Live: Kamala Harris, Tim Walz continue campaign rally tour in metro Detroit

Published: Aug 07, 2024 Duration: 02:13:20 Category: News & Politics

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[Music] 5 4 3 2 1 level up level up level up up up up this ymy this ymy youon so yummy yummy you want this yummy y all your [Music] you can talk on all see me I nothing I'm afraid and I can have it 5 4 3 2 1 now [Music] you [Applause] this e e [Applause] e e [Applause] drop drop top drop sming [Music] hot from I call I [Music] [Music] world world [Music] the of think they freak like we do but no they don't make your [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you'll do anything for me the world the world the world the world the world mother [Music] mother DJ don't be scared to run this R this backing for the girls taking over the world for the college let you [Music] [Music] know you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] world world the world the world the world run this mother this mother this mother this mother [Music] [Music] what do we the world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we got the move but now coming around I know we got a long way to togethering H down before I know you refuse to be H down anymore [Music] [Music] Ang we got [Music] the I know you know that has a negative and you're try make it the only you don't have ask to be down anymore you let [Music] every [Music] [Applause] [Music] every e e e e e e [Applause] keep I'm [Music] [Music] [Applause] you I Cor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right y'all Y feel good [Music] please welcome lieutenant governor Garland Gilchrist [Applause] what up do [Applause] Detroit y'all ever seen somebody get off a plane like that before that's because we got a history maker in comma Harris don't we we are so proud to have her back here in the state of Michigan and we going to chant for her like we never chanted before show me what democracy looks like y'all look like people who are voting for the future a future that is as big and loud and diverse and Powerful as this crowd a future where everyone has access to a dream of health and wealth and opportunity and that nobody is left out or left behind you see that is a future that is free y'all free from not being small-minded free from the clutch of racism and xenophobia this is a freedom in the future that we must fight for every day and that fight starts right here in Michigan but the thing I love about that future is it is a future that we can make happen we own the process of democracy that delivers that future and we will reject everyone who stands in our way of that victory this is about love not hatred this is about inclusion not exclusion this is about generosity not selfishness and look that's the biggest difference between us and those who oppose us y'all can't even imagine how small minded Donald Trump is like it's smaller than you think his run to make JD Vance is too afraid of the future to have you be a part of it but not us we do not fear our future we welcome it and you know who else doesn't fear our future my president KLA Harris our vice president has spent more time in Michigan than any vice president in the last 40 years because she believes in us and I've been proud to stay and Tall with her almost every single time she done set foot in the state of Michigan but we all Stand Tall together right we stand tall for a future that's free of gun violence We Stand Tall for a future that is free of poverty We Stand Tall for a future that is free of pollution We Stand Tall for a future that is free of any limitations you see her fight for abortion rights that's our fight her fight against climate change is our fight her fight for voting rights is our fight and like she says when we fight when we fight we I know a little bit of something about being a strong number two working alongside Governor gretchie Whitmer isn't she amazing the best governor in America ain't that right but I'm so hyped that the next Vice President of the United States Tim Walls came here to Michigan to introduce himself to y'all and to America and to show you the freedom he's going to fight for we have the chance of a Lifetime right here and right now the question is not whether This is Our Moment the question is whether we will step up to meet this moment and there is one thing that I know in my heart that we will meet this moment for the men who are hungry for a prosperous future we will meet this moment for the women hoping for equal rights and Equitable opportunity we will meet this moment for the young michiganders who will invent the future when we invest in their right now we will meet this moment and for every American ready to walk forward we will win this moment so let's win Michigan for our families for our seniors for our Union brothers and sisters for our teachers let's win Michigan for kamla Harris and Tim Walls and let's win Michigan for the United States of America God bless you let's go win please welcome UAW president Shan feain [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right UA's in the [Applause] house hello Michigan this is how we do it in Michigan home of the big house we go big or we go home on behalf of 1 million active and retired UAW members I'm honored to welcome to Michigan the next president of the United States KLA Harris you know as president of the UAW I have the honor of fighting for economic and social justice for our members for the entire working class from the bargaining table to The Ballot Box what we bargain for can be taken away tomorrow in the halls of conference of Congress to me this election's real simple it's about one question it's a question we made famous in the labor movement which side are are you on and this is a simple question in this election because on one side you got a billionaire that serves himself and his billionaire buddies he lies he cheats and he steals his way to the top he's a lap dog for the billionaire [Applause] class and on the other side we got a strong intelligent and I'm just going to put it bluntly a badass woman and I got to finish that sentence a badass woman who stood on the picket line with striking workers a leader who opposed free trade deals that have devastated the workingclass in this country devastated our communities a leader who takes on corporate greed and wins KLA Harris is a champion for the working class and like all great leaders kamla haris knows it's not all about her it's about the people it's about the quality of people she surrounds herself with and you know yesterday kamla Harris showed great leadership when she chose Tim Walls as her running mate and it's no secret our Union was loud and proud about who we supported for vice president and Tim Walls was in the top of that list he he's one of us he's a working class guy he knows working class values he was a teacher a coach that's right there's teachers in the house another group of people who've been left behind he's a teacher he's a coach he's a governor but best of all he's a proud Union member and he always puts the working class first with the Harris walls ticket we have what I call the dynamic duo for democracy meanwhile on the other side we know who we're dealing with Donald Trump is a scam [Applause] and his sidekick isn't any better JD Vance is a vulture that's right you know every time Donald Trump gets a chance he trashes our Union and he trashes the working class he comes to Michigan he talks about he's going to bring back the Auto industry let me tell you something Donald Trump doesn't know about the Auto industry and he does doesn't give a damn about the working class in this [Applause] country and we got proof of that you know once upon a time he was president of this country and while he was President Auto plants were fleeing the country in fact while he was President for's Romeo engine plant closed GM's Baltimore transmission plant closed GM's assembly plant in lown Ohio closed in fact in the UAW we love using facts and facts are indisputable not alternative facts that Donald Trump uses are what we all call lies we use facts and the fact is this Donald Trump did nothing to help Auto Workers when he was president in 2019 GM workers went on strike for 40 days Donald Trump was President these workers went on strike to try to save plants that were slated to clothes to try to fight for a future johnald Trump said nothing and Donald Trump did nothing to help Auto Workers you want to know where KLA Harris was in 2019 she was on the picket line with striking workers kamla haris stand shorer to Shorter with Working Class People not for a picture not for publicity but because it's the right thing to do [Applause] when KLA Harris as vice president she's worked with us and helped us bring jobs back to lown Ohio where workers were left behind vice president Harris took action so workers who were forced to leave Lordstown Ohio under Donald Trump are now returning home she and President Biden worked with us to save a plant in beler Illinois that was slated to close that's the difference Donald Trump is all talk and talk is [Applause] cheap kamla Harris walks the walk she does the work and when help was needed she showed up so now it's our turn it's our turn to stand up to speak up and to show up for vice president [Applause] Harris you know for months Donald Trump's went around trashing our state trashing our industry and trashing the American Auto worker saying he was against electric vehicles huh and then something happened we saw a transformation in Trump now don't get me wrong it wasn't a good transformation and don't worry Donald Trump's always going to be a scab but we saw Elon Musk announced that he's going to give Donald Trump $45 million a [Applause] month and all of a sudden guess what Donald Trump changed his tune and let me quote what he said I'm for electric cars I have to be because you know Elon Musk endorsed me very strongly so I have no choice end of quote Donald you got it Donald Trump is bought and paid for by the billionaire [Applause] class Trump is a sellout and as president he already showed us that under him America is for sale to the highest bidder he's the epitome of what's wrong with America when three families three families in America have as much wealth as the bottom 50% of Americans we have a crisis on our hands millions of Americans are working seven days a week 12 hours a day working two and three jobs living paycheck to paycheck just a scrape to get by that's right this election is a choice it's a choice between the working class having a shot at a better future or going backwards as millions of people get left behind [Applause] this is why I love Detroit we're in a fight for what we call the four core issues and that's what this election's about living wages not minimum wages living wages so one job you can live adequate health care so when you get sick or have something go wrong you don't have to lose your home over it retirement security you know 60% of Americans have no retirement savings not because they're not responsible Because by the time they pay their bills there's nothing left okay we need a medic over here you got it okay you got it thank you that's what we do we stand up for each other we look out for each other we got each other's back you know and the fourth thing we stand for it's about getting our time back and taking our lives back so we don't spend our lives working 12 hours a day we can actually spend time with our families so let's be clear this is a fight against corporate greed and the billionaire class and it's pathetic Donald Trump and his band of right-wing weirdos want to blame anyone but themselves they want to blame electric vehicles they want to blame China they want to blame the union they want to blame anything they can come up with to avoid the real problem corporate greed gone [Applause] wild you know we keep hearing about inflation in this election let's talk about infl inflation you know this is the reality of inflation it's hurting Americans but what they don't talk about is what the cause of the inflation is inflation wasn't policy driven it wasn't the president's policy it was greed driven and thanks to Donald Trump's inaction when he was president during a CO pandemic the billionaire class and the corporate class do what they do do best they use a pandemic to price gouge the hell out of the people but they're right about one thing working class people are hurting for decades we've been ignored and trampled at our worst but we we are the vast majority of society we have the numbers we have the votes and when we stand up united we put fear in the hearts of the billionaire [Applause] class their agenda is to keep us Weak by dividing us it's the oldest trick in the book and it's effective time and again the wealthy divide the masses so the rich can walk away with the massive profits that we create they try to divide Us by gender they try to divide Us by nationality they try to divide Us by race they talk about who you love where you're from or how you look the working class has been left behind and I don't I don't know how you feel but I'm angry they want us to point our fingers at each other they want us to be distracted and divided so we don't talk about what really matters who you work for where the prophets go and who benefits last year Auto Workers of all walks of life decided to stand up in solidarity and take on the big three and we [Music] won we won because we were united we were United against the true enemy the billionaire class the working class will always win when we unite in a common cause like vice president Harris says when we fight when we fight we win that's right and we will win we will win when the people in power stand with us we will win when we stand up for what we deserve and that's why the UAW and workingclass people are standing up for KLA Harris because she's walked the wall and we know this under a Harris walls ticket America's not for sale so Michigan I have a question for you are you ready to stand up are you ready to stand up for Humanity for decency for solidarity are you ready to stand up speak up and show up for kamla Harris this is our generation's defining moment and this election is our opportunity to take our lives back so Michigan let's get to work please welcome United States Senator Debbie stabel [Applause] oh my God woo oh my God go good evening Detroit I am so excited aren't you excited that is a pretty cool plane I think that's a great plane I got to tell you though first I got to just say to my good friend Sean Fain I wish he would just say what he thought isn't he great everybody in the union who's here thank you for finding to make sure we have a middle class in this country I really am excited though to be here and I know you are too to welcome back our vice president kamla Harris to our great state of Michigan and by the way this is the fifth visit she's made just this year it's fantastic and I'm so excited to welcome back Governor Tim wals and I have to tell you we love any Governor from an M State we out there not an O state but in M State particularly one who knows where the Great Lakes are and why they are so important to us you have heard it before but I am going to say it again this election we have two choices two Stark choices which I know is why you are all here this is freaking important to all of us in our families on the one hand we have our great vice president Harris and Governor Waltz smart dedicated public servants who are fighting for an America where all of our rights and freedoms are protected all of our rights and freedoms are protected and one where everybody's got a fair shot to make it that's our America America where everybody's got a fair shot to work hard and to get ahead on the other hand there's Donald Trump and JD [Applause] Vance who are running on their dangerous project 2025 agenda to literally rip away our freedoms rip away our freedoms and they want to give another round of Republican big tax giveaways to their ultra wealthy buddies and make everybody else pay for it let me just say k Harris is my friend I can tell you from her time in the Senate as well as her time as vice president I've seen her up close she is talented she is is hardworking she is tenacious and she will be an extraordinary leader for us in Michigan across the [Music] country over the past three and a half years vice president Harris has worked tirelessly to move our country forward along side our great President Joe Biden she has helped bring hundreds of thousands of jobs including manufacturing jobs back to Michigan I'm not exaggerating thousands and thousands of jobs that are coming back do we have some someone needs help can we make sure someone's getting are they okay looks like we need a met it is so you you guys have been so wonderful standing here for so long because we love our country we love kamla Harris we love Tim wals we're here because we want to move forward and so I just want to say I'm proud of bringing jobs home I'm proud of lowering the cost of prescription drugs taking on the drug companies to negotiate Medicare and give them the power to get us the best price not the highest price and I am so proud that we have in K La haris somebody who fundamentally understands our freedoms as women to oh maybe decide our own healthc care decisions I'm not interested in Donald Trump or JD Vance or Ted Cruz or any of those other politicians being in my exam room or [Applause] yours now let me just say you know and people have been talking tonight and so I'm not going to go through the Litany of all the bad things that Donald Trump did in his first term or what he wants to do in his second in his detailed terrifyingly extreme project 2025 I just want to say this to Donald Trump Michigan is not going back we're not going back we're not going back not going back we're not going back not [Applause] we intend to keep going forward with leaders who believe in America who share our values and will fight for the things that make a real difference to Michigan and to all of our families and one more thing while I have you all here we're not going back when it comes to our United States Senate seat either [Applause] I am so honored to have had the opportunity to suit up every day the last 24 years and go to the United States Senate on your [Music] behalf and while I may be retiring at the end of the year please know that I'm going to work my heart out and I hope you will too to make sure I am passing the torch to our great Democratic candidate congresswoman Alysa slack I I deeply deeply love Michigan and care about Michigan and I know you do too and I want to pass the torch to someone that loves Michigan as much as I do and that's Alysa side and I want to make sure we have a president United States and a vice president United States who love Michigan as much as we all do and who will have our backs every single day when they're in the white house so Michigan let's do what we know how to do we know how to win in Michigan we have been getting people to the polls we've been winning in Michigan let's make sure we do that so we've got kamla Harris as our next president Tim Waltz as our next Vice President of the United States let's go win please welcome United States Representative Alysa slotkin [Applause] hello freaken Michigan can we all give it up one more time for the amazing Debbie stabenau who has done so much for us 50 years of service the original OG first woman elected from the state of Michigan at the federal level okay we are running late so I'm going to do this quickly what a beautiful night okay I'm congresswoman Alysa slotkin I am proud prow to be the nominee for the US Senate SE in November we all know we have a job to do in this November we all know that Michigan is where you come to get things done um and we know that we invented the concept of the middle class where you could work at an autop plant and afford the car that you were buying that was a radical concept that we invented and the Midwest has been on display right the bin West has been on display people are here everyone is here because they know how important we are in this election to keep the White House to flip the house and to keep the US Senate and I think we have an actually a very interesting story going on here because we have a midwesterner on the VP slot on both sides right interesting interesting here in Michigan we know a lot of guys like Tim wals right we know a lot of guys like he feels like one of us he's the coach he's the dad making bad jokes he's a high school teacher he's a veteran right and he's also the guy who will tell you to always keep jumper cables in your car we know that guy we know that guy on the flip side we have JD Vance right and in the midwest in the midwest we know some guys like JD Vance too right let's be honest they're the ones who talk down to people they are the ones who preach Freedom accept the freedom for you to live the life you want to live we all know that guy more and more of these Republican candidates are taking the same approach so is the guy that I will be running against Mike Rogers watch him watch [Applause] him we have a choice this election in which kind of Midwest we want which kind of country we want do we want something hopeful and positive or divisive than splitting us apart we know what what we want the other side of the aisle is going to claim that they care about the middle class they're going to claim that they care about your jobs what they want is your vote they do not give a living crap about you so in those two contrasting Visions we know which one we pick and lastly because I know you're excited for us to get on to the main attraction for those of you I know for those of you who are not convinced by the importance of the this election to your rights and your democracy to the vision of America the country we love none of you would be here if you didn't love our country if that that's right if you didn't love our country you wouldn't be here but if none of those things convince you let me just say one thing again about Midwestern values and here you'll have to excuse me we are not going to let no red-blooded michigander is ever going to let a buckeye get into the Damn White House please welcome Governor Gretchen Whitmer all right hello Michigan you know what I see as I look at this crowd okay all right you know what I see as I look at this crowd happy Warriors for Harrison walls right now guess what I woke up in big gret mode this morning cuz I am fired up to elect KLA Harris our president and I am excited about our next vice president Tim now I don't know if you all saw but in Atlanta they really showed up for the vice president last week so you know what we got to do right we got to be better we got to be louder we got to show them how we do things in mtown right so Michigan are we fired up are we ready to win this thing now I want to spend a moment to talk about what we're fighting for and I want to remind us all what we are up against in this election we have two very different candidates one is a prosecutor the other is a convicted felon one is an attorney general who served the public by taking on big Banks and the other is a fraudster who only serves himself one a vice president who believes in reproductive Freedom or the guy who stacked the court with the people who ripped away R we're not going back right say it with me we're not going back not going back [Applause] kamla Harris wants to move us forward and the other guy wants to take us back but guess what we're not going back KLA Harris solves problems and the other guy is a problem we're not going back kamla Harris fights for our freedoms and the other guy wants to take them away but we're not going [Applause] back you all are doing a great job I love you kamla Harris's vision for our future is all about Freedom can you all say hell yeah hell yeah the freedom not just to survive but the freedom to get ahead hell yeah the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water hell yeah the freedom to be who you are and love who you love hell yeah the freedom to be safe from gun violence in your school in your house of worship or in your community hell yeah and the freedom to make your own damn decisions about your own damn body hell yeah so this is why com Harris got the endorsement of the United Auto Workers can I hear from you cuz we know that k Harris is going to fight for the middle class as president she's going to focus on getting things done that make a real difference in our lives right now she understands what the average person is going through because guess what she lived a normal life she was raised by a single mom who had a full-time job she moved in with her sister to help her raise her children she took care of her mom when she was battling cancer and she is a proud stepmom with a beautiful blended family who call her mamala and I know a lot of us identify with some of those characteristics all right mamaa all right I like it and so I want to say a few words about my good friend Tim Walls too now yes he's a fellow Great Lakes Governor good midwesterner but Tim and I get along because we both lead according to a three-part strategy get [Applause] done Tim's the real deal he's the only Governor I know who curses more than I do and I have a feeling that's about to change he's a former public school teacher a soldier he's a former Soldier and a state championship winning football coach I mean maybe he should help out the Vikings after we smoked them twice last year I'm just saying okay you can't take away our Lion's Pride right all right but here's the thing he's been an incredibly successful Governor like vice president Harris Tim worked across the aisle to build consensus he passed the largest infrastructure bill in Minnesota he cut taxes for Working Families delivered School meals for every child protected Public Safety grew Minnesota's economy and so so much more now if a lot of that sounds familiar it's because Tim and I have been trying to outdo one another on all these fronts for the last couple of [Applause] years here in Michigan with Partners like Detroit's own Joe Tate the speaker of the house first black speaker of the house we rolled back the retirement tax we invested in our students and teachers we passed Common Sense gun safety laws we protected abortion rights lgbtq rights and workers right rights and we need Partners in the White House who have our backs and that's KLA Harris and Tim Walls KLA Harris and Tim woles will fight to help you not just get by but to get ahead because every American deserves a path to Prosperity every one of us they will fight to lower the cost of prescription drugs make child care prek and elder care more accessible and affordable and they will go after corporations that slap on junk fees and surprise late charges the truth is we cannot afford another four years of Donald Trump let's just look at his record he did zilch on infrastructure fail he tried slashing Medicare and Social Security and repealing ObamaCare thankfully he's a failure there too he destroyed tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs he cut taxes for himself and his wealthy friends and he instigated the January 6th [Music] Riot and of course he bragged about roie Wade falling so a second term of Donald Trump would be an unmitigated disaster we cannot trust Donald Trump and we must make sure he does not get back into the White House I mean think about it you wouldn't buy a used car from this guy how can you expect him to support the auto industry I think we need some medical attention over here [Music] [Applause] I can see someone coming let's give the individual a little space please okay okay thank you thank you thank you for looking out for one another everyone that's what Michigan do so you can't trust Donald Trump what I was saying is you wouldn't buy a used car from this guy much less trust him with the Auto industry right you wouldn't let him pick up the tab at dinner or trust him to pick up the tab at dinner how can we trust him with the world's biggest economy you can't even let him count his own Strokes on the golf course how can we trust him to protect the rule of law so there is a lot at stake in this election my friends we can send Donald Trump packing again and Michigan is going to do it so we need you we need you to knock doors CU if you knock doors we win we need you to make calls cuz if you make calls we win we need you to donate a buck or two we can win in fact do everything short of biting the kneecaps for the press That's a Detroit Lions thing anyway when we Michigan elect KLA Harris and Tim Walls we can wake up on November 6th the day after the election and say for the first time Madam President we need a strong woman in the white house and it's about damn time and a good man by her side and vice president Tim Walls let's get it done Michigan I love [Applause] you e e e e e e e e e for e e please welcome Adam Todd [Applause] hello everyone my name is Adam TD I am a recent graduate of University of Detroit Jesuit High School and I excited to attend Wayne State University in the fall I am so excited and so honored to be here today to support vice president kamla and Governor Tim Walls who I'll be casting my vote for in my first ever presidential election this November medic we need a medic we need a medic over there you have a medic yet as a young black man in America I don't often see people who look like me in positions of power and now finally being 18 years old and participating in this Monumental event for the first time ever as a firsttime voter is incredibly meaningful to me there are so many reasons I'm proud to cast my first ballot for vice president Harris she's she's been a champion of so many causes that are close to my heart there's a lot I could say here but you guys have already been standing for a while so I'll just give you one [Applause] example protecting our environment since the sixth grade I've been involved in environmental projects in my community like my elementary and middle school solar energy Club where we advocated for solar panel installations and educated students on the renewable energy benefits this passion continued into high school where I became the President of University of Detroit Jesuits environmental [Applause] [Music] club we built a mental health Garden that benefits students and also acts as a safe haven for wildlife unlike Donald Trump vice president KLA Harris has been a champion for environmental justice including casting the tiebreaking vote to pass inflation reduction act the largest bill to fight climate change in our nation's [Applause] [Music] history this is the kind of leadership that really matters to young voters we care about the future of our planet because it's our [Applause] future and by president Harris and Governor walls actually know how to connect with young people they not only realize the importance of engaging with us but they actively listen to our voices and our perspectives Donald Trump won't fight for us he drag our country backwards kamla Harris has a vision to move our country forward and she's fighting for all of us and for our future [Applause] me speaking to you all today as an 18-year-old black firsttime voter from the church wait it it's just one example of how she is listening to the voices of young people on Tuesday November 5th we all have one job and that is to vote vice president Harris and and Governor walls into the White House and now please W join me in giving a warm Detroit Welcome to our next vice president Tim Walls f wow wow wow thank you a a big thank you to Adam I think we can all agree our f Future's pretty bright thank you Adam and hello Michigan you know we we motans you probably know in this we're we're a stoic people people of few words but holy hell can you throw a party here in Michigan so wow I want to take a moment to acknowledge a few friends folks that I've gotten to know and and let's be very clear this is someone who I consider my dearest friend and someone who taught all the other Governors how to fix the damn roads Governor Whitmer you have got a treasure in Michigan and I'll tell you what we share a lot between us in the Upper Midwest we share oh we need some water we have somebody down we need some water medic we need a medic right here you got somebody here got them all right we got a medic on the way thank you for caring for your neighbors thank you for showing what Michigan does look we share a lot of things that's one of them we're neighbors and we're not weird that's for sure but but I got to tell you something else we share is a care for the incredible natural resources we in the Upper Midwest in our states we care for 20% of the world's fresh water in those great lakes and the the Great Lakes have no better friend than your Senator Senator stab now I got some members of Congress I had the privilege of serving with and some that are new to that place let's be clear we got to put GVS in the hands of these Democratic Representatives so that we can get some work done my friend Dan kildy Debbie Dingle Haley Stevens Alysa Lin Hillary Scolton representative ther I believe just won a on a primary here Wayne County Executive Warren Evans and the chair of the Michigan Democratic party lavora Barnes thank you and I want to just take a moment um it's been a pretty interesting 24 hours for me I'll have to be honest and I I don't know what it how I could explain to you walking into that arena in Philly or that field out in Wisconsin or right here to what I have been told is the largest rally of the campaign in and look and look this is a Place full of working folks students folks who care and I think about this you came out here early found a place to park stood in the sun sat here and wait and you did it you did it for one simple and eloquent and beautiful reason you love this country you love this country I couldn't be prouder to be on this ticket and to help make kamla Harris the next president of the United States every day of her life vice president Harris fights for the American people she's taken on predators fraudsters and transnational gangs you heard it she stood up to powerful corporate interest and she has never hesitated to reach across the aisle try and find some common Solutions and she has done it and this is what we know all the things that make me mad about those other guys and all the things they do wrong the one thing that I will not forgive them for is they're try to steal the Joy from this country they try and steal the joy but you know what you know what our next president brings the joy she emanates the joy I know a little something about that commitment to people I was born in a small town of 400 people in Nebraska and Community was the way of life my mom and dad taught me you show generosity to your neighbors and you work for a common good amongst them at 17 I joined the Army National Guard and for the next 24 years it was a privilege to wear the uniform of this country and and just as it did for my dad a Korean War era veteran and millions of others I used the GI bill to get a college education followed a bit in my dad's footsteps he was a teacher my brothers and sisters were teachers and they married teachers I had the privilege of teaching uh High School social studies and I coached the football team we did win a state championship I tell you that because don't ever close the yearbook is my Pro tip to you my students were the ones who encouraged me to run for office I never thought much about it but they saw they saw in me what I hope to instill in them a commitment to the common good a true belief that one person truly can make a difference can make a difference in their world I lived in a district where I didn't know this at the time only one other Democrat since 1892 had won that district and on that election night my neighbors graced me with the opportunity to go to the United States Congress and represent [Applause] them I learned out a compromise without compromising my values I learned how to work across the aisle to get good things done for people and now as governor of Minnesota I bring those experiences together so we can tackle some of those hard problems inequities climate change all of the things that we care about now we got a lot of shared values in this room by the way is labor in the room this might be my chance to use [Applause] it we know who built the middle class but here's the deal what we know is Donald Trump he sees the world a bit differently than we see the world and I've been saying it he doesn't know the first thing about service because he's way too busy serving himself this is a big difference again and again he does things that weakens our country only to strengthen his own hand he mocks our laws he SWS chaos and division amongst the public and that's to say nothing about his record as president let's let's he is that he is that look we have the worst crisis of a generation and he froze during Co people lost their lives because of that he drove the economy into the ground and make no mistake violent crime was up during Donald Trump's [Applause] presidency that's not even counting the crimes he committed so some of the some of the gray hairs in here remember a Republican party that used to actually talk about Freedom these guys when they talk about Freedom it means government has the freedom to invade your exam room with your doctor now I know look there we got a lot of commonalities and I'll say this as an NFC North guys Vikings fans are proud of the Lions I will say that I will say that but in Minnesota we respect our neighbors personal choices we may not agree with them or make them from ourselves but I've been saying this you all know it our Gren rule is mind your own damn business just mind your own business it's amazing what minding your own damn business does to make things work better don't like a book don't read it is there anybody in America sitting around in a bar bunch of people talking and say you know what we need in this country we need to bad Animal Farm that's the first thing we even do nobody says that but you know what it would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous because then they start thinking about things like IVF and banning IVF and I have to tell you this is very personal for my family when my my wife and I decided to have children we went through years of fertility treatments remember every time the phone rang I'd catch my breath I'd feel nervousness and then it would be a crushing feeling when they told us that the treatments didn't work the agony of that I can feel to this day but I can also feel some joy in this because it wasn't by chance as I say this when our daughter and we finally conceived and our daughter was born we didn't hesitate at all we named her hope we named her hope but I do have to tell you something about hope my wife always tells me this it's not a damn plan we can't hope we beat this guy we can't hope that things get better we go out and work our butts off to make sure it happens so when our next president walks out here and she talks about Freedom she means the freedom to make your own health care decisions and when she comes out here and talks about that our children should be free to go to school without being shot dead in their classrooms look we believe strongly in Minnesota in the Second Amendment just like you do but we also believe strongly in common sense gun violence prevention law freedoms when education's a ticket to the middle class not crushing student loan debt and it's a place where we know Freedom means we settle our political differences not through violence but with our [Applause] votes you get it you you drove out here you stood here [Applause] please look and and let's all decide right now on this whatever we know it's going to be hard race we know it's going to be close but let's don't be so close that these guys have anything to say let's don't be so close that there's anything let's just win the damn thing by a broader margin simple proposition this election's about which direction this country is going to go in we know Donald Trump taking us backwards and don't believe the ACT he's playing dumb he knows exactly what project 2025 is going to do to our personal Liberties destroy unions rig the economy for the ultra wealthy we know that when he goes back he's picking up and doing the same things he did when he was there the last time except except you all know this it will be much much worse when he comes back raising costs for all of you repealing the Affordable Care Act he doesn't care gutting Social Security and be very clear they can say whatever they want they are Banning abortion across this country no questions asked no questions asked yeah you think this guy you think this guy cares about you or your family his running mate has the same dangerous and backward agenda As Trump well heck you all know it every every regular person in the Heartland went to Yale had had Silicon Valley billionaires fund his career and then he writes a book trashing the very community that raised him that old thing is I wasn't calling anybody names I was just making an observation about them we can see it and here's my thing there's a lot of things going to happen by the way we got about 91 days and I keep telling people this 91 days my God you can do anything for 91 days 90 Christ I haven't slept in 24 hours you know you know why we'll sleep when we're dead we'll sleep when we're dead get it here's my here's my Brass Ring I'm looking for I can't wait to debate this guy I cannot wait to talk about what they think I can't wait to ask him why he wants to take health care and take Reproductive Rights and why he wants to make sure that the wealthiest pay no taxes as we destroy unions in the middle class so here's the deal you said it these ideas that they're putting out there they are weird as hell no one's asking ask for it no one's asking for it we're asking a fair shot we're asking for health care and child care we're asking for an education we're asking for safety in our streets that's what we're asking for and we're going to get it because that's what this campaign's about it's about moving forward look you know that KLA Harris believes that you should be making the own choices in your life she believes that every person should have an opportunity to enter the middle class she believes in something so beautiful and simple with joy she believes in the promise of this great [Applause] nation look she can take care of herself out front and she said it if they want to talk smack she said it say it to my face damn it say it to my face but what I got to say is we got to have her back we got to have her back so Madame vice president thank you for the trust you placed in me Michigan help me right now give a warm Midwest welcome to the next president of the United States kamla Harris he [Applause] good evening Detroit good evening we got this we're going to do this we are doing this we are doing this thank you thank you thank you thank you thank [Applause] you thank you thank you okay come on we got things we got business to handle we got business to handle good evening everybody good evening good evening good evening and we hear it up for Tim Walls isn't he amazing he's going to be the most incredible vice president all right so it is good to be back and to be with so many incredible leaders I love you Governor Gretchen Whitmer thank you for your thank you for your friendship your Sisterhood and your leadership and we are going to do this together lieutenant governor Garland Gil Christ thank you so much his parents are over there and the members of Congress including Senator Debbie stavano my dear [Music] friend and your next United States Senator representative Elisa slock [Music] we're going to get that [Music] done Mayor Mike Dugen thank you for the warm welcome always and of course it is so good to be with the president of the United Auto Workers my dear friend Sean [Applause] Fain and last year last week it was mine it feels like last year last week it was my great honor to accept the endorsement of the United Auto [Applause] Workers and the UAW has always worked to lift up the working people of our nation do we need some help over there I need we need a medic over there please there should be medics in each Corner we're good okay all right look let's all take care of each other and look for look out for each other all right that's who we are we look out for each other okay so as I said to Sean as I talked to Sean about this this election is going to be a fight we like a good fight when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we know what we stand for so I'm so proud to have UAW by my side because yall know how to fight and you know how to win today I also bring greetings from our incredible President Joe Biden that's right Joe that's right and I know we are all deeply deeply grateful to Joe for his lifetime of service to our nation and we thank you Joe Biden each and every day for all you are and all you still have yet to do thank you I'mma tell them what you said so Michigan this has been a big week on Monday I officially became the Democratic nominee for president of the United States and yesterday I announced my run inmate in this campaign Governor Tim wall and as you just heard he has an incredible record as governor of the great state of Minnesota and to those who know him best some people are just getting to know him but I'm going to tell you you got to know him real quick because he's incredible he's a serious serious man he has been a serious leader and he loves our country and you know I've talked to some of the people who know him best like his wife Gwen and to Gwen Tim WS his husband to his to his kids hopeing Gus he is Dad to his fellow veterans he is Sergeant Major woles to the people of southern Minnesota for 12 years he was a congressman to his former high school students he is Mr walls and to his former High School football players he was coach and in 90 days the nation will know know coach Walls by the title Vice President of the United States that's right so it is so good to be back in Michigan and listen I am clear the path to the White House Runs right through this state and with your help we will win in November we will win and I know we are all clear about what we are up against as many of you know before I was elected vice president before I was elected as a United States Senator I was elected attorney general and before that elected district attorney and before that I was a courtroom prosecutor [Music] in those roles I took on perpetrators of all kinds Predators who abused women frauders who ripped off consumers scammers who broke the rules for personal gain so hear me Detroit when I say I know Donald Trump's type I've been dealing with them my whole career for example as Attorney General of California I took on one of the country's largest for-profit colleges that scammed students well Donald Trump ran a for-profit college that scammed students you remember that as a prosecutor I specialize in cases of sexual abuse well Donald Trump was found liable for committing sexual abuse as attorney general I held the Big Wall Street Banks accountable for fraud well Donald Trump was just found guilty of fraud 34 counts to be exact hold on hold on hold on you know what here hold on here's the thing the courts are going to handle that we going to beat them in November we going to beat him in November okay we'll beat him in November we'll handle that but all that to say in this campaign I proudly put my record against his any d of the week any day of the week but make no mistake our campaign this campaign is not just about us versus Donald Trump it's bigger than that it is about two very different Visions for the future of our nation one hours focused on the future future and the other focused on the past and Michigan we we here fight for the future we fight for the future we fight for a future where every worker has the freedom to join a union where every senior can retire with dignity a future with affordable housing affordable child care affordable health care and paid Le a future where we build a broad-based economy where every American has an opportunity to own a home to start a business and to build [Music] wealth and understand in this fight we we are joyful Warriors because while fighting for a brighter future may take hard work we all here know hard work is good work hard work is good work we believe in a future where we lower the cost of living for America's families so they have a chance not just to get by but to get ahead because look while our economy is doing well by many measures prices for everyday things like groceries are still too high you know it and I know it when I was attorney general I went after price fixing schemes and when I am president it will be my day one priority to fight to bring down prices to take on the big corporations that engage in illegal price scouting take on Cor corate landlords that unfairly raise rents on Working Families to take on big Pharma and cap the cost of prescription drugs for all Americans that is the work we will do together and all of this to say unlike Donald Trump I will always put the middle class and Working Families First cuz coach walls and I know the middle class built this great country of ours and when the middle class is strong America is [Applause] strong and look as we move our nation forward Donald Trump intends to take our nation backward just look at his project 2025 agenda project [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] 2025 and please do check out project 2025 CU I'm telling you it is a plan it is a plan to weaken America's middle class project 2025 if he is [Applause] elected all [Applause] good I'm here cuz we believe in democracy everyone's voice matters but I am speaking now I am speaking now so project 2025 look if he is elected Donald Trump in intends to give tax breaks to billionaires and big corporations he intends to cut Social Security and Medicare he intends to surrender our fight against the climate crisis and he intends to end the Affordable Care Act you know what if you want Donald Trump to win then say that otherwise I'm speaking all [Applause] I got we not going back we're not going back we're not going back not going back we not going not going back not back and we're not going back because we know what that would look like and again understand Donald Trump intends to end the Affordable Care Act and take us back to a time when insurance companies had the power to deny people with pre-existing conditions we all remember what that looked like and we're not going back we're not going back our fight is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom across our nation we are witnessing a full-on attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights and we will not stand for it attacks on the freedom to vote attacks on the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride and the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do Generations generations of America before us led the fight for Freedom now the Baton is in our hands each and every one of us so we who believe in the sacred freedom to vote will finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act we who believe in the freedom to live SA from gun violence will finally pass an assault weapons ban Universal background checks and red flag laws we who believe in the freedom to organize will pass the pro act and put an end to union busting once and for all and we who believe in reproductive Freedom will fight for a woman's right to choose remembering what Donald Trump did to pick three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would take away this freedom and they did as he [Applause] intended we who are paying attention to the fact that now over 20 States in our country have a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest and we all know if he wins he would sign a National Abortion ban to Outlaw abortion in every state and that would include the great state of Michigan but we're not going [Applause] back and on that point it is because there is a about who we are that is a bit different from the folks on the other side we trust women to know what is in their best interest and not have their government telling them what to do and when I am president of the United States and Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedoms I will sign it into law so Michigan here's the thing so much so much so much is on the line in this election and we got to remember you know we we knew we knew who he is and what he was about in 16 and in 20 but there's also something else that has happened recently that we really have to prioritize in our mind about the danger we're looking at last month the United States Supreme Court basically just told the former president who has been convicted of fraud that going forward he will be immune no matter what he does in the white [Applause] house but think about that think about that think about about what that means think about what that means the man has openly vowed if reelected that he will be a dictator on day [Applause] one think about what that means when he said that he will even quote terminate the Constitution of the United States CU let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the constitution of the United States should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again [Applause] V that's right so here's the thing to your point when it comes down to all of the things that are important about this I think the most important thing that bring I love you back and listen one of the things that I know brings us all out today and always is we love our country we love our country we love our country and I do believe it is the highest form of P patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we preserve the promise of America after all the promise of America think about it is what makes it possible for Tim Walls and me to be together on the stage today think about it think about that two middle class kids one a daughter of Oakland California who was raised by a working mother I had a summer job in McDonald's the other a son of the Nebraska Plains who grew up working on a farm only in America is it possible for them together to make it all the way to the White House only in America only in [Applause] America so we are running this campaign on behalf of all Americans from Red states to Blue States from the Heartland to the coast and when elected I promise you we will govern on behalf of all Americans promise that so I'll close with this Michigan ultimately in this election we each face a question we each face a question what kind of country do we want to live in a country of Freedom compassion and rule of law or a country of chaos fear and [Applause] hate and the beauty of our democracy the beauty of our democracy we each have the power to answer that question we each have the power to answer that question the power is with the people so in the next 90 days we need you to use your power we need you to knock on some doors we need you to register folks to vote we need you to organize and energize and mobilize and make your voices heard so Michigan I ask you are you ready to make your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States [Applause] you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] h [Applause] spe [Music] spe [Music] name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] El for y no I can't wait te [Applause] just be [Music] Happ e e e

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