or bu that's the kind of sort of deal that we're looking at but according to those reports Chelsea going to be offering more than the 7 to8 million EUR that Juventus were offering plus an obligation to buy there's no way I don't think I think Chelsea are pushing really hard for this deal so unless anything major happens I think this will this will be one that potentially goes through um maybe even towards the end of the end of the deadline because apparently they are still negotiating um what type of loan deal the obligation fee and all of these things as I'm s recording this video so um so we'll need to wait and see obviously what happens with Jaden Sancho but it is looking likely he's going to be going to Chelsea um but as it stands at the moment it doesn't look like there's going to involve any kind of player swaps it's just Chelsea are going to either just loan him with an obligation to buy or potentially buy him um because Sky have come out saying Chelsea ideally want to sign Jaden Sancho on a permanent deal which would be absolute Insanity great for us because it's not a player that we then have to talk about um if they could get the permanent deal obviously it doesn't help us now because the transfer Windows effectively closing in a few hours so it's not like we can use that money to go and get any other players or anything in but um it would help maybe stash some cash for January potentially if we um needed an emergency left back obviously depending on Shaw's injuries and Malia's injuries that could be a potential or midfielder depending on how casemiro picks up um and so on and so forth so there could be could be um yeah so so is looking likely as as it stands Sano to Chelsea Eric tenh himself interestingly in his press conference when I asked about Sancho said he's our player we're happy with him we need depth because we need to play a lot of games and we need options so ten wasn't really given much away in his press conference but he's not going to give much away when it comes to transfers on Deadline day because that would just absolutely ruin any potential deals and ruin our bargaining power as well when it comes to that but let me know what you think about to Chelsea it's looking very likely um obviously things could change can't see any in the future so I don't know um don't know exactly what's going down but it is looking very very likely at the time I'm recording this video but let me know what you think about Sancho to Chelsea in the comments um and just on Sterling skyports said Raheem Sterling will likely be staying at Chelsea or joining Arsenal today Chelsea at edging closer to an agreement with Manchester United over the signing of jayen sancho so again I did mention this just a second go is looking likely at this stage that um United are not in for not in for Sterling there's not that many kind of rumors regarding talks or anything along those lines as it stands at the moment so um but obviously we'll keep an eye on it and see see what happens towards the end of the window um but let me know what you think about that in the comments and then um chucka so these this was a player did mention this the other day and I think a lot of United fans um online and stuff have all all thrown this player in the mix when we were linked with the Sancho um kind of Sterling move this is a player that I would definitely have swapped for Sancho um and Sky Sports clim that Manchester United explored the possibility of signing Carney Chuck WKA in a separate deal to jayen Sancho um and then um Chris class who writes for the Times who's quite a credible source so that Chelsea have offered caruk wena as part of negotiation for jayen Sancho but United are unlikely to accept app they don't want any kind of swap deal um they want two separate deals because it helps with the PSR rules um so one to keep an eye on for the end of the transfer window but again there's not that many heavy links um with anyone really coming into United it just seems like Sano is the main Talk of the Town there might be a late swoop for a couple of our other players but there's no real you know normally you'd have Erikson fly into Holland to complete his medical to sign for ax and there's none of that going on it's just really a lot of the noise today is regarding um Sancho and as Dan Ashworth said in his in the kind of news i b you earlier they're really happy with the business that they've done so I don't think United is scrambling around for last minute deals it looks like they're comfortable with what they've got yes they might want to move on Sancho um but they've thought about these things we're not doing what we would have done in the past and panicked on this day thinking oh well we haven't bought a midfielder or we haven't bought a Winger let's go out and grab what we can and throw loads of money around they're not doing that it's seems at the minute which um you know I actually think it's good I actually think it's good it's it's um you know transfer deadline day is exciting to see what's going on and watch and I will be staying up late to obviously watch the the kind of closing and see what's happening who knows they could be a surprise signing that we're just totally unaware of that could come into United um but it's nice that we're not scrambling for these late late deals yes we would in my opinion I would like a another Winger if Sancho goes or another striker um I know some of you in the comments are concerned about about goal scoring and getting another striker in I share those concerns or left back is my kind of area of concern at the minute as well maybe another Midfield do you know what I mean but it's nice that actually we're not in that position where we um where we're scrambling for those and we can just sit back and kind of watch and watch and relax and see what's kind of going on around the rest of football but let me know what you think about that in the comments um and then we did get so this is the sort of day it's been there's been a lot of this going on so Alfredo B said that Manchester United have interest in Lil Winger Edon zova any deal in the final hours will depend on Lil's demand for him and then literally about half an hour later faito Romano said liil will not sell Eden zova um today position clear despite links with Manchester United so it's been that sort of Bitty day where there's been a few you know links with the players coming in or going out and then pretty much dismissed by more credible sources later on like this one I'm going to bring to you so um so the story come from Simon Jones in the mail saying Anthony and Christian Erikson have emerged as lone targets for real Bettis which I thought was would have been actually a pretty decent option and a decent shout not that I think loaning Anthony out solves any of our problems especially if we're going to get um like let Sano leave as well but then I was thinking at the time that story came out we were still I'm and and R about Sterling and I was like oh are we going to get rid of sancho loan Anthony out Bring Sterling in you know that wouldn't have been a bad a bad shout but again faito Romano squashed that rumor pretty much instantly saying um Antonio Anto Anthony to ra bet on loan is not happening he wants to stay at Manchester United boo I mean he's got a point to prove and I can't fault Anthony's attitude on that actually do I mean he is one player at least he wants to play for the club and um he might not have the quality or he might not have the form and you know um but at least his attitudes right do mean when it comes to wanting to play wanting to fight for his place do you mean rather than throwing his toys out of his prams putting stuff on social media and then you know pretty much dissing the club um I just don't think he's that good Anthony but he might prove me wrong but let me know what you think about that in the comments and then the worrying thing actually is the ugar deals so that's still not been announced so he's missed the deadline so he's not going to play um against Liverpool at the weekend apparently United are quite relaxed about about that um but the um sky was saying that Manu latti will not be available for Sunday the registration deadline is passed he's still not been announced at the time of recording this video um Samuel luer said United believed they would not have been he would not have been ready to start or play a significant role due to his lack of game time during preseason but Samuel luus this morning said that he's expected to be on the bench so I don't know quite what's happened with Samuel lers today um Ben Jacob said Manuel L would not be registered in time for Liverpool on Sunday man United are in no rush to meet the deadline since ugat isn't ready to start or feature heavily um there's not expected to be any issues with ugat um I don't know what's taking so long why they haven't announced it Le United just just ironing out all the doting all the eyes Crossing all the te's eyeing out all the creases regarding the deals um apparently there's not going to be an issue with um Scott Momin cuz but I think it's going to be it's going to coincide because obviously it's not to do with the funds apparently apparently Napoli do have the funds to still get mctom because there's this whole kind of rumor going on that if Osman stays at Napoli Napoli won't have the funds to buy mctom which means we won't then have the funds to buy ugat apparently that's not the case apparently Napoli still have the money to get Scott mctom regardless of what happens with ozman um which is positive because there is a concern obviously at the time I'm sat here you know looking in me camera recording this video um he still hasn't been officially announced so so there is a little bit of concern but apparently it's nothing to panic about but we'll have to wait and see wait and see what happens regarding that um now I am just going to double check to see if there's been any news coming out because it has literally been quite frantic um not as Fran Fran frantic as I was expecting though um for for deadline day but again I think United quite calm I think we've done a lot of our business early so we're not in a position where thankfully we're scrambling around yes we it would be nice to get additions to the squad as I've just mentioned but you know we've done a majority of our business I think and we've done it quite well I'm going to do like a summary of all the deals once deadline day closes um and and kind of and and discuss obviously the players that have left the players that have come in so I think they've done a really good job um so far this window but I can't see anything breaking as of now so I'm going to wrap the video up there um so that's you all up to date with latest Manchester United news um don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments I do enjoy reading them smash a like on the video on your way out subscribe to the channel if you're new and I'll see you in the next one

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