E108-9 - Joey Gallo & Rocco Baldelli Ejected Over David Rackley's Strike 3 Call in Minnesota
Published: Jun 21, 2023
Duration: 00:03:01
Category: Sports
Trending searches: joey gallo
they hope to split the four gamer with the Boston Red Sox and I'm saying dude it was a beer leak it's like you're telling me some fat guy could go out there win a Cy Young and then also that's rice Lewis hit the double oh gosh that voice on the Boston broadcast sounds so familiar ah I'll figure it out in a sec right through there [Music] the wild pitch moves the runner up to third but the catcher will make up for that momentarily [Music] ouch I need to run all the way yep that's gonna be in there for strike three Gallo is going to argue it and scalo argues the pitch rackley's like nah that was a strike Gallo gets his Saiyan goes away baldelli comes out and it's right there according to our box so good on the Minnesota team for admitting that but that voice is gonna drive me nuts who is it annoying them this guy doesn't look like he cares yeah he's added that he's kind of like you know he's bringing him up nonchalant this guy's uh it's like he's leading on a signpost calling the game oh my God is that Bill Burr all right quick side game Lindsay to Bill Burr one degree of separation have at it that's enough of that so I played Oregon in a movie Bill Burr was in with pay Davidson called King of Staten Island there was a baseball scene where we go [Applause] if you're a firemen just don't have kids or a family at all I digress back to this ejection what happened was Rocco went away and came back and guccione is kind of upset because you're not supposed to come back once you get tossed meanwhile Gallo takes the field to begin the next inning and pushes too many buttons across the line and was arguing balls and Strikes and I guess on that basis Rackley thrown out here by David Rackley actually taking a look at it again Gala comes out says something and then sort of stops even before the ejection happens he knew what he was doing was wrong and that he would be disciplined for it and Joey Gallo is the guy who struck out usually when you see this happen the player goes back to the Dugout sees a replay and then comes back out saying hey the replay shows that you got it wrong ump except in this case let's just say right there Gallo's judgment is faulty didn't let me crossed the line and you got to go the other way you got to walk up the Third Base Line it shouldn't be anywhere in the vicinity of that player coming out coming out of the back but wait your fellow broadcaster just said there was what 30 feet at least between the Umpire and the player wants to say something to eject themselves they'll do it and that's exactly what Gallo did here said his peace once walking away twice out of the Dugout that's it and he knew it people buy a ticket to watch the players play