Coach Prime OWNING Sean Keeler, and Previewing the Colorado Buffaloes with Jason Watkins
Published: Aug 13, 2024
Duration: 02:12:26
Category: Sports
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no oh no there he is I'm here were you busy hey man not much bro how's it going it's going well excited for football to finally be here man ah me too me too man it's so much trash talking and all kinds of other stuff going on and uh man I had to get you in here to talk a little bit you know you're you're hearing so much stuff coming out it's it's always the lightning rod coming out of Colorado these days um yes of course last week you know you had coach Prime in there refusing to answer questions from certain people and uh you know and then didn't you just I just saw a video from you I think it was from yesterday wasn't it where they they made that that columnist leave yeah yeah they just skipped over his question you know it's again I understand that when Deion Sanders is your coach you're like just these things are going to be talked about more but um you know I I was never expecting coach Prime to just be a media darling his entire time here you know that doesn't really sense but it's it's funny the different the different battles I guess that you could say that he's had with different media members some of them I understand more than the others I think the the biggest one and again it's uh I I find it pretty funny is just this guy from The Denver Post Sean Keeler um just has again he he came out with an article after the season ended he's been ripping for a while he called he called him a snake oil salesman and it's like hey like I understand if you just look at a 4 and8 season uh isolated like how you can but you gotta you gotta look at the starting point for this program and even though we ended things on a six-game losing streak you cannot call him that that is ridiculous word that is lacking amongst college football fans and and media types and it's the word nuance yes there's it's the word nuance we were just talking about uh QB controversy that isn't in Norman right now because of a [ __ ] practice one practice that Jackson Arnold struggled in CU and and why did he struggle because they probably have the best defense in the country right now yeah and this is he's only going into his second year right his first year playing context context context another good word yes it's so crazy right now I will say this I found it so kind of surprising with the CBS deal now and I wanted to ask you about that there's a couple questions I have for you that aren't going to involve this cuz I could give a [ __ ] but the CBS deal um that seems weird because don't they like pay to have his show or whatever like his coach's show I know I know and that's that's what was kind of weird about it now what a lot of some of the outlets that have talked about this I feel they're they're kind of splicing up the whole um the whole comment that he made because even though he said he's not answering that question he went on to say like hey this isn't about you I respect you right but it was clear that coach Prime is trying to make a point um he chose to make that point during then I'm not totally sure what the CBS stuff is uh regarding I know that uh Philip Dukes on on3 had a video that I haven't watched yet but um I I don't think it has initially what I thought and a lot of people thought was that it just had to do with the article him BR being ranked the second worst coach in the Big 12 I think it has to do more with the sh stuff yeah yeah but everybody reported on the Shiloh stuff though that doesn't so I don't know I need to watch that Philip duk's video and maybe that will provide some more context but coach Prime did quote tweet that video from Philip Duke saying like thank you this is what apparently this just something deeper going on but it was kind of strange to I I will admit to pick to uh pick on a local CBS guy to try and make a point to the greater I guess CBS what do they care about the affiliate they don't yeah you know what I mean yeah yeah it it was a little odd but again it wasn't about cvs4 Coach Prime wanted to make a point about CBS and that's the route that he took yeah I get it I get it look you don't have to agree with it I mean it's it's and I don't I I would say that I I think that's a little I don't necessarily have a problem with what he was talking about with Sean you know same here that's what I care more about guy a freaking a snake oil salesman what do you expect him to act like the next time you see him then he came out and said he gave a I think his article on Saturday was coach Prime had a 4 and eight season but he gave a three and N press conference and then yeah he showed up tried to ask a question waren sap on Tuesday and the the guy from CU running the question said next question you know can't just show up with a smile on his face and show up and go talk to coach Prime about it work it out yeah yeah because it's odd it's odd and that's kind of been his whole thing is I again it's shocking when you find out that he went to got his journalism degree from Northwestern the types of articles that he writes for both the Broncos and Buffs I'm not a fan of I think he does terrible work and he's uh he's an embarrassment to to to that program two Northwestern two people like Michael wilbon and and others uh Talking Heads I think uh you know he's kind of an embarrassment so I I feel like he's finally getting some of the karma that he's been due to get for a very long time since he moved out here yeah as a I've never been a columnist out of newspaper I've been in a lot of newspapers um columnist jobs are to kind of hold the feet to the fire on and always take that angle because and it happens Everywhere by the way there's a lot of columnists in the Oklahoma I mean how many folks in here uh out of you Oklahoma fans how many are are fans of Barry traml I'm GNA tell you there's going to be very few that say yes here uh he's been dogging on Oklahoma a lot lately too which is kind of weird but I think all in all I think I think coaches definitely they get their feathers ruffled by columnist easily you know and I get it Bill pl's been taking Lincoln to the Woodshed a lot lately too which is and rightfully so so you know it is what it is but it's you know whatever it's uh yeah see who that person doesn't exist that's uh [Laughter] right yes yes yes call him a false prophet as well okay guys again I'm not I'm not I'm not getting I'm not taking this guy's side I'm just letting you know that it's you know there's a it almost it seems to me here's what I would always say about that the more that you do that the more that you fight with the company that buys ink by the barrel the less uh it doesn't usually go well for the coach in that situation you're bet you're almost better off just to let it go yeah but there's but knowing Prime he's not going to do that so he's G it's going to be how it is you know he's going to say what he has to say and I and I don't necessarily have a problem with that it's all good I I think a lot of people can get confused of if you have a bad relationship with the media um at large that means that you know the program that you're running is a total mess I I think it's I I think it could be couldn't be further for the truth I don't think yeah again coach Prime's ever going to be a media darling when when it comes to answering the tough questions or dealing with some of these guys but um you can't make his statements with the media uh or or you can't judge how the program how the team actually is based off of his responses with the media and I think that's what a lot and I don't I don't have a problem with that but I'm I'm not going there with that first off though big LT would they do Stoops or any other coach the way they do Prime yes yes they would yes they would because nowadays they're doing it to BV and he won 10 games last year you're hearing it all over the SEC how he's not me to be a head coach this happens you know why they do it for clicks this is as easy I can make it for you is that this is all for clicks yes Sabin to yes Sabin to there's crazy fans everywhere there's in look when Sabin hey Miss Terry even got on Sabin whenever he got on to uh what's her name from ESPN that time when he ripped on her ass at halftime even they got on sabin's ass it happens it happens man in the end you know I I don't have a problem with the way that Dion's backing you know he's going to back up his players and you should do that it close ranks now and and do your job do your job yep um speaking of doing your job now let's talk a little bit about this obviously 4 and8 season a lot of people you know I I've said this a bunch I think that the goalpost move when they beat TCU nobody expected them to beat TCU they go out what a game great football game and so they win that one they end up beating Nebraska the next week and then they beat Colorado State now all of a sudden they're three and 0 and you expected a lot more they only won one more game after that but I understand where people were like hey look you know I well here's what I don't understand is the expect should never have gotten as high as they did but once they didn't they only won one more game then now you start hearing about how terrible it is the the fact of the matter is that program wasn't in in great shape when he got there no no no and a lot of people again want to look at last year's a failure whereas that team is trash no no you didn't watch the team prior like it was still a much better team than what we had two years ago yeah and they there was games that they probably should have won L on in the season as well you know um the UCLA game they had chances to be in that one hell they damn near beat USC and should have beaten USC but they should beaten Arizona until the clock expired like and you you were in it you were in the Utah game too and nobody thought you were going to be in that game Battle of the backup quarterbacks that was a fun game man but yeah it was it was good to see us hang in there with Utah they're my upset it's uh it's biased whatever I'm calling it we finally get the monkey off our back we finally beat Utah for the first time in quite a while this year that's that's my hope yeah uh let's see all right hey guys I'm not going to put these things up on the screen if you guys are going to be just dogging on it you're gonna have to pay to get that one up there all right because I'm gonna ask questions if you're G to want that one up there that one's GNA cost you come on Neo I know that you're not the big coach Prime fan but don't let's let's have some respect for my my God Dave all right talk to me about this who's the best position group in your opinion right now for CU because obviously there you know the thoughts have to be to at least make a bowl game I think that they're expecting a little bit more within the team I think you have to say that if you're coach Prime myself I think if they win six games it's it's a success yeah yeah oh yeah no doubt let's let's get to that bowl game I think right now our strongest position uh it's it's still the wide receiver group I feel I would love to say it's it's the offensive line maybe that's going to take another year before we're we're having that sort of conversation but I I I love where we're at we have a great mix of proven veteran uh talent that will be here for this year and so you're talking receivers is probably the the best group and that was kind of what I figured yeah yeah yeah yeah the receivers and I think they're better than than what we had last year in terms of depth I think that you saw once Travis Hunter got hurt um we had Omari Miller have that Breakout game again one of the biggest questions is you know why did he get like four targets after that for the rest of the season um and a little weird right yeah kind of weird but it did after Travis Hunter went down it did kind of show our uh lack of lack of highend talent there at the at the position so yeah we've brought in Cordell Russell from TCU who's a big body uh he'll pair really well with Omari Miller we got of course will Sheard and lante Wester these are seniors coming in from Vanderbilt and FAU respectively that I think are going to be really good and then yeah that also puts a spot uh or puts Jimmy horn in a spot to where I don't think he'll attract the the most attention from you know defensive players or defensive coordinators I think that he could have still have a really good year this year even with the added competition and yeah I'm I'm I'm feeling very good and we even got guys like Dron Miller that have been really impressing during fall Camp a true freshman uh coming in here that you know people closer to the team than myself are saying that yeah you shouldn't be surprised to see him on the field this year so uh plenty of weapons are we gonna give shador enough time to throw in a run game to uh you know to balance things off of that's going to be the the real question and we we'll get a glimpse of that here in about two weeks yeah no doubt no doubt I I figured that was probably where you're going and what's up there coach I good to see you in here as well um I I figured that's where you're going but I so I guess my next question is are we gonna see I don't know if it's the right way to put this question or not let me put it this way does Travis Hunter have to play every down this year for CU to be successful or because I think he's gonna but does he have to I I feel like with Omarian Miller and some of those other guys they probably don't have to so yeah do you see them possibly you know trying to preserve him a little bit well that would that would be my hope it seems like everything that we've heard uh thus far has been what we were getting last year of just that Travis is going to play as often as he can which is uh which is wonderful it's a lot of fun I do think if if I'm looking particularly at Travis and his future outside of the team uh you know he he needs to get through a a season of college football completely healthy that's going to be a knock on him come the NFL if he has his third straight season of of you know missing multiple games and so the the way that I'd want to take it is hey maybe you have him more in there on two minute and third down at wide receiver playing him full-time at corner because we definitely need him there but I think we got enough depth to supplement to spell him a little bit more on the offense but uh all indications right now are that that's not going to be the thing but I think at minimum I want to have him out there two-minute Drive third Downs like his chemistry with shador is still above or on another level compared to the other players that we have it's it's special but yeah that's going to be one thing that I'm keeping my eye on is how many snaps they have him playing I would love to bring it down a little bit just because yeah you could say the Henry Blackburn hit from Colorado state was a was a freak thing it was a dirty hit all of that but when you're playing a 100 snaps you leave yourself open to those moments coach has talked about that a lot when we were talking about that before that even happened and he was like look man you're not you can't play the guy 120 snaps and expect him to stay healthy yeah I get it that he's a stud I get it that you probably want him in situationally at least in fact I mean if he's your best player on the team then yeah you want him in I get it um but I think that you have another enough guys receiver wise and from what I can tell from him and I thought this last year that he didn't have to be in every play it just didn't it wasn't necessary so to me probably more important that he's always playing cornerback though to me because that was where they struggled as well this kind of the next I mean obviously running back situation which would be another thing that would help kind of keep sh upright you know I know the the the offensive line has been the biggest question for for Colorado um I you brought in Phil lole as you know the offensive line coach we know a lot about him for as far as Oklahoma fans are concerned there's a lot of love there you you got the number one left tackle in the country one of the top players in the country in the high school recruiting looks like you've picked up some guys along the way what are the expectations there and what are your expectations as as far as the running game's concerned this year especially when you lost a guy like Dylan Edwards yeah yeah Dylan Edwards and a guy that we've been waiting for for a while uh that he's goingon to get his first snaps back with Arizona State and Alton mcell you know we got a a pretty much a a new room when it comes to scholarship players we've elevated our uh walk-on for the past few years Charlie offered all to a scholarship spot but we brought in down Hayden from Ohio State Isaiah Augusta from AR canas I I think that those two backs are going to be the guys getting the majority of the split um throughout the throughout the season these guys are uh you know five 11 six feet I I believe uh over 200 pounds so they should be able to provide a three down skill set uh it really just comes down to pass protection I think is what's going to dictate uh who who is getting on the field more than the other but um offensive line I feel so much better about the offensive line again when we're having these conversations at this point last year Jason My Hope and my expectation was that we're getting average offensive line play right uh we we were so far away from that this past year right maybe I was just a year early with a lot of my expectations I want us to get to average like that's just where I want our offensive line play to get to I think Phil old Hol is doing a great job and I think he's going to get us there uh Jordan Sean I think has looked pretty good from what what I've been able to see in teaming one-on-one is of course he's gonna have his ups and downs as a true freshman and the fan base needs to you know show a little bit of patience with some of our young players that are out there starting week one but uh Jam uh Justin mayor guard coming out here from mutet highly coveted guy out of the portal this year one of the top guards uh 320 pounds he's going to be a great asset right next to Jordan seon uh Hank salinski this just goes to prove the the development that coach Prime and the staff are having in terms of the strength program in terms of the the work Phil wal's gonna that he is doing but h zalinskis a guy that coach Prime brought in here local guy from Colorado last year um got a little bit of time with injuries to Van Wells last year but we brought in your Kiri Walker from Yukon and I think a lot of people were expecting him to just be that starter H salinus just went to work man won won the job yeah he he won the job all the way out in Spring it seems like and he's he's been rowing the one since so a lot of people that just saying like hey um you know you're not developing here I Hank is a is a case that shows that that is happening and I think when you're getting to the point where you got some guys in your program for a year or two that are developing to beat out uh some of the transfers that you bring in I think that's a good sign of Health for the program um so I feel great about Center and the left side the right side of the offensive line is where we're filled with some different questions Savon Washington's out to Syracuse now so we brought in khil Benson uh from Indiana who I had felt has always been a better would fit better as a guard than a tackle but uh he's played a lot of tackle he's played a little bit of guard that is a little bit up in the air we've been kind of mixing and matching him and Tyler Brown at Right Guard and right tackle a little bit I'm not really sure what the T the right tackle position least sounds like at least sounds like you have some depth there then that it's not just the first fight because as we know injuries happen um so that's that's important okay right look yeah but about the only thing that I really have too much of a problem I don't care about most of the other stuff because I I think that coach Prime's definitely different but he's what he's doing is definitely bringing eyes to the program it's bringing players to the program as well um now and whether it's great and whether it's good Media or bad media it's still a lot of people that are paying attention and so that's a good thing if you're you're selling out the stadiums and you're doing that kind of stuff there's there's more to it the next thing is obviously to win now one of the other things that was probably a big hindrance of that is trench play on the other side you you had zero depth you were able to but you know going in and getting those kids out of pit I I think was a big move there and then they weren't the only two kids they got but they were studs both of them I know that that that's got to be big and because if you're gonna have a good secondary you have to have some push up front obviously Warren Sap being uh coaching them on that I think there was a lot of controversy there as well but he seems to be making a pretty good impression out there in on oh Warren Sab has been a great fit he's been everything that I was hoping um we get with him and uh other Miami Hurricane Damen Lewis running that that defensive line the The Edge room I feel like is one of our most improved positions this year last year we it was just kind of Jordan Dominic and you know a bunch of other guys that's kind of how it felt and obviously uh he's he's no longer here he's off to making this Falcon Squad I believe but yeah bringing in Deon Hayes Samuel oan Loa courtesy of Paton ardui over at pit it is is uh it's fantastic it's it's wonderful it's poetic uh all of those things they Danon Hayes I think is going to be one of our starting edges Samy Len L is probably going to be that main rotational guy because we also brought in another big-time starter uh from Arizona State who was going to go to Washington until all the the coaching stuff switched and that's BJ green um an all conference level Talent at the edge position I believe Deon Hayes and BJ green uh graded out in the top uh um 100 evolve college football in terms of like PFF stuff so of course take that with a grain of salt but when you're looking at like Colorado's Edom last year of like oh most of our guys are ranked like in the 500s or 600s or whatever for the position um the fact that we're bringing in some guys who have uh are top 100 in their position last year at the power four level I think is really uh it's a really good sign Keaton Wade's another guy that we brought in from Kentucky part player but he can kind of play all over he's somebody that I again I wouldn't be shocked to see play a little bit of linebacker as well the The Edge room is is coming along well and one name to keep an eye on is is Taj McCoy a three star guy that we brought in last year that uh has has been kind of running in that two deep quite a bit even though we've brought in like five six Edge guys from the transfer portal this year so uh cud go to to him putting in the work and developing yeah hey Benji it was the High School playing both ways comment you earned the timeout bro come on come on you start you start with the high school I went both ways in high school come on bro you you're not you're not Travis Hunter let's let's not go there he says I was a warrior you are you trying for another one oh man what's up all right yeah look I all right so the feeling is around obviously at media days or SEC or SEC Big 12 media days had see pick to finish 11th um is uh that's you know and there's of course you've got what 16 teams so that's not all the way at the end but they're not thinking highly of him yeah um and what and what they're going to do there I would tell you that with with with a quarterback like shador Sanders who most people are saying he's a first round pick yes if you have some level of you know not giving up 56 sacks this season which some of those I think you have to also put on shador for holding the ball a little longer right I don't think it all goes on your offensive line but I would also tell you that I believe shador is the first round pick and if you in in a in a league like the big 12 that is is going to be competitive if you can keep him upright and run the football better and if this offensive line is going to do a little bit better I mean 11th says you're gonna have another losing season to me yeah I I don't really see that I I think they're at least six and six I could see him winning eight but I don't necessarily see Colorado winning the Big 12 I don't I don't think that that's and and I don't think that that's you know realistic even that being said I like the idea of staying a Dark Horse don't put that expectation on us right now you know like that doesn't doesn't help anybody so that's how I feel yeah look I just don't think it's that realistic but I do think that with somebody like shador and with the weapons that you have if you could play a little better defense and keep shador from getting hit every other play then you're GNA have a chance to at least spoil it for somebody else yeah yeah and a lot of people need to be reminded of this is that you know we went from 2022 our a average margin of loss being close to 29 Points um in 2022 to where um most of our outside of the two losses to wazu and Oregon all of our all of our losses were decided by single digits so we did take a significant jump in just like our competitiveness every game and I think you'll see us win some of those closer games this year um which is why I got us making a nice little jump again so I predicted eight four last year I'm just going to double down on it again um I'm just going to right now my predictions three and 0 and we go five- four in conference and that's it I can't have us losing to Nebraska I can't have it happen it's been over 5,000 days since that program has beat us I'm not picking them to beat us until they prove it Nebraska yeah oh that's now see that's a that now that's something I didn't really realize I've watched your show quite often you know this yeah I didn't remember is what is the right way to say this how he how heated that rivalry was it's fantastic I wish we were in the same conference like I wish we had that but um yeah we hate each other and it's a it's a wonderful rivalry it's it's fantastic I think Mike's in here in the chat you know he's my friendly Nebraska fan that shows up sometimes we'll have Husker Rascal or uh you know show up as well but uh the and it's it's great because we got two coaches that are building their teams completely different ways and they're in the same spot he's being fous here he says Uncle Neely said three yeah Uncle NE is always gonna hype up to to make this roster feel like it's NFL talent but I have been asked this recently Jason and I'll just say it on the show um then I I gotta get going yeah yeah I got let you go I'm sorry okay yeah but yeah I think Travis Hunter and shador Sanders are round picks oh um but outside of that I'm hoping we get a few more guys drafted I don't think we have any day one uh other Talent on the team other than those two and uh if the conference's gonna get drafted also he'll be a day three guy I think uh just because he'll be like 25 yeah yeah listen but I think we'll have like four or five guys picked that's my sure okay well give us what do what do you finish this year what's what's the eight and four and um I hope we go to the Pop-Tarts bowl or Snoop dogs bowl Snoop has a bowl game yeah he's got the Arizona Bowl love yeah just put us in one of those games I love it man that's awesome stuff listen I I can see them winning eight eight games in this league I do think this is the most competitive league all around as far as I think there's a lot of parody there so while I don't pick them to win the Big 12 Conference I do see them making it hard when you've got shador running things at quarterback I think he's a first-rounder he you know most definitely you know obviously Travis Hunter is a first-rounder as well yeah we'll see what happens but I appreciate you coming on the show man tell everybody how to find you David talks Buffs if you want to talk B Nicks and Broncos baby David talks Broncos on YouTube we're almost at 1500 subscribers sorry yeah uh if you want to follow that and then the Reclamation project of Zack Wilson who might have been the best looking quarterback on Sunday uh got some filling rooms coming on those guys this week so thanks so much Jason Let's uh let's make sure we're doing this regularly in the uh in the season once it starts okay yeah no doubt man um probably some good news coming up uh shortly I'll be I'll be getting a hold of you anyway so okay that sounds perfect thanks again for having me on talk to you soon all right bye y David Neil from David talks Buffs appreciate him coming in show today um guys appreciate all you guys coming in you Oklahoma fans and all my regulars in here giving me a hard time and giving giving dve the Hard Time come on fellas what are y'all doing what are y'all doing let's see give you give us CU record prediction I think I think they at least go six and six I can see him when seven or eight games but I I think they at least go six and six Hey look it's not like the big 12 is the best conference in the country so it's look you if you if you follow college football very much ju and just take a look at Caleb Williams a couple years ago they were 4 and8 before they showed up and won 11 games it can happen when you have the right quarterback just keeping him upright can be the can be the difference between a winning record and not being very good I would just tell you that that I mean we've seen we've seen quarterbacks look at that Jaden Daniels carried LSU with the worst defense in LSU history to nine wins last year so I would just say that you know that's one of those deals it's one of those deals let's see um what are you laughing at there T Boomer 5 to7 losses Nebraska ufk state Arizona Texas Tech Utah and Oklahoma State purple I don't know that I could see the five losses I could see I don't see them having a losing record again but because can they lose to all those teams sure Oklahoma State's already got an injury it may not be a season ending injury like they're talking about but if if alli's hurt before the season ever starts that's not usually a good sign for a running back he's already banged up and if you believe in Oklahoma State all the way when they got to go to Boulder I don't know I can see them losing that game I just especially if it maybe for a spot in the championship game that's a game they'll lose that's a game they'll lose Big 12 better than the ACC is it though I don't know about that I don't know about that I think that there's I think there's some highly competitive teams in the AC Clemson shell of it for of its former self maybe but they're still pretty good they did I I will give you this hey far be it for me to love on that team what I'm telling you is is things that the ball can bounce certain ways a lot of times nine and three we're going to run blowout Nebraska like we did last season yeah I don't know about that one I think that I think that that's going to be one of those games that it's going to be a tough one to win for for Colorado um in year two they have an actual quarterback now what I would say is you have an opportunity to win that game because of the fact we don't know with a freshman quarterback you don't know what's going to happen the reason that y'all ran away from Nebraska last year is because they didn't have a quarterback that could throw the ball at all period and you needed to have that so I don't know man I mean relative to the league they play in I think if you're comparing leagues I don't I don't necessarily agree with that coach I what's up there uscj welcome into the show appreciate you old B pics yeah I don't think that much of Bon so no more than four losses huh the big one says well we'll see man we'll see I think that I think that four losses is probably a little I I definitely think they probably have four losses is that what that's what you think there shotti he's a better a better DB or a better wide receiver than a DB I don't know I think the I think that it's tough to tell when you're playing them 100 snaps I I don't I don't like that playing them as much as they play him I can understand sticking him in situationally the way that they used to with him whenever he was in the NFL I could I understand that you know maybe have him returning punts something but you know because he can he can affect the game in in good ways especially in important times of the game and stuff like that at to add somebody out there that you know can be a Difference Maker I can definitely understand doing that playing both ways all the time in division one football I don't see it I don't see it didn't work out very well for him last year so I just I don't think it's very good okay well maybe so the thing about the 11th rank defense stuff there Chris what did I just say Nuance Nuance Nebraska plays in the Big 10 it's the same thing I've been saying about Iowa too I know they have a good defense they always have a good defense but they play a bunch of teams that just try to run three yards in a cloud of dust all day and they didn't have the toughest schedule last year because that and that was when they were still in the division thing they didn't have to play all the best teams ranked 11th in the Big 10 not exactly the same as ranked 11th when you've got a bunch of great quarterbacks and every team is full of quarterbacks and offenses that are going to go out there and put up big numbers go back and look at their opponents at at Nebraska in the Big 10 and tell me how many of those were like juggernauts offensively because there weren't many same thing for Iowa but yeah I think that secondary is a lot better too the reason everyone ran away from Nebraska is they're not getting better in winning tight games they it was their first year under mat rule I I wouldn't I think they're going to be a better team moving forward but we'll see 2019 Baylor with Matt Ru this year so playing for a conference Championship then I'm talking about relative I'm not talking about overall I'm saying relative to the conference they play in the quarterback situation is very similar it I would put I'd put p uh I'd put shador up there with anybody I'd take his ass over Quinn newers any freaking day any day so the and the receivers they got it's not a problem with their with their skill guys it's not a problem with their skill guys now running back wise they're going to have to they've got to get a littleit I mean I think it was probably one of their toughest losses had to have been Dylan Edwards I think that was a huge loss for them huge loss for them but again and then offensive line sure okay but honestly though as far as the offense is concerned I think relative to the conference that you play in yeah it's pretty comparable yeah nobody's hiding not going to be able to do it that's what I was getting at I said and I when I was talking offenses earlier I said relative to the league that you play in you're the one that wants to make that you want to make that comparison I'm telling you that when you start looking at offenses in that League they're they have a chance to be one of the best offenses in the Big 12 they just do he had he had a great passing numbers he had he looked really good he was on his ass a lot got 56 sacks again I wouldn't put all those on that offensive line though either yeah Hayden did okay and I can see that that's good for them but I mean again it's I don't I don't know that I think that that guy's better than Dylan Edwards although Dyan Ed was a freshman but I know that that helped out K State a ton though they already had a really good running back situation already but when you add in Dylan Edwards with that now they got a monster a two-headed monster there not to mention the fact that their their quarterback situation is really good too I I love I think I've been picking K State all up until this point they're going to win this conference I believe as well um I think that there's I think there's a number of teams that could win it but I you know my favorite team for it is going to be K State I think that they're going to win it but um and I think that Dylan Ed was was a big loss now that doesn't mean that they're not going to go find somebody because you know they will that's the one thing about Coach Prime he doesn't really want to go and and have to recruit out of high schools because you have to understand he is trying to win with his sons while they're there I I can and I can certainly understand that stuff and I but I can also certainly understand the criticism for that too I get it I get it I think that he's recruiting in a way and and he's after guys that are in high school at the point right now that he's trying to show that he I if he's not staying there no way ju guu is even considering going there no way and the truth is if he said before that he doesn't want to coach NFL players I would tend to agree with that I don't think he does want to and he's making more money than he's going to make anywhere else and you're not going to get another head coaching job in college until you turn that thing around at CU so I don't really see him leaving right away I just don't I knew that was coming I knew coach I was going to jump in there and have that to say I said it was similar I relative benj you're having a hard time understanding today you're having a hard time understanding get the words that are coming out of my mouth here I said just like at LSU a quarterback can make a huge difference a huge difference they had a historically bad defense for LSU and they still won nine games that's what I said I'm saying that relative to the conference he plays in they could win a lot of games this year they're going to they're definitely going to win more than four in my opinion if they keep that guy ight right period the Big 12 isn't and on top of that that the Big 12 wasn't the toughest conference in the world it's competitive but it's not like you have to go up against all those SEC teams quarterbacks matter quarterbacks matter that's the point I was trying to make you're making it about LSU I I was making the example that LSU should not have been that good damn Indiana opening up the bag huh [ __ ] oh yeah man yeah well yeah and we were talking about the running back room but yes I agree with that too and you look you're hearing you're hearing your guy talk about on just a second we got listen I mean we've heard Avery Johnson talking about he doesn't want to just be a runner too you know he's fast and we know that he can run and all that kind of stuff but you probably need to stay healthy and and if I know you know knowing math way you know him he's not he's not going to want him putting himself in a lot of danger either you can't afford to have him go down really so if you've got good receivers you've got good running backs why do you need to run Avery unless it's just necessary you know it's good that he can run though I do like I do like K State and I think defensively they should be better than they were a year ago which I thought they were pretty soft on defense last year and for whatever reason but they didn't just it just didn't come together the way you expected it to and I don't know I think they're going to be better I think they're going to be a lot better team this year yeah again this is why I think that he I think you got to show NFL programs that you got to that you're going to be good too if even if he was going to go coaching the NFL I I just don't I don't really see another option for Coach Prime other than to stop coaching if at this point right now you're either going to stay there and and and continue on with this and and from what I can tell I believe that he has I think that he's going to stay loyal to Rick George for hiring him I think he much appreciates getting the opportunity and the ability to go over there and he lets him run his program the way he wants to I mean I don't see that this is a bad deal for Dion and he doesn't give a [ __ ] what anybody thinks about him and he can shut people down in these press conferences just like he did you know so I don't I don't really see that changing much he's going to have to win at some point but again you're playing in the Big 12 not the SEC why can't you you know because he can recruit he I think he may need to change his philosophy on recruiting in the high schools but if he does that that could hurt a lot of other programs I can tell you that much I don't think Arkansas wants him I think that Arkansas is looking for the Jeff trailer type or Texas State's coach uh oh man I always forget his name he's really good though he's not I don't think they want him who now we're just joking now we're just saying anything today come on Chris come on Chris you know better he's a big play guy he's a big play guy and they didn't they didn't they didn't use him enough and but I don't agree with that and there's very few people that are making agreements with that I know everybody at CU wants to dog every kid that wants to leave but that's not the way to go about it either as far as comparing them that's what I was talking about but I'm telling you that as far as look at what happened last year that they were able to go out and win a Heisman with him and win nine games in the SEC even though they had a trash trash defense I'm telling you that I wasn't comparing or saying the that they're better than LSU for God's sakes come on I said relative to the conference they play in I think that the quarterback matters that much you need to listen to the whole the whole freaking part of it Benji Nuance Nuance bro remember the word nuance getting on my damn last [Music] nerve it's getting white that Prime beer is getting white yeah GJ Kenny I think that I think that that's their number one target to be honest with you see you get six wins this year shy says we'll see I I think they get six wins at least I could see them getting as many as a I think you know it could get six but I don't really see them losing too many more than that I mean I it's like I said I think that the Big 12 when you start looking at the Big 12 overall there's a lot of there's a lot of those teams in that League that I think they're going to beat up on each other all year long man I could see them winning a game or two that they shouldn't win could definitely see them losing a game or two they shouldn't lose too though well okay yeah he's not a Bruiser back yeah I I I'm not a I'm not a bad I'm not thinking of I'm not exactly looking at Colorado as a Bruiser team though either that's going to you know three yards in a cloud of dust them so they're going to play hard it's going to be it's going to be a good season I think it's going to be a fun season to watch in the Big 12 I do I think it's it's going to be a blast Dion's not getting the p stay J no way no way why wouldn't you watch the big 12 why wouldn't you watch the big if you like college football you watch it I watch I watch every conference by the way but you know just me hell there Charley good to see you thanks for coming in I think that I think this going to be I think it's a lot of fun football to watch in that conference I think that there's some matchups that you can't wait to see you know I'll tell you this one I hope see that last game of the regular season is Colorado against okite in Boulder if okil has a chance to get to the conference Championship game you can bet your ass see you wins I said it first yeah come on come on man pop back in you can you can get in here and defend your Buffs BYU in Oklahoma State no not necessarily I don't but so you go and pick like the one that you think is going to be the least competitive is that is that what you're doing there BVO I watch all games bro I watch I watch I don't care what conference they're in I like college football so I'll watch them all but that's just me and I do believe that there's going to be look what I will tell you this the Big 12 has some of the best fans in the country they get behind their football teams BYU and like could be competitive it could be I don't I think BYU's didn't really do themselves very much as far as finding a quarterback I'll tell you this I don't think bomber's very bomber Brown Nathan bomber Brown and he's always high on BYU and I don't think that he's very high on them this year they they're still a year or so behind in their recruiting I think that that's just what's going on but I think that long term BYU is going to be a player in this league no doubt about it hold on what up he's back back for round two I was just having so much fun I had to make sure I I took care of that meem real quick no worries no worries thanks for coming back in I appreciate it yeah so you said I gotta defend I gotta defend what's going on am I am I getting railed in the comments I've been I've been trying to fairly defend but uh mostly against mostly against a Texas Fan that's talking [ __ ] about just I me it's mostly about you know what I was getting the point I was trying to make was this and I've told you this one before I was basically saying when you have a quarterback that's that good that is a firstr talent kind of quarterback very similar to the way USC did with Caleb Williams in their first year from going four to 8 to 11 wins yes same with last year if you look at what LSU did with Jaden Daniels and the worst defense in their history probably and they still won nine games so it's not out of the realm of possibility relative to the conference that they're playing in that they could go win eight or nine games it's not out of the realm of possibility do I think they're gonna win nine probably not but it's not out of the realm of possibility not yeah yeah to totally not I'm just not you know some people want to put that expectation on them coming out and I just think think you know they haven't they haven't proved that we we what's really fun is that I think we're going to get a pretty good indication of really how different or how similar this team is to to last year's even just week one um I I'm not too concerned about the score when it comes to North Dakota state but I do think that like we still need to beat them in a way in which um we don't leave any hope and where we we show that they don't belong on the field with us you know but this is the first game that we're going into favored since Stanford and how we handled that I I think it's going to be a great opportunity for us to show okay have have we learned some of the tough lessons that we should have learned at the end of last season is it going to make us better because yeah you you could argue that we were maybe three coach different like uh in-game coaching decisions away from having seven wins six wins okay I listen I think so too I I to be honest with you I also think that USC let you come back into that game but you could have won it if there was a little bit of uh at the end of the game if they had just a little more urgency they might have won that damn game yeah yeah right you shouldn't have lost the Stanford game no damn way you should have lost that one oh it was so depressing Jason being at that one was bad yeah that one was bad that was the worst the a a game yeah you should have won that one too and then look but the fact that you with the backup quarterback you were in the game with Utah because look it's not at that point backup versus backup is whatever but everywhere else Utah should have been completely Superior yeah and you got a little glimpse of what Pat Shermer kind of wants to do with this offense I think you know um and I I think again we'll see I think the fact that Pat shmer can call plays into shor's helmet this year that's a bigger Advantage for us just because he hasn't had to convert you know his whole Playbook to all these hand signals and you know like all that sort of stuff in the college game right but I don't know he Ohio State tell it you know they knew for two damn years that Michigan was still in signs but they they still stole their signs the last time they beat him signs are meant to be stolen man Conor Ian's an American hero we wouldn't have these radios in the quarterback helmets without him man he's uh he's an American hero but you're gonna see some more I think 11 personnel this year some more pistol I I I think I just don't it's hard for me to believe that you're just gonna see empty or 10 Personnel 90% of the time uh with Pat shurmer and I I again I just do have more confidence this year because even though Pat shermer's a little bit crusty you know not gonna lie about that he I think he's a hell of a lot better he's a better coordinator though than he is a [ __ ] head coach in the NFL so I I think that it should work out there I don't think that that's a bad issue there as far as that goes now do I think they probably could have gotten somebody a little better for college football better suited maybe but to be honest with you coach Prime wants to run this like it's an NFL franchise so go ahead and let him do it yeah yeah he wants NFL guys in here that's and what I do appreciate is that he doesn't he doesn't waffle on his conviction or his strategy like he has built this team the way that he's wanted he's assembled the staff uh you know to that Vision so it's it's going to be fun to see how this looks in year two I'm I'm expecting another step that's that's what I'm expecting and then we'll see kind of what happens after that but I I do think when you got in my opinion the best quarterback in the Big 12 and there's a lot of there's a lot of good quarterbacks in the Big 12 but you should be able to win if he's not not one he's one eight it's either there's one guy that might be better and it's Daniels at at Kansas but he has to stay healthy yes and but to me as far as Dynamic quarterbacks are concerned I think that Jaylen Daniels is better although but I have to see him play a full season and I do think that shador is absolutely talented I think the idea that he's a second or third rounder is funny the guy has everything that NFL quarterbacks need to have in his package everything he can do all the stuff he can run even though they don't let him run he can run he can throw he had he passed for 70% last year and only had three turnovers he guys if you don't give shador Sanders credit for who he is you are a casual yes yes you could argue that he was responsible for want yeah you can talk about Coach Prime and the way he runs this program you cannot talk [ __ ] about shador Sanders and say he's not a good quarterback if you do you're a casual especially Texas fans with Quinn ERS no you would take Quinn in a heartbeat and send him to see you if you could to get shador back oh yeah you know you would yeah yeah it am I gonna yeah I guess I'll go this far and say that if Texas had shador their quarterback last year they would have won the national championship they should have won it anyway but that's neither here nor [Laughter] there uh I got something for you on that the brand has finally returned [ __ ] your [Laughter] brand I love [Music] that but um it yeah do you have like an official Jon would I take Arnold would I take shador today over over Jackson Arnold yeah yeah yeah I would we're talking right now this year Jackson being a firsttime starter shador having three years of starting experience under his belt already and he's been good all three years give him a defense watch out man yeah yeah I'd take him and you know damn good and well you would too you're silly talking if you don't say that and I'm not telling you that I want them to go get him and I'm fine with Jackson Arnold but I'm telling you if we're being real about it he's if he's not the best quarterback in the country he's damn sure one of them you can say whatever you want to about about Coach Prime but you cannot talk about about shador and say he's not that damn good because he is they're not just gon he's not just gonna be a first-rounder because he's Dion's kid Shiloh is Dion's kid too he's not gonna be a first-rounder no no that's not how it works but yeah I and all these Texas fans they're goingon to have to get on board because right now I'm I'm gonna put my betting odds on Jerry Jones to make a move in next year's draft if Dak remains unsigned so I could see that I think that would be perfect I could definitely see him doing that I could defin I mean look man do I think that that's what they should do probably not but Dallas always [ __ ] that up so yeah typical Jerry Jones you know yeah I mean you know you you have to build the entire team you know he the year he got CI and you know I love CD lamb but and I think Ci's great they needed a lot more than they they needed other pieces for that for that football team a lot more than they needed a wide receiver at that point yeah yeah they just did I don't agree with this Neo come on man all right again I would tell you that I'm not picking them to win I didn't I didn't give you a I've got them at I'll say seven and five oh that's right go seven and five I said anywhere from six and six to eight and four I'll say seven and five I could see him as winning as many maybe nine but I think that that a lot of things went really well yeah in that case stay healthy and a lot of people have to stay healthy I think you have to get catch a break here and there you certainly need you you need to have I would hope that coach Prime's on the same page with the offensive coordinator I'm not sure that I'm ready to blame all that [ __ ] on Shawn Lewis last year either I would tell you that they obviously weren't on the same page though right yeah oh it totally totally different and uh yeah yeah I mean I think he I don't think Sean Lewis and Coach Prime really had that respect that think they either I don't think they did either I think it was probably a I think it was probably a a bad hire on his part and not because I don't think Shawn's good because I think Shawn's very good I think Shawn's very good I think that he's he's one of the better offensive Minds in the country in college football so but I would also say that I just don't think it was a very good fit for this it wasn't for that team and again it's it's just hard to get uh or blame too much on the play calling when your line just can't block for 90% of the plays that you're calling like that's you know it was so frustrating looking at you know some of these designed run plays that we had and like they're opening up fine but you have a 280 pound guard like that is just getting blown up every play like I me we were talking about Dylan Edward I don't know how much the you know and Chris was saying well you know he's not going to run it up the middle well but that's not what they were really doing I mean I don't really see turning into a three yards in a cloud of dust football team today either so you know we just got guys that are 40 pounds bigger now in the um at those guard positions so that gives me hope good news um it's kind of weird because I felt better about our tackle situation last year than the interior line this year it's a bit flipped I feel much better about the interior than I do where we're at with tackle we'll see how that goes is Altitude still an advantage this is a good question Benji because um I think we saw some of this last year doing some of the no huddle the uptempo stuff uh that works I think I think we've all seen that that works when you have you know a defense kind of worth a dam it kind of backfired on us quite a bit when it can hurt you a little bit it can hurt because you're doing that and and you're running your defense ragged too yeah yeah so what what I'm hoping for this year actually is I don't really want to see a lot of uptempo I would rather just focus on time of possession ball control like that more Pro style stuff because I think to get the most out of this defense you have to have them rested you just have to yeah absolutely well and it's the same thing we've talked talked about a lot about Oklahoma and if they were to take a first off I don't think they take a big step back on offense and the last thing I'm worried about at Oklahoma's offense in order to win though in order to be in the SEC you have to be a better defense you have to play well in the trenches you have to you have to be a t you got to start with defense to win it there's no two ways around it that's clear to win the national championship you have to start with defense in order to do that sometimes you need to be complimentary totally and so if you have a bunch of three and outs that doesn't help or in sometimes if you just if you're a quick Strike Team that you score on the first or second play of the drive that can hurt your defense as well so if Oklahoma was to take a step back as far as they don't have to average 500 yards and you know 50 points or 40 points or whatever it is you don't have to do that you could average three or 400 yards and 30 points and 35 points you know something like that and still be it's about when you score and about doing it at the right times you know being able to score quick isn't the same as having to either you know what I mean correct so complimentary football is the name of the game we know that I think there's got to be some kind of a balance between and I think Oklahoma's still going to be a Tempo team so they're probably it's not going to completely slow down but in the end you do have to you have have to help out your defense a little bit man be on the field for a little while give them some time to breathe that's a good question I I got for you Jason is that do you see just the offensive philosophy changing a bit with going to the SEC compared to being in the Big 12 it's the same set it's the but I think you're going to see a lot more running and and they've built this running back room into there's a lot of talent in there um you know with Taylor Tatum I think that he's a true freshman but you're I don't think you're going to be able to keep him off the field and they've got with Gavin saluk he's a stud man he's a stud if he can stay healthy and javante can stay healthy you've got a three-headed monster that can do a lot of things um I I would say I would tell you that I I know that they're very it's important to them and the players are talking about this right now that we run the football a lot more yeah so and that and I mean I think you really need to do that anyway especially if you are concerned about the offensive line in any way you need to run the ball because you need to make sure that you're you are letting the clock run a little bit and you're not putting your quarterback in a bunch of danger now I I would tell you that we're not worried about the offensive line as much as everybody thinks they are but that's that's just me but I'm gonna and I'm not going to get into all that [ __ ] today but I would tell you yes they're gonna I think that I think that in today's offenses and I would tell you that Lincoln Riley proved while he was at Oklahoma that you can run an Air Raid Offense and run the ball very well he seemed to forget that last year but when he was at his best they were running the ball downhill that yes they had good quarterbacks and yes they had good receivers but they were running the ball downhill yeah you got guys like ra Andre Stevenson I mean they had studs that ran the the football in that offense Mixon and pery I mean you know we could we could go with a list here they could run the football so you got to be able to do that and not get too crazy with just blowing up you know I I'm good with it go run the ball a little bit sustain a couple of drives here and there if you could if you could even have a driver or two less perhap a drive or two less per half that's probably all the slowing down that you got to do yeah and yeah that's probably what you want to do with a first-time starter especially I mean that sure not put too much on I know a lot of people are it's it's the narrative that goes around the SEC these days you know yep one of the narratives that goes around the SEC these days they like to talk about it but it's I think it's overblown I think it's a lot of hopium from a lot of the midlevel SEC programs that suck ass like Texas um but I got a question for you Jason yeah has there been a new uh has there been an SEC fan base that you know since entering the SEC that you know you're really Oklahoma fans are really developing a rivalry with I don't wouldn't call it a rivalry but Missouri fans aside from Rob who's one of our favorite guys that comes into the show all the time Missouri fans have earned the ass whiping their team's going to take this year um I would not call that a rivalry because it's not it but yeah I'll tell you this you get a lot more talk out of the non the teams that don't win the SEC you know Tennessee or om miss or yes Missouri yeah you know it just is what it is yeah that makes sense it's but you don't you don't hear it from Georgia fans coach I and them ain't sitting there talking a bunch of [ __ ] they may not be saying okom they've got respect though Alabama fans for the most part don't do a bunch of that crap LSU some LSU fans do but most of those most of the LSU fans that I've dealt with not as much either right yeah I I think that some of their media and and content creator guys try to Stir It Up a little bit yeah as far as what about are are you excited about um playing the the team that I hate the most more than even Nebraska Texas A&M man are you excited to be playing the Aggies again uh that is one of the weirdest it be two years before we do it'll be two years before we do yeah they're not switching this schedule around after the first year they're it's gonna go to nine games it is it was a very lazy job but they're trying to what they're trying to do is get some more money out of the SEC to have that ninth game um but until then you kind of need to preserve some of the old SEC rivales that they're trying to preserve and they're not they want to make sure that Texas and Oklahoma are definitely going to play that's not going to go away but they want to definitely make sure that they can play Texas a in those first two years to get to that three three rivalries that they can you know lock in for all the time that's right they're not doing pods they're doing rivalry games right yeah interesting man you're getting another one too buddy getting sick of both of you guys got him talking too much [ __ ] just talking too much [ __ ] I do this for fun though it's I put people in timeout for fun most of the time it's just funny yeah now now I'm starting to have some of the trolls come back now that football season is uh right around the corner so I mean everything's falling into place it's feeling right Georg and Bama fans what if they weren't winning natties yeah I don't I mean I haven't I haven't experienced that is what I'm getting at the point is Rob and look you've been a good I enjoy having you on our show buddy you're you're you're one of the few missou fans that I can stomach but the rest of them they've earned it what's up Bishop Frank yeah man yeah I I love Bishop man he's my boy man Bishop Frank's the man yeah yeah Bishop Frank is the man he's he's fantastic he needs to be praying a lot for our Buffs this year Tennessee fans are definitely getting annoying as well Garrett you're not wrong oh dude I love that tennessy show the talking balls man they lost their mind when Jordan C commanded the Buffs that was such a fun stream to watch did they do you ever watched talk and balls I have not no dude they got that guy that looks like he's like broadcasting from his uh from his prison cell but he's probably not in prison but it's just you know like a center block wall it's it's hilarious and they're all smoking cigarettes on the stream like it's the most Tennessee I don't know if you knew this rock top indeed is it yeah Rock tough as it gets I don't know Jason if this is uh they have this in other states no they don't in Texas which by the way I'm moving to San Antonio next Wednesday I am really yeah I don't know if I told you that but it's about to get hot as hell down there but all that to say down there yes sir I was in Tennessee two years ago from my little sister's wedding and I just remember walking into a bar there and man it it it shocked me I saw the bartender carrying you know bud lights or whatever with one hand and had a cigarette inside and the other you can still smoke indoors at certain bars in Tennessee I didn't know that I did not know that either it kind of nasty but and it's just is it bars or is it restaurants and [ __ ] too well they were serving food there but this was a bar that I was at where the bartenders smoking cigarettes while serving their drinks I thought that that was so disgusting we left that bar pretty quickly yeah it's a little different right it's a little different most well I mean in Vegas you can still smoke in casinos and bars and stuff like that too but bars right of course they casinos they ventilate the [ __ ] out of everything anyway so it is what it is yeah yeah yeah it doesn't bother me too much in Vegas but yeah that was weird anyways talking balls why am I moving uh just to just to be closer to family I guess that's all I can say but I didn't realize you're I didn't so I thought they were living in Dallas most of your family they most of them live in San Antonio area now uh West Texas I like San Antonio yeah I got a lot of San Antonio uh my mom's in abene so not West Texas so not too far away so but I do got family members out in Dallas and then um yeah but most of my family an extended family is in San Antonio so um yeah it's just our time but I I think eventually we will we will move back out here it's definitely Bittersweet Neo you are my main dude bro my Kate homie love me some neilio but you yeah you you're my guy man but look like I said and I'm I got love for you for for hating on Missouri too I guess I got so that's you know but I mean I just don't hate on Rob because it's poor him he's the I just feel bad for Rob because he's a missou fan that's what yeah that's that's like Mike in Nebraska for me man which by the way I don't know if you saw this Nebraska's already down there left tackle man yeah yeah [ __ ] mou man I'm over they talk too much and drink is such a nerd dude he gets on my last nerd they got that offensive lineman from yall right what what was his name yeah that tampering Kaden green thing you know is he gonna start for them he's gonna start as a guard but they paid like he was a tackle yeah and talked about him being a tackle again drinks a knucklehead he's such a dork but and this is why it makes me laugh that so many people are picking them to go to the college football playoff when there ain't no [ __ ] way they just ain't no [ __ ] way it's not happening it's not I'm not buying it so it is what it is but it's fun you know it's fun I haven't asked you the one thing I will say is I don't really mind all this [ __ ] talking I think it's a lot of fun I think the the media type and crap is kind of stupid when when you see them talking really good about Texas over one freaking season right over one season and they're automatically Elite but then you hear them saying it's it feels like a lot of Hope coming from them that Oklahoma's not going to come in there and be Oklahoma from the a lot of the media folks kind of lame but the good news is is all the teams that were picked ahead of oou seven teams picked ahead of OU by SEC media in at the media days thing right so they play six of them so we're gonna find out yes we're gonna find out has Paul fine bomb been saying anything thing about about y'all he doesn't expect him to be great this year but he's not hating on OU he's not really hating on OU there's there's certain there's certain ones that do but it's always weird to me what they hate on them about it's like nothing stuff most of the time yeah we'll see I've wanted to ask you about this Jason this okay realignment stuff do you see the SEC making a play for any of those ACC schools or do they just not really care I don't think that they're trying right now at the moment it's the SEC seems happy with where they are when it's time to make a move I think that they're I think they've made it pretty clear that they would rather have Carolina in Virginia than Clemson and FSU um yeah who is this bravel edits guy yeah I think that they I think yeah yeah that's we hear a lot of that stuff but Oklahoma sucks they got beat by Kansas last year in OK State Arnold isn't it man it sounds just like Colorado stuff it's it's similar yeah you hear that stuff but here's the thing that again what what did we say earlier that you know context or you know a little bit of have a little bit of nuance to the add some Nuance to the conversation first of all the Oklahoma State game if you're talking about anything but the officiate and you can kiss my ass Kansas is not Kansas as we know them anymore and you're G to find that out in the Big 12 this year you if they keep Jaylen Daniels upright they're hard out Lance lipold is one of the best coaches in the country forget the Big 12 in the freaking country and my question is if they're able to keep him healthy do you see Lance life Le him for another job I think he's a Midwest guy I think he probably takes a job like pen State maybe yeah Penn State's a great one if if something were to happen if if they finally decide to pull the plug on James on James Franklin I think that that's I could see him maybe getting the Michigan job if if Chiron doesn't work out there I think that he's I think that he's perfect for that kind of job he he didn't take the Aggie job smartest thing you could have done right why take Washington in that situation I don't know that I mean I don't know that Washington's ever gonna be it might work out for him but I don't see him as being a a West Coast guy you know what I mean I just don't see that yeah what are we saying yeah I'm I'm just busting your chops Rob I'm just busting your chops bro it's it is what it is um Norman's a classic college town if you haven't been the game you don't know the power of OU yeah it's different man it's definitely different I don't know who this guy is this EDI guy but again you you're lacking context and Nuance or any of that kind of he's coming from my channel it makes sense not that they're not everywhere but uh because there's plenty of them here too but um yeah it is what it is I think they're going to be I think I'm not nobody's saying that Oklahoma's gonna go in there and dominate the SEC I have never said that I I've said nine nine wins this year maybe 10 um I think they can compete for their defense is this is not Lincoln Riley's Oklahoma you know it's just not so that that's that's where I'm at with that it's I feel like this is they got a coach in there that knows what it takes to beat SEC programs he that's right Clemson beat Alabama twice in the national championship game with him as their defensive coordinator they're recruiting on another level of where they've been in the past bivo you can walk B's bodyguard I love that nickname um I haven't even thought and DKR is named after a sooner right you know Royal he's a sooner you n you love us so much that you named your Stadium after us Texas uh lost an edge transfer for the year injury bug is hitting a lot more than last year it happens man horns down horns down do you got finally returned F your brand I got to throw that in every once in a while or it's just not a fun Show 14 big chance he wasn't the head coach at Oklahoma buddy he worked for a good head coach though again since integration Oklahoma owns Texas it's just all there is it's just all there is to it will y'all still be playing the game at the Cotton bow yeah yeah that's not going away yeah that's not going away and they're doing they're doing some upgrades to it thankfully I think but it'll never if it's if they ever decide to take it away from the Cotton Bowl it'll go to home and home because they they're not going to do it at Jerry World they could have already done that they're keeping it at the coton which is a great tradition I love the cotton ball great fun stuff you've ever been to that game you get it I want to go watch television and see that it's just unreal right it's just cuts them at the 50 half you know it's half and half on that Stadium it's unreal man it's [ __ ] unreal just and you can see where it splits you know the crimson and the burn orange unbelievable and then you can leave you can leave to go to the fair right at halftime you can do that can you can yeah and this year they're actually going to do it at what they're going to do a later game so it'll be in the afternoon now the cotton bow it's I mean where the fair is at you don't want to be there after dark so they're never going to make it into a night game there um so hot that it is so hot I would like that part I would love that part that if it was a night game because of how damn hot it is I know but the morning games suck and that's that's part of the reason that Oklahoma and Texas both wanted to get the [ __ ] out of the Big 12 is because of all these noon games you know the big noon [ __ ] just and and Fox's dead set on putting their best games on at noon so you're going to be on there a lot every year 10 a mountain time yeah though and it's that's rough that's rough but I will always take that over a 900 PM kickoff every single time not a fan of the late night the you know Pack 12 after dark stuff I was 10 years ago I just can't you know maybe I think there's gonna be I think you're gonna see some more of that though because I think it's gonna happen I know hey by the way have you like seen this like strange contingency on Twitter where like there's these uh uh Oregon State fans that are just adamant that they're going to be added to the sorry um I do I have seen no no pman no uh I think corales I think that does suck a little bit but man I'll tell I gotta tell you man pack 12 fans kind of lost me last year they lost me over the last couple years Utah fans included good Lord Utah fans most included they didn't want to be in this they are out of control I can't I'm a huge coach I am a coach wit guy I think he is that dude I can't stand a lot of I like the wild you he's always on with Big 12 I like wild you he's my boy there's a lot of Utah fans that can k kiss my ass I don't like them and they have not endeared themselves well they definitely come in be in the heel I think that probably works I think that's good for everybody but but I think that man yeah Arizona State kind of same you know what I mean Arizona fans weren't really like that as much I know but there was Colorado fans being like that too by the way there was a lot of Colorado fans we I still think we will be the most hated if if there isn't a fan base in the Big 12 that hates us yet they will hear uh very soon we are a very obnoxious very loud fan base and uh you you very rarely do you find people that feel indifferently about us right now which is always nice yeah yeah look I mean I think it's there's going to be there's going to be a level of look there's going to be a lot of hate going towards that's one thing it's definitely a polarized in program yes right now and Boulder there's nothing really wrong with that either you know what I mean because I like all the flash I like like feeling like the Miami Hurricanes but we got we gotta start winning like those old school you're gonna have to win yeah well right now you are winning like [Laughter] Miami but you know you know I gotta bet with Coach Hayes this year on uh yeah yeah he's a trip dude he's a good I like his show think getting together quite a bit during the the season but yeah it's a it's a fun bet uh it's just straight up who will have the best record Miami or Colorado and so uh if if Colorado does coach haye's got to do a show with me with a CU helmet on and uh if Miami has the better record then I gotta come on his show with a Miami Hurrican be a Miami Hurricanes Fanboy it should be a fun little show I think that'll be fun I I think they'll finish with similar records that's just me listen I think that Miami's not you got to prove this [ __ ] first brother you know what I mean you gotta prove the [ __ ] first it's been 20 years yeah I gotta I gotta know that Mario christall can take a [ __ ] knee when you gotta win you know it's all I gotta say you know but shotti will tell you he he he's I don't know why shot's in love with with Miami lately but he is they're they're getting better every year that's it's relative it's relative camore is a fun quarterback like I think they got Lu they better win 10 games because they don't even have the toughest schedule over there and I don't see them winning 10 games no I don't I just don't we know that Mario can recruit though but okay so they went seven and five last year if they go 75 eight and four this year do they you think they keep the ball or do they fire him I think his ass I think it starts burning up his seat if they lose in the swamp week one yeah swamp week one I think they I don't I don't think Florida's as bad as everybody else thinks they are but that's I mean I could be wrong about that but that being said I I don't think they're as bad as everybody thinks they are and the swamp is one of the hardest places there is to play and particularly week one everybody going to be there it's it's Miami they're going to be there they have a tough schedule but yes I think you lose that game you start off on the bad foot it's going to get very important for them to go and play for the ACC Championship after that if they lose that game he better freaking win a lot of games you win nine games they're probably not gonna fire you but I think his leash is definitely shorter that's just my belief in I mean I the guy has to show that he can win and we know that Miami got a quick trigger yeah impatient fan base absolutely impatient boosters that are in charge of this [ __ ] you know what I mean spit got going on there you just spit yeah crazy never happened before like what hell on the damn thing it's awesome Miami schedule's way easier than cu's H yeah we still got like five rank programs I do think we have an easier schedule than last year but it's not by much you take you have an easier schedule than who then did last year yeah at least the top end teams I feel like you know we're not playing in Oregon this year we're playing some very good teams but I don't I don't think we have an Oregon on schedule no you don't you don't which by the way I I'm still adamant that Dylan Gabriel's gonna end up a high finalist am uh am I crazy no I think that the way that they do things there and I don't think that for everybody that's talking about that the West Coast teams aren't going to be able to deal with like the power programs you know and the way that they do things in the Big 10 as I was saying a little earlier that that Nebraska finishing 11th in the country on defense doesn't matter as much in view of the fact that there's no Dynamic offenses except for Ohio State really in the Big 10 until now now you bring in I think that Lincoln's offense and the Oregon offense are going to be a pain in the ass for everybody now do I think there's some other things that adjustment wise are G to probably hurt the West Coast teams sure but I would tell you that even with Jed fish they're going to be very good it it's G to take a year or two yeah they're gonna compete UCLA I'm not too not too high on right now the way the things are going with it if they're gonna have to start sharing Revenue with Cal and [ __ ] like that it's not good it's a m it's a basketball school so yeah they don't care about football yeah they they just like the money that they're getting from it but I think that overall and that's what this really was was a money grab when you start looking at it you know in the end I would tell you that I think that there's some things that I don't think much of the Big 10 anyway I never really have I think that Ohio State of Michigan are pretty good yeah I think that you know I've never understood how they've been able to pull collectively as a conference the money that they have I think they just got great people they love they love them out there they love them out there no doubt yeah we got a super chat here oh thanks fril yes sir Miami schedule isn't easy they lost to Georgia Tech they can Dame game this year because they were scared to play in in November Miami they didn't cancel the did they cancel the Notre Dame game no [ __ ] I didn't even realize that coach had about my co-host on the night show that we do coach Roy ball is a big Notre Dame fan so I didn't realize that he hadn't said nothing about the Miami game can't cancel the Notre Dame game come on man Notre Dame's got a pretty light schedule this year so I don't know how much you should be talking there frel so it's uh after after that first game in College Station on the first weekend then they the next game that's really of significance I guess will be Louisville and then they at one point you have eight straight home games eight straight Notre Dame sure loaded it up in their favor thank you for the Super Chat though let's see let's see what it UCLA was good last season with [ __ ] but the okay they but none of those guys there anymore none of those guys out yeah latu is there still but that the D coordinator left chip chip left I guess the other better players that were on that UCLA defense are gone to a quarterback now Dante Dante is gone to Oregon yeah they're screwed they're screwed yeah you is in trouble do you think that DC saves Lincoln Riley another year and he may give him another year but I'll tell you this much if they Jen Cohen does not owe him [ __ ] she didn't hire him no she can she don't mind firing him and they got plenty of money out there to to pay him off if they if she really believes I I will tell you this I think Jen Cohen's one of the better athletic directors in the country she's not going to mess around with it if she doesn't believe that they can win with him and that it's going to change and here's why I think that it won't is because why in the hell are you so heavy in Georgia right now when you're not winning kingshaw High School I look you got to win California you got to win your state no matter where the hell you are if you're going to be a winning college football program the entire high school state the state of California seems to be pissed off at Lincoln Riley the same way that Oklahoma High School coaches were when he was there he doesn't pay the right amount of attention to the instate kids that I'm gonna tell you that the reason Oklahoma State got as good as they did on L was on Lincoln's watch he was not recruiting them now Oklahoma's getting all the best OU all the best Oklahoma kids all of them so it is what it is I mean I the top 10 Cali California though recruits four of them are going to it's either four going to Alabama or five going to Alabama and the other four are going to Oregon that doesn't work yeah yeah and I saw right now they got that uh that festar quarterback is committed to A&M right now that they're trying to get back in good graces with Yeah well yeah the 26 kid we uh is going to Oklahoma um and and he's he's probably going to be a five star he's a four right now now but he's probably going to be a five star it's when now even quarterbacks are not hanging around there this is not a good thing if you're Lincoln Riley you're losing if you lose Juju Lewis to Colorado uh oh better not be Indiana if it's Indiana everything went wrong but I do think it's gon just happened there at Indiana then if they're getting him because that must be a giant bag of cash yeah I to me it reminds me a lot of Jordan Sean and Maryland that that kind of thing I think he really likes the coach but I I I just don't see you if you're Juju Lewis turning down Auburn USC and colado to go play at Indiana like I just don't I just don't see it yeah yeah maybe we'll see kind of what happen says it's Indiana well we'll see it is Indiana I mean it is Indiana but I would tell you that I'm surprised I mean if we're talking about where he should be going he's from the south he's from Georgia he's from Atlanta yeah yeah dude you in that case why isn't he going to Auburn when they really need a quarterback you think the weather's bad out here in the winter man how about Indiana Oh bro yeah it's like blowing ice ridiculous yeah you don't want to play it Indiana come on [ __ ] no you ain't a basketball player stay out of there yeah exactly you do that Notre d maybe but aside from that nope but I don't again I don't think that it surprises me that if it's it's clearly about money because otherwise he's going to he's going to Auburn you know what I mean yeah I guess uh yeah all the smoke Benji's bringing it up at dece Knight going to Auburn is that what everybody saying uh I've been hearing du s a little bit yes but man hey leave our little USC alone they can't beat Notre DNE that's what he said I love the spin fral oh that's funny that's funny yeah going through a tough time right now can't be never had a problem with USC I had never had a problem with USC until I have a problem with Lincoln I'm glad he's gone from Oklahoma but the way he left Oklahoma [ __ ] Lincoln um yeah and I think he's trash I think that Notre Dame is going to beat that ass again this year because Notre Dame has one of the best defenses of the country and USC is soft that's just all there is to it they are soft that's real JuJu's dad is something else a lot of their dads are something else they're Benji a lot of their dads are something else yeah no you won't be saying that for very long though you won't be saying that for very long because you're gonna get beat more by this one you had a chance with Lincoln they weren't gon to play defense so you know it is what it is I don't know what's GNA happen with all these guys we'll see what happens with all this do you think like the um because in the NFL you know it's a big deal with like the West Coast teams going to play the East Coast and like them always playing below what you know you expect do you think that's going to be something that might factor in with these West Coast Big 10 teams traveling East I do think that's an adjustment for him I think that you could lose games I I think that that's when you know you have to start look when USC is USC they start on defense too bro let's just be real all- winning college football team start there you can win football games you're not winning championships if you're not playing defense right you're just not and if you think about USC when Peak as good as they were with Reggie and Matt leard and you know Carson Palmer and those guys offensively they were way better on defense they were just better on defense that's all there was to it yeah run along run along the brand has finally returned [ __ ] your brand see you later Benji he's actually a member of the show we give him [ __ ] but I actually like Benji he earned his time out earlier saying he played both ways in high school like he's the same as Travis Hunter [ __ ] out of here that probably meant something different when he played too right you know you might have he is from Texas is From [Laughter] Austin I'm just playing I'm just playing funny man I like he's funny man he can take the heat he dishes it so he's gonna get it back no doubt no doubt man no doubt yeah but no I I do think so what do you think I think it's Gotta it's got to hurt you and that's a lot the travel itself in and of itself I think is tough dude it's just and I think it's very tough big noon games because they're going to they're going to happen that's 9 in the morning at USC I know for all of them for every all four of them yeah it's in it's insane and and it it's crazy when you look at college football 10 years ago 15 years ago like and where it's at now man it is it's I do wonder if at some point we would see maybe like a return because like how I don't know how much does uh Ohio State and Michigan are they cool with like propping up these schools that are doing absolutely nothing for for them like Ruckers or whatever and to where these guys will just want to like eat you know how long ruggers and Maryland waited for freaking 10 years to get the full amount of money for being in the Big 10 wow I didn't know that wow they hadn't got this is the f I think this year is the first time they'll ever get a full show oh that's terrible that's that's terrible but yeah it it the travel's so stupid I wish we could return to more regionality in it and but I don't think we're ever going back put that dude in timeout that's a lie it's a lie is ask some time out blame all you in Texas no you can blame Texas for it the longh horn Network that's what started it all listen and I I'll tell you the other thing the Pack 12 screwed themselves that cluster [ __ ] of people that run the Pack 12 and their and their media people that were passing on this stupid ass stuff the idea and the presidents of the schools to be honest with you for them to sit there and not take the deal that I mean overvaluing themselves and sticking to their guns and then all the [ __ ] they talk to and listen as much as I haven't been very happy with the way that things ended in the Big 12 and Brett ymar but Brett yormark extended them in Olive Branch and gave them an opportunity it the truth is the Big 12 should have died instead of the Pack 12 because the way it had been handled everything had to go the exact way that it went for the Big 12 to not be the conference that that killed no doubt about that because the last two um commissioners of the Big 12 were trash period they were completely reactive didn't have a thought going on about doing anything proactively making the conference better you know when you you could have had your National Championship with if You' had TCU in that damn playoff that year that they didn't have a [ __ ] game and it left TCU out they'd have beaten everybody's ass they were that good they were that good when they had to share that with Baylor unbelievable yeah stupidest thing and you literally shot yourself in the foot oh well damn and didn't add teams when you it was the stupidest Dan BB is the one that allowed it to turn into that yes because he knew what was coming with the Longhorn Network and didn't say a [ __ ] thing that got him fired but I gotta tell you the next guy wasn't any better you know wasn't any better they just sat there and took their big paycheck and did Jack [ __ ] it was it just not now I think Brett ymark is very smart I think he's doing things the way the only way that you can I don't know how much it's going to really matter I think in the end when they decide it needs to go to two big conferences you're going to go to two big conferences I don't know which in in that case then it turns into some kind of a pod system or whatever the hell it is and you play probably like the old system you know where teams pack and the and the big eight and the yeah and you know Southwest Conference it's going to probably turn back to the way it the more things change the more they turn the same as they once were I think at some point at some point that's going to happen but I I also think that you can't just I think Neo's probably said this as well as anybody when you are only led by just money it's going to [ __ ] you in in the end at some point it has to be about something more than just money do you think the Big 12 will end up taking on private Equity do you how do you feel about that the Big 10 or the Big 12 or Big 12 yeah Big 12 yeah I think they have to yeah it's gonna be interesting man to see like behind you can do 10 million you can do 10 million 15 million behind you can't do 30 and 40 you can't no because here's the deal what people are tell they're saying right now it's 22 million on this salary or whatever that they're giving that's at 10% and that's assuming that everybody um that's at whatever that I guess it's 20% 20% that's assuming that everybody makes a 100 million in Revenue that's not what big in and and SEC schools are making yeah that's not and it sure as [ __ ] not going to be once the revenue jumps now because it's going to jump huge and the Big 12 in the ACC were forced to take a SM you know Notre Dame doesn't have to take coach says it all the time we're not going to go anywhere until they make us because and they gave them 1% of the playoff 1% of a mill of aund or of a billion dollars that's freaking like well one% would be it's like a 100 million of a 100 million per year so it's it's a m it's yeah of 100 million it's like whatever it is it's $10 million yeah it's a billion dollars a year and it is a billion dollars a year so it's aund it's 1% of that which means that it's they're getting 10 they're getting an extra 10 they're already getting 65 from NBC so they're right there with the SEC it'll continue to go up for them then Notre Dame's not left of [ __ ] people hate that but they're not going to get left out of [ __ ] yeah because they don't have to would the Big 10 love to have Notre Dame now they would yeah now they would so would the SEC it's not her Dame it's a it's a brand the brand says that you that's why I've been telling people on in here that they're saying well because that schedule sucks 10 and two may not get them in [ __ ] 10 and two who gets Notre Dame in the dance you bet your asset will the brand the viewer all that sort of stuff it all matters ratings it's money we're right now it's driven by money yes that's all there is to it until until people stop watching it for the way it is which isn't happening not right now anyway until that happens it it's going to continue and it's only going to get bigger and more money and so to me there's no way that they leave a 10- two Notre Dame I don't give a [ __ ] how crappy their schedule is if they're 10- two they're going to be in the tournament period plain and simple the one thing they need to get rid of is that G5 spot that guaranteed absolutely anybody what are we doing I I don't know what good it does to G5 people I know I don't think it does what to go get rolled what for toally different game you're going to end up you're going to be the last place team going to the probably the five seed which Notre Dame that's the spot they want Notre Dame to get every year and so means that you go to their place and freeze your ass off and get drugged by 60 bad deal man and you you get rid of it the Cinderella story is nice but that's that's for non-conference parts of the schedule well Jimmy Lee Jimmy Lee's right he say it's only a matter of time before some some universities they're going to have to opt out of the whole the whole system part of it and do and play more of that G5 type of deal yeah in order to if you don't take on that private Equity the Big 12 schools will take it on because they care about football yeah but I think that there's programs there are certain programs that may or may not though you know I don't know how many of them necessarily do it but I do believe that yeah I don't know man I I think that how many of the how many of the schools that may not you you I you hear that Arizona's in a lot of financial trouble so can they do it I don't know I don't know yeah I don't know how they make it work but uh do you think do you think with private Equity the Big 12 legitimately could go after some of the big fish in the ACC or is that more of a pipe dream to you I think that that that turns into uneven Revenue which will piss a lot of people in the in the Big 12 off but you're hearing a lot of people and that was a lot of the reason everybody hated Texas so much but and you know that there was uneven revenue and that because well they well no they were pissed off at they were pissed off at um Texas because of the Longhorn Network basically creating an uneven Revenue strength yes you know yeah um that's why you saw Nebraska leave that's why you saw Colorado leave yeah you know missou A&M that's why they left they definitely weakened it but oddly enough I haven't heard many Big 12 fans complaining about the idea of paying FSU and Clemson double to get them to come now they they're trying to survive yeah I don't know I don't know that it's I don't know that you do that but I heard bomber talking about that on the show is yeah do it man I would just find that Vue to the fold I don't know yeah but if they do why and you're the ACC why don't you just do the same right to me I think it would be hilarious they're making all this fuss just to join the Big 12 yeah that's I don't think that's really what's gonna happen I think that I think that FSU and Clemson will find a home in one of the two big boy conferences because of their brands I think they will so yeah that this is why you're hearing the Big 12 say yeah I we'll pay more okay it and if you're smart and you are getting to where you're going to be pretty much on par within SEC or Big 10 school and you don't take the Big 12 then you're a dumbass if you're Florida State and Clemson because you can theoretically make the playoff at least two or three times out of five if theoretically right you still have to go do it but it's definitely a lot easier road than it is in the SEC you know no doubt so I don't know man I don't know I think that college football is the pro the biggest thing from the what I don't like about it I don't like losing rivalries and I think that you're G to see more and more of those things happen you're gonna have it's GNA happen Oklahoma and Oklahoma State ain't doing it it's because gundy's weak but but you don't have to play it so he's not gonna and there's you always finding you got Lincoln Riley trying to weasel out of the freaking Notre Dame game now Terri you know I mean scared of the scared as [ __ ] of the SEC and he's now even making excuses to try to get out of Notre Dame now I don't know how many of the people at USC are going to allow such a thing they're be like you out of your [ __ ] mind yeah but and it looks so weak bro it looks so weak such a weak move but they're convinced that it's such a harder a harder conference than what they've been in in the pack and okay Bro you've got you basically you added two tough schools to the to the mix but you got rid of Utah on your schedule already and they were kicking your ass every year and then you know or state was good yeah yeah I mean I guess I don't know man it's six in one hand half a dozen in the other but the travel is what it is on that deal I I don't know how you again USC killed all that it's those conferences were going to stay together until SC and UCLA left yeah so is what it is what's up they're actually for I don't think they're for that bro no yeah we will pay more we need private Equity fast anybody else see a problem there oh I think it's a problem I'm not saying it's a good idea I'm telling you that right now this is where this inequity has this lust for that and I think ESPN look you got to blame a lot of this on the networks because that's a lot of what it is they've they've it's turned into it's a huge money grab and not to mention the conferences man they love their blood money they love it they love it they love it they've sold their soul for this money for the playoff money and they want their check but it's certainly not the same as it it'll never be the same again and I don't know if that's a good thing or not as long as people continue watching it they can turn it into the NFL they don't give a [ __ ] you're going to lose a certain you're going to lose a certain segment of the fan bases but I don't know that you lose enough of it because to be honest with you most people are casual anyway they they watch whenever their teams are good or you know what I mean or because it's on but they're not not everybody's like us that we're GNA we follow everybody everywhere you know what I mean we we pay attention but I don't know that I mean the money's the money but it is kind of a Ponzi scheme wrong it'll be entertaining either way however it goes it'll be fun to watch well doesn't provide anything to them anymore yeah it provides them an ass whipping is what it is and they're worried about that they're they're they're listening to their weak SAU ass coach I I look right now they are in defense mode I'll tell you that this is not what I've ever thought of USC and I'm not saying I was ever a huge fan of USC or anything like that I just didn't I respected him I have very little respect for this program right now I'm a fan of uscj he's my boy uh yeah Lincoln has turned them Stock's going down turned them sof after year yes so what he say yep the day or time of the Die Hard fan is solely ding yeah it is because well we're all dying everybody's dying you know what I mean there's gonna there's going to come a point 20 years down the road where most people weren't alive when it was that way so it's a history to mean I mean if you're hearing a lot of SC saying that is because they don't know what that meant anymore yeah they do love those 11 am. kickoffs have fun with that it's actually 10: a. for for uh Mountain fans oh yeah yeah it's 10:00 a.m. man those are but again I'll I'll still take that over the the 900 PM kickoffs just ridiculous but neither of them are idea well and I think that's one of the ways that the the Big 12 is and I see them doing doing this I think this is a smart move by them is that they're willing to start making some moves as far as I like the Thursday night games I like the you know the idea that they came out with about playing a Sunday night game why not interesting this idea that you can't go up against the NFL is kind of stupid to me it's one game it's it yeah it is because if you're doing a late one because that's a late night game anyway or you could even start it an hour earlier college football fans are college football fans Big 12 fans are Big 12 fans if and you you know who you're not battling against the rest of Saturday in the SEC yeah I guess you do have that about an hour hour and a half or so when the afternoon games end and before Sunday night football kicks off it could be nice window why not and I mean it's over by halftime you can still watch the NFL game but a lot of times the Sunday night game hasn't been as good L as it used to be I think that's fair again I don't know that it matters I think that you're going to get about the same amount as you would get going up against the SEC and to be honest with you you need to be seeing more being on regular TV that you can be found is probably more important than going up against the NFL that's just my opinion I this is something I saw but I saw what's his name talking about that I think that you have to be flexible and be willing to do that I think the Friday night games are smart smart smart yeah I like the Thursday night I feel like that's probably better those matchups with the NFL are just always dog [ __ ] so yeah I I love the fact that we open up on Thursday night I think that's fun but I wanted mind to see more more Thames I I think that and the idea that they that uh K or not K Wilner had was he was saying to do it really late okay and I'm okay with that tooo on Sunday nights late nights maybe you do a handful of weeks you don't have to do it every weekend yeah but a handful of games that start at 9 Eastern that's still you know that's six on the west coast it doesn't hurt anything maybe that's you know what I mean that's not terrible because of the fact that and by then 9 Eastern we're talking the game is getting over with the Sunday night NFL game so you're not really having to go up against them and the truth is the east coast is not watching them freaking Big 12 anyways for the on the grander scheme of things the Big 12 fans will watch it they will watch it it'll be a lot more popular the late night that you know Pack 12 after dark game will be a lot better as the Big 12 after dark it will because they'll watch it more yeah I agree with you there there's only a few fan bases that really watched college football lately in the Pack 12 that's just truth outside of the Oregon schools I know that you know they hadn't been watching it at CU until Coach Prime got there but Utah we filled up them stadiums Arizona did pretty good most of the time Arizona State struggled to fill up their Stadium a lot though too but in the USC the the LA teams don't fill up [ __ ] they're not g to fill it up with big 10 teams either yeah they don't care about that [ __ ] is what it is wait that means college game day one have more people watching than Big 12 10 a.m. games well no it's it well it's 10: a.m. in the Mountain Time Zone is what we were saying it's still yeah yeah we still have college game day before that kickoff so they'll be watching all of it so yeah it is what it is really quick I want to address this uh question Todd I'm really optimistic this year who is it Todd uh yeah we've addressed the oin and yeah man My Hope again for carado is that we get to average like I know that's probably not a sexy take but if we can just get to average defensive line and offensive line play like that that can make a significant difference in the record over it's it's a little overused in the in the Big 12 I mean not every but you don't have to be as big but it's gonna help I mean we have no we're not starting 280 pound guards that is it's huge but we'll see what right tackle looks like that's still the biggest definitely have a good you have a good offensive line coach I can tell you that yeah we have somebody who's competent that actually coaches that doesn't [ __ ] so we've really we've really upgraded with uh with Coach L Hol I uh no doubt big Phil's a good dude dude yes and the guys he's bringing in recruiting uh it's a totally different specimen type of athlete guy that he's brought in compared to last year and he can yeah and I mean the thing about big Phil is that yeah he can recruit them and he can he can develop them the guys that you know that's the M A lot of people you get so hung up on stars and all that [ __ ] and more you know wello Bill Bebo makes a lot of three stars a lot of money yeah the biggest thing that I want to see this team play like this year in the trenches can we play like a team that's on steroids this year we didn't play on a team that you know acted like they were on steroids last year I want to I want to be mean badass physical all that and for people to say they're on steroids that's the biggest compliment for this that's that's called not being Riley soft that that's all that is don't be Riley soft yeah or Texas soft all right man I gotta get out of here I got some [ __ ] I gotta do I should probably get back to work but a lot of fun man n you know we can def definely uh we we I like talking and all that stuff so it's all it's all good but I got to get out here and get some stuff done so okay uh thanks everybody for the super chats and yeah no doubt coming over from my channel y'all be sure to subscribe to Jason yeah man we we are way behind you bro I had even hit four yet you're over 7500 what a deal man you have killed it on your channel thanks I've sold my soul so um that's the key click baity titles gota do get yeah gotta talk about the drama as long as you talk about the things that you as long as you talk about the things that are in your title it's okay if it's click that's what I try and do yeah it's it's a hard mix to find or balance to find sometimes it is but the thing is is is making a clickbait title that doesn't mirror what's in the video will hurt you on YouTube so that's it's clear that you're doing it right so no thank you I've always said you're doing a great job with it I appreciate I enjoy having you on um we're gonna have to get together more man yes and we'll have more wins to talk about hopefully this year yeah it's gon be a lot of fun dude I think everybody is going to be uh I think everybody's going to be a little surprised about what's going on I would tell you that I've said this a lot lately is that it's easy to move the goal post a lot with with Colorado but you got to remember that they are improved from a year ago I think they improve again you know at minimum I think they win six I I I'll pick them to win seven I think I think they win seven so and if you if you can get a guy like Juju Lewis that signals that coach Prime's staying less instability things can change yes that's that's what has to happen now I think that he needs to do better about high school recruiting and not be so heavy in the portal but that's just me yes I don't know that that I don't know if that was just because his kids are there and he was wanting to do that right now maybe his philosophy changes a bit once they're gone totally we'll have to see we'll have to see but you're right it does start with the quarterback it does always starts with quarterback bro yeah it is what it is brother thanks for coming in man I appreciate you absolutely Jason looking forward to it thanks again everybody in the comments this was wonderful yeah all right man thank you man have a good one let's go Buffs see y'all Boomer David again from the talk bus I appreciate you coming in and joining us man Neo you're a trip appreciate you guys a lot appreciate you guys a lot for sticking with me we've been going for about three hours though I gotta get out of here um got some stuff I gotta get done make sure that if you hadn't hit that like button and I havn't even checked but I hope you guys have uh hit that like button go over if you're not already subscrib to this channel you should definitely get over he doesn't hide from the from the fun stuff he he definitely will get in there and talk about whatever's going on so uh I'm a fan of his channel it's always been really good um you know good guy too man but he goes on with Coach I a lot too so you know a lot of these guys do work with us and and we enjoy having them on the show I appreciate that uh we'll have to take a look at that Neo appreciate it and people with Channel switching anyway there you go a lot of Channel switching a lot of that kind of stuff Mr Kerwin I need to holler at you pretty soon appreciate you coming in make sure you jump over there hit the like button on his channel as well um we have had about 400 400 viewers and we have 27 likes fellas you guys are killing me here come on now help us out hit the damn like button appreciate it all right guys all right appreciate everybody coming in we will check out our merch store you know you can always go to mail reg for your performance golf attire and look if you're not trying out mmobile because you're just used to paying too much money you're crazy it's worth doing it 45 bucks 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