Category: Sports
Clark takes a different route she doesn't need to engage in twitter wars or post cryptic messages on instagram she lets her play do the talking and when caitlyn clark takes the court she doesn't just answer her critics she silences them Read more
Category: Sports
Despite her unparalleled talent she faces relentless criticism it's time to call out the so-called enemies of clark angel reese cheryl ree lind dun and christy sides and stand firmly by her side angel reese has often been pitted against clark Read more
Category: Sports
Park is the future and stewart's time at the top is running out what's so laughable is how brina stewart tries to cloak her jealousy and concern she says caitlyn clark won't be remembered as a great player Read more
Category: Sports
It's time for the league to step up and give caitlyn clark the respect she deserves quite frankly the wnba owes her an apology from the moment caitlyn clark stepped onto the wnba stage she Read more
Category: Sports
Clark is surrounded by teammates who for the most part are not living up to their potential the inconsistency in their performances means that clark often has to carry the team on her shoulders this not only puts immense pressure on her but also affects her over all stats and visibility or an mvp to... Read more
Category: Sports
Clark's response to this criticism has been nothing short of masterful she doesn't engage in the petty back and forth that some of her detractors seem to relish instead she lets her game do the talking every time someone questions her she responds with another highlight real performance Read more
Category: Sports
Christy signs the coach of the indiana fever has also been vocal in her criticism of clark this despite clark consistently proving her worth through her incredible gameplay and leadership sid's comments are not just unfounded but are also damaging to the spirit of the game Read more
Category: Sports
Known for her scoring prowess and leadership could have been the differen maker her ability to take over games and inspire her teammates was sorely missed without her the team lacked a focal point someone to rally around Read more
Category: Sports
But with clark there's hope there's a sense that something special is brewing in indiana that this team is on the cusp of something great and that excitement will translate into packed arenas louder cheers and a renewed sense of pride in the fever Read more
Category: Sports
The fact remains that clark has been held to a different standard the media has played a significant role in this narrative instead of highlighting her numerous accomplishments they've often focused on trivial aspects of her personality or style they've painted her as a polarizing figure someone who... Read more
Category: Sports
Caitlyn clark is the future of the wnba she's the player who can take the league to new heights who can bring in new fans and elevate the game to a level it's never seen before by Read more
Category: Sports
They're terrified because they simply can't stop her let's get something straight caitlyn clark is a phenomenon unlike anything we've ever seen she's out there making the best players look like amateurs running circles around olympians and embarrassing the entire league the wnba wanted a superstar to... Read more