THE RELAY: Parr vs Kaewpawong, De La Hoya vs Canelo fantasy fight? Benavidez December 14th return?

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:18:10 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: canelo fight
uhoh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the mother relay we're covering today's top boxing no I have a very disappointing announcement to make about my upcoming fight with Jazzy pie on the 28th um that will no longer be going ahead um this was a big fight for me and something I was really excited for I thought I would be able to Showcase my skills against a great opponent um but unfortunately with the last 12 months for me having quiet after a fight Camp after Camp No Rest um I've sort of crashed with my health and the doctors ordered that I have the rest of the year off um something out of my control my health needs to come first and I just want to say thank you to everyone that has supported my journey so far definitely my sponsors that have helped me get to where I am today my manager Glenn Jennings and my amazing coach Nathan that's stuck by me through everything um I don't want let anyone down but like I said it's out of my control and I hope one day I can come back and continue on the journey that I've Lov doing over the past eight years of my life so thank you everyone and so Amber Amelia will not be facing Jasmine par thus we wish her a speedy recovery with whatever she is dealing with the silver lining for young Jasmine is that the show will go on she will be facing Pen Porn cang is that how you say that that's how I said it in all Hy I didn't think Amber was going to win that fight with Jasmine anyway I had Jasmine winning that fight Jasmine combat for Jasmine it's in her blood her mother's a fighter her father's a fighter her father's John Wayne par legendary mu Thai Fighter John Wayne par that's the kind of stock that young Jasmine comes from 5 and0 with one recorded KO fighting is a family business for Jasmine it's not just something that she picked up along the way it's something that's ingrained in her instilled Jasmine since having gone pro has campaigned anywhere from flyweight to Super flyweight her upcoming fight is a bantamweight contest bantamweight that's 118 PBS that's where Dena thorland currently Reigns as that division's unified Champion that's where sherica Johnson's got the WBA and Mio Yoshida has the ibf that is where Jasmine parr's next fight is going to take place it's a bantam white cont contest now I don't know if Jasmine will continue to campaign as a bantamweight moving forward though it's conceivable that she might because she's young and her body is still growing she's filling out she only fought once last year won a split decision against Briana Harrison since then she's signed to No Limit promotions No Limit that promotes Nikita zoo and Tim zoo and she's already had at least one fight under the banner earlier this year in April opposite the ring Sarah watt who she stopped in five rounds if you're in Australia you're an Australian based fighter No Limit promotions no limit is the place to be where you want to fight and that's where young Jasmine fights where she's going to fight panap porn who's coming off a loss to Sky another one to Chanel dargan Chanel dargan another No Limit promotions fighter uh I anticipate Jazzy's going to get the job done she's going to advance to a pro record of 6 and0 wouldn't be surprised if she stops this girl do you think they'll reschedule the Amber Amelia fight I'm not sure you have to remember that Amber isn't going to come back at all this year she's taking the rest of the year off and depending on when she comes back next year if a lot of time passes they might not reschedule the Jasmine par fight on the premise that by then Ember may need a tuneup fight so I don't know that they're going to reschedule that thing if they are I don't imagine it's going to be right away for Jazzy it's not really about names anyway specific names or specific opponents at only 5 and0 right now it's all about activity right now it's all about getting out there getting busy if she takes care of business later on this month on the 28th there's still enough time left to find her someone else to fight before the year is out someone else to fight for what remains of this year because you will still have all of October all of November and all of December plenty of time to squeeze in another keep busy fight because at 5 and0 or 6 and0 it's all about banking rounds it's all about gaining experience anyway it's not about specific opponents or specific fights specific names Jazz's got potential I've said that before she comes from good stock she can kick ass and she's got Charisma she only fought once last year this upcoming fight will be her second fight of this one and if they move quickly she can do three we'll see if she does elsewhere in the world of boxing Oscar De La Hoya who never has any shortage of nice things to say about Canelo Alvarez stated if he fought Canelo in his prime you know in my Prime I would have tapped that ass so good easy quick easy work he's flat-footed he walks on quicksand he doesn't hide his rankor for Canelo we talk about it all the time that the real nature of Oscar's problem with Canelo is that Canelo left Golden Boy but that was four going on five years ago shouldn't you have moved on by now perhaps if since then he would have found a worthy success someone capable and comparable to Canelo to fill canelo's shoes at Golden Boy maybe he would have moved on or maybe Oscar who holds a grudge with both hands he still would have been doing the same thing talking down Canelo talking he said he would have beat him in his prime is that true I don't think it is because their primes canelo's Prime and Oscar's Prime are displaced by weight the best version of Oscar is below 154 below junior middle the best version of Canelo is above junior middle say 160 168 that's a prime Canelo the Canelo that fought Daniel Jacobs at 160 the Canelo that went on that dominant Undisputed run at 168 that is a prime Canelo Alvarez so when you think about canelo's Prime and Oscar's Prime the middle ground for them to meet in this hypothetical matchup would be either 154 or 160 at 154 lb the junior middleweight version of of Oscar De La Hoya he beats Canelo there Junior middleweight Oscar beats Junior middleweight Canelo Because by the time Oscar made it up to Junior middleweight he was already more experienced than Canelo Alvarez was when he was at junior middle remember Canelo was greener at junior middle much greener than he is now I think at junior middle Oscar was a four Division champion where Canelo didn't become a champion at four weights until well after he left Junior middleweight junior middle is where Oscar de la hoy stopped Fernando Vargas it's where he stopped Ricardo Mayorga and when you compare his Junior middleweight run to canelo's Oscar was already very experienced by the time he got up there whereas Canelo was not yet in his prime Asad De La Hoya on points at Junior middleweight in a time machine I would say that at Junior middleweight Oscar wins on points and at middleweight Canelo stops him Canelo knocks him out so I see it Oscar would be a little taller and a little longer actually had a lot of hand speed combinations and some power at 154 but at 160 he wasn't as good wasn't as durable he got a gift decision over Felix Sturm and he got folded up like a beach chair by Bernard Hopkins got stopped with a body shot I think Canelo would stop him there I think the version of Canelo that fought Gennady Golovkin in the second fight or Daniel Jacobs afterwards that version of Canelo Prime Canelo at 160 stopped Oscar the problem is 160 Oscar isn't Prime Oscar well 154 Canelo isn't Prime Canelo so you see what I mean that if what you're talking about is a prime for Prime fight in a time machine between these two even there it's hard to imagine because their primes their respective primes are displaced by weight the very best version of Oscar is actually below 154 I'd say the fastest the sharpest the strongest the best version of him or the the best I've seen him the most capable would be below 154 say at or below 154 but certainly not above it and certainly not at 168 that the very best version of Canelo the best of the best version of him is the one at 168 and Oscar never fought there so is it really Prime for Prime I think at 154 Oscar would win a points decision I think at 160 Canelo would stop him Canelo would knock him out where Oscar is a little bit more tactical and techical and he has a bit more speed than Canelo bit more length too he's nowhere near as durable so at 160 he would get folded up like a beach chair he wins at 154 on points but he gets knocked out at 160 who do you think had the better career Canelo and bear in mind that canelo's career isn't even over yet but I think he's already had a more successful career than Oscar because Oscar in spite of all his notoriety and a lot of his success he lost a lot of his big fights he lost the Felix Trinidad fight he gave it away giving away the last few rounds he loses to Trinidad loses to Hopkins loses to Mayweather loses to pako he lost a lot of his big fights a lot of the meaningful ones and he lost to Shane Mosley two times didn't he whereas Canelo comparatively won more of his meaningful fights the Cotto fight the last two Golovkin fights the Undisputed run I think that comparatively Canelo has had a more successful and fruitful career throughout I think he's made more money than Oscar De La Hoya made in his career overall I think he's made more money and bear in mind that he's not even done yet it's not like he's retired I think that Canelo is the better fighter believe it or not I think he is the more disciplined athlete he doesn't treat his nose like Oscar was treating his nose no substance abuse problem that comparing one to the other Canelo is the more consumate professional while we are cross comparing these two fighters to each other maybe in a time machine at 154 Oscar would get him but anywhere north of 154 Canelo gets Oscar Canelo beats Oscar and that's how I see it in men's super middleweight news David benitz has a return date tentatively December 14th the fighter was said to have asked some injuries in his last outing that made me skeptical as to whether or not he would return before the end of this year and I'm still skeptical not just because of the reported injuries but other outlying factors David Ben will return to the ring December 14th and about intended to keep him sharp in the position for a 2025 date against the winner of the upcoming Undisputed light heavyweight championship benz's promoter Samson lucax told boxing scene on Thursday arena in La has been reserved on that date for a boxing match according to an individual familiar with the situation although a venue in Vegas could be used as events connected to the fight card unfold Phoenix's viidz 29 and0 with 24 Kos is coming off a June 15th UD over former light heavyweight champion Alexander vajik a showing benovitz 27 lamented because of injuries his left hand his right arm ligament and a cut over his eye the time off is allowed to form a WBC super middleweight champion to heal and while lucax is currently in negotiations with an opponent that the promoter said will offer a quality fight benz's ultimate goal is to Maxim his preparation to become a two Division champion potentially Undisputed if they follow through and they face the winner of Better B versus ball now you guys know what I think I don't think they're going to in the last two or three days Canelo Alvarez expressed an interest in returning to the light heavyweight division to face Demitri biville if he becomes Undisputed champion and he said that some are interpreting this as Canelo Alvarez stealing David Ben as's opportunity they're of the opinion that David actually wants that fight I don't think he does but that's what some people are saying following an agonizing weight as a top ranked and WBC mandatory Challenger only to be rebuffed by unified super middleweight champion Canelo Alvarez benovitz informed the sanctioning body in Late July that he would move up to light heavyweight where he stands as the WBC interim light heavyweight champion that shift was accompanied by an Assurance from the WBC president micio sulaman that benovitz will be in prominent position to fight the winner of the October 12th Undisputed light heavyweight championship fight in Riad Saudi Arabia between Ur better be and Dimitri Bol empty promises it could turn out to be an empty promise because put your thinking caps on kids put them one if later on this year Dimitri bival wins that fight and Canelo Alvarez is actually serious about running it back with him do you think the w BC is going to prioritize David's title shot over what Canelo wants no but if what Canelo really wants is to face Demitri ball again you think the WBC is going to stand in the way you think they're going to stop him no in case you haven't noticed they make up the rules as they go along set the deadlines as they go along and they don't actually care about their mandatory process not if Canelo Alvarez himself actually wants that ball rematch if he wants it he'll get it things to think about they're talking about bringing David back December 14th in a stay busy fight is he going to be headlining a show or is he going to be fighting on someone's undercard David benovitz fought not one but two box office fights last year two of them the Caleb plant fight and the Demetrius Andre fight neither pay-per-view was said to have brought in all that many numbers all that many buys given the number of conversations and content creators that make videos about Canelo versus benitz benitz the Mexican monster all of those internet metrics you would have thought that his pay-per-views would have sold better they couldn't have sold that good if he ended up on javon's undercard you figure that if David benovitz were good for 250 300 350,000 pay-per-view buys yeah they would have gave him his own date he would have been headlining his own show he ended up on javon's undercard because he don't sell because his two pay-per-view use didn't sell nothing in spite of the online metrics surrounding his name you know what it reminds me of it reminds me of what's going on in the hip-hop industry the music industry right now that there are a number of seemingly popular artists like I spice sexy red nothing sexy about her whose online metrics are very good via their own social media very good metrics very good numbers a lot of Engagement online but in the real world uh Ice spice's album only sold a little over 20,000 yes just a little over 20,000 units 20,000 or 28 I forget the exact number but it wasn't very much in spite of all of that online engagement it's the same with sexy red sexy red had a tour tickets weren't selling the tickets to the tour weren't selling in spite of all of that online engagement the moral of the story online metrics are not always an accurate gauge for what someone can draw in the open market because viewing stuff online is free it doesn't cost you anything but a ticket to a concert does albums do so when a sexy red or a nice spice or a David benitz when they get a lot of Engagement online that doesn't necessarily mean they're going to generate anything in the real world B if David had generated anything substantial with his two pay-per-views last year he'd be head lining his own pay-per-views this one this one he was on javon's undercard what Samson is talking about what it sounds like he's talking about is a stay busy fight in December they're going to have him headline a show with a stay busy fight in December or is he going to be on somebody's undercard in December it's going to be a pay-per-view you know it's going to be a pay-per-view of course it is how else are they supposed to pay these guys but they seem to have a lot of plans for ater around that time javon's fight sometime in November a potental spener versus funduro fight a potential Pacquiao versus bario fight could David's fight end up on one of those under cards it's possible

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