SpaceX's Polaris Dawn crew completes first-ever commercial spacewalk mission | FOX 29 News

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 01:20:45 Category: News & Politics

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[Music] go recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 Minutes copy that Ingress Time 4 7 minutes and dragon we back on live video from the nose [Music] con that space [Music] and space at TV1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable for the trainer in terms of the foot restraints space I copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video after that test Matrix 3 is complete the H read out is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 decimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into to Max reach copy test Matrix top of the mobility Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e one's good good good Cy that okay uh Max reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the midr copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom any go back space x negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy that 1 [Music] minute it's [Music] [Music] gorgeous what you get right so one we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now now I'm checking out your nose kill right now and looks pretty good copular nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that 024 timer time true check for grass e1's good e good to good all right St ja T1 that's for the huge team effort that a TR to get us to this point we know it's just to start then I'm transmiss back in your vehicle [Music] SP at TV1 he's taking a quick look here at the Hat Shields from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch heels and stand by for transition to read off reset def face this and ev1 is clear [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility fre off reset is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copy Arthur call up three off reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster Plumbing yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining SpaceX attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 E ev1's good EV is good good what too good EVT is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately feels look good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out three SE SpaceX copies that report good fck so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and 18 [Music] that might be best repeated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress copy P2 is theing with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer yeah Sarah Gillis now about to make her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you [Music] like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those coms [Laughter] [Music] I mean I said it before a lot of us work here cuz we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for single-handed Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's [Music] awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose con [Music] and cofy all I would say in all three transation office I'm having certainly cross CET movements forward back I am inducing a bit of [Music] similarly with left [Music] right and up down a bit of a tit but all are keepable right into three [Music] y a three Bs a [Music] four and P is a three [Music] [Music] [Music] than G for left man stepping into vertical translation copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 minutes happy 59 [Music] minutes horizontal bar are definitely [Music] [Music] preferred and I'm not able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances last and [Music] right stepping into Mass reach you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose cone copy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test INRI one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one complete 7 2 like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during EXC me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we com some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and and see if a little more work I can actually get between both bar one and bar four on Ma space has copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital and test matri to kindy to combine them so we'll call that conceit de pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 C SpaceX copies Matrix complete and H read out stepping into hre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feat copy that D2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress which just over 5 9 Minutes o02 [Music] flow [Music] Popp with that sitting up in check for ind1 good E2 good good 14 cppy coming on in [Music] all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in start [Music] C check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to [Music] copy ready [Music] copy copy and E to what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check it I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the [Music] range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points buing again between 12 and 13 copy your go no must be between 12 and 13 right now space X copies at 12 if you can you're go to address those copy and [Music] lo these numbers being called out represent the location [Music] around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reing that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing for hatch closure just like that we're already hearing about hatch closure it's incredible that these two Evas just in two blinks of the eyes are UHC is clear on your screen there is SpaceX core uh or crew operations and resource engineer on duty tonight is Arthur baralt this is the uh the the voice to the crew throughout uh their operations of course you know everyone has to sleep so we have different shifts for core um but Mike your time and dragon driving close you good cppy displaying handle app fing for and closing once we get ground station coverage uh again we will be sure to bring you views within the Dragon capsule but right now Sarah is closing the forward hatch it sounds like we might give the motor try keep confirm the hatch is visually indicating closed hatches verified last hey commanding Eva hatch [Music] closed Eva hatch closed all Dr go is [Music] enabled Dragon SpaceX we see Eva hatch closed and pressure indicates good hatch seal standby for transition to Eva repress [Music] one and ev1 copy everyone check secondary O2 valve Clos Ste one up ev1's Clos ev2 is closed or one cl two close a couple of real big moments right there Sarah was able to make sure eess one copy secondary flow is closed and agree EV press one she was able to make sure that the seals were in a good spot we got the hatch closed you can see a half PSI for 8.3 see the pressure starting to TI up [Music] [Music] just a final confirmation everyone confirmed secondary O2 valves are closed T1 close 4 close 14 close and we're through one for 8.3 all right so each of the crew just closed those secondary O2 valves on their umbilicals again that was primarily for cooling um during the spacewalk itself suits still pressurized by that primary and now we're going to start to see uh the pressure tick up inside of dragon right after they get the hatch closed they're able to do kind of an initial pressure check cuz again oxygen it's an open loop system with these suits still flowing into the cabin you're able to see positive pressure response showing that the cabin uh the hatch was closed and was sealed uh we'll still do a leak check on our way kind of back up to our nominal cabin pressure um so we're going to continue ticking up until we're about 8.3 PSI and then we're going to transition into the second phase of our repress um really the difference between repress 1 repress 2 is how frequently we're injecting atmosphere uh as I the the repress is also pretty unique with dragon um we're repressurizing with just nitrogen right now um which is a little bit unique obviously you have nitrogen and oxygen in your atmosphere uh with this we have O2 flowing into the cabin through the suits so we only need to add nitrogen so we're able to just basically add a bunch of that to really start getting your pressure up O2 continues to flow into the cabin through the suits and we're going to continue pressurizing until we're pretty much right back at our 14 one coming on right about our 14 uh or so PSI and we're also looking at what the partial pressure of oxygen is cuz we want to make sure crew takes helmets off fing that plenty of oxygen in the cabin and then we're going to change that injection rate to just help with the mixing is microgravity everything's harder everything's on hard mode um and you don't just have natural convection so like I mean space station I think I've heard it a bunch of times Mike like you just constant noise of fans that's right almost yeah there's uh you've got to continually recycle that air um and one to help get rid of the CO2 right because as they're taking in that oxygen they're breathing out the CO2 and we need to to get that out of the system which is another important reason to have that air constantly circulating yeah um man that felt really quick that was it did that was that was that was really cool to to see them outside for the first time and there they were what they were actually doing out there is a bunch of pretty simple tests as it looked but like this is just learning how the heck do you move cuz like just moving around yeah in micro gravity is tough right it is tough Dragon Space X we're about 2 and a half minutes from Ted's [Music] Handover one C out of three yeah that that movement is tough and and there is a big difference just of moving around when you're in your short sleeves like we're in inside the capsule and when you put on that space suit uh it it's much more challenging to to move around with that on yeah and what they were really doing was just kind of like you put your hand on on Skywalker and then you're changing your pitch you're doing translation up and down and everything and then the one that that I think is kind of cool is Max reach cuz like just going like that is you know not easy yeah and I think one of the other things I thought was interesting is you heard I think it was Sarah talk about the horizontal rail versus the vertical and how much easier that was for her to grab onto or utilize versus the vertical one so simple things like that you know for us it not a big deal uh but out there in in that uh in the vacuum and in the microgravity environment it does become a a much bigger deal and you and you know Dan and I we've never been in space so we certainly appreciate all of your expertise that you've be able to share with us throughout this morning's operations and uh contributing two cents yeah no thank you it was great to be here uh just an incredible moment uh not only for the Polaris Dawn for all the SpaceX and and really for for Humanity CU it's just one of those small steps that's taken us that much closer to being that interplanetary species so thank you very much for having me around our pleasure you're welcome back anytime excellent all right to see you hopp thanks byebye all right so repress is continuing we're a little over 4 PSI right now again we're going to keep that going up until we're a little over eight and then we're going to change our repress rate uh we're basically just going to be injecting nitrogen for shorter periods of time that's just going to help that atmosphere mix as we get the crew kind of back up to their basically their normal cabin atmosphere that they were they haven't actually been at for the last couple of days cuz we we started this whole process like right after we got on orbit yeah it was almost like we we launched them and gave them two seconds to acclimate and enjoy their q0g indicator and immediately stepped into the pre-bath um in order to prepare for today's activity uh and really like you said let them acclimate and uh let their bodies adjust and you know the success of that really was demonstrated today by the fact that we were able to step through uh all of the steps today without having to take the optional uh and available breaks to allow the crew members to adjust during oh sorry I thought we were going to get something there yeah the teis in and out so like we'll get it back but um so yeah just the fact that the uh all four crew members were able to just go right along and didn't have to pause um as the option was available I think it's a testament to the preparation that they did before and during Che if you want good two good just heard a quick check-in from them so we're going to keep keep counting the PSI up until we get to about eight we are going to do another leak check on the way up uh to our nominal cabin pressure uh as you introduce atmosphere you're introducing temperature changes not just pressure changes and so we'll essentially we'll get to a nice pretty stable point when we're at eight and then we'll let it hang out there for a couple of minutes I'll let the thermals kind of cancel out um that'll take about 5 minutes to do that uh this obviously has to be done to make sure we've got a really tight seal with that hatch as before we let crew get out of their seats move about the cabin anything like that want to make sure dragon is fully recovered this is we B we just use dragon as an airlock yeah and actually the info that you were talking about you see it there on your screen live with that Telemetry there in the bottom left and bottom right hand Corners um we can see the Dragon capsule and the suit pressure starting or not starting But continuing to to Rise um it is incredible that we've only been in the Eva for 1 hour and 13 minutes um it flew by so so quickly um on cabin pressure approaching one PSI on pp2 I'm I'm sure for shared and Sarah it flew by even quicker yeah we just heard Jared call down we're coming up on one PSI for po2 so what we're really tracking before we give the crew the go to get out of their suits is both the actual like just the straight up what the absolute pressure is inside um but also what the partial pressure of oxygen is we want to make sure you you don't have a hypoxic environment inside basically you want to get them they're going to be pretty much right back at the atmosphere that we're walking around in right now uh before they get their suits off uh our Eva clock's going to continue to count until we hear the call for Eva uh operations complete from our core arur burial that's going to come uh once we are done with the repress repress operation uh we'll see a couple of uh other things happen with the suits they'll uh do kind of a final wash out of the pure2 environment in the suit using Nitro before they get out Nitro being that same air mixture that you have in your scuba tank uh if got any scuba divers out there uh that nitrogen oxygen mixture um nope still still just there they're just going to keep ping out should hopefully be getting video back from ground stations passing S stand by for transition to repress 2 at 8 decimal 3 and copy that SpaceX we're following along press two at [Music] [Applause] [Applause] 8.3 and so once we transition to repress 2 once we're at about 8.3 PSI we'll stay there for about 2 minutes and then once the cabin gets up to 9 we're going to pause the repress and we're going to do a cabin leak check this is another kind of critical check we did the initial one after they close the hatch where you're able to do just kind of a let's look at the pressure is it increasing at the rate we expect inside Dragon yes it is um and so we were able to confirm that seals and everything looked good we're going to do another leak check now that we've got more pressure inside Dragon just to really make sure uh that we've got a good seal on that hatch before we finish the operation coming up on 8.3 we should be hopefully just about a minute and a half or so away from ground station so might get those views back inside a dragon yeah it would be it would be great to see them uh post Eva now just like when we were depressurizing the capsule there were there was the option to uh pause refres to scw up Che ev1's good good one good 4 and yeah that Cals we're hearing half PSI before we get to Le 9 the continual checks with all four crew members to make sure that everyone is good um if the answer to one of those checks was no there would be an option in this repress sequence to uh pause possibly to reduce the um you know allow for ear pressure Equalization um but again just like the way that we depressurize now this repress it seems to be going uh really smoothly yeah we're just about at 9: I'm going to say we're almost there and then it's going to tick up but we're going to pause at 9:00 we're going to do another cabin leak check so we should hear that momentarily repress two stop Dragon space is with you and Eva repress to stop waiting 5 minutes for thermal stabilization we're St that SpaceX we're tracking ining awareness we do a positive refres R we are 30 seconds into the re check like we mentioned earlier uh right now the this repress is being done with Nitro um once we get awareness pp2 1 deal 35 halfway there they're still flowing that oxygen um and in a few minutes we will begin to flow we'll do a flush uh of of nitro uh into the suits [Applause] all right we got our views back there they are it's a little sad to see that forward hatch closed again it's it's got to be really hard when they tell you it's time to go back in yeah just one more minute yep reminds me of when I was a kid swimming in the pool you know time to get out just one more minute I mean it it it speak to to the professionalism for for Jared for Sarah for the whole crew really like that's that's got to be this is something they've been training for for years and it's got to be really hard not to go for those you know that extra 30 seconds but they're true professionals they know there's a [Music] timeline good you good pp2 just passed 1 F we're a couple minutes into our leak check you're you're seeing the pressure continue to tick up we've stopped the nitrogen injections but again oxygen coming out of potentially vent line on those suits um and that is why you're going to continue to see the pressure tick up you heard Jared call out the P2 that's gone up that's your partial pressure of oxygen uh we're looking to for that to get to over about 2.6 a little bit higher um and then our final actual like just ambient pressure inside dragon is going to be right around 14.4 or so and I mean that's that's a little bit lower than what we're walking around in now but like if you're at a little higher altitude uh state in the country or something that's that's what you might be sitting in right now in your house and that's they haven't been at that pressure since they left her yeah uh but after we get all the way up there we're going to do kind of a final uh flush of the suits using that nitrox the K was talking about uh that takes them out of that pure oxygen environment and that's one of the final steps before we'll he hear that call from Arthur of Eva operations complete and that's when our clock's going to stop uh our space walk did start today at 3:12 a.m. Pacific 1012 UTC it's continuing to pick up ours was unique we we talked about it a little bit with Mike there's there's different rules for every single Space Walk it's it's kind of it's fun a little challenging sometimes to track all of them um on the even on the space station there's halfway through the Le check still POS we're about halfway through the leak check so we got about 4ish minutes [Applause] left we can see the uh pressure inside Dragon stabilized during the Sleep check at 9.4 helps to ensure that uh that forward hatch is properly sealed and and shut very similar to a suit leak check um that we do in terms of sustaining a pressure and measuring that pressure over a period of time um and obviously the the leak check for the capsule takes a little longer than the individual suit leak checks uh but so far so good a little bit more than halfway through big bigger volume Che per start 3 minutes all right so we we hit we're tracking we hit essentially a thermal stabilization so again this is the fun I think it's chemistry I'm not sure but like as as you're raising the pressure you're you're changing the thermal environment inside the cabin so temperature goes up your temperature goes up your pressure can go up so you wait for all of that to kind of equalize and once that gets at a steady state you can do a a real no kidding pressure check on this hatch and so we're we're underway with that that's going to take a couple of minutes and then we'll hear the results and then look to resume uh with the [Applause] repress it'll it'll slow down a little bit um [Applause] for slow down a little bit for the remaining of the repress uh kind of kind of going in reverse when we did the deess that initial a lot of that atmosphere is flowing over um and once we got down low it started [Applause] [Music] slow really enjoying these in Cabin views everyone gra a St for a this this Che is looking good so far but we're still going to wait the 4 yeah copy that space X we're tracking sometimes it seems as though the the feed freezes just cuz everybody's relaxing as the we're coming up on S minutes in Le check it's 9 decimal 7 pop2 is at two [Applause] enough in the final final minute of our leak check reports in the ground everything's still looking [Applause] good or Jared report down that partial pressure of oxygen right at about two once that gets to about 2.6 we can essentially stop flow of that pure oxygen to the Cru suits is like 2.6 is right where we want to keep it when we're at our final pressure Dragon SpaceX successful check standby for rard to ress cyx we f great news there successful leap check of the cabin all right crew we're in Eva repress 2 as a reminder Eva repress 2 will complete when either P2 reaches 2 decimal 62 or cabin reaches one atmosphere right now we're coming up on 10 psi for cabin pressure and C2 is 2 decimal [Music] [Applause] to it's a really good explainer there from Jared again those are those are the values we're looking at we're seeing uh the P2 that partial pressure of oxygen continue to tick up once that gets to about 2.62 uh we're going to be done flowing that uh pure oxygen to the suits of the crew uh and then eventually we're going to get to one atmosphere it's about 14.4 is our Target for today uh and then our repress will be complete so uh this will go a little bit slower than the initial repress uh this could take uh up to about 20 or 30 minutes even in some of the times that we simmed it uh you don't want to introduce them super quickly to a higher pressure um anytime you're doing pressure changes as gradual as you can make it the better um and that's why we have like the built-in holds that we talked about that the crew can do exactly uh these are opportunities for the crew to pause the repress and just um allow themselves to equili to come to equilibri equilibrium words are words are really hard right now it um and uh we haven't had to utilize we're at 2.3 pp2 targeting 2.62 cabin pressure is at 10.3 if I was a betting man I'd say we get to the pp 2 threshold first at that time O2 will switch to nitrox [Music] the all right good news there corrup he wanton Dragon SpaceX we concur with e [Music] call continuing to repress the cabin we had a successful leak uh and you can follow along with uh the repress uh along with the data there at the bottom of your screen um as Jared said we are targeting uh 14 about 14 psia for uh cabin pressure uh or when cabin pp2 that partial pressure for O2 reaches uh about 2.6 so we are continuing to progress uh pretty well 2.4 C 10.55 however as Dan just said this this portion of the repress could take up to 30 minutes uh just so that we're allowing the the crew to uh acclimate along with the capsule really cool day so far it was awesome to see them you know out there going through the test Matrix like we we only got to talk about it a little bit but you know just some of the the different tests that they were doing while they're out there this is like fundamental how do you do a space walk well first of all you use your hands a lot and how are you going to be able to move around this the first time we've ever had the suit in that environment crew and so they were they had a basically a checklist of like these are the things you're going to do it was you know use one hand and wave the other one around and see how well you can stabilize yourself and and then and then rate that activity on a scale of 1 to five and report it back to we we could hear that a little bit in in the activity of okay I'm doing this thing here's how here's here's the functionality of that test yep yeah and then doing doing the reach test doing the up and down and uh they did it at the very end you saw Jared go handsfree for a second and that was he that we had a foot restraint uh in Skywalker as well if you've ever watched a a space walker in the space station you've seen astronauts in the robotic arm getting flown around with just their feet strapped in that's a pretty critical tool when you're working in micro gravity because otherwise you know you go to you go to swing the hammer and like it swings back at you so you need something to kind of brace yourself and a foot strin can be really important yeah it was uh we also saw um the helmet cam getting checked out uh that was uh certainly a highlight for us to see what Jared was seeing uh even though at that point I think we were in uh you know the orbital night but um it it was many amazing views and it went by so quickly uh both Jared and Nitro and we're back we got vied again Stace Tex is with you reminder to start manual timer on Nitro 6s St we're standing by [Music] there it is Bo started on Nitro Pursuit cabin cp2 is two decimal 6 and cabin atmosphere is 11 1 one de 3 well it might look like the feet is frozen if you look closely you can see small micro movements there with fingers and uh the strap above Anna's shoulder um we uh unfortunately due to uh ground station coverage don't have video 100% of the time even though we wish we did that would be great but we can see that uh Jared and Sarah uh are not strapped into their seats of course because they performed uh their Evas or their space walks extra vehicular activities where Anna and kid remained in their seats the window seats so we can see their um safety harnesses uh still strapped in there um at this point in time we are continuing with the repressurization of the uh of the Dragon capsule Dragon resilience uh we had a successful leak check one good Jared isaacman continuing to check in with his three fellow Che secondary O2 valve open ev1's open ev2 is open one or yeah 4 One open 4 two open continuing to repressurize the Dragon capsule we're targeting about 14.1 psia for uh the dragon pressure which is the uh Telemetry readout in the far bottom left corner of your [Applause] screen yep and along with that we're also tracking the partial pressure of oxygen so we did hear that they've stopped the flow of P2 to the suits and they've switched over to nitrox so again anything that we're flowing into the suits also gets introduced into the cabin atmosphere it's an open loop system it's how you essentially maintain pressure in the suit um since you're just constantly flowing that air in there uh to wash out any carbon dioxide they're exhaling to actually function as they're cooling um so we're switching over to Nitro just to make sure we we maintain kind of the right balance of nitrogen and oxygen in that cabin before uh they get to go to take their suits off so we're already that um for the O2 and so we're we're on nitrox in the suits now still injecting um kind of the pure nitrogen into the cabin itself and the teams just keep an eye uh on the O2 levels as we go throughout and we can we can adjust our injections as we need to uh so we're we're just kind of hanging out now waiting until they they get to that uh that 14 um a little yeah a little over 14 and then uh the the call we're going to be listening for uh is going to be Eva operations complete um from Arthur [Applause] we four more four minutes into the open walk out 72 is 2 decimal 9 cam pressure 12 decimal 5 [Applause] [Music] you can see the Polaris Dawn crew continuing uh as we continuing to monitor uh the repress of the Dragon capsule on the far left side of your screen is Mission specialist and medical officer Anna Menan to her left or our right is Mission specialist Sarah Gillis uh both of these wonderful women are our fellow SpaceX employees so incredible to see them in space doing amazing things yeah see see and Sarah gets a poker head outside dragon that was I mean both of them have trained astronauts they've basically gotten people ready to go do this and it's it's got to just be really special to to get up there and do it themselves incredibly uh and then to the right of uh Sarah was Commander Jared isaacman uh who was the uh first who performed the first EV um operation or excuse me Eva operation so Jared went first and then uh Sarah after him and then on the far right hand side of the capsule uh so not this photo but the the live view inside uh was uh Scott potit prefers to go by his call sign kid uh he had the other window seat um that if you tuned into the launch phase of Polaris Dawn you might recall that Scott period 3 cab pressure 13 decimal [Applause] 3 Scott is actually our polaron pilot so in order to enable Eva operations he and and Sarah had to swap seats so Sarah has been keeping uh the pilot seat warm for kid yeah like we talked about only say only we only saw Jared and Sarah actually get up and go outside but all four of these crew members did a space walk today all four were exposed to the vacuum of space this is the first time that's ever happened in human history having four people all at the same time yep we saw Jared and Sarah go out and do those Mobility tests Anna and kid uh they're one of their kind of main roles was being the eyes back inside if very similar if you've ever watched the space station Space Walk where you'll have people inside who are able to kind of call out or fly a robotic arm or something they're just a really important part of the team to make all of this work like no spacewalk doesn't happen in a vacuum it happens in a vacuum but like you're never doing it solo um and so they were they were largely uh making sure that umbilicals didn't get uh hung up and keeping eyes on seals and stuff like that for the crew um so also keeping an eye on the umbilicals in case if it got wrapped around their foot uh and just really acting as the uh assistant coach uh while the Evas were underway all right work [Applause] work coming up on 14 PSI again we're we're already at the the oxygen levels in the cabin that we'd look for and so now we're just waiting until we get to that that final pressure technically the Eva is still under way that's right uh we have not yet heard the call out Eva complete uh that will be uh that will be coming after we get uh confirmation that the repress 9 minutes into the O2 wash out less than 4 minutes remaining cabin pp2 is 3 decimal 1 cabin pressure is coming up on one on 14 decimal one I want to review a few things so when the timer reaches 13 minutes we're going to uh shut down the nitrox FL the suits then we're going to close secondary O2 valves and then you can vent uh use your manual vent valve in the plate uh when you're advisor do not disconnect envelop have copy onein one good two good Dragon Space X we are less than 2 minutes from a teeder Handover but copy your call and plan we concur that was Jared just uh reminding the rest of the crew um that their uh when the timer hits 13 minutes um the order of operations they they have that manual valve there uh and this is something that we've seen all morning is continual check-ins repress is complete continuing suit wash out [Applause] I than you great news there confirmation that Dragon repress is now complete so right now we're just waiting for that final we call it the O2 wash out so again we've been using nitrox instead of the the pure oxygen into those suits for anyone that has joined recently unfortunately you missed most of the fun I encourage you to rewind y go back about an hour um we have had successful completion of both Jared and Sarah's space walks we saw them uh move through their test Matrix and perform the suit Mobility tests and the uh the the testing of the Skywalker uh Mobility Aid at located at the top of the Dragon capsule they move through it quite quickly really quite in the blink of an eye um and we've closed the forward hatch we have repressurized uh the Dragon capsule and uh we're now standing by for really the the the final operations of the morning um so yeah unfortunately if you only recently tuned in you should definitely rewind and and go back there were some incredible views uh of the taking place during the Evas uh the crowd that we had in front of michig control here in Hawthorne uh was almost on Q uh we certainly excited as were we to see the the views of Jared and Sarah emerging from the top of Dragon resilience it's been quite a morning and I can't believe it's already almost 5:00 a.m. Pacific uh we had there it is arming disconnecting [Applause] nro [Applause] and yep all right check secondary O2 valves closed ev1's [Music] closed T2 sport one closed sport two closed all right you're going to manually vent down [Music] [Music] Mr ringing check box yeah everybody smell that space Dragon SpaceX EV operations complete that's T that space X we show the same nice job for everyone uh and everyone in SpaceX and made it possible all right SE n all seats push the talk to manual arms execute space wow if you're just joining us we just heard the call out that EV Eva operations are complete complete which marks the completion ev1 uh com check on manual push talk manual push talk L and clear all right that's the crew just switching off just switching off from Vox and back on to the push to talk that silence um really that's it that was the first ever commercial spacewalk um we started at 3:12 a.m. Pacific time which put which puts us at uh 1 hour and 46 minutes the four astronauts on board Dragon resilience performed a suited pre-breathe process to acclimate their bodies for the reduced pressure after that cabin was vented and the hatch door was opened and Mission command Jared isaacman he was the first to exit the spacecraft he got out there we saw him right as we were starting to get into that orbital sunset uh he was able to complete all of his tasks before he ingressed got back inside a dragon uh we did that quick attitude adjustment and then it was uh spacex's own Sarah Gillis the second to exit the spacecraft do her task for the uh for the Eva uh Jared and Sarah got back inside everybody's reporting back healthy we had a pretty smooth and nominal repress uh our mission pilot Scott kid potit and our mission specialist and medical officer Anna Menon had been supporting The Space Walk throughout from inside they went through the same preb the same depress process as Jared and Sarah they did a space walk too today um and everybody's reporting back healthy um and just I'll say it again because all the stat heads out there I know you guys are tracking our official start time was 3:12 a a.m Pacific and our official end was at 458 a.m. Pacific that was 1 hours and 1 hour and 46 minutes of space walking time uh next the crew is going to prepare for post Eva operations this is uh powering down everything on their suit um these were only needed obviously while they were in there they're going to be able to get out of their suits uh next and kind of start moving around the cabin they turn the Vox off so we're not hearing kind of like the constant back and forth anymore um but wow really cool to see him back inside complete and it's uh you know the the work isn't completely done yet they'll also have to perform some comms checks uh along with some additional taas tasks before uh their seats are rotated back into their preeva position uh and all in all it's wow just an incredible view we've said it already a couple times before if you just join Dragon SpaceX will be with you when you're ready in 9 decimal 3 cabin atmosphere is looking pretty good right now very stable yeah copy that SpaceX and we are ready for your seat rotation SPX incredible news uh we're moving into SE rotation so again after that the crew will be able to get out of their suits and that'll be the end of a just just a really successful day um hour and 46 minutes of space walking today uh so the players Don crew they're back in their seats inside Dragon completed a successful space walk the first ever from Dragon a massive congratulations to the crew all the teams at SpaceX who made this possible this was space walks are hard and this was an incredible amount of work over years to get ready uh special thanks to Mike Hopkins hopper for being here with us today sharing some great insights always good to have somebody who's done the thing to help you explain like what's happening that was awesome not only having done Evas himself but also he's a dragon rider he commanded the uh crew One mission so it was it was great to have him now uh Polaris Dawn is the first mission in the Polaris program that will demonstrate new technologies conduct extensive research uh and ultimately culminate in a flight of spacex's Starship with humans on board all of this while continuing to raise funds and awareness for important causes here on Earth now you can learn more about the program at pois this has been an incredible mission on day two dragon went to its high apy point the highest point in its orbit more than 1,400 km that's higher than any dragon mission to date this is the farthest from Earth anybody has been since Apollo and in 50 over 50 years since 197 too and then today the crew first civilians to perform an Eva in space first one in Dragon yeah and the crew also uh the first to test starlink laser-based Communications in space uh ex excuse me I got too excited and of course we'll also be back to bring you live coverage of Splashdown uh which uh we are hoping to have in a couple of days obviously weather dependent um but you can stay on top of all of the SpaceX updates by following us on X thank you for watching and we'll see you back here real [Music] soon e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for

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