Ted's note book Qualifying Monza 2024 #ted #f12024 #lewishamilton #landonorris #maxverstappen

hello everybody and welcome to the notebook Ted's notebook from the 2024 Italian Grand Prix qualifying session now the notebook is if you haven't watched it before the program that tells you all about what's been going on in the F1 if you haven't been able to watch the F1 in the daytime and let's face it at the end of the summer you might still be on your holidays or you might be out with the kids or doing the gardening and some of the Glorious weather we've had recently so I can understand if you weren't able to watch the F1 so we give you 25 minutes of a sort of digest explaining what happened today and why it happened in some of the stories behind the scenes we also go from the beginning of the paddock to the end of The Paddock now this believe it or not this hedge is the beginning of the paddock I mean less so the generator because it's right by the driver's pen and in the driver's pen we can see the star of the day in fact the star of the last week who really been Lando Norris so fresh off winning the Dutch Grand Prix by the biggest winning margin uh of the Season 22.3 or whatever it was seconds almost 23 seconds he comes here to Monza at a TR that could not be more different and has shown not only that he still has the pace but the car the McLaren is still the class of the Formula 1 field and that was the big question going into the weekend can McLaren do McLaren oh hello what's George doing over here where are you going doping oh doping test all right well better not interfere in that um so George Russell is do they have a do they have a l there or does he have to is there a l in the middle of the garage I assume or is it a blood test I assume it's a it's a weed test is it not maybe there is maybe there's a little private area I wouldn't go into it more but yeah that's the kind of thing we discuss uh on the but yeah at a a a circuit that could not be more different you know from the bank corners and the tight twisty turns of uh of zandvoort to the long straights of Monza so this now this McLaren is a car for all circuits for the rest of the season so it's game on in the constructors it's game on in the driver's championship and I like the way Lando said when he was talking to uh to Rachel don't ask me about the championship I'm Bor of it that he's been in the championship since Bahrain and he's been scoring consistently every event didn't finish Austria of course after the little uh uh bit of U uh uh collision with uh with with Max but he did score in the Austrian Sprint Race So Lando scored in every Grand Prix weekend and that ladies and gentlemen is how you put together a world championship so it is on uh and uh well let's go and have a look at him while I tell you about McLaren's day I'll get on to what the feeling has been like in Monza so far uh this weekend Herman TKO maybe I could ask him whether they put l in the middle of in the middle of the G garages he'd know probably built he's built most of them um but um yeah I'll tell you what happens uh but uh but with McLaren before we go on to what this kind of Monza weekend has been like because there have been some quite decent changes I'm sure you would have noticed on the on the coverage after the storms that happened here last year and a lot of the trees fell down they've actually taken the opportunity to re refurbish Monza quite significantly but McLaren a onew today Lando loving it I put in my note book and uh it was first for Lon Norris pole position for Lando Norris and second for Oscar pastri now the import it doesn't you don't need me to underline how important this is to lock out the front row around Monza it's 400 and some meters down to the first corner and you can easily get a change of uh a change of lead down to turn one um and if McLaren can just hold Station Park the proverbial bus at the front of the grid and stop anyone behind George Russell or uh uh charir from getting the run or anybody else then they've got the best chance since McLaren last scored a onew here back of course with Lando and Daniel Ricardo uh of finishing out closing out the one two that they would really really like so yeah Lando's loving it Oscar pestry second Lando Norris pole position and he was P1 in q1 but not in Q2 interestingly where leou Hamilton gave some indications to us of what might have been today uh but then he was P1 after the first run in Q3 and then um said that apologized on the team radio for messing up his final lap his second lap in in Q3 he said I'm sorry about that it was a ble blap but they said don't worry because um you're still on pole position and Lando would have known that so I think he was half kidding with the team because of course he said he saw on his uh on his uh dashboard that um he was down after making uh the uh the the mistake but then he was up after acing the second and third sectors so uh he really made up for and could have been on poll that's the point he was on poll by uh not very much a 10 a 10th but he was on uh he was on he could have been on pole by a lot more uh as for um Oscar P so Oscar piastri he did the best he could but he was as I say a full tenth of a second behind Lando nor so Lando has absolutely uh been on it this weekend and how important is the Constructor Championship to McLaren well very when you bear in mind I had to double check this because I couldn't quite believe the statistic the other day that McLaren have not won the Constructors Championship in Formula 1 since M Hainan and David Kar did it for them in the MP4 8 no 12 13 then NE car in 1998 all right I know there was the Spygate disqualification maybe you could argue in 2008 they would have won the Constructor Championship anyway but wow 1998 the last McLaren Constructors McLaren the last Constructors Championship in 1998 so you can understand how important it is uh for for everyone at McLaren and you know the their pride as much as anything oh look that's czecho better day for czecho we'll get on to him in a bit um you can understand how important is for them really job number one is to win the Constructor Championship and it would be nice to win the champ the driver's Championship wouldn't it overturn a 70-point lead it's possible uh especially when McLaren have had when Red Bulls had had such a poor day uh today but um it's possibly unlikely uh but uh you know they are going uh to give it a go right Lando has left the pen uh Sergio Perez uh is gone into uh the Red Bull motom so I can tell you about Monza and if you can see you know some of the Trees of down it does look a bit bare I'm sure you've noticed on the coverage how sort of bare it looks and they've made big improvements they put a new tunnel in under the track just after the parabolica which has really uh helped uh the access um and it's meant that many more fans can sort of come along and and see there we see loads of fans on the street uh not wanting to or not being able to buy tickets and just wanting to get a glimpse of the um of the drivers as they come in many more younger fans uh than I've seen recently many more female fans that I've seen in recent years so you know Monza as a the last European venue is uh is really sort of delivering um and getting the crowds in and is uh yeah very very popular event and very busy and this Paddock is one of the best that's an interesting shot just to the left here Lee um Christian Alber and GP lanzi and I'm pretty sure that uh GP was Christian's engineer in uh were you as engineer in what was uh uh T what was Spiker your Midland and Spiker he was your engineer yes no I wasn't his engineer yeah that's true yeah it was Jodie jod Anton Jody eggington yes together with uh this gentleman GP little bit of job always a good job he says he has much much more quiet and reasonable drivers than than I was at he's work with Paula yes oh yeah Christian lovely to see you again GP we'll leave uh leave you to your chat sorry to disturb um so yeah it's uh as I say a great Paddock full of full of EX drivers Jan car Fella's been around uh um Luca BEDA has been around um who else uh Montoya uh Kimmy renan was around today um because I believe he has a link up with singer who are a sponsor of saba so Kimmy was around uh with minu and the three kids um and was just sort of uh visiting F1 today so it's nice to see him around right what is going on on with red bolt do you want to see should we do the motor home Lee rather than the trucks because we've already don't want to disturb GP and Christian Alber again uh not the only Dutchman uh Max isn't the only Dutchman that GP has engineered it seems or data engineered in his career uh right here they are at Red Bull and they are scratching their heads as to where their Pace uh has gone and it's largely up to Paul Monahan this chap walking towards us to figure it out with Pier vashet because now adri knew he's not around to get them out of trouble um Pierre vas we're going to see exactly how great he is uh and and because it's an engineering problem as Christian hor said and they have to find an engineering solution as Paul monam uh just uh touching his nose there is um the chief engineer so he's got to find out where their Pace went and it's it's it's odd now I know what you're thinking is it to do with the FIA tightening up the rule on asymmetric braking that that that suddenly you know they're going from one twos and the car being on the nose the way Max bapen likes it and perfectly balanced and the cars a rocket ship of Suzuka the car of Suzuka to two races in a row now Max saying the car won't turn now that's Tonio leotti and I want to refer to Tonio Lotti when I talk about Kimmy Antonelli so remind me when I talk about him anyway sorry I got distracted by Tony Otti um you might think okay was that caused were Red Bull affected by the ban of asymmetric rear breaking which is effectively where um they oh there is Kim the kimster oh great the first kimy it turns out in in Formula 1 we thought he might be the last but there's another kimy now um and I've asked everybody in from from technical people to in other teams to other people who are following the story in xanor nobody is suggesting nobody believes that Red Bull were using asymmetric braking earlier at some sort of device that was is is you know a legal way I'm not saying it was illegal I'm just saying that the FIA tightened up clarifi the rules on it nobody says Red Bull were using it and now they're not using it so it's not that what it looks to be is the upgrades were actually downgrades and I think I did piece on this uh in Spain no I wasn't in Spain around that time wasn't Canada when I said that uh you know people like well James Allison K went on the record and said that he believed that M Red Bull's upgrades actually didn't work and made the car more difficult and they were downgrades um oh here is Tonio leoty um CH Tonio I had a thought about kimy antonet Congratulations by the way yeah I I won again that's your that's yours from yeah from 20 years ago I got back at least one trophy for my for 3000 season nice I just wanted to ask you quickly if I can you had the kind of Stellar carting career that Kimmy Antonelli did um and then when you came into formula one obviously you didn't have the Machinery that did your skills Justice how do you think it will be for Kimmy coming out of the the starring as carting can you relate to to how he's coming into Formula 1 in a funny way of course he did an amazing career so far and he still shows really great performance obviously what happened the can happen to anybody you want always to push at the limit you want there's a lot of pressure but I think he has the right position right group behind him uh to create a new start and a great career I'm really happy for him it's good for Italy to have an Italian back and I think the correlation between carting and formula one is always closer I think the category in between they're even a bit further away from each other and carting I think is the closest uh feeling to a formula one so I think uh we will have a bright future I'm really looking forward to see okay thanks very much Gr anonio that's really interesting because yeah of course Tonio was the last driver who came out it was the sort of you know the the hot thing from carting into Formula 1 of course because unlike Kimmy Antonelli Tonio didn't have the cars that uh that that maybe Kimmy Antonelli will have to uh to do uh with his skills but so going back to to to Red Bull it does seem like the upgrades have indeed been downgrades and they haven't managed to understand which upgrade goes with work the upgrades haven't worked that's what Christian means they have to understand why the upgrades haven't worked which combination and they went back to they went back to the the the barin spec car effectively in zandvoort maybe not the whole of it but certainly the FL Flor although Christian seem to suggest it was the hole of the bin uh floor uh car and that they still had their problems of not getting the car on the nose the way Max likes it so there's something going on and they need to get to the bottom of it before uh they lose either the constructor's championship lead or the driver's championship league today Max mappen uh p7 Sergio Perez p8 and generally good uh better engineered they managed to get it better engineered uh from earlier in the day and a decent recovery but still a difficult weekend Max had no grip on this uh the set of tires that he did his first run in Q3 which is strange CU he did a 196 in Q2 but only did a 20 in Q3 having said that if he did a 196 in Q3 on the final run he would have still been seventh where he was because um everybody else was quicker than that the car is just not balanced serg a better weekend for him only p19 a bit of a scare actually only p19 is first run in q1 but then threw in P9 had a bit of under steer but the car was better on used tires car still doesn't turn um and yeah since Adrian knew he left they've been they've just had these problems so uh yeah come back Adrian Yi All Is Forgiven um I've got in my notebook Ys on the team and uh well we know um what happened on the fishing trip uh between yosen and Christian hor they're not exactly friends uh but Yos was quoted and said the team should take a good look in the mirror Max knew this was coming he just didn't have a chance the way it's going the rest of this SE this year is going to be really tough uh is uh what Max's dad is saying about the rest of the season but if Max can just hold on he should be able to close out the world championship driver's Championship but hey it's going to be so interesting finding out so you know what great season we've got and we're having what a great season started off slowly and uh what a great season we're having uh towards the end of the championship once we go to Baku and and Singapore and then Austin it's going to be Fab isn't it so glad you're watching it with us right Mercedes and um strange cameraman from Mercedes who seems to be filming me for some reason don't know why but um anyway uh they were six for leis Hamilton and George Russ third and Le Hamilton absolutely brutal on himself saying I made my I made some mistakes um I'm not can't I'm not getting qualifying right at the moment and it was the last line that was the uh that was the real kicker the team deserve better maybe they'll get that with Kimmy Antonelli oi I mean Lewis you know I I know it's I know it's P6 and George is third but you know do you want to be saying that don't be saying that no one wants to hear that the team deserve better what's leou saying that he can't qualify the car anymore well clearly he can he's just having a bit of a qualifying blip and anyway it's not blips he's out qualified George uh you know plenty times this year anyway but Le being super hard on himself but it did make a couple of mistakes and ended up six on the grid good luck from George Russell uh P3 on the grid a couple of mistakes from Lewis but 7 hundreds of a second behind uh Hamilton is uh yeah great lot from George Russell but as he said McLaren are the benchmarks Lewis on Ferrari uh he's been talking about the things he's been looking forward to coming to Monza next year as a Ferrari driver and of course Ferrari won't want to hear Lewis say that team deserve better in qualifying maybe Kimmy will be able to deliver that for them Ferrari his new employees don't want to hear that so yeah leis maybe being sort of too honest for his own good uh there but um yeah he's been talking about that and um one of my five takeaways still on Mercedes uh about uh the Kimmy Antonelli announcement uh first of all they are my five takeaways from what quite was a long uh uh press conference in this here motor home earlier one um Stephano dominal came in and said effectively that Kimmy Antonelli is the future star of the major future star of Formula 1 and that's why I'm delighted that you've signed him thank you Toto so interesting that Stefano said I have to look after the future of Formula 1 and I am when it's and it's Kim and it's Kimmy Antonelli two uh was the Toto line I decided five minutes after leou Hamilton told me that it was going to be Kimmy Antonelli who replaced him uh three um Kimmy's excited and he did admit that he made a mistake by going too quickly into parabolica and spinning off uh but he said he won't make that mistake again there will be more mistakes along the road as Kimmy Antonelli uh learns and uh matures as a Formula 1 driver uh next year so be prepared for them and don't just think oh that's Kim's throwing it off the road again you know why why did the Mercedes put him in the seat um because there will be uh more mistakes um and four uh is Toto keeping his options open by only announcing that they are both on a one-year deal no Toto says we wouldn't have announced them if we didn't intend to keep them both uh for the long term but they he is of course leaving an opportunity for Max for Sten if that happens later on but who knows who would give way if that happened and five Kimmy telling us what kind of person he is he's 18 he gives short answers so he's maybe a bit a bit nervous of of of giving interviews although by giving short answers he's got he's taken the uh ADV uh tip of from his namesake of um of how to uh uh not spend too much time doing media in Formula 1 but um I thought it was quite sweet he says look I'm an empathetic person um but on the on the track I'm extremely uh aggressive aggressive driver so those were my five takeaways from the Kimmy Antonelli uh announcement right let's do Ferrari cuz we're running slight think I've done 90 minutes already which is a disaster let's do Ferrari then we'll take a break um SS fifth on the grid lir fourth lir says the car is not turning at all again but uh he just got uh just got done 200th per second behind George Russell he's bit annoyed by that scence got a fly in his eye which affected his final attempt but science um just hunds with 6 thousands behind charlot Clair so Fred vaser the to Ferrari teamb boss saying they really really really really really want to win another grand prix before the end of the season because he thinks that they've been making good progress now that they've been under understanding their bouncing problems and the upgrades this weekend would underline that right let's take a break um more notebook in a bit because I've got a few more teams to [Music] go hi welcome back to the qualifying notebook from the 20124 Italian Grand Prix um right uh oh look it's Uncle otar it's hey otar Bruno famine didn't last long did he e uh he didn't he didn't very very observant one year on he's out less than a year yeah I did a picture you on your sofa in in Oxford thinking I don't let's not it's both going to get us into trouble uh I was on myself in Axford and uh you know it it is what happened to Bruno Where Are You Bruno fine yeah anyway Podium podiums by 27 yeah yeah yeah for who what they're saying oh Alpine yeah well you know yeah yeah anyway thank you let's do alpine shall we Sorry that was naughty of me um G p14 uh okon p15 gazley just 300th a second quicker than okon but p14 probably all that there was in in the car okon not happy had to drive offline in one of the sessions uh but he said that's he was told by his engineer that's just the result of our track position let's not do that again said okon uh and then on his last run the diff switch was on a a position that shouldn't have been for the whole lap and Aon felt that that was um uh hindering his Pace uh there are some protests from some staff from V chatio the Renault engine Factory that they are going to be changed uh somehow the working conditions and um well their purpose is going to be changed but Flavio bori and Luka deio are here this weekend so I don't know who they're uh having discussions with and Jack doing their driver for next year can't have number 12 on his car because Kimmy Antonelli has already taken it because Mercedes registered it before alping could get in there so Jack Doan there a nice story on uh Johnny Noble I think has written it uh so have a look at it but um if you like the driver numbers right let's do Aston Martin Fernando Alonzo P1 L stroll uh P 17 on the grid and Fernando got as much as he could out of the car missed Q3 by a thousandth of a second but sorry hundreds was second but uh it was better than expected P1 for Fernando alono Lance stroll out in q1 by a couple of TS because he was a victim of the yellow flags for uh Kevin Magnuson going slowly uh on track um alanso was quite vocal in his well he's quite plain uh to say that it's the team aren't doing a good enough job here at Aston Martin uh but is it the case that Adrian Yi is coming to this team that's the hot rumor has been for a couple of weeks that Adrien yui is coming to team he is already an Aston Martin Enthusiast he has a beautiful blue DB5 have you seen it parked outside the pakin Silverstone oh it's lovely I think he's also designed well he designed the Aon Martin Valkyrie didn't he um the hyper car so he's got previous with the uh with the mark the car Mark but not with the team but that is the that's the hot rumor that Adrian NE is going to join them and wouldn't that be amazing not only work with Fernando Alonzo uh as as he gets older but uh to turn around the fortunes of Aston which are flagging a bit at the moment um right let's do uh well you're showing Saba so I'll do saber not a good day for them Val Bas 19th annoying that he didn't manage to improve on his last lap because he thought he could have got uh into a bit more time out of it zangu 20th another difficult day valter only two10 off getting out of q1 which he thought he could have done but still p19 Joe compromised by the Magnuson uh slow and the yellow flag lots of cars going off in front of me said Joe gangu 410 behind but uh that's very difficult behind B botas was Z Gru so Jo Gru going through a very difficult period in his Formula 1 career as he looks to be uh ending it uh with no Drive in F1 for him in sight next year so uh yeah unfortunate maybe hopefully he can uh get something nice towards as a result um towards the end of uh the season mat bonotto who's going to be around there is Peter saber just behind Moco there and uh yeah in deep discussions with some of the key people at saber right RB Daniel Ricardo p12 Yuki sonoda p16 pretty good from Ricardo honestly that's all about the car that he that had he said on the radio his tear engineer agreed uh we can get points from there Yuki missed out to Ricardo by 300 as of a second and blamed the new bits that are on his car are not on Danny Rick's car which is strange so Yuki not liking the upgrades the upgrades are downgrades for RB it seems just as well just as it seems that they are at the bigger team Red Bull Racing at the moment uh Daniel Ricardo saying that we're going to hear soon who the other driver with Yuki Coda is uh at RB next year and we're all expecting that to be Liam Lawson all Daniel Ricardo could say is that all I can do is keep pushing and hope there's some kind of uh place for me uh in the future whether that's Perez deputizing for Perez or not uh we don't think it is but anyway right Williams well done for Alex album to Alex album because he's P9 today on the grid uh Franco colapinto Logan Sergeant's replacement was only p18 so somewhere in Florida there's a young chap on the sofa laughing his head off uh but I need a joke um Alex Alman great Q2 into Q3 with P9 and then a great lap to beat hulkenberg by 10th Franco's done well all weekend uh but he went off on the last attempt and sorry for that he said uh on the the radio but um uh phrase of the day to James vs as to why he uh parted company with Logan Sergeant he said we had our upgrades on the car and when Logan crashed I watched them burn uh and uh H finally Kevin Magnuson 13th Nico uh hulkenberg 10th so great effort from Nik hulkenberg uh to be P10 on the grid for the Italian Grand Prix which you can watch with us at 12:30 uh on Sunday so McLaren's golden week continues with Lando Norris with his second consecutive pole position can McLaren convert and finish one two at Monza tomorrow join us to find out aanti Lando bye-bye

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