Team Heretics (EDG vs. TH) VCT Champions Seoul Grand Finals Post-Match Press Conference

what you can like keep doing your maximum um keep remembering if they told something in the ATT POS that might still help um and yeah I mean just keep doing your best keep trying to find a solution or change something do completely something completely different just to get that one round and maybe swing momentum oh yeah thank you thank you we'll take the next question from guys likewise consideration on the loss my question is for Neil Zeno uh the map Pool was uh uh as uh during the interview you said the map Pool was favorable on for your both the team side but I want to know from your perspective uh from the initial analysis what do you think went wrong uh in the maps uh which uh when they uh you guys were trying to come back [Music] again yeah I think the map pill was very favorable for both teams right it wasn't uh the same situation as Shanghai when the you know geni banned like two of our best maps like we still got to play our best maps to be honest with you so I mean ice box would have been nice obviously but that's what happens when you come from aora bracket you don't get that um you don't get that luxury so it is what it is like there's such an up and down series from us um on Haven you got to see some of honestly like some of the best I've ever heard us play on Haven I was extremely proud Weber was you know the same it was honestly a joy to listen to and the way we played on Haven was incredible moving on to Sunset it was literally just a i they also played well but we made them look very good you know if we lose like that on Sunset there's uh it's not all them so that's that's all I'll say it was just you know pressure understandable we didn't uh play to the level we should have and then the other Maps were just wor you know I think on the last map especially on Abyss they just played well macro wise we lost some really close clutch rounds we also won quite a few clutch rounds but I keep saying it that valerant comes down to consistency and unfortunately for us yet we just don't have the level of consistency yet to to close it out sometimes and that's completely fine you know it's expected for a team this young thank you just to quick add on to everyone in the team uh this is your first time playing in VCT so guys please don't be sad uh much more come next year so yeah please keep smiling and try work hard and all the best for next season thank you you thank you we'll take the next question from SN from Sports ke uh thank you yes uh likewise guys commiserations on the loss I think despite the defeat today I think we can all agree that you guys had a phenomenal season my question goes to Benji fishy so what are some of the things that this event has taught you that you'll carry with yourself for future matches what have I learned I don't know I think for me I've improved um playing Under Pressure um just how to control my emotions while I'm playing obviously not after we've just lost a grand final but during the game um I think I'm I've been pretty good at control my emotions I think sometimes I got a bit excited during the game um but I think that's pretty natural uh so yeah I think I mean I don't know it's always like you always learn something uh about when you play when you play in front of this many people and maybe I haven't realized like to the full extent yet but I'm sure later on when I look back and rewatch stuff or just think about it then I'll I'll take some stuff with me so yeah thank you thank you thank you we'll take the next question from ravish uh Hey guys yeah as everyone said um a tough today naturally extremely so um but to to to try to ask on a different note uh my question goes over to mini um I was going to ask I believe uh it was uh on bind you said something that I found was really beautiful I believe you I believe you looked to Benji he said I'm so proud to play with a player like you uh could you speak a bit more to that too considering just how the sentiment was wonderful I found and just talk a bit more about how you so deeply appreciate the rest of your teammates too because I find that person struck me I mean we've been in like together for eight uh months and like uh yeah like everyone showed up to PR they never were late and we played together like for a long time and uh I know like pji fishy is like the guy that is in very tough situation and like in the that high tense moment when you think that it's over but like out like he can pull out the things like from out of nowhere that like just go out 2 five four deagle shots head shots and like boom you win the round and like out of nowhere you get just like uh big like energy power like you hype up like I don't know like I don't remember what was the round but I think it was like 3K or something I think there on pistol yeah and uh yeah like he can just like make plays out of nowhere just go on top them and like his reactional moment is like the best I've ever seen in my life thank you thank you we'll take the next question from Brandon at a name for yourself in a me and on the global stage you know safe to say you did so um would winning champions have kind of been the end to that story or how do you how do you view it do you think the story would have continued if you won or does it continue here after a tough loss just like to kind of see what your thoughts are in terms of that narrative going forward in the next year whoever like to answer I can take that one if you want uh yeah for me if we won today trust me there's no way we' be slown down it's not going to happen with me Weber Nicholas at the helm like way I think I said it in nor previous I've said it at some point but my vision for this team was to create a team that keeps on winning to create a a dynasty in this game I don't want to win just one Champions or one event and then never win one again I want us to be at a point where when we're ready to win we keep winning and we came into this year to gain experience and we've done that but we've also created a family you know like these guys are all Brothers now and as a coach like you can't ask for anything better than that you know it's a joy to to be with them every single day and work with them every single day and obviously the goal post have mve now like we're not going to go into next year settling for less than what we did this year not saying it's going to be easy it's obviously going to be tough but yeah like these guys have proven if they can do what they've done in less than a year what will happen next year and this team is always built for the future and it's not lucky that we've reached every or almost every Grand Final you know and beat some pretty incredible teams so for me like yeah it sucks to lose right now but this is just the beginning thank you we'll take the next question from Pedro Romero hey guys uh likewise if everybody else has been saying before me and most presumably after me um tough luck on on the series I mean uh plenty of times you guys have showed the unity and the togetherness that uh Neo kind of of alluded to in his most recent answer um still I mean on one hand I I understand you know coming off of a loss like this uh and how you know sad it must be but on the other hand I don't understand because I'm not in the server I wasn't able to actually experience these feelings the point that what I'm trying to get it to is this um given that you guys have been able to work so hard play together for so long and reach to this point Point um PL obviously a lot of things happen either good or bad but for each of you guys in within the team I asked to you this um despite losing today despite coming in as the runners up in this event I want to ask you what do you think is the one the number one memory that you'll take uh away from this entire year not just focusing on Champions um just in general for you uh is no one watching I don't know uh I mean for me my favorite memory from was it this year or this whole event or this this whole year this whole year um I for me personally um I love Grand Final walkouts I'm notna lie the the individual walkouts I always find super cool and champions you had the concert uh so yeah I mean it's kind of I don't know if it's a bad answer but I don't know I I just think the workout was super cool so yeah for me I think it was qualifying to Madrid against na on kickoff because that's when I saw in everyone's faes that wow we can actually do it like we're actually that good because everything after that like I think everybody knew like from us yeah we can do this like we can go to Shanghai then we can go to finals same with Champions but I think in there in kickoff nobody even us didn't understood fully what's the potential we knew that there is but we didn't know how big it is and when we qualified I think we realized so it was nice thank you uh we'll take the next question from Robia at jx. TV um hey everyone so sorry for the loss today but you guys played amazing my question is kind of for everyone you guys are young and reaching the grand finals of such a big event is not easy especially in the first year would you like to would you guys like to share your thoughts about Boo's amazing uh amazing igl in this whole season because it's a huge responsibility and he took that so well can I go guys yeah of course I mean I think Bo is genius you know I like the way he leads the team like I I'm not going to lie Bo is not kind of a gel that tells you every single thing that you should do he's just telling you to mro which is makes sense and he let you do he let you do the mro so I like the way how he igls the team and even outside of the game like combined in game outside of the game he's like a you know big boss with the coaches so they're like the higher ups in my eyes so we respect them but ingame team I respect Buu so much you know because I truly believe that he's like really clever person even outside of the game like yeah that's I want to say that I think Bo is reliable but person inside and outside the game like you can always count on him no matter what he will like if you're all panicking Bo will not panic uh in real life he always like doesn't panic and he keeps control of the things he's doing and I know it's just really good especially for young people to have a person who's going to be there to calm you down or going to Hype you up I don't know just one word reliable for me I think for me as well it's a coach's dream to have someone like bu I mean it's the same with every single one of these boys I'm not going to lie but for bu to do what he's done this year after the [ __ ] that we went through last year and also you know just the environment that we had and the me of hate that he was getting externally he didn't let it bother him he just kept his head down believed in himself and believed in me and Weber even though you know we have crazy ideas we we do crazy stuff but he never questions it he respects us and he respects every single one of the voice and I think that's like what in said he calls mro but he also trust everyone so much to do micro plays and I think that is the vision that both me and Weber had in Nigel like we want someone that believes in the people around him and people that believe in him and now that he's got that this year the you know the sky's a limit for the bobber yeah I think um just trust is a big thing like he trusts all of us um to you know give him ideas when he needs it or do certain things for him like just micro stuff and he's just like the overall big picture um like he like just controls the team so without him there would be no team um so yeah he's he's like a very important part of our team thank you um thank you so much and good luck for the next season thank you thank you we have a question from the room hello I'm via from Nerdy my question is for Benji fishi first of all I'm sorry for the loss but also big congratulations on getting all the way to the second place just want to ask for some words for your fans all over the world I'm actually representing a number American Media and you truly have fans everywhere who woke up at midnight to watch you and support you um yeah I mean obviously we lost and it sucks but I hope people um can see you know what we've done and what I've been able to do from swapping to a different ort um changing kind of I mean not career pass but um changing to a different esport and you know getting this I'm not done yet and I'm not going to be done for like a long long time so I hope that by the time I'm done then I'll have some sort of Dynasty um and hopefully it's for my boys so thank you for anyone that's been watching supporting anyone send me messages everything so yeah thank you so much thank you we'll take the next question from FD news there is sorry for the wait just leave me a moment and there is thank you so much te re is to be here and I know it's hard to be here in after the match so I'm so sorry for the loss uh I would like to ask to the coach um taking in mind that you your season ends with a top two here in in ban Champion SCH and it's the first year of a longterm H project that the team are qualified for every International Tournament and show the world cap for and I would like to ask you your thoughts about it yeah it's been an incredible year it's obviously hard to express those words right now because it's it's been it would have been nice to have the the fairy tale in then right that's all it would have been um we created a team that everyone believed in and like I said earlier like we've created a family which to me is the most important thing because that's what's going to be the foundations for us moving forward to create a dentiy like Benji sin right like we want to we want to go on a run we want to replic get this F we want to do better every single year and every single one of these guys are so hardw working that it will happen we just need time um and for us to get to so many finals this year is incredible but also for me like getting to see how these guys have developed not only in the game but also outside of the game we have a couple of boys who have never left their own country before you know like they've moved to different city they're away from their families they're away from their friends they're so young one of them was in in school doing exams halfway through the season they've traveled to different countries they've experienced different cultures and it was all just part of getting an experience so for me it's been a pleasure and I know Weber is also very very happy with it too and again it's just been nice to be able to travel around the world with such a good bunch of genuinely nice humans you know like every single day is a pleasure so for me I'm just excited for the future and that's what want to focus on now you know thank you so much and I wish you guys a good 2025 season thanks thank you thank you thank you we'll take the next question from Fernando from game arena uh thank you hi guys sorry for the loss and congratulations on that season my questions was for new uh my guy uh in 2022 you joined fpx as an analyst after the one Masters uh and atic believed in you to be the head coach of the project in franchise of course last year wasn't easy but amazing season in 24 uh I want to ask you at the start of the Season like before the games before before kickoff did you believe this team could achieve everything he achieved and what are your expectations for this roster for the future maybe dur next what two years I know some people are probably be like yeah that's [ __ ] but yes I did believe we could achieve this because it was like one of the first times for my entire career that um Anor has given me full control Weber full control like the staff F control of the roster and you know I like to think that we knew what we were doing when we were putting the team together um so just maybe it's just me being stubborn but I knew exactly the vision that I had for the team I shared the same vision with Weber with bu with Benji that's why they're stuck around after what I saw from the first in the first uh you know the first iteration of the team so yes I did believe it did I believe that we would achieve it so consistently with such a young bunch of players maybe not but I think like buo said once we qualified to Madrid that was just like the the spark you know and also didn't expect to I I expected it to be a bit rougher you know with having um someone uh like you know would not been with us because he's obviously so incredibly talented we couldn't have him for the first portion of season so I knew that it would be difficult but we were so incredibly fortunate that someone was St enough to kick Mr Patty Tech because obviously we got the goat so that made our season a lot easier and again it's just an extra person that's added to the family and having someone like Patty helped us an absolute [ __ ] ton so we would never have got here without him you know um so yeah I believed in it having to get a a standing it's not really a standing part of the team um would have made things more difficult but yeah the tldr is yeah expected it but like Bo said when we qualify to Madrid that was kind of the the eye opener that holy [ __ ] you know we can we can do something incredible this season and the boys all believed in it and pushed in it and never stopped working even though there was some very very tough moments some very stressful periods and you know they push through it thank you very much and good luck next season thanks thank you we'll take the next question from Pedro [Music] Romero yes um I got I'd like uh to ask a question towards woot um obviously you are are not feeling uh the best right now which obviously I understand just want to give you a simple question I you kind of look back on your season overall and your experience here in in Soul in Champion being being with this team the highs the lows basically anything that comes to your mind you know um if you have anything to say if you don't then I understand and there's one thing I can say I'm really proud of my team see you next year there's nothing I can say much thank you uh we'll take the next question from Sierra right thank you thank you um my question is kind of jumping off some of the team narrative questions I've already already been asked and looking forward to next year like we mentioned uh Champions 2025 will be in Paris this can go to anybody does it add F to the fire or the desire to lift the trophy even more considering it will be hosted in your region next season or what does that mean to you guys it doesn't matter yeah for me it doesn't really matter where we play honestly like I think we've g a pretty cool Following over in Asia so I think it's cooler to travel somewhere else outside of Europe yeah uh thank you we'll take the next question from W Esports okay sorry for lose but our Chinese fans still like you very much uh so would you come to streaming on bdbd W uh squ stream for wood yeah in off season I will make so much stream in I'll probably yeah I I will do it I can't say it but yeah I was thank you and we'll take the last oh we'll take the last question from Ashley Kang um hey guys this is Ashley king of carizon Esports like everyone else mentioned I'm really sorry about your loss but I look forward to your future Legacy I have a question to Benji um Benji um you just mentioned how special this moment is given that you've also come from another Esports in today atmosphere was very exciting there were fans from Korea China Spain you know um Japan America Europe everywhere and you can definitely feel and taste that this is a growing scene and this happened in Korea which is dominated by existing traditional Esports like Starcraft and League of Legend from your perspective of a player that has played in other eorts people what makes valerant so special and why should we be excited for the future of valerant and the dynasty you might possibly build there that's a very good question um I think valerant as an esport in general like for me I I love how in depth it can get um if I compare it to fortnite like sure it can get in depth but when it's like a grand finals at Champions um it doesn't really get much more than that like for me I haven't experienced anything like it like having to think and just like how much you have to practice it's way more than what I had before um I don't know it's just it's just the game that I love and you're never you're never going to be like perfect you know it's impossible to be perfect in a game like this um you can't always do everything right you're always going to learn from mistakes in every single game you play and every single day that you practice and I didn't really feel that when I was on fortnite um I don't know I really like Improvement and noticing myself improve and I can feel myself improving every day on valerent so that's why I love it the most and yeah I think it's just the the scene and just valerant J is going to keep growing and I hope to be um with all my boys as the best team in the world for when that happens thank you so much keep seeing you thank you team Heretics thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today thank you guys appreciate it

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