Ole Miss' Defensive Line Could Dominate This Season | Michael Katz recaps Fall Camp

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:19:56 Category: Sports

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Intro you are locked on Old Miss your daily podcast on the Old Miss Rebels part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks again for making the locked on Miss podcast your first listen every day we're free and available wherever you get your podcast including YouTube we are part of the locked on podcast Network your team every single day hello I'm Steven Willis from the locked onus podcast he is Michael from the north Miss Northeast Mississippi T below Daily Journal and Michael fall Camp was here and it was gone almost before we knew it yeah it actually did go by um extremely fast I was actually thinking about yesterday I was like wait what day did we start and then I looked and I was like oh wow this is this is really this is really it but that means football is here I've already looked at the zero we schedule and circled the Delaware state Hawaii game at 10:5 9 p.m. central Time I don't know how I'm going to get it I might have to put some tin foil on my uh on on my TV and and try to get it that way but uh I will be watching them all well the problem with that is if you're going to stay up that late Delaware State missed their flight out of New York to get to honol Lulu and so it's still up on the air up in the air if they're going to be able to make it out there what because it is an FCS program so what a what what what I mean it is like the perfect weig zero mess though yes it absolutely is and then you have to remember that Vandy put a 60 Burger on Hawaii two years ago so yeah yeah yeah yeah it's it's but again it's uh you know it's the same reason I have preseason football on the background on Thursdays and stuff it's it's something it's on keeps me busy oh yeah it's the the sound of football that it whenever that Rhythm of the play byplay and the Huddle and everything going on it does just make everything less anxious that's going on unless it's your team you're watching your team and you're rooting that way but if like whatever the week Zero game between Florida State and Georgia Tech is on I'm gonna be much more at peace during that game than I normally it's just that Cadence that voice oh yeah no it's gonna be great and it is it is nice watching games uh knowing that you don't have any uh you know I don't have one to cover later in the day so I can just hang out be uh you know eat some garbage and and just enjoy Fall Camp Takeaways so what were your takeaways from Fall Camp it was a weird fall Camp because it was that Kinder gentler fall Camp everybody's worried about Rashad Amos and that's one of the storylines is like well he obviously hasn't climbed up the depth chart well he's a Bruiser he's a thumper if this was an old school two a day type practice where you just beat the heck out of each other Rashad Amos might look a whole lot different than basically simulating a practice yeah no and and and Lane made that pretty clear I think it was on the first day when he said you know they're kind of doing that promodel sort of thing of just don't you don't want to be the team that gets a guy hurt right now and it happens all over the country uh it's happened a couple of time two Texas's running backs have already gone down um you know you just don't want it to happen you don't ever want it to happen but before the season even starts is especially rough um yeah I mean it's and again especially for you know the portions that we watched it was even less of like it it was so hard to tell like what was what Football Team's Defensive Strategy because it's it's drills uh it's it's you know a little bit of hand hitting but not a ton of contact it's hitting bags and and it's running routes against pretty loose coverage but I will say that at least and this isn't surprising um and it seems to have been the theme of the of the two scrimmages they had um is just that defensive line is as good as we thought it was going to be um you know it's one thing to to bring in guys like Prince Le Mani Allen and and Welter Nolan and when you already have Jared iy and and JJ beiges and all these guys uh you it all looks good on paper but you never really know how it's it's G to look until it's actually in action and it sounds like that group gave uh Miss's offensive line which is also retooled uh some problems and this probably a double-edged sword because let's be honest except for a couple games you're probably not going to see defensive lines as talented as the one that you're going against in practice and that probably makes everybody better but uh you know they probably like the offensive line to maybe have done a little bit better but I think if anything it really it it just speaks to how athletic and deep that that defensive front is and I had somebody Football Team's Offensive Line reach out to me um over text and everything trying to explain something they've heard because I mean you understand whenever people know something they they they try to reach out and let you know but the thing that reached out to me and I just want to see if you've heard this similar thing is there's a good chance that four out of the five starters on the offensive line are the newcomers yeah I mean it's it's it's again it's it's hard because you know a lot of guys in black jerseys and and again they're they're moving they're rotating a lot of stuff during the times that we see but there have been a lot of instances when you look out there and it looks like you know when Jackson Dart is under Center and Trey Harris is receiver and it's it looks like a first team offense there's a lot of new guys um on that offensive line um yeah I mean I I I I mean there's times when it's you know dcoin Scott Diego pounds and the two Washington guys I mean it's it it really is um I I wouldn't be surprised if that's how it goes you know it's again it's hard to gauge when uh you know I feel like they probably already know what they have from the guys that are coming back and they're probably still trying trying to figure out what they have in the new guys but um I mean if those are if if the new guys are your best players like you got to play him you know you can't be afraid to hurt feelings so um you know having depth and and starting experience is is really good and important but I think ultimately you know Charlie Weiss Jr and Lane and and John Garrison are gonna do what's best for the team on that front for sure yeah I I agree with that um but if you're hearing something similar to that and yeah it's one of those things because he did mention also there's almost a hockey line change mentality with them that they're they're they're talking like they're gonna play more players this year which that makes sense yeah and and Charlie Weiss said that um you know he was asked about that you know you always think about like a a solid five and of course in a perfect world they can play every snap but that's just not how it works and uh you know they you know they rotated like seven or eight guys last year and then guys got hurt and that depth was really really shortened so I think that in the perfect world at least from what Charlie from what it sounded like they would love to have seven or eight guys that can rotate in um and not have that sort of drop off have you guys talked to Brian Brown this fall we have not the only um I think we the only assistants we've gotten are are are are ped and in Charlie yeah we haven't gotten any uh position group The reason I bring that Transfers in the Safeties Room up is there's been a ton of transfers that came into basically the safeties room um like Yan Banks and Lewis Moore and all of those guys but I did a video last week of two names that nobody is talking about and that is John Saunders and Trey Washington have you heard anything about those guys I mean I I see him out there and and you know there there's Proof of Life they're definitely out there uh it's it's actually funny um I don't know if you seen but John Saunders completely cut his hair his hair was pretty long um last year and and we had media days and I didn't recognize him I was like who is this and someone was like that's that's John Saunders I was like oh my God like I'm so sorry John um but no he's uh he's you know again I think you know what you have with him and Trey I think you know and especially in this this Pete Golding um you know defense versatility and rotation seems to be really important having guys being able to play a lot of different spots I feel like they know pretty well what they have in Saunders and nickel and and and uh and Trey you know at safety and I think those guys can sort of move around and uh but yeah I mean when you've got all of these new guys again the you know Amos at corner and Turnage who has experience at safety and nickel as well and then like you said Yan Banks and and you know uh Lewis Moore and key Lawrence you have all of these new guys uh I think you know if anything you're probably trying to figure out where they best fit and there's probably no better time to do it than uh before it really starts to matter thanks again for making the lock onus podcast your first listen every day when we come back we're going to turn the page a little bit towards Ferman and we're also going to talk about backup quarterbacks with talking with Michael whenever we come back but first I do want to let you know hey Miss fans I want to take a moment to give you a heads up on a brand new mobile game that I think you're going to love as much as I do it's called ultimate college football head coach HC in this amazing game and simulation you get to step into the shoes of a head coach and lead your college football program to Glory can you imagine actually being the head coach of ol Miss from recruiting players to hiring coaching staff to overseeing tr training camp or school scholarships you control every crucial detail of your program it's all in your hands will you be able to handle the pressure and here's what I really love 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everybody wants to see but it's not going to necessarily provide a win or loss challenge if there if it does you got a whole another set of questions at that point but before we move into that game one of the main things that I think the whole Miss fan base wants to see they want this game to be a blowout they want to get Jack dart out of the game they want a quarterback to come in Off the Bench and see who that is who do you think that quarterback will be you know again it's we we only see so much but just from what we see I mean you know maybe it goes seniority for for Walker Howard but Austin Simmons has looked pretty good um he seems uh you know at least in talking to to other people on the beat um you know again we don't we don't necessarily know anything but Austin Simmons seems like he might be ahead but at the same time uh you never really know what's going through their heads but uh Austin has has been has been really impressive and you know the talent has always has been there he's you know I know they're worried about his arm with with the baseball stuff but it's he's got plenty of zip on that thing um you know it's that and that that is again uh you're not probably worried about the win loss in that game but you know who steps up at quarterback uh behind Jackson might really be the the biggest storyline from that game but if I had the guess you Walker Howard might be the first guy like Off the Bench maybe you know could be like a Luke almeer kind of thing where the guy who's been here longer uh you know gets gets the first crack at it but I I at least for me personally um I think Austin Simmons has put himself in a really good spot yeah that that's what I've heard as well I'm really interested about that like I said there's keys in this game but it's not win loss keys for Ferman Miss is going to win this game it's they're going to win it pretty handily and furman's a good FCS program they're they're a playoff team in FCS I just don't think it's going to matter um potentially what are the other keys that you think that om needs to get an answer to the question against fman I mean I Ole Miss Football Team Strategy Against Furman think it's it's it's maybe figure out I don't and again I don't know if you figured out completely against fman but like what does your running back rotation look like who who and again I know it's situational and and Mercer is not going or sorry Ferman is not you know the SEC teams you are going to play later but um you know is it is it is it Bentley out there getting the majority of the carriers because he is the guy who's been here for a few years or do you really try to switch it up and see what you have in in in in that entire room with Amos and and and Henry Parish I think that's interesting then two uh they brought in some new receivers too um you know obviously you've got juice Wells is one that we all talk about but you know Micah Davis just got here um he's a guy who's played a lot of football um so I again I listen you know what you're getting from Trey Harris you know what you're getting from Jordan Watkins uh you know what you're getting from from from Kaden prorn uh what you know this might be a good time to figure out what you have in some of these other receivers and your younger receivers like Aiden Williams and Kaden Lee you know Kaden Lee came on really strong last year he looked really really good uh and he kind of gets lost in the shuffle same with Aiden Williams who was you know a an elite uh talent coming out of high school you know those guys can still play it's just a question of like what is what is their role and I think that maybe you learn more about that uh when you see them you know when the bullets start flying and the rule changes as well is it g to be weird to see a two-minute warning in college football yeah no that actually uh that that really caught me off guard in the NCAA game I like totally forgot it was a thing and then I was like two minute warning like what happening here and I was like oh no that's a thing that's actually about to to happen it's like every time I see the new NFL kickoff I'm like oh this is a thing that I have to get used to now uh yeah no it's there are and you know also like how's the headset stuff going to work I'm really curious to see how that works and how you respond to like what happens if the headsets go down do you have the the backup plan ready to go right away with the signals and signs and all that stuff there's there's a lot of new things you not just Personnel wise that uh first couple games I think it's going to be really interesting you think um almost Potential New Jerseys for Ole Miss breaks out the new new jerseys against Ferman oh it's it's a fan wear white game yeah I mean I I could see it I just again it's really hard to know what what what what they're doing or what they have planned but uh they do look pretty I mean they're if if you're G to have the fans dressed that way you might as well have the team kind of matching them and they've you know they've the vid the the video game already has New Jersey's in there too I know people are really excited for him so you know again it's it's fman it's I know it's the first game of the year but maybe not the most hype around this specific game be a way to get people you know even more excited for it and the last time you viewed practice there was a helmet change wasn't there they were in white yes yes yes there was uh yeah no it's uh it's again it's it's it's wardrobe change Seasons so yeah I didn't even realize it at first but yeah no they did have a they had different hel so it's it's they're getting they're probably getting used to wearing them for the first game you know yeah and now watch they'll come out in in navy blue that honestly I'm I'm I'm gonna be weird I think the probably the best looking strip that they have other than their normal traditional Reds and blues because those are my my favorite but I love the navy blue helmet with the all-white shirt Jersey and pants what they wore against Auburn a year ago I I think that is just a great looking uniform got a lot of options they got a lot of options so uh you know they and they use them yes yes yes no I know there's a lot of home games you got to use them all yeah thanks again for making the lockd onas podcast your first listen every day we're free and available wherever you get your podcast including you to we're part of the lockon podcast Network your team every single day Michael catch from the Northeast Mississippi tupo Daily Journal Michael what have you got going on this week as it transitions over to game week yeah it's again it's crazy that the preseason stuff is over we start actual uh gameweek uh stuff on Monday so that's kind of exciting but uh I I don't want to give too much away but I got a really cool feature coming out uh for game day that is I I I write a lot of like player Centric uh stories this one is not that it's it's it's a very different one for me it's it's it's a little bit more nebulous but uh really excited with how it turned out and I think uh I think fans are going to like it other than that we're going to have a lot of preview stuff just looking it you know the lineups uh you know what what Ferman does well I always try to reach out to a beat writer from the other team so you know we're going to reach out to them and and see you know what I can learn uh so at least I'm not going into the game completely uh completely oblivious to what's about to happen yeah it's Crossover Episode with Joe DeLeón absolutely nuts because um tomorrow as we record this on Thursday tomorrow I'm actually doing my crossover episode for next Thursday um with um Joe Deon to talk about the fman paladins you know so that that's pretty cool yeah but yeah I look forward to it let me know the link and everything I'm glad to retweet that out um I'm looking forward to it man sounds good man I appreciate you it's almost football season we we made it we made it we we willed it for six months and it's finally here yes appreciate it Bud all right thanks man

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