Garrett Stubbs 4-HIT Day - Phillies take 2 of 3 in KC - Eagles tough decisions!
Published: Aug 25, 2024
Duration: 00:53:09
Category: Sports
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[Music] [Music] hi how's it going my name is Mark faretta this is the farsy show very late farsy show uh for the people that just listen on the podcast basically the show starts generally speaking late every day well not generally every day like at least at the at the best day like five minutes best day uh then there's an average of like 6:30 for a show supposed to start at 6 and then lately like 6:45 has been like a new Norm which is not what I want to do uh today unfortunately as you could see for the people actually watching the show here not just listening on the podcast but uh lot of technical issues I am on my phone today and I wearing the old school earbuds not the ones not the airb what are those airpods not not those those are too classy for me no uh actually it's just one more thing that I'd have to charge and I don't want to deal with that so I prefer I prefer the the cord but anyway um I appreciate you guys for hanging hanging in there uh we're GNA get some new equipment in the farsy show Studio that's what we're GNA do and we're g to get back on track as far as on time goes but I do appreciate you guys scking it out with me and uh yeah let's do the show well some of the best advice I had a I had a teacher in school she was a substitute teacher and she would come in and help out with like you know this the the spring shows and stuff when I was a kid at our Mount Carmel in Doylestown and uh this teacher would come in Mrs Maro her name was vincenza Maro Vinnie Maro right and she was this little uh little peanut of a of a lady right coming down to to help with all the school stuff uh with um substitute teaching and uh like I said the spring show and she would just always say it The Show Must Go On The Show Must Go On so here we are in this humble uh studio uh having the show go on speaking of which let's have the show go on Garrett stubs goes off for a four hit night was a home run short of the cycle as the Phillies were able to take two or three from the Kansas City Royals you know before the game started I I looked at the lineup card and I saw that Rob Thompson was presenting and I said hold on a minute the Philadelphia philes have had a lot of trouble recently a lot of trouble recently scoring runs with any semblance of consistency so then finally JT real Muto goes out there and gets you a s RBI performance hitting two separate three run home runs career high seven RB ties Carlos ruiz's franchise record for seven RB by a catcher in one game and then Rob Thompson's the reaction to that was JT you're out of the lineup hm H bold very bold strategy Rob Thompson so what happens Garrett stubs goes up there and he gets a triple in his first at bat he ropes it down the right field line deep into the corner he's got his arms flailed all over the place I I Kyle schwarber might be a more um aesthetically pleasing Runner than Garrett stubs but anyway Garrett stubs rounds base gets third basee he leads off with the triple comes around to score on the Kyle schwarber double right away Phil he up one- nothing all right all right just like that right the first at bat he gets triple fine then he goes on to get a uh bunt single in classic Garett stubs fashion uh and then he goes on to get a double and then he comes up with two more plate appearances just needing a home just needing a home run to complete the cycle in his second to last at bat his first opportunity to hit the home run to get the cycle he gets three pitches four pitches actually all sliders over the middle of the plate that he just can't time he blasts them I got the feeling that at that point in the in the game the Royals were just like yeah sure have a have a cycle go for it hit the Home Run whatever and Garrett stubs ropes them down the right field line hooks them all foul and just missed and then in the ninth inning with a position play play pitching in Garrett hson Garrett hampson tries in his first pitch with a 59 M hour pitch comes wildly inside to Garrett stubs and misses him I know he didn't want to hit him to hurt him but he wanted to hit him and then in the next pitch of that at bat absolute disgrace he plunks Garrett stubs I thought it was gonna I thought Garett stubs was like G to decline the penalty like he was just standing there at home plate and just be like I'm not taking it I'm not going to take the base you could visibly visibly frustrated and of course he ended up taking the base but that was that but four for four for Garrett stubs reaches base every uh plate appearance that he had so five for five in plate appearances gets his batting average over 200 so there we go uh but uh I I didn't like what Rob Thompson was doing before the game this is where I always argue about philosophy versus result all right you want to talk to me about philosophy sitting JT real Muto out was ludicrous last night yesterday afternoon it was awful and then Garrett stubs comes up and hey he delivers for his manager Rob Thompson was asked about it after the game and he jokingly said yeah I guess you got to give me credit for this because I actually Garrett stubs went out there and actually had himself a game so good for him give me credit says Rob Thompson in a joking fashion so we'll talk about the Phillies talk about Garrett stubs talking about Kyle schwarber uh Trey Turner those guys coming to life a little bit in the final two games of this series which was good after going 0 for 10 in the first game of the uh series here against the uh Kansas City Royals now the Phillies are going to be coming home for three against the Houston Astros and they're also going to have four against the Atlanta Braves boy oh boy the good times just keep on coming for your Philadelphia Phillies uh where I'll be for September will be dictated by this homestand between what the Phillies do against the Astros and then what the Phillies are able to do against the Atlanta Braves because for me for the vast majority of this second half of the season and the All-Star break and all that stuff how the Phillies have been one of the worst teams in baseball since the All-Star break the question has come up time and time again about what will save the season and then whether or not the Phillies are back Phillies won four uh games in a row with the last game of that two game series against the Marlins and then three straight against the uh Washington Nationals before dropping the final game of that four game series and then going to Atlanta what has saved the season are the Phillies back what has saved the season hm Brandon Marsh was supposed to save the season with that uh crazy catch that he didn't see where he didn't see the ball for the last second against the Mariners the miracle Marsh catch against the Mariners uh then Kyle schwarber's Grand Slam That was supposed to save the season and then they went to Atlanta and they lost two or three okay um I'm going to put a new one in okay the infield lip of the grass at Kaufman Stadium might have saved the season as part of that big sixth inning that the Phillies had where Brandon uh excuse me Bryson Stott after let's see uh it was Massie and it was rro Saturday afternoon early evening that let that Nick castiano pop fly drop right in between him so he should had a first out of the inning but he didn't he had a had a lead off single by Nick casianos and then Bryson stot hit a textbook 463 double play ball Massie charges it there for the Royals it bounces off the lip of the grass in the infield on Saturday and over the head of Massie Philly's going on to have a nice inning Phillies go on to win that ball game Phillies score 11 runs Saturday just like they scored 11 runs yesterday um so talk about what could save the season uh okay add that to the list the lip of the infield grass against the Royals at Kaufman City that right there could have saved the season three things Phillies are getting some help here now they have to help themselves Phillies are getting some luck on their side Phillies just got Ranger Suarez back love seeing him go out there and pitch on Saturday love the fact that he just came back and not notched his 11th win of the Season finally and he goes out there and he gives you five innings one run and looked like Ranger Suarez of old the curveball looked like it was back in phenomenal fashion so that was great to see and the lineup of course backing him up was great and then yesterday they went out there and they won the series in uh big bat fashion we'll talk about it uh also the Eagles played their final preseason game against the Minnesota Vikings we'll give you our roster predictions my roster predictions uh I was looking at Jeff McLean's article on uh there's a couple of people that uh only a couple of people that I disagreed with and I think Jeff does a great job he only does the one 53 man roster prediction but there's a couple of names on there that I want to go back and forth on a little bit with you guys and if you guys have a training camp stud if you guys have the camp darling if you guys have preseason hero whoever it might be the guy that oh out of nowhere shot out of a cannon how about this guy uh when I look at the Eagles and I I I look at how this preseason is gone and I look at how the train training camp has gone the biggest shock to me the biggest surprise to me is the linebacker position this is a position that we every chance we get as Eagles fans we look at it and we go what are they even doing do they even care about this position and the Eagles might have stumbled upon a pretty decent linebacking core now okay listen to me I'm not putting Devin white into uh you know the the Pro Bowl all right I'm I'm not saying that all of a sudden Orin Burks out a one preseason game is gonna make the roster all of a sudden I'm not saying ni Kobe Dean's gonna be a pro bowler I'm not saying that Zack Bon is going to be you know the greatest thing you know since slice bre I'm not saying that I'm just saying I'm actually kind of excited to see the Eagles go into the season with what they have at the linebacker position uh I don't know if Burks has like I said has played himself on to the roster uh if it's a choice between him or Ben Von sumerin I'm gonna go with Orin Burks but I think everybody showed some pretty good stuff I think everything everybody put on put some good stuff on film throughout the preseason but I'm looking at this linebacker group and I just I have to every time I think about it I have to go back and go am I sure about this hold a second this is the Eagles we're talking about here and I'm feeling good about how their linebackers have looked in the preseason and what I'm hearing from noobe Dean and what I'm hearing from Devin white and how Devon white wants to take on this leadership role and ever since he has been here he has talked about being a leader on this football team and pushing guys around him and going into training camp the day before training camp the text message that he sent now to uh to AJ Brown and Jaylen Herz I mean first off that's putting yourself as some pretty important Eagle company with those two people right there but saying basically yeah you guys got the offense you guys keep pouring in to this glass he sent him a picture of a glass he said we pour into this every day I took that as all right you guys are obviously going to be leading the charge when it comes to what the offense is going to be doing I'm going to be leading the charge when it comes to what the defense is going to be doing keep it coming man keep it coming love that type of leadership so we'll get into that conversation and a couple other guys I thought helped the cause and unfortunately one guy that didn't I I still think he makes the roster I just like and I'll say uh EJ Jenkins could have helped his cause OB obviously with a touchdown reception couldn't reel it in there was a couple instances there uh we'll get into that uh Cooper de Jean made his professional debut and as one would expect he looked like a guy who hadn't played football in a long time the last time he was on the football field was uh November 11th of last year when he was in Iowa obviously before breaking his leg at practice like that to me okay you're gonna have some Rust I love the fact that he was out there I know a lot of people made a big deal of Nolan Smith being out there certainly when I saw him out there in the final preseason game against the Vikings on Saturday I was oh this is interesting okay he took exception a little bit after the game to people being like so you played in this game that can't basically the line of questioning was you played in preseason game number three like that can't be good man are you okay and he was like I just I played football like I'm happy to have played football after having shoulder surgery in the offseason I I could go out there and play football I'm pretty excited about that so uh well these are all things that we you know dissect a little further as the show goes on today and of course per usual we'll take your comments if you're just joining us yes the show might look a little bit different we're on my phone as my doco friends and even Baltimore cousins would say you're on your phone okay anyway uh let's talk about yesterday uh there's three big things I like to do on the uh lock on Phillies postcast on the lock on Sports YouTube channel locked on Philadelphia sports YouTube channel uh and that's three big things and this this guy just he deserves a hat tip at least Colby Allard where the hell did he come from because he's been a godsent to this Philly rotation and I say rotation I know in one of his particular starts they had an opener go for him there against uh the Ryan kirking right or Ryan kirking against the Mariners and then you got four solid Innings from Colby Allard in that start against the the Mariners you had four five solid innings for him against the Guardians before the Guardians took him deep on the three-run home run really the only mistake made in that start and then went up against the Arizona Diamondbacks started the only game you won in that series and then yesterday gives you five innings of two- Run Baseball yeah I'll take that I'll take that over anytime I have to look at Taiwan Walker ever again can we get into that we'll get into that uh but Kobe all deserves a hell of a hat tip for what he was able to do yesterday so hat tip Kobe all just want to make sure I shouted him out uh number two looking at yesterday I look at the lineup in ener there was talk about Alec B and the struggles that he had where he forgot the outs in the second inning I believe it was of yesterday's ball game should he have been benched uh sorry first inning should he have been benched no I wouldn't have benched him in that situation for the same reason I didn't like JT Bruto not being in the lineup this has been an offense that has struggled mightily with consistency and you're coming out of a brave Series where you scored what a total of five runs six runs for three games um I know you're coming off a night where you just scored 11 runs but the guy that helped you with those 11 runs with seven of those runs driving them in is on the bench so now you're G to take out Alec bow I actually loved the idea that he wasn't benched because for me that showed that maybe Rob Thompson learned something from the fourth game against the Nationals where he just said I don't need Bryce Harper for this one and you know what JT you take a break to when Alec B you go over to first base you know let's take out another starter let's take out Johan roas in center field let let's put in somebody else there like you can't take away that much Firepower from your lineup so not benching Alec Bowman he forgot the outs in the first inning I had no problem with Alec bow reward so Garrett stubs rewarded his manager obviously with his day Alec bow rewarded his manager with going off yesterday for three RBIs uh Nick casano is also a nice day with the RB also Kyle schwarber but when you look at it and schwarber combined for six RBI yesterday I I'm glad that you did not take Alec B out of that game and Alec B rewarded his manager with some pretty solid uh play at uh well for the rest of the game at the hot corner and then also at the plate as well so I had no issue with that but overall the lineup yesterday coming up with another big hit uh big hit day 16 hits yesterday 11 runs batted in schwarber was two for five Turner did come up with a hit for you at least was one for five uh and then how about this B Marsh Roos and then stubs uh along with Kyle schwarber all multi-hit games for the philes yesterday so just in general the lineup coming through in back-to-back games was a sight for sore eyes and then number one is obviously Garrett Subs I told you I was against him getting the start after JT real muto's success but hey he again philosophy you start JT real mut result I don't think JC Muto is coming up with four hits yesterday so I'll give him that uh anytime stubs goes in there and is able to give you offense that's just gravy especially if everybody else is hitting as well but there was one particular play with Garrett stubs that sticks out to me and it has nothing to do with when he had a bat in his hands did you guys see him try to frame I think it was a fast ball that Garrett stubs set up high in a way forget who was batting at the time but I I put it out on my Twitter if you haven't seen the clip yet it's worth a view so Garrett stub sets up high in away and bless his heart tries to if I'm a pitcher in Major League Baseball and and you're my catcher if you don't have Garrett stubs energy on this like I don't want you and he goes up and he literally like stands up and catches the ball high away and attempts to frame it what I would only calculate to be two and a half square plates away from where he caught the baseball well High well away and he brought it to the inside high corner all right Garrett stubs you do you baby you can't fault a guy for trying but anyway uh he gave it a shot didn't work out as one would assume and that was that but all in all what I saw from him yesterday was just exactly what you need to see from a backup catcher stepping up in a big situation when you're trying to close out a series Victory against a good baseball team in the Kansas City Royals Garrett stubs was a big part of being able to do that in yesterday's win uh as far as the the rest of the game went I I the only thing is just keep it going and you guys know I hate the wait and see approach I I you're in or you're out on the fills I'm I'm in on the fills but when it comes to proving consistency I don't know if they're ever going to get back to what they were in the first half of this season but when it comes to just stacking wins well the the Mets lost yesterday the Braves lost yesterday so you got a little bit more wiggle room in the division your division lead goes back to six you going to have an opportunity later this week to just put the Braves out of their misery be playing as best of baseball you can play give us the best brand of baseball you could possibly give us and carry that into the Atlanta Braves series and take it to them first of you can't Overlook the Astros and you got a great pitching match up great guys in the rotation going in that series to start things off before you do face the brave so no excuses Astros are taking over or have taken over the Seattle Marin Mar since the the Phillies saw the Mariners all those weeks ago they have taken over the Astros taken over the uh AL West so another first place team Philly is going to be taken on here the test is in front of them they have the pitching staff and hopefully a consistent lineup to get the job done before they go into a very important series against the Braves we talk about it in football all the time about hey don't look past this team you're looking at next week oh it's the week before Cowboys week you know don't look past this that the other don't do that same thing applies in this situation you can't look past the Astros and that hopefully the fact that the Astros beat you in the world series two years ago hey little chip on your shoulder hey a little chip on your shoulder going into that as well uh after the game Rob Thompson did talk about why he did not bench Alec bow after forgetting how many outs there were in the first inning and if you're Co in that situation you got to be thinking thanks bro I got Runners all over the place and you're forgetting how many outs there are and there's an inning ending 53 double play right there in your mitt thanks uh but after the game Rob Thompson just said yeah he's one of our best players and I'm not going to take him out of the lineup but he did have a conversation with him and I I I know in the Saturday night's win another 11 uh 18 hits 11 runs 18 hits Saturday night Alec bow was 0 for five had a day off then he went 0 for five his consecutive game streak of getting on base ended at 36 Rob Thompson finally gave him the day off it was the third game I believe it was against the uh um third game against the final game against the Braves that he didn't get on base then he got the day off and then Rob Thompson put it back in the lineup for the last two days and again didn't bench him yesterday all fives are GNA happen and I just thought it was really odd that I don't know what he was saying in the in the clubhouse I don't know what he's saying on the bench in The Dugout but the camera got a great shot of Bryce for going over to Alec bow putting his arm around him and I assume just saying yeah you're destined for great things you're going to be swinging the bat well blah blah blah BL blah and then yesterday comes up with a three RBI day all right there you go fella um I just didn't think that Alec bow would be someone that would need that much encouragement after 36 straight games of getting on base uh leading the league in doubles forever like since the season started I didn't think that Alec bone was some sob story all of a sudden and I look I don't again I don't know what was said maybe Bryce Harper just thought yeah this guy needs an armor around him right now and good for Bryce Harper being a leader and doing that just a little I thought was a little odd uh all in all love the s in Kansas City love to have Ranger Suarez back in this lineup and if there's anything that comes out um of this weekend as I mentioned I don't know what the Phillies are going to do against the Astros I don't know what the Phillies are going to do against the Braves I don't know how the Phil are going to look for the rest of the season uh I I don't think Garrett stubs has another four hit game in him how about that that was a career high for Garrett stubs four hits I would have thought for sure he had a three hit game in there somewhere even if he buned three times I don't know but anyway uh I don't I don't know about all that stuff but you know what I do know I know that Taiwan Walker and I said this immediately after the game I know that Taiwan Walker should not step foot on that mound for the rest of this season and I know a lot of other people are saying well what about again as a philly I would love for the Phillies to just cut ties if it was me running it I bye bye bye Taiwan Walker see you later never pitch for the Phillies again um but uh Phillies aren't going to do that I don't think so here's what I do know he can never he can't pitch for the Phillies ever again this season cannot pitch for the Phillies you can not justify a guy who has had the injuries he has had a guy who has had the struggles that he has had this year you cannot justify putting him back out on the mound again this season so if you're the Phillies and you have a month left in this season and you're the Phillies and you didn't even pitch Taiwan Walker in the postseason last year despite being one of the league leaders in wins which make of that what you will I know you're paying them $18 million over the next two years so I don't see them just being like whatever 18 million whatever you have every opportunity right now to just sit him down and say yeah we just had to shut him down you know you know Taiwan Walker's really been battling with injuries this year and we just felt it best for him and the ball club and his future and the future of the ball club and this rotation and other guys stepping up like I'll Take Kobe Allard I'll take him every fifth day I'll give another chance later as the season goes on I'll give another chance to uh Tyler Phillips a little bit later in the year you know what I mean but tywan Walker pitching again this year would be a crime against the fan base so let's not do that Phillies hey Dave rowski let's not do that hey John Middleton I wouldn't mind you meddling a little bit and just being like n We're Not Gonna he's done he's done everybody knows it of all the things that I could take away from this weekend feel great about two or three I'll feel a lot better about knowing tywan Walker will not Pitch for the Phillies for the rest of this season and the Phillies if you're the Phillies and you want to try to justify something you could hey he's been hurt he hasn't been able to find a Groove we're paying him a lot of money so we're going to sit him down for the rest of the year and hopefully get a better version of Taiwan Walker next year and you know what more power to him if that's the case because I I'll hope that the like I don't want the Phillies to just light 18 million on fire I'd rather hope okay let's see what he's got next year but this year it ain't it man we all know it the Phillies let's not forget about the fact that the Phillies put um spense Turnbull on the bench or in the bullpen rather when he was having a great start to the year then he finally gets back into it a little bit and then he gets on the I I mean it to me it's it would be a joke it would be a crime against the fan base and a damn non-funny joke if taiwon Walker grabbed the ball went back on on the bull or went back on the mount I and I'm not saying oh we just put him in the bullpen I would be happier if the Phillies just said this season sucks for Taiwan see you later we'll get you next year that's the way to handle it I think that's the best way to justify it to yourselves as people that have spent the money and I think that's the best thing you can do for this fan base oh and by the way also the best baseball decision you can make everyone I think should have the the idea that the best players play he ain't it man he ain't it talking about this solid rotation that you're going to have now hopefully barring injury from now to the end of the season get your your wheeler to NOLA to to Suarez to Sanchez then to dumpster fire no I'd rather go to a guy that has at least shown some consistency this year even if that is Kobe Allard I'm sorry that is Kobe Allard that's the way the Phillies and Dave debrowski should be handling this of all the things to take away from this weekend tywone Walker not starting again yeah I would say that that's probably the best best way to go about it uh speaking of starting pitching just Ranger Suarez in general I mean this guy uh missed a little over a month and he was that on point all right um first inning Ranger Suarez went out there in sat on Saturday uh nine pitches thir 1 in the 12th or excuse me 13 in the 12th 13th in the second nine in the third 15 in the fourth inning and then in the fifth inning definitely hit a wall for the first four Innings I mean he was vintage Ranger Suarez and even to start out the fifth inning he he struck out Renfro on a 3-2 Sinker his Sinker was working well for him his change up was working phenomenally well um he got fine to strike out on a sinker as well rro on a curveball in the second inning like he just the thing that really impressed me with Ranger Suarez was the when people talk about his change up a lot for me it's a great pitch obviously but when his curveball has that solid break on it that quick snap to it uh that's to me when he is at his absolute best and I thought that's what he had really working for him in the first four and a third inning uh but see him go out there in the fifth inning and hit that wall he has the mountain conference with first and second one out he's able to get out of that jam with back-to-back strikeouts both on sinkers to Isbell and Garcia uh and that was a 26 pitch fifth inning and then the Phillies said all right that's enough of that and they got him out of there and then the bats picked him up later especially with JT Realo just going off to pick up uh his starting pitcher so love to see that for Ranger Suarez a sight for Sor eyes to see him come back to this uh Phillies rotation uh Phillies is back at it 640 tonight against the Houston Astros uh Zack Wheeler will be getting the start for that uh let's talk about your Philadelphia Eagles all in all yester uh Saturday first off it was as weird as I expected it on Saturday to watch a one o'clock kickoff in the preseason because I have not seen a one o'clock kickoff in the preseason and I can't even remember the last time I saw a Philadelphia Eagles team kickoff at one o'clock and I thought I was nuts um was talking to a buddy of mine over the weekend and he's just like what the is it true the Eagles play it like is it true yes at Saturday one o'clock I was like yeah it's weird as hell but they're doing it so that's what they did uh they lost they did not stay perfect in the preseason uh so cancel the preseason parade I know it's going to be it's unfortunate but that's where we're at uh but looking at that game on Saturday the things that jumped out to me um if that's Cooper to Jean after not playing since November 11th I really look to seeing Cooper to Jee in you know like week eight um played in this slot throughout the day showed he's not afraid to be physical certainly getting a flag early in the game that certainly shows that negating a column interception come on um and then later in the game he had two plays where he got beat by I'm not even gonna say a half a step maybe a quarter of a step and they would have been touchdowns but lucky Jackson stepped out out of bounds on two particular plays that he was covered by Cooper de jeene now some might say that that was all luck not lucky Johnson or Jackson not not no pun there but if Cooper jeene isn't blanketing him maybe he feels like he has the time and he has the presence of mind to keep his feet in bounds Coral the football and come up with a touchdown so I'm going to give a credit to Cooper de jeene who did not allow a touchdown bottom line to his receiver on those two particular plays did he get beat he got beat especially on the second one uh that was uh In The End Zone the far out of the end zone uh but all in all I I really liked what I saw from him I I you see the potential there I always ask about rookies about young players inexperienced players or guys that are going into a new position show you all you gotta do is show you belong just give me that show that you belong please and Cooper de jeene for me showed that he belong in preseason game number one for him uh his Pro debut if you will after the game they just asked him about what it was like to go out there and play uh and he was great he was just like a big smile on his face he's like dude it was awesome like I got to play football again I haven't played football in a while it was good to play football so good for Cooper to jeene love seeing that that he was out there that was awesome um EJ Jenkins was a guy I I really especially after preseason games one and two well obviously uh I just thought showed you a lot uh he had an opportunity to reel on a touchdown and it just went through his hands uh Jeff mlan has him is a practice squad player he has Grant calcatera and obviously um Dallas Goddard as your number one and two tight ends Grant coaker I know can block I know he can catch a little bit EJ Jenkins has an opportunity to do something to get himself off the practice squad if he is going to make the practice squad or if the Eagles are going to carry a third tight end um I would love to see that uh because I think he has a lot of potential would love to see that come to fruition throughout the regular season if needed in other words the Z Dallas Gard is healthy likes Dallas Gard to be healthy uh running back room shouldn't really surprise anybody Barkley gainwell Shipley that's exactly my takeaway uh Davis price though um uh Tyron uh Davis price carried the football six consecutive times on one possession for the Eagles against the Vikings fumbled fumbled was stripped of the football on the sixth carry that he had in that sit situation um in that drive in that series uh so that's unfortunate one of three turnovers the Eagles had in that game two other ones uh Tanner mcke threw an interception and also was uh sacked and fumbled at the first play of the second half not ideal not great but that running back room looks like that's the way that's going to shape out as far as the line or excuse me as far as the wide receivers go I don't think it really surprises that many people that you're pretty solid at one uh one two and three at the wide spot annias Smith Johnny Wilson Britain kovi look like guys are going to be making it there uh Joseph NADA did not help the cause in preseason game number three uh the interception that Tanner mcke was charged with was off the face of Joseph uh inata excuse me uh in a fourth and short situation in the red zone that wasn't going to help the cause and it didn't help the cause uh but that's the way that looks like that's going to shape out I agree with McLean's assessment here um the linebacker room again what I'm so flipp and excited about uh I still am shocked but I am I'm excited about the linebacker situation Devon white Zack Bond niobe Dean Jeremiah trer JR this is the interesting one uh Ben Von sumerin or Orin Burks of the two how do you not take Orin Burks Ben Von sumerin was a uh a fullback like 20 minutes ago and now all of a sudden he's playing linebacker I know they had on a practice squ last year he gotten some games but I know he's a supposed to be a physical freak and I know last year going into Camp he was a darling and I know people have talked about his raw strength and raw talent look Vic fangio dial a couple dial up a couple blitzes in the preseason he showed aggression he got into the backfield he he did his thing but I think the Eagles also still need to have a little bit more of that experience and Orin Burke certainly provides some of that experience Brandon Smith did not really impress me throughout the preseason I know that's going to upset some people uh but uh it wasn't for me uh I've talked a lot about James Bradberry everyone's talked a lot about James Bradberry uh certainly do not think he makes the team they asked Nick serani after the game against the Vikings about James Bradberry and what James Bradberry had looked like in training camp and in the preseason and it was just like gave the most Bland answer you could possibly give I give him credit though he didn't say right now he didn't say I like I like uh James B Bradberry on our team uh I'm I'm happy that we have him right now if he would have said right now that just would have been like just cut him now just put him out of just cut him now man just cut him but he didn't say right now he just talked about how he likes having him on the team but he's gone I have no doubt in my mind that James Bradberry has played his last game as a Philadelphia Eagle uh you're starting cornerbacks most likely I'll say top three including niichel sorry Vic fangio you're obviously have Darius Slay is Rogers and then uh quenan Mitchell as your slot Avante Maddox I think absolutely makes the team as a safety and then also the versatility to play nickel as well I look at this defense and I I find it really interesting to look at the position of um Milton Williams and think about how crucial his role is going to be on this team because I know the first people we focus on are looking at the interior defensive lineman and Jaylen Carter and Jordan Davis but Milton Williams will prove whether or not you have the right amount of depth like you have other guys after Milton Williams that'll get opportunities to go in there and do their thing uh uh Moro Jomo I know some people are high on going into Camp Marlon tuy palu going out there doing his thing Thomas Booker jumped out on the on the in the games in in some instances showed what he has a potential to do um but I think the three interior offensive line or defensive lineman that you can have a lot of confidence in is kind of what we've become accustomed to in Philadelphia and listening to Vic fangio talk about how he wanted to trade for Milton Williams last year I think shows the high regard he has for him as a defensive tackle and if he could keep tapping into that because I know we look at Jordan Davis and I know we look at uh we look at Jaylen Carter and those are the obvious guys that have to step up and Jordan Davis's words no one's coming to save them they don't have you know Fletcher Cox in the room anymore that's going to go out there and just make some kind of play or take up a double team allow somebody else to get you know into the back field and come up with a sack or force a turn over whatever the case might be they don't have that that's on them this year so if they're if they're rising to that role then Milt Williams needs to rise into his role as well and I think he will I got a lot of confidence in him the guy he's been on the show uh he has talked a lot about his work ethic a lot of people have talked about his work ethic talked about his talent and while we keep talking about the the bigger bigger names in Carter and Davis I feel like we need to talk about Milt Williams a little bit more and his ability to step up into that rotational player and talk about a guy that could be playing consistent Downs for this Eagles defense as well uh so that's a big question to see whether or not he could do it it's not nearly the same leap you need from like a Bryce Huff for instance to go from that 40% of the snaps guy to 70% of the snaps guy but it's a it's a it's it's comparable it's comparable um Edge rushers defensive ends bryu obviously Josh W Brandon Graham Nolan Smith jayx hunt has come on strong and Patrick Johnson talk about a guy that could come up with you know Johnny on the spot all of a sudden Patrick Johnson in two games of the uh first two games of the preseason able to come up and get in the backfield and uh put that pig skin in Peril for the offense that he's going up against liked what I saw from him in the uh the preseason uh so yeah that's uh the way it looks like it's going to break down when it comes to your Eagles safeties I mentioned Devon Maddox will be there with Chanty G Johnson and Reed blankin ship uh Sydney Brown still making his way back and uh I would look at Tristan McCollum to be a practice squad guy it sucks that the penalty negated his interception but it is what it is uh hey let me tell you about the great people at the game time app download the game time after your phone create an account use promo code fary get $20 off your first to purchase and how about this ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness gracious on the game time app you could use Game Time picks to help you funnel out filter out all the nonsense when it comes to not the best seat not the best price to find the best seats in the best price game pick game time picks you could look through that and you can see the great things you could be seeing when it comes to being at the stadium being at 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Allin pricing feature so download the game time app your phone create an account use promo code farsy and get $20 off your first purchase on the game time app um we'll get to your comments coming up in a second um let me tell you about PHL Sports Nation Philadelphia Sports Nation enhancing your Philadelphia Sports Fan Experience across all social media and blogs that's PHL SportsNation tocom let's get into the chat check and see how wonderful people are doing on this fine fine Monday morning James Alexander what's going on nice to see you James because the it's really tiny on the phone on the phone I'm reading it off the monitor down here so bear with me uh good morning fary Phillies finally regained their momentum I need the Phillies to win like seven to 10 seven to 10 Phils let's go seven to 10 uh going to the game on Saturday or Sunday night also I went to the Eagles preseason game food is so high yeah food is Bonkers makes me feel old because I remember my dad uh going to games and stuff I actually watched the Phillies game with my dad yesterday it was awesome um but uh my dad be like wait how first a hot dog you know that kind of thing that just shows me that every generation goes through it this for a hot dog like I bought a round of beers last year at a game it was like $120 I was like what the it's insane and people are like are you taking your kids to the games I'm like no what are you crazy like okay Lil tots is five um Leo's two and a half Leo sat with me and watched Friday night's game a little bit because he wasn't going to sleep and he just sat next to me and watched the game it was awesome um litts likes to trace the bases so we're I'm not forcing it she's curious and I'm just trying to show she's like why are they running I'm like well they hit the ball and then the whole goal is to basically end where they start finish where they start so they're at home plate to start that's where they hit the ball then they got to run around those bases and try to get back to home and that's called a and that's you get more of those in the other team you win the game oh and then at her school cuz she's starting kindergarten soon um at her school there's a little baseball field and she wanted to run around the bases was it the greatest moment in my life it was one of the greatest moments in my life uh T bro what's going on dealer time AKA far's new Norm we'll get this we'll get this back on track this much I promise you ibh what's what going on fary can't bench the bar fightings are back what's up fary can't bench the bar a staple of my postcast fary Camp Ben the bar ibh uh all this double dut is wiping out fary no I'm good man it's technical it's all technical April what going on the part show 6:45 to 7:45 a.m. H stubs should have retired after what's up Joe uh hey all right Joe if you're still watching um because I know this is earlier in the show I know you told me it was Bush League that stubs tried to go with the frame frame job and it was it was however it was more Bush League that Garrett hampson hit stubs in his final plate appearance it was more Bush League that he got plunked in his ninth inning plate appear that was more Bush League can we agree on that Sean K what's going on Sean looking forward to hang out with you guys I swear I have my technical issues cleared up by then uh Phillies are in the series 26 runs 45 hits most hits in a in in a series in 17 years holy stroi oh I have my notes on my phone and I'm using my phone so yeah there's a couple interesting stats about yesterday's game uh Charles dead gotta admit wasn't ready for a Monday morning no headset farsy yeah and I haven't like sh is it coming up like I haven't shaved the dome in a while yeah Daz what's going on Timothy B what's going on good morning ibh just the fact that the Eagles linebackers are young and healthy is a huge improvement over last year sure uh fary should Eagles get uh Ernest Jones from the Rams and if so is it likely uh I don't know I haven't looked too much in them into it yet I'll have to check it out ibh what's going on first Phillies game against Atlanta is scheduled to be Walker is that still a thing Jas what w fary new look just just for today just for today so drink it in wait hold on this camera angle got you in 4k farsy I thought my own bald head was shiny in the morning but yours Takes the Cake today is it really that shiny do I even have the overhead light on yeah I do but it's not like directly over me there's my kid okay uh Stratus what's going on good morning stubs what a weekend Eagles fan was call him McCullum was always around the ball yeah exactly what you want in safety farsy uh they have to play the the dister oh disastrous sorry they have to play the disastrous and the Braves for gamer like the playoffs yeah let's get to that let's get to that level please no Smith is a bum thank you that's I mean I've been banging that drum for a while uh time will Walker SL to start Thursday in Atlanta that can't happen you know what yes it can happen you know what I want Ranger Suarez that one more start excuse me I want him to have many starts Taiwan Walker I want Taiwan Walker to have uh one more start and it's gonna be in Philly and here's what you can do when he gives up a bunch of runs the Philly fans can boo a thunderous boo down upon Taiwan Walker and the Philadelphia Phillies and you know what I want you to do I don't even want you to boo Taiwan Walker because it's not like he's going to be like no I don't want the the baseball I want you to turn around and boo the front office that's what I want to do I want everyone at Citizens Bank Park when Taiwan Walker sucks in his next start if he gets it turn around and just turn your back to the field and boo towards I don't know the Press box wherever the owner's box is Boo in that direction because anytime like what tell what Taiwan Walker going to be like I don't want the ball he he's he's a professional athlete he's a competitor he wants the ball don't boo him Boo the it's not his fault anymore he knows he sucks Boo the front office that is what I ask everyone to do St what's going on uh Nolan just needs to play more okay oh April she starts high school today oh oh first off uh Bush League high school first off it's it's it's criminal to start anything before Labor Day like that should be the defend line especially now in the days of like you don't have snow days anymore you know what I mean no snow days anymore so it's like oh we start early just in case we snow no Bush League this age of Technology April congrats says April congrats good luck uh yes Sean I'm sorry what is the podcast I'm going on today uh what is the name either way I'll tweet it out Daz what's going on unfortunately he has a big contract Vic seems to love him who Nolan Smith oh oh James Bradberry seeing a lot of people thinking we only keeping six quarterbacks I think seven minimum uh let's see here slay Mitchell Rogers deene Ringo Ricks job sucks Bradberry sucks mcferson did not I mean talking about guys that didn't help their cause in the preseason mcferson didn't and I I forgot about I think I don't know I can't remember if it was Ross Tucker or Scott Graham that pointed out that mcferson was like the third guy in last year Eagles made sure that wasn't gonna be the case h but yeah no six is actually making sense to me April thanks Jason Sean Daz Tony Jefferson looked unreal for the Chargers yeah April far as you nuts I don't need another start from Walker hard pass I know oh April there you go gets them out at the end of May all right if they start over early in school Sean GL looks like you only shaved one side of your head no this side right here this side right here it's been a minute it's been a minute uh thanks to everybody in the chat you guys are great as per usual oh wait hold on we got a new person in here wait 76er Turnbull should be back already geeez thank you 76er uh thanks again everybody in the chat let's get to the morning Rush brought to by skyp Motorcars Sky Garrett hson is uh Public Enemy Number One Phillies ever face him again in any way shape or form plunk him never forget anyway uh moving on the Phillies as I mentioned are six games up now on the washingt excuse me on the Atlanta Braves who lost to the Washington Nationals 5 to one last night yesterday afternoon miscy uh as for the philes and what they got going on tonight Zack Wheeler gets the ball as the Phils return to Citizens Bank Park for a 640 start time speaking of things starting early I love a 640 start time those are nice uh that game will be nationally on Fox Sports One so you can check it out there as well uh ronell Blanco will get the start for the Astros the Astros are six and four in their last 10 games I believe Zack Wheeler comes in the game looking for his 13th win of the Season Phillies are 76 and 54 on the year ronal Blanco is nine and six on the season with a 314 ER thanks for watching watching thanks for listening you guys are wonderful as per usual make sure you guys hit like And subscribe on the fary show YouTube channel make sure youit like And subscribe on the Jacob media YouTube channel and make sure you guys hit like And subscribe on the lockon sports Philadelphia YouTube channel also my uh uh football responsibilities for this season I told you guys I will not be with locked on Sports Philadelphia covering the Eagles their announcement will be coming soon soon um but I will be remaining with lockon sports Philadelphia to do your Phillies postcast and your Sixers postcast uh as for my Eagles pre- and postgame responsibilities stay tuned to social media big announcement coming really looking forward to working with some phenomenal people some familiar faces and a all new capacity be looking forward to doing that thanks for watching thanks for listening my name is Mark farzetta this is the farsy show make sure you like And subscribe to fary show uh Jacob media and locked on Sports Philadelphia see you guys tonight on locked on Sports Philadelphia follow Phillies and Astros see you guys then [Music]