Des Lynam sparks controversy over female pundits and Gary Lineker's salary
Published: Aug 13, 2024
Duration: 00:02:11
Category: People & Blogs
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political strategist James carille joins msnbc's Ary melbour and discusses his call for President Biden to drop out of the race D L and draws controversy with comments on female pundits and Gary liner's salary the former match of the day presenter said in an interview that he has no gripe with female presenters but pundits should have played it at the level you are talking about I.E the men's game legendary Sports present A Day Lum has caused controversy by by criticizing women pundits on TV and taking aim at Gary liner's BBC salary the former match of the day presenter 81 said in an interview that he has no gripe with female presenters but pundits should have played it at the level you are talking about I.E the men's game Liam left the program in 1999 to join ITV and was replaced by liner who has fronted it ever since and is the BBC's highest paid employee speaking to the radio times Liam was asked about the increase in female football pundits he told the magazine I've got no gripe with female presenters but when you're a pundit and you're offering opinions about the game you have to have played it at the level you are talking about I.E the men's game after a pause he added in my view Liam who has not played professional sports himself also hit out at former England International liner over how much he is paid by the BBC liner takes home around £1.35 million a year far ahead of second highest Turner Zoe ball Liam said I don't suppose you can justify it in terms of what a nurse or fireman does but it's the market that's what the BBC feel they have to pay to get his Services you can't say that anybody saying a few words into a television screen is worth more than someone who saves lives but money dictates Liam added he's a very lucky chap he's had two great careers and the second one is helped Along by the fact he had the first one