GLP1 Non Scale Weightloss Victories || 7.5 Zepbound/Tirzepatide Maintenance/ Thigh Gap

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:08:36 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] [Applause] it's Jazz men Nicole and welcome to weight with jazz a safe space for the obese the overweight those who just want to lose weight and myself to share our weight Journeys and a little bit of my life too quick recap I used to be 284 lbs 12 years ago I lost 115 lbs through intermittent fasting and running that put me at 175 I chose to pursue the final 40 plus pound of weight loss through gop1 brand medication zet bound and now currently I'm on tepati compound so I'm on a 7.5 tepati compound as a split dose for maintenance cuz I have reached my goal weight of 130 lb so I split my dose and I uh take 3.75 weekly so let's get into some nonscale victories like among all the hoop on pounds down tracking calories macros through food logging tracking your weight through scale Obsession you know which is a whole thing watching numbers go up numbers go down numbers remain the same um but many people are so focused on the weight aspect of it seeing the actual numbers decrease and then some people you know lose sight of the nonscale victories you know um the changes in the size of your arms and legs and waist as far as inches are concerned um you being able to fit into that outfit or those pants or jeans that you just really couldn't pull push past your butt you know or you just couldn't get it buttoned you got it up you couldn't get it buttoned and now you can button them those are non SC do the scale may not reflect that you can button those jeans okay but your body reflects it okay so it is definitely a nonscale victory let's get into another one uh one that definitely directly uh resonates with me cha f um this is you know when skin abrazes skin rubs against itself or rubs against clothing but for the most part in the world of obesity chafing has to do with your thighs rubbing okay that's that's what my understanding is and my interpretation from my own experience okay I've chaed most of my life since adolescence at 13 years old you know having large thighs that constantly rub the color between the thighs starts to change it becomes darker because there's no Oxygen really flowing um also discoloration of your neck I used to have a I say black neck or a darker neck under here um which really bothered me uh it had had to do with the sun hdden here and I don't know how that works but all I know is because I you know face is a little larger so it probably wasn't enough room for air to pass through whatever in a combination of sweat sun and all of that you know developed darkened skin discolored skin underneath my neck it's no longer there now but that was something that um I used to deal with and that went away you know as I started losing weight initially in on my 115 lb Journey loss okay so that was a non-scale victory just little things like that um another nonscale Victory your arms looking better in clothing that's a non-scale victory yes of course in general overall the scale reflects your weight loss your deficit okay um but sometimes when you lose weight the scale reflexed but you don't feel like or you see a difference in certain areas of your body right you like I been lost here and all that but like my arms are still chunky what's going on it's still tight in this shirt it's not looking right and then all of a sudden your arms appear to look better in clothing now is not as snugged you see your arms are toning up that they're not as jiggly as they were nonscale victories that's not necessarily going to reflect on the scale your arms are toning up that may not reflect the scale but it is a visual reflection you know um man those can I think of any more those were the key three non-scale victories I know that definitely um impact me throw in some nonscale victories in the comment section because I know they're many um I'm shooting from the dome right now y'all so that's pretty much my non scale victories but the non-scale victories are in place as just extra encouragement and motivation through your journey because we put so much height and focus on the scale and too much focus on that can really start to mentally mess with you okay that's why I don't weigh myself every day I only weigh myself once a week I don't want to get into The Saga of that cuz your body really needs time to fully release in process what you have put into it um there's always going to be fluctuation day by day but sometimes if you just wait for the end of the week and then weigh yourself you kind of bypass the aggravation of fluctuating by weighing yourself every day every other day to me that's just like mental agne I'm like I'm cool I'm good boom so then I have something to look forward to to you know I'm like ah yeah can't wait to see how much I weigh this week you know in comparison to last week rather than having a headache like oh gosh I was one pound down yesterday I will be one pound up today what what's wrong what happened and it just could be water retention from sodium or water retention from direct water or water retention from carbs that haven't fully processed through your system maybe you have not defecated you fully urinated so you know it's just all the factor that's why I'm like you know what don't get caught in the Saga you know do what's best for you that works for you some people really just need to weighs every day whatever mentally works for you but pay attention to the non-skill victories to all overshadow you know overshadow the excessive weight scale assessing um because non scale victories matter y'all they matter just as scale victories I'm going to get at y'all the next video be real

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