let's BL Rank 10 fighs based on how overrated they are SRO gone is he overrated um nah I think we know what to like we know he's like probably the best heavyweight Striker you know I'm going say six I don't think he I think he's not that overrated I'll be real Brandon Moreno he's not he's not overrated seven he had a bad last fight though I'll be real Dustin porier to be fair right now he did get knocked out by Justin gatei and beat BSD a bum he's a little bit over it I'm say four then got Destro by Islam so far Reni Couture five kind of overrated to me a little bit darush nine even though he's be losing he still he slept on enanu eight underrated definitely underrated people sleep on him Demetrius Johnson two they can't name me four demet Johnson wents are good overing three his steroids made him a little overrated uh gatei 10 I think he's fairly rated who's the most overrated let me see y perfect oh my God I I can't put it number one but you guys know yayer is number one