Was Cam Sutton's suspension long enough?

Published: Jul 09, 2024 Duration: 00:00:58 Category: Entertainment

Tags : 1010XLVideo
Trending searches: cam sutton
I'm getting really really sick of having to talk about this but I'm going to continue to talk about it until it's not an issue anymore former Lions Steelers cornerback Cameron Sutton has been suspended there was a domestic violence charge on him he strangled his girlfriend Steelers signed him he it now got announced that he was going to be suspended eight games eight games is not enough it's just I the NFL has to figure something out and the thing is if you're telling me that a player sitting there getting his ankle wrapped for an injury and he places a bed on NBA game while he's sitting in the facility gets one year but someone who strangles their girlfriend only gets eight games which isn't even a half a season anymore it's disgusting it's driving me insane every time one of these stories come up and I've shared my story on here I was in a domestic abusive relationship for a long time so it's very very close to me and it breaks my heart it breaks my heart that we're constantly having to see these stories of guys and they're not learning their lesson because they miss a couple games and get to come back and people forget about it because then they get 10 sacks and it's like okay it's fine

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