Published: Jul 05, 2024
Duration: 00:02:33
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: lisa boothe
booth in with me this weekend on this Saturday edition of Fox and Friends Weekend good morning I know I'm wearing red I couldn't let go of the 4th of July Spirits I think this is the official holiday weekend I think some people wrong people celebrated last weekend that was clearly a work weekend uh this is the holiday weekend it is holiday weekend yeah exactly I I just feel bad I didn't wear red white and blue again I had a whole line of ties laid out I'm like ah you know if I just keep doing it maybe I'm kind of dragging it on I don't know and then there's me I'll go on the commercial break put my red tie back on we'll be good to go you should uh no I'm happy to be here uh will it's good to see you I know you've been working hard in the evenings this week I have but I had Thurs day off and uh it was an awesome Fourth of July back in Texas and we threaded the needle we we uh we hit The Sweet Spot the bullseye on fireworks and the appropriate amount of danger I was surrounded by 13-year-old boys we're out in the country we're like in a pin of some kind and it had a fence about yayi and the fence signified inside here yeah your own risk yeah so like you know I'd say there was probably 70 different people lighting off fireworks which added to the danger 70th you're alive and well so CU it was a big Community country event and then you don't know hey is that Yoo going is it my turn so there was a lot of timing involved and I know I'm talking to an EOD but there was a lot of like you know wing it light it you run from the run back it up Terry you know the ones that kind of jump I remember my older brother brother like would set those off towards me so I would like running out of the way maybe he tried to kill me fireworks are are very different from when we were kids like black cats not as excited as on were yeah they they had a little bit more bang behind them it's probably a good thing Roman candles whole level gone a whole a whole new level we used to shoot bottle rockets and Roman candles each other not endorsing that you should not do it all right well you know we do have some news to get to this morning president what he rolled his ankle out there run around can you imagine having like your morning coffee and you're like what is that those things are fast too and just about what you're Texas guy those real grand turkeys you have they look like emuse they're huge well that's why I was like well I wasn't thinking real grand turkey but like people having their coffee what is that everybody's always like is that an ostrich is that an emu what is that that's I don't yeah I would I don't think I would know what I wouldn't know what it you know it might just be Liu the Emu you know Liberty National he might be out there trying to help him out with insurance all right Biden's make or break interview