Des Lynam Calls Out Female Pundits on Football, Blasts Lineker's £1.35m Salary

Published: Aug 13, 2024 Duration: 00:03:20 Category: Education

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former match of the Day icon Des Lineum has stirred the pot once again questioning the role of female pundits in men's football and calling out Gary loner's Hefty BBC salary as the show approaches its 60th birthday Liam's comments are reigniting debates on gender expertise and the value of on air Talent let's dive into what he said and why it's causing such a stir Des Liam who helmed the BBC's iconic football show match of the day from 1988 to 1999 has never been shy about sharing his opinions but his recent comments in an interview with radio times have sparked controversy particularly regarding the presence of female pundits in men's football Liam stated that while he has no issue with female presenters he believes female pundits may not be qualified to comment on the men's game as they haven't played at the same level this isn't the first time he's voiced such concerns back in 2012 Liam described the female voice as creating and not so attractive for actual commentating or remark that was met with significant backlash unsurprisingly Liam's latest comments have ignited a firestorm on social media with many calling him a dinosaur and urging him to move with the times but Liam isn't alone in his criticism his remarks Echo sentiments shared by Joey Barton earlier this year who also questioned the role of women in in men's football punditry Barton a former footballer took it a step further by claiming that women shouldn't be talking with any kind of authority in the men's game even threatening to cancel his Sky Sports subscription unless female pundits were removed his comments specifically targeted well-known figures like Alex Scott and Laura Woods sparking outrage and debate in the same radio times interview Liam also touched on Gary loner's sizable salary question questioning whether it can truly be justified lanker who has been the highest paid on air Talent at the BBC for six consecutive years earned between 1.35 million and 1.35 Million last year alone while Lam acknowledged that the market dictates such salaries he couldn't help but compare it to the earnings of professionals like nurses and firemen whose jobs are arguably far more critical Liam's comments also highlight the disparity between male and female onair Talent Zoe ball who ranks as the highest paid woman at the BBC earns nearly 400,000 less than loner despite hosting the flagship radio 2 Breakfast show as match of the day approaches its 60th anniversary Des Lam's remarks have reignited discussions on the role of female pundits in football and the value placed on top talent what do you think are Lam's comments outdated or does he have a point let us know in the comments below thanks for watching celeb explor Hub be sure to like subscribe and hit that notification Bell for more in-depth coverage of the latest controversies and celebrity news until next time stay tuned

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