Published: Jun 24, 2024
Duration: 00:03:37
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: sherwood season 1
[Music] I'm late I'm late so actually I'm perectly on a time anyways welcome back to shwood shop season 2 episode one let's go see what Isa and H have here what do we have here Isa well we have a trp that Fon have donated us we are making and this is the bait this is the Trap we sitting up and you have to connect it together it's taking quite a process though and this is also some other bait and there's a teink Wy H flip and yeah that's what we've done yeah yeah thank you hey Mission Isa and thanks font for donating that amazing trip we would like to teach you guys all of what we know [Music] smell it's so cold Tim grab an extra layer do [Applause] this the stick remember I'm it's going to come up through here like this I smell something listen carefully oh the Sonic come on guys let's keep walking just keep walking just keep [Music] walking who's really [Music] can't what is it no that's a r there a r a r can I push it out the way you can drag it that way okay quickly pull it back told you guys that's a red oh there's an old red too so what's happened there then so that's been that decompos R must s well I don't have to get pushed into a prle [Music] bush I find a biger piz can you help me find [Music] it works didn't expect that one did you get that fil yep watch out for your fingers Mrs hler or otherwise you'll end up like Rodney I'll get you thank you for watching shwood Shar season 2 episode one what I meant in oh bye [Music]