Published: May 26, 2024
Duration: 00:07:55
Category: Sports
Trending searches: alexa pano
How Alexa marks her Pro V1 hey team tiess my name is Lex saano and today I'm going to be taking you through what's in my bag okay so starting with my golf ball I play tid LIF pro1 um and this is how I mark it I've always kind of used a red Sharpie the line has differed over the years from short to Long right now it's long to line up my putting and then one dot on each side I've always kind of used a DOT or something I think the only time I'll switch it up is if I'm having like a bad round or a bad string of holes I'll do a different marking just to switch up my luck maybe the spin on this ball gives me a lot of confidence around the greens and hitting shots in I can really predict what I want to do and just a very reliable golf ball like if I want to stick something I can do that if I want to get the roll out I can still do that and just kind of gives me the freedom to play golf cuz I know my golf ball is going to do what I need it to almost everything I do is feel I'm not super big on the technological side and this has always just had a great feel for me I love the way that it comes off the club I love the way that I see it react on the greens and I have a really good feel with this and that's the main reason I think I've always stuck with the Prov one just the feeling that I have with it all right so now with my Alexa's driver driver this is one of my favorite clubs in my bag the TSR has been pretty gamechanging for me I really love the look of this driver I have spoke about this a lot today but the face angles on all my clubs for me are one of the biggest thing being a big field player visual is big for me and just looking down at this I love the way it sets on the ground and makes me feel confident before every drive that I hit all my clubs I kind of play a bit of a right to left ball flight driver is probably my straightest Club in my bag I like to see kind of a higher draw and playing nearly a straight as close to a straight ball as I can get so growing up I played a lot against older competition so I was obviously not as long as them so I got really good at hitting this shot now I don't use it quite as often but it's a really great shot if you're trying to be aggressive to a par five or even super into the wind or whatnot depending on the tightness of the lie I'll choke down a bit more so right now we've kind of got some really nice grass here so I'll choke down just a little bit kind of playing this like I would a three would really just making kind of a smooth swing at it not trying to do anything fancy with the ball flight or anything you can't really predict exactly what it's going to do when you're hitting it so just a straight ball would be ideal all right moving on to three-wood The 3-wood my three-wood slowly become one of my favorite clubs in my bag I'm probably going to say that for every club we do have a lot of shots on tour where you have to pull this off off the tea which personally used to not be one of my favorites I don't enjoy laying up off the tea but now that I've got this club in in a really consistent place um it's more fun to hit them off the tea but also I feel like I can be really aggressive into par fives with this going for Pins because um it's just so consistent at the moment so next is my fivewood the only time it comes out is if I need it in a tournament that's the only time it'll Finding fairways with the 5-wood get action but normally I'm hitting this club off parfor is just to lay up into the Fairway yeah and that's just kind of the traditional Fairway finder that I'll hit with this next up is my four hybrid this 4 hybrid is actually kind of new sometimes in the longer par 4 or longer par fours longer part 3s I used it a lot when I won an Ireland on my final hole if I'm trying to hit into a green I can get it to stop pretty quickly sometimes hybrids have a tendency to go a bit high but I'm able to control the flight with this one so I do actually really like it I've tried putting a 4 iron into the bag but nothing has beat these hybrids for me so now on to my irons I've just recently T-100 irons this offseason switched into the new t00 I didn't switch in the middle of the Season just because I liked what I had going on in my bag so much that I didn't want to switch it up so I took my time with it I went out to visit Chloe in California and she helped me get fit for these I say this probably with every Titleist club that I have I love the look of them but I just love how consistent the clubs are they're always just getting a little bit better for me that's that's all I can ask for like I The Vokey Wedge setup it when I like something I want to keep using it I have a lot of trust in this club it's a big asset especially out on tour now this is my 50° wedge I can hit kind of pretty versatile with this club I think one of the best things about Vogies is you can do anything with them that there is kind of a higher full swing 50 degree wedge that's kind of more of the low driving wedge shot that's only going about 90 to 100 yard somewhere in that range so I have my 58 and my 54 degree here um my 58's pretty versatile you can really do so much around the greens with this and then I'll pull my 54 out kind of for those in between distances or when you have a lot of room on the green to run it and stuff I love to hit a low Chip Shot as well so 54 is really good for that kind of to that back pin up that slope this one I'd kind of use my 54 for because you don't necessarily have to fly it all the way up to the back tier so kind of putting this in the back of my stance and hands forward 58's one of my favorite clubs just because I love kind of goofing off working on different quirky shots and the 58's something you can do that with when you get into trouble 58s usually the club that's going to bail you out and I'm really confident in my scrambling skills and um this is the club I'm usually doing so on so over here kind of a quirky shot is a plug light bunker no one really likes to get up and see it when they get up there but I truthfully don't really mind them once you figure out how to do them they're not as hard especially just getting it out but getting it close I kind of just focus on really chunking it and running it like something like that oops oh go in yeah something like that is normally like when you get up there it's not ideal and no one wants to get up to a plug eye but I think they're kind of fun I work on them a little bit when I'm back at home kind of making that a comfortable shot is fun so all right so now we're moving on to Scotty Cameron putter putting this is my Phantom x55 I got got this putter last off season when I went up for a visit at the Scotty Carman studio and Paul gave it to me or he wanted to fit me for a mallet even though I've always been kind of a blade Potter most of my life and I was set on using one of the two blades that we got fit for that day but he made me take this he's like you never know what's going to happen and I was really struggling with my putting the first half of this year it was just not solid not consistent at all I was losing a lot of shots so finally just kind of got to a point where I was like all right we need to switch something up so I switched over to this Mallet and it's the reason I'm a winner on the LPG tour now it's been such a massive help I jumped up so high in the putting ranks I was really low at some point this year and it's given me a lot of confidence around the greens and now it's probably my favorite Club in the bag so yeah