Published: Sep 10, 2024
Duration: 00:03:33
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: wrexham
almost arriving at my first delivery of the day in rexam we're just on a little road now that's um 20 M hour so there's not a lot of R and you get a car pars on the main road anyway unfortunately it's not a sunny sunny bright day today but um seasons are starting to change that it's uh prepare to turn right after half a mile it's the month of September the day I'll always remember that was the day that my daddy died CLE Was a Rolling Stone whever he laid his hat was his home I think that was The Temptations C was a rolling St anyway just a little taste of my day so I've got two more to do after this one woo after 1,000 ft turn right then arrive at your destination and then we're going to be on the left Was a Rolling Stone whever heid his take the next right then arrive at your destination thank you and there's a food wagon there but I've never seen it open you have reached your destination I could do with a cup of coffee don't know if there's anywhere else along this estate so let's have a look let's have a [Music] [Music] [Music] right we're at the first one let's get this one done