Films with Friends.... "TIME AFTER TIME" (1979) commentary only
Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 02:26:59
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: malcolm mcdowell
[Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the time is 1893 and novelist and inventor HG Wells makes a startling announcement gentlemen I am talking about traveling through time in a machine constructed Ed for that very purpose the first to use the machine however is Dr John Leslie Stevenson better known to history as Jack the Ripper and what was to be a voyage of Discovery in an instant becomes a Manhunt through time from 19th century England to 20th century San [Music] Francisco hello Pals this is Big Al welcome to Big Al presents films with friends the film from 1979 the time travel uh action adventure I guess you could say time after time that's right uh HG Wells trying to catch Jack the Ripper my friends tonight one who's been known to get ripped himself a few times on uh on his shows on Friday nights from last call with Troy pelli Troy pachelli himself how are you doing sir I am doing well salute thank you so much I had that I had that one ready all day long you sat on that one for a while okay fair enough and of course also joining us a woman that any man would go through time for I new would like that one NE from neet's Network how are you doing myar what you drinking I forgot to ask Troy what he was drinking but he's drinking a squirt y I'm drinking a what is this one H this is a laqua berry sparkling water awesome I have uh an iced tea and I do have a mountain Diet Mountain Dew backup uh ready to go I just want to wonder uh if anybody in the chat let me know how I sound because I have a new microphone I'm great totally not sure what it sounds like on the other end because I haven't done a review yet with it so um I I don't really know what it sounds I played with a little this afternoon just got it yesterday so um just try not to sound as Bland it's just yeah as it as it used to so uh that but that was the B that was the big news uh from the week let's see who is joining us so far w got a lot of people talking uh lady mist of course the lovely Garden nymph herself uh he saying hello to uh to Lady M Lady M saying hi to everybody Connie Cleary how are you doing M Darin uh geek flag with Nate news 1973 thank you for joining joining us uh deleted scenes salute sir thank you for being here of course deleted scenes will be joining me on Friday as we watch Heroes starring Jet Lee get a little whoosh whoos action I I'm not sure how if I'm pronouncing that right but a great film great great great film if anybody's never seen it be a great time to catch up on it uh let's see who's here t welcome sir welcome welcome saying hi to everybody as uh as she loves to do put out my high sweeties yep that's my thing Lester San Jose the skeptic tank thank you for joining us oh sound sound nicely thank you thank you sounds fine says sir Toren thank you uh F FK c205 also known as Tim Tim welcome sir and it seems like that is it yeah uh Deli is telling me wooa I'm not am I pronouncing it right wooa wooa because it's not a kung fu movie it's I say martial arts film but uh you know it's says w w I'd have to see the one in front of me to know how to well that's cool though but yeah it's a good film we're going to be watching it and um we are going to be watching the dubbed One because just like to read sometimes during the film uh but uh yeah Time After Time the film that inspired the song from Cindy loer is it yeah uh she was going through uh TV Guide looking for uh looking for words that would make good sound uh song titles oh and she came across it that that it kind of suck and she kind of created a song around the phrase and I that that's kind of cool uh film came out in 79 I was 14 I don't think I saw it in the movie theater I do think I saw it on cable the first time yeah uh and it has been a long time since I have seen this I'm looking forward to watching again uh how about you guys you seen it I'm pretty sure I saw it in the theaters when it came out cool I am pretty sure I saw it on cable but yeah in fact I'm cable I do not believe that I saw it on uh uh on the big screen yeah exactly yeah I um yeah I thought I was thinking back it I just it just doesn't ring having seen it that big you know but I do I do remember it being a uh it it was a it was a good heavy play on cable it it you know some films just seem to show up on cable a lot weak at birdies God that they ran that thing to death get it that one por death Porky yeah porks was a high high cable rotation um but uh tip say David Warner was in quest of the Delta Knights uh okay I'll take I'll take for yeah David war and uh Malcolm McDow kind of always Interlink both uh both in uh Star Trek and uh of course David Warner in one of the most iconic NextGen um scenes how many lights do you see there are four lights but uh but great film and if anybody's wondering about my avitar uh that is when I got to meet the great Malcolm mcdal himself at a uh I believe it was a Shor Le convention uh many many years a many years ago which is actually why I'm standing and don't have gray hair yet so I thought I I was originally GNA use the exact same Avatar that uh Troy is using but uh ended up switching to to the picture of mine so he used that which I was going to say I didn't steal it I asked him first when I thought was nope no nope did not steal it at all it is funny sometimes when we do like come on behind the stage before we go live and we have the same same the same avatars or something we usually CLI we usually like we were talking about that last week not specifically about the icons but how how we're we're starting to think of like so much yeah you know it's like we kind of kind of come up with the same uh EX exactly same ideas for for the uh Avatar uh love love this love this show and the two lead actors says Connie Cleary yeah I um malm always a f always a fan of ma McDow um from uh of course um oh Clockwork Orange oh yeah uh which we need to do a rewatch of one day that's a brutal film but so absolutely so po but such a poignant film too A lot of people uh it's got It's got a very interesting message to it when you really get down to it and of course David Warner who um you know was evil himself uh and Time Bandits and of course um in Tron playing um what was his character in Tron uh well he played the mCP but I don't remember no he played it had a he had a name it was a uh I'm sure somebody will pop it in there um yeah yes he they're reminding me yes he was Caligula and uh the the very um Infamous film Caligula uh which I have seen Al the although my my favorite Caligula performance is John Hurt From iaus if anybody's ever seen that I'm thinking about doing a rewatch of that oh yeah um like a a separate little like you you know 13 13 episode uh thing um yes he did Kill Captain Kirk sort of until he decided to resurrect himself in a book which is which I don't believe is considered Canon at all no no no although although what's even worse is that uh uh Star Trek Bard decided to uh you know have his body have been uh collected kept in an archive so technically they could do something with it Sark yeah Sark that was his name um he was like the dillingers Tron basically his his Avatar in the in the world uh okay so yeah let's uh let's get this roll of course uh the Cosby Lake is at the Top If you want to watch it uh if you aren't uh watching us live uh is it let's see I I haven't really checked to see where it might be it seems like the kind of movie that you you'd think could be kind of available everywhere right you you you would think so but it does seem like um you got to pay for it if you want to watch it so okay yeah unless you're watching live with us right now right now that's right um but I mean let's face it we all know it's out there yeah it's out there how do you think I got it although I do I I must say uh I got a very great gift uh uh several years ago uh my friend Professor geek went to a convention and got an autographed Blu-ray of this film uh autographed by Nicholas Meyer wow the D the director who also directed some uh uh uh Star Trek uh Star Trek the Voyage Home and you know stuff like that so that that was cool he did a rare appearance at a uh at a convention and uh got his autograph on on a DVD of time after time so uh make sure my ratio is good here and if everybody is ready geek Flags Samuel L Jackson play John lard there are four effing lights that's that's good uh Star Trek 2 and Star Trek four okay I thought he did number two I I wasn't 100 wasn't 100% on that one um I was think of har Bennett for Star Trek 2 because he was he produced it and met him too um you guys ready to go yep yes we are three two one goo Warner Brothers yeah see so even if you had had bought this on DVD it might have been suffering from uh Warner Brothers rot yeah there you go woo that's a herb jaffy production yes it is starring malol mow I've gotta get I tell you I've got to get used to this whole one one with the new mic but also watching with earbuds instead of the big things on my ears it it is throwing me off a little bit I my head doesn't feel as compressed as it usually does so more comfortable um yeah somewhat but it's just different music by micholas Rosa which won the Saturn Award for best music that that year for this Joshua V welcome heard that WB theme just listening to the song named after this movie yeah that's a beautiful song I just posted a still frame of uh of uh Ava Cassidy singing Time After Time and oh yeah Ava Cassidy singing someone else had gotten uh uh what's her name um uh Cindy ler already so I was like yeah AA I I prefer the Ava Cassidy version well a I mean I mean I remember we talked about it last week just such a beautiful voice I like him to prepare for the role um Malcolm McDow listened to recordings of HG Wells talking and he said he had a very high-pitched very cocky accent oh so he decided not to imitate him oh okay because it would just been too weird I guess yeah you know when you when you look into like they've got a recording of uh of Abraham Lincoln um I don't remember which speech he was giving but it not at all what you expect him to sound like yeah um wow they had that actually yeah the German guy with the bad mustache um there's actually a number of of recordings of him but there's only one uh where he's not giving a speech so his speaking voice was different from his speech giving voice always fascinated by the Jack the Ripper murderers yeah me too um what's hard though is that there's been so much put out about it and so much speculation um and it doesn't all Jive it's like there's definitely a copycat in there somewhere you know yeah so it makes it hard to get to the the truth of the matter yeah I mean and like I said today I mean it even covers a little bit today uh this film today he'd be considered an amateur yeah yeah that's true known for his ladies of the evening what's interesting though is he does follow the pattern of the escalating um serial killer which was not common back then or not known you know it's become like like the quick thing and then like I think the last murder was he had he had his time where [Music] but yeah I mean so inter an interesting uh as aspect of History to look into the Jack the rip of the burs yeah nice post that's one way to look at it Lord knows how many diseases that girls get right sadly most of them are curable today yeah Keek flag saying he has his own um theories about Jack the Ripper should I have a stream sometime to discuss it oh yeah maybe you know what maybe as we get close closer to the uh the darker days you know of late fall early spring or you excuse me early winter maybe we'll do a stream on Friday dedicated to Jack the Ripper ah yeah well that sound effect is AR we right that's yeah and the Bloody glove I think several times when they've descri when there's been a quote unquote sighting or a possible sighting they always said he wore a deer stalker hat I think well am I or am I I might be misremembering something well a dear stalker cap was and see this is where I you know kind of would pull my hair out if I had it when I'm when I'm listening or seeing interpretations of Sherlock homes the deer stalker cap was really intended for when you were going to be out in the elements usually in the countryside right it would be odd to see someone wearing a deer stalker cap you know in the middle of the city now see I definitely definitely feel like this definitely eoes the opening and closing scene from uh time machine The Time Machine you know now I I I have to give a sh he's I know he's not listening uh or if he is how you doing Simon I I knew a guy in college that we called Simon that was his nickname his real name is James but uh he looked exactly like M like Malcolm mcdal as HG Wells he had the same mustache you had the glasses the hair the the same the same face shape uhuh he would have he would have made a perfect like Brother character for I feel like I'm saying that to Tim all the time LOL but e David W had a great look for for bad guy absolutely very distinguished but you could see that hint of darkness in him oh yeah so basically this is kind of an alternate version of of the time machine right the way he's telling the story and everything right except there is a that difference with throwing in David Warner's character right kind of like the beginning is very very similar to The Time Machine you know so basically had had had Jack the Ripper not well little little minor spoiler guys Jack the Ripper hadn't stolen his machine um he would have been going on a different Adventure what I like about this time machine is it's enclosed yeah yeah solar powered yeah supposedly I know I have a hard time buying that he'd have been able to come up with anything like this it it when it was more vague in in the original time machine I was science fiction I know you kind of go with it that but that's what I want you to I'd rather you just be vague about it so that you can't pick it apart you know I cut it a machine of time he actually named it the Argo if you see on the front there oh interesting yeah a lot of people don't catch that I'd have called it the Kronos but you know well I kind of I mean Argo is very suitable I mean yeah Jason the Argonauts see that's an important line there yeah the safety feature that it returns to its original point which is probably the kind of uh uh mechanism he would have come up with after he first used the model right sends it forward and goes gee you know there's no way for me to bring it back but I could put in a return loop on it you know but I also like how they bring in like the whole Crystal aspect of it yeah but I wouldn't have it on the outside of the machine where anyone could grab it right well his character is a very trusting man I mean right which is kind of part of why he does what he does he tries to correct a m a some what he had trusted he'd has to counteract it this is what I miss I wish I had someone to play chess with yeah I'd play with you but I suck at chess you can beat me in three moves I even have a 3D chess board I know how to I know how to play I play fairly I'm not gonna say play well because I don't know strategy that's my big problem is I just kind of look and go on my gut okay sir torren you you win the the chat for tonight H this new season of Doctor Who looks good they just I like all just and don't like getting those visits from Scotland Yard for still in the time machine right I've seen him and other things too wow what a what a way to kill a party d light bulb yeah tour like I like how British they are about it oh so oh our Chum is a seral killer oh well back home then he St In My Time Machine okay he knows it's going to be returned to him because he's got the the the key now just man waiting that was Jonathan Franks was that Jonathan Frakes are here I don't know Jonathan Franks is in this movie I don't know let me take a look the he's posted something and I'm like Wonder now uh I should have the IMDb open when I'm watching a movie like this right H let's see doesn't look like it let me see the full C and crew I'm looking yeah I'm looking too I don't don't see it don't tou to the door could be hot nope the only Jonathan I'm finding was West he was a camera operator oh sorry you didn't get my J I was like not in beyond belief oh I see like see oh I thought I actually thought well I knew I got the beyond belief but I thought maybe it was Jonathan Franks kind of like a young Jonathan Franks get ear notice the date November 5th November 5th 1979 no but what else is November 5th no idea November 5th is when uh Marty McFly would back oh I never thought about that yeah and ly and um The Voyage of the time riter guy ly ly Swan ly Swan right yeah yeah Time Rider also November 5th no kidding I if I IMDb is to be trusted he's taking his flask why not might need might need a nip right well he he he was saying he didn't have the nerve so you know something to help his nerves I get thinking you may need to sell some stuff to get some money the natives right you know as I think about it his his his [Music] currency might actually have value as as Collectibles that plus if he has anything that's gold oh definitely yeah the go the gold chain but as he was getting in there I couldn't help but think man he does look like Matt Smith's doctor he's dressed I like I like that I like that look boy are you in for a shock yeah right oh I love those late 70s effects yeah exactly so when he left the house didn't Rattle and shake like when the thing came back right wa I look at me I look at the effects reminds me of Altered States yep yep very very much the same time period yeah yep I love the uh looking up at the light or the what you call just back yeah I mean they were very keyed into homaging the time machine yeah in a way that that that solar capture device on the top functions a lot like the the spin spinning device on the original machine I mean visually speaking I mean like I said for the for for the late 70s this is kind of cool yeah actually there's a few shots that we get makes me think of uh some of the some of the devices in Willy won of the tri yeah I TS like I've Unleashed a maniacal Utopia no San Francisco in the 70s he may actually improve things you got a point Fair itself you know in the yeah two weeks ago when we were watching what he saw World War I World War II World War I well wait maybe he didn't see World War II I'm not sure well no he did remember remember he he got out and he saw the blitz right right right that's right and he realized it was actually a different War he thought it and then when he went further ahead it was the nuclear nuclear yeah oh man the that's right the the Israeli athletes I remember when that happened yeah so if this was an alternate timeline okay let's just consider that for a second that that both movies represent the same character in in alternate timelines if Jack the Ripper hadn't stolen his machine and gone forward Cory Feldman that's Cory Feldman yeah yeah little Cory Feldman if if Jack the Ripper hadn't stolen the Machine gone forward in time we would have had World War II in the 60s maybe not sure what the causality is there but you know kind like the I don't want to say the butterfly effect because but you know you know like what what they say you could changee it butterfly beats its wings on the other side of the world exactly but it's probably you know it because there's so much we don't know about the the the the politics and and and and uh whatnot that led to that war in the 60 s that we saw so we don't know what might have hg's a man before his time delet SE picked up yeah it was kid Cory Felman by work in London two years ago but it okay okay no no no okay I'm making okay yeah I'm giving a hit of myself my a little bit HG Wells age 67 that's got to be freaky yeah although I would love to see that exib I need to go into my desk and get my SP pair of spectacles I mean that's not real right that this is made up for the movie right or is there an HG Wells exhibit somewhere that's clever that's awesome that is clever like well they're mine anyway right right which I suppose causes an ontological Paradox because it'll be those glasses that he goes back in time and leaves in that drawer for him to find in the future which means those specific glasses are aging infinitely yeah oh gosh H what the heck's going on here so that's how people of this time dress no that's how people in this time dress Butterfly Effect you know a butterfly in Africa lands on a Jass NOS Jass sneezes Spooks to gazelle gazelle bnks to the rhinoceros and the rhinoceros blindly stampedes into a phone booth calls nework somehow says hey go kill that idiot Ron for a for a suitcase because rhinoceros speaks English oh go he his notebook and his pencil on in the sidewalk Colts wall RS wooo yeah think oh my yeah he was only supposed to travel through time how did he travel through States because the machine itself part of the moved yeah yeah the exhibit is a traveling exhibit it was I mean it was the perfect way to do it Colts wall ra h yeah but see just like I said he probably would have gotten more from a coin dealer yeah Bank of the Orient [Laughter] I like how he goes back to his natural accent for the tea that's exactly right yep how many people anymore actually eat at a McDonald's uh a whole lot lot less because they've started redesigning them to get rid of the uh uh uh what do you call it the tables and chairs inside yeah I have $440 for a TV Doritos yeah there's a lot of different banks antique jewelry appraisals if I were him I would go to a library catch up with your history yeah exactly s to saying there's a part of me that's laughing at his socialist stream never came true for now yeah for now yeah yeah that don't fly in quotequote modern day not to mention it doesn't even matter if if he would accept a man's word he legally can't right not exactly very good shoes to be walking in San Francisco well he's also walking uphill downhill yeah it's Catholic not Anglican [Laughter] there is a bit of irony there he was warm hot all day now suddenly he's freezing San Francisco does not get very temperatures like that so the fact is that that towards the end of his life uh HG Wells was pretty much atheist but when he was younger you know he went from Christianity to theism so I'd say at this age he he probably would have been a theist and you notice his outfit is you know a bit a bit anachronistic but not so much so right I mean men men's suits really I mean you just found a British B they stay they stay partially the same but like things would like the the height of a collar the length of a probably the only thing people would look a scance at would be the deer stalker cap and the bow tie bow ties I feel like we always a little bit Hey bow ties are cool they're cool in that they're not popular so they stand out Keek flag said why is he in San Francisco should he still be in London remember they found the time machine buried in London and it's now on display in in San Francisco at a museum so so he literally went to where the machine was in the future when he's in the machine he he travels with the machine wherever the machine is because the only way he could get back was the pre it was that emergency preset yeah where it returns to its location God bless you thank you course Mary Steve virgin and Malcolm McDow began a uh love affair during this film didn't know that and got married and were married for like 10 years had a couple kids you didn't know they were married I did not yeah yeah they were married for quite a while of course she's married to Ted Danson now that's not Amy better saying HG Wells she likes a B and dirty he's not gain I love the way he talks I just this is so awkward uses his giant forehead to shield from the rain I know was that a family guy I think it was a family guy wasn't it I don't know geez get some air what I want to know is where did he get the money belt and all the money all I know is that uh Mary seam virgin has a type she she uh she tends to fall for Time Travelers yeah uh Doc Brown yep they were opens the door surprised it's Malcolm mcdal and not Kevin Conroy are you talk about when he played you impressed I knew that sir Toren David War voice R Micha McDow did some voices too they had that old sty reot yeah that's got to be pretty horrifying all of that yeah I just confirmed the HG Wells exhibit used in the film was built in the studio but the museum Lobby takes place at the Oakland Museum so yeah it's fictional interesting conundrum he he's got him as like do I try to take this man back or the fact that he is a rank amateur here yeah look at with everything that's going on I mean you could be very yeah uh tempted just to let the the the future police deal with it yeah yeah for did you get the key that a that was kind of a low blow thing to do take his glasses off yes but at the same time you never hit him in with glasses true true it does imply my intent is to you know rough you up but not do permanent damage have you ever gone down and an escalator the the wrong way yep yeah I have done so many many times because I'm just goofy that way there's some twisty turny stairs going on there like is that the first time she's found two men rolling around on the floor San Francisco whoa that a little slippy slide you're look how far away he is you're not going to catch him because somehow now he's a block away oh there we go that'll slow down a little bit y man this time cop sequel is weird that's a good movie I'm I'm thinking about that for next year sometime get a little J CLA on dime action happening that's an interesting thought you know he would say motorc car because in his time you'd have to differentiate here car is the only kind of conveyance that that one would call a car I would have to see him right yes and honestly in a hospital like that if someone's died and you're not family they would be looking for an advocate even a friend or whatever that would be acceptable once somebody's dead there there's not a a matter of consent [Music] [Music] I like her like high like that high voice she has yeah it's kind of endearing it's eminently feminine yeah sir Tor yeah well interestingly it is generally considered to be a misdemeanor so yeah is that the Space Needle no that's Seattle yeah they're in San Francisco honey oh sorry yeah that's right that's right just a just a rotating restaurant there was all this like you know going around the city there um Nicholas Meyer used a potential scene that he used later in Star Trek 4 he wanted to have HG Wells meet a punk rock guy with a oh with a boom box oh that used to be a cigarette brand oh Herbert it's trying to play the game a little bit yeah she is a TMI girl is yeah yeah obviously a nervous talker she just can't shut up see now come on let me take you to the aquarium so you can see some humpback whales just [Laughter] paying attention that's G to come in later and luckily it's a automatic transmission because he'd have an interesting time trying to figure out a clutch just from watching someone and right then it would be like your husband yeah yeah exactly they're an indor yes um actually is that the filming location it might very well be I just opened [Music] one she got the steaming undies fly she just got the what undies he uh he wrote Steam and undies but the steaming undies I think is that's right he was he was divorced and his second wife's name was Amy yep the only thing is I can't think of a historical Dr John Leslie Stevenson though is that a completely fictional character I really don't [Laughter] know the ex is four okay I thought she went out to lunch with him didn't she have to go back to work after lunch guess not for I love that 70s yeah yellow kitchen color oh look at her Mickey phone yep oh my goodness I love that magnet on her fridge the radish big I think is it a well it could be aish oh it could be a turnup I thought it was a turnup i this what I like it's a big turnup yeah I love refrigerator magnets it could be a radish but it could be a turnup I guess well yeah still it's pretty cool yeah I love it tur I always I always think fondly of turnips be jeez because um my uncle used to have this great garden and he he he always grew turnips and we'd go out there with a little knife and a Shaker of salt just eat them right out of the ground yeah why not he's getting that itch oh exotic lady wrestlers oh so there was a suspect named John Henry Stevenson John Henry Stevenson oh okay wow she's a unicorn and then of course quoting life from Star Trek he's biting that female well something like that yeah sitting on the couch was the English people's way of having sex let me just completely suck her face I say [ __ ] what it sound that's what it look like I think old H is find out this new Utopia is not so bad see it's all about free love She's perfect for y she's a Genie in a lamp for well yep job's not done that probably find a stripper named Utopia [Laughter] she knows nothing about this guy but she's tring to stay her flat and not rip her off it was the 70s he's all liberated like it's San Francisco right City full of bad choices right oh that's right we had that model of um toothbrush you could turn it on with a switch or when you put pressure against your teeth it would go she did she did something to the canary I think yeah Robert for would they be made out of gold and Herbert's not going to know how to answer the phone well he saw her do it well he saw her do it but he's not necessarily going to know what to do uh they were one quarter ounce uh gold ah what I never could figure out the British well I know they changed over yeah they they they did simplify in time I uh because they used to have like uh crowns and sovereigns and guies and yeah you also have to be careful because uh a lot of their their their their coinage had multiple slang terms so it could get very confusing very quickly like a yeah I mean I've seen enough uh British you know British sitcoms to kind of have a general idea but it's the older currency that always me over time they eliminated some of the the less sensible denominations they did simplify over time for he does make a great villain yes he does I'll be right back she she just like badium you have to tell him come on Flex in here oh he's familiar for for the fact that they almost didn't blink twice when he said Sherlock Holmes Gotta Give him credit for that how do he know where she lived Who David water I mean how did John where H where Amy lived he looked it up in the phone book for picked up another nut Jab for right and he looks just like that oh Patty darville oh great a hooker that wants to talk yeah I thought that's what you were paying him for to not talk I like her little owl pillow it's time for you to die yeah wow don't they check the lose before uh the museum closes they even have displays right outside the bathroom yep I so love going to the various sodian museums I'm miss doing that oh is it a two-seater he's making it a two-seater she's sitting on his lap who oh that was quick well I'm glad that you are entertained Emory we're watching a movie if you want to watch along too the link is uh up above y she like he was telling the truth Y what what is go to the lottery Pages yeah it's like extraordinary uh claims require extraordinary proof there you go oh and on the front page I guess she's dead that's a lot to take in right yes it is not only did I just travel through time but I'm dead well at least he's not doing like Dr Brown you know talking about time paradoxes and you know destroying the times time the time continuum or something I wonder if he's thought about the ramifications of like doing things like that whoa feminism yeah back in 1979 films oh my goodness I thought that was just a recent thing although you look back on it and there's a lot of women that that say yeah if your life was was working in a bank that's not much of a wife yeah yeah but you know maybe she enjoyed it not every not every job has to be this uh yeah incredible action joyfest oh God look at that wallpaper I know is that mushrooms uh or flowers but yeah no I think it is mushrooms was mushrooms I would love to have that wallpaper just that weird it is kind of like you know that 70s Show yeah disco baby it's 79 disco ain't dead yet or at least 78 when they were filming this I should say I was thinking about Saturday fever this afternoon oh yeah yeah I was thinking back to the films I'd watched at uh Drive drive-ins oh sure sure and Satur live satday live Saturday fever was one of them I can't remember the name of the film that was with it but it starred William cat and Susan day some weird romance film First Love yeah oh I've seen that movie yeah that was it I remember it because Susan day got topless hurah and I was like whoa Lori Partridge got topless man I don't remember that and I know I saw the movie you think those are the kind of details I'd remember if I remember correctly well she also in um I think the looker with Albert finny oh okay yeah she she got topless in there too it's like her breasts were afraid of the dark okay she's still this guy like 48 hours and she's in love with them well it's a two-hour movie they kind of gota move the story along ah what a time for a flat tire read the instructions man hideous eye makeup yeah it was the 70s yeah but still that that silver just don't look right on her actually I actually have pictures uh in my family album where my mom had eye makeup like that what is it out of service oh does doesn't matter there was another one yeah I that that used to be the thing in in in in high traffic areas there'd be more than one phone booth oh that was yeah not smart no um actually if he was dialing 911 he wouldn't even need a coin that's true you can make 911 calls without uh an exchange but maybe not everybody knows that she might not have known that I suppose yeah try see I I understand her Catatonia there for a moment I mean it's not just we they we we failed to save this girl and she's dead she's probably also thinking I'm G to die I don't want yeah she just said I don't want to die exactly you don't assume uh psychic aam's razor he knew in advance which makes him Prime Suspect he's been wearing the same clothes well except for that little well yeah the little uh diot and I'm sure he's had time to freshen up since then so that is totally aged whiskey in there or brandy whatever yeah oh she took a sleeping pill h okay for I never understood how those things work um like shorthand I yeah you have to know shorthand they're not actually typing out full words yeah but it always just how do it just look so weird to me for he has to get the Sarah coner before the Terminator yeah exactly it is pretty unreasonable because it's like look you've got me I'm not going anywhere but can you that that is true but does it hurt anything for you to send somebody to keep an eye on a woman for one night just in Cas what I'm telling you is true well see you know this is what happens when you defund the police yeah exactly yeah but this was the 70s this was before that they had a they had a strong labor union back then you had to take a t you had to take a sleeping pill yeah hope she's behind the door and then when he goes further in she comes out from behind door and runs well that would have been smart I wouldn't be surprised though if she panicked had a strong labor union back then I was just reading that yes why in confident ones got to keep their jobs no you're absolutely right Jam Lee Curtis would stab him in the eye with a wire hanger I was thinking the same thing I was thinking I told you I told you we've been hanging around each other too long we think alike I was as like it's like Halloween where she's like sitting in the weight Su by Glue y yikes that's terrible you can go back in time nope it's too late she's dead fix point now if I was him I'd be dealing with a whole lot of guilt I'm the one that said we have to go back for oh that's right yeah s such a classy way to say my mother didn't raise no idiot exactly that's exactly right too bad she doesn't know karate or something right I mean that that that kind of was my thought too here we go lights lights please please lights I mean okay that is exactly the way someone who's never driven before would drive like that well I meant hunched over like that like terrified where he's going exactly see I love the old cars right okay I drive better than that I don't even have a license that again neither to he well yeah good point I mean that's a parking job yep he he got there for for for like I'll take this out you'll just travel through time and never come back oh but only he goes through time not the machine yep Dred you got dresed exactly yeah that similar uh special effects too yeah whatever they are he doesn't even know it's interesting because the books he would go on to write he he talked about you know Utopias and yeah women's Liberation and all kinds of stuff that he's seen here in this movie the love story at its heart yeah which is another fiction of the film because he actually didn't have a very good relationship with his second wife nope she served her purpose he's not even looking when he's setting a date he'd already said it before he opened the door she Wells married Amy Katherine Robins died in 1927 as a writer he had tpain in socialism global war space trial and women's Liberation he died 1946 I mean it's it's kind of good that he you know and even that line I gotta write these books whatever they are he didn't look too much into his life where he would you know where it would have mattered and he would have changed anything right yeah he um I don't know if he did that on purpose or just you know just didn't get around to it because of everything was going on I don't think it was something he was thinking about he was too focused on other things that's part of the conceit of the narrative right they could have gone that way but you know they chose not to and it keeps it it keeps it and tidy you know yeah but it makes you think if you if you went to the Future Would you look up yourself to see what happened or would you just rather be about it I suppose if if I knew I'd be going back and it would matter then yeah I might do that oh I would definitely myself up if I if I couldn't go back if I was literally trapped in this time who cares what they think happened to me true you know um but if you have a time machine huh Cory Feldman Shelly hack she was the museum dosent Shelly hacket oh you know who Shelly hack is right I remember the name she was one of the Charlie she was like the last of Charlie's angelss to come in oh right right right yeah she was she was dating Nicholas Meyer at the time and he wanted her in film he actually wanted her for the the main part well of course but uh they wanted someone to you no but he got her that job lus thank you for a super movie Big Al present thank well thank you for joining us I'm glad you enjoyed it you know we really didn't have to go through all this he could have simply got back into the machine go back before Jack the Ripper stole the machine you know actually no because it there is no indication that that would have worked there are no time paradoxes in this movie if you think it through even the thing about you know where he thinks Amy died it wasn't even Amy even that wasn't changed nothing gets changed yep yeah it's um it's a it's a cool little movie like I said a great I think a great combination uh with the time machine and uh little hg's action yeah but uh always just one of those nice little movies that a lot of people today haven't heard of or seen and hey that's why I that's why I picked some of the movies I do a lot of the ones ones I like to watch and some of them every now and then older ones that I just don't get think get their proper proper uh uh love from uh from people sometimes agreed um how many people was this the first time watching it I'd be interesting interested to know but uh that is that that is the end of August time travel movies for for big out present uh of course the next film on the Saturday night uh is going to be in two weeks and that's in September and so of course as far as I'm concerned Halloween starts in September oh okay so we've got two month well two months well which will equal four movies on Saturday night for me that are a little more on the the hor Thriller side um but of course two weeks for from now the next film uh on films with friends on the Saturday night will be little shop little little shop start out with a little little fun horror film well since he's since he's singing it's got to be the uh the musical version with Rick the musical it's the musical version with Rick Moranis and uh um Steve Martin as the as the dentist but uh he has a talent for causing things pain yeah yes he does but Bill of course Bill Murray just that that that whole scene is just is worth the price of admission basically if you go to go see that but uh that's in two weeks we've got a lot of stuff ahead uh of that U what and of course one whole movie next Saturday that's not part of horror the horror Fest is it I don't think it is I mean what is what is the next film it is a comedy but I suppose if you were to look at it from a certain point of view it's creepy it is creepy yeah what what is what is the next film the next film will be Drop Dead Fred that's all about an that back to the little girl when she becomes an adult yeah oh that's that's Phoebe katees right yep Kat free Kates that'll be that'll be F I've never seen that but I've seen I I mean I know about it I've seen parts of it but I haven't seen the whole thing so right so um draft Dead Fred uh next Saturday um of course a whole bunch of stuff ahead the next film with friends is this coming Friday night where I'll be joined by deleted scenes and that'll be 8:00 on Friday that going to be hero the Wu Wu woa U the martial arts film hero starting jet Le uh but of course we've got tomorrow where I know deleted scenes probably got Western Cinema if he wants to put what that film is in there I love to know what it is because I'm not quite sure about it and then unscripted with deleted scenes which is the the official lead in show to gy geezers at 900m AJ Boomer channel so what's what's going on G geers any uh well we will of course be saying goodbye to Phil donu who died this past week um Disney's Disney's having some problems uh the Theo the acolyte looks like it's getting uh memory hold and you know good riddens to it uh a little bit of a followup on that bloke from uh X-Men 97 and his uh his problems with Disney um a lot of gaming news surprisingly uh did you know that they're remaking the Atari 7800 uh no yep and we'll be we'll be talking about that and some other games that are coming out uh of course GNA have to talk about alien ramulus that was a big deal this past week um and you know some other miscellaneous stuff including uh one of my favorite British sci-fi films excuse me uh series uh getting the Blu-ray treatment finally oh bre seven yes sweet we will be talking about that too I gotta buy it again uh maybe I'm still looking into it the whole the whole uh Four Seasons or or what but uh I will say if you want to know what I thought about alien ramulus my 10 word review is up yes it is um so you know take a it is as is the crow which is nothing to Crow about I was gonna say I I I'm wondering what you're gonna say about it but bum yeah if you if you watch my review I I yeah it just wasted opportuni even if you had told me it was good I'd have been like well why did they have to they didn't why could they have made it a different Crow yeah it just it just it just it just didn't work sadly uh but after geeky Geer of course the lead SE will be back on the other side of midnight at about 1205 and then that leads into Monday where I saw that you're having a rocking uh double feature little little uh little vehicle action yep so with a couple and both films starring some Star Wars yes actors exactly and uh yeah that that's that's a big part of the connective tissue is is is the Star Wars Lucas film angle but uh I was really going for you know last days of summer right which I'm guessing you agree with me if you think if you consider September to be be the beginning of the uh of the uh Halloween season then I guess the end of August is the end of summer so uh Corvette Summer and uh American G I can't say American Graffiti yes now I will say I do remember seeing Corvette Summer at at the movie me too me too because it was Mark Hamill and I had to go see it and it's also where I fell in love with anti poods I know I kind of expected her to be more I don't know glamorous uh you know in in the roles that she chose you know and she doesn't need to be she is she doesn't need to be no she well you know she is she is a chameleon she could do glamour she she could do nerd she could do weird geek and of course now she now she could play a Mima exactly exactly right and she will be reprising that role on Georgia Mandy's first marriage the show that's coming up oh really yeah there you knew about that right no I didn't not yeah they they are doing that uh where it's going to be uh George and Mandy and of course a daughter their first marriage which of course leads you to believe they have issues and get that because they've already alluded the fact that George Georgie's been married several times so they had they had to do it that way but this one's going to be a live audience show is g to be different that's a throwback it's gonna be more like big it's gonna be more like big bang so it's a live studio audience we haven't seen shows like that in sometime oh no well no we get them like Big Bang Theory's been live and were they I always got the impression it was canned laughter NOP Big Bang Theory was filmed uh in front of a live audience wow okay I didn't realize now I have to fact check that Alexa was the Big Bang Theory filmed before a live audience let's see what she say according to an Alexa answers contributor The Big Bang Theory premiered on September 24th 2007 and was picked up for a full 22 episode season on October 19th 2007 the show was filmed in front of a live audience and produced go stop thank you geeez it really is it's like talking to data all the information that you don't need when he finally gets it's like okay shut up oh no here's here here's my experience with uh with a with mine because I call mine comp computer I had I had a bunch of figs and I was like computer can you freeze figs and it's like you can freeze eggs by I'm like no fig I had to literally do it like three times before it heard figs yeah you can though freeze eggs I've got a bunch of them right now the the yolks don't stay the same but it's very difficult to use them I I just fry them yeah fry them or scramble them I guess I don't I've never froze I've never never had the usually when I when I get down to the older eggs that's when I like throw what I have left into the Boiling Pot and hard boil them and does the same thing yeah yeah it's like uh my the once I have Frozen I find that I can you know like do like sunny side up or whatever the yolks aren't the same they're not runny so you can't really scramble them I mean I guess you could but they're just not the same yeah okay I don't I like said I never I've never tried it so um but uh but yeah that's uh so that's Monday wow how do we get to that for Corvette Summer oh okay yeah I'm tracing it back in my head now uh so Corvette Summer and American Graffiti On The Last Call at the movies Monday night the movies right that's what you're calling it okay uh of course then we go into Tuesday for live at sparkwood 21 for the latest episode of Twin Peaks yep I believe it's it's part nine um it uh we will be returning to Twin Peaks uh uh after last week's uh kind of uh uh step back in time um and uh we're going to reorient ourselves with uh what's going on with the uh the investigation and uh touch base uh again with uh douge Jones and and and uh and family and uh yeah it'll be it'll be slightly more uh easy to follow than the last episode cool only slightly um wedes day of course is the day of rest and at least in the you right and of course Thursday net with n's Thursday things well what's going on this week this week on Thursday things my special guest will be ctis Selby yep midnight blogger blogger yep yeah and that of course leads us into Friday where at 800m as I said before we're going to be watching the jet Le film hero uh which uh is a lot of fun I'll be joined by deleted scenes and that of course will lead into the last call with Troy pachelli and what you got going on this week anything interesting anything fun be fun I will I will absolutely be drinking and you know the the the whole conceit behind last call is a bunch of friends getting together to talk at a pub which is exactly how our country started a bunch of friends getting together talking at a pub and then deciding to start uh an American Revolution well uh I think this Friday I'm going to do a little bit the same thing not not that I be calling for revolution that's a song I would love to hear on Schoolhouse Rock right exactly po guys in a pub talking you know talking whatever oh that would be interesting and I bet nowadays with with the with the uh AI music generation you could probably do that I'll put the lyrics together I'll see if I can get you know whatever Jet GPT or whatever to compose a song to these lyrics in the style of Schoolhouse Rock that would be awesome cool um but we'll be talking uh we'll be talking about the uh the pending uh uh big uh presidential election coming up uh the news uh the crazy news over the past couple weeks um yeah gonna get a little political I don't usually do that but nobody seemed to uh seemed to mind or or or or say Nay last week's or last night so G to give it a shot and see what happens cool cool cool and that will lead us into Saturday where Fred will drop dead I suppose so yeah Drop Dead Fred starring Phoebe Kates on n's Network at 10 pm on Saturday night there you go and that is the week and of course like I said the next uh Saturday night on big out presents will be Little Shop of Horrors uh the musical The Beloved Rick Moranis uh musical God I love that one yeah and uh but uh I haven't figured it out yet but I do know that the two weeks from this Friday where I would be doing a Friday night one is a Friday the 13th so I might pull out I've already done the original Friday 13th might pull out Friday the 13th Part Two oh which might be a might be a fun rewatch deleted scenes uh let me know what you think about that uh because uh it is it's Halloween sorry September Is Halloween it's a TW month season much like Christmas is starting starting at the end of October now on the Hallmark Channel but uh I'd like to thank everybody for being here tonight like I said check my uh reviews out like I said for the crow I've got that up um I don't have anything pending right now because there's really not a lot coming out that kind of chipping my uh I don't know historically historically August has been kind of a a a slow dead yeah it's been been kind of slow I know well of course got Beetlejuice Beetlejuice coming out uh in in a week in a couple weeks so I'm looking forward to that uh but uh yeah I'll find something I'm sure something will pop up and I'll watch it and give a review I you know evil just finished I have to might have to do a review of the the seasons's evil uh so yeah tell us if if evil is good um in just a quick one-word review yes uh it is it is good but it definitely is not for those who uh who are religious and don't like their religion uh questions let's just say that but uh where was I oh yeah uh but uh Troy any last words nope just want to thank everybody uh who stopped by make sure you hit the uh the thumbs up on the way out double check and make sure that that subscribe is all grayed out and it's not a big bright red if it is you know what to do hit the red button uh and uh thanks for hanging out with us yeah had a lot of fun and of course we cannot go gently into that good night without the gentle one herself bidding us all uh however she says it this is why I have her say it because she says it better she's words she's good she said she said a word good still looking for the Friday Night Last Call where I said the first time because I want to see how different it is so it's like uh if anyone can figure out which one it was on I know it was a couple months ago um it's like I I really am curious as to how different it sounds um but anyway we can talk amongst ourselves and that's all little good and fun but it's so much more fun when you guys are joining us in the chat and you're dropping your comments questions trivia being goofy whatever it may be and it doesn't feel like we're separated by miles or confidence in some cases it feels like we're all hanging out in the same room enjoying each other's company and having a great time and you guys you know you're not just our friends you are our family we love you guys and we appreciate you so very much you can be anywhere right now and you're here and that is so encouraging I love seeing you guys in each of our streams and and I say this all the time it's like every time I see one you guys come in it just makes me smile because my family's here you know yeah so thank you all for being here thank you for being a part of our family a part of our lives and until next time which will be what today Saturday Sunday over on deleted scenes all the time and age Boomer Channel good night and God bless take care everyone thank you for joining us have a beautiful Sunday day and a safe and happy week ahead until next time find something fun to watch and take care