what up hey I told you we don't run from nothing over here baby we don't run from nothing over here huh it's kind of CRA hey hey we don't run from nothing over here baby y'all know what it is y'all know what it is come on in come on in what up what up Sports what up Sports what's good baby come on man they why would he even try to why would he was better off doing a hell Mary what the heck he was better off trying to Hell Mary man you was better off trying to Hell marry bro all right what up boy it's your boy Sue y'all know what time it is welcome to Dion Sanders Colorado Channel I'm your host Sue man we here all that talking back and forth and we are here all right first half is in the books first half in the books oh hell no man hey I don't run for nothing man I stand 10 toe down y'all know me baby I don't know what's going on I don't know who that team is I don't know everything that can go wrong going wrong I don't know who this is okay now I told y'all over and over the trenches everything The Trenches will take us to the promised land I told you I told you the trenches is where it's at if the trenches don't hold up it's over it's over what I tell y'all it's all about the trenches The Trenches is getting dominated y'all they only rushing like three four four guys they rushing like three four guys this is sad dog this is sad y'all I'm sorry y'all this is crazy they only rushing three to four guys at a time and we can't hold up our offensive line is not holding up what's going on and then what's our offensive coordinator Pat shmer he goes to uh he goes into a uh a naked package now what what is this our offensive coordinator has a a naked package where there's nobody in the back field blocking if you know your offensive line is not holding up why would you go a naked package with nobody in the in the backfield blocking you supposed to use your your running you supposed to use two running backs to block every down he he don't even use his two running backs to block every down bro it's the same thing happened last year y'all it's happening again it's happening again and second quarter penalty after penalty after penalty after penalty after penalty what the hell another penalty another 15 yard another 10 yard another five yard another 10 yard another 15 yard bro I don't know hey this is crazy dog hey yo this is crazy who who is this team I don't know I don't know y'all but y'all know I told you I don't run run I ain't running man I'm not here you you'll see me here lying I ain't telling no lies I'm not trying to make excuses we get dominated we getting dominated we getting out coached too we getting out coached and we getting dominated our our offensive coach what are you doing man what are you doing if you know your your offensive line is getting beat up why are you not running the ball why you not getting the ball out there quicker why you not getting the ball out there quicker and you still got to try to run the ball here and there our offensive coordinator getting Co out coached y'all he getting dominated out here man I was like what is this y'all what is this I'm sorry y'all I'm sorry y'all I was hoping to come live and talk some smack I can't talk nothing they are the coaching is doing a phenomenal job for Nebraska they not they not letting uh they not they not uh the plays are simple let me say this the plays are simple for their for their uh quarterback because their offensive line is blocking I don't know what's going on with our defense man I don't know what's good they'll play good for a little bit and then this but I understand it's too many three and outs they tired our defense kind of tired because our offense too many three and outs three and out three and out three and out three and out oh we get a first down here then three and out three and out our defense been on the field for a very long time I I can see why they giving up some of the plays they tired man sh do what are you doing throwing a a pick six with your back against the In The End Zone you know that's a no no who you know that's a no no you don't throw no you don't throw that ball when your back get in zone you throw it away that pck six was crazy y'all that P six and he threw what what why why would you throw that just throw it away what did I tell y'all what did I tell y'all pregame show shador if it's not there throw it away didn't I tell y'all this if it's not there throw it away throw a pick six bro bro what I don't know what's going on man I don't know what this is I don't know who they who this team is I don't know what's going on the coach is getting out coached everybody getting dominated bro everybody getting dominated bro as a team as a coach coaching staff getting dominated bro they getting out coach and everything I'm sitting here watching this game like Nebraska is not doing nothing too crazy y'all they're not Nebraska not doing nothing fantastic they're just they're just hey oh you don't want to stop the run we going to run run a little pass here a little pass there a little pass this a little pass that that's all they doing run a little pass here a little pass and then they'll take the shot every blue moon there take a shot down the field every blue moon they take a shot down the field whe than that run the ball run the ball run the ball they quarterback got the playbook for the quarterback is easy where's our Playbook at where is that I thought they supposed to open the Playbook what is that come on man they they barely do they do motion they doing all type of stuff they doing motion they doing stacked over here they doing a a play action right here they uh they do all hey the nebras offense is doing all and they blocking very good the offensive line is blocking very good very good but that what where's our offensive line they they where's they Pride at where's our offensive line Pride at man where's it at hey I told y'all man the trenes we go to the promised land through the trenches nowhere else I told you we're going to go through the promised land through the trenches nowhere else I told you now I don't know what they going to do man this is this is sad even on even as a offensive coordinator what are you doing you're going to go in a naked Back Field when your when your offensive line can't block you gonna go a naked backfield so he can get killed when is that six sacks in the first quarter in the first half when is that six sacks in the first half y'all is that six sacks in the first half last year they had seven in total they got six in they got about five six in the first half bro what is our offensive coordinator doing leaving him to die back there what is he doing what is he even doing I said boy what is this you never run a naked backfield when your offensive line getting dominated like that last year they was doing it and now he's doing it today neaked backfield excuse me a what no you need two people to block back there if you need a tight end and the running back or a running two running backs they need to be in there every day he running naked backfield knowing that they rushing and they can get through I don't hey y I don't know who this is y'all and them penalties penalty penalty hey we started off the second quarter two penalties by by uh who is that who was that first guy that gave two penalties in a row and then they just start piling the penalties up off sides targeting targeting I know you're frustrated but come on man you gonna do come on Trevor Woods you come on man I know y'all frustrated but come on the penalties don't help baby the penalty is not gonna help y'all because you frustrated it's gonna hurt you and that's how they was able to go down there and score again ma got his field goal block because remember last week he been kicking low he ain't kicking high he kicking low and this week he kicked low and got blocked hey yo I don't know what's going on y'all I don't know who this is who is this team what happened to the discipline what happened to opening The Playbook I don't see no opening in the Playbook where where was the adjustment at where's the adjustments I told y'all we can't be getting down big and then try to make adjustment after the halftime no that's last year man make adjustments now why is our coaches not making adjustments during the game why we got to go to halftime and come back out no that was last year this year we can't play like that our offensive coach need to be ashamed of their s man now I'm not I'm not really mad at the defense cuz they they they get back on the field so fast they tired the defense is tired dog three and out three and out they get a little breather maybe one first down and they right back on the field again they tired bro our defense has been on the field too damn much no bro no and then you SE it the second half right our defense so tired and the second half they just start doing all type of penalties man our defense so tired y'all they just start doing penalty after penalty after penalty that was a long ass first half man been on the field that damn that much second the second quarter we just start doing penalty after penalty after penal they tired man they tied they play good discipline in the first quarter a defense like man we on we on the field too much but we like what can we do I don't know man the defense gave us enough time to tie the game up the defense gave us enough gave uh made enough stops for the game to be tied 14 to 14 y'all the game should have been tied 14 to 14 the defense got enough stops for it to be 144 when it was 14-0 the defense got enough stops to be 144 offense ain't doing nothing bro and then when we did have a good a good drive still no points bro what are y'all doing what are y'all doing man who is I don't know who this PE I don't know who these people are I don't know none of these people right now from the coaches to the players who are you Shiloh is out the game I don't know what Happ Shiloh's out the game I don't know what happened to him he out the game now Trevor Woods get hit for targeting he out the game bro I hey I know when you getting dominated like this I know when you getting dominated like this is frustrating but what the heck are y'all doing where is the coaching man where is the coaching the defense is doing the best they can they've been on the field too much they doing the best they can offense what is wrong with you what is wrong with y'all are are y'all are y'all okay offensive line do y'all know how to do you know how to block for some seconds offensive line getting beat up by three people sometimes it's only three people rushing and they getting beat up bro it's only three people rushing and they getting beat up by three rushing and that that that that's why they get to just drop back y'all see that right they just Dro it back drop three Rush three drop back come on bro nah bro where is your pride at bro where's the pride at in this offensive line where is it at ain't no Pride baby they ain't got no Pride this is embarrassing man it was supposed to be 14 up the defense made enough stops to tie it up 14 up this is embarrassing bro I'm sorry y'all this is embarrassing who are you n and and and our who is calling these plays man bro come on quicker passes quicker passes you know that run the ball quicker passes run the ball more P run the ball if you just sit back there pass pass pass they just go drop everybody back Rush three drop back and that's what they've been doing Rush three drop back every now and then Rush four drop back cuz they know you ain't going to run the ball you ain't go run the ball so they just drop they just rush three or four and drop back come on bro how you talk about running the ball and still don't try to run the ball even even Nebraska still still runs the ball they not breaking uh uh three they not breaking 10 15 yards every time but they still running the ball so so you're keeping you honest bro I don't hey it's like it's like they scrap their whole Playbook it's it's like they they talked all that stuff during the week and then when they got there they threw their whole playbook out remember we going to we going to make sure we we we we make some runs they not even running the ball like that y'all it's like they do their whole playbook out I don't know who this is from the coaching to the players I don't know who they are who is this come on y'all the game wasn't over when it was 140 it wasn't the game wasn't over when it was 210 oh it might be over now though it's 280 man even when it was 210 we still was right there score man score nope come on man who was come on man I don't know who this is man this is this is beyond me man I don't know what's going on let's get to some of these comments baby let's get to some of these comments baby hey I told you I I don't duck no smoke I ain't ducking no smoke all right let's get to some of these comments man let's get to some of these comments baby okay let's go up let's go up and see what's going on I told y'all I'm not like these other people I ain't ducking nothing I'm not going to lie we getting bullied we getting bullied in everything bro I ain't one of them I'mma tell you the truth when we when we do it good or when we do hey I told you we right here we getting let's get some of these comments all right my boy aw says what the hell aw I don't know what's going on player hit the like button share button subscribe button man I don't know what's going on player I don't know what this is I don't know who they are this is not the team that we seen last week I don't know this is not the same coaching we seen last week this is not the same offensive line we seen last week the defense is doing the best they can they they they gassed they on the field all the damn time so we can't be mad at the defense like that can't be mad at them man they on the field a lot they doing the best they can they getting some stops the offense is just stalling out three and out three and out they barely man we barely got five first downs man we barely got five first downs aw I don't know what this is bro hey I don't know who the hey hey after this game uh hey I they better go do some soul searching because this is embarrassing and they not and again Nebraska not if you look out there Nebraska is not that much better than him it's all trenches work it's all about the trenches that's it the trenches is doing better and that's how they up it ain't nothing else that's all this is I told you the trenches will take us to the promised land and their trenches is dominating our trenches that's why they up 280 B it ain't about it ain't about no no better wide receiver no better quarterback no better nothing it's the trenches the UPF front who go who dominating better their their trenches is dominating our trenches that's how they up that's it it ain't nothing else y'all it ain't nothing else where is the pride for the offensive line I don't know what's going on but they just is getting bullied bro you mean you'll get bullied by three three rushes y'all Y I mean y'all can't come together and stop three russan oh that's crazy oh yeah they gonna have it's time for some change man it's time for some changing man you gonna have to switch this up okay after after today we it's got to be a switch up on the offensive line because what is this oh no you no uhuh we we can't do this all right Chappelle says it's the o line bro yeah Chappelle I know I what I always preach every video The Trenches if the offensive line do what they supposed to do we going to have we GNA have a great day they they getting bullied out there that's why we got a bad day I I know I know what it is it's crazy uh Shiloh is out for the rest of the game yeah Shiloh out I don't know what happened with him but Shiloh's out production says bro Colorado pick it up hey man I don't know what's going on I don't know why the the offensive coordinator is not drawing up different plays and getting the ball out quicker doing more motion doing more Stacks over here stack over there that's all Nebraska doing doing motion a little stack right here little stack right there a dink it dunk dinky dunk then take take it downfield little dcky dunk run the ball that's all they just doing the same stuff over and over they might mix it up with the package but it's the same formula run over here over here maybe through the middle run run over here uh uh uh run Dicky dunk they don't throw the ball down the field that much they're not throwing the ball down the field that much they're not so we what and hey Leon Wester you dropped three first downs lante Wester dropped three first downs y'all three of them this is sad man it is what it is though uh uh boohoo sad right now uh who is that who is that uh zel what up zel zel thank you for tuning in zel thank you very much she said booo is sad right now hey like I said I watch the games I'm not I don't have no emotions if we lose we lose we win we win baby I ain't got no real uh uh deeply motions for these type of for uh sports like that no more I'll refuse to have my be up here nah that ain't me man I'mma be up here joyful smiling like I was before the game I'mma do the same thing but yeah it is sad though it's it's looking real bad it's looking real bad uh Kenneth Hudson says they not even playing hey Kenny Hudson I don't know what this don't even look like they playing this don't even look like they trying you know how a team is trying like last week they you could tell they was trying the offensive line I don't know what this is today it look like they it look like they just quit after the first after the first drive in they score it looked like they just gave up to me I don't know what this is uh Chapelle said Dion just needs to come to the cowboy hey hey he said come to the Cowboy I don't know man I don't know yo you funny you funny boy boy what up wom How You Doing wom wom this crazy wom oh my God wom what is this wom wom what is this W who who is this team W I don't know them who is this shout out to wommer Man the game isn't over yet yes women you're right we still got two more quarters to go but boy been down 28 to nothing and we can't move the ball it's very hard to come back if we can move the ball and score we can come back cuz the defense does get some three and outs but our offense can't do nothing uh aw says uh I'm right here with you bro good or back yeah yeah you know what I'm saying I'm right here man a lot of people thought I would oh you you bet you better come live if y'all lose man I'm right here man I don't know I'm not them type of uh fans and try to hide when we lose only come out when we win or I'm not those type of haters or those trolls when we win you can't see him but when we lose that's when they pop out I'm pop out every time baby pop out every time baby wom say it's football my friend yeah yeah it's football baby it's football uh water doesn't need that uh what he say wer doesn't need the ball he dropped three first downs one three of them three of them man he having a bad game he having a terrible game uh killer says I guess the oine didn't uh make the trip with the rest of the team yeah they didn't make the trip man the old line is is far going somewhere else maybe they stuck back in Boulder or something maybe they didn't understand like remember I told y'all give me give me like three or four games so I know we at I told you I I remember from last year that's why I I really didn't fall victim to that but I said if our trenches can hold up as the same a little bit better our offense going to go bananas you seen when they held up for like 4 seconds what happened we had we had good turnouts we had good turnouts but when they don't hold up for like three and a half 4 seconds he got to run run run hopefully hopefully but they got they got they got they dropped like eight people they dropped six to eight people so it's like it's it's kind of hard to find somebody if they Dro six to eight people and only was three or sometimes four it's like bro bro I don't know what's going this is crazy man I don't know what's up with the offensive line though I don't know who that is I have no idea this is crazy uh woman says you will see a different game second half hey I hope so man I hope so man I hope I hope it's a game bab I hope it's a different game second half cuz this is terrible unacceptable uh Val what up valer what's good Valerie says uh CP needs to get uh CP coach Prime needs to get these fired up now I mean I don't know man I I don't know what you can do at this point I don't know what you can do at this point this but hey it's it's only the second game remember I said 10 and two anyway I said 10 and two anyway y'all hey if this the first game hey so be it so be it's it's it's early too if it's the first game so be it I said 10 and two it is what it is it is what it is uh Lotus says why number two step back so much uh see you for life with the F fellas come on they look shook all right y'all the game back on the game is back on all right uh I will see y'all right after the game I will see you unless y'all want me to y'all want me to stay on while the game is on and just talk oh I don't know but we can't we can't play the audio I don't know I proba yeah I probably just come back I probably just come back uh they not running the ball yeah they not running the ball Georgia Tech straight garbage Georgia te straight garbage Georgia Tech was like two and 0 now they garbage y'all funny the old line uh didn't uh make the trip yeah I feel you I feel you on that I feel you uh okay uh I thought I thought lante Wester was good he is good he he just having a bad game come on man shador shallow is injured okay what up man Mandy what up Mandy uh uh Ben you're weird uh bro what are you talking about uh King you are weird too Alabama struggling against South Florida hey hey it's crazy out here and it's crazy Alabama winning 14 to6 Pat Sherman making it too easy for Nebraska just drop it back you're right about that that's what I'm saying uh golf coach says Nebraska will win the natural Championship okay I feel you I feel you good coverage baby good coverage good coverage good coverage uh okay buff not not the only team not playing well today hey of course of course uh taxes played so good today yes you're right the final score would be 42 hey yo Golf Coast what up man all right uh wait where the hell is the office coordinator I don't know man uh free Travis f shador I'm in Colorado all right for sure uh oh that what is that d d crazy butt that's d oh no oh yeah uh Nebraska making buffalo burgers tonight hey hey hey I can't I can't argue with that one man I I can't I can't argue with that I can't argue with that I can't uh Golf Coast says Dion will be fired this year hey Golf Coast hey he ain't gonna be fired but y'all can come here and do y'all trolling today y'all can talk y'all smack right now y'all up y'all can all the trolls y'all can talk smack y'all up y'all up all right uh defense got a three and out shout out to the defense the defense got a three and out see I told you the defense will have make enough stops the defense just got a three and out just right now uh aw says time to bring the second uh second string in backup quarterback I didn't uh like shador look okay okay okay I feel you I feel you I feel you uh you don't listen just run run your mouth hey yo ex I don't know what you talking about I'm not nothing like you cuz you wasn't you wasn't in here when Colorado won last week you wasn't in here here running your mouth so shut up just shut your weird ass up you wasn't in here running your mouth after Colorado won last week we didn't we didn't even see you we didn't even see you don't come here running your mouth now we didn't even see you last week shut up fing weirdo every time I seen them play be be way more disciplined than hungry okay okay I got you I got you I got you yeah you yeah hey X shut up you're weirdo we we definitely didn't see you last week running your mouth don't try to come in here act like you the man now uh-uh nah buddy nope nope wh says uh who's the uh Field Box for the bus uh what you mean who's in the field box for the bus what you mean by that see look naked background again look at that a naked background again look at that another naked background I mean backfield but uh Hey lante rester finally made a catch Le wring with a with a big first down catch big first down catch big first down catch baby good job let's go all right the dline o line is trash okay okay Fortune hey hey I can't get mad at you about that right now cannot every team that plays Colorado plays them harder and plays I mean I feel you on that but still come on they got to play back harder they got to play back harder man they have to play back harder got to play back harder uh yeah whatever you say I'm not I'm not reading nothing X talking about that's a whole weirdo he a fake X you a fake last week we didn't see you when we won last week we did not see you in the comments running your mouth oh no we we we we're not talking to you today Nebraska is intimidating them on the line yeah yeah hey Fortune was that fortnite or Fortune yeah Fortune they definitely doing their thing bro they definitely doing their thing right now uh yeah yeah X is weird that's a weirdo that's that's a whole weirdo right there let's go south Florida let's go okay South Florida winning look at that look at that good catch by Travis good catch baby good catch Travis come on come on y'all let's go good catch Travis good catch uh see you not uh patient with the Run yeah theya uh Travis cook yeah they they don't care about no run they gonna abandon the Run once again uh uh oh that's that D Jack peew coach Deion Sanders okay okay I ain't reading all I ain't G to read all that P peew Jack I ain't reading all that I ain't G to do it yeah I'm not GNA yeah yeah y'all can talk to X I'm not talking to him I'm skipping everything he say y'all can talk to him though all let's see what he got let's see oh oh oh oh oh good catch yeah yeah we about to score baby let's go will sheeper baby will sheeper let's go H let's go will Shepard I told y'all we get a little time we can make plays let's do this come on let's score this right here let's go right out the gate three and out let's make it make let's go baby will sheeper come on y'all let's finish this Drive let's finish this drive right now finish it finish it oh no that's not good that's not good yeah that n they play they played that good they played that play good it's okay we lost yardage on that play they played that play really good that was a good play good call better defense good call better defense come on y'all come on let's score right here we got to score a touchdown right here that was a good offensive call but they had better defense they containment was crazy Nebraska uh making buffalo burgers oh yeah you already said that okay uh that's why you have to run the ball I know I I was hoping they run the ball but they they not going to do it two two weeks in a row they they decide not to run it I don't know what this is about this is weird but hey I'm not the coach let's see what they got y'all let's see got what is it okay let's see what we got another Blitz I keep telling y'all the naked backfield is stupid they're wa they're watching you oh no no wait wait wait did he go out did he go out or did he stay in let me see uh yep another naked backfield you can't run naked backfield where there's nobody helping your door they just they just Blitz and almost sacked him and he he he got the pass tip stop doing that he hey I'm not the coach man the coach weird bro the coach weird as hell uh okay um uh okay he say stay okay I'll stay on man forget it we'll just rock out through the rest of the tag look at look at this look at this look at this look at that okay okay what you got what you got what you got what you got what you got nope they did it again instead of running the ball they kept passing and passing and passing stupid another naked backfield y'all naked backfield again knowing that your team they all they did was they did a linebacker Blitz they did a linebacker Blitz got in there messed up the play again why are we running plays with no backfield blocking all we need was a Back Field blocking that the receivers would have got up would have got open two plays in a row no backf blocking all they did was Blitz I told you who it what's it's like it's weird man it's weird it's crazy he keep doing the same thing we got three points we got three points we got three points then the we could have scored a touchdown keep people in the back field to block come on man we could have scored a test down right here yo this is this is crazy bro this is crazy man this is crazy uh he says y'all best is FCS School hey Anthony hey go ahead do talk your mess talk your smack Anthony I Ain't Mad At You player hey Anthony right now you hey talk your smack man I ain't mad at you bro I ain't mad at you uh I'm going on the date I'm going on a date I'm thinking about Burger King okay all right talk your smack man talk your smack who do you think of Michigan getting out getting shut out by Texas hey hey every day is a surprise every day is a surprise Anthony says Colorado been holding all game hey I I don't believe that because they uh if you say we've been holding all game they've been holding too I I at least call it both sides Anthony we've been getting held too but you know hey hey I'm not mad at it man I'm not at it I got this dude twisted up uh uh X you don't got me twisted up I can just block you that what you want want me just block you so who you going to have twisted up now if I block you who going to be twisted up now boy boy I mean come on man all you do is like you you try to entertain yourself and that's cool but you ain't got to lie while you entertain yourself though you ain't got me twisted up with nothing I'm cool it's just you a fake you one of those fake people when kado won we didn't you you didn't show up you didn't show up when they won that's that's all I'm saying be consistent no matter what Win Lose or Draw show up you didn't show up last week when we won no you came after we won making excuses that's what you did uh just in case the reflection as in your glass hey oh it's all good uh what up what up um he said uh he said should Euro hey hey right now it's crazy out here man I can't get mad at y'all man talk y smack man talk your smack man I can't get mad at you uh what channel or station is the game on uh NBC NBC NBC pick coming soon still down four touchdowns oh we just we just got a field goal I mean I'm I'm late though I'm late I'm late on the comments still got a feel go uh he says he here comes the pick hey I can't I can't get mad at y'all right now 28 Z yeah have you hey talk y'all smack man I can't be mad at you is it that that code in Arizona uh I don't live in Arizona what the hell are you talking about what what are you talking about oh he said joking I'm about to say I don't live in Arizona what are you talking about uh what is that Bob something says when you get when you get home and catch catch your I don't know you weird you're just a weirdo you're weirdo okay we F we're not going to let we're not going to let you keep that we're going to remove that comment okay head shot that comment get out of here with that weird get out of here boy get up out of here with that weird stuff KK says uh as a real uh oh yeah yeah KK we getting we getting beat down baby we getting beat down all FS of the game we getting dominated you ain't lying okay all F of the game we getting dominated you ain't lying on that uh trying to make his son a hero uh KK I don't know what you mean by that okay he says come on Buffs uh Anthony chafford because of y'all trash toor is not good y'all can't run the ball I mean they not really trying to run the ball they ain't really trying uh he ain't got time to set yeah he ain't got time to set he said get garbage oh it's on peacock oh yeah it's on peacock too you're right it's on peacock too all right let's let's let's see what we got these people talking junk not you uh the guy uh go get a set up from getting a man hand I don't know what you're talking about all right I'm caught up on the messages here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go uh run the ball oh yeah oh oh my God we had him stop in the backfield he hit him with a mean stiff on first down oh my God we had him stop in the back field he got oh my God hit him with a mean stiff on and got a first down and tried to run our our other boy over oh my gosh that was crazy oh my goodness come on y'all yeah yeah that was a mean run from the the uh the Nebraska Runner we had him stop in the backfield we hit him with a mean STi for him get off me man then he then he ran our dude over for the first down that's crazy hey come on y'all get the likes up get the get the hey hey I can get off I can get off man get the likes up the 20 or I can get off and come back I can get off and come back man he said Colorado probably not going bowling hey it's only it's only week two man y y'all y'all it's only week two y'all gotta calm down it's only week two man it's only week two yeah it's only week two man it's only week two calm down y it's not week seven it's not week nine it's only week two I said 10 and two I said 10 and two baby we still got a long way to go we still got a long way to go it's a long season toe okay it's a lot of teams out here not looking good lot of top teams barely looking good I'm not I'm not tripping man I said 10 and two but if we one in one going to next week we one in one going to next week it is what it is all right come on defense defense defense get get another three and out another three and out defense come on another three and out defense come on baby I know you can do it come onab come on here we go here we go here we go yep got him got him got him Travis with the defense defense got another three and out Travis with the good coverage defense with another three and out I told y'all defense even first half the defense made enough stops it could have been 2821 tell me I'm lying tell me I'm lying defense made two stops in a row La last first half they did it they made enough stop it could have been 28-21 the offense ain't doing it man they not scoring like they they not scoring touchdown I don't know it's crazy the offensive coordinator stop running naked backfield always have two running backs in the back field blocking he ain't going to do it shout out to the defense two three and outs in a row baby shout out to uh Travis with that coverage okay uhoh let me see what we got Ah hell no what the hell was you doing what type of run back was that you going to run into the tackler what you ran into the tackler yo that special team was weird you R you ran into the you like what what was that I don't know what that was I don't know what that was LeBron is go okay uh third down yeah we got it are you even uh watching the game uh Rodell something is really wrong with you why am I saying these things as if not roing the game why would I talk like this good job first down second down third down if I'm not watching the game I'm I'm not going to even entertain that like people like you are slow in the brain uh get the likes up y'all get the likes up man we G to stay we going to stay live for the rest of the half and I guess after the game too uh no we'll start a new we'll start a new live after the game we'll start a new one he's watching Peppa Pig uh Rod yo hey yo Sports produ you see what I be talking about though like what what else a we watching what else are we watching bro what the [ __ ] I can't be like f good catch good block good tackle like you think I'm just making this stuff up I'm not I'm not that good man I'm not that good to just fake like I'm watching a game like no I'm not I'm not I'm not that good man I'm definitely not that good definitely not okay so defense two three announced we got a three-point this uh first time the first three and out we got to have a touchdown this three and out okay and if defense to get a third three now we score another touchdown now we talking it's been it's getting very interesting we got to score every timeout but we need touchdowns now we score a touchdown is 1028 stop up again another touchdown 1728 it's getting real interesting it's offense right now it's offense right now they got to come on man they got to score every time out and we need touchdowns not just field goal all Pat Shermer whatever your name is stop doing naked Back Field why they blit they they're getting through you need two running back blocking and he won't he won't even do it yo he won't even make sure his two running backs blocking he won't he won't do it he won't do it y'all I don't know these offensive coordinators are weird you see your your offensive line getting dominated why not put two running backs that help shora so he can maneuver and you know what I'm saying like why not help him they I don't know man I'm sorry y'all but hey if we end up losing we W and one I'm cool with it we got a long season ahead they got they got they got a lot of work to do for real okay when just because a team is dominating you real quick don't mean you just give up like that you can tell our offensive line is like it's like who like fight back bro fight back the defense is showing up to this they showed up first half but y'all kept doing three and out they showed up second half two three and outs go score let's go hey man offense y'all y'all in trouble this week offense this is your' Fault this week man can't blame the defense while we down like like this look at that ran the ball look we just ran the ball got about a good what six seven yards after running the ball come on man come on baby let's go let's go get that 10 1028 stop him again 1728 stop him again 2428 we can still win this thing let's go we can still win this thing let's go baby let's go come on offense let's go score there we go good block go go go yes another first down another first down let's go man shout out to Hayden Hayden let's go let's go we just got a first down let's go man got the ball out there quick got the ball out there quick I told you they did a motion didn't I tell you we need to start doing motions got a got the running back in motion uh got it out there quick got a big game about 15 16 yards I told you we need do more emotions and get the ball out there quick come on man let's keep it going let's keep it going Colorado let's go come on baby come on come on let's keep it going he said uh what he say he said Colorado all line trash I mean it's it's only two games y'all but I I understand how you've been programmed so if you want to call him trash I'm I I'm cool with it do your thing but it's only game two you know I can see if it's game six this this is you this is who you are it's only game two man and remember they're Fair they're fairly new this on their second game live together 20 second game live together so you know it is what it is they got they got toughen up man got toughen up baby let's go let's do this come on toughen up toughen up let's go let's do this let's do this let's go down there and score baby let's go down there and score come on First and 10 first and 10 what we got what we got oh yeah oh yeah hit him hit him hit him come on shador get the ball out shador throw the ball got sacked again get the ball out of there shador just throw it out stop trying to be magical all the time soon as the pocket collaps throw the ball away come on Shor throw the ball away man soon as the pockets collap just throw it away bro just throw it away man you don't have to try to be Superman every time just throw the ball away now you got now it's second and 16 you didn't have to take that SA just throw the ball away come on brother no no man come on bro you didn't have to take that sack throw the ball away bro come on you you just messed up the momentum with that two the Packers collaps just throw the ball away bro do not try to be the hero like that just throw the ball away now now you took a sack now we got we got the six yards back but that was third and 10 come on man don't take sacks we cannot take sacks your door we cannot you have to throw the ball away bro got to throw the ball away got to throw the ball away man you have to throw the ball away let's see what he got let's see what we got look at that Blitz look throw see throw it away I don't again I don't understand what the play calling is you got to get the ball up there fast right so why why is there not plays for you to get the ball up there fast what are you doing yep a three and out y'all I mean not three and out we got a first down then they they did it again I told you you have to they're coming they com coming man they they coming you need a extra guy in there to help block our coach will not put an extra guy in there to block he won't do it they won't put he won't put an extra guy there to help block I don't understand why he won't do it that's why Shor had to try to that's why he got sacked he Tred to hurry up and get it out of there bro just throw the ball away bro that look like a catch yeah that look like a catch that look like a catch from Jimmy hold on they reviewing that look like a catch from Jimmy that might be a catch from Jimmy hit the like button y'all get the like button I can get up out of here I can get up out of here and come back it look like a catch from that's a catch man that's a catch yeah that's a catch that look like a catch man that look like a toe it look like a catch that look like a catch in slow motion that look like a catch is slow motion man come on baby give it to us come on give it to us come on referee give it to us man we need it we need a break man we need a break bro we need a break give it to us please I'm begging you I'm begging you give us give us that catch man give us that catch oh I think they giving us the catch wait is that giving us the catch h no they didn't give it to us no they didn't give it to us they didn't give it to us y'all nope they they say incomplete pass they didn't give it to us God damn uh who who you talking to I will keep talking just like the now you all hotti okay that's it get out of here bro now go go somewhere else we done with you okay we done with you we done get out byebye now talk now we done with you dog we we we done with you out here running your mouth did did we tell you shut up then we tell you I got the power around here now get out of here now we can't see you we can't where you at where you at where you at X hey X where you at where you at I'm going to keep talking di Dion fans is hiding well I'm I'm one of them and I'm right here so what are you talking about he a nobody hiding the game still on how we hiding if the game still on how we hiding if the game still on yeah yeah we we done with you get up out of here baby get up out huh huh where you at hey X where you at now where you at baby huh Hol if you hear me turn to Tupac Hol if you hear me shout out to Tupac rest in peace how if you hear me we can't we can't see you we can't hear you X where you at I left your heet yeah come on man X where you at H you hear me shout out to Tupac baby all right we we they got a commercial break our offensive coordinator he it's his fault y'all it's his fault right now man it's your fault Travis cook is Dion your stepdaddy no I think he your stepdaddy though I think you need to go ask you know what I'm saying your mom about about about Dion she'll tell you a little bit too about that neon Dion way back in the day he your stepdaddy though oh yeah you should go do the you should go do the the history timeline tell your mama to tell you to tell the truth about her and Dion relationship neon Dion BR sucker BR uh yeah so it's uh it's on the commercial right now get the likes up the to0 you know what I'm saying it's like to 20 I don't I don't know what's going on our our uh our offensive coach is just weird we look good he just start drawing up them dumbass plays he know we need protection every D and he want to do naked backfield naked backfield naked backfield naked backfield dude they're getting through the line so when you do have two downs where they don't get through the line the third down they gonna get through the line it's been like that all game oh it's okay no backfield uh nobody to help in the backfield naked backfield it's like I don't know man I don't know if we if I can see it and other people can see it I know he can see it why they so sturbing I don't know man we going we going to stick to the plays throw that Playbook away throw it away I don't know why you keep going to that same Playbook throw it away you need to have extra blocking for shador for the rest of the game Throw That Playbook away throw that plan away he won't won't do it he he he won't do it naked backfield y'all naked backfield they're blitzing they're getting through the line why are you doing naked backfield naked back fi y'all bro this looking like last year it's starting to feel like last year now y'all I'm sorry it's started feel just like last year it's like is offensive coordinator going to help shador live through this game or not are you gonna help him live he gotta we we need him for the rest of the season are you going to help shador live through this game like what are we doing uh you have a picture of a man uh Travis cook ain't nobody worry about you you should go ask your your mom about Dion so he could be your stepdaddy okay you should go find out the truth about that uh nope I don't know what you talking about you talking about something that nobody talking about damn the Big 10 conference 100 times worse than last year n it ain't worse man it ain't worse I think it's about even I think it's about even or maybe a little bit under I think it's about even a little bit under that's what I think it's about even or just a little bit under but other than that it's it's it's it's not it's not that much of a difference I I think Pack 12 was a little bit better in my opinion I think it was just a little bit better in my opinion but they it's about the same but I think pack TR just a little bit better though oh God offense I can't believe this offense I thought you was gonna come alive second half offense offense is it's over y'all this all they going to do they just milking the clock now all they got to do is milk the clock they up 28 to 3 just milk the clock they don't got to get no more first downs just milk the clock that's all they got to do is milk the clock man look at that block first down look at that look at that first down that's all they got to do milk the clock baby now just got a easy easy toss to the right easy easy screen screen to the left pass first down easy and I mean it was they called it out right there good block though they did they did good blocking that was good blocking right there downfield that's how they was able to get it we snipped it out but it was too it was good blocking man good blocking on that good blocking they got a first down out of that all they doing is looking the clock if you see what they doing they just milking the clock baby because they know we can't score look we can't stop the run look at that can't stop the run milk the clock just keep milking the clock hey old school football B old school football I told told y'all they was going to run that ball I told you old school football that's how you make the clock little Dink and dunk run the ball look look they taking their time they take they take their time to say hyp look at look at them they taking their time look at that I told you come on this is the offense right here offense need a whooping man offense need a whoop look at him offense offense while we getting beat like this it's your fault not the defense fault it's your fault this is this game on the offense y'all this game is definitely on the offense uh let's go Colorado what up what up baby where is Dion going uh Zach you're hilarious man you funny uh is is this hockey uh again you you could be you could be slow all you want to you you we don't care nothing about it uh they just ran the ball got the first down Nebraska they going to keep running the ball uh they they they're they're basically mocking us they daring us to stop them they just milking the clock all the way down cuz they know we can't score they just milking the clock all the way down the truth said see you was garbage hey man today today they definitely played like they played terrible today man they played terrible today you you I I can't be mad at that they play they play definitely terrible today Matthew cuser says corn corn on fire corn on fire bro popcorn all day popcorn corn on the C for everybody man can't be mad at that man hey come on that's holding oh hell no that's holding what the [ __ ] oh I'm G to say better throw that damn flag we had that M we had him better throw that damn flag man come on man defense playing great second half y'all I'm talking about great yeah throw the damn flag man come on baby offense this is really your fault today it ain't this is not defensive fault this is offensive fault while we getting beat up like this it is what it is baby what it is baby what it is baby hey that was a good catch one had to catch but by 17 that was fire but sorry 17 take it all the way back it was holding that was holding baby that was holding take it all the way back yeah that was holding man come on bro like come on man that was a good catch though y'all see that one-headed catch that he was running one-headed catch while he run it and put it in and go hey that hey some of these some of these receivers boy them onee headed catches it's money I give it to him come on y'all okay cool when what the [ __ ] is it what just happened another flag okay another flag uh Pat Mahomes little yeah that's his C that's Pat Mahomes little buddy right that's patoles little buddy right there shout out to patoles hey he throw he throw the ball sideways like him too okay another penalty that's another penalty let's go defense is doing good it's offensive fault while we get beat like this y'all where's that offense at where is that defense that's another penalty baby good job defense I told yall defense is showing up this second half they they showed up first half too but they they playing too much but the these F uh these what is it three three times out they about to get two three three and outs defense about to get three3 announced right now y'all offense only scored once well well I mean we still gota wait for this time but oh yeah look at that oh yeah how the hell you why would you let the did y'all see that why would you let the the uh the tight end run up the field like that who called that play everybody supposed to go black you're not supposed to Blitz on that play why would you Blitz on that play that's stupid you're supposed to drop every body back this dude really let a godd dang tight end the stupid defensive coordinator Blitz four people instead of just dropping everybody back and only doing three what are you there's nobody who covered the tight end oh my God you gotta be kidding me with this that was an easy three and out y'all easy three and out easy three and out why was a defensive coordinator cook that type of stupid play up it was like what it was like what third and 26 and you let him you let him get the first down oh my and then now did a trip play it did a trip play got the first down again stupid old defensive coordinator who told you to leave The God Who told you to to rush everybody no drop everybody it's like it was like third and 26 what the hell you doing stupid defensive coordinator man I'm hey this is sad bro this is crazy then they just got a first down off the end of the round they going to do another one look at that look at that good defense right there we had him three and out he going to let the he going to let the tight end just run up the field nobody cover him bro everybody drop back it's second and it's third and 26 what are you doing why would you r that many people why would you Blitz on Third and 26 yo hurry up game can we get this game over with man cuz the offensive defensive coach I mean come on defense was doing great into that the defensive coach was doing awesome until that till he drew that third down up but but why would you do that you drop everybody you drop everybody man you don't need to Blitz everybody on that [Music] play this game not only defense though this game is not on the defense I'm going say it again this game not on the defense it's on the offense uh uh uh no we not you gotta watch your mouth man why would you say p on Dion come on bro you people are sick you people are sick Bro people are sick uh Huskers uh he said fire Corn Huskers are hustling yeah they definitely are what are you looking looking for in a what man yep byebye see you see you byebye byebye head shot head shot head shot we had him three and out it's like second and 26 and he he going blit he going to Blitz why the hell would you Blitz on second and 26 bro what are you do it what would you do that for send everybody back only send three people I mean the tight end just ran up freely nobody covered the tight end bro nobody you mean nobody covered nobody covered the tight end even easy first down bro easy first bro no way that you play this good and you draw up don't no tight end nobody cover the tight end you drop you drop everybody man only send three they got they got to come on man just mess the momentum up bro we was doing good come on bro oh my God man now we got another injury got another injury bro this this game right here is I think I think Travis Hunter is kind of injured too I yeah hey it happens man it happens to the best of them eight games win at most uh Chanel TV hey hey hey that's how you that's how you rocking uh all right defense defense held him up again good hey shout out to cam good good read cam defense held him up again I this game is not on the defense the defense stopped him again this game is on the offense y'all this game is on the offense so if you want to go after anybody go after the offense man this is the offense fault defense stopped them again uh hard to get it get it get in a game playing together when you're beefing with reporters uh Travis cook again you a person that got no oxygen you brain so ain't nobody worri about that because you didn't say that when we won last week where was you at you one of those weirdos who show up every now and then when things are looking your way you didn't say that last week when we won why you didn't say it last week when we won see be consistent I don't like people like y'all you ain't making no Dam damn sense reporters ain't got nothing to do with this just straight up weirdo you a straight up weirdo uh what's the difference between uh nope see you byebye byebye bye-bye get out of here see you head shot head shot easy easy money bang bang Bango Bango head shot Bango byebye uh I did just not on this channel exactly so don't come over here running your mouth when you wasn't here running your mouth when we was when we won last week shut up no nobody want to hear nothing you talk about shut up uh Bryce says every great team faces adversity hey hey it's only the second game baby we got a lot of we got a lot of season to go I ain't worried about nothing you won't see me I ain't worried about nothing we got a long season to go I ain't worri about nothing I said 10 and two anyway I I said 10 and two if this is this one of them it is what it is hey he college football you rather lose early than lose late anywhere say it again in college football you rather lose early than lose late so I ain't worri about I ain't worri about it you know what I'm saying it's all good baby it's hey grow pains Growing Pains grow in pains you know what I'm saying it's all about growing pains I ain't hey I'm not wor it's all about growing pains baby it's all about gr uh Colorado winning no Colorado is not winning kado not winning uh it don't make uh if it don't make money it don't make sense uh okay 1998 okay uh if Colorado not winning then who is winning if Colorado not winning who winning you know who winning if Colorado not winning come on brother Trav 22 you want drugs okay that's it I'm done man you a we ain't going to keep keep disrespecting people bro get out get out see you later bro you ain't got you you can say you don't got to take somebody on drugs that's what's wrong with y'all Y do not know how to articulate yourselves you are so used to this talking Reckless that's what's wrong with y'all you're so used to talking Reckless you you don't have to disrespect people just cuz you disagree bye-bye go to another Channel now man see you go somewhere else go somewhere else so they let you disrespect them you own drugs all just say you disagree bro that's all you got to do that's all you got to do I got money on DM he whatever you say bro okay I mean they can't even articulate theel without being disrespectful that's how that's how sad they are byebye you can go somewhere else now man kadado really has to change up the game play hey man I know you see it I see it you see it I see it the offensive coordinator just running this just like I where is the the the package the protect package do yall remember there used to be a protection package for the quarterback where is it where's the protection package for the quarterb back in where is it man I have no idea oh they going for it on Fourth oh the disrespect they going for it on Fourth to 14 the disrespect hey fourth quarter y'all fourth quarter they going for oh no no they not my bad no they not they lined up like they was my bad let it Let It Go just Let It Go okay there it is all right defense great job today great job from first half to second half you guys played a phenomenal uh game as a whole offense I don't know who y'all is but y'all better y'all better find yourself because Colorado state is going to try to do the same thing okay okay defense great job offense I don't know who y'all is y'all better find y yourself quick because Colorado gonna try to do this Colorado State going to try to do the same exact thing BR they G to try to do the same exact thing y'all better not lose against no Colorado State so offense it's okay Growing Pains okay you gonna face a lot of teams like this down the stretch so I'm glad you got to deal with this early on your first two games are great tests after this game it's on y'all bet y it's on after this game y'all better come on y'all better come on offense come on defense played a great all game so far a great all around game offense this is your fault all day long look at that they should have been did that look at that look at that they did they did they did a ending round to Travis almost got a first down they should have been doing that that's all that that's all that Nebraska been doing you got to do the same thing you can't just sit there as a Sitting Duck no do motion do trick plays what are you doing it's crazy the offensive coordinator today man he he gonna wait till we down 28 28 28 to three and then try and then start doing this he waited till we down 28 to three now he want to start doing stuff like that boy I tell you boy I tell you boy I tell you this is sad man yep good good run play Third is it third and one third and one now come on Third and one but he he go to wait till we down 28 to three to start doing plays like that bro you should have been doing plays like that what are you doing I like scrap you should have been scra that Playbook should have been scra that that Playbook I don't know why he didn't he going to wait till fourth quarter down to the Ben scrap that Playbook bro why would you do that why would why would you do that I mean I guess I guess man I guess I don't know I don't know why why would they do that why would they try to do a sneak a sneak with Shor that's a big one yard they tried to do a sneak with shador and still lost they got to do it a quarterback sneak with a big one yard and didn't get it why just just run just run your running back man and the way shador the r shador attacked that that was that was like sad like bro get downfield why did you hesitate then try to get downfield should have B got downfield uh chador what the what the hell was that now it's a big it's a big first you got to get this first down come on man you should have ran the ball why would you do a quarterback sneak like that when your offensive line getting beat up look at that why would you run the ball right there when your offensive Line's getting beat up you should have passed the ball I told you I told you this dude is doing bad coaching why would you not run the ball on the third down that was common sense but on the fourth down you try to run the ball knowing that they you can't stop them from from getting oh my God but but boy boy why would you run the ball right there why when you know you can't stop them from getting be why would you do that shador is supposed to sh shador why would you give him the ball when the dude's behind the line shador is supposed to take that ball out why would you give it to him shador shador why would you give him the ball when you seen him freely get there and you still gave him the ball come on Shor there's no way you should have gave him that ball there's no way you should have gave him that damn ball bro come on bro come on you should have snatched that ball out that was an easy roll out first down snatched the ball out easy why would you still give him the ball when he had a free range he didn't even get blocked that linebacker didn't get blocked and you still gave Charlie the ball you seen it why would you give him the ball that was an easy tuck roll out first down come on bro come on man this this is unbel this is crazy this is crazy this this offense I don't know who y'all is I'm glad it's early though get all this stuff out early in the year offensive coordinator and offense who are y'all right now I don't know all they doing is running the ball look at that that's all they doing running the ball because they know you can't score they know you can't score they know you can't score they ain't even trying to score no more dog cuz they know you can't score it hurts oh man it hurts man it hurts they know it don't make no sense for the offensive coordinator to be this dang what's the word what's the word y'all what's the word I'm looking for why is the offense so uh what's the word y'all help me out incompetent incompetent you are offensive coordinator you can't you don't know how to call audibles come on man come on man come on bro there's no way you don't know how to keep keep people there to help your door you're not going you're not going to you don't got no blocking package for shador dog you are a officer coordinator you ain't got no protection package for shador you ain't got it I remember back in the day it was if stuff get crazy they had they throw out the protection package for their quarterback where is the protection package bo uh uh uh uh uh boy I tell you boy boy I tell you we should have definitely scored on that drive nope same old same Mo y'all he go he go run the ball twice why would you run the ball twice knowing that the offensive line can't hold up why would you do that you're supposed to run it on third down with Charlie or Hayden off the tackle and if you need another yard you pass the ball a quick out to the uh Travis hunter or whoever else come on man he going to run the ball on fourth down and get blew up boy boy shador I can't believe shador gave him the ball I'm like shador you supposed to take you supposed to snatch that ball out and then roll out first down why would you give Charlie the ball what I I hey I don't know what's going on today I don't know look at that defense held him up again defense stopped him again defense stopped him again what's that four or five in a row what's that four or five in a row defense stopped him imagine if he scored three times already imagine if he scored 17 points imagine put 17 on three what's that 2028 oh it's getting spooky now it's getting spooky defense stopped them again that imagine having 17 points that's 2028 it's getting spooky out here goddamn offensive coordinator man the offensive coordinator yo you need you need hey you need I don't know what's wrong with you man I don't know what's wrong with defense shout out to the defensive coordinator shout out to the defensive players you guys are playing a magnificent game a whole game offense this is your fault and y'all better not say nothing about the defense this is all on offense baby offensive coordinator offensive line I don't want to hear I don't want to hear nothing about no defense defense held defense is whole on baby God damn it man why would you why would you hit the kicker why would you hit the kicker bro you just gave him a first down wait let me see let me see something let me see something let me see something okay now he didn't hit the kicker no no no no it's not it's not a it should not be a flag it should not be a flag it should not be a flag it should not be a flag he tipped the ball he tipped the ball W he blocked it he blocked the punt he blocked the punt that should not be a flag that should not be a flag that should not be a flag shout out to the defense baby who who is that is that uh is that BJ green was that BJ green was that BJ green who did that shout out to the defense man shout out to the defense hey I we blocked the punt y'all that should not be a flag we blocked the punt shout out to BJ green we should not we that should not be a flag pick your flag back up that should not be a flag man that should not be a flag that should not be a flag man oh my God oh my goodness oh my goodness the defense man the defense showed up today y'all shout out to the defense baby huh defense man hold him to 28 points so far only 28 only 28 the defense have showed the defense a lot of love Shadow defensive coordinators a lot of love they showed up they number one safety out they they starting linebacker out it didn't matter I told y'all man I told you once we get it together as a as a team we gonna be dominating everywhere so I'm happy week two it's okay let's go all right let's get all of this all this unexperienced out the way let's get it out the way let's get it out the way man I told y'all once we figure it out oh my God I told you once we start to figure it out as a whole team offense and defense we put it together big TW the Big 10 the Big 12 gonna be in trouble man okay our defense continued who they was from last week they have continued that offense did not continue that we would have been winning we would have been winning about now if the office was doing the same thing all right it's all hey it is what it is but shout out to the def hey we got something to smile about we got something to smile about the defense baby the defense looks like everything collapsed online online Run game no uh just they they didn't they didn't run the ball that many times they didn't even try to run the ball that many times so I I'm not going to even say the Run game wasn't in effective they didn't really try it they they didn't really consistently try it I should say uh o line This is on the o line baby this is definitely on the o line lante wrestlers dropped three first downs so he got he got think he got to uh think about that uh but that's it offensive line they they they didn't give Shido enough time to uh hit the receivers man that that's all it is but our defense baby what defense man this this could have been easy a 45 45 to three game but it's only 28 shout out to the defense man shout out to the defense look at that ran the ball ran the ball got a first down why would you wait till the fourth quarter when you down 28 to three to just run the ball why would you do that I told you I told you how do we know if if we can run the ball if you just do it once every every blue moon we just got a first down off the run right there just got a first down come on man let's go score a touchdown bro let's go score least at least Let's Lose by six points or something come on man that was a bad snap that was a horrible snap that was a horrible goddamn snap what the hell was that that snap was horrible what the hell come on bro Jordan Cen got hey Jordan C just got beat come on Jordan C I know you're a freshman bro but you got to Jordan Cen I know you're a freshman man but come on player come on player come on Jordan Cen come on man can't let him can't let him beat you like that baby come on yeah that snap was horrible got got my boy killed off that snap oh my goodness got him got him good catch by Travis good catch by Travis first down first down first down first down first down good catch by Travis he could have ran that ball but you know shador don't like R shador could have ran no they had a spot they had a QB spot never mind good pass good pass right there good catch by Travis good throw good throw and good catch by Travis good job man is that Travis or was that J5 that might have been J5 no that's Travis yeah Travis got 110 yards y'all 10 reception TR would have been dogging him if if he had that time he would been dogging him bro go go slide down there you go hey you got to know how to slide bro shador you got to slide man you got to slide bro we trying to tell you man you got to slide they going to try to take your head off Shor you have to slide bro come on man yep shador might be out the game yo Shor might be out the game that's it right there slide targeting that should be targeting too no no no he did have to slide that's targeting yep that's targeting right there yeah that's targeting he better he better get hit for targeting because shador did Slide N shador did slide that extra dude that's targeting that's targeting right there come on I gotta be targeting right there yep come on man targeting targeting come on it shouldn't take you that long let's go come on or UNS Sports Pol like conduct whatever you want to call it if it ain't targeting it's definitely unportable likee conduct if it ain't Target exactly if it ain't Target it's definitely unsportsmanlike conduct definitely that's right throw that flag let's go baby let's go get this touchdown let's go get this touch down baby oh it's targeting that's targeting byebye okay if they do that to our guy our guy did the same type of hit except it was a helmet and helmet too you went you you hit all helmet you hit all helmet while he slay and then sometime it's hard I know I you probably didn't mean it you probably didn't mean it but it is what it is baby you got to get out the game too Trevor Woods got to get out you got to get out oh yeah that oh yeah when you see from that angle when you see from that angle oh yeah oh yeah get get up out of here that's targeting baby that's that's targeting baby you got to go you gotta you got to get out of here you got you got to get up out of here man you got to go wait they they got to review it again they got to review it again oh don't know they they had to go do another review hey I'm happy this happened earlier this year they they now they know okay now they know they bet they better get it together they got they better get it together boy but they going to get it together though shout out to the defense man shout out to the defense respect to the defense man this game it could have been easy 45 40 a 40 Burger but defense came through let's see let's see if we can score right here shout out to Jimmy with the catch that should have been what you call that neck was that neck tie that should have been a neck tie tackle what's that what's that collard good block good block by Travis good block by Travis that's great blocking by Travis actually touchdown leonte wer touchdown touchdown Leon rester finally y'all finally we got in the end zone with a catch with a throw and with a catch oh my gosh with a throw and with a catch that that was crazy right there with a throw with a catch it's okay y'all it's all right we know what our offense really is we know what type of fire power we got it's okay we know what type of fire power we got y'all we know what type of fir power we got don't worry they going to get it together offensive line y' y'all got a lot of work to do baby y'all got to go look at y yourself in the mirror and y'all got to say I got to be dominant every week I got to dominate my guy uh uh uh what you call that offensive coordinator you got to learn how to call Ables before you get down by 2128 to zero come on man there's no way you should have been doing these type of plays a long time ago what the hell's wrong with you man oh my goodness all right y I'll be back man I'll be back uh when the game is over yeah I'll be back when the game is over all right I'm done I'll be back when the game is over peace

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