CGS 2023 - Interview Bengt Holmstrom

Published: Apr 21, 2024 Duration: 00:03:55 Category: Education

Trending searches: toulouse school of economics
[Music] and the common goods problem is that that a lot of people enjoy the same thing and like nature or climate or whatever and and uh and but any given individual won't pay for the full cost obviously and and so there's a free rider there's what we call a free rider problem there certain unwillingness to pay and so if we can measure better the value of these Goods we can tax people tax the activity or or also subsidize activity if it's a good activity such as using nonpolluting uh you know machines or or so on so well I think they can do a lot uh I would say the main thing that I've been working on or thinking about is is about measuring uh the consequences of of using the common good either subsidizing it if it's something positive like uh Transit transiting into new technologies that are less polluting or then if they are using old technologies that are very polluting then tax them so you know the first step is to measure you know what's the value of these Goods the common goods because they're outside the market and I would say they're using bigger surveys and such to get the sense of of you know what is the overall value of these goods for sociey is an important step but there's a lot of other things they can do I I have been involved with TSD for for 30 years and and so have a lot of friends here Shan Ro principally I've written papers with him you know and then it's a nice place to come well Shan has been Shany rooll has been my main uh main connection he used to work on on I think really some very interesting papers in the '90s especially and and they are well known and and that's just talking also to Not Just sh but to the large set of people at DSC it's DS is one of the leading you know economic institutes in in certainly in Europe but also in the world so you know this is a great place to come to yeah I think it's a way it's important for society to hear what we think and and hear what we are what we are how we are developing in our approaches and it's obviously becoming a bigger and bigger issue and and and so now it's really a Time for getting some traction to the ideas we have uh I should add one of the things that I'm pushing is you know that things would be more local people don't react to saying that you know 1.5° is is too much it's going to be 1.7 it's a disaster you know people don't it doesn't speak to any of us it's not to me and not to the public you know what's the big deal with a few decimals add added to it so they need to do a better way you know communic this in a much better way and secondly people should be engaged on the local level not to sort of deal with the global the whole Global issue because again it doesn't speak to you you know I'm doing things uh you you can have a conscience that you do it but it's much more important if we say we are cleaning up the water here or we are doing something to get a Greener you know environment or or less catastrophic consequences of the climate and so on I think there's a lot more that can be done on the local level to actually and because people are willing to do something locally but but they have a harder time you know see the little drop that they're contributing globally so recycling you know say all the things that sort of kind reduce the footprint

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