Nick Herbig Is My Hero! #steelers #nfl #football #preseason #pittsburghsteelers #nickherbig

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:01:00 Category: Sports

Trending searches: nick herbig
but we know our secondary is our pass rush and our pass rush like we need to figure out a way for Nick herck to hit the field more and like it's we look at TJ and we look at Alex and it's like how like how are we going to take a TJ a 99 overall you know what I'm saying like literally a 90 he's I think he's like a 96 but Madden they're haters and PFF probably paid for that TJ watt is a 99 right Alex heith to me it's like a solid 90 you know what I'm saying like he's a 90 I think in Madden actually he's like an 88 or some [ __ ] but it's still pretty high you know what I mean it's still pretty high but like how do you take out a n like how do you take out either player you know what I'm saying for Nick herbick who to me I would say Nick herig right now is like a 80 with like superstar X Factor like you know the the trait you know cuz every time this guy plays it's like holy [ __ ] he is dominant like he's technically not a starter and so we look at him with his peers which his peers are not starters if he's not a starter his peers are not starters right we look at him amongst his peers and he is the absolute best player of all time Nick herig looks like like like IMG

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