NHL star Stephen Peat dies aged 44 after being hit by car while crossing street in ‘tragic accident’

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:01:02 Category: People & Blogs

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former NHL star Steven pet has been killed in a tragic car accident the Washington Capitals enforcer died after sustaining fatal injuries from the car crash to took place which took place 2 weeks ago yes as you can see p was hit by a car on August 30th while he was crossing a road in langle British Colombia without identifying the star player cops reported that they found a 44y old pedestrian with a life threatening injuries the NHL alumni station announced his death on Thursday it said in a statement we at broken to learn that Steven pit has passed away from his injur after a tragic accident just over two weeks ago the Capal also PID tribute to Pete in a statement that read the Washington Capitals extend the heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of former capitalist player Steven Pete

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