Category: Sports
The also from all the week i tr the bak but also the p yeah not too much yeah they come they cat us in the of and then my was happy with the performance also i enjoy the in the break so i think it's good for theing races Read more
Category: Sports
Hello everybody my name is hector maraga i am the founder and owner of infinity sports today we're working with mark ingram so mark ingram is actually on our phase one phase one here at infinity sports is where we get to activate everything so what we're really doing is working on mark's software making... Read more
Category: Sports
Yeah it's been amazing um i've had the best few races of my career so far and i couldn't never really asked for any more uh just right time and i just went today and it worked so just carry on and hopefully just keep building just really happy with the event like the events being amazing i gained so... Read more
Category: Sports
Pour autant cycliste océni cycling trop je viens de toulouse je suis né en 1985 donc en 2010 7 septembre 2010 est j'ai eu un grave accident au tour de taille tu y es mon oeil droit a reculé de 2 mm induit au nom de rééducation derrière j'ai une perte auditive l'oreille droite si que de l'oreille interne... Read more
Category: Sports
I'm abi because it's my first win in um in a good demon world cup but i know he missile sugar they're most people and it's good but i can i can eat better it's better it's very difficult Read more
Category: Sports
Had a very good preparation over the spring and yeah today was the first real test for the season and i was really on fire i would say and prepared and yeah it was a very good race i know the course from two world cups and one world championship so i exactly knew what to do on that course and i did... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Week keer op keer laat zien ook eh mentaal sterker geworden de laatste jaren natuurlijk is dat ook de drukte vanaf dat ze eindelijk die eh die wereldkampioen trui om haar schouders heeft kunnen te pakken en dan eh kijk nef is knap hoor je zag het gebeuren je zag het gebeuren de clash tussen nef en de... Read more
Category: Sports
You made me feel like dancing slow dancing dancing to natural songs you made me feel like dancing raning so put another record on they could fly me up to the moon i' still find my way back to you made me feel like dancing slow dancing slow dancing when i go on the dark clouds when they follow me home... Read more
Category: Sports
Uh today this way was uh very difficult very fast in the two first labs so for me i'm a little fat so on av it was very difficult but after the two first laps it was okay and the finish point was for me so very cool and today it's the first victory in maniago first time i was in uh 215 2015 and this... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] when it comes to talking about e bikes it's usually about more more power more range more watts more torque more everything including weight which means that some ebikes can feel more freight train than featherweight so what if you want more laps with more of a conventional mount might look... Read more
Category: Sports
Une course qui s'est bien déroulée pour moi il y a une échappée de deux personnes seulement donc du coup on a organisé la chasse derrière les deux échappées et puis voilà on est rentré sur le l'échappée dans le final et j'ai porté mon attaque à l'avant dernier tour on est sorti à 4 personnes et on arrive... Read more